THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1881). BOROUGH OFFICERS. JTurffe. D. R. Knox. Vnunmtmtin North ward, II. M. Her man, H. M. Foreman, H. D. Irwin. South ward, S. V. Hoowdon, U. W. Robinson, J. F. Proper. JttAticea of (he react D. 8. Knox, T. B. Cobb. ' . timetable and Collector 8. 8. Canfleld. tb-honl JWrecror O. W. Robinson, A. B. Kelly, K. L. Davis, D. 8. Kntx, I). V. Clark, J. T. Bronnan. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of OonreM Jamks Member of Senate J. II, Wii,hon. A'nembly A . Ran n all. President JudaeW. D. Brown. A uncial e Judges Lkwis Aunkb. Jno. A. Proprr Trennnrer Sot,omok FtT7,KnAi.n. Pi-ofAnnofary, Reaieter t Recorder, Cc. Calvin M. Arnrr. Sheriff. Qua. W. KAWTFB. Oinnmlmten-Wx, D. StiiRLnn, C. K. I.RnEnnn, J. J. Parsons. Ormnfy Superintendent Gko. W. Kerr. JUntriet Attorney P. M. Cl.ARK. Jury PommMone- C. II. Chuboh, " Amok L, Cooprr, Chuny jKrveter IT. O. Whittekin. Vnroner Dr. J. W. Morrow. Otenfv i4 nrfiVorA E. I Jones, R. Z. OlttBSPlB, Wm. Blum. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OLIVR LODflE, No. m, F. A A. M. Stated Meeting hold at Odd Fol low Hall tho tirat Monday of each month. T. J. PAYNE, W. M. T. B. COBB, Sen'y. TIONESTA LODGE No. SG9, 1. O. of O. E1. MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Lodge Room in Par tridge' iuii. O. W. KEMBLE, N. O. a. W. SAWYER, Soc'T. 27-tf. F)UEST LODGF,, No. 184, A. O. U. W., Meet vory Friday Evening in I ax lot Hall, Tionesta, I. FULTON, M. W. J. K. WENK, Roeordor. CAPT. C3KOUQE HTOW POST, No. 274, . A. R. Meets on the first Wednesday In each month, iq. Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta. Pa. Ij. AO NEW, Cominandor. GSEW A CLARK, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, Office next door to P. O., Tionesta, Pa. I. 8. AONKW. P. M. n.ABK, District Attorney. Mr. Clark la Agent for a ntimbor of re liable Fire Insiuance Companies. EL. DAVIS. . ATTORN KY-AT- LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collections made In this and adjoining counties. TF. RITCHEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionosta, Forest County Pa. LAWRENCE HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., Wm. Lawrence, Proprietor. This Iirtiae la centrally located. Everything new and well furnished. 8 n pel lor Ac. ' coin mediations and strict attention given tt guests. Vegetables and Fruita of all kinds served in their season. Sample room for Commercial Agents. CENTRAL HOUSE, Tionesta. Pa., O. C. Brnwnel I. Proprietor. This la a ' .lew house, and has Inst boon tilted tip lor .. lie accommodation of tho public. A por . :ion of the patronage of the public Is an lie heA. 4H-ly. CENTRAL HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. W. II. ROTH, Proprietor. The largest, Best Iocated and Furnished Hons,! In the City. Near Union Depot. . T B. SIGGINS, M. I)., J t Physician, Surgeon A Druggist, TIONESTA, PA. T W. MORROW. M. D., PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Late of Armstrong county, haying located in Thresta is prepared to attend all pro- c-slnnat calls promptly and at all hours. ' nilee aad residence two doors north of .Kvronce Hohkh. O Hire hours 7 to H a. i., and II io 12 M. ; '2 to 3 and flj to 71 p. i. Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M. ; 2 to 3 and 61 ''TJp. at. raay-18 81. DENTISTRY. 1)11. J. W. MORROW. I lux lug purchased the materials Ac, of ' 'iy .Steadinan, would respcctlullv an--ni;ee that ho will carry on the Dental us'iiasa In Tionesta. and having had over -ix. y ars successful experience, considers utn.-oll fully competent to give entire ant. .sfiictUiii. I shall always give my medi al practice the preference. ma'r22-K2. f AY, PARK A CO.. JU BANKERS. i'orutjr of Elm A Walnut Sts., Tionosta, Ph., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In- em-it allowed on Time Deposits. Collec- ionMmadeon all the Principal points of lie U. H. Collections soliuiled. JORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLIRRS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. : .uiid nud Railway Surveying a Specialty, Mitgueiio, Solar or Triangulation Survev .ng. Hunt of Instruments and werk. '1'orins on application. JWctical Tinner. All kinds of Shoot Motul Work prompt ly uttt-ndod to, HO?.'! TxO ""ciAWr. Sp0r"Na. l:ONN ICR BUILDING, Up Stairs. TIONESTA, PA. of the tirui or MORCK BKO'S, V) j alist in Errors of Refraction of the Wjaiuiualiuus hue of charge. WAUKEN, i'ENN. JAS. T. BRENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY, PARTICTTLAR ATTENTION OIVKN TO THE PHOPKll ASSESSMENT OK LANDS AND THE PAYMENT OKTAXES. ALSO TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE, AND TO THE RENTING AND MANAUEMENT OK THE SAME. WESTERN NEW YORK A PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, formerly B., N. Y. A P. R. H. Time Tablo Uiklng effect May 12th, 1889. Enstorn Time 75th Meridian. Trains will leave Tionesta for Oil City and points West as follows: No. 03 Through Freight (carry ing passengers), 0:40 a, m. No. 31 Hniliilo Express 12:U.lnoon. No, (II Way Freight (carrying passengers) 5:00 p. in. No. 33 Oil City Exf less 8:05 p. in. For Hickory, Tidloute, Warren, Kinzua, Bradford, Oleun and the East: No. M Olnan Express 8:40 a. m. No. S2 Pittsburgh Express :49 p. in. No. Hrt Through Freight (car rying passengers 7:13 p. in. Trains 93 and 00 Run Daily and carry fiassengers tn and from points between 111 City and Irvineton only. Other trains run dally except Sunday. Get Time Tables and full information from J. Ij. CRAIO, A pent, Tionosta, Pa. GEO. S. OATCHELL, Goa l Sunt, J. A. FELLOWS, Gou'l Passenger A Ticket Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. C'karrh as4 Hnbbalk Mrhool. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Kev. Rumberger. Services in Lutheran Mt. .ion's Church, German Hill, every Huuday at 10:30a. m., English and German alternating. S. 8. every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. K. J. Graetz, Pastor. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at tho usual hour. Rev. A. D. Gaines, Pastor. Services in the Prosbytcrlan Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Roy, J. V. MuAninch ollicinting. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. No Paper Next Week. Tbe Foiikst Kepuulican will cele brate tbe Fourth by takiog a rest next week. The next issue will appear July 17. Io the meantime tbe office will be open for business during the week. Come up and see us. No Paper Next week. Oil market closed yesteiday 921. Ladies and Gents CuOT Buttons, at A. C. Guth's Tionesta. Mr. A. J. Wallace of Marienville, was a visitor to town yesterday. Joe Partridge of Cleveland, is paying a visit to grandfather Dale this week. Forest Bovard is home from Grove City College to spend the sum mer vacaliun. Hoy G. Brownell, of the Enter prite, CjudcMporl, Potter county, is home on a short luy-ofl'. Eight-day Clocks half hour Gong Strike, ouly $4 50, at A. C. Guth's, Tiuuesta. We understand that Peter Wal ters, living on Hunter Run, had an ox aud cow killed by lightning on Sunday last. W. C. Wilson, the veterau Buck eye Blucksmith, was dovvu from Kel lcttville yesterday, and shook hands with many of his old iriutids. Tbe borough council has had au addition erected to tbe rear of the borough building, which the same is to be used as a tool house. Good scheme. Rev. J. R. May, of the Uuited Presbyterian Church, will preach in the school house next Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. Gold Pens and Holders, at A. C. Guth's Tionesta. Selden Whitman wishes us to in form the multitudes that his blackber ry patch promises an immense yield this season, and that everybody is cordially invited to come and help themselves, without money and with out price. "Regina Gavotte" is the title of an exquisite pieco of music dedicated to Mrs. President Harrison, and just published by the Newhall & Evans Musie Co., 171 West 4th St., Cincin nati, Ohio. Send 40 cents to this ad dress and secure a copy. Ladies and Gents Gold Rings, at A. C. Guth's, Tionesta. Mr. S. J. Wolcott has moved his family and household goods to Little Hickory, where be will be engaged fur some time iu oil operatious. Mr. li. Cobb'a family are tuoviug into that part of the Winans house made va cant by Mr. Woloott's removal. The W. N. Y. & P. railroad will run one of its popular and delightful excursions to the Thousand Islands, on Thursday, July 11. The fare for tho rouud trip will be $5.50, which is remarkably low. Those who would enjoy a most glorious holiday should take advantage of this excursion. Tickets good fur ten days. Mr. S. B. Newton, the popular excursion agent, will accompany the party, which in sures a good time for all. Mrs. G. W. Sawyer and daughter, Mrs. Chas. Hunter, who were visiting relatives and friends in Massachusetts, returned last' Wednesday, bringing with them Mrs. Sawyer's niece, Mrs. Fannie Fcnton, of Worcester, Mass., who will remain their guest for a few weeks. It will be pleasant news to the many friends in this section of Col. A. Louden Snowdeo, who delivered such a stirring campaign address here last September, to learn that Presi dent Harrison has appointed him Minister Resident and Consul General to Greece, Servia and Roumaoia. Wednesday evening of last week Newton, 14 year-old son of U. S. Zah niser of Stewarts Run, had his left foot caught in the crank of au engine, lacerating the great toe so badly that Dr. Morrow, who was called, found it necessary to amputate it, although an elTort was first made to save the same. The "kid" nine of this place went up to Hickory last Saturday and gave the kids of that place a taste of their skill in handling the ball and bat. They brought home a score of 18 to 12 in favor of Tionesta, which puts to shame the older heads, who have already dropped two games to Hickory. Ladies and Gents Watch Chains, at A. C. Guth's, Tionesta. The monthly oil report for June shows the number of wells completed to be 555; new production, 7650 bar rels; dry wells, 104; wells drilling and rigs up, 902. Increase in number of wells completed, over May, 100; increase in new production, 1172 bar rels; increase in number of wells drilling and rigs up, 25. Titusville was badly washed out by a cloud-burst last evening about six o'clock. We understand the Tid ioute chair factory, which is located on Tidioute creek, was badly torn up also by a cloud-burst, but are without particulars, further than that some chair-backs, les, &c, were seen float ing by here this morning. The Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association will hold its thirty-fifth annual meeting at Altoona, July 9th, 10th and 11th. Addresses will he de livered by distinguished educators of this and other States. Arrangements have been made with the railroad companies for tickets at reduced rates on presentation of an order sigued by J. Fletcher Sickel, Germantown. About the meanest piece of thiev ery we have heard of for some time was perpetrated at West Hickory last Saturday night, when the merchant tailoring establishment of Barney Dessel was eutered and seven whole suits and several pairs of pants were stolen, entailing a loss upon Mr. D. of nearly $200. He is a hardwoiking, industrious man, with a large family, and the loss fulls heavily upon him. There is no clue to the thieves. Ladies Gold Watches, A. C. Guth's, Tionesta. The school board of the borough met last evening for the purpose of electing teachers for the ensuing term. There were a large number of appli cants for the principalship and tbe intermediate room ; the primary room being conceded to Miss Kerr, who can have tbe place as Jong as she wishes, there was do contest for it. The result of tbe election is as follows : Principal. Mr. F. W. Ware of Venan go county; intermed'ate room, Miss Jennie Scott, who has the past term taught the school at Oldtown. Prof. D. C. Tubbs writing school came to a close last week, when prizes for greatest improvement in penman ship were awarded as follows: First prize, a three-mouths' scholarship in Smith's Business College at Meadville, to John Hunter; second prize, a two months' scholarship at same institu tion, to Mi6s Rosa D. Hunter; third prize, for best penmanship, was award ed to Miss Blanche Pease, and consist ed of a one-months' scholarship. We understand John will avail himself of the prize he has won and will attend the next session of the school at Meadville, as will also Miss Pease. Prof. Tubbs bas organized two day classes in Hickory, but will coutinue his night class here. On Mouday of this week Capt. Knox formally took charge of the Post Office of this place. He will re tain Deputy P. M. Haslet for a time until be gets tho run of things, which be finds is no small item, tbe woik be ing sufficient to keep a fellow thor oughly busy about all tbe time. In retiring from the office, Mr. R. L. Haslet, who has had chargo of the same during his father's incumbency, carries with hiui the very best wishes of all the patrons of the office. Rob. has certainly acquitted himself in a most creditable manner in tbe four years that he has occupied the very trying position of Deputy. His uni form kindness aud courteous treat ment of all has won. him the high esteem of the community in general. When we need another Democratic postmaster we'll vote for Rob. The Canon City, Col., Record says : "The body of Frank Zeigler, who died tn this city of consumption, last Sat urday, the 15th inst., was embalmed by Drs. Dawson and Palmer, and shipped to the former home of the de ceased, at Oil City, Pa. Mr. Zeigler came to this city about six weeks ago in search of health, and occupied a tent in Harding's addition. lie was very low when he came here, but ap peared to be getting better, and the day before bis death seemed to be in unusually good spirits; the next morning he was found dead in bis bed, the sable robed messenger having summoned him hence while asleep, as there was no signs of a struggle, and bis features wore a peaceful look." Sic. Mong Re-captured. Last Saturday night Constablo W. A. Connelly of East Hickory deliv ered Sic. Mong over to Sheriff Sawyer, who once more turned the keys on him in the county baslile, from which he made his escape with bis father, Aquil ia Mong, a little over two months ago. Io the evening in question Mr. Con nelly got wind that Sio. would be in Hickory and he made up bis roind that he would capture him. He ac cordingly laid bis plans and secured the services of Harvey and Robert Lynch, a couple of Hickory's most "sandy" aud nervey boys. Between ten and eleven o'clock Mong stepped up on the porch of Henderson & Seigwortb's store, when the two Lynch boys seized and held him, after a se vere struggle of a few moments. The Constable, who bad placed himself in readiness, came forward and put the "bracelets" where they would do the most good, and securing a rig brought the prisoner safely to town and placed him in the custody of the Sheriff, Warren Wrinkles. I suppose it would be decidedly out of order to say anything about the weather, but two days without rain has cheered us up. The farmers are getting auxious about their clover. It needs cutting, but no use of doing anything while it is so wet. Hay will be an immense crop in this section if it can be enred. But I believe there is a promise that "seed time and harvest shall not fail." The good people of Warren were rather rudely disturbed from their slumbers the other night. Bells ring ing, whistles blowing and men run ning. Now it's a little singular what a small thing can create a big disturb ance. But when a frog gets on a rail road track, and especially if he is bent out of shape, tt makes bad work. So the engineer and fireman on train 96 on the W. N. Y. & P. thought it beBt to get off quick. It made quite a wreck. Two cars of oil caught fire and seven or eight loaded cars, I be lieve, were consumed. Mr. C. W. Russel lost, it is claimed, $1,500 worth of lumber which was piled in his lumber yard near the track. In sured for $500. John Dunn was found io a dying condition in an old barn up Olt Run one day last week. He had left home the day before telling bis wife he might not be back that night. When found, his clothes were wet and be was able to give no account of himself. It is claimed that financial reverses about a year ago unsettled his mind, and tbat he has been acting in 'a sin gular manner of late. The exact cause of his death is not known but it is probable tbat exposure was the chief cause. Now if we can get safely over the 4lh without a big head or the loss of an eye all will be well. But the av erage small boy will take his chances with a toy pistol, and tbe average "anti" will take his with the beer. I'm saving up my money for two bunches of firecrackers and a buck of ginger bread. X. Warren, Pa., July 1, 1889. Fertig Items. Haying is the order of the day. Tbe Standard will shut down to night, and will remain so for a week, to give their men time to celebrate tbe Day of Independence and return prepared for work. Tbe cruel horse butchery of Fry burg is much discussed, aud the gen eral opinion is that it resembles the Everhart murder. On the 21st ult., Mr. McKissick's horse bad its tongue cut out; on the 221 its ears cropped, and later its throat cut. Some people must have hearts large enough to fit in a gnat skiu. Tbe M. E. Sunday School of this place will give a picnic and invites other Sabbath schools. Mr. Wm. Stover was at Erie 'tend ing a meettiog of oil men concerning the drilling of another well on the Bush farm. Mr. McKeevcr is drilling a well at Lucinda. He thinks there is more oil at Lucinda. July 1. Oiusioivm. Red Brush Items. The patrons of the Blocher grtiOP deserve much praise for the manner in which they have beautified the school grounds in their neighborhood. This is a sure indication of civilization and morality. But where the school grounds and church yards are neg lected and permitted to grow up it is a sure mark of a barbarous state of society. Jacob Mealy, jr., has his house about completed and when finished it will bo one of the finest and most conven ient farm houses in this section. Rod Brush is slowly but gradually improving. No less than four barns have been erected this summer and all are modernized first class buildings. They have all been built under the management and supervision of William Hepler, the boss carpenter of the neighborhood. The roads in thispart of the coun try are in a horrible condition in con sequence of being worked when too wet. Rev. F. M. Brickley will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical church at Mt. Ziou, next Sunday at 3 P. M. II. B. F. Resolutions. The M. E. Sunday School adopted tbe following resolutions last Sunday : Whereas, In the decease of Mrs. Emma Clark, wife of our brother, P. M. Clark, our Sunduy School has lost a beloved sister, an earnest fellow worker, a faithful teacher one whom we all loved and respected and one whose life and examples was patterned after and harmonized with tbe truths she taught, and Wuekeas, We realize that in the death of so valued a member of our Sunday School we sustain a grout loss which we feel deeply and mourn sin cerely, Retolved, Tbat we express our sorrow with, and extend our sympa they to, our brother Clark in the sad affliction so suddenly and so unex pectedly laid upon him. That these resolutions be placed on the Sunday School Minute book and also be pub lished in the local papers. J. E. IIillard, " Eli Holeman, -Committee. H. M. Foreman. ) Adopted by School June 30, '89. NEWSY NOTES. The public dobt decreased during Juno $10,255,929.74. Philadelphia claims to have a popula tion of 1,223,000, Floods are doing much damage in Schuylkill county. At Williamsport 3,402 houses were sub merged during the flood. Treasurer V. It. Thompson reports the total Johnstown roliof fund to bo $702, 258.C3 up to Saturday. Alleghony Health Olllcer Bradley op poses the llerr's Island dam bocauso of the consequent pollution of the water. An attempt by incendiaries to burn Edinboro was happily frustrated by Nor mal school students discovering tho liros and extinguishing them. There are some men apparently so mean in their declining years as to feel a posi tive disappointment In soeing boys they predicted would land in tho penitentiary, develop into substautiid men. IHizzard, A monument is to be erected over the remains of Dr. F. H. Stevenson, the founder of tho Grand Army of the Re public in the United Suites. The monu ment will be erectod iu Petersburg, Ills., where he is buried. The Hungarians and Italians working on the extension of the W. N. Y. P. railroad, from Clermont to Johnsonburg, had quite a serious tight the other day, in which one was killed, being shot aliove the eye, nnd seven badly broken up. Medical men now claim it la an estab lished fact that tonsilitis can be contracted by kissing. The disease germs, the bac teria, or whatever they call thetliingiimies that put In their spare time circulating around and working up human ailment, are transmitted from lip to lip. If science keeps at it, the day may come when a fellow will have to hire a lough to kius his best girl. Exchange. Tho Supremo Lodge of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen iu session ut Omaha last week elected the lol' wiug oflicora: Supremo muster workman, Wm. R. Urahani, Cedar Falls, Iowa j supremo foreman, W. W. Wilson, Detroit, Mich, j supreme overseer, J. W. Kinstry, Helena, Mont.; supremo recorder, M. W. Nackett, Meadville, Pit. ; supremo receiver, .luliu Jackey, Albany, N. Y. ; supremo wuich man, Wm. Uutts, llullimore. Mil.; su preme medical examiner, Dr. Hugh Dougherty, lloston, , A most fiendish act was perpetrate 1 in Fryburg, Clarion county, one night re cently. A 3-year-old colt belonging to I. T. Mckisxlck had its tongue cut during the night, and tho owner found tho piece afterward which was three and a half inches long. Iu the afternoon of the same day ho again visited the barn, when he found the colts' cars cut rill' closo to its head. Search in every direction was made lor the inhuman wretch w ho had perpetrated tho deed but withimt avail. On Thursday morning last tho colt was found dead ill tho barn with its tliruut cut. The people are iu a great rage, and it will not be well with him if tho cold-blooded devil is caught. 50 Men Wanted, Py the Tiouesta Tanuing Co., imme diately. Good wages, and lay aa often as desired. Report to C. A. Howe, Kellcttville, Forest county, l'a. Ladies OuM Ear-drops, at A. C. Guilt's, TiouesU. Get the Best. A graphic, thrilling and accurate History of the Johnstown Flood, by an eye wiluess. In silk cloth, pro fusely illustrated, $1.00; in paper covers 50 cents. Also 9 different pho tographic views of the horrible disas ter for 60 cents, by mail postpaid. Agents wanted. Address, Peoples Supply Co., Manorville, Armstrong Co., Pa. James Cunningham, Rec'y and Trcas. R. F. Tarr, Manager. "The Ani.nrrl art I'mrlnlm ilir Man." Have it made tn order at moderate prices. You will find it troo economy in the long run. McClen & Simons', Moderate Trice Store, 33 Seneca Street, n.22-8t. Oil Cily, P.i. INSURE AT HOME. In the Economical Mutual Benefit Association of Sandy Lake, Pa. Mr. Harry Hale, of Franklin, Agent of the Economical Mutual lleuelit Associa tion of Sandy Lake, Pa., is located hero at present and will be for some time, in the Interest of that Association. Ho will call on the people generally and solicit their applications, and in the meantime he asks a perusal of the following testimonials, which Is only It few of the many which he can produce. Appended is also a partial list of those who have already taken poli cies. This is the only Company which has a full matured policy: Sandy Lake, Pa., March 22, law. Chas. Farquar M.D., Kast Bethlehem, Pa. Dear Sir Your lettor of inquiry at hand and contents noted. In reply would say, we are personally acquainted with all the officers of tho Economical Mutual Benefit Association, and know them to bo upright business men, men whom you may rely upon. They havo always paid their claims promptly. They have paid over $100,000 to bonoficiaries through us alone. Trusting the above may be satis factory, I reuiain Yours respecfully, M. L. Zahniskr, Cashier Sandy Lako Bank, Mill City, Wtomino Co., Pa., 18SS, E. M. B. A.: Your check for $1,500 has been received In full payment of my claim as beneficia ry of Mrs. A. M. Letteer, and thank you for your prompt and fair treatment, and cheerfully recommend your company to all who want Insurance. S. D. Lkttker. Notk Mrs. Letteor insured in 1885 and paid (00 in Assessments. Pittsburgh, East End, Doc. 1, 18S8. C. B. Fulton, Sec'y E. M. B. A.: I have Just received your check for $2,000 in full payment of policy No. 040 issued on.the Hie of my late husband, aud wish to thank tho oflicers and directors of tho Economical Mutual Ceafit Association for their prompt aud fair treatment of me. I consider tho eomprny ouo of tho best, and the plan an excellent one, combining cheapness with safety, and lecomniend it to all those desiring safe insurance. Elizaiietu Attest, S. A. Gobdan, Witness. Notk Mr. Wiseman had been a mem ber of this Association since Sept. 20th, 1880, and had paid $.")7 iu assessments. Franklin, Pa., Doc. 22, 1888. Economical M utual Bencljt Association : I am Just in receipt of your treasurer's check for $15O0,(H), being payment in full of policy No. 159 on the life of my late husband, John Ainigh. Thanking you for prompt and fair treatment of mo, I am Respectfully, Isaiiki.i.a Amicih. Notk Mr. AmigU had been a member of this Association since Jan.3d 1882, and had paid (103 in assessments. Sandy Lakk, Pa., Sept. 4, 188S. To C. B. Fulton, Sec'y E. M. It. A. Dear Sir Permit mo to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of Now York Draft for liilcen hundred dollars, (Jl.floeO), being payment in full of the insurance on the life of the late Cyrus It. Clav, or Ilig Bend, Venango Co., Pa. I am fully satis fied with the fair and courteous treatment of us by the Association and cordially rec ommend it to all who desiro insurance. Maruarkt Clay. Frank r.iDni.E, Attest. Notk Mr. Ciay iusurod in 1882, and paid (107 iu assessments. T. Whom it may Concern. . Sikwarts Riin, Pa. Juno 3, 1889. This in to certify -that we have held poli cies in the KconmnicHl M utnal lleuelit As-WM-iaii of Sandy Lake for tho past eight yeais, and can cheerfully recommend it as tho cheapest and best insurance for per sons in moderate circumstances that has ever coiuu under our observation. Wll.l.lAM Yoi'Nd. Elizabeth Yoc mi. Stewarts Run, Pa., June 3, 1S89. Having held policies iu the Kconoiuical Mutual Benefit Association of Sandy Lako lor seven years, we take great pleasure in recdiunieiidiiig it as tlie cheapest and fair est that we have yet examined, and believe H Til K Association tnr persons in inndcr aio circumstances wishing life insurance. Jon n Thomson. JanktThomsoN. Following is a partial list of those who have already taken policies in this county: NEILLTOWN. Joseph Machcsiicy, Merchant. Josiah Neill, Fanner. Aaron Koiit, Farmer. William Woodcock, Tool Dresser. Mrs. William Woodcock. Harry A. Hurt and wile. I'M war. I Burt, Farmer. Kdward Woodcock, l ariiicr. William Dunham and wile. Willium Phillips and wile, STI .WAKTS lil'N. M. L. Range, Fanner. liorey Carson, Farmer. .lames Elliot, l arnn-r. William I lew all. l- ai uicr. Win. N. .iliuiser anil wife. William C. llionil"v, hiiiiinr. .1 lines Carson, reinstated, Farmer. Margaret ('arson. IIUS. POWERS, licnural State Agent. Maudy Lake, Pa. lit Kl.KVW AUMt.l Tl best Salve in tho world for Cuts, lS-uiM's, Sons, fleers. Salt Klu uni. fever Sores, Tetter, ( liappi'd Hands, Chilblains, 1 rns, ami all kiii r.rupltoiis, anil posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guurauued to give portort satisfaction, or money refunded. Price cunts per Uo. l or saio vy yj. w. liuvanl, "Mnmmrr Conts and Tenln." Those beautiful lightweight flannel and serge, all sizes, latest new des'gnp, at McCuen & Simons', Moderate Price Store, m22-8t. Oil City, Pa. EI.KCTHIC B1TTEUM. This remedy Is bocomlngso well known and so popular as to need no sjwial men tion. All who have used Electric Bittern sing the song of praise. A purer medi cine does not exist and It Is guaranteed to do all that Is claimod. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tho Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Klicuni and other affections caused by Im pure 1,1. mmI. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For euro of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electrio Bitters. Entire vitisliu-tion guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and per bottlo at O. W. Bovard s Drug Storo. Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human or animals cured in 30 initvtftp by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never foils. Sold by Herman & Higgins, Druggists, Tionesta. nov28-6m When Baby was lck, we gae her Cantor!, When she wm a Child, she cried lor Cm tori. When the became Min, she clung to Cantoris, When ha had Children, aha car them Caatoria, MARRIED. AMMEKGEK McCRAY. At tho resi dence of tho bride's parents, July 1, 1889, by Rev. C. C. Rumberger, Mr. Heury P. Amberger, of Thompson, Warren county, Pa., and Miss Ida M. McCray, of Hunter's Station, Pa. IMHOFF-JONES. At Tionosta, Pa., on July 1, 1880, by Rev. J. II. Shimp, Mr. Wallaco Imhoff and Miss Nettie Jones, both of Nebraska, Forest Co., Pa. MERCILLIOTT RUSSELL. At Tio nesta, Pa., July 1, 1879, by Rev. J. II. Shimp, Mr. George Mercilliott and Miss Vinie Russell, both of Marion vlllo, For est Co., Pa. - - . J TIONKSTA ftIAXtllyr&. CORRECTED EVERT TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour "? barrel choice 5.00(56.25 Floury sack, - . 1.251.60 Corn Meal, 100 lbs . . 1.00 1.25 Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.00 Corn, Shelled - - 70 Beans bushel - 1.502.60 Ham, sugar cured . H Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - - 121 Shoulders ..... 10 Whitefish, half-barrels ... 8.50 Lako herring half-barrels 6.50 Sugar - 7 10 Syrup 5000 N. O. Molasses new ... 5075 Roast Rio Coffee ... 2g Rio Coffee, ... . "5(3, Java Coffee .... S235 Tea 20 90 Butter 15 18 Rice ..... g Eggs, fresn ... . 12&4 Salt best lako .... 1.23 Lard 12 Iron, common bar .... 20 Nails, 18d, "fl keg .... 2.50 Potatoes ..... Lime 1 bbl. .... 1.00 Dried Apples sliced per lb - 5(a8 Dried Beef - - 12J Dried Peaches per n - - 10 Dried Peaches pared per - 15 AGGOD LIVING! For Every Man williug to work GOOD PAY f Write to W. A T. Smith, Nnrsorymen Geneva, N. Y., for terms. Unequaled facilities. Many valuable specialties. One of the largest and best known Narsories in the country GENEVA NURSERY. Established IMti. WESTYVARD, HO I Are you contemplating a journey West or South? If so, the undersigned can give you CI I A PEST KATES of FARE or FREIGHT. Also furnish Maps, Guides and any information relative to the Farm ing, Grazing or Mining distric's of tho West or South. Call on or address. K. II. WALLACE, Ticket Ageut N. Y., P. A O. Ry. Oflico in Union Depot, OIL CITY", PA. JQ J A WEEK and upwards positively KP-fJ secured by men agents selling Dr Scott's Genuine Electric Belt, Suspensory, etc., and by ladies selling Dr. Scott's Elec tric Corsets. Sample free. State sex. Dr Scott, 818 Broadway, N. Y. Nov.lli-lliii. H Um PHREYS' YETERIMBY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Sen, Ewt AMD POULTRY. 800 Pue Bnok on Treatment oAauua.ia and Chart-bent Ifree. """"" S01. ! f rTrrf !'onMtlon. Inllauimatkou. A.A.tHplnal BJeuiaitillih Milk Fevar. ". Mralun, Lamt-noa, Uhaamwiaai. !.' .V',""'""'r N""l llUi liunc, II. I. Hon, or limbs, U'oriua. i'r"t.,"V'b' Heaven. Pneumonia. I"".0."0, GPes. HellTai-ha. 1. .V """carrlBBe, llrmorrkagaa. It.Il I rlnnry and Kldury Uiaaaaaa. I. I.Krupil ve Itlnrnnn,, Manga. J.KMlllu.u..ltr I llail.l l.m Htable C'aaa. with BimvMoo, Manual, otuci 011 auu niMicuior. rrlee, single b,itu0 (over au d.u.L 97. on .U6 Bold of urniinl.ti; or Sent Prepaid narwaow S&dln IDI aUatntllW All Ranalfnl nl Pv-i. Humphreys' Mod. Co., 109 Fulton St., R, Tf SPLENDID CHAHCEl For YOU. Permanont position the year round I Good weekly pay guaranteed ! Noexperieuce needed I Onlv Kood character and wiiliuuue.-M to work required. Otittit free. Scud for terms huiI commence at once. Write .1. AI'SI'IV stIAW.V CO., Nurscrvmcn, KTOTOgTMHIHI Rochester, N. Y. A Mound l.raitl Oiilnluu. i:. ll.iinbrhlgo Monday Ekii.. County Atty., Clav Co., Tex. says: "llavo used Electric, Hitters with most happy resulis. My brother also was very low with Ma larial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely u-o of this medicine. Am sat- S islied Electric Hitlers saved his lite." Mr, D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky addsj a like testimony, saying : "Ho positively believes ho would havo died, had it not In ell tor Electric Hitters. This great rem edy will ward oil', as well as cure all Ma larial Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver anil Stomach Disorders stands unequaled. Price iOc and $1.00 at G. W. Bovard'a Drug Store. OU WOlilv of every description e.vct u l tod at the REPUBLICAN uiUcu. x A - ft