TflE forest REPlM WEDNESDAY, AT Hit, S, 18ft9. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Iurff.V. H. Kio. (hHcilmen North ward, R. M. Her inan, H, M. Koreinan, H. D. Irwin. South ward, J. C. Heowden, O. W. Robinson, J. V. Proper. JuAtirei of the Peace D. 8. Knox, T. B. Cobb. CbrwfbftO and OllertorR. 8. Can field. .VeAoe. JHrectornO. W. Robinson, A. B. Kelly, J. H. Dingmsn, D. 8. Kni, D. W. Clark, J. T. Brannan. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Oongreee James Kerb. Member of Senate i, H. Wilson. XiimKy-CBAm.m Rahpai.l. Vaeidenf Judge W. D. Bnotn, iioeia( ff;ci-Lxvu Aim KB. Jho. A. Pnoran Treiunrer Solomon FlTroiRAI.D. Prothonotary, Rtgieter tt Recorder, te. C'A I.TIN M. Arnrr. ftheriff.GKO, W. 8 AWT KB. Ommmlofri-Wn, D. Shields, C. F, IjRprbdr, Jv J, Pahhokh. (fount y UnperintendentU ro. W. K err. . JHttriet Attorney P. M. Clark. Jury ComtniionerC. II. Church, Annif()OPRIl. Ounry 8urvevrH. C. Whittmii. ronr Pr. J, W. Morrow. County Auditor K. I Jones, R. Z. OtLLrtbl'Ilt, W. Bl.CJt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OLIVE LODGE, No. 667. F. A A. M. Stated Meetings held at Odd Fol low Hall tho first Monday of each month. T. J. PAYNE, W. M. T. B. COBH, Seo'y. " TI05ESTA LODGE No. 369, I. O. of O. F1. MEETS every Tuesday evening, at S o'eloek, In the Lodge Room In Par tridge's Hall. F. R. LAN80N, N. O. O. W. SAWYER, Sec'y. 27-tf. PlrTfoiT IO DOE, No. 184, A. O. U. W., Meets every Friday Evening in Has let UB, Tionesta. I.. FULTON, M. W. J. E. WENK, Recorder. CefPT. GEOROE STOW POST, No. 274. . A. R. Mwt on the firNt Wednesday In each month, in Odd Follow Hall, Tionesta, Pa. L. AGNKW, Commander. NICHOLAS THOMPSON CAMP No. 2S, Hons of Votcrans, meets first and third Thursday evening of each month, in Odd Fellow hall, Tionesta. Pa, C. M. AON EW, Captain. L. J. HOPKINS, First Sergeant. AGNKW CLARK' ATTOHN E YS-AT-LAW, Omoe next door to P. O., TioncHta, Pa. t. B. AONKW. V. M. CLARK, District Attorney. EL. DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Ta. - CiulocHons made In thia and adjoining counties. TF. R1TCHKY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tlones'a, Forest County Pn. 1- A WHENCE HOUSE. Tionesta, Pa., J L. A I). W. Agnew, Proprietors. Thla hruse In centrally located. Everything new and well furnished. Supeitor An comnindntions and strict attention (riven t- gncsts. Vegetables and- Fruita of all kinds aorrod in their season. Knmpio rjo.n for Commercial Agents. CENTRAL HOUSE, Tionesta. Pa., O. C. Browned. Proprietor. Thia la a new house, and has .just been fitted up tor the aivommodation of the public, A por tion of tho patronage yd1 tho public ia solic ited. Mf 4i-lv. CENTRAL HOUSE. OIL CITY, PA. x- W. 11. ROTH. Proprietor. The largest. Best Located ami Furnished Hooa ) in the City. Near Union Repot. JB. SIOJ INS, M. D., J'liyiiolan, Surgeon A Dru'ula TIONESTA, PA. JW. MORROW. M. D., e PHYSICIAN A SUROEON, li l-ate of Arinstronir county, having located in Tir 'cutU la prepared to at tond all pro fessional calls nromntlv and at all bourn. Oinc.eaid residence two doors north of renoe House. Office houra 7 to 8 A. and 11 io 12 M.t a to 3 and 61 to 7J r. vf. Kmulaya, to 10 A. M. ; 2 to 3 and 6i to 74 P. M. may-18-81. DENTISTRY. DR. J. W. MORROW. IlavhiK purchaaod the inateriala Ac., of ;teadiann, would reHpettlullv an nonreo that he will carry on the hentsl buaintwa in Tioneata. and having had over fix yeara aucoeMHful experience, conxiders hinihelt fully conipetont to give entire Hat--ixfactiou. I ahall alwaya give my medi cal practice the preference. ma'r22-82. MAY, pari: A CO., HANKERS. Corner of Elm A Wainut Sta., Tioneata, Pa., Bank of Diaoouut and Depoait. lu te rest allowed on Time Deponlta. Collec tion made on all the Principal pointa of Uie U. 8. 'Collections solicited. jyUtKXZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Tnd and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Solar or Triangulation Survey Ing. . Det nf Inatruuients and werk. Term on application. Practical Tinner. All kinds of Sheet Metal Work prompt ly attended to. TIN ) ROOHXQ A gl'El'IALTY, u AND spouriNO. BONNER BUILDING, Up Stairs. TIONESTA, PA. ?0 K A WEEK and upwards positively SJ secured by men ageuta selling Dr. Moott a Oenuine Kloi trio Belt, Suspensory, etc., and by ladios selling Dr. Scott's Elec tric Corsets. Sample free. State sex. Dr. Scott, 844 Broadway, N. Y. Nov.l8-3m. 'Kulcra rnr ircanoMtd. CaMstosM. No op. 'lua or balut'ttt lkj. TbcuiiudK cored. Kvr uir. Dr. J. B. Kyr, ftll ArcA 111., fhll. Al I k.hHoh-I, Kudu,, i'.-ita b.u of cli Bwaia. JAS. T. BRENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING ACENCY, TIOITESTA, JPJi-. PARTICtTI,AR ATTENTION fllVHN TO THE PROPER ASSESSMENT i F LANDS AND THE PAYMENT OFTAXES. ALSO TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OK REAL ESTATE. AND TO THE RENTING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SAME. WESTERN NEW YORK A PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, formerly B., P. R- R Timj oTilo taking effect January 27th, Eastern Time 75th Meridian. Trains will leave TlonosU for Oil City and points Went a follow: No. 90 Through Freight carry lng passengers) 'MO a. m. No. 31 Bnfl'alo Express wf31 noon. No. 01 Way Freight (carrying passengers) 5:00 p. in. No. 33 Oil City Ex( rtls 8:05 p. ni. For Hickory, Tldioute, Warron, Kinzua, Bradford, Olean and the East: No. 30 Olean Express 8:40 a. m. No. 32 Pittsburgh Exprcs 3:51 p. m. No. D8 Through Freight (car- rylng passengers 7:13 pr m. Trains 93 and 96 Run Daily and carry passengers to and from points between Oil City and Irvineton only. Other trains run dally except Sunday. Oet Tune Tables and full information from JfVCRAUJ, Agent. Tionesta, Pa, Y8-,A'rOUKLL,GenlSupt, J. a?fM,lows, Oen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent, Buffalo, N. Y, CbaSYh mm Habsaih SchMl. Presbyterian Rabbath School at 0:45 a ni. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab' bath evening byeUav. Ruinherger. Service In Lutheran Mt, Zion's Church, German Hill, every Sunday at 10:30a. m., r.nailHii and German alternating, n. s. every Sunday at 9:30 a. in. It. J. Greets, 1' as lor. Preaching In the F. M. Church every NatitMitn evening at the usual hour. Kev A. D. Uainos, Pastor. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. OH market closed yesterday 90. Jas. O. Carson is enclosing bit property with a neat picket feu re. Just oue month more of school in the borough, ami the young tads are happy. Mr. nod Mrs. G. V. Craie of Fern City, are paying Tiouesta friends a brief visit. Don't forget the sale of personal property next Saturday, by L. Agnew at the Lawrence House. A pateut has beeo granted to J li. liickuell of Oil City, fur a system of purifying parafEoe wax. T. J. Van Gie6en Esq , of Leech burg, Pa., was shaking hands with Tionesta friends the fore part of the week. Miss Anna, daughter of Mayor Bleakly of Frankliu, spent a few days of the past week with her aunt, Mrs. Col. Thomas. Charlie Griffin of Balltown, braved the mud and bad weather to make a trip to Tionesta Mouday, and smiled on the Republican a moment or two yesterday raoruiiig. Thomas llasaey is moving to Oil City, where ho will take charge of a livery stable. Tom thoroughly un d rstamls the caro of horses, and will be a good man for the place. The first real spring shower, ac coropaoied by thunder and lightning, came last night, some time between midnight and morning. It was a reg ular bud burster and grass-starter. J M. Kepler's new building, be tween the Kepler fi Foreman building and Blum's blacksmith shop, is near ing completion. The rooms will be occupied by Mr. Fulton as a harness shop, and Mr. Butler as a butcher shop. We are indebted to Mr. Cephas Moon for a fine mess of the boss pars, nips of the season, one of which mens ured preoisely 3 feet and 3 inches, and Mr, Moon didn't consider the past season a very good one for parsoips, either. - Mr. Kelly's fourth well on the Baird tract, Dawson field, was Gnisbed Saturday and showed up very fairly. It ia doiug first rate now at about a 10 barrel rate. This is about the only item of any importance from that section this week. David Barnelt invites the public to call at his store and inspect the new stock of men's, women's and children's shoes of all grades just received. Prices marked down low. Before pur chasing elsewhere, please call and examine these goods. It. John Heath is around once more on a "mission of love," which he has bottled op in the shape of a liuimeol which ia claimed to have no equals for the cure of all aches and pains to which human flesh is heir. Try a bottle of Heath's Excelsior Liniment, when be comes around, The March report of oil operations as given in the Derrick shows a large increase in the number of new wells as well as in new production, over the February report. Number of new wells completed 337, an increase of 54; new production 6,666 barrels, an in crease of 3,679 bbla. Drilling wells and rigs building 777, an increase of 188. This is a decidedly "bearish" showing. v. Our old friend of Kellettville, W. C. Wilson, the famous "Buckeye Blacksmith," has again placed us under obligations to him. for one of bis superior make of spears, purpose for catching Buffalo suckers with. It is a real daisy, and if you don't be lieve it come up and see. Mr. I. L. Shirop has shaken the dust of Tionesta off bis feet, aod will make Conneaut, Ohio, bis future home, having doparted for there with his family yesterday morning. Isaao has a nice, paying job at that thriving place, aod we wish him abundant prosperity in his new home. A number of our shootisls were out one day laBt week trying their skill at clay pigeon smashing, but with rather indifferent results. It is the intention to re organize the defunct club of two years ago and having reg ular weekly shoots, and after a little practk-a good deal wouldn't hurt may try conclusions with some of the neighboring teams. The last of the Russell boys, Thomas, has left our county and taken up bis abode in Washington State, and we're sorry for it, too. We haven't any too many of the class of enter prising citizens to which they belonged now, and it is discouraging to see them leave us, but we caonot help wishing them success and good health all round, anyway. Mr. F. F. Whittekin has taken op bis residence in Austin, Potter county, Pa., the last of his goods having been shipped from here on Monday. Frank has accepted the post of Chief Engineer of the Sione mahoning Valley Railroad Co., which road, 50 miles in length, is owned by the Goodyear Lumber Co. We wish him success in his new field. The borough council held its regular monthly meeting Monday evening, transacting some importaut business. Tho annual tax levy for borough purposes was made, divided as follows: Cash tax, 3 mills; work, 4 mills; bond, 2 mills; light, 1 mill. Total, 10 mills. O. C. Brownell was elected Street Commissioner, and his wages fixed at $1.75 per day; wages for team and driver (4.00 per day, ahd 83.00 for one horse and driver; laborers not to exceed 15 cents per hour. , Mr. and Mrs. Herman Beaver, notice of whose . wedding at Boston, the bride's home, appeared in these columns recently, gave Tionesta friends a visit, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Craig, during the past week. On Monday evening of ibis week a goodly number of friends called to pay their compliments and extend congratula tions to the happy young couple, and a most pleasant hour was passed. They depart on the 12.30 train to day for their future home, bearing with them the best wishes of a large circle of old and new friends; in which we heartily join. Warren is soon to put on city airs in the shape of a street railway with electiic motor, and then it will no longer be necessary for visitors to wear buckskin ia order to keep the backmen from tearing their clothes off when they alight from incoming trains. The road will run from the depot to Glade, a distance of about two miles, and it ia thought will net its project ors a good revenue from their invest ment. Among those .interested in the enterprise are Hon. Henry Brace, Boon Magee, C. P. Nortbrup, David Siggins, and others whose names are not given. The "soft" weather of a few days back has bad the much desired effect, and the consequence is that those who have lumber or timber along the creek in Jbipe for running are not allowing the grass to vegetate under their feet to any appreciable extent. The creek is not in high stage, but is passable, and if it remains so for a few days the lumber will be pretty well cleared out. There is no more to come from Ne braska, the last having been brought out yesterday, but there is a great deal principally square timber to come out from above ; some of it as far up as Fo's. Several fleets expect to pull out to-day for Pittsburgh, the river being in good raftiog stage. A correspondent writes us as fol lows: Mr. Cowden of East Hickory, is engaged on a piece of work which, while it can not be classed among the fine arts, is at least among the useful ones. He is building a sidewalk from the end of the old sidewalk, which eods at George Wordeo's house, down towards East Hickory proper. The walk has been laid out, strung, bal lasted, and partly fastened as far down as Stephen Tafi's, a short distance be low the school bouse. The walk will probably be extended on down as far as Bowman's store. The history of this sidewalk is as follows: Some time ago 40 pupils, or thereabouts, belong ing to the Hickory schools called on Hon. N. P. Wheeler aod asked bint if be would not give lumber to build a sidewalk to the school house. Mr. Wheeler granted the prayer of the petitioners, and now, after many days, the walk is being laid. It isn't a thing of beauty, nor does it bear the ear marks of any fine engineering, but for a' that it's just as handy as it can be, and as useful as it is full ef crooks. WASHINGTON CAMP, NO. 420 Patriotic Order Sons of America. State Organizer Huth instituted Washington Camp, No. 420, P. O. S. of A., at Odd Fellows hall on Thurs day evening of last week. Twenty seven charter members answered to tbeir names, and the Camp was started under very favorable auspices. Reg. ular weekly meetings will be held hereafter, but just what night in the week has not yet been decided upon. The next raectiDg will be held next Saturday evening in tho second story room of the Partridge buildiug, which the Camp has leased. The following officers were elected aod installed: Past President, J. R. Cbadwick. President, E. L. Davis. Vice President, J. C. Scowdeo. M. F. & C , II. II. Shoemaker. Conductor, S. S. Can Geld. Rec. Seo'y, T. B. Cobb. Fin. Seo'y, A. M. DoutL Ass't Rec. Seo'y, A. II. Dale. Treasurer, J. F. Proper. 0. G , J. J. Landers. 1. G., Pritner Agnew. R. L , John Hunter. L. L., Frank Thomson. Star Chips. The farmers who were just squaring themselves for spring work, were checked by the cool breeze of the last few days. Rev. Gaines delivered an able ser mon in the school bouse last Sabbath. Future services will be held in the Church of this place. School closed Monday aud the small boys aod girls were set at liberty once more to their great joy, while the older heads are correspondingly sorry. The boys have about all returned from the timber aud board landings along the creek, aod as per present prospects will be floating down the river in a day or two. Here is a problem which has given me some little trouble, and perhaps some one can solve it: Why some people are more gifted in bearing, seeing and talking than some others who live in tbe same day and age of the world ? Strange ain't it? The smiliog countenances of Doo. ana ia)I. were seen in our raiust ou Sunday last, but have departed again for 5iowtowu where tbey are engaged on the lath mill for J. G. Root. Wonder why some of the boys have given up the idea of attending church at Mt. Pleasant of late T Can it be possible that some got a "no" for an answer to some weighty question? A. F. Ledebur departed tot Mead ville Monday, where he will attend Allegheny College the coming summer. May be prosper well in his undertak ing aod be much benefitted thereby. April 2. O. M. N. Barnett Notes. Warren Mays, who has been on the sick list for some time, is now conva lescent. J. J. Kellogg bad the misfortune to cut his left knee last Monday. There was a surprise parly at the residence of W. II. Carter last Satur day evening. All present report a good time. James Richards is going into the blacksmithing business this summer. Frank Frick was visiting in this section last week. Miss Ella Pierce of Brookville is visiting friends here for a few weeks. J. B. Flick of Bradford was around shaking hands with friends here Ibis week. John Barton is on the sick list with pneuraouia. James Flick is going to build a new house on bis farm the cominj; summer. April 1. Sl' For Sale. The Lawrence Houso property is offered for sale with or without the furniture. The property will be sold cheap and on easy terms. One-fourth cash and halance in yearly payments to suit purchaser. Mr. Lawrence will, for tbe purpose of making repairs, assume possession of tbe property for a short time, but will nut remove from or leave his borne across the creek, so that the House will be kept open to the public. Terms, &o., may be learned at the Republican office, or by calling ou Wm. Lawrence, Tio nesta, Pa. FROM NORTH CAROLINA. Ed. Republican : The arrival of steamer "Burras" from Elizabeth City, N. C, to this island, brinirs to hand your issue of March 13th, and I assure you its ar rival here is welcomed by the writer, and each line is eagerly read for the news from home. My journey here was long and tedious, particularly after reaching the terminns of the Northern Central Railroad at Cape Charles, Va., where we take steamer across Chesapeake Bay for Norfolk, Va. The Bay was not oo its good be havior the morning I introduced my self to it, and since the "Cobb Flood" un the Clarion River, years ago, I have never had much confidence in my ability as a sailor, and I have less now than ever. I tried my best to be brave and look bold, but 'twas no use ; I was knocked out on round 1st. The only pleasant feature of the trip across the Bay for me was, that I recovered from my sickness almost instantly after going on shore. We again took the train at Norfolk fur Elizabetli City, going due south 60 miles, passing numerous large and extensive lumber ing establishments along the route, where tbe out put of these mills reach es far into the millions, mostly of pine lumber. On arrival at Elizabeth City I found tbe Company's steamer in waiting for roe, but from the roar of the Sound, I concluded to not place myself at the meicy of old Neptune while she ia in such bad humor. Ou Sunday, 17tb, we steamed across the Sound Albemarle, a distance of 50 miles, and I enjoyed the trip greatly ; the water was very quiet aod calm, aud the sun bright and warm. We are in view of the Atlantic Ocean, from several places along the Sound, on our trip over; the sight was a grand one, and not soon forgotten. Tbe Captain was anxious for me to pick out the entrance to our creek into which we go with our steamer up 6 miles to the mills. The month of this stream is so narrow that the ever greens from each side of the stream almost completely obscure it from view ; it is only 40 feet wide, but fully that depth. On ascending tbe stream it gradually widens nut until we are in a lake from one-quarter to one-half mile wide, and as handsome body of water as I have ever seen. Tbe land is very low and level and sandy; this purchase includes the whole of this Co., so that every human being on the island is more or less a subject of the company and governed by company rules and regulations. Tbe employ ment of from 300 to 400 men for woods work will give you an idea of tbe magnitude of this business, with an extra force of fully 100 more at the mills, which consist of 3 circulars, with a capacity of a log each minute, to tbe mill. These mills are construct ed with all modern improvements and facilities for handling the output rap idly. The lumber is piled in tbe yards for a short time and then forwarded by steamer to markets throughout the world; large cargoes constantly iu transit for Europe. A very interesting feature of this county is the ancient ditches which were dug throughout this island a hundred yeais ago. These canals are 4 feet wide and from 2 to 4 feet deep, running in every direction, but all leading to the creek, in which cypress timber was floated out in tbe block and loaded on board of vessels, in olden times, the excavations thrown out now making good roads over the land. The wonderful peculiarity of this juniper timber, is tbe manner in which it grows. It is very dense, and not very tall, and the other timbers with it, all of a rank growth, make it extremely difficult to see any distance ahead, and you are compelled to travel entirely by compass, let tbe distance be ever so short. It will cause many a laugh, and remark from our old Tioneta vjr .'smen, when I tell them that they van not go out of hearing io thia country without getting lost, with out the Ufe of compass ; look in any directiou and tbe appearance of land and limber is the same. Io order to survey a line of contemplated R. R or rope tram way, we are compelled to send a man to the top of tho tallest tree, for observation, and from hi position there, strike a line to the ob jective point. I lie manner of trans porting these logs to the railroad is also a very interesting study. When you reflect ou the amount of logs sawed by these mills daily, a northern lumberman would faiily shudder at the idea or expeuse of so many teams to do the required stocking, but here on all this vast work we only find an occasional ancient mule tugging a car aljn? oo some Worn-out by road, with a few stray logs, which are gathered io this maocer. No teams anywhere; 0o crack of the whip is beard just simply a "zip," "zip," as the logs are hurried by you, swung up on a wire tram-road on their way to tho creek; it fairly keeps yon buoy to dodge the logi coming towards you from every direction. This system of locomotion is patented by a Germ a a Darned Bleicbert, and is one of the grandest inventions of the age for the transfer of freight of almost any description. I find the inhabitants such as I have met, a friendly and sociable people, and tbey are apparently pleased with any enterprise that insures them plenty of rations and a little money. The shad fishing is now in its best, and the coast is lined with sloops, all engaged in seining. The product produces quick cash, and any amount of fun. 1 will endeavor to wrffe you again soon. I will he pleased to hear from you at any time, and hope to receive your paper regularly. Come down and we will have such a hunt as will make your hait stand. I miss your comfortable office chair, and the sooth ing influence of your stock of "Honey Dew," aud have only oow as a com panion a beautiful rtlver spaniel dog, a clay pipe, aod North Carolina cut plug. Good bye. My regards to "the hoys." Very Respt, Roland Conn. March 25, 1889. Strobleton. Wm. Hepler is erecting a wagon shed for Geo. Mealy Jr. Mr. Messer of Sliippeoville, was seen in this locality delivering some spring tooth barrows that some of the farmers have purchased. E. E. Slitzinger, who for several weeks was stopping in Pittsburg, re turned to his home near here last week. Mr. and Mrs. SAmuel Hepler of this section gave fiiends near Oil City a pleasant visit not long since. Rev. J. Baruhart of Newmansville, was in Fry burg one day last week. Mr. A. Fay, pedagogue of the New mansville school, closed his term last Monday. Rev. Carl Zinsmeister, who for some time was holding a series of protracted meetings io the Amity church, closed the same last week with a number of oew members added. Literary society at Red Brush is still in progress. Tbe meetings were changed from Friday to Saturday eve. niug, at the last meeting two new officers were elected, namely chairman and critic. Master R. A. Slit zinger of this com munity was visitiug friends of Red Brush, not long since. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Da urn of Strobleton were guests at Mr. F. Slitz inger one day last week. April 1. Zigiao. HERE AND THERE. David Kaufl'uian, aged forty and slightly demented, has disappeared from his homo near West Middlesex. While John Brown, of West Wheutfield, Indiana county, lay in a drunken sloep a few days ago, he was robbed of about 8100. He found about an inch of a ten dollar noto In his tiouket aud this led to the de tection of tho thlof, who tried to pass the mutilated bill. April brings us quite a bunch of big days. To start with, there's All-Fool's day, on the 1st. Tho 24th anniversary of Lee's surrender falls on the 9th. Editor Sunday on the 21st; Shakespeare's birth day on the 22d ; the 70th anniversary of the founding of Odd Fellowship In Amer ica ou the 2tJtu ; aud tho 100th anniversary of the inauguration of Goorgo Washington as President of tho United States on tho 30th. I want to return to a subject that is old yet new the persistent cheek of people who ask the newspaper! to do something for nothing. I was witness yesterday of an incidont that made me wrathy. An individual, with sublime impudence and unparalleled cheek, nppioaehed a news paper man and naid to him in au insolent way: "Say, we're goin' to have a fair in a couple of weeks and we want you to give us a big notice. We won't begin for a few days but give us a big notice to-day and keep it up every day. We want to git a crowd." The newspaper man sur veyed the man of chock and said: "You waut a big notice, do you?" "Yes." "Don't want to pay anything for ltf" "No, of courso not goes free for tho ben efit of our organization." "Docs your organization get paid when it makes its appearauee in public T" "Why, cert." The newspaper man sniihiif a sarcastic smile at tho elt'rontery of the fellow, but It was wasted. The fellow llshed from his pocket a bunch of tickets evidently print ed at a cheap job otlice, and holding out several to tho nwspaper man he said : "Here sour tickets. Buy a couple." "I don't want any." "What, you ain't going to buy a couple?" "No." "Well, tako a couple when I como itround again." "No, I don't want any now and I don't waut them at any other time." The eh.eky chap turned away in disgust. The crgan izalion to which he belongs will get a no-tiee-a nm notice at regulnr advertising rates, '('hern is not a day pusses in u newspaper oilicc, but one or more similar instances come under t!in notice of the ' business (.ill. c. T. M. J., in HnrrUburg 'IMeijn'jih, Just received by Siuuarliatigh & Co., 8priii(j stock Shoe all kinds. Timothy and Clover eed, Ouion Setts, Bulk Gar Icq Seeds. To Teachers. The Committee on Permanent Cer tificates will convene at East Hickory, Saturday, April 6, 1889. tor tbe pur pose of examining candidates for cer tificates. A. M. Brooks, Prest. J. E. Coi'ki.and, Sec'y. Stnearbaugh Si Co. will have in a uice line of Spriug Dreta Goods Ibis week, 'Jt. RENEWS flKRYOt'TII. Mi, rhcube Chesley, Peterson, (May Co., Iowa, tell the following remarkable story, the truth of which I vouched? for by the residents of the tnwn: "I am 7 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and Inmenes for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free fmm all pain and soreness, and am able to do all mr own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Hitter for hav ing renewed my youth, and removed com pletely all disease and pain." Try a bot tle, only 60c, at llovards Drug Store. English Hpavin Liniment removes all Hard, Hoft or Calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from hortes. Ulnod Hnsvin, Curb, Splints, Sweeney, King-Hone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs Etc., Save 8.10 by use of one bottle. Warranted. Sold by Herman A Biggins, Druggists, Tionesta. nov28ly. Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human or animals cured in 90 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This AeVor fails. Sold by Herman A Wiggins, Druggists, Tionesta, nov3S-6m, Their Raslness nMmlns'. Trobably no one thing ha paused' slnh. a general revival ol trade at O. W. Bo vard's Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bot tlo of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous In this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung d'seases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottlo free, large size fl. Every bottle warranted. Rl'C'KLKN'M A KMC A SALVE. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required, it Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents -per box. For sale by O. W. Bovard. Whsa Baby was sick, te bsr Csstoria, Wba ah was a Child, she triad for Castorie, When she became Miss, she chuf to Castorie, Wh.s ht had CbMnm, sh ttrt them Castoria, TIONESTA iAJttiC2X8. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BT RELIABLE DEALERS, Flour barrol choice - S.O0Q7.6O Flour $ sack, . - 1.26 LW ' Corn Meal, 100 fcs 1.80 1.40 Chop feed, pure grain - $(1.26 Corn, Shelled .... - 70 Beans bushel - 1.60I.&9 Ham, sugar cured - - -14 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - 14 Shoulders ...... 10 Whitetlsh, half-barrels ... t.M Lake herring half-barrels - - 6.60 Sugar - 61 9 Syrup 80fjk00 N. O. Molasses new - ' - - S07S Roast Rio Coffee ... 266427 Rio Coffee, ... . 21 Java Coffee .... &1Y5 Tea 2090 Butter 11 Rlee t Eggs, fresn - 16dv Salt best lake .... 1.2,; Lard ...... g24 Iron, common bar .... j.m Nails, lOd, jl keg .... iflo Potatoes 40(60 Lime 1 blL - - - - 1.10 Dried Apples sliced per lb . 6 8 Driod Beef .... -18 Dried Peaches per lb 10 Driod Peaches pared per - li Administrator's Notice. Whereas, Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Samuel Cussins, lato of Barnett Township, Forest County, Pa., deceased, have been granted to (he sub scriber, ail persons having claims or de mands against said estate, or who may bo Indebted thereto, are requested to present same to J. J. O R E EN E V A LTAd 1. N. Pino (irovC?f!f?C5"7 or Agnew A Clark, Att yV'Tionesta, 1-a. March 15, ISS'.i. tivGusr Moncisi I. of the firm of MORC'K RUG'S, OPTICIANS, Sieelallst in Krrors of Retraction f$tm Eye. Examinations free of ehsrge. WARREN, PENN. A GENEROUS OFFER,-. i brattd lit. Olcuon, alter a practic of forty yaan, fcaviai during all thai lime made th cut of Catarrh, Brotichitu, Asthma and Coosumptios hit special Study, has la this tlaa so Mtlecltd his Irtanntai at 10 be able to curt nearly all who suffer from these complaints. Having reached the age of seventy years, he realties that the time is near at hand when hew valuable remedies suit be is other hands or become lost Io the world. Desiring that hit Home 1 reatmenl should be within the reach of all, he has placed the prescriptions with the Hall Chemical Company Ihit company, knowing the wonderful success of the Home Treatment in the cure of all ff. r,a Lun Troubles, have decided to send the full treatment on trial 10 any one who wishes Io try 11. Dr. Gleasoa has also written a valuable realise on these diseases, which is profusely illus trated with Saely caeculed wood-cule, showing th Head, Ihroat and Lungs as Ihey are when tut. eased : It discusses in an able manor, the taune and ..... ...... luupiaiuia 1 li is primed on heavy super-calendered paper and handsomely bound. 1 nit noon, together with full Instructions km I vnrr rrror, win ne sent tree to all who wnle and ask for it. Address ill THC HALL CHEMICAL COMPANY. 1S0 Ftlrmsast Avenue, Philadelphia, a. 1 $5 Book n For $1.00. 1'yajw.lkl.atu, rfMMIk. r neklie s.yia. ... W.S, FelUeer'e Ameeioaa Arohjtwotnr. ot .,. u... a K.'.'AiiiitL" l'"u c. h. .u T... ,, . aellSwee a.y eae t.Ue.1., a, SalU er etkarwh. bu.ue k. afhrt u k. .likmiu III. . r.ur.l ""'"I kV""- T.. hM.thMtlu, l,UUM .4 ... u. ui " .' . k... .ni.l u ak. II mi uT, ZiS ' "" " b. east. ,mm .r.ll. iJLJ l"Me"ll a lll.ckMia ,1m, sua rua.Mli f 1 1 Hal.. Me S'Oof plM.,l..tkw,, H'11-.Hfi lKr...,iii'uaiL ilcuuiOhLucune !" ''"" atuw to Build -!Oh, uuT a ."J. h.-... fe Ik. re... d .Iihwn-, a.-., Ic, all "l'"f woe. .AU la ai.luu, alMSataa, ad H, la.a 11.11, ( UJ ,,, J Ml ill I Iff. .CsaalRM sii, IkaasU . lae.lka, .life .icltntUuM, tbtm .(cMUwl, aaJ a la, .',.',","A"'"U- "'kai)' a... kali .li A'aiiaHiUin.J,.l)-llVlk.,K,( WANTED MiM.lAUL,rc AtiKNTS to sell our New High Arm Automatic aSowiiig Maehine, The No. i. Llberul inducement. Addicts W HEELER A WILSON MHJ rn Philadelphia, Pa. Eubished JUS. ' I