THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER II, I8R9. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Purge D.R.Knox. Vtmneilmcn North ward, R. M. Her man, II. M. Fnroinnn, H. I. Irwin. South ward, J. C. Hoowdcn, O. V. Robinson, J. K. Proper. Justices of the Peace J. F. rropor, T. II. Colil. Omxtable and OilteetnrH. 8. Canfiold. School J)ireetor(i. W. HobinNon, A. R. Kellv, K. L. Davis, D. . Knox. U. W. Clark, J. T. Itrennan. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of. Confirm James Kerr. Member of Senate J. II. Wilson. Ae.mhly Charles A. Randall. fMWeiil JmlfieVf. 1). Brown. .I .foeia Judges Lkwis Arner, Jno. A.. PROPER Tremurer Solomon Fittoeralp. Prolhonntrtrv, Reqistcr it Recorder, tte. Calvi-n Mr Xrhkr, Xherir. Abo. W. Rawtm. I7iinlni'r-Wii, D. S, HELPS, C. V. LeDEIHTR, J. .1. Parsons. Cbunry Superintendent (i ho. W. K kur. IHtrict Attorney P. M. C'l.ARK. jury Ciamffoner C. II. Crimen-, Amos L, Cooper. County Surveyor n. C WniTTr.Kiw. f ron) Dr. J. W. Morrow. Counti Auditor K. L. Jones, R. Z. Gillespie, Wm. Bi.ttm. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OLIVE LODGE, No. fif.7, F. A. M. Rtsted Meetings bcld nt Odd Fel low Hall the lint Monday of each month. T. J. PAYNE, W. M. T. B, COBB, Sou'y. "Sjr7 ''TISTALbD0F Jrfs Xo. 3G9, Vr3 I. O. of O. F MEETS every Tuesday evening, nt 8 o'clock, in the Lodge Room In Par tridge's Hnll. Confer the Initiatory de gree the first Tuesday night of each monUi; first degree tho second Tuesday uight; second degree the third Tuesday night; third degree tho fourth Tuesday lilght. C1IAS. F. THOMSON, N. G. J. II. FONES, Soc'y. 27-tf. FIREST LODGE, Na. 1L A. O. V. W., Meets every Friday Evening in Has let Hall, Tionesta. J O. M. ARNER, M. W. ' J. K CLARK, Rooordor. CAPT. GEORGE HTOW POST,. No. 274, G. A, R. Moots on tho first Wednesday Iu each month, In Odd Fellows Hall. Tionesta, Pa. L. AO NEW, Commander. ONKW A CLARK, ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW, Office next door to P. O., Tionesta, Pa. J. B. AOXKW. r. M. CI. ARK, District Attorney. Mr. Clark la A cent for a number of r'o llalilo Firo Insurance Coinpnnics. EL. DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collodions mado In this and adjoining count ies. F. RITCHEY. ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Tionesta, Forest County Pa. P E. I) I II LIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, orflco In Kepler Block, Room 9, Tionesta, Pa. T AWHUNnCJJ'JjSK, Tioncstn, Pa., I J Harry Sw'Proprletr. Thin Iu iino I centrally located. Everything new and wall furnished. Supciior Ac commodations and strict attention given ti guests. Vegetables and Frnits of all served in their season. Suiuple room for Commercial Agents. CENTRAL HOUSE, Tionesta. Ta., O. ('. llrownell. Proprietor. This Is a iiflW'hoiiKc, aud has lust been tit tod up lor lh.) accommodation of tho pulilic. A por tion uftho patrouago oftho public is solic ited. 4fl-ly. CENTRAL HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. W. H. ROTH, Propriotor. The largest, Rest I)cated and Furnished Jlona.i In the City. Near Union Dopot. JB. RIGOINS, M. P., Physician, Surgoon t Prunglxt, TIONESTA, PA. T W. MORROW. M. D., '. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Ijite of ArniMtronR county, having located In Tl"ests is prepared to attend all pro fessional calls promptly anil at all hours. Ollti'oaid residence two doors north of Lawrence Hoiiso. Ollice hours 7 to 8 a. M., and 11 to 12 M.; 2 to 3 and (It to 7 J P. M. iSnndays, 9 to 19 A. M. ; 2 to S and 6 to 71 P. st. . inay-18 81. DR. F. T. NASON, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, TIONESTA, PA. Offleo oppposito Oas Olllco. Culls at tended to promptly day and night. MAY, PARK A cTTi ' HANKERS. Corner of Elm A Walnut Kts., Tionesta, Pa., Rank of Discount and Deposit. In terest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec tions mudo on all tho Principal points of the U. H. Collections solicited. JORUNZO FULTOX, Manufacturer of aud Dealer in pESS. COLURS, BRIDLES, And aU kinds of , HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Laud and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Ho!ar or Triangulation Survey ing. Itust of Instruments and wsrk. Turms on application. piIIL. EMERT, FANCY ROOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Rock building noxt to Smoar Jiiugh A Co.'s store. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from tho lir.est to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices as rea sonablo as tirst class work can be done for. :e W. LAW, I'ractical Tinner. All kinds of Sheet Metal Work prompt ly attended to. DOIluUii li BCILDJNU. TlONtSTA, PA. JAS. T. BRENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY, .TIOIsTESTA, PA. PARTICULAR ATTENTION OTVKN TO THK PROPER ASSESSMENT OK LANDS AND TUB PAYMENT OK TAXES. ALSO TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OK REAL ESTATE, AND TO THE KKNTTNO Al MANAGEMENT OF THK SAME. bnrrh nni Hnbbnlh Nrbool. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:15 a. m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in. Preaching i M. K. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. Riimbcrgnr. Services in Luthoran Mt. Zlon's Church, Oerman Hill, every Sunday at 10:30 a. in., English and German alterrmting. S. S. every Sunday at 9:30 a. in. R.J. Oraetz, Pastor. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at tho usual hour. Rev. A. I). Gaines, Pastor. Services in tho Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Rov. J. V. McAninch oirtclating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market closed yesterday 1.031. Dou't forget the Band Bhow Mon day evening, Dec. 16tb, at Landers' Hall. Christmas only two weeks ahead, and the little ones are beginning to count the days. The pipe for tho new gas line at Nebraska is being hauled through here at present. It is to be a two-inch line. Tbero has been no scarlity of Hoods iu the river this fall, and the old Allegheny is again bank full this morning. Clarion county's teachers' insti tute will commence on the 30th of the present month and continue the usual uumber of days. Services in the German and English language this coming Sunday at Mt. Zion's Lutheran Church, Ger man Hill, K. J. Graotz, Pastor. About 10,000 pensioners receive ortifitif.l legs from the Government free of charge every five years, aud nest year will be the time for renewal. To remove a wart: Rub it with a piese of liver taken from a calf that was killed in the dark of (he moon, at the came lime repealing the alphabet backward. Ex. Remember your friends with one of the many beautiful and useful ar ticles at N. Greenland's in the Ex change Block, Warren, Pa. See his new ad. in this issue. Just received, a new line of silver ware for holiday presents. Any one needing anything iu that line can save 25 per eent. by going lo A. C. Guth's Jewelry Store, Tionesta. 2l The Blizzard says that hereafter the W. N. Y. & P. and Valley Roads will recognizo each other's mileage books between Oil City aud BuQ'ulo and Oil City and Pittsburgh. The Clarion Normal is the most popular State Normal School. There are 17 teachers, a fine library, a large, well selected assottment of apparatus, aud two hundred enthusiastic students Attention is directed to the Holi day ad. of Wm. Smearbaugh & Co. in this issue. It embraces about everything in the line tl preseuts, aud at way down prices. They Invite you to call. Mr. II. W. Roberts of Mayville, N. Y., paid a flying visit lo Tionesta, remaining over Sabbath. He took with him his young son, Burt, who had made his home with his grand-parents from his infancy. What's the rush at H.J. Hopkins & Co.'s? Christmas! ' Everybody says their stock is larger and styles nicer than ever before, and everybody should see them, whether they want to buy or not. It. Santa Glaus is anxious to have the people know where to find him this year, and therefore announces in another column of this issue that be has established headquarters in Gran din Block, Tidioute, Pa. Glanse over his list. It's a choice one. The Clarion Jacisonian of last week says that in the case of Cora. vs. Wm. Mong and Dan. Walters, charge burglary, a motion for a new trial was argued before J udge Neal on Saturday, and his decision was withheld until argument court, on the 25th inst. When you waut a job of printing don't go where they use apple butter fur ink, and puuch the type into the paper so that you can read it with a stick ou the buck of the sheet, but bring your work to the Republican office, where you get a neat, clean, stylish job, wbicb you needn't be ashamed of. Dodgers have been printed at this office announcing a doe display of holiday goods at the handsome store of Wilkius & Wheeler, West Hickory, and extending a cordial invitation to the public to call and make selections from as fine a stock as you would wish to see. These enterprising gen tlemen are never behindhand in any thing pertaining to the publio wants. -Remember tho musical treat at Landers' Hall, Monday evening, Dec. i lb'th. The Jersey Lily has become quite famous for her beauty, and sue means to keep it, too, for hasn't she learned ia the great United Statci to cure colds with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. See prospectus of the Philadelphia Weekly Prets in this issue. It is a great paper. Why not take advantage of our excellent clubbing rates? See the offer under the bead "A Splendid Opportunity." The show advertised to appear at Landers' Hall on Monday and Tues day of ihis week failed to arrive. But it don't matter much ; the Band Boys are going to have a rousing concert next Monday evening, which will be treat enough for a- whole week. Go. The Clarion Hep.-Gazette says that Messrs. John W. Reed and W. A. Ilindman have been retained as counsel iu the prosecution against the young man, Hewitt, who shot Mr. G. J. Locy. The case will be tried at Tionesta on the week commencing December 16th. People wishing to buy holiday goods, or goods of any kind for that matter, should consult the advertising columns. Those who are represented there are anxious fur and will appre ciate your trade. You know that. People should always go where they are invited. Mr. A. J. Sigworth of East Hick ory, gave the Republican a pleasant call Monday. As will be seen by a notice in this issue Mr. Sigworth is anxious that the delinquents of the old firm of Sigworth & Kribbs should call at early date and settle up, there by saving costs, Ac. Wutche8, Clocks, Jewelry, Rings, Bracelets, Ear-drops, Cuff buttons, Bar pins, Chaius ; make nice holiday presents, at A. C. Gulh'a Jewelry Store. 2t Court convenes next Monday, with a fair sizeJ civil list and an un usually important criminal calendar to bo disposed of. Young Hewitt will be tried for the murder of George J. Lacy, which trial will likely attract great interest. An extra number of jurors has been drawn, and the attend ance will likely be large. All of our patrons are invited to call and "see us" while here. My boy met with a serious acci dent by pulling a can of boiling water over on himself and scalding his face, hands, aud arms dreadfully. Having a botlle of Salvation Oil in the house I applied it immediately to the parts scalded, (as per directions) and am glad to state that he is now well, aud the wounds healed nicely without leaving a scar. Mis. A. Campbell, 2 Robert St., Baltimore. Special bargains in all grades and kinds of goods until New Years, at David Barnett's famous low price store. Don't fail to call and take advantage of these sales as wo guar antee good bargains. 2t. Don't fail to notice the new broad ad. of David Miotz, of Marien ville, in this issue. His well known reputation fur fair dealing has al ready secured him a fine run of cus tom among the good poople of that section, and be is always ready to acknowledge with kinduess these fa vors, and continues to let the world know what bargains cau be had at Lis establishment. Sheriff Fuelhart, of Warren Coun ty, came down from Warren at 9 o'clock last night, having in custody Bad Old Man Bailey, of near Grand Valley, who slashed his sou-iD law, Jack Plummer, so desperately with a knife several months ago. Bailey was placed in tho lock up for the night and this morning the Sheriff continued his journey with him to the Western Pen itentiary, to which institution he has been sentenced for six years aud some months. Blizzard. Parents, make your children hap py. Children, make your parents happy. Boys, make your best girl happy. Girls, make your best fellow happy. It can all be done by buying your Christmas presents of II. J. Hop kins & Co., where you can get any thing you want. It. Forest Lodge, No. 184, A. O. U. W.( elected the following officers for the eusuing term, on Friday evening last: P. M. W., Calvin M. Arner; M. W., J. E. Wenk; Foreman, L. J. Hopkins; Overseer, Q. Jamieson ; Guide, J. B. Eden ; I. W., L. Fultoo ; O. W., S. S. Canfield ; Recorder, J. R. Clark; Financier, G. W. Bovard; Receiver, J. II. Butler; Trustees, Daniel Walters, H. C. Whittekin ; Rep. to Grand Lodge, L. Fulton. Dr. Morrow was re elected Medical Exam iner for the Lodge. Don't buy your holiday goods until you have seeo Smearbaugh & Co.'s stock. See their their holiday ad. in another column. 2t. Joe Landers will give one of his popular dances at tbe Kink ou Christ mas night, to which a geoeral and cordial invitation is extended. Mc Graw's full orchestra will be io at tendance, aud a first class supper will bo serveJ. 3t. Cigarette dealers should pasta this law in their bats: "Be it enacted, etc, That if any person or persons shall sell cigarettes to any person or persons under the age of 16 years, be or she so offending shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than 8300." Iu (he trial of an election case in Philadelphia a year ago, Judges Alli son and Arnold ruled that election boards aro justified iu refusing the votes of men whose taxes have been paid for them with money not their own. A man must pay his own tax. It cannot be paid for him, unless he refunds before election the amount expended in his behalf. The practice of buying tax receipts at wholesale and giving them to voters is illegal. A voter may be questioned as to whether be paid his own tax, or whether it has been paid for him. No paper can be published with out home patronage, and every man is interested in keeping up a home paper. If a railroad or factory is wanted the newspaper is expected to work for it. If a publio meeting is wanted for any purpose, the newspuper is called upon for a free notice. If any of the so cieties have a supper or reception of any kind, the newspaper is expected to give the tieccsBary notice. The newspaper must puff the schools and everything else to advance Ihe inter ests of the business of the place, and then give them a handsome notice when they pass away. And yet some of them do nothiog to keep up a home paper. In a talk concerning the woik of the newly appointed Commissioners to revise the road laws, Governor Beaver expressed himself in these words, re cently: "I think there should be but one supervisor in a township, as now provided by law, and all road taxes should be paid in cash. The law now permits taxes to be 'worked out,' and the work is now done in a bungling manner by inexperienced men whose only object is to put in sufficient time to make up the amount of their tax. Where there is but one supervisor he could devote his entire time to the work and see that it would be done well. The most grievous abuse, how ever, is the working out of taxes on the road. The work is not done. One supervisor and cash (axes would be a rapital beginning in tho right di rection." Forest County's Insane. Commissioner nf Forest County: Tbe condition of the patients under your charge in this Hospital is as fol lows : John Clary is very much deranged but not so noisy and excited as he was. Sarah Shoupe is very much deranged but quiet. Isaac Reed is quiet but his mind is weak and confused. Wm. Barnhart is restless, excited and noisy at times but not violent. Samuel Hawthorn is quiet and pleasant but bis mind is confused. Olive Noble is quiet and pleasant except when she has the fits. Peter Guenther has been very dull and stupid for months, not speaking to any one. Very Respectfully Yours, John Curwen. Warren, Pa., Dec. 2, 1889. GRAND CONCERT. The Band Boys. One of Their Su perb Concerts at Landers' Hall, Monday, Deo. 16th, 1889. This enterprising band has labored bard during the past few months to prepare a musical treat for the people of Tionesta and vicinity. They will be assisted by the best local talent. The program will consist principally of 6oe music, interspersed with comi cal farces, laughable jokes, and ap plause from the audience. Tbe Band boys are in bard sledding. Drop iu Monday evening of Court week, aud drop a quarter. Notice to Settle. All persons indebted to the old firm of Sigworth & Kribbs, are hereby notified to call on the undersigned and settle either by cash or note on or be fore Jauuary 15th. 1890. otherwise the accounts will be placed in the hands of a collector and parties compelled to settle by law. SlGWOBTH fc KRIBR3, 4t. East Hickory, Pa. Important Notice ! Owing to the terrible condition of the roads and the amount of territory I have to get over, I have concluded to leave the priocipal part of my pack with II. J. Hopkins & Co., where my many friends can get a supply for the little ones at very reasonable prices. Santa Claus. MONEY. We will pay the highest price in cash for all kinds of saw logs deliv ered at the Stave Mill at Tionesta Slaliou. DtMiMAN & Dale. A Strange Tale. Oft Cff.v niiztard. It was a wet day in February, 1883. One of those days which come in Hint month, when the rain washed the snow from tbe hillsides, and leaves the roads covered with ico In ridges where tho sleighs have beaten it down, and transforms the slopes Into dangerous sheets of Ice. My partner, whom I will call George, and myself had ridden horseback from (Jarflold to Mur phy 10, which was duo that day at Hall town. Having obtained the information needed, wo started back on our ten milo ride Just at dusk. The clouds bung low, tbe rain came down with gusts of wind to hurl it against us, and with our rubber coats tightly buttoned about us, we allow ed the horses to pick their way along tho slipry roadway. Half way up Minister Hill the road ran for several roils along a shelving rock. This was now a glare of Ice where the water had run"over it, and washed by the rains, required tho utmost caution to pass it In safety, for on tho low er side from the edgo of the Ice to tho rag ged rocks below was a sheer drop ofover forty feet. All of tho Ralltown scouts will remember this place. George was ahead and my hotse trailed behind as we ap proached this spot. A stronger gust of wind and rush of rain caused tho horses to stop a moment, and as we started again we heard tho rapid hoof beats of another horse coming down the road beyond, Ry tho sound we knew it was somo one on horseback, and I made the remark, "If that follow doesn't check up before he strikes tho ice, he'll go over the bank." At that moment we saw the rider turn the bend In the road boyond tho icy spot, and through the dusk recognized one of tho scouts, Geo. Graham. Ho was riding at a reckless pace, and, although both of us shouted to him his horse was on tho ice bofore he heard or heeded our warning. The animal slipped, caught Itself, slid again, mado a desperato attempt to check its headway, then fell side-ways on tho treacherous ice, with Graham's leg caught under tho saddle. Tho horse's impetus carrlod it forward rapidly toward tho prec ipice, and its struggles only Increased tho danger. Both of our horses were sharp shod, and the same Idea must have conic to each of us. I do not remember just how It all happened next; but our horses sprang forward with a bound as the spurs touched them j we dropped from our sad dles and the next moment George had hold of the horso's tail while he clung with his other arm to his own horso's forelegs, and I had grasped tho horso's bridle, with my own feet braced against my roan's hoofs. Those horses seemed to know what was up as well as we, for they stood like rocks, and I could feel my own ani mal brace himself to keep his feet in place as the strain came upon us. Rut we were In time, and the lallen horso and rider wero stopped in their dangerous slide within a low feet of the brink. I don't know how tho others felt, but after Gra ham had got on his feet, and his horse had been pulled and slid Into a s:ifo placo, I found myself so wenk that I lmd to lean against my horso's side several moments bofore I had strength to reach the saddle As for Graham, ho left his horso for a moment, crept on hands and knees to tho odgo of the ico, and looked down forty feet to where tho jaggod rocks were piled up below, then creeping back, said : "I'd been doad by this time, boys, if it hadn't boon for you, I guess, but I'll oven it up with you some day, or else speak a good word for you when I dio." The scouts drifted to Wardwell, Thorn Creek and became scattered around Pitts burgh j all but Graham. He left soon aftor tho nbovo advonturo and went to Colum bus, Ohio. Goorgo nnd I began wlldcattlng. Wo made several failures; began to scratch the bottom of our pockets, and tops of our heads to obtain ways and means, and finally began scouring the country in search of indications. Wo found several promising openings, pnd ono day, while silting in our offleo puzzling our heads as to which placo we should locate- In, a tele gram was handed us. It road as follows i Colvmuus, O., Juno 11, 1885. To Locate your well at oil there -. You will find Geo. Graham. We laughed at Graham's assurance that wo would find oil, until the thought struck us, how did he know that we wero think ing of such a location. We had found it within a week, and no one, we thought, knew anything about it. "We will locate there, anyway," said George. "It's as good a place as any, and Graham may be onto something we don't know of." Wo drilled tho well, struck oil, ond mado a nice little fort u no. A woek or two aftor the well was completed I wroto to Graham telling him of our fortune, thank ing him for tho suggestion he made, and inviting him to come to see us. A few days after I got this letters Coi.UMiirs, O., Sept. 5, 1885. Dear Sir My brother. Goo. Graham, to whom your letter of tlieSnth was addressed, died last June. He bad told me of your saving him from a terrible, death, and as your card was on tho envolope 1 opened it. On the morning ho died ho spoke of you and , and hoped you were doing well. KoBpcetfully yours, Vm. J. Graham. I wroto at once to Mr. Graham, asking on what day George diod. The answer I got was "June 11th." I wroto again ask ing for the hour ol his death. He replied that it was at half past 12, on f-'aturditv. the lllh of .lime. Wo had received that message from Geo. Graham at fifteen minutes to 1, ou Saturday, tho 1 J lit of Juno. He had spokeu a good word for us when ho died. For Sale. Blacksmith shop and property. Shop 26x40 feet, 2 forges and 2 sets of tools. House 16x26, good cellar and good well of water. Barn 18x28, out buildings, and Davementa lea, lino- to all. Oue acre of land, fruit trees aud grapevines. Situated in Claringtoo, Baruett township, Forest Co., Pa. Address John W. hoyder as above. HIIACK 'P. You aro feeling depressed, vour appe tite is poor, you are bothered with Head ache, you ure lidgetty, neivous, and gen erully out of sorts, and want to brace up. ISrace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskev, and w hich stimulate you fur an hour, and then lesve you iu worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purity your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, aud give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find In Kloutriu Hit ters, and only 60 cents a buttle at llermuii A .Sitrnins' lrug (Store. Prof. Barrett of 8t. Lawrence county, N. Y., speaking of pulmonary diseases, says: Not one death occurs now where twenty died beforo Powns' Elixir was known. Over fifty years of constant suc cess places Downs' Elixir at the head of the long list of cough remedies. For sale by D. Harnett. Don't sutrer with indigostion, nso Baxter's Mandrako Bitters. For salo by D. Uarnelt. Tho reason why Arnica A Oil Lini ment Is so popular with tho ladies Is be cause it not only Is very healing and soothing but Its odor is not at all offensive. For sale by D. Barnett. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Strains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs Etc., Save $.'i0 by use of one bottle. Warranted. Sold by Herman & Siggins, Druggists, Tionesta. nov'-W-ly. UrC'KI.EM'M ARNICA HALVE. The best Salvo in tho world f jr Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Hheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is ornnrnnlcerl in irii-A nnrlVu.l ituii.r.inltnn or money refunded. Prl ee 25 cents per w. cur saie uy u. ry . jiovaru. WOHTII KNOWIMM. Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant. Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running into Consumption in its tirst Mn iron. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduoed in flosh, hail ililTlculty in breathing and was unabin to sleep. Fi nally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and found Immediate relief, and after using alont a half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Dlscovory for Consumption Guaranteed to dn lint what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at Herman A Siggins' Drug Store. When Baby was lck, we (ve her Caatorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children, she gare them Castoria, MARRIED. JORDAN W A ItNER. At Marlenville, Pa.. Dec. 4th, R8!l, by E. Whitling, J. P., Mr. John Jordan and Miss Sarah E. Wnrner, both of Forostcounty. OIjUAMS of HAPPY HOLIDAYS These Scnsiblo and Appropriato XMAS GIFTS picked at random from our IMMENSE HOLIDAY BAZAR will givo the roader an idea of tho pret ty things to he found at SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS, GRANDIN BLOCK, TIIDIOTJTE, - JEJ. riusb Toilet Sots. Plush Manicure Sets. Traveling Sets. Shaving Sets. Hand Mirrors. Work Baskets. Plush Albums. Writing Desks. Pockot Books. Juvenile Books. ABC Blocks. FinoArt Books. Fliio Pictures Jfe Frames. Collar aud Cuff Boxes, Whisk Broom Holders. Froneh Dolls. Domestic. Dolls. Smokers' Sets. Plush Frames. Jewel Cases. Plush Work Boxes, leather Albums. Fancy Ink Stands. Odor Cases. Games. Tin Toys. Bx Papers in Plush. BOOKS IIST SETS A fine lino of tho best grade ol Books: "Tho Sterling Edition" of liiiuo. Cloth and Gilt ut 'M cents a Vol. Come early and select your Christmas Gifts, before the rush. Don't forget the placo, at SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, GRANDIN BKOCK, Tiimoiti:, . . ia. PATENTS. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Moder ate Fees. Our ollice Is opposite U. S. Patent Ollice aud wecuii secure patent iu less time than thiwo remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with description. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our feo not due till patent is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in vour Statu, county, or town, sent free. Address, C. A. SNOW A CO., Opp. Patent Ollice, Washington, D. C. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Our combination with the Philadelphia Weekly rre.i affords an opportunltv for obtaining nn immense amount of reading at a very trilling cost. By this arrange ment we are enabled to furnish both tho Rf:rt nr.icAN and the Weekly nt the vory low price of $1.75. Any person sending us this amount will receive the two papers for ono year, an advance of only 25 cents over the price of the RF.rt'B MCAN alone. Old subscribers who pay up all arrearages nnd 91-75 In advance can have the advantage of this splendid offer. Tho Weekly Pre.ns is the very best weekly family in tho country, containing 10 pages weekly of the choicest General News, Household and Agricultural reading, Strong F.ditorlals, Young People's De partment, a good Continued Story, In short everything that goes to make tho most desirablo family reading matter. With these two papers in your family you will bo sure of tho best service in each department. The REPfiu.lcAN is tho oldest and lcst of tho papers, sup plies you weekly with all the homo news of Interest, such as no city weekly can possibly give, and the Weekly pro vides you with all the world wide news nnd a mass of general reading such as no local paper can possibly furnish. By taking advantage of our combined offer you got tho best of each class of reading in Its proper place and at a price so rea sonable that you cannot afford to deprive yourself and family of tho benefit of It. No such oflor has over been made by any responsible paper In tho county. Sub scribe now. TIOMCSTA MYlJICIOTt. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour f barrel choice Flour sack, Corn Meal, 100 fts Chop feed, pure grain Corn, Shollod - Beans 'p bushel - Ham, sugar cured Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured Shoulders - Whitcflsh, half-barrels Lake herring half-barrels Sugar ..... Syrup ..... N. O. Molasses new Roast Rio Coffoo Rio Coffeo, ... Java Coffee - Tea ..... Butter Rice ..... Eggs, frcsn ... Salt best lake ... Lard ------ Iron, common bar - Nails, 16d, keg Potatoes .... Lime bid. - Dried Apples sliced per tb Dried Beef - Dried Peaches per lb Dried Peaches pared por .J 5.00 0.25 1.25.j1.50 1.00(9 1. 25 1.00 - 70 2.50 3.00 It - - 12 0 - 8,50 710 50(400 6075 25 32 ! 2000 2022 8& 20C4 1.25 10 - 2.50 2.75 75 1.00 - 6 10 - 15 10 15 PROCLAMATION. Wii rue as, The Hon. W. D. BrdwHi President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in nnd for the county of Forest, has issued his pre copt for holding a Court of Common Pleas Quarter Sesssions of the Peaco, Or phans' Court, Oyer and Terminor nnd General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, ftir th County of Forest, to commence ou tho Third Monday of Dec., being tho Kith (lav of Dec, 18H9. Notice is therefore given to tho Coroner, Justice of the Peaco and Con stables of said county, that they bo thon and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ol said day with their recoids, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their ofilco nppertain to be done and to those who are bound iu recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners lhat are or shall be in the Juil of 1' orost County, that they may be then and there to prosocuto against thom as shall bojut. Given un der my bund and seal this lMh day of November, A. D. lKX'.t. GEO. W. SAWYER, L.8. Snoriff. Confirmation Notice. Notice Is horeby given that tho final ac count of J. II. 1 lineman. Guardinn of Maud, Mabel, and Helen Adams, minor hoirs of H. A. Adams, late of Forest county, deceased, has been filed in my... ollice, and will lie presented at December term of court, next, for confirmation. C. M. A ItNER, ("lerk Orphans' Court of Forest County. Tionosta, Pa., Nov. 25, IStM. Till A Ij LINT. List of causes set down for trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing oil tbe Third Monday of Doceinbor, iHH: 2. S. Kaster vs. James C. Welsh, No. 30, May Term, 1KHS. Summons In assumpsit. a. James O. Welsh vs. C. W. Hawks, No. 15, September Term, lsst). Replevin. 4. J. C. Welsh, John A. Proper, L. Ag n ew and A. J. Wallace, doing business as Proper Heservo Oil Comaiiy vs. C. W. nawKS, o. z-i, sepivnibcr Term, is. Replevin. 5. J. C. Welsh and E. B. Grandin v. C. W. Hawks, No. 25, September Term, 18S8. Replevin. . F. F. Whittekin vs. Levi S. dough. No. 8, May Term, l8tt. Appeal from J. P. 7. Howard Weber vs. A. J. Siegworth, No. 1, May Term, 18.sU. Summons in trespass. -. A. Dunbar et al, doing business as The lumbar LuiiiIht Co., Limited vs. W. 1C. Frost, No. 3d, May Term, 18SU. Appeal from J. P. U. P. B. Cridor and Crider, doing business as P. B. Criilor A Son vs. James Haggerty, No. 18, September Term, 1S88, Summons in trespass. 10. Howard Weber vs. J. E. Whllmore, No. 2, May Term, ItisHK (Summons it' " trespass. 11. F. F. Whittekin vs. William Law rence ami William Sineaibau;h, doing business as Lawrence A Smearbaugh, No, 3, September Term, l!i'J. Appeal Horn J. 12. Andrew McCoy v. Stow Setlev ami Wm. Gorman, No. 5, February Teriil, lss'.i. Summon. i in ejectment. Attest, CALVIN M. ARNER. Prothuuotary. Tionosta, Pa., November 8, lsst. YANKEE KING AflTHURS COURT. AGENTS WANTED THOUSANDS . OLI.AflS OEM) your Job Worl, O L1CAN Otlico, to tho REPUBv.