THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. WINK, toi-ron 4 PttopnicTon. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMM'.R 18, ISSfl. Itl'I'l ItLK l TICUFT. HTATK. Vor Treasurer, HENRY K. noVKR, Philadelphia. 'OVTV. For Axociato Judt;e, JOHN II. WHITE, Harnett Township. For Treasurer, a. m. doutt, Tinnewhs liorouglt. Fdr Coronnr, Dr. J. W. MORROW, Tlonest Itoroiifrli. The faitb cure is still killing a few more people every month than the Brown Sequard elixir. The elixiris'i will have to brace up or lose the race. There is a revival of the report that Mr. Cleveland will stump Ohio for the Democratic ticket. Id Repub lican circlos the story is regarded as too good to be true. Jncle Sam. Randall's gout is troubling him again. If he fails to jump in and work his shoes off to elect Mr. Cleveland's candidate for State Treasurer this will explain matters. Colonel Henry Watterson de clares that the Virginia Democrats have practically adopted Republican principles for their state platform. That is about the unkindest thrust that Colonel tWatterson ever made at the Republican party. It ia a blow below the belt. A Pennsylvania Democrat was asked recently who was his choice for Governor, lie answered : "When a man can lie on a sick bed in New York and run tho Democratic State Convention of Pennsylvania to suit himself and win $50,000 on a horse race at the same time, the Pennsyl vania Democracy can't afl'ord to throw that man awny. I'm fjr Bill Scott." The statesmmship uccessary to the ownership of a horse that can win such an amount of money must be apparent. JHiziard. At last the theft of the Governor ship of West Virginia has been con summated by the Democrats, and their purpose to so decide announced. No one at all conversant with the reputa tion of the leaders of the Virginia Democracy for fairness aud decency or rather their lack of it doultol for one moment, when the contest was I egun, that they would fail to steal tho oflice if it lay within their power to accomplish their purposes. lho conduct cf all couuected with tho contest on the Democratic side, from Governor Wilson down to the humblest tool of the ring, clearly indicated their purpose to obtain the Governorship by any means which would command success. Uoveroor-eieci uon nas neen foully wronged. But the wrong done to the voters of the Stale is uo less grievous. Joe liouruons oi v en Virginia have established a dangerous precedent, and we are much mistaken iu tho temper of the poople of that State if they fail to emphasize their condemnation of this outrage the next time they express their views at the polls. Fact and Fancy in Politics. A Camden young man was recently married and then his troubles began. He swallowed a large dose of lauda sum and made preparations to go to that place where all &ood Jerseymen go. A stomach pump brought him out all right, and the only thing strange in the Btory is that a Camden man can be forced to give anything up even with tho aid of a stomach pump. The platform adopted by the Re publicans of Washington takes strong ground in favor ot Protection. The Free Traders have nothing to expect from defections from the cardinal Re publican doctrine of Protection in the extreme Northwest. New states need Protection from the competition of cheap foreign labor even more than the old, and as intelligent people quickly recognize this fact. r' Great storms the worst in many years occurred along the Atlantic coast during the latter part of last week, and millions of dollars worth of property, principally at the fashionable resorts, has been ruined, besides a large number of vessels disabled, some permanently. Many of the famous watering places, notably Atlantic City, have sustained damages that can cot be repaired for years to come. No treasury in the world ever contained so vast a sum of money, boasts the San Francisco Chronicle, as that of the United States. The last statement shows that there is in the treasury vaults over six hundred mil lions in gold and silver coin and bul lion. Of gold coin aud bullion the amount ie $303,504,319; silver coiu and bullion, (315,343,180. By the side of this vast accumulation the treasuries oi other countries, and those recorded in history, sink into insignificance. Tue resignation of Corporal Tanner as Commissioner of Pensions was sent to the President on Thursday last and the same has been accepted. It was a matter of which would go, Secretary JNoblo or ianner, as tbe two could no longer agree. If the President sue ceeds in pleasing the "old boys" in tbe selection of u Dew man for the place there will be little cause for complaint, and as he is one of the boys himself there is little danger but that an ac ceptable mau will lake the Corporal's place. The examination of nearly 250 talesmen, in tho Crouiu case in Chica go without securing a single juryman is pretty good evidence of the need of a change in the jury laws of Illinois. It U worse than ridiculous in this en lightened age to exclude men from a jury because they have read the ac counts of a murder and have formed an opinion on the facts as published. If iney can render a verdict on Hie testimony they ought to be coiupeteut jurymen. A jury made up of men who have not read or formed any opinion in the Cronio ease would be a good atlracliou for a dime museum where idiots aud freaks are in demand. But that seems to be the kiud of a iijrv they are trying to get iu Chicago, with - Hon. William A. Wallace prefaced his address delivered before the Dcm cratic State Convention at Harrisburg last week with the statement that "prostrated business interests and de pressed labor confront the people as the melancholy results of six months of Renublican rule." Tho oreaos of bis party in the interior of tbe State have accepted this ex parte utterance of Mr. Wallace as political gospel and without the remotest knowledge of facts. The statement was intended solely for political effect ; if not, then the distinguished gentleman from Clearfield exhibited a surprising lack of information upon subjects with which he, as a representative busiuess man, should be thoroughly familiar. The movements of railroad freight can usually be accepted as a pretty correct indication of the business sit uation. When, therefore, railroad officials announce that the demand fur cars for freight transportation is great er than can be supplied, it is reasona ble to assume that a large degree of general prosperity prevails. An offi cial of the Pennsylvania Company at Pittsburg is quoted by the Yeas of that city as saying that tbe demand for this class of rolling stock is three times creator than tbe fcupply, and adds: "If it were only the manufac turers and business men here who are clamoring for cars we could soon sup ply them, but the demand is every. v here alike, from all class of shippers and for all kinds of cars. At times we have a great demand for box cars, stock cars or gondolas, as tbe case may be, but at present tbe demand is just as heavy for one class of cars as for auothcr. This shows that all branches of business are in a most healthy con dition." Regarding the labor situation, there is, at present, no extensive or serious strike or lock-out in progress anywhere in the United States except in the bi tuminous coal district of Illinois, at mines owned or controlled by Hon W. L. Scott. At Spring Valley, in tbe latter state, uearly three thousam: men are idle and their farniliei are o the verge of starvation, the result of strike against a reduction, which, i accepted, would reduce tue average wages of these employees to about $1 per day. Seven iron mills and blast furnaces in tbe State of Pennsylvania alone have within the past month resumed operations after periods of enforced idleness, coveriog ia some iustances a duration of nearly two years. At seven manufacturing establishments in tbis State advaoces have heeu grauted, ranging from 7 to 13 per cent, over former wages. Still another and an equally convincing proof of Mr Wallace's error is that the number of business failures in the Unite. I Status during the last wetk iu August were 14 ner ceut. less than for the same period in As before stated, Mr. Wallace's pesbiiuibiio views of the business and labor situation were uttered for a po litical purpose and uot as a statement of existing facts. The organs of the Democracy should out, for this reason, baild too solidly upon them. I'hila, iV'-w. WASHINGTON LETTER. from our regular Correspondent.) Washington, Sept. 13, 188!). The Picsident has had a busy and trying time this week. Ho intended returning to Deer Park Tuesday morn ing but owing lo several very impor tant matters Mrs, Harrison went with out him. First came the New York City Federal appointments, which have beeu a source of almost endless trouble cvor since tho inauguration. They are happily settled at last, and all of the appointments made with the exceptiou of the U. S. Marshal and it is understood that the present occu pant of that office will bo allowed to romain until the expiration of his term. Next came the unfortunate disagreement between Secretary Noble and Commissioner of Pensions Tanner, That ton, has beeu settled, but how happily remains yet to be seen. Mr. Tanner has placed his resignation in the hands of the President. In the letter accompanying hi resignation Mr. Tanner says the official differences between himself and Secretary Noble are such that be deems it best for bim to resign. Secretary Windoin celebrated the one hundredth birthday of tbe Tress ury department on Wednesday by closing at nooti. A good idea ot cur progress may be formed from the his tory of this department. In 1789 there were thirty-nine employes and to day there are iu this city alone 2,500, and scattered throughout the country 12,500 more. The Association of Official Agricul tural Chemists is holding its sixth annual convent'n n at the Agricultural department. Tbe objects of this as sociation aro to secure uniformity and accuracy in tho methods, results and modes of statement of analysis of fertilizers, Soiln, cattle, foods, dairy products and other material councctid with agricultural mdustry, anil to afford opportunity for discussion of matters of iuterest to agricultural chemists. II. O. Miner, the defeated republi can candidate tor Congress in me Third Louisiana district is hero. He will contest the seat. Rumor bad it early in the week that Geo. Rosecraos would be removed from bis position Register of the Treasury to make a place fur Com issioner Tanner. There is no truth r 1 1 ill. n it. lien. Hosecrans win prouaoiy remain where he is. Many G. A, R en have asked for his retention, and Chauncey M. Depew who is the Gen eral's relative, has asked the President not to disturb him. Ex-Congressman Menard of Louis tana, who was tue nrsi colored man WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION w COD X.IVjE2i OIL 1TH HYf OPHOSPH5TE8. J! l.i tiscl ami t mlorfnl by l'hy- filt hins bt run fie it f.i the tt. It is PaktaVo ts Milk. It is tfcrco times f.s efficacious ts tlaia Ccd liver Oil. It is far supcricr to til ether bo- It ia ft porfect Emulsion, does net eovarata cr change. It is wcndevral 3 a fieth producer. It is lho cost remedy for Consump tion Scrofula, Bronchitis, wast ing Diseases, Chronio Cough and Cclds. Sold by all Zhttygiat. 6COTT 4 BOWNE. Chemists, N. Y. the isnuw FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW EXHIBITED AT J.M.MINTZ'SCulPriceStore Challenges the Surprise, Wonder and Admiration of all who sco it. WESTERN NEW YORK t PKNN S Y LV AN I A RA1 LROA I, formerly n., N. Y. & 1'. It. R. Time Tablo biking oiled May l'Jth, 1RW. Eastern Tlmo 7"ith Meridian. Train will leave Tlonosla for Oil City and point West a follows: No. (M Through Krolghltcarry- Inic passenger) ii:(l n, m. No. SI llultHIo Exnros noon. No. (it Way Kreiglit (carrying pasncngors) r;oo p. in. No. 03 Oil Oily Ex toss - 8;05 j. in. For Hickory, Tldhmte, Warron, Klnima, Bradford, Olt'iin ami tho Euwt! No. 30 Oloan Expres 8:40 a. ni. No. :i'2 Pittsburgh E press 3:411 p. in. No. IKl Through Kn ight (car rying pivsHcnjioiH 7:13 p. ii). CARTER'S jPILLS. -Hii CURE Pick 1Trn1m-lii'ul r. lk-vi nil tin- iroiiMr Inrl dt'iit to hHioin 8tle of lli R.vti-in. iK"h ", Nniwoft. PimwsIiwtw. Dislrt-w afu-r rnliiiK. 1'ain l II Si.lo, Ac. While tlifir trout remarkable smcccm hiut been shown ia curing Headache, yet Paiitkr's Litti. Lrva Pn.i ro eminllv vntualile iu Constipation, curing nnd preventing this nnnoyiiiR complaint, while they lo correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Kven if tliey only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost pnceleM to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their Roodm-M does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little- pills valimhle in so many ways that they will not he willing lo do wlUioul them, ttui alter all sick bead ACHE Is thchane of so many lives that here Is where we make our treat boost Our pills cure it while others do not. Cartbr's I.rrn. Livrr Tills are very small and very easv to take. One or two rills make dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not itripe or pnnre, hut by their gentle action E lease all who use them. In vials at S cents; ve for 81 . Bold everywhere, or sent by nwu. CASTia UZSICIKX C3., Sew Turk. UB, SffiAlta. MPrica. CLOTHIXU! CLOTlIIXCi! FOK MEN, HOYS A CII1LOK1CN. niabt from tho vt-rv Hlat t wo will mIiow linriralns tlmt ro cnlctilnlect to pli'Mtn tho ooonomioHl ptiroliasor. Tliua, ftir Instance, wo will ollor: Mtn'a Nniln for f l.HO, real value 7.00. Men's Suits for 87.50, rent value $14.00. Hoys' miilM for f t.'r, real vnliio Hoys' suit for jrj..'iO, rent vn'ue fo.OO. Hoys' knoe pntilM els., real value 00 't. Hov leuen pants 4M't., roai value n.w. iVHl oVKItlHIATS, Men's am! Hoys', Pprlnn ami heavy, at lied-rock prices. IHIY C.OOIN. Host Talieo 4i -U. HinplmniH, AnioskenK, A) eta. All wool ( axiinero tlreto poous 4U els., worth SO etM. All wool Henrietta' itimuIs 1 1.00. Silk warj) Henrietta (l.lii. IIOOTN AXI SIIOKS. Oenuino Poiwola, I-ailioH' Shoo, f l.fffi, worth RI.OO. I.mlies' Khun ft. 25, wortti $'2,2.'. Men's ahoes, II no Kangaroo, $J.tlo, real valuo f4.o. Men's Kverydav shoo $1.10, real valuo Kov' Kverytlay shoo ftl cts., real valuo tfl.ftO. Children's hIk.oh at prices to correspond. II ATM AXI C'Al. Fine Perby Hat $1.25, real value $J.r0. Men's OriiHher $l.2o, real value $1.75. We also have a lot of liner hats at cor respondingly low (Inures. (cut Furnishing Coo1m. In Ladles' ami Hunts FurnlNhlnir Hoods wo cannot ho undersold, nor can wo ho excelled in quality. Nice lino of Ft.OOH OIL CLOTHS, III US, Ac., at tho very lowest prices. We have on hand 50 Cases of lU'HnKH OOOOS. Will soil Men's Uuhhcr Hoots, ('amies and WoonsiM ket, at l-'.oO, Tho balance will vorrenpoiiit In price. Cull and see us. Wo cannot specify ev erything, but will give tho most fastidious HMllSlacllOII, Will pay the highest m.irkct prico for Hides, 1'iirs, and omsciifr. J. M. MI19TH CUT PRICE STORE, lUEW KEPLER BLOCK:, TIONESTA, PEfWA. Trains nil and IW Kun Pallv and carry pnssengers to ami from points between Oil City and trvincton only. Other trains run tiativ except ,-smi.inv. Oct Time I allies and full Information from .t. L. CltAIO. Agent, Tionesta, I 'a. OK . S. OATCI1KLL, (Icn'l Snpt, J. A. FF.LLOWN, Oen'l i'iwsungor A Ticket Agent, litilfalo, N. Y. S. H. HASLET & GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in FTJB1TITTJBR -Also,- UNDERTAKERS. TIONF.KTA, FA. o Here Is A Pointer For All ! ever elected to tbe House of Repre sentatives, has been appointed to a clerkship in the Census Bureau. Geu. K. F. Butler sava "Tanner has been martyred by copper-heads." WE A It 13 Jl'ST OPF.NINO UI OUli FALL STOCK OK HOODS, WHICH KXCKLS ANYTHINH KVKU mtOrnilT TO THIS 1'L.VCK! KVEItYTUIXU NEW AND OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND DESIGNS ALL THE NEW SHADES AND VATTEUNS IN DRESS HOODS. ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN IKiMESTIC HOODS. ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN FRHNC1I HINHHAMS. ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN SATT1NES. ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN Nil ALLIES. ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN SHAMHREYS. PPTfTQ EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE WILL BE 1 IVlOlltO. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. SOLD AT THE A LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE, GENT S HOSE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION LADIES', GENT'S, MISSES' AND CHILDRKN'S I'N DERWEA R. HENRIETTAS! HENRIETTAS! HENRIETTAS! BLACK GOODS ALL WOOL. SILK WARP. COTTON WARP. I In Endless VulietW of lho tirni of MORCK liRO'H, OPTIOIAUS, Specialist In lCri ors of ltrlrnetfon of tho Ee. l'.xamiiiiaio!s fn e of chiirsre, WARREN, PENN. I fKti Hk nr'r ttmtthing liADt NOW FOR THE Is hero furnii-hed of tho eonseipioneo of gleitii vice. neirlei tinir to Uiko wise wifely ad- l ins man imoiilmii ua FALL k WINTER TRADE Where to buy (roods to-fit tho Reason Is tho question now, and tue answer couies, at ID. BAHliTETT'S FAMOUS LOW FfilCE STORE Where Now Ootxls are constantly arriv ing. His place is Headquar ters for BEY G0OBS! NOTIOITS, LRDIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES, HOSIERY, FLANNELS, JEWELRY, ULASSW ARE, QUEENS WARE, &e., Ac, A COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES & PROVISIONS will always be found at my More, and ul ways Uiu insi aim niiioi mo markets altbrd. Cull and examine my Stock and Prices, and be convinced tlmt 1 will bell you goods as low us too lowest, i oiiiurv i'rutiuce, liar's and Junk lukoii in exchange, and the highest prices allowed. iUICK SALES AND SMALL PRO FITS," is my motto. i.vvii imk.i:tt, Lawrence Houso, TIONESTA, PA knew it all and Turned Up His Nose At our low priced Furniture because they were low. iiopaiu two prices lor an inferior article which led his wife to Turn Down His Noso or future reference. Sho travo him the shako in a mild form and lhre:Uened divorce for the next otlWice. Mio's all right. To lad to trade with Nelson Hreenlund is A JUST CAUSE OF DIVORCE If the courts would only think so. Keep on ladies. Educalo your husband to know a bargain when he sees it. Tritin them In the way they should go (lor Furniture.) And remember that way is to N. CREEPJLUND'S, Undertaker A Embaltnor, 331 Exchange Block, WARREN, PA. X uice lut of Fall Styles of Child rea'e. ISovs'. ami Men's Hats and Cape, now on our counters. New goods. 2t. SMEAUUAUliU Si Co opp. OD H3M0H0 HIVH 31'i3V AVd ON-UIVH ON Q UIUIO) QO .Uuj3 0 olVlU Wl rtIJUll.) -illllrt.'.'d tn ii nun irn i"i''i " -n -w-n i v u U JTUQ J UU iU SUJu)JJ oJlJli A(UU U jjrmijnimJlWlJ iis rn "pis u i .- iu 'uoijii4 uii n 'iu i"uuniiija u ; a a 0H3HTJVW liJuiSl'mA iiri nmu ti an. mivh M.acioua xvax uur.uu-j iull V CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, Wo have everything anybody could want In tho shitpo of Clothintr, ranging iu sizes from Roys four years old to the largest man. And iiality beginning W illi all Cotton and ranging up to the Finest Impoited Corkscrew. Made up iu every style from Knee Rreoches to Prince Alberts. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. This whole paper wouldn't hold tho good things wo could say about our stock of Hiioes. vt o nave maile an euort tins spring lo liave hIidca to lit any loot, no matter how narrow or how wide, how largo or how small, with quality and pri- o to suit everybody. COME AND SEE. PON'T FORGET RIGHT HERE THAT WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. We buy direct and buy for Cash, and can't bo undersold. DE WtSEI B00T3 AJKO snoBS DRE8JEO WITH WolffsACMEBIacking KEVER OET HARD AND STIFF, JL1wL?n look orat. KltiallT xi MliW"1 DC ULild'a Shoo. No bUrklnc bronta nquind. ad Um polUhlus U don In thrra tmiuutcswlibooi latMk WATER PKOOFMdwMTMiUd to nwm iMtber, aud karpa itoU nil durmble. Bold br Bho Storat, Oracm, Dmntat . Try U on foui- Iam. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA. vt rmmt Mm 'Mi 4i iw 1 1 COME AND SEE US. NO TKOURLE TO SHOW YOU GOODS AND GIVE YOU PRICES. II. J. HOPKINS & CO. u o u o oa o si2 .5 1 3 a, at C i in v - f- o CI G : k f 2 x-5 . .z " a ;'S's. ;t-s i c 3 'is j 0 9- -J 1 .H J 5 S algf .a'ssa - f-: HERMAN & SIGGINS! DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, - PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS RE FOUND TITE FRESHEST GflQCEitlES. RERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which Is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., RAYHOHD'S PECTORAL PLASTER Tho wonderful t'otih euro. A positive cure for hooping L'ouuh and all Thnafr Chest aud Lung Troubles, and ail Coughs. Is also the best known for lct pains, such as Lumbago, Sciatica, etc. Sold by all druggists, ug7-ly. onijmi FAVORITE SINGER. felT? Iro? Icif, fancy Cover, laga 9. ilrAwr. rilitt.. full lin af- r j UchmciiU. Scut on trial. Buy of Manufacturers to get new mtv chines. Wcrrantrd Nigh Arm 23.00 5 years. co-optRATive SEwina memtod itlH 8. I f Ot-. Ptiiladelphla. ra. ATA i Wrh tvc remedy tht i 11 CLRE CATAKMM. BRONCHITIS and ASTHM4. Our faith i.,9 ktrOIIU WC will fti' irrulinrBt Itmrlu Scud for i'ftMiite mod full puruculars. Address, ThaHitl Chf.TilclCi).,3360 Fairmiwnt Av., PhMi., Pt 1' uuiu uiuauu j CAN ba CURED. Fran i a N J9 rH H W. will SF.KD FREE b H mail a large TRIAL. llOTl'I H also, a tn-atiae on h ni!cp6y. DON'T fcUKKKR ANY l-GNGr'k! 6ivePolOfc ftcv, Sute mi County, and Age plainly. AAIicm, THE HALL CHEMICAL CO.. t&( Foi.uwuui Avcuuc, t'Utiaikipluai. Pa 5 ' '5 S -DEALERS IN- c 5 S - . 5 is c T. ICLOTHIXG, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS- WARE; STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. 1500TS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! IB1. W. HiW", Practical Tinner. All kinds of Sheet Metal Work prompt ly attended to. TIV ROOK 1NU A SPECIALTY AND SPOUTINfJ. BONNER RUILDINO, Up Stuira. TIONESTA, PA. u-l.-ll 1' Lit til. -tpnoitl 1)3119 jo -fl v! ,! 'Dnipiiou 'iiori.iWii"N ' r iii,i ' tit m'Y itj 'u r Jt'J I'UJUJ Ml'QIKil(J, "Jk'? -aiHUC In ;:,..,t..t") Of f .Uiutouifti coarM lu Botik-hwpliir, BuikluK, blMrUu,nd, b... t tiO.u.l.ip. 1'i.wii.i, t . iluut ni.i.rne., tic ime Ld fr Puur ! Uit tnutucL tit tt Mb Cr til nl -! Hie aMmmci the number 1 1 a ... i laiaiv" ' 1IUIU It' IU 20aiu 1SBS. II) 1. GOODS OP FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCMANOK I OR UOODS. ) THE GREAT FLOOD ATTENTION, AGENTS 1 The flint in th held. A complete hia torv of the terrible calamity at Jelmstown luuTjUHt boon issued. WKI paea, si full paKu illiistrations, bandMiineiy bound in cloth, price Discount to aonU, iiO iier cent. Send 25 cculM for Pro.-.pectua took and paikaKu of cfrculars, ami go to work. Address J. S. OG1LV1E, Pub lisher, 17 Rose Street, New Yorit. Q) X A WEEK and upward positively secured by lueu ai;i-nUscllinK Dr (Scon's (ionuinu Elect riu licit, Huspcnsorv etc., and by hulius selling Dr. Scull's Kic- Iric I erseis. isjimpie lice. Male sex, bvoll, 8-1S Hrutidway, N. Y. Nov.lti-;; i