THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. . t. WINK, . tDITO 4 PaoSHIt WEDNESDAY, OCTOREU 10, 1889. ItEPIJIlLICAlV TICKKT. KTATK. . Kor Treasurer, HENRY K. BOYKH, Philadelphia. t'Ol'NTV. Kor Amm-tate Judge, Jon ii. youth, Burnett Townships, For Tronsitrpr, A. M. DOUTT, TTonesta Borongfr. For Surveyor, i. V. PROPER, Tionesta Borough. For Coroner, Dr. A. E. 8TONECIPHER, Jenks Township. CutcAoo'a fuDd for tho World's Fair amounts to mora than 16,000,000. That is a tolerably long pole. It may reach the persimmons yet. This is an off year in Pennsylvania politics, and for that reason the Re publican majority in the State may sot exceed 40,000. It will be a shame upon the party, however, if it is al lowed to fall below that figure. All of which means, fellow Republicans, that you should brace up. Stephen A.IDouqlass, Jr., thus sarcastically sums op his reasons for being a Republican : "I am a Repub lican because the Republican party is always for something, while the Dem ocracy is for nothing until it sees what the Republicans are for and then the Democrats are agaiost it." The Democratic hope that Senator Sherman would sulk and remain si lent during the Ohio campaign has been rudely dispelled and cruelly dis appointed. The Senator's Orrville speech is full of his old energy and aggressiveness, and is a call to party action that will be beard and heeded in every election district in Ohio. Nothing now remains for the Free Traders but to indict the Government of the United States fur conspiracy in bringing the delegates to the Interna tional Congress to this country and converting them to the Protective idea by making them see with their own eyes what the tariff policy will do to promote the industrial independence of a nation. In formulating the in dictment the Free Traders should not fail to include the great manufacturers of the land as accessories after the fact. Republicans throughout the county should begin to close up the ranks fur the final assault i '.Le 5th of Novem ber, which is not a ,;reat ways off. There should be no opportunity lost to make a vote for the ticket wherever it can be honestly accomplished. This is what is called an "off year" in poli tics, but that is no reason why every Republican should not make it a point to secure every vote possible for the ticket, and help swell the majority. There must be no lagging from this oa. We must get out all the votes, and to this end we urge concert in actionjand a strong and steady pull till the polls close. Be up and doing. Now is the accepted time. The death of Hon. John G. Hall of Ridgway, recently, removes one of the ablest lawyers and most highly es teemed citizens of the Slate. Mr. , Hall had been in delicate health for some time and bad sought a voyage to Europe to improve it, but just reached Liverpool, Eugland, when death oc curred. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1873, and represented this district in the Stale Senate from 1879 to 186, during which time he was virtually the leader of the Democratic siJe of that LoJy, and in debate and parliamentary prac tice had few equals in the State. Sen ator Hall's death will be keenly felt by a large portion of the citizens of this couuty, irrespective of party. Tub Jeffersonian Democrat makes a feeble attempt to detract from the rep utation of Hon. Henry K. Boyer, Re publican candidate fur State Treasurer, by declaring that "Mr. Buyer was nominated because be was subservient to the interests of the bosses, and if elected, will conduct the business to suit them." Mr. Boyer served as speaker of the House of Representa tives, a difficult and exacting position, two terms, and at the close of each session every Democratic member joiued iu a vote of thanks to the pre siding officer fur fairness aud impar tiality in his ruliugs aud uuiform cour teous treatmeut of the minority, and it was mainly because of his strong persoual traits of character, that have made him hosts of friends everywhere, even among bis political opponents, that the uomiuatiou of State Tieusurcr value to him without an effort at bots dictation. It was because of his iode pendence and his fairness on alt ques tions that he was admired as a nresid ing officer of the House, and because of a conviction that he will carrv the same principles Into the conduct of the allairs of the State Treasury the people will give him their support at toe polls. Lrockvile Hcjiublican. NEWSY NOTES. The famous Brooklyn Taberrwrlo, Dr, Tal m Biro's church, was destroyed by fire on .Sunday morning lt. Supposed to have lxon caused by lightning. James 8. McCray, who owned the onco fiiinous McCrny Farm, on Oil Crook, in tho palmy days of that locality, died nt his homo in Franklin on Monthly of this week, at tho ago of 6.5 years. Within tho next week the result of the elections In tho now States will lie sent on to President Harrison, and abont tho last of tho month the President will issuo a proclamation declaring tho Territories ad mitted to the Union. Tho newly elected officers can then qualify. There must be a lot of rascals in a cer tain Methodist congregation in Alabama. On a Sunday night eight silver dollars were fonnd In tho contribution box, scren of which proved to be counterfeits, but not before the preacher had passed one of theiu, for which he is under Indictment. He is deserving of tho sympathy of the Christian world. The suicide of a Barber Count at Asbnry Park and the death of a coal-mining Swed ish Baron at Sharon, this State, on Satur day, indicates that the present is a bad year for titled gentlemen impoverished and in exile. If the Untitled frauds who occasionally cut a swath in Anglo-manine society would only die off or kill them selves the world would be better for it. Notice -Bridge Obstruction. Notice is hereby given that, owing to repairs being made, travel on the river bridge at Tionesta will be ob structed betveentbe hoars of 7 o'clock p. m., and 7 o'clock a. m., after Monday, October 7th, 1889, until further notice. Oct. 1. C. H. HvKTEK. For Sale. Blacksmith shop and property. Shop 26x40 feet, 2 forges and 2 sets of tdols. House 16x26, good cellar and good well of water. Barn 18x28, out buildings, and pavements leading to all. One acre of land, fruit trees and grapevines. Situated in Clarington, Barnett township, Forest Co., Pa. Address John W. Snydet as above. For Sale. One yoke oxen, seven years old next spring, weigh 28 or 30 hundred. For further information inquire of F. F. Sboup, Tionesta, Pa. School Books all kinds at 2t. Smeabbaxjoh & Co.'s. The history of Downs' Elixir is iden tified with the history of New England for tho last fifty years. It cures coughs and colds. For sale by D. Barnett. Arnica fc Oil Liniment is the best remedy known for stiff joints. For sale by D. Barnett. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from hordes. Blood Spavin. Curbs. Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stilles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs Etc., Save fLVl bv USA of onfi rtnttln. Wurr;tiitrtrl Sold by Herman & Siggins, Druggists, i louesia. nov.2-iy. Co8tIveness is the cause of the Intoler able "bad breath" of multitudes. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters remove the cause and prevent the evil, and cost only 25 cents. For sale by D. Barnett. Blt'Kl.KN'S AKNICA HALVE. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, 'fetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by O. W. Bovard. PERSONAL. Mr. N. II. Frolichstcin, of Mobile, Ala., writes : I take great pleasure in recom mending Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, having used it tor a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured mo aud I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other reme dies with no good result. Have also used Eloctrio Bitters and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of winch I can recommend. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and ('olds, is sold on a posi tive guarantee. Trial bottles free at G. W. BovarU's Drug Store. WOMHiHI- l I. 11 UKK. W. D. Hoyt A Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Home, Oa., say : We have Iwon selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric, Hitters and Bueklen's Arnica Salvo for two years. Have nover ha- "led remedies that soil as well, or giv -n universal satisfaction. There liav y some wonderful cures elVectod b; medicines in this citv. Several c pronounced Consumption have beei. i tirelv cured bv use of a lew bottles of Di: 1 King'H New Discovery, taken ill connec tion with Kloctrio Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by G. W. Bovard. The most successful advertisers are using Remington Bros.' County Seat Lists, issued at Pittsburgh. Tliey cover the ground the most thoroughly Willi the least expciiM). When Baby was sick, we gaye her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When shs bad Children, she cave them Castoria, (JjQC A W'K.KK and upwards positively J secured by men agents selling Dr Scott's Genuine Electric. Belt, tSuspuiihory, etc., and by ladies selling Dr. Scott's Elec trits Cornels. Sample frue. Stato sex. Dr. Scott, Kit Broadway, M. I. ISov.iO-oin, OB WOKK of every description execu- I tod lit tho REPUBLICAN oUiuo. DAVID MINTZ AVill open his Store at Marienville, FOREST COUNTY, PA. - THIS - WEEK - Look out for his Advertisement in this space next week. CURE Sick Headache an1 relieve all the troubles Inci dent to a bilious state of the system, such as LiiuineM, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after etuiB. Fain in the 8ide, Ac. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Held acta, yet Carter's Little Liter Pima are equally valuable to Constipation, curing and prnventinfc this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, Ktiinulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even it they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to thorn who suffer from this distressing complaint: hut fortunately their goodness (toes not end here, and those who once try them will And these little pills valuable in so many ways tliat they will not be witling to do without them. Hut after ail sick head ACHE Is the bane of so many Uvea that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose, Tbey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 35 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CAETZ1 XKSICXK1 CO., Vrv Tort Ufi USss. M Price, WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION of CCD LIVEit OIL ,th HYPOPliOSPHSTES. It In uurd a ltd 4 udorsed by Fhy tiicltiint buiitisc it in the btkt. ItUTalataVocsiaU:. It i3 three times r.s cScaoioc.3 ts plain Cod Liver Oil. It i3 far superior to all other eo called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, docs net esparate cr change. It is wonderful as a fls:h prtSucer. It is the test remedy for Cosump- . tlcn Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold by all Druggists. 6COTT A BOWNE. Chimists. N. Y. WESTWARD, HO! Are you contemplating a journey West or South? If so, the undersigned ean Hive you CHAPKST RATES of FA K K or FREIGHT. Also furnish Maps, Uuidea and anv information relative to the Farm ing, Grazing or Mining distrio's of the est or South, l ull on or address. It. li. WALLACE, Ticket Agent N. Y., 1. A O. Ry. Ofliutt in Union Depot, OIL CITY, PA TF YOU WANT a rexptetiible Job of A I ru nning ui a reasonable price seuu your order to this otlico CARTER'S I? itvR pi its. "cty CH I NOW FOR THE FALL & WINTER TMBE Where to buy goods to lit tho season is the I question now, and tho answer comes, at ID. BABLETT'S FAMOUS L0WPRI0E STORE Where New iood are constantly nrriv- injr. ins piaee is iieatifiuar tere for DRY GOODS! IsTOTIOITS, LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING O-OOZDS, CLOTHIXG, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS AJJD SHOES, HOSIERY, FLANNELS, JEWELRY, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWAUE, Ac, Ac, A COMPLETE LINK OF GROCERIES & PROVISIONS will always ho found at my store, and al ways mo nest ami freshest tho market) afford. Call and examine mv Stock and Prlcps. and he convinced that I will sell you goods as low as tho lowest. Country 1'rotluee, nags ami .iuiik taken in exchange, and the highest prices allowed. "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PRO FITS," is my motto. avii itAiixirrr, opp. Lawrence Houso, TIONESTA, PA. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO COMPANY, BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. NEW f Contiiinsativeoctave.Nine nuip Action, luriiiNlietl In a MODEL large and iiatidxomu case I solid liliick u-Mlinit. l'i'iiA of $!ltl OltQAN, ciihli ; id ho aold on the Easy I lliro NvmIciii Hi. RI-' 37 iu.1- 8TYLE quarter, for ten quarters. I wutin organ iut-4iiiicpropur-2244. ly of person hiring. f The Mason & Hamlin MASON "Stringer," invented and pat ented tiy Mason A Hamlin in Si I Ink., is used in the Mason A -1 Hamlin pianos exclusively. HAMLIN iteuiarktlilo refinement of tone and phenomenal enpaci PIANOS. ty to island in tune characler . i.e these instruments. POPULAR STYLES ORGANS AT 22, $00, ?78, $M, AND UP. Organs and Pianos sold for Cash, Easy Pay incuts, and Rented. Catalogues t'rsw. i . i . For Dropsy, Gravel, Rright's and Liver Dieasca. Cure guaranteed. Oltice, Kit Arch street, Philadelphia. All druggists Try it. il u bottle, six lor J A lew Railroad Connected to haul Goods to J. M. MINTZ'S u mm Li CI.OTIIIXJ! t I.OTIIIMJ! FOR MEN, BOYS A CHILDREN. Right from tho very start we will show bargains that are calculated to pi esse the economical purchaser. Thus, for Instance, wo will offer : Men's Suits for f.t.nn, real value $7.00. Men's Suits for 7.ft0, real value fU.UO. Hoys' suits for ?l.a, real value 2.h. Hoys' suits for fa.SO, real va'ue jrt.W). Beys' kneo psnts 2H cts., real value 00 cts. Bora' knee pants 40 ct!., real value J1.00. 500 OVERCOATS, Mon's ami Boys', Spring and heavy, at bed-rock prices. DItY JOOIS. Best Calico 4) cts. Ginghams, Amoskeag, flj cts. All wool Cassimero dress goods 40 ets., worth Wl cts. All wool Henrietta goods f 1.00. Silk warp Henrietta (1.15. IIOOTN A!I MIOF..S. Genuine Don go) a, Ladles' Shoo, $1.05, worth $:UM). Ladies' shoe $1.25, worth $2.25. Men's shoes, fine Kangaroo, $2.05, real value M-W. J. M. MINTZ'S CUT PRICE STORE, NEW KEPLER BLOOIC, TIONESTA, PENN'A. 0U11 'Never Undersold!' EL". J. HOPKIISTS & CO. HERMAN & SIGGINS! DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, - - - PENN. IN OUR GROCKRY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND rim feeszest gbogebibs. BERRIES, FRUITS it VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Ia our Drug Department, which is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always be found the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. ROOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. til IE'? I Men Everyday shoe $1.10, real value Hoys' Everyday shoo 05 cts., real value $1.50. Children's shoes at prices to correspond. II ATM AXI CAlft. Fine Derby Hat $1.25, real value $2.50. Men's Crusher $1., real value $1.75. We also have a lot of floor hats at cor respondingly low figures. C3eiils Fiiriilliiiig Good. In Ladles' and Gents Furnishing Goods wo cannot bo undersold, nor cau we be excelled in quality, Nice line of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, RUUS, Ac, at the very lowest prices. We have on hand 50 Cases of RUBBER GOODS. Will sell Men s Rubber Boots, ('anile ami Woonsocket, at $2.40, Tho balance will correspond in price. Call and see ns. We cannot specify ev erything, but will give the most fastidious satisfaction. Will pay the highest market prlco for Hides, Furs, and Ginseng, MOTTO: WESTERN NEW YORK it PENN SYLVAN! A RAILROAD, formerly B., N. Y. A P. R. R. ' 3 Time Table taking effivt May 12th, 1889. Eastern Time 75th Meridian. Trains will leave Tlnnnstn for Oil City and points West as flilinwst No.l:i Through Freight (carry ing passengers) 0:40 a. m. No. 81 Buffalo Express 12:33 noon. No. 81 Way Freight (carrying passengers) 5:00 p. m. No. 33 Oil City Exj ress 8:05 p. in. For Hickory, TIdlouto, Warron,, Bradford, Glean ami the East: No. 30 Oloan Express 8:40 tt. m. No. 32 Pittsburgh Express 3:411 p. til. No. IHI Through Freight (car rying passengers 7:13 p. in. Trains 0.1 and Ofl Run Dully and earry passengers to ami from imi'nt botwoeit Oil City anil Irvineton only. Other trains run daily except Nitndiiv. Get Tlmo Tables ami full Information from J. L. CRAIG. Agent, Tionesta, Pa. GEO. S. OATOI1ELL, Gon'i Supt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. S.H. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in E TT I? IN" ITTJ ZE& "E3. -Also,- undertakers; TIONESTA, PA. of tho firm of MORCK BRO S, OPTIOIAUS, Specialist In Errors of Retraction of the Eye. Examination free of charge. WARRKN, PENN. A 5CCi'l to Housewives. tUJ uvtt! dixou ur. h th'rt'wt vltAnbTof WQifrsjlOIEBlaoKins T!imi bout keolnff adr. Saves Sweating ami Scruhhtnfj. T9 boot will mr gjrt deal lrnrer, will not rt tiff and Hn In frvw wiUt rr raiu. antl will b WATERPROOF, Udk. try ti. aod Inskl UiMt ruur huabaisd and oca It Oncaawtwlc fur UuU BhoM and onoa m muntb for Lsadiat. D re ' nnad Pr aarrw (Hold bf Bbaa HUvwo, Oroeera, IMwcllU, to. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, phiaoelpku. 4k r ir-ii t4 RAYMOND'S PECTORAL PLASTER The wnndorrul Cough cure. A positive cure for Whooping Cough and all Throat, Chest nml Lung Troubles, and all Coughs. Is also the liest known Remedy for lsnl pains, such as Lumbago, Sciatica, cto. Sold by all druggists. aug7-Iy, Is here furnished of the consequence of neglecting to take wise wifely ad vice. This man thought ha know it all and Turned Up His Noso At our low priced Furniture because they were low. He paid two prices for an inferior article which led his wife to Turn Down His Noso For future reference. She gave him the shake in a mild form and threatened divorce for the next offence. She's all right. To fail to trade with Nelson Gruenliind is A JUST CAUSE OF DIVORCE If the courts would only think so. Keep on ladies. Educate your husband to know a bargain when he sees it. Train them in the way they should go (for Furniture.) And remember that way is to N. CREENLUND'S, Undertaker A Einbalmer, 311 Exchange Block, WARREN, PA.t CKNII vour Job Work to the REPUB- U L1C AN Oftice. Mm ' A FRIGHTFUL EXAMPLE