V SCIENTIFIC AND INDCJTRIAL. ' Kclilspsr bnt been successfully imi tated lij two Kuropeon scientists. The electric traveling crnne in Ilinna njiolis has a enpneity of twenty tons. In tunny localities In the Alps tlntes aro minrricd into the tertiary formation. An electric car line to the top of Mis sionary liklgo in Tennessee is pioposcd. Three hundred miles an hour is the proposed speed for the electric postal railroad of the future. The new elect rital signal apparatus for ships' iiso is snid to bo a perfect marvel of mechanical ingenuity. Lieutenant Patten, United States army, is said to have devised a promising method for synchronous tclcgiiiphy. A powerful hammer is used in Eng land operated by a mildly explosive mix ture of common conl gas and atmospheric air. Simplicity and accuracy are tho chief characteristics of the popular new engine room electrical telegraph in Knglish men-of-war. It has been calculated that not less than 80,00il.000 of meteors, each lare enough to be visible ns a "shooting star," enter our atmosphere daily. Of the total area of California about one-third is susceptiblo of sufficient cul tivation to sustain a moderately dense population without the aid of irriga tion. l'rofessor Max Muller holds that, ac cording to tho strict rules of positive philosophy, we have no right to assert or deny anything with reference to the so called mind of animals. IV. I.e Baron, an eminent physician of France, says that such a tiling as a per son having a snake or lizard in his stomarh was never known and never will bo. AH such cases have been imaginary. The plate rolling mill at the St. Jacques works, cf Chattillon C'ommentry, in France, has cylinders !!2S feet in diame ter and nineteen feet long, with a total weight of rr.,000 pounds each. They are soon to be made capable of rolling fagots five feet thick and ingots weigh ing moro than 110,000 pounds. A new and ingenious schemo for sink ing a shaft through sand, silt, and wet, slushy grounds, and excavating it like rock has been successfully tried in Bel gium, l arge iron tubes are sunk in the and or mud about three feet apart, and in these tubes smaller tubes are inserted, through which circulates a cool solution of magnesium chloride. The sand is frozen for a distance of three feet around the tubes. It re5cmblcs rock, is hard and compact, and can be excavated in the sumo manner as rock. It is possible that tho process can also bo used to advan tage in the digging of foundations where water and sand are sources of trouble, or for cutting tunnels under the beds of rivers. The first electric crane ever built in the I'nited States has just been intro duced in the foundry of E. 1'. Allis & Co., of Milwaukee. Wis. It is a pon derous affair, weighing thirty tons, and is capable of lifting and carrying to any part of the foundry, with case, a weight of twenty-five tons. The crane is a bridgelike a!Tair, suspended on tracks built on each side of the foundry, near tho ceiling. It is provided with three electric motors. One moves the crane from oneend of the foundry to the other, another moves the nrria;e with which the crane is provided from one side of the foundry to the other, and the other lung the lifting machinery. Its advan tage over the ordinary power traveling cage, whkh it resembles somewhat, is a saving of power and the wear and tear of machinery. The only other electric crane know is in au English foundry. Nests nnJ Egs of Alligators. The eggs nnd young alligators are such common objects in the shop windows in many of the Southern Mates, that it ap peared to be a simple matter to secure tho eggs nt tho right time and in abund ance. It proved, on the contrary, to be ;very difficult. 1 was assured by various hunters in Florida that each month from I.January to September inclusive was the only month in which tho alligators lay their egg, and this resulted in my hav ing to iimko two journeys of uver 2C00 imileseaeh. j .The nests vary much in size, the lnrg ifv 'Wl'wiug about two and a half meters in . diameter at the' base, and cTghty cm. high in the central part, the whole hav ing the shape of a rounded coin. They are located generally on a slightly ele vated place, which is higher by a meter or slightly more than the surrounding level, and covered with a thick growth of pa'mettos, mangroves, magnolias, etc. Thcso are called "hummocks" by the na tives. On one side of the hummock at least, in some cases on all sides, is a pond from one to two meters in depth, and in - the I'unk, under water, the female alii- g-itor digs a cave, which in some cases extends three meters under the hum mock, and which is always close to her , nest. The nest is made by scratching together a great pile of dead leaves anil twigs nnd humus which forms the surface of the ground, aud which is arranged with some care. The iosido h made of the more finely divided almost powdery material of the deeper layers of the top scil, wliiie tho outside, even to the top, is covered with twigs and leaves which are whole or but little broken, and with many of the long, unbroken leaves oi needles of the southern pine. The eggs are deposited about twenty cm. from the top, aud in the nests were found lying on top of one another, making rows oi layers, with the tine humus tilling nil the intersects. '1 ho top of the nest is always exposed to the sun. l)r. C larke describes the eggs ns very difficult to manipulate, as the chcll mem brane is tough, and the wli.to very sticky. 5 i n'tjle Ameriatu. Typewriter Speed Explainpil. "Typewriter contests," snid a pretty operator as the clicked away at her machine and a Ciucim.uti ,a tlte man kept tully with his iiuiK.il, "a:o decen tive as to the speed a hiccd by the operators. on read in the newspapers thut '.Mr. Mcliulium wrote lJ.'i words in one minute. ' True, he mav have writ ten l'.'S words in one minuio, I ut they were very molt words ami words te lected with especial leferenco to the nearness of the letters forming the word on the keyboard of the machine. For instance, 1 can write loo "t he's on he machine in a minute, but do not say be cause of that that 1 can w rite 10 words a minute. As a matter ut fact, the high tit speed on a typewriter is seventy-tive - voids a minute. By that, I mean to take up and write for some t mo that ma ly words a minute of matter selected from the newspaper, matter that the. operator ha J never seen lefoie. Thut is the only true test of a typewriter's speed, and veiy few operators come up to that standard either." France owns five of the is! amis of the West ludies, a colony in outli America, aud her cit i. cos have for seveiul years past been building a ship canal across t i-utral America. FAHII AND UAItDEN. lyow-llpndpil Orchards. The whole tendency of modern tree- rilanteis is to have trees, especially for ruit, headed low. Tho tree is less ex posed to the winds, its fruit is mor lasily gathered, much of it being low tnough for a man to pick while standing n the ground or mounted on a short itep-ladder. Tho fear that the trees may be in the way of cultivation should not make it necessary to pruno high. After the trees get to the bearing sl,e, mulching, to keep tho grass down, is letter than cultivation. 2 tton Culti' Mtor. Hint for tho Swine Herd. Keep large and small separate and not more than ten in a lot. I ced regularly ind liberally of wholesome food, always lomo bulky food, and let each feed be taken up clean before more is given. Bivo wallowing places, ashes, charcoal ind salt, nnd plenty of exercise in tim ber pastures yielding shade, roofs nuts, icorns, etc. But no doubly soured slops. I'rovido ventilated shelters from wind, rain and snow, but no litter, Hogs with litter get too warm. If you wish disease, put your hoes to tho straw pile. Main tain cleanliness in nil things. Breed enly mature animals and never from a show herd. Tho o;lspiing of immature or pampared animals is predisposed to dis ease, (iive pure water, from deep wells protected from surface water. AVcll w ater is not freezing cold in winter nor lukewarm in summer. Water from creeks (unless fed by springsl, ponds or pools is disease breeding. I'igs should be farrowed in early spring and kept only n growing foods milk, bran slops, Dats, green rye, grasses, clover and sweet corn until late fall; then fatten rapidly, on corn mostly, but also green rye,- blue gtass, punrpkina, boiled potatoes and turnips, with bran, steamed clover, hay, etc. Kindness will do much more toward :ontro!ipg an ill-natured sow with a roung litter than a club or heavy boot. By rough trentineut the farmer can get ill the tight out of an old sow he wants, ind more. In handling an unruly sow it is well not to get scared before getting hurt; oftentimes there is more noise than fight. If necessary to handle young pigs and the sow objects to your presence, when she is lying down quietly iprcnd a blanket or large sack over her bead so she cannot see you: then hold your tongue ami quietly do the work. AVti Yum Ikra . "Benefits of I. and Pralnnsre. Frainngc of land is beneficial in more ways than tho mere removal of water from the land. Tho winter with its frosts brings to mind one very import int advantage gained in respect of the sbsence of exclusive cold from the land. Wet land ireeia very deeply, because it is not only compact and filled with aater, but the cold penetrates more easily any laud that contain no air in Its interstices, and the free 'ing expands it so that the roots are torn and the plant tuners serious in ury. Light frosts thus lift the surface soil and cause what is known as heaving, which results in the disastrous winter killing of fall grain, grass and clover. The warmth of drained .and, tccurcd by the removal of the water and the existence of air spaces all through the soil, is of very considerable benefit at all seasons, but most especially in tne winter, and should not be ignored by thoso farmers whose land is water - ionked at anv time. I ndrained land is alwavs wet in the pringand c.n never be worked as early is drained land can. This delay some times is a serious obstacle to farm work ma often reduces the crop one-half or more. And any land in which water ap pears in tho furrow or which is so wet as Id smear tho moldboard in the tprlng needs chaining. Water is doubtless in dispensable to plant growth, as it is to tho life and grow'.hof animals, but as an inimal perishes when it is submerged in the water so plants will perish when the roots arc submerged. Stagnant water is deadly to plants, not only because it destroys their life, but because the ex cess of water so dilutes tho dis-olved food as to Btarve the plants by depriving them of nutriment. 'i heea:e sufficient rea sons of themselves why wet land should be drained, and some land that is not always wet needs drainage as well as the wettest, lor smothering in water or tho temporary withholding of nutriment for even a short time is quite as fatal as if these obstacles to life were permanent. Jicw x rk J.m . Pol Houses. Those who have never seen or been in a od house are apt to feel great pity for those whom they consider so unfortunate is to have to dwell in such a domicile. A mere mud hut is their idea, and they cannot imagine how one can be content in so mean a home. Just there they are greatly in error, for whilo the sod house is nor very ueautiiui 10 give upon out wardly, yet it can, when built by a master band, be made to look very neat, and with a coating of cement over it, and a little penciling, could not, at a short dis tance, be distinguished Irom a stone house, while, even without these, it is tne of the most comfortable houses that Dnn be nuido for a moderato sum of money. It far exceeds a common framo Due for warmth in winter and coolness in summer, and is stronger and more durable, withstanding winds and storms that would demolish the former. It can be neatly plastered inside on the walla, which, unlike stone and brick, are not Samp after once drying out. In tins lo :ality we aie very foituuate in having material from which good mortar is made, without having to purchase lime or hair. The magnesia and sand uro u-ed, and make a hard, durable plaster. Thev can be had free of expense by all. t f c ourse, a Singled roof can be used as on any oilier house, but in this coun try those made with boards, with tarred paper placed between the two layers, then a layer of sod, and lastly a coating of alkali dirt, are tousnlc red preferable, as they keep out both summer's heat aud w iutcr's eld better, and icldom leak at ail when rightly made. These houses are not plastered overhead, and when good dies.-ed lumber is ue.l, fasteued to smoothly-peeled pitch tune ridge log. have a veiy neat appearance and ure more airy auu roomy than if a low ceil iug were placed overhead, aud much more healthful. The great point for commiseration is that most of those persons who have them for their abiding places do not have large enough ones. They are generally limited to one or two rooms, und so. of course, are often much crowded. A house 1 -x'20 feet, with 2-feet walls, leaving a room llxlii feet in tho clear. can be lini-hed completely, or with one coal oi plustei'ing whicu is all that thould be put on at first, as the walls will settle some and thus crack tlm plastir'ng, ami a second coat be needed alter after a few mouths--for $iU0 if the work is bin d done. Fut if one has a team aud can do the work himself tho only expense will be the lumber for roof or lloor, base-bo u ids, sash and door, the tarred paper and a few nails. In this way a little money will go a good way. yarmmj rld. A Itemed v for Scabby tg. j What Is called "scabby legs' in poultry is due to the prcsonee of a small mite' somewhat similiar to the species which causes scab in sheep. If a scab is re moved from the leg of a fowl and placed under a microscope of high power, the mites and pup;r may bo seen in large cumbers. An ointment made of equal parts of lard and kerosene, nnd then slightly thickened with l owers of sul phur, will destroy the mites nnd rnuso tho fungus-like growths to drop otT, leaving the legs and feet clean and smooth. Two or three applications of this ointment will usually be sufficient to effect a cure. Men York Sun, Vlrlonsnoss Descends. Viciousnoss is inherited, as much as the virtues aro. Breeders should, there fore, be on guard against using vicious animals for breeding, and as far as pos sible train and manage their stock to se cure the most docile disposition. This is not only a great convenience, but is economical and profitable. That noted horso Messenger was exceedingly sav age, and transmitted this quality to lomo of his most valued descendants; Hoyal George, in particular, was so vicious that his owner kept him in a stable four years idle, for fear of him, and he killed one groom and severely injured others. This quality of docility is invaluable in the dairy, for many val uable lives are yearly sacrificed by the Ill-nature of bulls. It is equally valuable in beef cattle, for a quiet animal is fed tnuch easier and quicker than an unruly and fretful one. Men Yo k Trilune. Cleanliness In Dry In it Apples. One of the great apple regions of this Country is in the counties of Wayue, Monroe, Orleans and Niagara in Western iNcw York. Apples aro largely trans ported to the Atlantic city markets, and thence exported to foreign lands, but in recent years the evaporating business has grown to large dimensions, nnd the pro duction and export of the dried fruit has greatly increased. Within a part of the urea of the counties above-named arc some ltioo evaporating establishments, some of them disposing of 1000 bushels of apples each day. Not less than ;io, OdO hands aro employed and the value of the product runs into the millious. As 100 pounds of tho fruit yield about twelve pounds of the dried product.somo idea of the drain upon the orchards may be formed. There is, of course, a great saving in the freight charges upon the dried fruit. A case of fifty pounds from Now York to Liverpool would cost thirty cents, while the equivalent in apples would cost $2.8 There is also the loss from deterioration in the fresh fruit from whi h the evaporated is free. One point is oi the greatest importance in the pro duction of dried fruit in cvnporatina establishments, and that is the clement cf scrupulous cleauliness. We have seen carelessness and neglect in some concerns which if witnessed by a consumer would turn him forever agaiust this product. I Hey should make cleanliness a habit. American Agriculturist. Farm and Garden Notes. Chicks only are subject to gapes. Cholera is always known by intense thirst. Gapes is the result of suffocation caused by a small, slender worm. Femembcr that the horse needs daily exercise and likes a variety of food. It is claimed that sheep take readily to good, sweet ensilage and do well on it. Carelessness with hot ashes from the house fires may result in serious loss by lire. t-mall potatoes will often prove more profitable if fed to pigs and poultry than if marketed. Iloads aud road making is now tho subject of general interest and discussion among farming communities. Avoid the mistake of sowing seed too thickly in hot beds, as crowded plants spoil quickly if not transplanted at just the right time. Whenever old hot beds are replanted with a second crop, give them a thorough smoking to kill the lice with which they are apt to be infested. Professor Henry is reported as affirm ing that uncut cornstalks make ensilage of the best quality, but the labor of get ting them out of the silo is too great. Dr. Iloskins cays, in Gardtn ana Forest, if there is a best apple we surely have it in Hunt's russet, sometime called the golden russet of Massachusetts. Among new breeds of poultry whost future popularity appears to be well set tled, P. H. Jacobs includes the Whitt yanndottes and hito 1'lymoutt Hocks. Testing the vitality of oats designed for seed should be a common practice. With ordinary methods of field culturo, probably less than one-halt the kernels sown produce mature plants. The way to have good neighbors Is tc be a good neighbor yourself. But neigh- borliness does not cover the borrowing or lending of tho small, every day farm tools that every farm should have. One farmer reports that apple pomaci proved disastrous as a fertiliser, but was a "squelcher" on Canada thistles and obnoxious weeds. The pomace was that made by the old style of pressing aud contained much acid. Ono of the best preventives against lice in the poultry house, or in the nests of sitting hens, is tobacco refuse, suet as the sweepings of cigar factories, lij the use of it, with kerosene on the roots, there need be no fear of lice. A deep cut made by a sharp calk or the shoe Lhould be dressed by in ccting a little turpentine or liniment, and ther. putting a plug of lint dipped in this iutc the opening so as to prevent the surface closing before the bottom is healed. The shorter the line of communica tion between the producer and consumci the larger is the proportion of what th latter pays when he reaches the pocket! of the former. Why not plan to reach directly into the consumer's pocket book! Soft feed for chicks is undoubtedly the causo of a great deal of mortality among them. A mixture of corumeal. old bread, bran and middling, with jus' enough milk to moisten it, is a gooc feed, and broken rice may be given fori change. Many a dairyman who is glad to go! twenty-five cents a pound for his buttei might have forty or lifty (entsif h would employ his best talent to find ap preciative customers aud keep them sup plied regularly with product up to tht standard. Feuther pulling is due to idleness, anc not to a lack of something iu the fooc as mauy suppose. Aitive birds, n con lined aud not exercising, will pull featli ers, but the habit is easily acquirer from any one of the flock by the othei members thereof. Four pounds of cornuieal should maki an increase of one pound live weight it good young pigs, and fourteen pouuds skimmed indk should also make a poumi of iutieased weight Then seven pouudt of milk and two pounds of meal oughl to make the feaiau weight of pork, The Lost Atlantis. For many contnrlM thr has lw a tradi tion of a lonf lt island called Atlantis. Tha Orrk sreogrspbors locatoil it in the Atlsnllo Ooin, wst of til northwest part rf Africa an.i tli Tillars of llorculss. The Ms-kings of Atlantis are Mill to have In vaded lMiropan(1 Africa, and to hat beso ilefealod by tha Ahautans. All the Isgomls a ilre that It was a vast Island, of inexhaustible resource, and in habltd by a rc of superior people, Fer ngei this island has existed only In legendary lore. But now, when I lie light of modern research Is turned full upon the investiga tion; behold the lost Atlantis at our very door. ISr the biRoted modloel fraternity goes tropins; about in the dark, sraklng for an Atlantis or Familapius, when if they would investigate, they would behold the Uvit At lantis at their very door. With th.-ir ancient text bonk, a ease of phvsio, a pajx-r in their waistcoat givtiur. (hem license to practice. ex periment and iloee with their injurious druirs, cauterize and perform unnecessary acta. with no pein n or laws to hold tlioui accountable, they continue their bigotnd, unjustilled prac tice', Muring into vaoancy, and imagining that they in themselves an risen lap! us. Wrapped in ancient bigotry, ther ere cry ing cut against all improvements Hint have been made in inrdiciil science. They de nounce any new idea advanced by a layman or an opposition school as a fraud. Why) Because humanity will not be benefited" Not at all, but because their specialism did not ninke tho discovery. Yet they concede that there is no remedy known to their ma'eria medica that will curs an advanced kidney innlady and the diseases arising therefrcm although many of them know from crowning proof that Warner's ISafe Cure will lint unscrupulously treat symptoms and call tliein a disease, when in reality they know they nre tut avmptoms. A few of the more honest physicians ad mit that Warner's Safe t'urd la a valuable remedy, and a great blessing to mankind, but say, in so many words, when asked why they do not prescribe it, that they cannot, accord ing to their code. Nevertheless, the world in fast becoming satisfied that the cure for kidney and liver disease', in whatever form or condition, has been discovered, and there is no doubt but what Warner's ISafe Cure and its fame will live long after such bigotry as we have in stanced is dead nnd burled. The late eminent physician and writer, Dr. J. t. Holland, published in S-ribnrr't Monthhi, and showed his op nion of such big otry, and no doubt wassatistied that Atlantis might possibly be discovered in a proprie tary medicine, w h:n ho wrote editorially, as follows: "Nevertheless, it is a fact that many of tha best proprietary medicines of the day were more successful than mauy of the physicians, and most of them, it should bt remembered, were first discovered or used iu actual medi cal practice. When, however, any shrewd person, knowing their virtue, aud foreseeing their popularity, secures and advertises them, then, in the opinion of tho bigoted, all virtue went out of them." Niiptlia Intoxication. In several largo factories in Germany, especially in India rubber factories and establishments for cleaning Iudia rubber, peculiar morbid symptoms have lately been observed. Tho faces of many of the girls who had not left the factory during the day, became flushed and swollen in the evening, and they could not walk sttadily. An examination of their clothes and of the workrooms for brandy, opium, etc., yielded no result, till an accident led to the solution of the mystery. In theso factories naptha is used in large quantities, and kept in special boilers clo-ed ngtinst tho nir. The g rls had succeeded in getting keys to tho boiler valves, and soon learning the iutoxicating effects of natvtha, wero in the habit of slinking unobserved to the reservoirs to inhale the poison, which threw them into a stato of happy forget fuluess and conjured up a thousand sweet dreams of wealth, spleudoi, happiness, etc. Tho secret was revealed by a novi e, who made too deep an inhala tion and fell iuto hysterical convulsions. lAlll'Ct. An Humble hut True Hero. At an obscure station 'n Northern Iowa threo years ngu there were two ladies awaiting to take a train. A tramp, drunk enough to be ugly and quarrel somo, whose hand, like Ishmnel's, was against every man, came in aud amused himself by directing insulting remarks to them. The operator was receiving an order to hold tho coming train, and did not hear. As he passed through the waiting-room to put out the red ling the ladies appealed to him. He ordered the fo.loiv out, ntid receiving abuse in return attempted to push him through the open door when the brute drew a concealed dirk nnd stabbed him. Tho operator, knowiug it to bo his death wound, mado no outcry, hadnowoid of icproach for his murderer, no repining nt his own fate, sent no last message to tho loved ones whom this coward's act had bereft. He simply exteuded the ling which he. still held to the ladies, and Baying, 'Tut it out," fell lifeless nt their feet. Minne (tpolit Trilivn:. Backing Tliptn Ilntltcr Closely. 1 was talking with an old lumber man tho other day, who wanted to make nu impression on me," said a friend to the liiner-Out, "and he mado out n pretty good case. 'Talk about river drivin' !' he exclaimed scornfully, 'thoy don't know anything about it, nowadays. When I used to work on tho river, wo u-ed to drive tho logs up stream iustead of down, and tho river was so full of 'cm that wo hail to stand 'em on end just as they growedand pole 'em along in thut way.' " ItcUton (Me.) Journal. Mrs. M. It. Hanton.a Brooklyn widow, while walking lust summer in the Cats kills, fell over an embankment near a bridge, nnd blames the township authori ties lor it. Hie has broke no bones, but has sued for $10,000 for damage to her beauty. Tho Duchess of Hamilton is about to place facilities in the way of young I on don women who desire instruction in dairy woi k.and she has arranged with an experienced dairymaid to give lessons at Glemham Farm. Germany's foreign policy it said to be keepiug busy all the men-of-war that can be spaicd lroin home ueiences. A KmiIichI Cure fur Kpileptlo Firs. In tlif. t-'ibtor Please inloi-in your readers Ibat 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease w bich Iuai iunt to cure the norst caeeK. So si nmg is my faith In its vir tues that 1 w tit send ftee a sampie bottle aud valuable treatise to any sulli-i-cr w ho will give n.e hla 1' ! und Kipicss address, llesp'y, 11.0. KUOT. M. V. IK) l'earm New York No opium in Hibu's (.'me for Consumption Cures where oilier remedies fail. h TRADE MARK Rem ri'Sf I THE GHtAT. FY I For Stablemen and Stockmen. CURES Cvt, Bwtlllifi, BrnlMi, Spratnt, 6llf, Btrtklu, LiBitAui, Itlffnesi, Or ln,d Hcoli, BcrWb, OuBtrftetloai, Ilth W mailt. Bit luslifclt, Bart TUiskt, lnunpr. (Mie, Whitlow, IMl Blt, fiatulft, Tatboti, Hpltaia, Rliibon and Sptvta la IU triy U'.gat. Mrctluk wilt, vt.lt boiU. At LnuGoiMs ash Ulau bs. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Baltimore H4. FOR DYSPEPSIA AI'OMITIVK Ct'llE K)U JNUNlJ'KTION AND ALL fcioiuuu iroubi. .Mum i litirt 1 ruin. Your DtvQjit or tientrai tMnttr will gtt Vr Cumor tou i nut ahemty in tlorie. or it u ill t ttnf by ii i,n rrvrtytuf V6 vt. l& tjv tl-UI) M 1 aim ik. Suttmta avtif uu eve tut at i-immU inuiu Tie Charles, A, Voyeltr (ft,, laltlmpj-e, Jlj. Carl sf thasks, . Tf thsproprletof f Kline's Balsam should publish ft Carl of thanks, coliUtntnf espres. Slons of sratltude whlfch toine to him daily, f mm those who hrs been onrM of eerere throat and luns troubles br the use of Kemp's Balsam, It wonU fill a fair-sired book. Ho much better to Invito all te call en Snr druir clt and gmt, A free sample btjttlo thai you may iet fer yourself lis power. Largs bottles 60o snd fl. T-san are e-er thres hundred thousand bee keepers la America. tn fJenerst Pehllllr. Tlmselntlnn, PoifsvMPTioN, and vyartiho i Ciui.nnrf, Peon's KmumisK of Pure Cod Uver Oil with Hypniihosphltes, Is a most valuable food and mrdlolne. It creates an appetite for fond, strengthen the not vnhs system, and builds up the body. Pleaae read: "I tried Hcott's Kmul Bion on a ynnnff ninn whom l'liNslcnnat times gave up h"i e, Hlneo he began using the Kmul ion hi i 'cuei tin ennse-l, trained neh and strength, and from all appenrtmceshlBlifewlll h prolonged many voir " .l-ws tfi'i.l.lVAN, Hospital s ett-nrd, Mor:anra, Pa, A DELIGHTED Look at my face and ray hands not a pim ple. Such as you saw there some time ngo. Seo my fresh cheeks, and I'm getting a dim ple, I don't look at all liko I used to. I know. I asked the (Icllprhtcd young woman what she referred to, and sho answered, Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is the best boautillor in the world, because it purities and enriches the blood, and pure rich blood gives good heulth, and good health beauty. , Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is guaranteed to cure all Blood, Skin aud Scalp Diseases, as Blotches, Eruptions, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, in short, nil diseases caused by bad blood, or money paid for it villi bo promptly refunded. Copyrighted, 1888, by Wobld's DisriNSAnr Msmcal AftfloctATiow, Proprietors. X IT 7. T-T :risr Tn33 nz:xi, V n W no matter how bad or of how long standing, is permanently cured by OR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. M cents, by driiKglets. ELY'S CiTAnnH . .fS4Bfcow' Cleanses the Nasal Paaaagea, Allay Fain and Inflam PoiA urrwrn mation, Heals tho Bores, Restores tho Senses of Tiutoand Smell. .e.tVf mm TRY THE CURE. '0"";;!!. !.!.!: HI AY- FEVER a druKfft; t'y irmtl, rgitfrti. n (?, tn. -.1.1 lmui ii i .t;a, w am; njstew lort N Y N IT-1 1 Th mother of a n.mbtr of our Urm h mrM ot ft tame roii iuir ou hr fr of twntt year' ! tn,' by s. s. A. I'thin Iiwn, Vcaki Jiii-ET. iJt-uftKlftU, rarmeitvillo. T-x. HwifVn spoi-iii.' mini our bat of an anrry tritp tlou callcn Ecatiina aflvr ttia divtor'a proacrlptiout had failed, aud ho la uow and U'-iti ly. II. 1. Hiiobf, iu. Ii Hill, Ma $W Puir1 for onr hook on Mood atidMtiu DtattaaM ami Artvi.-n to Puflmerf, Uiailsxl frrt. THEHWIFT g.'ErUU; cu., Drawers, Atlanta, Oa. CHOICETEXAS LANDS Rare Chance for Settlers. The Railroad Kytm of Texaa havlns dTaloped ao aa to brm within amy ..cfn uf gmid luteiiuraad aeabuard uiarkata I be landa srauttnl to (ho HOUSTON &TEXAS CENT'L RY.C0. It baa boen dattrminad to offer to lettleri tha Renowned Agricult'l Lands Located alone tha line of tue 'ort Wtrtb k Denver City ft. h., Wgiuuiar with Wtltar.cr Couuty, cuinpriii-g 200,000 ACRES In farma of lt'iO acrei and upward. Ttwselandi were hx'aied by tha tout puny aiiiuuy the eMilierft, Willi eapeclal car na to aoll, timtrer aud wntei. 1 bev aie aiaDtai to tli gruuih of ciid, corn, oata wbeat. barUy, rye, f'i-blfn, orcfaardt auii i0Bt auu tlie arioua domeitic (frer. Situated Id tho k' aied nod bealthy region known at tha N.utlioi n I'Mib-ndle of Team, thty potieii a ffenial otitnate, favoiable Ionian mtd bant, Ueia outdoor woik can ta carried on Ilia yar round, anl arain marked contraat whli reiouao( early and lata fruete or ut destructive " LltEtai iU.' fopuUttoD la f-nt pouring In, and lore) government la already established, vt It h hoot, clmn het, Ac. Tkhmi or Sale; Oue-fifth cnh. l-aloure in fut t-riual jearljr puymeuti, with luteieet on dnfened ia muii. Forfurtber IttforinaiK'n aa totbeaa aud laud la djaoaot Couu;le, apply to J. 8. NAPIER, Vernon, Texas, (who la prepared to ibo to purcbuevre ); or to C. C. GIBBS, Land Ag't, Houston, Tex, UECHIGKENS PAY. .If yen know bnw toproiarlv rare IfQrtheui. For 3 ceuta m rfteMupa giving tu fprir!ice cf a pi act I cul Poultry K-laei not aii un a- leur. out a men worauig ir a-j Ihih nnd tnt diirinia u rx-i ic dui Vfl veaia. It teu-hte you how to detect and (ure larafci-a; to Ftvd f'r KyiTH kiiii alo for r ttnuniaf uhirh Kt'U U- bave ftr liit-Mlus I tii ifH -. atiid favnrvlhltiaf. ' litlt-tt.: al.tr. hint tKiMtnd fur 'J'c. llniiu )nu kliouilinr in Uji vact to muke tt rmftt 11 It IIOI'MI', 134 T.ronard mh-ii, N. v. liy I aoy Plao'a Cure for fVro iuipiloa In 1 HE bl BT iter kutlua thu vuKe FRAZER BEST 1 H TIIK WORLD taftiattKeOeuuliia. UIIUHOL. Sold lCverywhor. SOLDIERS M-Ooruai-. k 4 boun. W mi AM U ill Mad; j ay. etc.; Vftit- era k-Ubv levptl: Liw free. W. Wi.Uiuu.ij, I). C. a CJincliiUaU,U; 1p ft? fl LUaat koiM aag mat man tooaoj worl;fcr rhu .MI at nythlct.lM In tba w rl Eiilir Coiil 111411 Ttwutarak. XAAia, 'fat'g Co., Augtua, Vi, V pRATOBS Purify Your Blood When sprln anpmti-haa. It Is very imrortant that the blood should be purified, as at this eon Im purities which have been eoeumuUtlu for months or even youra, are liable manireit Ihomielvea and forlornly affect tha ncllth. Unoa't Haraspartlla Is undoubtedly the best blood ptirlfler. It etpelnavefy tttnt, drives out semfnlous humor, and slves to the blojd the quality and tone essential to rood hrnlth. ' For Ave fun t was elok every crl-ir, but lat yearh ami In. February to lake Hood's Srpi,rll.. 1 n nl five hottlea ant haa not seen s sick day slm a" (I. W. 8iw, Mil on, Mm . " I think Ho t N.rwipvllla la Jut tht medio n fer woman, or anyone who hm bad blijil." Jsxai E. RsllTlt, Est Urea l T p, Pa Hood's Sarsaparllla Bold by all druRfftnta. II: lx fer as. Prepared only by C. I. noon CO., Apeth-carle. Lowell, Miwa IOD Doso Ono Dollar YOUNG WOMAN. My face ns all blotches complexion like tallow ; No wonder they thought me and culled mo a fright; No ono need have pluiples and skin gray and sallow, If she'll take what I took, ev'ry morn, noon, and uigut. KID GLOVES FREE! 10,000 PAIRS GIVEN AWAY! Tvrrr leiilv hm hfani of. pvm tln'ii-h thr may never hnve virn thr ftimoua "rnator" Kill (iliivr. Tho "J oatur" "lit t ih l-l l-iamU vt knl ciovrt man tiructiiifi., anil tlif giada w oik-r rrlnili vorwher at fn $ i to I..'iO 1T P-lir, mid In veuif lUoet at en iiiiiticr prices. A v-iotl bUilv kid glovr Ii etlwrtv. it)lili, and i a nri-rnUy l tvvry Uiy, ? min rout, nnd every one wlio aiuwcrs this udvcrUfteiiutit ui.iy itture jwtir j' roe. Tho I.-Mliea Bazar" Ii a mammnMi elirtit Pie riiff, wltti a h.ilional rriuitatlull a one ol I be U-it fkm l!y p-tpera pubinltrd. Every number t flilloi ikkI tliimrt to lnteiTt unJ amine li h'.me circle. Oiii i reful um prim lend all In vaiua; we want liUM' rtil'icnber, and tal.i- tin wtty to get tfifm. Tliil advertisement Will aiie.ir lint nmv. and tln win want insecure a pair ot tiiese uiuvtft without ct, miM art quickly. Ktuto alzei of glor wniitfMl. Tin-very ptrton who will aittuvr ttun mi vert lament, Atnl end 1th oettta, n.lal nolo or atetmii, to htip uiv o-t.'te, tic. Wo v III fern, 'Thn ..mile llnar, "on ymr frex. Thn pa toumlliitt otter U urn tie to piiu-o our paper In IfioO hollies, and unleM roti act at om-f, this cliuiice Will Irt 'na forever. VMre Vubs., 1 U LADIKS BAZAR, I.yuu, Ma as. M M lit It H lA. lt IU i l,IHMi. so Mirni i nu you a ll n k k i. A Nickel-Plated Towel Roller. We wiilaeiid von ou tr uinil, jo!P ,1. for .5. I.aritH tin tt Hit In ttarrnta rtivliiiul l'Htnrttu bti tl-'). Itia a hrauty ami ia certainly tht pivitn nt thing In ttie ti arkrt Hmiiila I'V ma 1, O Aa,-eiit' can d a big bUKln-M Mtb, Xhmu. VSIOS PLATINO MFti.OO.. ). wull, Mea-. DrTriTICe WANTKII. (Hi-I mei'cr tl tU IllCd te.-H.ft. nve yh K O lit 4 II AIM. KD. Nnd tt ouet-ent s'ainiM ft r In- rn t nrn Mo h k DetrciUe Itur tiitt llcndquwrlrrai ichilw. Khiihw. Blair's Pills.1 Rheumatio Remedy. Ofilliux, Hi round 14 I'lIU, ALunurui aiti-i-ia ai iu- yOHOLERA PROOF, or Ohio Improvids.V. SWOMIBT.N HOOa. BIND FON 01 aCHIPTtON aRlOl.tJ? Mr lie i.. ii. ifiUer Co., Cleaelitud, O.la7' YOUR KAME Or our l.inon Mark-r and 20c. i w Samiilo- oi our ii 'CiiU, Of Atlanta II nn'fil, IlL'UIll.K hTAMl't'O., Ill l(a!iU Ave, Hlkl n, N Y. I prearriba and fully done Hlg 4 ta tba only apeciftc lortuacciiajocuia of thta dirnee. O. U.lMdtAll AM.M. AuiOierdum, ti. Y. W have sold Hig ( for in any yea re, and It baa given tua beat of aaua- f('Itnn. U.K. DYCTIF CO., C hicago, UF. 1.00. BoldbyDruggULr t W. S3 Heat CAUTION If auy dealer aajra lie naiue aii'l rlf. .tanipi ..it. h M.i'i- il. iihr. wrir,. 'ltu a J J i i eja J i i i uo ill who hatH mvt Hteil 11 1. in itinn to flvo a-hara 111 a Kubbt-r C.U, and t hit flrt half hour txptmnie in a ItiTtu null to tut lorrow that II It hardly a beliar urolcctiuu Him.ii a mot- V ft f-MJU JT i Jr TO b ITS.3 C, . SwruilMil at M f&W aaaaeSuUwre. fca lirSeelybytlM V Itrsu Olumlesl 0. fnlaaii TrJaO--all ' ' " M' ii-itS i Ti hii'm ii' fa t ieTil ilBPISOSCURElP hN 1 I W f FOR BAl.C ALL ORUaOlfiTfl, A WET (Jitilo natting, n d only Kelt chagrined At DU!g v Diio.y iua n In, hut alto HEfJ tcelt e 0"t Inok exa lly hko flUtl llKAl!l''HLItKBl, dya not have tn itiok ua..i, neiid tordtaeiibtivttataK'tftie. A.J.I own.. "JO Simmon-tit., Uohtuit, M.4, fii"tfit4'ftf tt la Irae eoeBomy ietmy Hntvl'a ftaraapiriUa, I "100 D Ono Dollar" la ordinal with anil trnaV ealy ef thla popular mertMn. If you wlah to prer thin, bur a boitla of Uiod'aSrHr'arlllaan loioaann Itaonntenta. Yu will find It to h -U luo teaieocitl Noir read tbedlrertlona, an 1 ton wtj find tbail ttia averatetletc far p raoni of di(Tt-Ant ata ta leas! than a t eapoonful. This Is oorlamlr ponolaalrsj evirtenoa bf tha peonll.it atrenslti and anonomj eft ItoM'a Raraarxtlla, ' "HoclaSara.viaHllap'irlnid mr Woo', tTe pie trnnirth and ortirouno tin h'alaohe snd dt; uoas, I ao that no I am ahle to aora axaln. I reoomraasA Hoo l a Saraaparllla to olh r a hoae Mood It thin o tinpurii, and who il wo'ra out or run down.' X.UTHKS Naios, Lowrll. taaa. Hood's Sarsaparllla .' Sold by alt dnwal.ta. tl : "l for .1 Trxi'ared only by C I HOOD & CO., Apothojorlra, Lnwdl, Hua, IOO Doses Ono Dollar The meat eera Oln asfe Palm RKMRDT In the watlal that Inatemtlf stops the an oat seme I t ftig pains. It Is truly the great rotvtaVKROn OF PAltf, aail has done more good than any known nmatf, ror ipn..i!,nnriF., (Kriiii, rAIV In Ilia IIKT or -UE. ilEal At 'II K, TOO ! II At II 10, or any other H 1 ! It.N AI. I'AIV, a fr applirallona art like maglr. renalng the 1'AIX to IN S'l'AMTI.l STOP. For t'0lKTIOI, INFLAMMATION", Rtlll F. I'll HOAT, nilOKl IIITI. tdl.O In the IIKHI', IIIIF.I MATISM, UBI' ItAI.CtlA, I.I M lltOO. MlATIt'A. PAINS In the aims II or the Ilnrk. etr more ai lenile,!, loitaier (oiitlnnril and repeated application are nereaaary to ellect a rm e. All lTFIt'AI. PAI'S (In the Bowels or Mnmaclil, I'lUNPN, HI-AIMS, SOt B. HTO.M A II. ID A I' E A. V HI IT IN , nr. Mi nt iin, n i A it r ii ib a, t oi.iO, FI.ATI'I.F.Nt V, FAINTINtl SPFM.S. aro rellevril Inatantly and tll'ICKLY ( I IIF.II hy taklni Inlernnlly aa direct ed. Sold hy llrusitlata. P'l e, AUe. AD WAY' PILLS THE Per the rure of All tlaorters f ttie RTOMSCII. I.IVKIl. HUWRI.lt, K.10 NK.1M, IILAODI-.U, NKIIVOI S I)1SBA K, I.O-I1 of AIM'KI'ITK. IIKADACHB, ' COX.STII'ATIOM, fOHTIVKIVKSS, ISDI- ;xt riov, Rii.ioi i;ss. Kiev Kit, ll-"I.AM.M A'l IO olllir HIIWKI.S.PILKS sntl ell dei-Ntigenirnta of tlte InlerrJsl Vlareia, Purely Ve)rlsble, ronlaiiin( no merrory, ralnrrala, or DEI.; TKIl IOI H Ultl JS. PKHKK1T UIUK.MTIOW will be Sf reiiipll.linl hy lekloa; RAUWlfl ril.l.S. II to doing DYSPEPSIA, rick iik irnrc, FOUL STOMACH, nil.lOl NK, will be oltld, and I lie f.io.l that la .alia rentrlbate Its nonrlaliliiK prnyertlea for tile support of Ilie natural waale or (lie baaly. SOLD BY ALL. DHVUUISTS. Prlre M.tc. per boi, or, on rei-elpt of prlre, will be ant by mall. 0 bases for One Dollar. HAD WAY t o., U t Warren 8t.,N. V. I r Yon wish a 1 IKIIMI (SflrT, i af CS w K K OI llir-l line rum t.f (he I. , I 11 liraiM SMITH W KKKON hi Dift. '1 he niifft mm II arms i vrr n atiufat tirt d and the fkr-t t h liu nf all t In. Vminfia.-tmt d in ral ltie ard 44-im. Htn. li onlmiMe actli'ii. huffy II jiinnw rhta and llK' t tiKHlda. rrimltnrtMl utlivlyot Imii unU Ity Wl out III ! rvi ci'inuiiy in-4- itti ktmoii niu nh I' Mid Mc k. i lii at' unrivah'd fr finl-L Ait nihil 1 1 y it iid nenn nc . lt not l edertivM If inip mi it 1 1 ctt lii t cn a ! ion Imltnilona whu-h a e ( fit n l'l for the genuine ai tit le and era not Oil imr.Uat!r, lilt daiigiTnlia. 'Ilia hMlTH U FKStiN Itevi'lvn-a an-all atmnivd Uh n the bar li'le. tlh hi ni'a nrnic, eildrme Pli-l dntt n of fatcta mid arc BiinrnntrcH pcrfti t in evi r drtail. In Hir't ii'fii liavliir tlm K nuinc atticlr, and If yorir I'mli-r niiiti'd ii' lv you mi nrtU r ant to a-Mrea lit lw ill ri'ci ir fit lin t end careful attmtiotL Iaci pt iv cut h1".'iip iithI I'l ici-p f iirnl"hl upon ai SMITH WKSSON, rMntion tht pHp-r. prltigUrld, Mm aa. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "Py a thorough kunwlei'ay of the natural lawi with li govern tbt t ratl ua if ditit'etion aud nutxt tn ti, wd l-y a tareiul application of the Dii oiivr tiea of w rll-atdcvtrd (. (, Jr. J baa provided cur Lit akfuit tublta with a dflUatt ly cavoun-d lv nag- win" li inay eavr u many luaNy dittr-' bllla. It if ty Hi juiilclt ue tue of am h article of dlt-t thai a i moditntlnti may I giudiinlly l uilt upunlllatnif nu uifli to imlut vyry tt udt-my to rtisiatv 41nii dir ot aiil tu iiiaUdiia hi t fluwt lug around iuraly tj' atlui-k whi'ieser ihnu .a a wc k hi!uL Sa mar errr.)r many a fut el rhalt hy keeping our fl wtdl r foi tiiu.l ith puiti bit' d aiid a pio.Hiiy uouriahwa fi'tiino," i it il S- rvift thiTsItt, Mxili- ulinply wltn hoilliiK water or milk. Hold rniv tn ii ui j I'Uiiii 1 1 in, ut (irtt i'ia, laoriicti time .IT! tV ( II. . Iloiuit i.binii n, Miguun, CONSUMPTION 1 llaVf NMiill t reint-.i . fill Ilia rtlMJe i1W3 ; bT III UM IliouwmU uf t ol LliuwoiM km and vt U.iij lundtng I.y Uet'ii tttrcd. Hiiuug in my i tilth 1 tu fn-jtu y Uial trentlM- on ttiu tliMMK' to HJtr mifrirr. Olve win cruia iy ivii a ui't, itt viir wivii m iuui tUprtM aAd r. u. iiirut4. i. a. diak i si. n. c, hi r 'uarl ft i.t K. X who bars ud Plao'g ( uro fur Coneumptloa i.y It U liKHT UF ALL. feold evorwbata, 'Jtt Ktrk1! Vrn-reket KDcectel iwluN entrf MD rNl a-4 MUMU. rt-psl4, IU I o. v. gaa , i sm ft. K i-k. PEERLESS DYES tZliXJZZS. i - is r 5V-5CSh furwshcd W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Heat in the world. Fxariilne his 5.00 ;eS( im: liiMi.M M i miOE. b.i.ni) ioi.ll'K AM) r'AlOlKHS' MIOE. s :.no I x i it v m i t: ( Ai t suoii. ll.lll-Ak L.II M MIIH.. K'i.'J. fllt IC V,J M 4'i KIIOIC. J.ooan.i sl.ls HOVi' HCHOOL SUOK8. Aii UMdniu CuuKivaa, Butlun and Lae, L. DOUGLAS SHOE FOR LAO I 8. Material. llcat Stvla. Ilr.t Flttlnr. haa the W. L. Dill (.1 AS SHIIKS wltliout .1 on boltnni. nut Mm ilmvn us .1 fr:mj. 1 not . lWf;l Aw iir,."V'l'i,N. n A MS. - u - u - ltu - - - - 'uj I "jE 3E h i i HE J i We oiler Uta ua wUu wanta t.rvlca inut ityls) a gatriuent that wlil kep iW dry hi tt liHrdett IUTU H la caller TOW U . Itttl IIBANl ' hlJt'KtU,'' a i.ame fouJiiar to efr.'ry Cuw-Uoy ad vTr 'llU l-i'd. witb Uitm tha only prtt-t Wind and Wiwrwou, C-at 1. "Tuwifl JrUh bind (iui.-kai'. acJ tate no oihir. If your a.riii pr