THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. WINK, Editor Pnopmttopt. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 18S9. J eff JJayis, is dead. He died at 12:45, December 6th, 1889, at Ne Orleans. Everybody knows who Jeff Davis was. Tub President has appointed Judge David J. Brewer, of Kansas, to the vacancy on the IT. S. Supreme Court bench caused by the death of Justice Matthews. The appointment, although a surprise to the country in general, is looked Upon as an exceptionally good one. Tn Philadelphia Item, thus tersely states the case: "Charles W. Stone will be the next Governor of Penn sylvania. The people will boss this job." And that's the way it appears up in this section, where Mr. Stone's great popularity would get him prac tically a unanimous vote. Press Opinions on the Message. President Harrison's first message plain, candid and entirely unpre tentious review of public affairs. Its most striking characteristic is an ab sence of pretense, exaggeration or rhetorical flourish, and there is do at tempt to enlarge upon especial topics for the sake of catching temporary popular applause or partisan advan tage. It has the tone throughout of conscious strength and sincerity, and of profound conviction that the people will unwaveringly sustain the national politics to which they gave approval by their votes one year ago. New York Tribune, Rcj. President Harrison's message is a plain, business document, well written and making recommendations strictly in the line of the Republican platform. New York Herald, Ind. It is a clear, plain statement of the condition of the country in its foreign and domestic relations and of the leg islation that is needed to promote its interests. There is no fustian rhetoric in the document, no epigrams, no straining after effect. Brooklyn Times, Rep. The Well-settled policy of the Re publican party is in the framework of the President's message. It must now be wisely put into acts by the Repub lican Congress. Newark Advertiser, Rep," It is written under a due sense of all the responsibility, and we may also say with the familiarity, of a public servant giving an account of his stew ardship. Boston Transcript, Ind. lhe message as a whole is a clear, lucid statement of the national situa nuu; is conservative ana patriotic in tone, admirablo in its suggestions and recommendations. Boston Traveller, Rep. Whitest does not indicate the pos session of great gifts of statesmanship, or even of very firm individual opin ion, it must be regarded all io all as a creditable production. New York Evening Sun, Ind. The President's message to Congress is admirable in form and comprehen aive in scope, referring in dignified and well chosen phrases to all the topics of domestic and foreign concern that now occupy the publio mind. Baltimore Sun, Dan. The document is written in a digni fied manner and it has an air of can dor and a desire to be dispassionate that will commend it to many readers, and secure for its suggestions the con siderate attention of many who can not agree with them all. Troy Press, Dem. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our regular Correspondent.) Washington, Dec. 6, 1889. The President left here to day for a snort western trip. After visiting Chicago, he will go to Indianapolis and attend to some important private business before returning to Washing' ton. The Senate has, by lot, determined the length of the terms of the six new Senators as follows : Washington Senator Squire expires March 3, 1891, nd Senator Allen March 3, 1893 fiouth Dakota Senator Moody March 3, 1891, and Senator Pettigrew March 3, 1893 j North Dakota Senator Tietce, March, 3, 191, aud Senator Casey March 3, 1893. The terms of the Moutana Senators will not be fixed until they occupy their seats. Judge David J. Brewer, of Kansas, has been nominated by the President to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the lute Jubtice Stauley Matthews, of Ohio. Judge Brewer is a nephew of Justice Stephen J. Field of the Supreme Court ; he has beeu since 184 United Slates Judge fur the eighth circuit of Kansas. He has filled a number of important positions ia Kansas, judicial and otherwise, and has always beeu a popular official The nomination is highly pleasing to Senators Iugalls aud I'lumb, aud iu fact to everybody, with tlio possible exception of several disappointed can didates and their immediate friends. Justice Miller, over whose circuit Judge Brewer has presided for the last five years, says he considers him one of the ablest judges ntw on the bench. When Justice Brewnr takes his seat on the bench with his Uncle Justice Field, it will be the first time in the history of the court that two of the contemporary justices have been so nearly related. Owing to the organization of the Houso on Monday the President's messsge was not read to Congress until Tuesday. The message has been well received by everybody except a bandfull of Southerners who profess to see in its plain statement of the con dition of political affairs in the South cause for alarm. The message is strictly conservative, both in tone and in its recommendations, being thereby io striking contrast to the last dicta torial documents sent from the White House to Congress. Mr. Harrison evidently intended this message to be confined to its strict constitutional limits that of informing Congress of the state of the country. Its recom mendations are in every instance what has been approved by the Republican parly. Upon those things on which j there are different opinions in the par ty he has presented the facts without recommendation. It is a document that has greatly disappointed the Democrats because it furnishes them with no ammunition. Next in importance to the Presi dent's message is Secretary Windom's annual report to Congress, which was made public on Wednesday. Mr. Windom covers the entire financial field and furnishes one ef the most interesting and important reports of the kind ever made. It piesents a plan for the satisfactory solution of the silver problem, which Mr. Windom believes will be accepted by both silver and gold men. Space prevents further notice of the report, but it should be carefully read by every in telligent citizen of the country. It may be obtained by addressing Secre tary Windom. The organization of the House was attended by a little circumstance that shows the danger which will constant ly menace the majority during the sefsioD. After Reed had been elected Speaker, McPherson, Clerk ; Holmes, Sergeaot at-Arms ; Adams, Doorkeep er, and Wheat, Postmaster, Represen tative Henderson, as Chairman of the Republican caucus, nominated Rev, C. B. Rumsdell for Chaplain. Repre sentative Cbeadle of Indiaua, bolting the caucus nomination, moved to strike out the name of Rarasdell and substi tute that of Dr. Milburn, tho blind preacber, who was Chaplain of the last House. Mr. Cheadle was sup ported outright by three Republicans Moore, of New Hampshire; Lebb lack, of New Jersey, and Ewart, of North Carolina and enough refrained from voting to elect Dr. Milburn, who received 106 votes to Mr. Ramadell's 155, the Democrats votiug solidly for Milburn. Ibis is ot itseit a small thing, but if the party caucus can be successfully bolted in small things, mere is nothing to prevent the same thing being doue when something im portant is at stake. 'B9-H0LIDAY MM The Largest and Rest Assortment of Holidav Goods we have ever handled! New and fresh, goods, novelties new to tins season in JEWELRY. Gents' Chains, Ladies' Chains. Ladies' and Omits' Silk Chains, Kind's, Notts, t. nanus, uun rsutions, tsruceiets, xe. KUWJ;: It IS. Quadruple Plated Rutter Dishes. Castors. Cups, Cake Stands, Spoon Holders, Table Knives and forks, Table ana Tea spoons, napKin mugs in large assortment. IIooIcm nnl Wtntionoi'y. isooKs in jbnciless vanetv. 1 "ems Landseapo Uorder and red line Series, Scrap Hooks, Autograph Albums, Christ- man curds, rancy lioxes, Ink Stands, l-aper Holders, raper In lloxes and in rack aires best and chewiest out. See our 10(5. Package Paper, li envelope, 12 sheets paper. Paper bound Hooks reduced from ii5 to Inc., Cloth bound Rooks reduced rom 50 to 3;e.. aud School Rooks of a I kinds. Diaries for 1SIM). TOYH, TOYS. A Very Largo Assortment of Tovs. French Dolls, lliscue Dolls, Indestrueti lile Dolls, and Doll Ilea Is, Trick Banks. Musical Tops, Music. Roxes, Building Rloeks, 5, 10 and U.'jc. Bargain Counters well (stocked with holiday gwds. CONFKCTIOIM 131 fV. Common and Fancy ( 'undies. Nuts of all kinds, Christmas Candies, &o l0lt?t I(lliv'M. 41 styles of best Gents' Ladies' aud Boys' Pocket Knives. NOTIONS. All Kinds of Holiday Notions, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mulllers, a line of Japanese Goods. "VtlCiOM HU1 "Vlllit itMS. Glass Vases in Great Variety, Children' Cups and Saucers, Mustache Cupx, Hhav in Mul's, Chi'dreiiH' Setts, Chilli's Kinl'o, Fork and Spoon, Toilet Setts, Card llus kuU, Mouth Organs, Child's Wash Setts, Bureaus, Roys' Sleds, e., ,Ve. HTAPLi: GOODS. Huts, Cans, Gloves, a lare and elegant lineot l.ailies Overshoes, Boys , ladies , Misses', and Child's Rubber Boots, Gents', liova' and Laities' Fancy bliers, low prices on Satchels, Ac, aud everything to make people conil'orluble aud huppy. Cull early while ttek is full aud fresh. Price low. WM. SMEARBAUGH A CO., Tiouesla. Pa. David Mintz, MARIENVILLE, PA. FOR Ti HOLIDAYS A! OTHER DAYS ! We bnvo just reooloej a complete lino of BOGEBS BROS'. SIXj"Vl1IWJE?E1 In Cake Dishes, Casters, Spoons, Knives and Forks, Napkin Rings, Ac, at verv prices. Our Stock of ' J fixe nurxs CJOODM Is tho largest In County at price to suit all. As to SADIES' WRAPS, we have them in Flush. Cloth, Newmarkets, Ac, and in all tho Leading Stylos, Tailor-made, and arc oilering Bargains. Wo buy ' Direct from the Manufacturers, and have a coinpleto lino at Bottom Tricon. CUTLERY-Comploto Stock of I. X. L. Hoods in Pocket Knives and Raaora. Also a full line of American Focket and Rutrher Knives. REVOLVERS Smith A Wesson, Harrington A Richardson Arms Company. Cartridges of all kinds. UNDER AND OVERWEAR FOR ALL. The most Complete Stock of Imported : and : Domestic : Dry : Goods ! in this section of tho State. cx.osra t We have our Stock of Clothing made for Ready Made poods. In fact the best in Western Pennsylvania. Very low prices. A nice line of OVERCOATS suitable for Holiday presents. BOOTS AND :- SHOES ! An Extra fino assortment of all tho best makes at Rock Prices. FIXE I.I.VF. OF JI.U1.MIY. Gold and Silver Watches in great numbers. rungs, i ins, vc, txc Our Queensware Department is Complete TRUNKS, VALISES, SATHELS, c. Brussels, Ingrains, Hemp. Special Room for Display. Window Shades, Oil Cloths of all shades aud designs. Highest market price paid for Hides, Furs, Rceswax, Shoep Pelts, Ginseng, Ac HOLIDAY Now'is the Time and Holiday Goods. I Sar.ta Glass Hsadquarlsrs. WT1 1 v4Muti..7r NELSON GREENLAND'S, 331 Exchanga Block, WARREN, PA. CARTER'S PILLS. 1M CURE Rick Headache and relieve all the trouble inci dent to & bilious state, of the system, such an Lnizinettri, Nausea. DrowaiueKH, Distreti after eauutf. 1'ain in the bide. Ac While their most remarkable ftuccem has been ahowu ia curing Headache, yet Carter a Littc Liter Pima are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this aunoy iiig complaint, while they also correct all disorder of the stomach, fttiniulnta the liver aud regulate the bowel. Lveu tt they only cured Ache they would le almost priceless to those who Ku(Tr frin this distreKHiiift cdmplatnt; but fortunately their goodneKg does not eud here, ami those who once try them will tinl these litLlu pills valuable in Bo many wayi that they will not he willing to do without them, liut after ail sick head AGEHE it tb bane of so many lives that here Is where we make our frreat boast. Our pills cure it while others do nut. Cahtss's Lrrrus Lives Pill are very small and very easy to take. One or two puts make a dose. Ther are strictly vein-table and do Dot ferine or pure, but by their ueutle action please all who use them. Iu vials at 2ft cents; Dvfor$l. bold every where, or sviil by uuuL CABTES fcmcilTE CO., Ifor Toil. (sal Fill Sxillb. Ihll Fries. Call and examino for youselves. us, t.nd have In stock a very fino lino of Gold and Silver Watch Chains, Charms, In Rest "Albion" ware. -:- GOODS! Hero is tho Chance ! Tho Crowning Featuro of the Christmas Scasou is our Beautiful Display of FINE CHAIRS, ROCKERS. FARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS, EASELS, TABLES, DESKS. FOOT RESTS, SIDE BOARDS, HALL RACKS and CHAMBER SUITS. You will be Astonishod with its Magnitude and Delighted with the Prices, at WATCHMAKING. Tho undersigned would respect fully announce to his old friends, Hint he has returned to Tiononta nnd has located in the Kcph r Block, formerly occupied by Mr. L. Fulton as a harness shop, where lie will he prepared to preet his old friends and many new ones. Having contracted an inward disease from hich I havo suf fered lor 1!4 years, and which requires ox- ercise, I must tnerelore have an hour s walk cueli morniiiK and evening, and shall open my o.Iice at s o clock, A. M., uud close at 8 o'clock, P. M. R. HALLE, Tionesta, Pa. BOARD of EXAMINING SURGEONS for Forest County. S. S. Towler M. I., President; J. W. Morrow M. I)., Secretary ; J. B. Kiirirlns M. !., Treasurer. Tho Hoard will meet in'Or, Morrow's olllee, Tionesta, on tho third Wednesday of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. in. iuGcsr Mqrcr Is. of tho tlrm of MORCK DUO'S, OPTICIANS, Specialist in Errors of Refraction of the Eye. Examinations freo of charge. WARREN, PENN. WANTED RELIABLE AGENTS to sell our New High Arm Automatic Sewiug Machine. The No. u. Liberal inducement. Address W HE ELK It & WILSUN MFG. CO. Philadelphia, Pa. Established IBl!). Vlintz's Troubles! This Isn't the nnmo of a play, but means that Mints is actually In trouble. He got so enthusiastic In his Eastern purchases, that ho bought more goods thnn his storo will hold, hence his anxiety to mako a littlo breathing room, llo Is "long'' in the fol lowing lines, whoso prices ought to cause a rapid depletion in tho stock. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! Our Men's Suits from $3.G9 up to $20.00. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS I In Overcoats wo have no equal, and sold at Bock-Bottom prices. UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS, &C. Ladles' Merino Vests, extra (Inc. at 3ft els., worth "Bo. Sumo price In Men's, and proportionately good values in Children's, Ladies' scarlet vests at 00 cents, easily worth $1.50. DRESS GOODS! All wool, doublo fold Press Flannel and Tricots, in all colors, at 45 cents per yard, would be a bonanza at 00 cents, li Igher tirades, Newmarkets, Wraps, Seal Plush Saeques, at Rock Rollout Prices. BOOTS AND In Roots and Shoes we have no equal, our departments, tnve us a can anil convince yourseir. Highest market prico paid for Hides, Furs, Pelts and Ginseng. J. M. NINTH CUT PRICE STORE, NEW KEPLER BLOCK, TIONESTA, PENN'A. We WILL March AT the iii:ai of tiik And give moro valuo for fl.00 than can bo got elsowhcret NEW GOODS ! Wo aro just opening our Fall purchases of Fsll and Winter floods, and marking them at price that KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF "ROCK IIOTTOM!" CLOTHING, OYEItCOATS, CLOTHING, Our Clothing Room has never been so Suits ranging in prico from $1.00 to ftlO.OO. Largest, Assortment the Rest, and Prices OVERCOATS: Wo KNOW we are Headquarters for Overcoats! We will sell a good Chinchilla Overeont for 3.ftO. We will sell a good Plain Overcoat for $ I.OO. We will sell Finer Grades at prices to correspond. o have Crice from fct.OO to $-0.00. In Boys' and oy from four years up. .JMJ-DON'T BUY OVERCOATS TILL DRESS GOODS! It would take a wholo newspaper to do Goods, Flannels and Iiomeslie Uoods. We will simply say that we liavellm NIK l.r.S and the ASSOHTM KNT. Tho quality oi the goods and the low prices wo have on them WILL MAKE Til KM GO. Wo have a belter Assortment than ever LADIES' NEWMARKES! LADIES' JACKETS! MISSES' and CHILDREN'S WRAPS! In Indies'. Missos and Children's Wraps wo aro Itiglit to tho Flout. Wo also have a tine assortment of SEAL IFHiTTSE: SACQU'ES! T-DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR CLOAK Boots and Shoes. Rubber Goods. Rubber Boots. Wool Dress Shirts. Hats and Caps. We haven't space to enumerate prices, DKRSOLD. Call In nnd we.will convinco GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. Our Grocery Department is always up to Lowest Possible Price. Wo take pleasure In showing goods. Couio aud soe us. H. J. HOPKINS & CO. HERMAN DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, - IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS Mi FOUND rim FRESHEST GmCEmES. BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Ia our Drug Department, which is In ch.-iruo of a thoroughly competont Clerk, will always be found tho PUREST DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. S.B. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in FTJBUITTJIE. -Also,- UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PA. IP YOU WANT a rexpeelable Job of printing at a reaauuable price aeud your order to this otlice. SHOES ! and can't bo undersold, And so It is In all CHOCK FULL of Bargains us this Fall A bargain in every suit I Our stock is tho the Lowest of AN iu forest County. an Excellent Lino of Overcoats ranging in Youths' Overcoats we can lit and plcuso any YOU GO THROUGH OUR STOCK! DRESS FLANNELS! justice in advertising our utork'nf Dress In BLACK GOODS! DEPARTMENT REFORE YOU BUY! All Grades Underwear. Gent's Furnishing Goods. Gloves and Mittens. Fine Assortment of Neckwear. only to say that WE WILL NO' NOT RE UN- you that what we say Is IHUh ; the Standard. Everything sold at thj & SIGGINS! & GROCERS, PEWFJ. AND CHEMICALS! WESTERN NEW YORK A PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, formerly i., i. i . ix r. rt. it. Tlmo Table taking eff.K-t May 12th, 1889, I'.unK'rn time 7aiu Moriituiu. Trains will leave Tionesta for Oil City aud points as fol'.ows: No. 93 Through Freight (carry ing pussengers) 0:10 a. 111. No. .HI itutlalo Express l:H:inoon. No, 61 Way Freight (carrying passengers) ft:(H) p. in. No. 6'i Oil City Ex ross 8:06 p. m. For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, Rradford, Oleau and the East: No. 30 Oloan Express 8:10 a. in. No. 82 PltUhurgh Express Slt'J p. ni. No. Ui Through Freight (car rying passengers 7:13 p. m. Trains 03 and DO Run Daily nnd carry passengers to and from points between Oil City and I rv melon only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. Gel Time Tables aud full information from J. L. CRAIG, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. GEO. S. GATCJJELL, Geii'l Supt. J. A. FELLOW'S, Geu'l Passenger A Ticket Agont, liuiliUo, N. Y NOW FOR Hill Li H I Where to buy (roodn to fit tho raon Is the question now, and the answer comca, at D.BARNETT'S FAMOUS LOW PRICE STORE Whero New (foods are conntnnlly nrrlv- ing. His plsce Is Hrmhiunr ters for DEY GOODS! istotions, LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING O-OOIDS, CI.OT111NU, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS AND 8 HO ICS, HOSIKUY, FI.AKN ICIJH, Y, (i f.ASSW ARK, IJUF.ENSWARE, Ac, Ac, A COMPLETE LINK OP GROCERIES & PROVISIONS will always bo found nt my store, mid id- ways tlio nest and ircsiiest t.'ie markets nlford. Call and examine niv Stock nnd Prices. and bo convinced that I will sell you poods as low as tlio lowest. Country" Produce, Runs and .lutik taken in exchange, aud tho hiKhest prices allowed. "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PRO FITS," la my motto. i) tvn RAnxirrr, opp. Lnwrenco House, TIONESTA, PA.' The Sponge ia Mightier than the Brush. mm feiY iium Mm and uc a SprnR- ftn'l Wftlfr, which UriU knp your HHOI08 I1KIOHT nd CI. KAN if you ut WoffsACM&laeUng The mmra fcitoir puml thing and ciil hart it, cut tkt mtntughtta. Itprcaervca tht lcallitraadstvet bril llsnt polUb. Waicr nnd mow slip offlt s urcly s o(T A tluck's hat-k. Men'i slices require dratlng ONCB A WEEK w-omen'i once n month, that's all. Worth tryl:iR, im't lit It h also Uia beat dress ing for harncsa,oa wbith it lull 1 UKtE MONTHS. WOLFF& RANDOLPH. PbUadalshia THE WEEKLY PSESS. PHILADELPHIA. ei.00-0ne Year For 0no Dollar-$1.00 THE WEEKLY PRESS For 1H(i0 will lw ns much liclter than Tho Weekly Pros for lSSii ns wo can mnke if. Willi eve-y issue dniing tho new yenr it will bo AN EIGHTY-COLUMN PAPER. Each of the lifty-two numbers will con tain ton pages, or 'eighty columns, with a total for the year of fi'.'O pagc, or 4100 coU minis. Thus, it will be "us big n a book," as tho saying is. A PAPER OF QUALITY. Not only will it bo as big as a book, but It will bo a pspor of quality as well as of quantity. It will contain tho pl' k of everything good. A PAPER OP VARIETY. Tho Idea Is that Tho Weekly Presa shall be both clenn and wide awako. It will discuss nil subjects of public interest and importance. The writers on Its lists in clude: Julia Ward Howe, E. Lynn Lin ton, Prof. N. S. Sliuler, Louis Pasteur, William HI nek. Edmund Gosse, Edgar V. Nye, Opio P. Read, and, Indeed, almcst every popular writer of nolo in this coun try and quite a nunibrr of distinguished writers abroad. In fiction, an attraction of tho year wilt be "Esther," by H. Rider Haggard ; another aerial story, already engaged, will be "Cmno Forth," by Khia- ' both Stuurt Phelps. ,; A FARMER'S PAPER. The best conducted agricultural pago in America. Illustrations. A WOMAN'S PAPER. The "Wonieu'a page" of The Wetkly Press Is alone worth the auliKtviption prico. Its illustrations are attracting at tention everywhere. A CHILDREN'S PAPER. Tho special department for children Is now addrexHod to tho school children nnd school teachers of America. 1't tho chil dren join the new Rainbow Club lust started. Lei them eonipeto for tho prizes all ill bright, whnlconic, instructive books. IMPORTANT CLUIH1INO ARRANGE MENT. Ry fcpocial arrangement with all tho leading weekly and monthly periodical of America, subscriptions are taken lor any ono or moro of these J inrn ils in con nection with The Weekly Press at such low rates as virtually makes our great family paper FREE U the subscriber fur ono year. Suinplo copies furnished, freo upon ap plication. TERMS OF THE PRESS. By mail, postago free iu tho United states and Canada. Daily, (oxcept Sunday), ono year 3.0O Dailv, (except Sunday), one month .N) Daily, (including Sunday), one year 7.iitl Daily, (including ouuaay;, ono uiuiuu .u.'i Sunday, one year .... 2.01) Weekly Press, ono year ... J.00 Drafts, Checks, and oilier Remittances should bo made paytblo to tho order of THE PRESS COMPANY, Limited, Publishers. la YVi. f. RAYMOND'S PECTORAL PLASTER The wonderful Cough cure. A positivo cure for Whooping Cough aud all Throat, Chest anil Lung Troubles, and all Cough. Is also the best known Remedy for local pains, such as Lumbago, bciauoa, elc. Sold by all druggists. aug7-ly, FALL k WIITi TRADE .'