THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. Ji (. WINK, Editor a PaopaitTo. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, Jeff Davis ia lying at the point of death, ia New Orleans. There is cooaiderable anxiety io Ohio just at present to leara the mar ket value of odo State Seoatorship. llliztard. TtlK official figures from all the counties of the Slate have now been received at the State Department, and Mr. Boycr'i majority is shown to bo 00,926. Lewis C. Capsidy, Attorney Gen era under Governor Puttison, and one of the most prominent Democrats in the State, died on Monday morning of this week. The official vote of Pennsylvania at the recent election for State Treasurer is as follows: Borer, Kep., 341,244; Bigler, Dem., 280,318; Johnston, Pro., 22,401. The majority for Lampson, the Re publican candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, is only 41. It is not as high as a church nor as wide as a barn door, but is enough to convince all good Republicans that their flag is still there or thereabouts. Washington continues her feeble effort to capture the World's Fair, but the prospects for its success are gloomy and discouraging. Foreign exhibitors would never place their exhibits in open competition with the American Congress in the show business. Governor Beaver has appointed Hon. Wra. Livsey to the vacancy caused by the death of State Treasure mart, ibis makes the third time that Mr. Livsey has been State Treas urer, having been regular elected in 1883, and twice appointed to fill vacancies. came to Rio Jauiero with his family last night to embark for Lisbon. Bus iness io Rio was suspended only twenty-four hours and the Empire was destroyed and a Republic born almost before the general public was aware that anything unusual was going on. The provisional government has an nounced that all obligations incurred by tbe Empire at home and abroad will be faithfully follilled by the Republic." WASHINGTON LETTER. The English correspondent ef tbe New York Tribune eays: "You will be pained to.hear that Mr. Harrison falls below the mental and moral standards which the Republio sets for Its Chief Magistrate, but you will be amused to hear why. One reason of course is because be is a Protectionist; tbe other is because be wants to subsi dize lines of steamers to South Amer ican ports, and thus to secure South American trade. Tbe speech in which Mr. Harrison announced this purpose conclusively settled Lis mental status, ays this British critic What it set tled was that neither be nor bis Cabi net could be UBed to depress American industries for the benefit of the Brit- isa. mat is me unpardonable sin, and on whoever commits it the British bulldog is let loo " Brazil Goes Republican. Brazil is no longer an Empire. A strong insurrection has suddenly broken out there and to-day that country is a Republic. The army and navy is with tbe insurrectionists, and Las captured the palace and driven Emperor Dora Pedro from the country. This action baa astonished the world, as it has always been considered that Brazil was the last country that would turn tbe cold shoulder on her monarch, who has always been noted for bis great liberality as a ruler. A provis iooal government has been set up and all preparations made to carry on tbe affairs under a Republican form of government Meantime, business has been temporarily paralyzed by tbe overthrow of the Empire. What the Coal outcome will be is yet uncertain, the news from that land beiug yet very meagre. A correspondent of tbe New Yoik Timet in Rio de Janeiro has cabled that paper as follows: "The United States of Brazil, con stituting a federated republio of the different provinces of the Empire over which Dom Pedro Lad ruled so locg, is an established government. The new republic is to day acknowledged by every province except Bahia, in tbe North. Dora Pedro is on his way to Portugal, having accepted the situ ation with no attempt at forcible re sistance ; the flag of the new republio has been adopted and Brazil is as peaceful to day as though no thought of revolution had ever aroused the feelings of ber people. The overthrow of the Empire has been accomplished without the sacrifice of a single life and the new provisional Government is proceeding with its work as melh odically ami peacefully as though it bad been in existence for years instead of hours. Dom Pedro submitted to the terms imposed by tbe new Govern ment and agreed to leave tbe country within twenty-four hours after he re ceived the notice at bis summer palace at Petropolis. lie was offered f 2,500, ' 000 io cash and provision for the rest cf his life, in the form of an annual pension of 1150,000, which is to be provided for iu the civil list of the new republic. He accepted tbe offer and From our regular Correspondent.) Washington, Nov. 15, 1880. Secretary Blaiue's response to the toast of "Our Country and Her Presi dent" at tbe bauquet which followed the dedication of the Catholic Uni versity in this city Wednesday, was one of the happiest efforts of his life. This is high praise, I know, for the Secretary seems to be possessed to a greater extent tbnn any other living man, of the peculiar and fortunuto faculty of always saying the right thing at the right time, and in just the right way, but it is deserved. Only two men of the present generation be sides Mr. Blaine could have done equal justice io tbe same number of words to the toast. Oue of them Henry Ward Beecher is dead, and the other Robert G. Ingersoll would hardly be likely to attend the dedica tion ceremonies of any institution controlled by a church, Catholic or Protestant. The President, the Vice President and all of the members of the Cabinet attended the banquet and were interested listeners to tbe remarks of Mr. Blaine. The Jefferson Club, a small Demo cratic organization which was started during the early days of the Cleveland administration, has given up the cbost. It could not exist without Government pap. The All Americas Congress is back in Wosbineton, having huisbed Us forty days excursion. It is probable that the members will rest until Moo- day when regular sittings will begin. Among the subjects to be discussed will be Customs regulations and Cus toms Union; Extiaditioo; Sanitation of Ships and Quarantine; Light House dues; Weights and Measures; Patent Rights ; Copyright, and Trade and Transportation between the Uuited States and Spanish America. Reports on each of these topics have been pre pared, each written by an expert in the line treated of, from the best data obtainable. The President will take no chances in regard to his first annual message to Congress, which is now practically complete. Tbe message will not be printed and sent out to the press pre vious to its being read ia Seuate and House, as has been done in the past. It will be sent to Congress iu writing, but there will be several type-writer copies mcdo for the press associations, which will be delivered to them at the moment the message is begun to be read in tbe House and under no cir cumstanoes before. Several times during the recent past over euterpris ing newspapers ia Washington and elsewhere have had extras on the street containing the President's message be fore tbe reading of tbe message to Congress bad been begun. Hecce these precautions. There is nothing new in the Speak ersbip contest, in tact up to tbis time there is nothing in sight to indicate that there is a contest. It looks very much as if a majority of the members regard tbe matter as already settled and are not Lurrying to Washington. Tbe officials of the House posloffice say there are fewer members of tbe House in the city than tbey ever knew at the same date. Tbe attempt to make a combination against Mr. Reed who is leading all the rest of tbe can didates, has apparently been abandon ed. Representative McKiuley passed through here this week on his wav to New York on business. -He says he has asked no member to voto for bim, and that be does not expect to auk any one to do so and that upon bis return here he will occupy his usual quarters, but will have no "headquar ters," in tbe sense that the word is generally understood here in Wash ington. A new caudidute for the clerkship of the House has eutered the field in the person of ex-Representative Guen ther, of Wisconsin. Upward & Onward! GOODS COUISTT, A.ISTD Low Prices nro what the People look for, Hence our motto is, "Attention, Quick Sales and Small Profits." DAVID MINTZ'S New People's Store MARIENVILLE, PA. Mintz's Troubles! WESTERN NEW YORK A I'KNS. 8YLVANI A It Al LIU.' A II, formerly II., N. Y. P. K. It. Tlmo Table taking effect May I2tli, 1&80. Eastern Tiine--rtli Meridian. City Zoom tzr & tfteir I0ftYr?&$ Dry Goods, Dress Goods. The host American Tndleo Prints at 6 centH, formerly sold for 8e. A very good Uingham lor o cents only. Complete stock of Domestic Uimchams at flj cents. t nil line of Cheviot at 8 eta. Unbleached Muslin at 6 cents, cheap at 8 pent. A line lino of Sicilians and Flannolets at 12 rents. Fine stock of Dress Flannels to secloet from at 3'JJ cent. The. very best Henrietta Cloth. Black Silk Varp, warranted, nt onlv fl.OO. Turkey Red Table Linen at 25 cts., sold elaewuoro for -to cts. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. In the Line of Clothing we are nt the Front. Men's Suits from f3.50 lo $20.00, from 15 to 25 per rent, under other dealers. A complete line of Overcoats, for Men, Boys ami Youths, at prices that will meet you approbation. FOR TIM: LA DIRS A CHILDREN, wo carry a line assortment of Milk Plush anil other Wraps. The bot for the lowest prices. Also, aline line of Illinois' and Children's Underwear. Boots, Shoes & Rubber Goods, sizes of in- This isn't the name of a play, but means that Mints Is actually In trouble. He got so enthusiastic In his Rastorn purchases, that ho bought more goods than his sloro will hold, hence his anxiety to innko a little breathing room, lto Is "limn" In the fol lowing linos, whoso prices ought to cause a rapid depletion In tho stock. CLOTHING I CLOTHING ! Our Men's Suits from $3.09 up to $20.00. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! In Overcoats wo have no equal, and sold at Rock-Bottom prices. UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS, &C. Indies' Merino Vests, extra fine, at .15 cts.. worth 75c. Same price In Men's, and proportionately good values in Children's. Ladies' scarlet vesta at SK cents, easily worm si.wj. DRESS GOODS! All wool, double fold Dross Flannel and Trleots, In all colors, at 4.1 cents per yard. would bo a bonanza at im cents. Higher Grades. Newmarkets, Wraps, Heal Plush Sacqucs, at Rock Bottom Prices. Trains will leavo Tlonnsta for Oil nd points West as follows: No. US Through. Freight (carry- Ing passengers). i': lo a. in. No. SI RulVtilo Bxprimi 12:;i:t noon. No. til Way Freight (carrying Passenger!. f:oo p. in. No. 113 Oil Clly Lx less H:05 p. in. For Hlckorv.Tiilloutn. Wnnon. Klimin. Bradford, Olcnn and tint I'ti'it I No. .10 Olean Express 8:4(1 a. in. No. 2 Pittsburgh Kxiiress It: III p. in. No. 1H1 Throiiuh Freight (cur rying passengers 7:13 . in. Trains Oil and IH1 Hun Dally and carry passengers Io unil Iroui points hMwecii Oil City nni! I rv melon onlv. Other (Mills run dallv except Nnndav. (let Time I nhles nml Mill Information from J. I CRAKI, Ar.-ent Tlniicsiii, Pa. . GEO. S. HATCH KLL, (icn'l sunt. J. A. FELLOWS, (len'l Passenger t Ticket Agent, Bnll'alo, N. Y. For everybody and to suit all pocket nooks. Rot Men's Rubber Hoots at fiflO, eluding slippers. Indies' Rubbers at Ilo cts. Misses' Rubbers nt ;t0 ct. Children's Rubbers at 25 ets. Kcinembcr these nip Huston Goods, and are mo uisr. A COMPLKTE DKPARTMF.NT FOR LUMBERMEN. Those who wish Underwear and Over wear wbl llnd a splendid line at very low prices. JEWELRY. Complete atock Silverware, Gold Silver Watches, Rings, Chains, BOOTS AND SHOES ! And so It is in all and Ac. and marked down very low. Full Hue of Carpet, Oil Cloth, Mat and It tigs. High- I - m a. mrm mm a m j 1 esi jinrHei i rire iiniu ior iiiues, miceit jl'ciim, iseestwax and CSliiscng. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Furn ishing Goods ever shown in the County. Also a tull line 01 Trunks, valises, Blankets, itooes ana vjomxorts. ijive us a can, one and nil. In Boots and Shoes we have no erpinl, and can't be undersold our departments, (.live ns a call and convince yourself. nighcst market price paid for Hides, Furs, Pelts and Uinsong. J. M. MINTZ'S CIT PRICE STORE, few keXjET? blocz:, TIONESTA, PENN'A. . We WILL March at Tin iii:ai or Tin: St. O CS S3 5 X Q- Sff I And give tnoro valuo for ?1.00 than can bo got el.owhcro ! Wo nro jSTEW GOODS! Just oponing our Fall purchases of Fall and Wlntor Hoods, and marking them at prices that KNOCK THE IMJTTOM OUT OF "HOCK BOTTOM!1 David Mintz, iiw mm CL0TIIING, OVERCOATS, CLOTHING, Our Clotliinir Room has never been so CHOCK FUIX of Ilariralns as Ibis Full. Suits rancinu in price from $1.00 to f'20.00. A barunln in every suit I Our stock Is tho Largest, Assoitmeni (lie uesi, ana i-rices me Lwoai oi Ai i in roresi traiiuj. OVERCOATS; CARTER'S ONE CENT Will buy a postal card, on which send your address and gut a sample copy of the WEEKLY CHRONICLE TELECRAPH, PITTSUUKOII, PA. Mrs. Frances Hodgson ilurnttt ediUthe Youth's Department. Serial Htonen by the best writers, com plote Market Keporta, interesting Scwi and Heading Mutter for every member of the fumily, both old and young. Only ouo dollar a year, or live copies for four dollars, CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci disut to a bilious state of the synteu, such as Diuinens, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after eating, I'sin io the Slile. &o. While their most remarkable success has been shown In curing SICE& Headache, ynt Cakteb's LrrrtM Liycr Tivm are equally Taliiahle in Constipation, curing and preventing Una anno j ing complaint, while they also correct alt disorders of the stomach, fttimulate the liver and regulate the bowel. tTn If they only cured MEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not esd here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so msnr ways that they will not be willing to da without tbem. But alter all sick bead ACHE is tbe hane of so many Uvea that here is where we inakt our great boost. Our pills cure it while others do not. Cahtbb s Littlb Litem Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vefretahle and do not gripe or purge, but by their gnt) action J 'lease all who use them. In vials at Ji& cents; Ive for f 1 . Bold everywhere, or sent by moil. CASTia KXClCOn CO., Vr Tort kJIM SaalH MRta. SCOTT'S I EMULSION CORES CONSUMTTlOit E0E0FULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS GOLDS Wasting Diaeasei Wonderful Flesh Producer Many Lave gained oue pound per day by ita use. Scott's Emulsion ia not a se cret remedy. It contains the Btimulating properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the po tency of both being largely increased. It ia used by Phy sicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & B0WHE, Chemista, H. T. JOB WOHK of every ilerrlitiiu execu ted at the HKPUliUCA.N oUite, PATENTS. Cbveata, and Traile-Marka obtain!, and all PaUiut buaiutwa ooiulux-led for Modor- ttto Foes. Our otllce la oppoaite IT. H. Patent Ollice and we ran himmiiu pHtcnt in li'ai lime than tliiM remote trum Washington. Kund iiiojel, drawiiitf or photo.,' wjtl dirription. Wo advine if pattmtaUe nr not, 1 1 of charge. Our lee not due till patent is umpired. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patenla," with nuinea oi aetual elienU in yuir(SUU) county, or town, Bunt tree. Address, C. A. KNOW A t:o.. Cpji. Patent Ottice, Wa-'hiuatou, P, C, NOW FOR THE ALL k WINTER THAI Whnro to buy rchmIh to fit the seaaon la the tjuestion now, and the answer conies, at FAMOUS L0WPEICE STORE Where New Moods are rnnatantly arriv ing, ills place la Headquar ters for DRY GOODS! USTOTIOILTS, LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING G-OOXJS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, iOOTS AND SHOliS, 1IOSIKKY, FIjANNKIS, JEWELRY, HLASSW ARK, iiUKENSWAUE, Ac, Ac, A COMPLKTE LINK OF GROCERIES & PROVISIONS will always ho found at my atore, and ul- w ay ine ueai ana iresliest tho markets atford. Call and cx.iiiiino niv Stock ami Prices. and lie convinced that I will aoll you Roods as iow us i no lowest. i:ountrv I'rocluce, Kajrs and .limit taken in exchange, and mo ijiiit?b riuei aiioweu. "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PRO FITS," la my motto. 1AVII BARKKTT, opp. Lawrence Houso, TIONESTA, PA. Wo KNOW we arc Headquarters for Overcoats! We will sell a good Clilnehill Overcoat for $3.50. We will sell a (food. Plain Overcoat for SI.OO. We will aell mi llru.luR at urien to eorrfuimiiiil. a nave an r.xcel lenl I. ine oi uvcrmsts ranirinu i price from $3.00 to $20.00. lu Boys' and Youths' Overcoats wo can tit and plvasu uny boy from Tour years up. f-IKN"r BUY OVERCOATS TILL YOU GO THROUGH OUR STOCK 1 DRESS GOODS! DRESS FLANNELS Tt. ia-niilil Ltlia a wliotn nnwannner to do liiHtlce In advertiaintt our stock of lrOM i;.U kUiiiipIh and Iomostiii UimmIs. We will simply say Unit we havelhe S 1 LI I ami the ASSORTMENT. The quality oi the gooda and tho low prices we have on them WILL MAKE Til KM HO. U'n Iuva 1 lullvr Assortment than ivnr ill 1IIA( K (KHIKSl I.AniFS- NKWMAHKKS1 LADIES' JACKK'I'S! MISSES' anil CHILDREN'S WRAPS ! In Ladies', M issea' and Children's Wraps we are Right to tho t rout. V o also have a tine assortment of SIE-AJEj DPLTTSU S-A.CQTJ" JUS I JLiT DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT BEFORE YOU nUYl S.H. 1 GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in U1 TJ IR 1ST ITU Jr2 Tl. Also,- UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PA. of the firm nrMOIU'K BRO'S, OPTICIANS, Spet'iullst in Errorn of Rotraetinn of tho Eye. Examinations free of eharrfo. WARREN, PES NT. What'a Comfort! r....t t'oCvk Achat Ik Dirt! LASTS looks Ly.:a:TER, tni nsk.i tj. Sh-w. w-zah better. Doa' 1 1.1 U omt r. 1. v. J.I the but tbirft, but im WolffsAOiiiBlacking Onck A wstiK ran m' n. ONCK A MONTH f Ok VNCKEN. ! find lis lip lop Horsus DrttsiDC. WOLFF ft RAN DOLPZI.PluUd.hia Boots and Shoes. Rubber Goods. Rubber Boots. Wool Dress Shirts. Hats and Caps. We haven't apace to enumerate prices, only to say that WE WILL NOT BE UN ERSOLD. Call In and we will convince you Unit what wo say is TltU E j All Grades Underwear. Gent's Furnishing Goods. Gloves and Mittens. Fine Assortment of Neckwear. GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. Our Grocery Department Is alwavs up to the Standard. Everything sold at tin Lowest Possible Prico. We take pleasure In showing goods. Come and ace us. IT. J. HOPKINS & CO. HERMAN & SIGGINS! DRUGGISTS ic GROCERS, TIONESTA, PENN. MASON & HAMLIN Organ and Piano Co. BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. IN OUR GROCERY' DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND THE FMESHESr G&QCEBIES. BERRIES, FRUITS & VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always be found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. NEW f CoHtainsativooctave.Nlne I Slop Action, furnished in a MODEL lariie and niintlsomo case of solid lilack walnut. Price $itt ORGAN, i-shIi ; sold on the Easy Hire Syktein at $1'J.37 per STYLE quarter, for ten quarters, when ori:an becomes pioper- I ty oi person Hiring. f The Mason Sc Hamlin MASCN "Stringer," invented and pat ented by Mason ,V Iliiiiihn in a Is umhI in the Mason A Hamlin pianos exclusively, HAMLIN Remarkable rcliucmeiit of tone and phenomenal canaci PIANOS. tv to stand iu tune character I ize these instruinents. POPULAR STYLES ORGANS AT f2, $32.50, $i0, 78, D0, AND UP. Organs and Pianos sold for Cash, Easy Payments, and Rented. Catalogues free. WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., -DEALERS IN- Kor Dropsy, (iiuvel, llriht's and Iiiver Diseases. Cure tJ'iuriintued. Ollice, U31 Arch street, Philadelphia. All druggists Try it, f 1 a bottle, t-ii tvi o. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CUPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS- WARE. STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. :00UH!TBY EODIfOl MB OAS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. RAYMOND'S PECTORAL PLASTER Tho wonderful Cnuith cure. A positive rnre for Whooping ( oiiyh and all Throat, ClieHt and Ijmg Troubles, and all Coughs. is also the best known Remedy for ioraj pains, suc h as Lumbago, IScIntir-a, ete. Sold by all druggists. aug7-ly. A FBFIL EXAMPLE Is here furnished of the consequonce of ueglecting to take wise wifely ad vice. This man thought ue knew it all and Turned Up His Noso At our low priced Furniture because they were low. He paid two prices for an inferior article which led his wife to Turn Down His Noso For future reference. She cava him tho shake in a mild form and threatened divorce for the next offence. tSlio'a all right. To fail to trade with Nelson lireculuiid is A JUST CAUSE OF DIVORCE If the courts would only think so. Keep on ladies. Educate your husband t know a bargain when lie seos it. Train them in tho way they should go (for Furniture.) And remember that . way is to N. CREENLUND'S. Undertaker A Enibalmer, 331 Exchange Block, WARREN, PA. SEND LIC vour Job Work to the KIlJ'U tl. ICANOrUce. V