THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINK, tOITOH 4 MOPMttTOD. WEDNESDAY, REPTEMREH 4, 1?S". RtlrtlnLICAN TICKET. HTATK. For Treasurer, IIESUY K. nOYER, Philadelphia. COl'NTY. t'of Afwocliito Judge, JOHN II. WHITE, Harriott Township. 'or Treasurer, A. M. DOUTT, Tlonc-ita. Borough. For Coroner, Tr. J. W. MORROW, Tidiest Borough. Penbios Commissioner Tanner de serves credit, even from his enemies, for the frank, straightforward way in which he demands an investigation of his official conduct. lie talks like a man who is not afraid ; who is all right, and is determined that the world shall know and acknowledge it. Here's wishing him a safe deliverance out of all his troubles. o without ncglcctiog business, as after the election of a Spoaker nothing can be done by the House nntil the com mittees are announced, and to select and arrango tbera will take the Speak er at least two or three weeks. Representatives Rowe:l, of Illinois, and Peter, of Kansas, have gone to Louisiana to take part in the campaign now going on in the Third district of that State to elect a successor to the late Representative Gay. They will remain until the election takes place, and will doubtless obtain some in formation that will be useful to them i when some of the Southern contested election cases are under consideration by the House. The Census Bureau will occupy its oew building about September 15, and until after that time, Superintendent Porter has given notice that he will see neither applicants for positions nor their friends. The local republican organizations are making a lively kick agaiust being left out in the cold by the new Dis trict Commissioners. Out Ml a world that's rone to weeOI ho arret Tnucorn is sun Mntim m p.-.". I'lant tier In-cast with laughter, pui Hon is t.,n The heart In still yormir In the motlier-anll: There's sunshine nml bird sour, and rod and white clover, . nd love lives yet, world under and over. The If trrit white ss ever, sow and relieve; loaif r dew illit not glisten roiiiiu aimmu ..... Kve, ever tiiner honvrn. nor sreener sort . finer the round word rolled from the hand or Hod: There "s a sun to (ro down, to eome tip ss-sin. here are new moons to no worn iuv moons wane. wisdom dend since Plato's no tnorcr ho II thill iMloe lie. l" von rounici- ihkm While your rMinkecim your jiiiion, lasrs his iilm-e In the mmU, Ills brother is etii rinK in the Rood mother- womh; . . There 's irlnnctnir of daisies and runnlnir of brooks. . . . t Ay. life enough left to write in tne nooss. The world 's not all wisdom, nor poo nor flowers. . . . Hut eeh dny has the same (mod tweniyiour hours, , The same llprht, the snmo nlKht. lor your Jnoolis, no tears; They see the Hiudiels at the end of the years; heie s vhviuk ui wmi,Buw ..... rnrn. . - And bis heart-Mood Is water, that slttctb for lorn. John Vane Cheney. In the Century. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our regular Correspondent.) Washington, Aug. 30, 1889. Senator Ingalls, who ia now here, is puzzling his friends. He is working in a rather secret and mysterious man ner at some sort of a project; some think he is gathering material for a aeries of powerful speeches in the Sen ate this winter, while others believe be is doing some important work. I think the latter more likely to be right, because, aside from the Senator's well known literary bent, he ia proba' bly not averse to earning some money by his pen. He is not a rich man, and the burning of his Kansas resi dence last year was a heavy financial blow to him. Fortunately the Sena tor'a literary ability is such that any thing he writes is eagerly sought by the leading publishers. Senator Manderson's letter to Com tnisBioner Tanner declining to accept the increase in his pension to which it was recently decided by the Pension Office he was entitled, until he had been re-examined by a board of Sur geons and his right to it fully demon atrated, is just the sort of manly docu ment that these who know him might have expected under the circum stances. Charlie Manderaon is not the sort of man to take anything that he is not clearly entitled to, and bis letter must have made those fellows who have been dropping insinuations about "official influence," haviug been used in his case, feel rather cheap. The treat American Exposition of 1892 will be held in Washington, and tinder the auspices of the National Government. This may be accepted as an absolute certainty notwilhstand ing certain feeble efforts of New York and Chicago people to secure the creat attraction, and use it for local Pennsylvania Day at Gettysburg. Wednesday and Thursday, Septem ber 11th and 12th, will be great days at Gettysburg. Most of the survivors of the battle resident in Pennsylvania, and many now living outside the State, will have a reunion on the famous field at that time, and scores of com rades will meet face to face who have not seen each other since Lee's retreat Every inquiry has been answered either by letter or circular as prompt ly as possible. Up to Aug. 24, about 4.500 applications had been recorded. Col. Keller believes 10,000 is a con servative estimate of the number of applications that will have been re ceived before Pennsylvania Day Upon the receipt of an application the record of the soldier thereon is imme diately compared with the official records there. If entitled to trans portation. an order on the railroad company for a ticket is at once for warded. Whether entitled or not the applicant is notified Gen. Hastings says that all the can vas of the State will be put up without expense to the old soldiers. A force of men from the State arsenal will begin the construction of the city tents Sept. 6th, and they will be ready for occupancy when tbe old soldiers atrive on the field. Progress of Inventions Since 1845 In tho year 1845 the present owners of the Scientific American newspaper 3om menced its publication, and soon attor es tablished a bureau for tho procuring of patents for inventions at home and foreicn countries. Durinn tho year 1845 there were only 502 patents issued from the U. S. Patent Office, and the total issue from the establishment of the Patent Office, up to the end of that year, iium bored only 4,347, Up to the first of July this year there have been grautcd 40(1,113. Showing that since the commencement of tho publiea tion of the Scientific American there have been issued from the U. S. Patent Office 402, ltW patents, and about one third more applications have been made than bav been eranted. showing the ingenuity oi Great Is To-Iajr. PROCLAMATION. HERMAN & SIGGINS! & GROCERS, PENN. DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, Wiikhkas, Tho Hon. W. P. Itrown, President Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas anil tjuiirtor Session in nml for ttm ennui v ot Korost. has issued his iirn- cept for holding a Court of Common Pirns Quarter Sesssion of tho Pence, Or phans' Court, Oyer and Terniinor and (tenoral Jail Delivery, at Tionrsta, for th"? County of Forest, to commence oo the a!.!..! M.titilnv nfSpiit.. lioinir the lhthtlnv or Sept., lssil Notl.-o Is therefore given to rTTrKP If 7? J T I? St W ff(fiftftJit(ITJitS? the Coroner, Justice of the Pence and Con- A1) X lk &A I Aj iV.i lisll . & 0 ambles, of aid count v. that they DO then IN OUR GltOCKUY P.KPAKTMF.NT WlUi ALWAYS HE FOUND and thero in their iroicr persons at ten o'clork A. M.. ot said day with their rn-ords. inuuisitions. examination, and other romoiiihrnneos, to do those things which to their olllce aniiettnin to lio ilone. and to those who are hound in roengnixam e I5EUM1X, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. yFHTKRN N V. V YORK A PENN- SYLVAN! A R Al LIIOAD, forinorly P., N. Y. A P. R. R. Time Tallin tiiVIng effort May lClh, JSSO. Kiislmn Tlmo 7rlh Meridian. Oil City Iu our Prug Department, whloh la in charge, of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found tho to nrosn-ule against the prisoners that are 111 I I? IW'r III?! iJV IV 1 1 I'll 11 tl II1 I IV T or shall tie in the (ail of Forest County, that JSJKJJk. IMlUUkJ 1 MJ VJLlJiilLVillJU thov mav be thou and there to prosooute amiinst tliein as shall be lust. iven un der tnv hand and sral this l'.Uh day of August, A. !. lil.o. w. saw l r.K, ii..s.j Mierm. PRKSCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CAR?. Trains will leave Tlonrsln for and points West as follows: No. IIS Through Freight (carry ing passengers). o; to . III. No. ill Hulliilo Kxiuess 12:113 noon. No. I'd Way Freight (carrying passengers) 5:00 p. ui. No. U3 Oil City K.x less 8:05 p. in. For Hickory, Tldloiitc, Warren, Klu.iia, Hmill'ord, Clean and tho Fust: No. 30 Clean F S: 10 a. m. 3:411 p. in. 7:13 p. in. our people to be phenomenal, and much advertising purposes at the expense of Ktor than ever, tuo enormous number tbO nation. I nr our rnulnrs have had busi- Komebody has rated out, ana print ed in the newspapers an old order of the War department, dated May 18, 1S63, dismissing Second Lieut. Charles Lyman (at present Civil Service Com missioner) from tbo Army for dis re gard of a general order. This is very small business, bucn an order was issued, but if the searcher after au cient information bad looked a little further be would have discovered that another order was afterwards issued revoking his dismissal and giving him an honorable discharge. This is not tbe proper way to fight the absurd Civil Service law. Everyone who knows tbera will agree that personally tbe threo present Commissioners Messrs. Lyman, Roosevelt and Thomp son are most estimable gentlemen. The incongruity, absurdity and im possibilities of tbe Civil Service law are matters deserving of criticism, but to attack the character of the Com missionera is decidedly wroug, and will convince nobodv that tbe law should be repealed. The opponents of the law should Bee to it that the dis seminator of such stuff as this order, and all of his kiuJ are securely muz zled. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Batchellor, laughed when he was shown the story of a Wall street com bine to force tbe Treasury to pay more for bonds and if it declined to do so to bring on a financial pauio. "You eta say," said the Secretary, "in tbe most positive language, that there will be no financial panic under tbe present administration, and that at present it is getting about all the bonds it wants al the regular price and does not pro pose at present to pay more." the extra session talk has takeo a frebb start here. Every other man vou meet is now certain that au extra session will be called to meet the lat ter part of October. Tbis would ena ble lbiuo members nho wish to take part iu the Nuvrmlier eli ctiutm to do ness transacted through tho offices of the Scientific American, in New York or Washington, and are familiar with Muun A Co.'a mode of doing business, but those who have not will be interestd in knowing something about this, the oldest patent soliciting firm in this country, probably in the world. Persons visiting the offieo of the Scientific .4 mcrican, 361 Broadway, N. Y., for the first time will be surprised, on entering the main office, to find such an extuusive and elegantly equipped establishment, with its walnut counters, desks, and chairs to correspond, and its enormous safes, and such a large number of draughts men, specification writers, and clerks, all busy as bocs, reminding one of a large banking or insurance office, with its hun dred employees. In conversation with one of the firm, who had commenced the business of so liciting patents in connection with the publication of the Scientific American, more than forty years ago, I learned that his linn had made application for patents for upward of ono hundred thousand in ventors in the United States, and several thousands in different foreign countries, and had filed as many cases in tho Patent OiTiee in a single month as thoro were patents issued during tho entire tirst year of their business career. This goutloman had seen tho Patent Ollico jfrnw from sapling to a sturdy oak, and ho modestly hinted that many thought the Scientific American, with its large circulation, had performed no mean share in stimulating inventions and advancing tho interests of tho Patent Olllce. Hut it is not alone the patent soliciting that occupies tho atton ion of tho ono hiindiod persons employed by Munn A Co., but a largo number wo engaged on tho four publications jssuod weekly and monthly from their ofilno. mil Uroadway, N. Y., via.: Tho Scientific American, the Scientific American Supple ment, the Kxport ImIhIou of the Scientific American, and the Architects and Jluild ors Kdition of tho Scientific American. The tirst two publications iiro issued every week, and the latter two, the lirsl of every month. MISERY IN MOSCOW. mpl!il sntl Morrllon rtarrirrn Which Separate th rnor from tns men. St, rctcrsburir is Kuronean, and halt the things which pain one there are felt to bo in some sort ot association with tho evils and vices of tho YV est, aavs a writer in tho Atlantic, for Au- eust Hut Moscow lias its owu mis eries, ana tney aro so intensely ruis- sian, so characteristic of that vaster Moscow of winch the old capital Is merely the tiny center, that in becom ing sensible of them one shudders, not for a community, but for a whole peo ple. Tho contrasts which life oilers In St. Petersburg areeontrasts mainly bo tween thinjrs it is scarcely just to com pare, bctweeu a well bciug which is foreign and a want that is native; but in Moscow wealth is eider oroiner to poverty, j et stauds divided from it by a cnasm as tuumssioie as it is mcn i- lcss. There is a distinct alliance of rouchncss and semi-culture between the rich merchant who does busi ness daily in the Into lown, and tho wretched street vender whom he passes on his wav a dozen times: vet the two are farther apart than the poorest ana the richest classes iu estern j,urope. Moreover, poverty is so unspeakably miserable iu Moscow that it seems to be tho characteristic rather of a dis tinct species of the animal man than of any particular layer of the population. The streets daily yield figures which can oulv on ceueral principles of an- throvtolosv be called human. Tho eye disentangles a face from theso movinff masses of rags but slowly and painful ly: unless the inspection is at ion'; range, the noso itself is too apt to pro- tost. The Russian summer calls innumer able peasant beggars aud country pau pers to Moscow. Iu tho daytime they explore tho city from gate to gate.halu ing from time to time to ueg aims or munch fragments of black bread which form the chief spoils of their diurnal quest. Many women of this class aro vonnir aud robust, fresh from the la- boM of the lieldj but some are old, in firm. Iiasrsard. All trudge about witn tho aid of a staff, and all wear a rude canvas basr tied arouud the neck. At nifrht Ions after the last vesper has died awav. when tho White Towu is deserted and tho suburban residences aro cav with laucrliter of tho happy men and women, tho vast army of tho nonuiless aud tho miserable seeks its nocturnal rouoso lleavou alone knows where on the forsaken held of the dav's markets in tho open air, on the steps of churches and cathedrals, or in tho quadrangles aud courts of palaces and nubhc buildinsrs. lo be unutter ably wretched and yet to bo a nightly sojourner in tho "outer court oi ueav eu;" to be poor, and yet to fall asleep with only the thickness or a wan sep- aratinir one from some of tho most use less aud costly accumulations of treas ure in Europe, the con version oi wnicn into monev would furnish tho means for banishing acute poverty from Rus sia altogether such cxponences as these are the lot of thousands to whom Moscow is less a place of pilgrimage than a centre ol hot, weary, dusty me, a focus of burning dospair. I l.x press Nn, 1111 Piltsluiriili Kx press No. Uil Through Freight (car rying passengers Trains fi:t and nil Run Dally and carry passenger to ami from points bnlween Oil Cily anil Irvineton only. Oilier trains run dully except Sunday. Oct riinn I ahles anil full information from .T. 1 CRAIU, Agent, Tionesia. Pa. OKO. S. UATCIIKIjL. Oeli'l Sunt. J. A. FF.LLOWH, Hon' Passenger .t Ticket Agent, llullalo, N. Y. Hero Is A Pointer For All ! GF PURE COD LIVER GIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable aa Bilk Ro rttftantird ttiot it raM bp alirn dlgfitetl, anil anotmllfttetl l;y lb most MtnalttT atnutAcrt,ivrin the fit1 oil t aonot ba toln-Atrtlf imiiI ly the mm. ixnsuon or tn oil nun in, nypn phosphites U maca moti etUtailous. EcmartoWp cs flesh imxicrfr. Persons gtln rapidly while tails It. BOOTT'8 EMn-SION it noki.o!. .IrMt by Fhyiclnnn to b tho Him- ml Hi', t vr"i i1" tlou iu tb world for th rtslioi aud c u CONSUMPTION, tCROFUUA. CEKERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DIS5ASES, EWJ ACIATICW, COLDS ana CMRCKIO COUGHS. Tht grcal rrrwtly fivr Cmsymrpl'on, and H aning in LhwM tn. iMM tiy a'l V) wj'j' -OK- KXCELS ANYTHING FVER RROUM11T TO THIS PLACE I EVERYTHING NEW AND OF THE WE ARE JUST OPENING UP OUR FALL STOCK OF MOORS, WHICH NjMiVV ( H )( ) )S Calculated to suit tho VERY LATEST STYLES AND DESIGNS SPRING & SUMMER TRADE! Can now be seen at tho storo of ALL THE NEW SHAPES AND PATTERNS IN PRESS MOODS. . ,rr,Y iiATnmm ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN DOMESTIC MOODS. Jl A .11 1 A 11 11 lj 1 A ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN FRENCH MINMHAMS. ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN 8 ATT INKS. ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN SHALL1ES. ALL THE NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS IN fcHAMRREYS. TITMl' 'I?? EVERYTHING IN OUR STORK 1 1V1 VyXliO. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. WILL 11E SOLD AT THE CARTERS OlTTLE CVr IVER IgP n II i pijLts. lLi LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE, GENT'S HOSE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION LADIES', OUSTS, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. HENRIETTAS! HENRIETTAS! HENRIETTAS! BLACK GOODS ALL WOOL, SILK WARP. COTTON WARP. In Eudlexs Variety, Attention la called to our Froh Stock of DRY MOODS, NOTIONS, JEWELRY. CUTLERY, MENT S FURN ISHING MOODS, GLASSWARE. OlEINS- M ROC FRIES, W A R Is. CANNED MOODS, CONFECTIONERY, J'OISACCO, ,t CIGARS, In etullesH varietv, nnd nil New nnd Slriellv FivmIi. OURS Sfck Ifcadnrheand reliore All tho trouble fncl dnt to a bilious state of the avxtom, nuoh as Iiuinu, NatiRpa. lrowttiuefcii, Distrt-Ha aftT Mtififr, I'nin in the Side, Ao. While their in out ITU i ark able (uiccem has been nhowa in curing rfedrhe. yet Cter' I.itti e Ltvrr Pilu Am AniiAllT TKlunble In Contiuation. curinK nnd prtiTKiitinft this annoylnR comiilaint. wbila thev alo corrrct all diaordera of the stomach. sliniiila'n tlin liver and regulate tbe bowela. tven u tney only ciiroa CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, Wo lmve evervthlnir anvliodv eould want in tlio Mlmnn of Clolhinsr, rnnixinii In RizeM from Roys lour years old to the laiirest num. And uiiulitv l'tri 1 1 tti nic with nil Cotton nnd raniilnir up tt the Ho rut linpoi ted Corkscrew. Alado HI" In overy Btvle from Kneo llieoelie to Prince Alberts, NIIOI.S, KIIOF.S, SIIOF.S, KIIUI, KIIOF.., NBSOi:S. I This whole nnner wouldn't hold tlip prooil tliinir wo could h.iv nliont our ntnck of Shoes. Wo have made an effort thin Sitrinir to Iwivo hIiimw to lit any foot, no mutter how narrow or how wiilo. how larijo or how small, wiili iitiHlity nnd iirito to unit everybody. COME AND SEE. A FINE SSTOCK OF SHOES For Men, Women nnd Children, junl received nnd marked down low. Ca-di and Country Produce always xeenro Moml I'.ni 'trains nt my Sturo. Hides, Riil'm itml .look of all kinds taken at tho Highest Market Price. X)OTsr,rr Till v BUY! hi have .enii my Stock mi l jrot I'riiOM. 11 will iy you. DAVID 11 A UN F.TT, Tionesia, Pa. Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: Imt fortunately their ftoodnw does not ."nd l,..ra n.l tl.i.w. vhn nnce trr them will nnd these litUo pills valuable In so many ways that they win not oe wining w ou hiuwu. uiwu. Uut after all sick head Is the hane of so man v lire that here Is where wo make our great boast. Our pill cure it while others do not. OlKTEK'S LlTTLK ClVKR Tll.lB KTO VCIT Small and very easy to take. One or two pills make dose, 'l ty are smcoy vcpetauif snu uo ineirtt-niie ocuou In viaEi at cents: Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. DON'T FORGET RIGHT HERE THAT WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES. FLOUR AND FEED. Wo buy direct nnd liny for Cash, nnd can't be undersold. COME AND SEE US. NO TROU11LE TO SHOW YOU MOODS AND GIVE YOU PRICES. IT. J. HOPKINS Sd GO. noigripeor pure, but by their ttt-n tie action in viais re, or w CASTES UXnCWX CO., tfov Tart. pltMuw all who uw thorn flTe tor f 1 WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., UFH balS..9, Snail fries. -DEALERS IN- PERSONAL. Mr. N. IT. Frolichstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take, trrent pleasure in recoiii' mending Dr. Kinpj's New Discovery for Consumption, having used it for a novere attack ot Rrouchitis and Catarrh, it gave run instant relief and entirely enroll mo and I have uot been aftlieted since. I also bpir to stato that I had tried other retno- riios with no eool result. Have also used Electric Hitters and Dr. King a iew Pills, both of which I can recommend. Dr. King a Now Discovery lor consump tion, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a posi tive guarantee;. Trial bottles free at O. W. Bovard'a Drug Storo. Whan Baby waa sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When ah. had Children, aha gave thou Castorla, A GENTS 1Y WANTED To canvass for one of the laigost, oldest established. Rest Known Nurseries in the country. Most liberal terms, unequaieu facilities. Geneva Nursery, KstablisheJ lbW. W. i T. SMITH. Meuova, N. Y. A. FRIGHTFUL EXAMPLE CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, KOTIONS. HATS, CAPS, GKOCtfiltb, guttftb- V.'RRE, STATIQMERY, CANNED GOODS. CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN KVE It Y DEPARTMENT. jl y Vot Vr ffnc I hnn bwi uting WoJJ$ Aemt Iittt-i ; luy ult.'M w4r lntr lhn w,-w bof jirvanil I u-tt ft iu tcoi n it, but I 1t u-A tliiuk Uatiylouk M .tuitxrttl wli 'D i lilutUftfd it, iu - --ItuitH 't, my con, I m ftorry jem are k ot cki. V-u forwt that won a gmtl thiiif la ooly good ulien iwrtperly used. Yimj Uae Dot ern iontLtxl M t'ao Jinvtionn, f, Unry am jt ftrcmnd th nrnek tm tt'!. Ni Jin mud rr4 them, and thr will t ya fit ol yir trull Vout (tabor and 1 kaap oar sli- In eltitnuit oniar tr Its a. I naa It aboM pooe muiiVU aud pi about ooo ft wtak. WolffsACMEBIacking Is wcnderfult prevervlns Watrprootlru an leather I tnl"t It a deep, rich black luatre 'uh mat a weak, fo"1 w V. Do nut eonfunud AUMK BUoaisc with aar cthak Bold bj Shiie Hfcma. Oroca lruitt, 4a. Trr It on your Huwias. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHiUDELPHit TAKEN IN KXCUANGI2 l'OH GOODS. vimi:kki i. i i'UKH. V. II. llovt A Co.. Wholesale anil Uotitil DruuuiHls ol Home. Ma., suy : We have Uieu scllinir Dr. Kinu's New Discovery, Klcctrii! Jtiltors and Hucklon's Arnica Salve lor two years. Have never handled riniii .lics that soil as well, or icive sucii universal satisfiution. There have lioen some wouderl'ul cure H'h;Uh1 by theso modiciiies in this city. (Several eases of pronounced t.Viisuiiiiilion have been en tirely cured hv ue of a lew bottles of I)r, lviiiLr's New liisci.verv. taken in coniiee- liou with Klocti ic IlilU'rs.V Wo (ruaruuteo them alwavs. Hold Lv O. . Hnvaid. THE GREAT FLOOD ATTENTION, AGENTS! Tho first in tho fluid. A complete his tory of the terrible calamity al Johnstown has just boon issued. :!ou panes, a" full- paL'c llliistralions, liamlsoinely lioumt in i loth, price $1.00. Discount to auouts, 50 iw-r com. ena i cents ior i-iospocnis look and iiaokairo of circulars, nnd no to work. Address J. S. OMIIA'IE, 1'ub lislier, 57 Itose Street, New York. Ia hero furnished of tho consequence ofl lioglectiiuf to take wiso wisely au vico. This man thought ho knew it all and Turned Up His Noso At our low prii'pil Furnlturo bocniiHO thoy wore low. no pain iwo nrirrs ur nu l . r. '. i : I Z .!.!..!. t ...1 l ! ... ! , .-. lIlILTlOr Hrilt'lU W IllCU lull Uia v lio vJ Turn Down His Noso For future reference. Sho "avo lilm tho shako in a mild form and threatened divorce for the next oili nce. Slio'a all right. To fail to trade with Nelson Mrcculuiid is A JUST CAUSE OF DIVORCE If tho courts would only think so. Keep on ladies. lCducato your husband to know a bargain wiien ho sees it. irain them in tho way they biiould (for Furniture.) And remember that way is to fj. CiREEILUND'S, Undertaker .V l'uibaliiicr, 1131 Exchanue lilock, WAltllES, PA. Meadvillo Conscrratory of Music. A liili nrado Institution with facilities in Music and Art second to no i tho country. Employs only teachers of experience and eminent reputatio separate courses in Music including all branches Vocal and Instrumental, ialed with Allechuny College which accepts Muslo us an elective study. Thorouu'li courses in l'aintini!. Drawing, WooU-furvinjt, and Thysical Pulture. Excellent Ismrdini' facil- Eall term bi n;..i..,,...d irrniit.wi iimsn foiimltiiiiiif unv ono ol tho cxnirses. ities at vci v moderato rates. Students admitted, to any grade, September 1th. Send for Catulopuo to ,l nu TIT V T A f ITT'T T. IM.aIa. 1 V 1 1 1 1 P.I. O-H'Ul. liliiai M J , v. u...., '..wv...... ...... . ...... - egius ACME A II.IIH GllOWFR THAT PnflDUCM Uai wiitKS aix vTumia rau. wt'iliui7u";.,r MAGNETIC umu 1,a- Cnros all Krurtlnns anil Pis II I in eaaes ol the Bkia and btali nMlfl Snftefis and beautileitluatlr. Confirmation Notice. Notion is hereby iven that tho follow ing accounts have been tiled in my olllce and will be presented at the next term of Orphans' Court, of Forest County, l'a., hcgiiiiiiiiK September bl, lSt!i, for con tinuation : " Final aircount of A. Cook, Muardiau of io,r''o W.. Alljort l'. Eli A., Mary E.. and I.i.zio N. Kiilius, minor heirs of Christian Kuhns, deceased. First and final aciunt of JaiMib Wonk Muurdian of William E.. Jacob L.. am Charles E. Klinestiver, minor heirs of Dorcas Klinestiver, lato of .Forest county, deceased. C. M. AKNER, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesia, l'a., Auj. U, IWi. Caly 520. Hluh Arm FAVORITE SINGER. I nop lr- if, f'.ncy cover, large Ir.iwu;, nil el riuf;s. full lineat- i.mcnts. Sent on trial. Buy of Mauufacturerj to get new ma chines. Warranted 5 years. CO-WeRATIVt 8CW:ltQ MACHE COk 2M 8. lit St., ptoiatietphia, Pvk J-Wt J rel;ht.u.ll The only artlclfl that nstorea Hair on PDnUCR Itrvlil lli uila. Hub no Ktjual aa a Hair UnUll Lll JreaiiiD. Contract maUo to grow II air on tor me ol NO HAIR-NO PAY. l Iri.c $1. OO o. Tar. HASCraCTUHID ST ACME HAIR GROWER CO., OIL CITY, PENN. LL GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in, thai will CUHE CATARKH. BIIONCHITIS i. I ASTHMA. lui f-nh u kiroiiu ire will fctu.l trciiliuetit on irliu. Scmt fur 'l'rcaliiie ami lull p.irticulrfr.. dJtcu, The Hall Chemical Co., 3860 Fiirmount Ay., Phlla.. Pa r If rs u milinjE Sicknss CAN ba CURED. W. will SEND FREE fcv null a large TkiAL. UOi ll.ti . .... B...i I.i.M"P SUKrtft ANY LONGKltl Civs Post Ot. fic. Sute auJ Couiitv. aaJ Auc ulaiuiy. Ac the HALL CHEMICAL CO., r -uuwuui A ruiuc, I'UUJcllua. Pv a sltn RAYMOND'S PECTORAL PLASTER The wonderful Couh cure. A positive euro for Whooping Coiih and all lliroai, Chest and Euni? Troubles, and all Coughs. Is also the best known lteinedy for local pains, such as Lumbago, bcialica, etc. hold by all di'Ui-gisls. au7-ly. WANTED KEI.IA11LE AMENTsJ to sell our New II11I1 Arm Aulomaliii Sewinx ilachiue. 'i'he No. U. l.ibend iiidiiceuiejits. Add'ess NVliEEI.l-ll A. W1USO.N MEM. CO I'liiladolphia, l'a. E'.tubUsUod lti-la. FTJJ2sriT"CJJE. -Also,- UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, VA. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS '- For HorsiB, CatUs, Siccp, logs, Hogs, and rout, tay. 000 Pave Ttnnk rm 11renmnntof Aalmala aud Cliart'hii'ui Free, rrmwi ( Pei-ers. 4'onreHlfons. lunamnsatloa, A. A. hplnnl nieniuvlliH. rl i I at K.v.r. II.H.Siraiua, l.anieuens, l hnamatlaaa. I'.t'. Iisleiuper, Nasul lilst'hargea. Huts or .rubs. Worms. K.E.-('onirhs, llenwes, Pneumonia. K.F.C olic or t.riiiea, itellynrhe. j.Ci.l ist-.ttrrluitr. Ilemorrbatfea. 11.11. Trl ml ry hiiu KlUuey fllvoasea. Kruplive Diseases, Mango, J.K.Diieas'a of liveHtloB. Htnble Case, with Hi'lllm. ManoaL Witch lliuu l oil and Mllcuur, 97.0 r) Frlcc, bliiKle Isiuiciovi'TiUUiiwiiX . .Uli Sold br DmntfistM; or Sent Prepaid anrwbsra and in snr uudulity ou Bceipt 01 Prica. Humpbreys Med. Co., 109 Fultoa St., N. Y. For Every Man willing to work UOOI PAY! Writo to W. A T. Kmith, Nursorymen, tlenova, N. Y., for terms. Unc(ualed liicilities Many valuable specialties. One of the largest and best known Nurserios ill tho coo nl ry CJ EN EVA NUKSICRY. EsUblibhoil 1SIH. 4-10-tiU WESTVVARD, HO! Aro you eontnuplatinat a journey Vet or .Soiilli ? 1 1' so, the unders'innod can jrive vil CM A TEST KATES of E A it K or EltEitillT. Also furnish Maps, tiuidea and any information relative to tho Form ing, Iji'; or Mining disliic'a of tho West or .South. Cull on or address. it. II. WALLACE. Ticket Anent N. Y., 1. A l. Hy. Olllce in Union Depot, OIL Cl'l'V, PA. PATENTS. Cavcals, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Moder ate Koes. Our olliee is opposite IT. H. Patent Oflico and wo can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with description. We adviso if patentable or uot, lice of charge. Our leu not due till patent ia secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," witli names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, U. A. KNOW fc CO., Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Age A WEEK and upwards positively C?J secured by men amenta selling Hi- Scott's Genuine Eluctric Holt, Suspensory, etc., and by ladies selling Dr. Scott's Elec Lric Corsels. Sample fi ee. Stale sex. Dr. bvoU, Hti Uroadway, N, Y. Nuv.lti-Siu. r. of the firm of MOltCK I1KO S, OPTIOIA1TS, Sneeialist in Errors of Hctraction of th Eye. Examinations free of charge. WAKKEN, PENN For Dropsy, tiruvel, Itright'a ami l'ier IHseascs. t ore niiaraiiieen. vmoo, " Arch street, l'liilailelphia. All drugglM Try it. ai a bottle, bix lor jj.