The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 27, 1889, Image 3

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Purge.-T). 8. Knox.
Couaeifmen North ward, R. M. Her-
nan, II. M. Foreman, H. D. Irwin. South
ward, J. C. Mcowdon, O. W. Robinson, J.
F. Proper.
- fnHirtt of (Aa react J. F. Troper, T.
ft. Cobb.
(Mnntable and OteetorH. H. Canfleld.
' School Ihrretor-. W. Robinson, A.
. Kellv, K. U Davla, D. fa. Knox, D.
W, Clark, J. T. Bronnan.
tfrnttr of Oongre Jamks Kkhr.
Member of Senate J. H. Wir.soi.
Attembly Ciiam.f.s A. Randall.
frmident Judge W. D. Bbown.
, A ttoeiat. Judgei Liwii Abnkr. J no.
A. Proper
VMirer Sot.owoi FlTaarnAt.D.
Prothonotarv Regitter t iteeordcr , f .
Calvin W. Arhrr.
' Arir. Go. W. Sawtis.
(tinntMiimrri-Wa. D. SHIELD, C.
K. Ledkiuth, J. J. Parsons.
Count Superintendent O no. W. K Knn.
IHttriet Attorney P. M. C'l.ARK.
Jury Cnmmintioneri C. II. CBPROIT,
Cbuntt Surveyor n. C. WHITTHKIN.
Cbronsr Dr. J. W. Morrow.
Connry 4 terftor E. I Jon as, R. 7.
QlLtKkPin, WX. DLUKi
t hurra ana ftafcbatk Mrfcaal.
Fresbvterlan Babbath School at 9:45 a.
in. I M. K. Habliath Hchool at 10:00 a. ra.
Preachina- In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. Rumborger.
Service in Luthoran Ml. iion a unurcn,
arman Hill, every Sunday at 10:30a. m.,
English and Oormau alternating. S. 8.
very Sunday at V:9U a. in. it. J. uraeiz,
Preach nir In the F. M. Church every
Sabbath ovouing at the uaual hour. Rev.
A. D. Oainea, Pastor.
(Services In the Presbyterian t:nurcn
every isauhath morning ana evening,
Kev. J. v. MoAninen ouiciauug.
. . -. J
OT.IVE LODOK, No. 6.r7. F. ft A. M.
Stated Mooting" held at Odd Feb
' Iowa Ilall the first Monday of each month,
T. J. PAINE, W. M.
T. B. COBB, Soe'y.
iil. O. of O. Jy,
AfEHTS" every Tuesday evening, at 8
HA o'clock, in the ixxlue linom in i-ar-Halt.-
Confer the Initiatory de
gree the first Tueaday night of each
innny., flrat den-ren the second Tueaday
ulglil; aecond degroe tho third Tusday
night third degree the fourth Tuoaday
?'K ' O. W. KF.MBLK. N. O
G. W. SAWYER, Soc'v.
F)RET LODOE, Na. 184, A. O. U. W.,
Maeta every Friday Evening In Has
let Hall, Tionesta.
C. M. ARNER, M. W.
S. R. CLARK, Recorder.
Da 974. O. A. It.
Meeta on the first Wednesday In each
month, In Odd Fellows Hall. Tioneata. Pa.
L. AO NEW, Commander.
Offloe next door to P. O., Tioneata, Pa.
DlHtrlct Attorney,
dark la A trout for a number of re-
e Fit xnanraneo Companies,
EL. DA '.S.
Tioneata, Ta.
Collectlona tnado in thla and adjoining
. eountiea.
Tioneata, Foreat County Pa,
OAoe La Kepler Block, Room 9, Tloaeita,
T AWRENC10 HOUSE, Tioneata, Pa.
1J Harry Mare, rronrlotnr. Till
hr.uae la centrally located. ICvcrytbing
nw and well furnished. Sunniior Ac
otiinmodationa and atrict attention given
to irueMa. Vegetable and Frnita of all
klnda nerved in their aeamm. Saiuplo
room for Commercial Agcnta.
CENTRAL HOUSE. Tlonesta. Pa.
V O. O. r.rownoll. Pronrletor. Thla la
new houae, and baa Juat been litted up lor
the ai'pnminndatlon or the publln. A por
tlon of the patronage of the public la nolle
nea. in-iy
J W. 11. ROTH, Proprietor,
The largont, Beat Icatod and FurnUhed
llouaj In the City. Near Union Depot,
Physician, Surgeon A Drugglnt,
Oil market closed regteiday 1.061.
Tho school! will bo closed to
John Qrubhs is drilliue a water
well for David Bamett.
Frank Grove of South Oil City,
is visiting relatives in this place.
-Mr. W.C.Allan of West Hick
or J, was a visitor to town yesieraav.
Some nice Thanksgiving reading
will be found on our first page this
Mr. Jas. M. Mills was appointed
postmaster at Elulalia, this county, on
the 20ih mst.
W. E. Rice Esq., of Warren, was
in town on legal business Monday and
Tuesdav of this week
Charlie Carlson of West Hickory,
was in town Saturday and cava the
Republican a friendly call.
Mr. ami Mrs. John Hall of Steu
benville. Ohio, are psying a visit to
their danghter, Mrs. Dr. Siggins,
Andy Carr gashed his left foot
with an az one day last week, and
now keeping Will Hunter company
on crutches,
There will be union thanksgiving
services in East Hickory M.E. Church
to morrow (Thursday) evening. Every
body invited
The Oil City Fuel Supply Co. is
piping gas into Drookville aud will
keep the poo pie of that town warm
the coming winter,
To morrow at 10:30 a. m , union
Thanksgiving services will be held 1
the M. E. Church. A cordial tuvita
tion is extended to everyoo,
Mr. Allan Gordon of Elkhart
Indiana, and his sister, Miss Addie
are payiug a visit to their uncle an
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Haslet.
Uuited Presbyterian services will
be held in the bubool house next Su
bath at 11 a. m , and 4 p. m., Rev
't.ata of Armstrong county, having located
in Tio'ieata ia prepared to attend all pro-
. reionai caiia promptly ami at ail nnura.
Olttoe a .id residence two donra north of
I Jiw renre Hoiiho. Office hours 7 to R A.
M., and It to 12 M. ; 2 to S and 6) to 7) P.
M. Ruudaya, 9 to 13 A. M. I 2 to 3 aud (11
to 7i P. M. may-18 81.
Office opppoalte Oaa Ofllce. Calls at
tended to promptly day and night.
Corner of Elm A Walnut St., Tlonexta,
Pa., Bank of Diacount and Deposit. In
terest allowed on Time Deposit. Collec
tion made on all the Principal point of
tiie V. S. Coileotiona solicited.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Civil Engineer and Surveyor.
Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty,
Magnetic, So!ar or Triangulation Survey
ing. llot of Instruments aud wark.
Turin on application.
Shop in Reek building next to Smear-
jiiugli A Co.'a atore. In nrotared to ilo all
Kind of custom work from the nnot to
Iho coarsest and guarantee hi work to
alftvo ierfoct natisfaction. Prompt atten
"tion givou to mending, and pricea aa rea
sonable as nrt class worn can be done lor,
rraotical Tinner.
All kind of Sheet Metal Work prompt
ly attended to.
KOoFixa I
S. Stewart, cfliciuting. All are cor
dially invited.
Ben Butler has done a great good
in the Tewkesbury Almshouse, but h
work will not be comploto till he or
ders a good supply of Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup, the people's remedy.
Mr. Collins, the genial partner of
our good natured friend Hardison, in
the oil businets, is here keeping an eye
on the well across the river, which is
getting to the interesting point.
The State Normal School of
Clarion has the public schools of the
town for model schools, and the mem
bers of the senior clues in the Normal
are paid for teaching in the model
The trial of Daniel Wallers and
Win. Mong charged with the assault
made on Mrs. Margaret Knapp near
Newmaoville, some weeks ago, came
up in the Clarion courts on Saturday
last, and at last accounts was still on
trial, with Judge Neale of Kittauuing,
on the bench.
Mr. J. C. Milieu, whom many of
our people will remember as having
preached for the United Presbyterian
congregation here la6t winter, died of
typhoid fever on the 17th inst. He
was a student in Allegheny Theologi
cal Seminary, and gave promise of
becoming a brilliant minister.
The Ancient Order of United
Workmen is a man that is has at
tained its msjority. The first lodge of
the order was instituted in Meadvilla,
on the evening of October 27, 18G3.
It was a healthy boy and a promising
youth, and now that it has reached
manhood's estate, its future ia none
the less promising. The membership
in the United Slates and Canada is
now about 225,000 and is being added
to continuously.
Supt. Kerr has secured the fol
lowing array of talent for the insti
tute, which begins on the 30th proxi
mo: Col. L. F. Copeland, two night
lectures; Prof. Geo. E. Little, one
night lecture, and daily instructions
in drawing; Supt. Pearsall of Camer
on county, and L. L. Himes of Clarion
Normal, will be in attendance all
week ; Prof. Wheeler will again have
charge of the musio department, which
meaui success in that liue.
Not strictly as a matter of news,
ut more as a fact fur future reference,
do we remark that the rains of the
past week or two have put the roads
n a deplorable condition, and hauling
as been practically suspended. Bo
des the item helps to fill up, and ll-
ustrates better than we could describe
how scarce news is, Ac.
I will hear your song sublime,
some other time, he said, pulling away
suddeuly and leaving bis coat button
n my hands. But be didn't get far
e was detained by rheumatism in his
left knee. I pressed into his band a
mall package. The next day be ran
to meet me and said "Wonderful this
Salvation Oil, ain't it."
Thanksgiving comes to morrow,
and wo hope all our good, paid up
subscribers have a nice fat turkey
ready for the oven, with cranberry
sauce and celery and pumpkin pie and
all the other good things that go far
toward makincr one thankful. The
other fellows can do as we have had
to do, lay in a Lunk of beef, and
what's left over from dinner, chop it
nto hash for supper.
Mr. Robinson did not get eating
his Thanksgiving turkey in his new
house, but will not have long to wait
now, as the carpenter hopes to turn it
over to him by the latter part of next
week. It is among the finest and most
convenient residences in town some
thiuk it takes the lead and the crew
of carpenters have done a good job
throughout, while Jas. Carson, who
has bossed the work, has done himself
proud as a skillful mechanic, demon
stratiog fully that there is no need of
going out of town for anything in this
line, bo it ever so extensive or fancy,
The damage occasioned by the
Americanite and glycerine explosion
near Titusville early Saturday morn
ing is estimated by Mr. Barllett at
8700. According to the World an Oil
City gentleman who was at the Grand
Valley Hotel on Friday night said
that the explosion shook the hotel
building, and that all the inmates were
awakened. The proprietor went down
stairs under the supposition that there
tad been an explosion of gas in bis
kitchen. Grand Valley is fully ten
miles distant. Blizzard, Tionesta is
fifteen miles from the scene of the ex
plosion, and the shock was very plain
ly felt by many of our citizoos.
Last Saturday morning about
3:00 o'clock a number of our citizens
experienced what was supposed to be
an earthquake. The doors and win
dows rattlod as though struck by
sudden gust of wiud, while buildings
seemed to sway quite perceptibly. Of
course these sensations were noticed
only by those who were not too sound
ly asleep. The cause, it has since beeu
ascertained, was the explosion of
magazine located between Titusvill
and Shamburg, ia which was stored
about 400 pounds of Americanite, the
new explosive which is fast taking the
place of nitroglycerine. No ooo was
injured, and the explosion is believed
to have been caused by the building
catching fire.
Mr. S. J. Wulcott who is doing a
good deal of operating in the vicinity
of Little Hickory, informs us that he
bas just completed a well about three
fourths of a mile up that streum,
which he estimates will produce from
3 to 5 barrels. He bas located another
well a little farther south, but before
drilling it, will sink another well on
the Pownell farm. I. N. Patterson
eipected to start the drill in bis well
on the Parcus Copeland furra this
week. The Hardison well, opposite
Tionesta, is very near the spot where
they expect to find the sand, in the
neighborhood of 1400 feet, aud will
likely come in to-day some time. The
Randall & Kelly well on the Oaten
farm, Harmony township, went through
the regular sand yesterday, hut failed
to respond with the crude. We be
lieve it is the intention to drill it
About one o'clock on Friday morn- Yet mud is hub deep, the lumber
og last the citizens of our borough men of this place are doing a large
were aroused from their slumbers by business. It seems the bull-wheel
an alarm of fire, and were not long shaft has the most money in it, as
n locating the conflagration, which tome two car loads are shipped daily,
proved to be tho building recently George Stigcr, who has been home
purchased of Capt. Knox by Mrs. W. for some time, has returned.
T. Clark, situated just north of Dis- Tho West Hickory Lyceum met on
trict Attorney Clark s dwelling, on Thursday evening, and after two
Elm St. Mrs. Clark bad shortly be- hours' debate on "Which is the most
fore opened a millinery store there, useful to man, the cow or the horse,
nd at the time of the fire was living the Judges decided in favor of the
n the building, her sister, Miss Iveily, Cow.
being her only companion, her bus- Miss Lizzie Holmes, of Greenville,
band having been called away on who has been visiting her brother
usiness the day before. The ladies 'Gene for the last four months, re
were awakened by the smoke which turned on Saturday.
had become almost stifling in their Mr. Frank Burrows, one of Hick
room, and tho fire had gained such 0ry's young men, has rented and fur
headway that it was with difficulty Dished tbe Whitcomb house and has
they made their escape. When the gone for his bride
people arrived it was found impossible The Latin class postpones fur rain,
to save the building, the whole inside but the painting class goes, rain or
being enveloped in flame, and they ghioe
applied their energies toward the The currying shop started again on
saving of the District Attorney s house, Monday.
and did su only by the most persistent Nov. 25. Jir,
An Early Morning Blaze.
West Hickory.
effort, but not until the side next the
fire bad been pretty badly scorched
and blackened.
The burned building was of no great
value and its loss is a comparative
ight one, the heaviest loss being the
goods and housuhnuld effects of the
occupants, which is estimated to be
between $200 and 8300, with no in
surance, lbe origin ot me nre is not
exactly known, but is supposed to
East Hickory.
Mr. Frank Sutley of Bradford, was
the guest of bis mother Mrs. II. Sutley,
of this place.
Mrs. D. Stover who bas been sick is
Burt and Smith Sutley have return
ed from Washington Co.
No mud in Hickory, Oh, no 1
Mrs. Nellie Robinson who has been
L.n.n ..iioaiI Ktf a lamn which
., ... lju-ia Visiting at Enterprise for the past two
either exploded, or bad been left . 1 ..
burning where it came in contact with
the wood-work.
Tho fire extinguisher was promptly
on hand, and again got in its work in
fine style, it being the means of saving
Mr. Clark's residence What we need
is another machine just like it and
then our town will be pretty well pre
pared to fight fire. Tbe loss of time
n re charging the machine, although
perhaps not three minutes, is still suf
ficient to give the fire a fresh start,
and with two machines a steady stream
months, has returned home,
Prof. Wheeler's singing class is pro
gressiDg finely.
Sunday was such a disagroeableday
that not many of our people attended
Prof. Boyle of Irvineton, was tho
guest of Mr. Stoughton last week.
Mrs. Baldwin of West Hickory, has
moved into the Bloomfield house.
Hickory will soon have a new bar
ber shop,
T. J. Bowman, who was kicked by
j... I . t.. : - w.1- i 1 .
k. lli.Avn Ihernhv Iraamnrr InA I '
ui j .. I j ..; Shooting matches are all the rage
hla-y unnar nontrnl Ann nreventinp ltfl I o o
nrcad In adjacent huildincs. Tha
' I r:.. tt : t vr. i t.. :. . .
,.n w. row b.wA ha r.a d for itself ",rnruu 1"um"' "
five times over, in fact did so at the Eue8t of her iBter. M"' J- LuBher
c. c u-j :. Preaching next Sunday evening at
u ra l urn nn aiuu niter s t,a iiuiLiianu, i -
ti. . r .u. u u the F. M. Church
lug laAfJajrci u luv uuiuujju luuiu
gArd of principle and Indulgence in crim
inality, great and small."
According to a contemporary a minister
In a neighboring town closed a sermon
the other day with theae words I "We
would bo ploaaod, moreover, to nave the
young man who is now standing outside
the door to come in and make certain
whether she is here or not. That would
be a great deal hotter than opening the
door half an Inch and expoaiDg the people
in the row of souls to a draught."
The Frnnklin Se, an exeollont au
thority on tho subject gives thla method
of detecting good from bad money: "Tho
tost of the gonuino or counterfeit bill is
eanily made. Take a United States bill of
any denomination, hold it up to the light,
and you will see two linos running serosa
lengthwise. Upon examination you
will find these to consist of silk thread,
a red one and a blue one. Every genuine
bill liaa thla mark of gouuinenesa. With
out thoso marks a bill may be put down
as counterfeit, no matter bow good the
engraving on It. No paper mill will dare
to make that sort of paper, and that Is the
Government's only protection on ita cur
Undor an act which became a law on
the 9th of May, 1889. courta in the several
counties of this State may, upon tho petl
tion of not leas than 25 taxpayers, appoint
such a number of Deputy Constables as in
their Judgment the case may warrant.
The Constables may exercise all the pow
er of policemen In cities in the several
townships where thoy are appointed, and
the keepers of Jails and lockups aro re
quired to recclvo all persona arrested by
these officers. Whon on duty these offi
cers shall wear badges with the township's
name on them. Tho courts shall award
them auch compensation aa they may
deem fitting, and discharge them when
their sorvicoa are no longer necessary,
Soo Pamphlet Laws, page 150.
This is the way Burdotto wAshos the
office towel in the "Old Oaken Bucket :"
"When I think of the towol, tbe old fash
loned towel that used to bang up by the
printing house door, I think that nobody
In these days of shoddy can hammer out
iron to wear as it wore. The tramp who
abused it, the dovil who used it, tbe com p.
whs got at it when these two wore gone,
the makeup and foreman, the editor, poor
man, each rubbod some grim off while
they put a heap on. In, over and under,
'twas blacker than thunder, 'twas bordor
than poverty, roughor than sin ; from the
roller suspended, it never was bended and
it flappod on the wall like a banner of tin.
It grew tblckor and rougher, and harder
and tougher and dully put on a more ink
ier bue, until one wiudy morning, without
any warning, it fell to the floor and was
broken in two."
For Sale.
Blacksmith shop and property.
Shop 26x40 feet, 2 forges and 2 sets of
tools. House 16x2b, good cellar ana
good well of water. Barn 18x28, out
buildings, and pavements leading to
all. One acre of land, fruit trees and
grapevines. Situated in Clarmgtnn,
Barnett township, Forest Co., Pa.
Address John W. Snyder as above.
Downs' Elixir will cure any cough or
cold, no matter of bow long standing.
For salo by D. Barnett.
When Bt7 waa lick, w gave her Cattoria,
When ah waa a Child, aha erted for Cutoria,
When the became Mlat, aha dung to Caatorla,
Whin ah had Children, ah gT them Castotia,
W E I K A L FLEMING. At tho bride's
homo near Wost Hickory, Pa., on No
vember 20, 18S9, by Rev. J. V. Mc
Anlneh, Mr. Martin L. Woikal, of Chi
cago, III., and Miss Josephlno Fleming.
School Report.
Flour $i barrel choice - 5.00(0.25
Flour sack, - - 1.25(1.50
Corn Meal, 100 fts -1.0001.25
Chop feed, puro grain - Q1.00
Corn, Shollod - - - - - 70
Boans $ bushel 2.50Q3.OO
Ham, sugar cured - - 14
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - 12
Shoulders tt
Whiteflah, half-barrels ... 8.50
Lake horring half-barrels
Sugar - - 7I0
Syrup ...... 60(ai60
N. O. Molasses new ... 5075
Roast Rio Coffoe ... 25
Rio Coffee, ... . 25
Java Coffee .... S2
Tea - ... 2090
Butter 20022
Rice ..... 8
Eggs, fresn .... 20C
Salt best lake .... 1.25
Lard 10
Iron, common bar .... 2.60
Nails, lOd, keg 2.75
Potatoes ..... (Hi
Llmebbl. .... 1.00
Dried Apples sliced per lb 8 10
Dried Beef .... - 15
Dried Peaches por B - 10
Dried Peachos pared por - 15
not lay out tbeir money m a more
beneficial way at this time, as there is
no telling where the next blaze will
issue from, and no reasonable man
will object to the outlay.
Government Officers Make a Haul
in Forest County.
Last Sabbath morning Deputy Col
lector of Internal Reveuue, Charles
R. Galbraith of Franklin; Principal
Miss Lizzie Holmes of Meadville,
was the guest of her brother 'Eugene
Holmes of this place.
Charley Stuart was called to bis
home in Mercer county to attend bis
father's funeral.
Why can not wo have a side walk?
Nov. 25. Dennis.
Hepler Corners.
Matthew Deitz of Strobleton, had
Deputy A. B. Mason, of the U. a the misfortune of getting bis barn aud
East Hickory.
The First Quarterly Meeting for
this Conference year, on East Hickory
charge, will meet in East Hickory M.
E. Church on Saturday and Sabbath,
Dec. 7 and 8. P. E., M. Smith, will
be present and will preach Saturday
at 2.30 and 7:30 p. m.. also on Sab
bath morning at 10:30. Quarterly
Conference Saturday at 3:30 p. m.
C. R. Thompson, Pastor.
List of Letters
Remaining in Tionesta, Pa., post ofllce,
Nov. 26, 1889 :
Doc. W. II. Hacker (2), Miss Dora
Fitzgerald (2), Jas. E. Carson, Mrs.
William Huddleson, Miss Lizzie Mur
phy, B. V. Riddle, C. I. Stewart,
Henry Thomas, A. D. Jones.
When calling fur above please say
"advertised." D. S. Knox, P. M.
Reduced Prices.
Best Flour (1.50 to $140 per sack,
12 mo cloth Books 50 to,35c.
12 mo paper Books 25 to 15c.
Best Rubber Boots made $3 to $2 50.
2t. Wm. Smeakbavciu & Co.
Commissioner of Revenue Office, and
S. F. Hooton, Special Agent of same
office, arrived in town, having been
up in Jenks township, ostensibly on a
deer hunting expedition, but really on
the hunt of a suspected moonshine dis
tillery. Arriving at Byromtown on
Friday last, they stopped all night at
all its contents burned one day last
week; it is believed that some mis
creant kindled the flames.
Solomon Sigworth of Lickingville,
is confined to bis'bed with heart dis
ease. We wish him a speedy conva
lescence. Mr. J. Dechant of Strobleton, who
the hotel of Charles Murphy, and stopping at bis borne lor a tew
whnra thev put several valuable naint. days, has returned to Kellcttville
ere on where the best bunting was, as again
well as some other uointers more in Protracted meetings are still in pro
line with tha nature and nurnose of gressiou, conducted by Kev. Larl
their visit. After gelling what evi- Zinnsmeister, of Fryburg
dence that was lying around loose J. tt. btitzinger of this proximity,
the informed Mr. Afurnhv. net WSS the guest Ot Mr. Y m. L,llly UOt
morning, of the real nature of their 0D8 since
errand, and at the same time nlaced Nov. 10. ABYSS
1. ; . j. r . ...11 1: .
iiiiu uuuci mini ivi ociiiiik tiuuua I , . , , . ,
. . ,.. Novel and Useful.
wunoui a revenue license, iney une
wise placed his sou, Jerry, under ar- Rotall g.-ocere, and other retail deal eis
rpat and atartnd for home nn lha noon aomg a credit business are adopting a
: ..:: . xr..::u pi. .. plan that Is at once uovel and decidedly
train. Arriving at M&rienville, Luur- . . .. , .
" . . uselul. They issue to their customers.
us Heui uu luruumu iu tuargo Coupon Booka, (patented), similar to
of Officer llenratty, while the balance Mileage Books for Railways, but instead
of the Darlv. with Jerry, came over- of the coupona being one milo, they aro
land for the purpose of securing an
illicit still, which was supposed to be
located in the woods somewhere on the
headwaters of Bear Creek, and to
which their prisouer was to pilot them.
This he did, and the whole "kiltie of
fUh" was found, confiscated and
brought to this place, and was shipped
to Collector Warmcastle at Pittsburgh,
where it will be used as evidence
against the accused.
The Derrick this morning says in
relation to the case: "At Frauklin
yesteiday, United States Commissioner
Chadwick held Jerry Murphy in $500
bail for his appearance in tbe United
Slates District Court at Erie, to an
swer to the charge of operating an
illicit still in Forest couuty. Deputy
Collector Galbraith testified that when
arrested Murphy conducted bis captors
to the still. There was not even a
smell of liquor about it, and Murphy
said he never operated it. Deputy
Mar&hsl llenratty testified that Mur
phy told him he had bought tbe still
last Spriug. Young Murphy's father
will have a hearing to-day for selling
liquor without a Uuited Slates license."
A single trial of I)r. Ileury Baxter's
Mandrake Bitters will convince any one
troubled with ootitlveuess, torpid liver or
any kindrod dueasos, of thoir curative
properties. They only coat 2j cents por
buttle. I- 01 Kale by V. Baruclt.
for one ceut each ; the vuluo of tbe booka
vorying from two to tweuty dollars.
Tiieso coupons are good for thoir face value
in groceries or other merchandise at tho
storo of the linn issuing them. When
the books uro issued, the dialer charges
his customer with the value of the book.
When pay-day comes tho customer pays
this amount, and meantime uses the cou
pons for the purchase of supplies, same as
payiug cash, thus avoiding all disputed
accounts and saving valuable time to both
the dealer and his customer. Every retail
dealer doing a credit business should
adopt this plan, and should write the pub
lishers for information, aud if every cus
tomer would Insist upon his dealer using
them, there would be much loss occasion
for the disputing of accounts. Manufac
tured by The Historical Publishing Co.,
of Dayton, Ohio, to whom all inquiries for
apecimons and particulars should be aunt.
Seven oil drillers from tho vicinity of
Edenburg, Clarion couuty, are to go tu
India for an English corporation to bore
for oil or whuUtvcr they can strike. There
are springs In India that have produced
oil for thousands of years,
Take a look at the cake ! That's tho new
idea at some weddings. It is devoured by
tbe eyes only lu its whole stuto. It has
beeu suggcutcd that the cuke is hired for
the occasion, aud some people bavo said
that tho while frosting bides stull'od cotton.
Joe Howard, tho Now York iYes phil
osophical puragrupher, deliberately de
clares: "All history shows that, aa 11a
tious grow iu power they grow in wealth,
and as they grow in wealth thoy lapse
into babils of luxury, effeminacy, difiic-
Report of Tionesta schools for tho month
ending Nov. 25, 18S9:
Advanced Department. Number on-
rolled, males U, fomales 2(1. Average at
tendance, males 13, females 24. Per cent
of attendance, males 08, females 03. Tho
following pupils were present every doy
Harry Davis, John Clark, Clifford Craig,
Alphus Dunkle, Ross Howe, David Bluin,
Edith SI iter, Alico Brcnnan, Blanche
Hunter, May Hilling, Tillie Morrow,
Mary Rnmbergor, Bruce Clark, Geo. Rob
insou, Wm. Hunter, Henry Maze, James
Morrow, Mary Brace, Maria Landors,
Gussle Campboll, Rosa Hunter, Susio
Iluling, Inez Brownoll.
F. W. Wark, Teacher.
Iutormediute Department. Numbor iu
attendance, 42. Avornge attendance, 39.
Names of pupils preseut every day:
Lowis Arner, John and Otto Muenzenber
ger, Sammy Fitzgerald, KiUllio Dunklo,
Gib. and Don. Davis, Harold Herman,
Fred. Davis, Emma Stoen, Emma Law
rence, Jannot and Minnie Canfleld, Maine
Fitzgerald, Minnie Watson, May Joyce,
ZotaSetloy, Maud Campboll, Lillio Brad
bury, Edith Davis, Ruth and May Clark,
flattio Hood, Clara Nollis.
Jennie Scott, Teacher.
Primary Department. No. of pupils
enrolled, 64. Average, C8. Per cent. 03.
Pupils presont overy day : Merlin Maze,
Bennie Hunter, Leslio and Ralph Braco,
Frank Hood, George Shocmakor, Harry
McKeo, Kolibio Fulton, Linus 8 h river,
Harry aud George Davis, lieorgo Carson,
Freddio Guth, Lester Uolcman, Archio
Holeman, Albert Bradbury, Nelson Fore
man, Joseph Joyce, Carl Wcnk, Adolph
Blum, Paul Clark, Jessie- Guth, Maggie
Evans, Blanch Arncr, Bertha McKce,
Mattio Muonzonbcrger, Carrie Steen, Klsie
Kelly, Vernlo Watson, Marie Smcarbaugh,
Ida Fones, Iva Holeman, Klla Brownoll,
Cora Watson, Kittie Bradbury, Maud
Bullor, Mary Hassy, Maggie Hassy, Bos-
slo ICcnistoii, Grace Knapp.
Aunes Kkiir, Teacher.
woMiEiirn. ct'iti-M.
W. D. Hovt Co.. Wholesule and Retail
Druggists of Koine, (ia.. sav: Wo have
iecn selling Dr. King's T.'ew Discovery.
Klectrio Bitters aud llucklen's Arnica
Salvo lor two years, llavo never handled
remedies mat sell as well, or give audi
universal satisfaction. There have been
somo wonderful cures effected by these
medicines In this cltv. Several cases of
pronounced Consumption bavo been en
tirely cured by use of a tew bottles of Dr.
King's Now Discovery, taken in connec
tion with Kleetric Hitters. Wo guarantee
them always. Sold by Hcrmau A Siggins.
Whkbras, The Hon.W . D. Brown,
President Judge of tbe Court of Common
Pleas and Quortor Sessions in and for
the couuty of Forest, baa issued bis pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Sesssiona of the Peace, Or
phans' Court, Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for
the County of Forest, to commence on the
Third Monday of Dec, Doing me tuin aay
of Dec, 1SMD. Notice is therefoie given to
tho Coroner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there lu thoir proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., of said day with their
records, inouisitions. examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their otnee appertain to bo done,
aud to those who are bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
thev may bo thon and there to prosecute
against thorn as bhall be just. Given un
der inv hnnd and seul this 18th day of
November, A. D. ISS'.I.
UKO. W. SAWYER, us. Sheriff.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps nnd Itlem
ixhiw from liorM-s. Hlood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Sweeney, King-Bone, Stifles,
Strains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs Etc.,
Save foO bv use of one Ixittlo. Warranted.
Sold by Jierinau dc Siggins, Druugists,
Tionesta. uov-H ly.
The best Salve in the world fir Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Malt Itheiim, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skill Eruptions, and ixisi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 2. cenU per
box. For sale by It. W. Bovard.
Mr. N. H. Froliehstoin, of Mobile. Ala.,
writes: I take greut pleasure in recom
mending Dr. King's New Discovery lor
l ousuiiipiion, Having used it lor a severe
attack ot Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave
me instant relief and entirely cured mo
aud 1 have not beeu alllu ted since. I also
bi g to slate that I had tried other reme
dies with no good result. Have ul used
Electric Hitters and Dr. King's New Life
i ills, both ol which I can recommend.
Dr. King s New Discovery for Coiisump
lion, 1 ough uik! 1 mils, is soli! ou a posi
tive guarantee. Trial bottles freo ut Her
man iV Siggins' Drug Store,
Do not suppose that because it is rec
omiuciidcd lot animals that Arnica A Oil
Liniment is an offensive preparation. It
w ill not slain clothing or the lairc-st skin
For ialo by D. Burnett.
List of causes set down for trial in tho
Court of Common Pious of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the Third
Monday of December, 1H89:
2. S. "Ko-ster vs. James C. Welsh, No. 30,
May Term, 1SSH. Summons In assumpsit.
3. James C. Welsh vs. C. W. Hawks,
No. 15, September Term, iKSrt. Replevin.
4. J. C. Welsh, John A. Proper, L. Ag
new and A. J. Wallace, doing business oh
Proper Reserve Oil Company vs. C. W.
Hawks, No. 24, September Term, 18.
A. J. C. Welsh and E. B. Grand in vs.
C. W. Hawks, No. 2T, September Term,
18K8. Replevin.
6. V. F. Whiltekin vs. Levi S. Clough.
No. 8, May Term, 1889. Appeal from J. P.
7. Howard Weber vs. A. J. Siegwortb,
No. 1, May Term, 1880. Summons in
8. R. A. Dunbar et al, doing business
as The Diiubur Lumber Co., Limited vs.
W. 11. Frost, No. 30, May Term, 1880.
Appeal from J. P.
0. P. 11. Crlder und Crlder, doing
business as P. B. CridorA Sou vs. James
Hiiggerty, No. 18, September Term, 1888.
Sukiuiona in trespass.
10. Howard Weber v. J. K. Whitmore,
No. 2, May Term, 1880. Summons ia
11. F. F. Whittcklu vs. William Law
route ami William Smcarbuugh, doing
business us 1-awrence iV. Smearbaugh, No.
3, September Term, 1880. Appeal from J.
li Andrew McCoy vs. Stow Sotley and
Wni. Gorman, No. ,1, February Term,
1889. Miinmoim in ccctuicnt.
Tionosta, Pa., November 8, 1880.
Confirmation Notico.
Notice Is hereby givon that the final ac
count of J. II. Dingman, Guardian u
Maud, Mabel, and Helen Adams, minor
heirs of II. A. Adams, lute of Forest
county, deceased, has been tiled iu my
olllcc, aud will be presented at December
term of court, next, Tor conDrmaiion.
C. M. A UN Kit,
Clerk Orphans' Court of Forest County.
Tionosta, Pa., Nov. 25. 1S80.
It Una uliiuNi nd mi. x(iuir ortenunr an1
mtH-liAntcavL pjiiwr pub) talus! and hu tho larnit
circulation of any iapr of tt cla in tho world.
Kuily UluMrulfd. Ht-at claw of Wood, Knatritv.
In s. I'ut'lwhud Weekly. Hsitid fur i-vunoa
r. 11T. Wife) 3 a yvHC r'nr month' trial, 1.
ML NN 4 l O., it'ULiHHitut, Jul UruaJwajr, M.V.
Edition of ScientiHo American. W
A irrt uecw. Kach Itaue contain eolnrxt
Ittiintfritt'luc plavtMof country and city rwiam.
ott ur bublle buihliuti. Numerals iiirYiiif
and full Dlant and uK'tflt'alun for lh usvss ot
cn a coiiittuiiuaie uuiiuiiiw. ito-m
h u. a out?.
U40 yfar1 rxprlenc and hi
111) (111 aMltlllt'Atlliill for Amu
y ba car-
oy ai-ply-
Itttf to MI'S
t'o., who
ATM LUUUss ovur
rican ajj'i for
i uu tents. Henri for Hamlin). luiim
puudvuctt strictly couDdenilaJ.
In en vuur mark u nut rwlileretl n n I1
tm onic. i..l to MI SS 1 I.;.. au.l iimiiiii
lluiuiMialt, piuLeclluu. bud fur liauilbult.
(OFYIIHillT (' b-x-K. cbaru, map.
lc, quuaiy urucureil. Aduriu
ML NN A; CO., faivni Mullcllars.
Ucxaaai. owes: 3ul Uiwaimtr, N. T
JOll WU11K of every description execu
ted al the RKPUliLK'AN oUicn.