The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 07, 1889, Image 4

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JturgrM 1). R. Knox.
UOitTtnlmen North word, R. f. Her
man, H. M. Foreman, H. D. Irwin. NoiKh
ward, J. V, Ncowdnn, U. W. Robinson, J.
F. Proper.
Jimtieeit of the Pcnee 1. B. Knox, T.
n. i;.m.
Omxlnhle. and Collector 8. Canfield.
th'honl Director t. Wi Robinaon, A.
Jtt. KHly, K. I. l)avla, D. 8. Knox. I).
L Clark, J. T. Hrcnnan.
Member of Oonrre.n .Tamrs Kenn.
Member of Senate J. II. Wilson.
Ae.mly Ciiart.k A.Kanoat.u
iVeifaU JudtjeVi, D. Brown.
oeiir.ri Judge a Lewi Arukk. Jwo.
A. Fropkr
Trenanrer Sor.OMOte FlTOFRAt.n.
Prothonntrtry, lirrf inter A Recorder, etc.
CAr.vrw M. Ahnkr.
Sheriff', Oko. W. Hawtbb.
Ctomtmttoffrs War. D. HiriFLDR, C.
County iVKrmrt'nfemfrnf Oko. W. K rri.
Pintrie.t A ttorneyP. M. Ci.ark.
Jury Commissioner C. II. Cnrntrn,
Amos L. Coopkr.
CViMiify Surveyor U. C. Wittttkkin.
Oironrr Dr. J. V. Morrow.
Cotinfy A vditor E. I. Jomks, R. Z.
OtTXHSriR, Vm. Bl-tlM.
kUIVR I.OPOE, No. 557, F. itt A . M.
Iowb Hall tho flint Monday of each month.
i . j. j a i j i'., . pi.
T. H. COISco'y.
1. O. of O. F
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock, in the Ijodge Room in Par
tridge's Hall. Confer the Initiatory de
jrrco tho first Tuesday night of each
month first degree tlio Rewind Tuesday
night) second clecroe the third Tuesday
nlirhtt third degree tho fourth Tuesday
- - ?. W. REMBLE, N. O.
O. W. SAWYER, Soo'y. . 27-tf.
- 'POREST IIOE. No. 184, A. O. IT. W.,
L Meets every Friday Evening ia Has
let Uall, TioncNta.
C. M. AUNER, M. W.
J. R. CLARK, Recorder.
J No. 274. O. A
Meets on tlin first Wednesdny in each
month, in Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta, Pa.
Ij. AG NEW, Coinnunjdor.-
Omce next door to P. O., Tlonesta, Pa.
J. B. AUNRW. P. M. rr.ARK,
District Attorney.
Mr. Hark Is Xpont for a nuinhor of re
liable Flro Insnranre Companies.
Tionesta, Pa.
Collootlons niAde in llila and adjoining
Tionesia, Forest County Pa.
T A WRENCH HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa.,
I J Win. Lawrence, Proprietor. This
liruse is eoutrally located. Everything
new and well furnished. Supeiior Ac
ooinnindntions and strict attention given
Ut guests. Yegetahlea and Fruits of all
kinds served in their tsnaaoit. Sample
room for Commercial AgcutH.
CENTRAL HOUSE, Tionesta. Pa.,
O. O. limwnell. Proprietor.- This is a
new lionsn, and has just loen fitted up tor
the accommodiition of tho public, A por
tion of Uic patronage of tho puhl ic ia sol ie
Ited. 4fl-ly.
W. II. ROTH. Proprietor.
Th largest, Best Located and Furnished
IIouh.i in the City. Near Union Bopot.
Physiciun, Surgeon A Druggist,
Late of Armstrong county, having located
In Tio-iesta is prepared to attend all pro
fessional calls promptly and at all hours.
OtHce and residence two doors north of
Ijawrence House. Otlice hours 7 to 8 a.
m., and 1 1 io U m. ; 2 to 3 and fil to 71 r.
M. Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M. j 2 to S and A
to 71 P. M, rsay-18 HI.
Having purchasod the materials Ac, of
Dr. iSteudman, would respectfully an
nounce that lie will carry on the Dental
. business in Tionesta, and having had over
six years successful xporieneo, considers
a himself fully competent to give entire sat
isfaction. I shall always give my medi-
, cat practice tho prel'oroiico. mar22-82.
Cornorof Elm A Walnut SUi., Tionesta,
Pa., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In
terest allowed on Time Doposils. Colleo-
tions made on all the Principal points of
tho U. S. Collodions solicited.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
IjiiuI and Railway Surveying a Specialty,
Magnotie, Solar or Triaiiguliiiiou Survey
ing. . Beit of InstrumunUi and wrl
Teriiia on application.
. W. LAW.
rraedcal Tinner
AlSJls of "Shout Metal Work prompt
ly affulod to.
Shop in Reck building next to Smear
baugli A Co.'a store. Is prepared to do all
""wiiiut' custom work from the liAtst to
ii cttly '"Stit and guaraiiUit a his work to
v , sati.-il'uctiou. Prompt acn-
'"'tu'o iiioniiing, and prices asrra
id tjb LJrst class work cuu bt Uuuu l'oi
Church and Mnbhnth Hchoal.
rresliyterian Sabbath School at 0:45 a.
m. : M. 14. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching In M. E. i'hurch evory Sab
bath evening by Rov. Riimbergor.
Services in Lutheran Mt. .ion's Church,
German Hill, every Sunday nt 10:30a. in.,
English and German altornating. H, 8.
every Sundny at 0:30 a. in. It. J. Graelz,
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at tho usual hour. Rov.
A. D. Gaines, Pa-stor.
Services in tho Presbyterian Church
every Snbbnth morning and evoning,
Rov. J. V. MoAninch olnciating.
Oil market closed yesteiday l.OOi.
-Oats harvoBtiDg ia now on the
Children's hair cut for 15c. at C.
Green corn will be tho next gar
den luxury.
Jas. II. Kelly is paying Chicago
rclativos a visit.
Hair cut and ehavo 25c. at C.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kelly spent
last Sabbath at Chautauqua.
J. E. Robinson of Oil City, has
secured a pateDt for an '"ice veloci
pede." . Will Morrow is nursiDg a lively
catarrh on Ha left hand, the result of
too mOch ball-catching.
Our old friend Col. John Peter
son, now residing in Palmer, Wash
iugton, has our thanks for late Pacific
coast papers.
Our fall stock of Boots, Shoes
and Rubbers now arriving. Also fly
traps and fly paper, at Smearbangb &
Co. 2t.
The annual catalogue of the
Clarion Fair Association has been re
ceived at this office. The fair takes
place Sept. 24, 25, 26 and 27.
Postmaster Knox has moved the
office iuto the new quarters, which are
very neat and cosy, making as com
fortable an office as will be found any
where in this section.
Mr. II. O. McKoight of -the Oil
tjl Blizzard, with bis wife and chil
dren, were the guests of Mrs. Mc
Koight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Camp
bell, over last Sabbath.
Mrs. 17. W. Agnew of Warren, is
paying a visit to Tionc6ta frienjs. She
is having a handsome monument erect
ed over the grave of her late husband
in Riverside cemetery.
Delegate W. A. Dusenhury is in
Ilarridburg this veek to help nominate
the next State Treasurer. Messrs.
Juhu R. Osgood, C. A. Raudill aud J.
R. Agnew accompanied Mr. D. as
The S. S. Excursion to Chautau
qua is fixed for Aug. 15. Fare round
trip and boat on Lake 81. GO. Chil
dren under 12, hi. If price. Train
leaves depot fix o'clock iu morning.
Everybody invited.
Mr. J. W. Jamieson is up from
Freeporl to visit a few days with bis
wife and daughter, who have been
bere for a couple of weeks. John is
looking well and reports times first
class iu his section.
The "c r-r ic-k, c r-r ick" of the
katydid now furnishes twilight con
ceits for the love-sick swaiu and his
fair "swain-ee," as tbey bang over the
garden gate and talk about the man
ia the moon, 'and giggle.
An entirely new boiler and en
gine passed through town last week en
route for the Samuel Mealy farm,
near fewmansville, where it is intend
ed to do duty on a well which is about
starting on that place. Rev. J. Barn
hart is at the head of the project.
Charlie Griffin of Balltown, now
has a right to affix P. M. to his name,
having been appointed postmaster at
tbat place recently. Chas. may not
get rich from the emoluments of the
office, but ajl the same there's a heap
o' fun in being an official of Uncle
It may bo well for the raisers of
veal and the sellers thereof to know
that killing, or causing to be killed, a
calf less than four weeks old, with in
tent to sell the meat for family use, on
conviction, the offender shall be im
prisoned not more than six months or
pay a fiue of not over $300.
Contractor D. W. Clark has com
plc&l the new road around Stow Bend
and the same was accepted by the
Road Commissioners of Tioueeta town
ship on Monday of this week. There
was no fault to be found, and the
ComtuUsiouers as well as all others
who have examined it, call it one of
the best new roads ever opened in the
county, and a piece of work of which
Mr. Clark may well be proud. The
distauce covered is iH2 rods.
The well above Jamieson station
is down In the neighborhood of 800
feet, and a good showing of oil haa
been found. John Grubbs, who has
the contract for drilling it, exhibited
a sample of very fair looking sand the
first of the week, which had been
found at a depth of about 225 feet.
Mrs. Albert Trent and young
daughter, of Johnstown, who have
been guests at Mr. Fulton's for several
weeks departed for her home last
Friday. She was accompanied by her
sister, Mrs. Fulton, and children as
far as Kiltanning where the latter
will visit relatives for a week or two.
Mr. Hardison got bis well near
the mouth of Hunter Run, opposite
town, under motion yesterday, al
though it will not likely be in good
running trim until to-morrow. The
rig is quite a curiosity in this section,
and attracts considerable attention.
We hope Bro. II. will strike a gusher
that will astonish the populace.
Tho Franklin Newt has discovered
that the figure 9 in our dates Is with
us and has come to stay. No man or
woman, now living, will ever date a
document without using a 9. It now
stands on the extreme right 1889.
Next year it will be the second place
1890 and there it will stay for 10
years. It will then move op to the
third placo 1900 and rest there for
100 years.
F. E. Bible, Esq., of Bellefonte,
Centre Co., is the newest accession to
citizenship in our borough, having
moved bere with bis family within the
past week. Mr. B. is a lawyer by
profession, and by reference to his
card in this issue it will be observed
be is ready to receive business. He
comes well recommended as an attor
ney and gentleman and as such we bid
him welcome.
SherifT Sawyer has but four board
ers now, Ed. Walton, who was lodged
in jail Thursday last charged with the
theft of a yoke of oxen belonging to
John Guiton, of Marienville, having
been taken out yesterday on a writ of
habeas eorpiu, his father furnishiug tho
bail. Five prisoners awaiting trial or
serving sentences at one time is about
as large a record as our jail has ever
shown, we believe, and is quite a rarity.
-Miss Aggie Kerr, teacher, makes
the following report of Youngk School
for the month ending July 31 : No. of
pupils enrolled during month, 28.
Average attendance, 26. Per cent.
95. Those preset every day during
month, Gerard Bingman, Orie Bing
man, Alphonso Smith, FraDk Smith,
Charlie Youngk, Albert Youngk,
Harry, Loyal, and Everel Bly, Curtis
Jones', Nicholas Thompson, Henry
Smith, Charlie Klinestiver, Katie
Youngk, Grace Bly and Francis Jones.
Thoso absent but oneday, TiHie Moore,
Dessie Bly aud James Sutton.
Two weeks ago we made a request
of all old soldiers, resident in the
county, who wero entitled and intend-
county, who w
ed toftake ac
offer furnish
advantage of the State's
h free transportation to
Gettysburg during the dedication of
the monuments there, to send in their
names. Up to this time but few have
responded. We desire that the list
shall be as complete as possible, and
to this end again remind the veterans
tbat they should be prompt if the list
is to be of any use. It is for their
benefit that we make tho effort to get
this list and they ought not be back
ward in hclpiDg to make it complete.
Secretary Edge, of the State
Board of Agriculture, has sent out to
farmers of the State notifying those
who are likely to apply for county or
local farmers' institutes that, in order
to secure precedent in the distribution
of the funds appropriated must be
made in writing and sent to the secre
tary before October 1, 1889. Any ap
plicant after that date will have to
take tho risk of the appropriation hav
ing been exhausted by previous appli
cations. At the October meeting of
the board a resolution will come up
for fioa) action which proposes that in
counties in which but oue institute is
held $100 will be appropriated, but
where two or more institutes are held
in any oue county $150 may be ap
propriated. In order that the com
mittee may properly arrange for the
distribution of the money appropriated
for this purpose it is desired that early
applications should be made to Secre
tary Edge.
All Justices of the Peace are re
quired to file at once all criminal
transcripts in Clerk's office at Tiones
ta, within a reasonable time. All who
fail to do so, are puuishable by fine
for ueglect, as justice to all parties is
delayed, or hindered, and frequently
defeated, by reason of such neglect, as
no lima is given to the proper officers
for taking the necessary steps in the
caso. PAase attend to it at once.
P. M. Clakjc,
Dis't Att'y.
Arnica A Oil Liniment is very healing
and soothing, and docs wonders when ap
plied to old soros. t or sale by D. Uaruutt.
A Very Serious Case.
The sudden and mysterious death of
Miss Amanda Eichenberg, at her
home on the German Hill road, about
8 miles from this place, has caused
considerable excitement among the
people of the neighborhood. Sl e had
gone to Whig Hill intending to re
main during the week of campmcct
ing, and on Wednesday, July 24, came
to Tionesta where she took the eve
ning train for Oil City, returning on
Thursday afternoon and went back to
Wbig Hill. That evening she com
plained of not feeling well, and Fri
day morning was so ill that she was
obliged to come home, where she grew
gradually worse ontil Wednesday
night at half past eleven o'clock, when
death relieved her of intense suffering.
Although her illness and death were
rather mysterious, her parents suspect
ed nothing, and she was buried in the
cemetery a few miles from her home.
The circumstances were sufficiently
suspicious to warrant District Attor
ney Clark in ordering an investigation,
and accordingly ho notified Dr. Mor
row, Coroner, to proceed to hold an
inquest. He impanelled a jury and
on Saturday evening last held a post
mortem examination of the body,
which disclosed the fact that death bad
been causod by medicine used to pro
duce abortion. Further facts have
come to light, which shpw plainly tbat
other porsoDs are implicated, and that
the girl is not alone responsible for the
deed. The labels from two bottles of
medicine give some clue and will
doubtless figure prominently in tbe
case. The time for taking testimony
before the Coroner's jury is Bet for to
day. The girl was 20 years of age.
P. S. Just before going to press we
learn of the arrest at Clarendon, of
Frank Huuter of Nebraska, in con
nection with this case. The arrest
was made by D. W. Clark who arrived
here on the noon train to-day.
Star Chips.
This part of the county known as
the best part for farming, looks very
promising for the season. The bay
crop beiug cared for, which the farm
ers were abundantly blessed with,
yielded as much as 3 tons to the acre,
while other crops look equally prom
ising. W. B. Heath has again taken up his
abode on tbe piece of road from Jug
Handle to the Township line, which
now is nesring completion. It will be
as substantial a road as the country
Doc. was in our midst the other day
looking halo and bearty. Reported
that the new band mill on Queen did
the largest day's sawing of any mill
in these parts, which speaks well for
the mill as well as of tbe boys tbat
bandied tbe lever and lumber.
Dark peeling for the season has
come to a stand, while the boys are
around looking as though the mosquito-bites
agreed with them.
If reports are true tbe young man
that was keeping late hours the other
night was overtaken with a refreshing
shower in trying to reach his destina
tion before break of day.
The campmeeting was well attended
at Whig Hill by the people of this
section, and some are making prepa
ration to attend at Titusville which is
now in progress.
Aug. 6. O. M. N.
East Hickory.
Derrick correspondence.
The Whale .Fishing Club, of Kit
tanning, which was encamped here for
tbe past two weeks, broke camp aud
have returned home. The club is
composed of business men, and gen
tlemen in every respect. The people
here invite them to return next Sum
mer, and will unite iu making it
pleasant for them.
Rattlesnakes are more plentiful than
they have been for years past about
Hickory. Berry pickers on Friday
and Saturday kilted 15, aud about
100 have been slain since Spring.
Quite a number of large ones have
been killed in the village.
E. Douglass burt himself quite se
verely last Friday at the Diescher
farm near President, but at present
writing is comfortable.
Eugene Holmes, who was recently
married, has his household furniture
on hand and will soon take up his
residence in town.
The Gas Company have struck an
other fine gas well on Queeu.
Ed. Wbaley and John Wilbcrall
discovered a rattlesnake in tho berry
wooks and whilo trying to kill it,
Whaley's foot became wedged between
two stones aud tho snake passed bo
tweeu his legs. They succeeded iu
killing it aud when stretched out it
measured six feet iu length and bad
12 rallies.
Wheeler & Dusenbury's mill on
Queen cut out 54,000 feet of boards on
last Thursday, in 10 hours, breaking
their former run 14,000 feet. This
was cut with a single band saw, and
was takeu care of by the men in every
Hepler Corners.
Wm. Hepler of Strobleton, is busi
ly engaged in erecting a valuable barn
for Mr. Dewalt, of Licklngville.
R. A. Stitzinger of this place, who
for some time has made Linevills his
place of residence, has returned.
In traveling across tbe broad plains
of Strobleton, tho valley of Hemlock,
aud tbe high plateaus of Red Brush,
two objects are noticeable, viz: tbe
corn and fruit, both of which are a
scarce article in general. Corn is too
small fur this season and entirely too
large fur next, while on the other
hand a part of tbe fruit can bo win
tered over.
Daniel Kinch of this vicinity is on
the sick list; we wish him a speedy
Mr. D. Near of Newmanville, bad
the misfortune of getting his leg
broken in two places while riding a
horse, which foil on the same.
Mr. Nich. Gilford, formerly a resi
dent of Lickiogville, but at present
residing near Gilfoylo, is at present
"husking" logs ou his tract of timber
land in that locality.
Aug. 5. Apache.
Train Robbers.
A Fort Worth, Texas, dispatch
under date of Aug. 5, says :
At 2 o'clock yesterday morning six
masked meu stopped the Fort Worth
& Denver mail aud express, south
bound, between Cheyenne water tank
and Tascosa. Three men got on the
locomotive aud compelled the engineer
to pull away from the passenger
coaches, which had been detached by
the robbers and left uoder guard of
the other three. After going half a
milo they compelled the engineer to
get off the locomotive and bring a
pick for opening the door of the ex
press car. Express Messenger Marsh,
seeing what was up, closed the door to
his car and put out the light, first se
creting all the express packages but
three. Tho robbers coming to his car,
ordered him to open it and fired into
it. Ihe engineer hammered away
with his pick until be got the door
partly opened, when a torch was push
ed into the opening and a revolver
poked in aud pointed at Marsh, who
was told to open up or he would be
killed. Marsh opened the door and
three packages were stolen, but the
Pacific Express Company people say
very little money was secured.
Tbo robbers then went to the mail
car and compelled Route Agent Wol
cott to open his car. Ho had hidden
all his registered matter but one letter
under a sack and then turned his lights
out. The robbers got the one package
and then opened the mail pouches and
scattered tho cooteuts over the floor.
After doing the work they ordered the
engineer to put out tbe torch and pull
out. When they left, the authorities
in the neighborhood were notified and
are in pursuit. It is said that tbo
total amount stolen is loss than $2,000.
Tho passengers were greatly frightened
but not one of them was molested in
any way. Cheyenne is 375 miles
northwest from Fort Worth.
A panorama descriptive of the horrors
of the Johnstown flood is already on tho
Two deaths have rocently occurred at
Lickingvillo, Clarion county, from typhoid
The Conueautville Courier says that hay
is beiug o tiered in that town for $5 per
ton, delivered.
R. C. Beverage, of Oil City, Deputy In
ternal Revenue Collector, who disappeared
nearly a year ago, and was thought to bo
dead, has returned homo.
John L. Sullivan now languishes iu a
Mistis.slppi bastilo awaiting trial for prize
fighting. Kilrain has boon arrested on
the same charge at the insuinco of Gov.
Lowry, and will be taken hence for trial.
Doth will got a dose of imprisonment and
tii.o, no doubt.
A well tlres.sed stranger is now traveling
over the State selling pipes. Ho oilers to
sell his (15 pipe for only $1 under tho plea
that he Is short of a little money. He just
needs 1 to make up a sutlicient sum of
money to pay his fure to Philadelphia, and
was compelled to saeritleo his elegant pipe
to raise tho dollar.
Last week there were about 5,000 people
at Chautauqua, one thousand of whom
were students. The receipts wero three
tliou.oind live hundred dollars more than
at that time last your. Tho Chautauti.i
idea is a groat success. Krom a Metho
dist camp meeting ground of tents it has
grown into a great national rosort with a
world wido reputation.
Tho Watorlord Leader says: "Our citi
zens aro much relieved to learn that the
disease from which Dennis Crouin is suf
fering is not smallpox, there having been
a wrong diagnosis made of tho caso. Tho
young IiiKti is sull'eriug from what is
known as erythema, a disease somewhat
similar to erysipelas, though less severe.
The yellow Hag at Cronin's has been taken
down and tho neighbors and thoso having
business in that vicinity breathe easier
once more."
In the worst of our hot, humid, sticky,
suffocating weather, says the Now York
Tribune, let us be thankful that it is no
worse. Thankful, for instance, that our
weather is not like that endured iu South
Russia, where, for the first ten days of
July, the thermometer never registers less
than HI degrees in the sun, at noon, and
ou more than oue occasion rose to tho al
most intolerable pitch of liO in tho shade.
Day alter dsy the record was tho saiuo.
Never a shower nor evon a passing cloud.
The air absolutely still, without even a
morning or evening breeze. Tho night
differing from the days only In being
dark instead of llghtj Just as sultry, just
as oppressive. Surely, General Humidi
ty's most vicious onslaught has not given
us such suffering as that.
Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails.
Sold by Herman A Slgglns, Druggists,
Tionesta. iiovl6m.
"Summer I'nitrrwcnr."
20 different lines, from the ludia
Gauze at 35c. per garrueul, to the finest
Balbripgnn. This season we sell a
Sanitary Gossatuere at 50c. per gar
ment. Don't suffer with heat, but
come to
McGYkn A Simons',
Moderate Price Store,
33 Seneca Street,
Oil City, Pa.
Tho motto of the proprietors of Dr.
Henry Maxtor's Mandrake Bitters is, "the
greatest good to tho greatest number,"
and so sell a largo bottle of a vuluablo
remedy for tho small price of Z cents, ami
warrant every bottle to give satisfaction
or money refunded. For sale by D. Har
In the Economical Mutual Benefit
Association of Sandy Lake, Pa.
Mr. Harry Halo, of Franklin, Agont of
tho Economical Mutual Benefit Associa
tion of Sandy Lake, I'a., Is located hero at
present and will be for somo time, in tho
interest of that Association. Ho will call
on tho pooplo generally and solicit their
applications, and In the meantime he asks
a perusal of tho following testimonials,
which is only a few of the many which he
can produce. Apponded Is also a partial
list of those who have already taken poli
cies. This is the ouly Company which
has a full matured policy :
Sandy Lake, Pa., March 22, 18S8.
Chas. Farqnar M. D., Fast Bethlehem, Pa.
Dear Sir Your letter of inquiry at
hand and contents noted. In reply would
say, wo are personally acquainted with all
the officers of tho Economical Mutual
Bonefit Association, and know thum to bo
upright business men, men whom you
may roly upon. They have alwaya paid
their claims promptly. Thoy havo paid
over J10O.00O to beneficiaries through us
alone. Trusting tho above may be eatis
factory, I remain
Yours respocfully,
M. L. Zahniskii,
Cashier Sandy Lake Bank.
Mill Citv, Wyoming Co., Pa., 1SS8.
E. M. IJ. A.:
Your chock for f l.SOO has beon received
In full payment of my claim as beneficia
ry of Mrs. A. M. Lettecr, and thank you
for your prompt and fair treatment, and
cheerfully roconnnend your company to
all who want insurance.
S. D. Letteer.
Note Mrs. Letteor insured In 1S85 and
paid ffitl in Assessment.
PiTTsniTRtiH, East End, Doc. I, 18S8.
C. II. Fulton, Sec'y E. M. B. A.:
I have Just received your cheek for
$2,000 in full payment of policy No. 0411
issued on tho life of my lato husband, aud
wish to thank the officers and directors of
the Economical Mutual Ben lit Association
for their prompt aud fair treat moot of mo.
I consider tho couiprny one of the host,
and tho plan an excellent one, combining
cheapness with safety, and locomiuend it
to all thaso desiring safo insurance.
Ki.izadkth Wiseman.
Attest, S. A. Gordan, Witness.
NoTKMr. Wiseman had been a niom
bor of this Association sineo Sept. 20th,
18S0, and had paid f."7 in assessments.
Franklin, Pa., Dec. 22, 1RS8.
Economical Mutual Benefit Association :
I am just in receipt of your treasurer's
check for $1500,00, boing payment in full
of policy No. 150 on the lifo of my lato
husband, John Amigh. Thanking you
.";r "ompt and fair treatment of me, I am
IsAiiki.LA Am lull.
Note Mr. Amigh had been a member
of this Association since Jan. 3d 18S2, and
had paid $103 iu assessments.
Sandy Lake, Pa., Sept. 4, IS.'''"''
To C. B. Fulton, Sec y K. M. fl. A.
Dear Sir Permit me to acknowledge
with thanks the receipt of New York
Draft for liiteen hundred dollars, i$l,.riMKI),
being payment in full of tho insurance on
tlio life of tlio iato Cyrus K. Clay, of Big
Bond, Venango Co., Pa. I am fully satis
fied with the fair and courteous treatment
of us by the Association and cordially rec
ommend it to all who desiro insurance.
Makuarkt Clay.
Frank Rinni.K,
Note Mr. Clay Insured in 1SS2, and
paid f 107 in assessments.
To Whom it may Concern.
Stewarts BrN, Pa. Juno 3, lSS'.l.
This is to certify that we have held poli
cies in the Economical Mutual Benellt As
WH'ian of Sandy Lake for the past eight
yours, and can cheerfully recommend it
as the cheapest and best Insurance for per
sons in moderate circumstances that has
ever eomo under our observation.
William Yoiinh.
Stewarts lti'N, I'a., Juno 3, 18.s'J.
Having held policies in the Keonoinical
tuuiuui icucui Association ni nanoy liiiKO
for seven years, wo take great pleasure in
recommending it as the cheapest ami fair
est that we have yotoxainincd, ami believe
it THE Association tor persons ill moder-
Rle ei rell iiinI MIH-i-M wivli i nr litM i niiii ru me
john thomson.
Jan kt Thomson.
I-'nlhtwinfr Is 11 nstt-tial list .if tliiwi. win.
have already taken policies iu fins county:
Joseph Maeliesiicy, Merchant.
Josiah N'eill, Farmer.
Aaron Font, Farmer.
William Woodcock, Tool Dresser.
Mrs. William Woodcock.
Harry A. Burt and wile.
Edward Hurl, f anner.
Edward Woodcock, Farmer.
William Dunham and wile.
William Phillips and wife,
M. L. Kange, Farmer,
iiorey Carson, Farmer,
.hunes Elliot, farmer.
William I'eualt, Farmer.
Win. N. -ihiiiser and wife.
William C. Itroinlcy, Farmer.
James Carson, reinstated, Farmer.
M argil ret Carson.
General Noilo Aeent.
Sandy Lake, Pa.
A common cold should not be neg
lected. Downs Elixir will euro it. For
salo by D. Barnett.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blem
ishes from horces. Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Sweeney, King-Bono, Slides,
Strains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs Ete.,
Save ."!) by use of one bottlo. Warranted.
Nnld by Herman & Siggins, Druggist,
Tionesta. nov28-ly.
The best Salvo In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Fleers. SaltKlieum, Fovor
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay rerj Hired. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money rnlundod. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by G. W. Bovard.
House, Tionesta, Pa., on the evening of
Aug. 2, issr, by Rev. J. V. McAlifnch,
Mr. Edward J. Guekert and Miss May
Gillespie, both of Fryburg, Clarion Co.,
Flour 1- barrel choice. - 6.00fl.25
Flour sack, - . 1.251.60
Corn Meal, 100 Rs - - 1.00 1.23
Chop feed, pure grain - - ($1.00
Corn, Shelled - - 70
Beans "J3 bushel .... 1.5002.50
Ham, sugar cured H
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - 121
Shoulders ..... o
Whttofish, half-barrels ... 8.60
Lake horriug half-barrels - 6.60
Sugar - 710
Syrup 6O0O
N. O. Molasses new ... 60Q75
Roast Rio Coffoo ... 2S
Rio Coffee, ... . 25
JavaCoflbo .... 3233
Tea iO90
Butter 15 18
Rico 8
Eggs, fresn - - -- -'12
Salt best laVo .... 1.25
Lard 12i
Iron, common bar ... . X60
Nails, 16d, keg .... 2.60
Potatoes .....
Limo ti bbl. .... 1.00
Dried Apples sliced per lb CS
Driod Beef .... - 121
Dried Peaches per lb 10
Dried Peaches pared por - 16
Offico In Kepler Block, Room 9, Tionosta,
The wonderful Cough, cure. A positive
euro for Whooping Cough and all Throat,
Chest and Lung Troubles, aud all Coughs.
Is also the best known Remedy for local
pains, such as Lumbago, Sciatica, etc.
Sold by all druggists. atig7-ly.
Slok ItoAilni hoanrt ruliora all the trouble tncl
dont to a bilious stale ef the syntera, such as
IlizKinuHs, Nausea. DrowKiueHs, Distress mttef
eatinfr, I'nin Iu the Shle, & While their moat
remarkable success has been shown in curiae
Headache, yet Carter' Littlc Linn Pru
nra equally valuable in Coutipatlon, coring
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also conwt all uiaorttori of (he stomach.
t i niu lute the liver and regulate (be bowels,
Eveu it they only cured
Ache thoy would be almost prtceieea to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint f
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
Vne little pills valuable In so mauv ways that
xo; not do willing to ao witnout uumb
itui axbcr au sjck up
Is the bane of so many Uvea tbat here Ii where
we make our great coast. Our pilla euro It
while others do not.
Cahtkk's Littlc Liwit Pilla are very small
and vry ewy to taktv One or two pills make
a dart. Thoy are strictly vegetable and do
not jrrijte or purge, but by their gentle action
Eleatto all wbo use thorn. In vials at 26 eentKt
ve fur $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by niad.
CATtt MSSlCa.'i CO., Vv Tort
U?I SsulH Sdlfrk
of the firm of MORCK BUO'S,
Hpeciulist In Krrors of Refraction of tho
Kyo. Kxaiuinatiuna free of charge
KKI.IAltl.K AliKNTS to noil our N.
High Arm Automatic hewing Ma.''
Tim No. ti Liberal inducements. Ad
WIIKKl.r.ll .V WILSON Ml'li.
I'hlliKiclphi.i, I'll. lv,tuhliNhod
Kor Ylt'. Voriiiiuiont iiiwitii .
the year round ! tiood weekly nay
guaranteed ! No experience needed 1
Daly giMiil character and williuguoa
to work reitiiied. outfit tree, bend tor
term and commence at omw. Write
.1. At NT IN MIAW iV CO., N urscryiiicn,
Hwara-nwtreMIara Rochester, N. Y.
To canvass lor one of the largest, olde&t
!.-.tabl lulled, Itcnt Known N urs-eries in the
country. Most liberal tt-rum. Unf iiii!ed
facilities. UciK-va Xuraury, lvt.iblished
is til. W. A T. S.M ITU. Cieueva. N. Y.
IOU Wt'HK of every description execu
ted at tin. r.J-:iJL'lii H AN elbco.
Iver Wn
JpiUs. iJ