The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 03, 1889, Image 1

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b published every Wednesday, by
OlHoe In Smearbaugh & Co.'a Building
Terms, ... (I. bo per Year.
, No unhsi-.rlntlnns received for a ihorter period
than'lhrce months.
Ce?rpondce nollelted from an parts of the
eonntry. Mo nolle will b takiD of anonymous
On Squire, fine Inch, on. insertion f 1 M
On Sqnare, one Inch, on month 00
One Square, one Inch, three monthi. too
One Sqnsre, one Inch, on year 10 M
Too Sqnarce, on jeer 19 00
(jnarter Column, one year HO 00
Halt Column, one year M 00
One Column, one year , 100 00
Iiral adTertlaementi ten centi per Una each In
sertion. Marriages and death notice! gratia.
All bllla for yearly aiivcrtlM menu collected quar
terly. Temporary advertisements must be paid to
Job work cash on delivery.
I Trie Snmoan King enjoys the princely
-income of $20 a month.
Tho number of millionaire Sonntorsis
estimated now nt from thirty to thirty
two, ' or nearly one-half tho cmiro
. Pcnnto.
J . Tho necessity for (lie artificial applica-
, tion of water is said to be far greater ic
California than in tho older countries ol
A jntistician . asserts that twenty
Princrs and Princesses of tho reigning
families of Europo have been treated for
f' lnunlal disorders.
- Xcf .York is agitating tho proposition
. ' to establish froe kindergarten schools to
tako tho places of her present primary
a system of instruction.
Pngo-Pngo, tho Samoan port granted
to the Vnilcd Stutoj for a foaling
station, Is th'i most easily defensible
harbor in tho Southern Fucll'c.
. Gorman literature has been added to
VJ tlx) 'curriculum of tho college of litera
cy . turo nt tho Imperial University of Japan.
Two German professors will, a native
"i. paper says, bo shortly added to tho staff.
Tho Wilmington (N. C.) Ms-.cwjcr
gives au itcmied statement showing
that the theft of a clrcken valued at
fifteen cents cost tho taxpayers of that
StatTi t:0I.T0 cents before tho State was
. rid of the offender.
' Vlolm P. Scott, a South Carolina cotton
I'Tatitcr, has been nppo nte 1 by the
Uu-s'.iOove u.u:il .:; ;,'cndent am)
.instructor of a largo cotton pluutnt'oi'
.owned by tho liovenrmout in one of lh
A Southern provinces.
.. 4
Mackerel and halibut, it appears fnm
. tho .fishery reports, tiro deseiting tin
waters of tho New Kngland coasts. Foi
the jear 18-8 there wa a falling oil ol
about aixmillion pounds in tho catch ol
these two kinds of fish.'
In a suit for damages for hs of a sod
tho Ponntfylvnnia Supreme Court decided
in favor of tho Philadelphia Steamboat
j Company. Tho court he'd that a row
boat is not a vessel within the meaning
. .(if Ihenavigation laws, and that a steam
"boat is,herororo, not bouud. to get out
of tho rowbont's way.
- '"; Qafthn and Forest urges tho Govern
1'jiiont to Withdraw its fjicst lands from
-t'laTu'atid pluco them in the cure of the
. army.- The Philadelphia Tines indorses
' the'suggestion, and asks tho States tc
, take immediate steps for tho preserva
tion of tho forests beloro all our groat
rivers. shrink into shallow lit.lo streams.
w It is auaint tho law iu Mexico foi
. any ouo to read a newspaper aloud ; but
Bo ono cares for that, observe) tin New
. York Triune, as few people wuut to
read them anyhow. You c in get more
news iu Moxico by kitting dowu half an
- hour nt a popular cnlo than you could
.. get by reading a Mexic.iu paper for a
Iu Michigan University "a larger pro
portion or womui than of men arc tak
ing by choice tho full clussicul course."
.President Augcll reports. Meu are be
joining scientific rather than classical,
on account of the uew openings in
Seier.titlC' professions, while women study
.Greek and I uliu, to meet tho require
aieuts of o.ichers.
In'.and, Fram e, Ccrmany, Pel
glum,. Holland, Austrlaund Switzerland
there are 221 cit'es linving street rail
roads. Among these 1 If are in Kngland,
. 4;) iu Germany and 21t in France, there
. being no city of less than 20,0!) I inhabit
i .atilahaf iti such joails, while in ihi
I uileiklnte thoy are found in cities ol
; " nottfiionrthau 1010 inhabitants.
T Accordinrr to tho Ca'hli' Wurhl there
v -
are niuety coloreil I'atliolic schools in int
Southern diocesesjind two colored -ister
Iioods-the Ublates, of Paltiinoro, am'
tho Holy Family, of New Orleans, whicl
provide teachers for the schools. TlTe
. number of Catholic colored churches,
tho WurU says, is not moio than twenty,
and thore is 'but ouo colored Catholic
' priest iu tho couutry.
1 Deathsfrom miiiingexploiions in l'ng
.land for 1HS-) were only forty-three.
This is tho lowest record sinco 1 3 1 ,
" when the number w as first otlicially given.
. t The lowest previous to 18 w;:s si .ty
-J t five deaths iu.lss-l. The highest record
in the past thirty-eight years was in
I 18(Jtl, when 050 lives were lost by ex-
plosions-lltlO of these being covered b)
the one casualty at tho Oaks Colliery.
V ' : -V
vi I The great river of Egypt has not sent
' down it uccutomo l Hoods this year
'and tho people who depend on that foi
. their fond indulge only the most gloom)
anticipations for the future. There wil'
be no corn in Egypt this year, and thi
, , ancient granary of the world must itcll
4 buy of more prosperous nations. Somi
believe that tho great feeiiersof tho N lit
Jae been cut u!l by growths of vegcta
bles choking olf the passage of wat
d a
igo left.iins which now obstr
the case some year:
, Tl which we
re not cut throii"!
As sauif the voices In the courts above,
Moved by tha Lady's shining mien and
"Lo, here comes one who shall Increase eur "
So cried my heart when first 1 saw thy face,
I knew thy spirit was to mine akin,
Dwelling aner on some eternal shore;
lime, Borrow, Death, tholr filmy threads may
They bar no shining path we shall explore.
Enough, though here we may not meet, since
Once stood toRether on that blessed height,
When, through the mists that veil eternity,
Truth's flaming star burst forth upon our
And though our circuits lie worlds separate,
We smile and part, for surely, Omy friend.
Their lines shall intnrsphcre or soon or late,
And move toothor to the journey's end.
If now we met, pr-rehance the hateful mask
Of finite vision might oliscure our eyes
And dim Truth's fixed stur. No boon I ask
We have mot once on hills of 1'aradlse.
.Annie Kent, in llarptr.
Egypt has boon called tho Gift of the
Kilo, and everything in tho land is con
nected with the movements of the groat
artery that is tho life of tho country.
The seventeenth of June is the "night
of the drop," and is celebrated as a fes
tival. Moore in his "Ealla Itookh" tells us
of the power of
"ITie drop that down from the moon,
Falla through the healing air of June."
According to the ancient legends, Isis,
the goddess of Egypt, weeps over the
aridness of tho country, and tho tear
falling from her eye into the Nilo causes
tho overflow which brings renewed life
to the hind. The Cairencs spend tho
night besido tho river, cither in the
open air or in houses near the bank, and
practice all sorts of ceremonies. Flach
member of the family places a piece of
dough on tho roof; if the dough rises,
happiness is in storo for the fortunate
one who placed it thore; if not, it is an
ill omen.
Ten days later the river slowly begins
to rUo, and tho Mile crier goes through
the streets every morning with the latest
bulletin as to the height of the water.
Tho gnat festivity of the yoar is the
Wefa or the cutting of tho dam, which
takes place between tho tenth and four
teenth of August.
Egypt is now no longer a vast hike
during the inundation as it formerly
was. Tho wuter is conducted iuto a
net-work of cauals and reservoirs, and
distributed as it is uceded. and engi
neers are appointed to sco that thore is
no loss nor waste. I ovees are bu It to
keep the waters within bounds, and
many of the villages are connected by
these, whilo others can only be reached
by boat.
When we reached Egypt, in the middle
of October, the inundAtion was at tho
highest point, higher than it had been
for .years. To attempt tho journey to
tho pyramids was, wo were told, mad
ness, the wholo fuco of the country be
tween Ghizeh and the city being under
water. Hut tho flood would not abate
for weeks, and wo could hot wait, and
lo deeded to try it.
Selecting our donkeys with care, we
Started out, a party of four, including
the dnigom in and tho little animals,
which are the street cars of I'gvpt. The
donkey boy, a Very bright little fellow
of fourteen years, 'was a family man,
he told us proudly, with two wives and
four ch'ldren, and he suppoitcd his
wholo etublihment on the ono franc a
day he earned by taking caro of the
On past the city out into the open
we rode, congratulating ourselves that
we had not heeded the advice given us.
Our routo lay along a high embank
ment beside ono of the numerous canals
which encircle the city, aud a more
beautiful scene cannot bo imagined. Tho
water wa almost up with tho banks, and
in lho sunlight glittered and glistened.
Tall reeds and rushes with waviug
jilumes beautifully green lined the thore,
and the reflection in tho water gave back
every loaf and twig.
Then suddenly and abruptly the dyke
was cut off, and before us was a sheer
descent into tho yellow water. Tho
force of tho waves 'had uudcrmiuod tho
foundation, and it had sunk. What to
do next was the (juestion.
Yussef got down, and went forward
to explore. Finally he came back with
the intelligence that there was a boat a
little way back, which would take us if
we wore willing to go iu that way.
Turning, we rode to where a curve in
tho embaukmeut formed a tiny cove, nnd
thero was tho boat, a long, dirty,
weaihor-beateu craft, with the immensely
high mast and the odd-shaped sail that
they use only on the Nile.
Leaving our donkeys to the boy who
was to tako them buck to tho city, we
embarked and pin-hod oil. Tho little
boat rocked and reeled with tho forca of
tho current, but the boatmen teemed to
kn w their business, and piloted us
safely enough, tho :gh it was no easy
task. The tallest trees were ha'f uuder
water, aud tho est were wholly sub
merged ; aud when one least expected it,
he w as apt to run up against one, for the
water was so thick with mud that noth
ing could be seen below the surface.
Men wore at work upon the embank
ments strengthening them, and a busy
sceue the green terraces rising up out of
the yellow water pro ented. Where the
rush hud swept the dykes completely
away, they were throwing connecting
bridges, J was forcibly reminded of the
scenes at home, when the Mississippi
bursts its bounds and breaks through the
levees. i very available force oil the
plantation is set to work to strengthen
the I arrier that keeps oil the waters. It
was all the more striking, as the fellahiu
and our Southern negroes closely resem
ble each other.
Our littlo boat with its great fail
brought us finally up to the elevated
plateau where the pyiaiuids stand, and
we lauded, glad to I e on terra lirma.
No one ever forgets tho view that l.e
gets from the top of ( lieop-, where he
teems to feel tho centuries go by. The
drawback to the plcauieand awe which
the place inspires is tho chattering, the
quarreling and the clamoring for bak
shish of tho swarms of Arabs that huuut
the place. Thauks, however, to the
over ow, none but our own party were
there, lo we were left in peace to the
desolation of the scene.
lielow us lay tho waste of water with
the winding line of tho embankments
curling like a great green serpent, and
from its bosom seemed to rise tho
minarets and domes of the distant city,
while over all the tall columns of the
Mosijue of Mehcmet Ali kept ward. At
our feet crouched tho sleepless Sphynx
brooding over the scene as she has done
for fifty centuries.
We explored the Tomb of Numbers,
aad tho temple in ruins, lunched at tho
pavilion built for the 1'rince of Walos,
sunned ourselves in tho sand as wo
watched the granite monster, and wished
a genius was there to unseal those tightly
closed lips, and disclose tho things that
thoso eyes had seen.
Then as tho shadows were lengthen
ing, tired and worn-out wo returned to
the boat. Whether tho current was
stronger than in the morning, or whether
the crew were tired I cannot tell, but cer
tainly the boat did net obey the helm,
but drifted at the mercy of tho wind,
and rocked from side to side. The great
dango.' wn,of course, in running against
a sung, but providentally, though she
bumped many times, tho boat did not
striko heavily, and we drifted on in the
right direction, for she seemed to bo en
tirely out of the control of the boatmen.
The situation was perilous in the ex
treme, night was coming on, there we
were, miles from any chunco of succor,
wholly at the mercy of tho current, and
liablo at any moment to bo overturned.
At Inst we drifted toward one of tho
bridges which hod been thrown over the
canal, and immediately wo were sucked
into the current that poured with tre
mendous force through the opening.
Just as we went order, the sail which
they had beon trying to tako in foil with
a crash, and swept one ol tho boatmen
into tho water.
With a shriok he threw up his hands,
and went down like lead. Every effort
was made to keep in the middle of tho
culvert, which was twelve feet across,
and iu thnt wo succeeded.
The bridge was about fifteen feet high,
and .just as we rudicd along, tho top of
the mast caught on ono of the timbers
of the bridge, and held fast. ISuck and
forth rocked the bout in the rush of
waters, but the hold of the ropes never
relaxed. From side to side we wcie
tossed with a diz?y, sickening motion,
just escaping each time boing dashed
against the rocks which formed the side
of the bridge, aud expected every instant
to be capsized.
I have heard of the Eastern indiffer
ence to death, but it certainly was not
manifested there, for the Arabs shrieked
with fear, and called upon Allah to de
liver them.
Tho boat was half-full of water, and it
took all of our efforts at bailiug to keep
her from filling: but tho men were of no
use, they sat down in the water and
rocked from side to Bide, bemoaning
their fate, till the Captain, losing pa
tience,ndininistcrcd some kicks to them,
telling them to go to work and stop their
One of them slyly took out his pen
knife, nnd approaching the rope was just
about to cut it, when I, seeing what ho
was about to do, called to him to drop
tho knife. Tho fellow got closer, and
had just touched the rope when 1 lulled
a revolver from my pocket saying: "If
you touch that rope, I'll shoot you."
The outstretched arm dropped m if
paralyzed, aud tho knifo fell in tho
Our ouo chance of life, and it was but
a slender one, lay in the holding out of
tho rope. Thero were men working on
tho road above us, we knew, and if we
could only attract their uttcntion, it
might be well with us yet. Hut, of
course, the chances were that the rope
would wear away, mid then tho almost
certainty was we should be dashed to
Half-mad with fear, one of the men
jumped into tho water to try nnd gain
the embankment. Ho was a Mill, power
ful man and a magnificent swimmer, but
the water tossed him about like a picco
of cork. We saw with horror his red
fez go up and down on the waves, until
his unturned, faco drifted by
us, aud ho sank to rise no more. Horror
stricken wo sat silently thinking that tho
next moment such might bo tho fato of
tho rest of us, particularly as I thought I
saw signs ot the fraying of the rope
where it worked agaiust the mast.
We tired oil twoorthreushots in rapid
succession, andhen shouted at the top
of our voices, but no answer came, save
the ru-h of tho waters.
One of our party rose and threw off
his coat.
" What is that for V I tsked.
" I am going to try to swim to shore ;
I believe 1 can do it."
" With Abdallah's fate before your
eyes ? " I returned.
' Yes," ho said, "I will try it, aud
not be killed here."
' It would be suicide," I replied, again
taking out my revolver, "and I will tire
if you make a motion to leave tho boat.
We will take our chances here."
" Hut what chance havo wo here ? "
" Very littlo, but none in tho way you
are trying."
Silently he dropped back in his scat.
A loud exclamation from tho captain
startled every one, and wo looked up to
where h;s finger poiutcd. There shin
ing through a crevice iu tho flooring of
the bridge was a round, bead -like eye
lookiug dowu upon us, and preseutly,
finding a larger lissure, a coal-black face
beamed upon upon us.
Never was apparition more welcome.
In a few words thecaptain explained tho
situatiou we were iu, and told the man
that a couple of English noblemen were
there, and he must hasten.
hike au arrow the fellow flew away to
where a pos-o of men were mending the
road, and they hastened back; but how
to get at us was the dilticulty. Itopj
after was lluug in vuin; wo were too far
under to catch it. At last they tied a
a heavy stone to the rope, and allowed
it to drift under with the current. It
came nearer and nearer. S'e held our
breath with anxiety, fearing lest some
eddy should draw it away from us; but
as it came past, one of us, holding to the
mast, reached out and caught it.
A prayer of thanksgiving went up
from our hearts, while a shout testified
to our rescuers thut the rope had caught ;
to make it last to the mast, uud cut the
other, which was now almost frayed in
two, was the work of a moment, and
slowly we were drawn from our ilangcr
ous position, and towed around to a
point where we could laud aud climb up
the emtauknient.
The engineer is held responsible for
the safety of traveler, aa it wu hit
business to keep the road in order, and
when he heard that some of the boat's
passengers had been killed, he came to
us in consternation and distress, to know
how many and who they were.
When ho heard that one was an Egyp
tian soldier and the other a boatman,
"Hismillah," ho cried, turning on his
heel, "I thought they might have beon
Franks." '
So little is native life counted among
them. Youth' i Companion,
A Terrapin's Hesoeehlng Eye,
David Burnham, living in a near-by
town in Now.Icrscy, is exceedingly fond
of terrapin stew, but he does not think
much of the savory "diamond back" in
any other form. Nevertheless, a pet ter
rapin that some months ago almost
miraculously escaped the pot wanders
around the plot of ground on widen his
house stands and sleeps in his kitchen
evory night. October Mr. Burnham invited
some friends to supper, served to cele
brate the fifth anniversary of his wed
ding. For six dollars he purchased in
Fulton Market a five pound terrapin, in
tending to regale his friends with his
favorite dish. He left orders that the
terrapin should be sent by express to his
house, and supposed that it would be de
livered in a condition better understood
by the cook than the butcher. But the
little creature was by no means in the
soup yet, and when it was Laid down for
a moment with its ight side uppermost
in the kitchen it proved that it was
keenly alive to the situation by waddling
nt its highest rate of speed toward the
It was then turned on its back, and the
cook was invited to slaughter it. Bur.
this she emphatically refused to do, and
as the other servants shared her objec
tions Mr. Burnham nerved himself to do
tho butcher a work himself. Armed
with tho family carving knife he en
tered tho kitchen when the rest of the
household had rotired for the night. He
says that he knelt down upon tho floor
and was about to slit the terrapin's throat
when the succulent creature, lying on its
diamond back, gazed at his face with
such a human, beseeching expression in
its mild, bulging eyes that the knife
dropped from his hand, and he deter
mined to spare its life.
The terrapin has shown itself grateful,
but not demonstratively so, for the
mercy extended to it. When Mr. Burn
ham approaches its usual resting place,
under a great chestnut tree, it croaks
cheerfully, nnd slowly moves to meet
him. It will take a piece of bruised and
softened meat, a small fish, or even a
piece of water-soaked bread from hit
hand, but its appetite is not large, and it
sleeps most of the time. It is growing
fat rapidly, and swells beyond its shell
with a posterior and an anterior
plethora at least so Mr. Burnham says,
and ho has ttudied Dr. Johnson's mode
of expression pretty clossly. It does not
fear the cold, being warmly clad. Nea
York 2'ime.
A Human Treadmill.
There will shortly be on view, it is
hoped, at the British Museum, the very
remarkable lioman treadmill for raising
water which was discovered in the work
ings of tho liio Tinto mine (Spain),
where its woodwork was preserved in a
very perfect state by the action of the
copper in the water. It may be of in
terest to mention, in connection with
i this wheel, that the lioman remains dis
covered in and about the mino, which
were at llrst unfortunately dispersed,
are now preserved by tho llio Tinto
! Company with praiseworthy care in a
small museum at Uuclva, belonging to
: M. Sundheim of that place, who takes
1 much interest in its arrangement. There
may be seen the fetters, collars, and ank
lets (of the modern snape) of the slaves
employed in the mine who worked the
series of treadmills, one above another.
I by which it was drained. instead of
; leanin r on bars, as in the modern tread
mill, they appear to h ive held on to
'ropes ( 1 i : e bell ropes), of which por-;
tions still remain. The extaut wheel (4 J
; metres in diameter) is so constructed as
j to utilize their weight in the most ski -!
I ful manner. The pickaxes in the same
collection are so completely modern in'
shape that it is difficult to realize their1
antiquity, wnue the curious hoe-like
spade of the Spaniard finds here its pro-'
totype. The tamo survival may be de-!
tected in the "herring bone work" or
the Komans tof whi h specimens have
been fouud at Kio 1'iutoi, which reap-)
pears iu the Giralda at Seville, and is
still in full use. Among the other metal)
objects are two bronze urns and some,
stamped pius of Koman lead, with a lead
tube. London Athemum.
An Increasing Diplomatic Family.
Tho list of representatives of foreign
l ovcrnmcut resident iu Washington
has considerable lengthened during the
lait year. The new circular of the State
Department shows that it is interesting
for other reasons than its increased
length. A year ago there were 27 Min
isters and Charges d'Alfaires entitled to
recognition. Now there are ilsf, repre
senting ill! countries. The seven new
representatives are Minister Don Jose
Marcelino Hurtado, of Colombia; Minis
ter I'ak Chung Yang, of Corea, Minis
ter Don Felix Cipnano C. i'egarra, of
Peru; Minister lladji llosscin Ghooly
Kuhu, of Persia; Minister Don Francisco
I.ainticsta, of Salvador, who is also Min
ister for Honduras; and Minister Jean
(innadius, of tireeco. The increase of
the list will muko it necessary to extend
tho table at the White House State din
ner. I ast year, when there were only
1:) ladies on tho legation list to invite
and about 48 covers wore luid, it was
neccs-ary to invite lady guests who wore
not conueclcd with tho diplomatic corps.
Now iheie are W ladies attached to the
legation, uud tho difficulty would be to
provide comfortably for all of them.
Xeif York Times.
Monument to the llauihleloiiian Sire.
The National Association of Trotting
Horse Breeders proposes toerei t a bronze
statue of the great Hambletouiau,to cost
not less than if.ioi) I, us a memorial to
the progenitor of oue of the fastest
strains of American trotting horses.
Tho oiumittee iu charge ot the work is
composed of J. C. llowland, Guy Miller
and J. W. Gray. 'Treasurer of the Asso
ciation, who also a ts as Treusurer of
the fuud. A considerable sum for this
purpose had already been collected by
E. A. Buck, editor of the fyirit of the
A Teat for Ten.
A liussian analyist gives tho following
as a test by which tea can bo proved to
bo genuine or not: Take a pinch of tea
in a glass, pour upon it a little cold
water and well shake it up. Pure ten
will only slightly color the water, while
a strong infusion is quickly got from the
adulterated or painted leaf. Now boil
both sorts separately, and let them stand
till cool, and the difference between
them will be most marked. The false
tea will become still stronger after long
standing, but will remain transparent.
Whereas the pure tea will become muddy
or milky. This last appearauco arises
from the tannic acid which is a natural
property in pure tea, but which in arti
ficial tea is entirely absent.
Vashlri(t Flannels.
In washing flannels, make a suds of
blood-warm water and white sonp. Al
low the flannels to soak in this water
from one-half to ono wholo hour, then
wash them with as littlo friction as pos
sible, using no rubbing-board or sonp,
save what is dissolved in the water;
squeeze the articles with the hands un
til the dirt is forced out as much as
possible, then change to another clear
suds prepared in the same way and finish
the washing process. Finally rinse in
warm water, in which you may put a
very littlo bluing if you liko. Do not
wring as you do other clothes, but
simply squeeze out the water enough to
admit of carrying to tho lino, nnd bo
sure when removing tho flannels from
one water to another that each suc
cessive water is hotter than the last
never any colder.
If you wish to restore the color of
flannels which are apparently ruined by
bad treatment, it cau be done by mak
ing a solution of one and one-half
pounds of white soap and two thirds of
nn ounce of spirts of ammonia dissolved
in twelve gallons of soft water. By
dipping the flannels in this, and wetting
them thoroughly in the solution, a
beautiful and lasting whiteness will be
imparted to them, no matter how yellow
they were previous to their immersion.
After being well stirred round for a
Bhort time, take the articles out and
wash well in cleau, soft water.
To cleanse blankets, put two large
tablespoonfuls of borax and ono-half a
bar of white soap (cut up tho soap into
thin shavings with a knifo, before put
ting into the water) into a tub of luke
warm water; when the sonp and borax
are well dissolved, pot in the blankets
aud let them remain in soak over night;
tho next morning wash well and rinse iu
two waters, aud hang out to dry with
out wringing them at all. Detroit Free
Home Recipes.
Chocolate Icing Put into a saucepan
half a pound of powdered loaf sugar,
two ounces of grated chocolate, and
about a gill of water. St-lr on the tire
until the mixture assumes tho consistency
of a thick smooth cream. I ay the icing
evonly on the enke or pastry, with a
palette-knife, and put it into the oven
for a minute or two to set tho icing.
Corn Oysters With two cups ol
canned or freshly grated sweet corn mix
three beaten eggs, a cup of sweet milk,
half a teaspoonful of salt, enough flour
for a thin batter, and a heaped teaspoon
ful of baking powdor. Have rea Jy some
thin littlo squares of cold roast lamb or
veal. Drop the batter in tiny cakes on
a buttered griddlo, on each tuko lay a
bit of tho cold roast, and cover it with
a teaspoonful of the batter; bake tho
samo as griddle cakes, aud serve them
nicely browned and hot. 1 his makes a
very palatable imitation of fried oysters.
Vegetable Soup This is what the
French call "Soup Maigre:" Take oue
turnip (if small, one each of a yellow
and a white variety , oue large onion, a
medium sized cariot, two large potatoes,
several stalks of celery, and some sprigs
of parsley, and, after peeling aud wash
ing, put them iu the chopping bowl and
minco fine. I'ut a tablcspoonful of but
ter in the soup kottlo, and when melted
add the vegetables. Fry slightly for
five minutes, but do not brown; cover
with two quarts of boiling water and
simmer for one hour. Now add a pint
of hot milk and half a pint of hot cream,
and season to the taste. It will rcquiie
considerable salt. Serve with thiu wafer
crackers, and teo if your family or
guests do not call for a second plate.
Mock Bisque Soup Tut a quart of
either freshly peeled or canned tomatoes
on the fire to stew; heat threo pints of
milk in a double boiler, reserving a cup
ful to mix a large tablcspoonful of flour
with. As soon as the milk boils, Btir iu
this flour, which must be smoothly mixed
with the cold milk, and let it simmer
ten minutes. Add butter the size of au
egg, pepper, salt, and n very scant tea
spoonful of baking soda to the tomatoes;
rub through a strainer and add to the
milk. Serve at once, aud if thero is to
be any delay in so doing, do not add the
tomatoes to tho milk until you are ready
to send to the table. This is a delicious
and cheap soil), as skimmed milk may
be used, although it is not quite so good.
Put little dices of fried bread in the
tureen, or sprinkle chopped parsley iu
the soup just before remo ing it from
the tire.
Boston Baked Beans Pick out uud
wash one quart of small white beans, put
them into a deep earthen dish, cover
with cold water aud place on the cool
part of tho stove until th y are quite
swelled; then move the dish to the hotter
part of the stove and allow tho be ans to
simmer very slowl until they are soft,
taking care that t ey remain whole, aud
alwuyskeep them covered with water.
When perfectly tender put them carefully
into a colander to drain off u 1 the water;
then put them into tho bakii g dish uud
place one pound of scalile I ami tcored
salt pork iutc the water. Mix ono cup
of boiling water with one cup of mo
lasses, one teaspoonful of salt and a half
teaspoonful i f soda; pour this over the
beans and bake in a moderate oveu for
two hours, adding a little boiling water
from time to time to prevent the beans
from becoming dry. Finish by slightly
browning the top. The beans are ge er
ally bakeJ toward nicht and left in the
oven to cool, vhieh process inipioc
their flavor. AgrU-nUurn'.
It is proposed to make excavations in
the neighborhood of the Bom in Forum
to cost 3,uUJ,0l'0.
There are 13,1103 public houses in tho
London police dis rict and 5.1 i o. ee
Curious Reptiles, Oncer Articles
and Anatomical Fragments
Awaiting Identification.
There is do silent horror, but only a
living interest, upen entering the Dead
Letter Olhce at Washington.
"Twenty thousand letters received
hero daily."
This was the information given to a
Detroit h'ri-r l'ms representative by the
bright and courteous lady who presides
over the curiosity room. "And nearly
one-half of them can never be sent on
or back, because of the illegibility of
the address or some other cause."
The inclosures are kept two years,
then, if still unclaimed, are sold at auc
tion. The room is lined with cases, in
which the curiosities are very art stically
Here was a fireman's ax. Improper
weight and a sharp instrument not
properly protected were the reasons for
its detention. There were a number of
revolvers arranged on the back of the
caso. It is contrary to law to send fire
arms through the mail.
"Oh! hero is a human car," ono re
marked, wondering at the singular
"i es, that came in a newspaper. We
do not know by whom it was sent. Here
is an asp, and that is a tarantula both
quite startling creatures to find upon
opening a box. They both camo through
aiive," said the attendant, "and that is
against the law, you know. We always
have live curiosities chloroformed and
preserved in liquor. We are quite care
ful in opening packages, for we never
know what sort of pets we are going to
"Here are some horned toads. ' I have
had tree-toads for pets for months at a
"Snakes!" exclaimed one of our party,
pointing toward some largo c,lass cans.
"Did they come through alive."
"Yes, indeed."
En passant, it is very amusing to hear
Washintonians say "Yes, indeed," with
the emphasis on "yes," and the "indeed"
sliding along as though the expression
were oue of the pleasures of life.
"Y'es, indeed,"' she answered. "There
were sixteen of them, sont from Texas
en route for Hcidclburg, for scientific
purposes. They were in perforated tin
cans, were detected and sent here. A
boy brought the can in a bag, but one
snake got away. A lady at the chief's
desk, thiee days after, felt somcth ng
about her feet. Looking down, there
was the snake. He had been in one of
the drawers of the chief's desk for those
three days. Was she frightened) Well,
there are few things that we ladies dis
like more than snakes, you know."
"Hero is a scalp 1"
"Yes; it is the scalp of a young
Indian girl about eighteen or twenty
years old. We were told so- by an ex
pert in such things tho hair fine and
black and straight, you sec, prepared
witn care to oe tustcned in tne belt.
"Here are some balls of opium. You
notice they were d;sguised in a covering
of candy. And here is a beautiful large
etchinfr. exuuisitelv done. It seems a
pity that It should not have reached its
destination, but we could not help it."
t-he stepped to the desk, and took
from one ot tne drawers a book, open
ing it for our inspection. In it were
pasted the addressed sides of envelopes,
home of these addresses indicated a close
acquaintance with phonographic spell
ing, as "Ti Ti, Ga." was spelled "Tight
I, Ga.," and Springervillc, Arizona,"
was spelled "Spcngel Bil, Arizona."
Again, others were of a poetical turn,
and fame doubtless awaits tho composers
with open arms. Here aro four of them :
"Now come, locomotive, and get up your
And Sieed me away o'er valley and stream,
And carry me safely to Jobu James, btute
o( Illinois,
And tell him I have twins, and both of them
"Carry this letter over valley and rid ;es,
Aud deliver safely to A. Y. Hedges."
"Postmaster run with stieedy feot
To liil 1 North Third street.
Care of Uanier Winforth,
For Frederick Aranouth."
"To Jack Smith, the web-foot scrub,
To whom this letter wants to go,
is cutting eordwood for his grub,
In Bo.-io City, Idaho."
A Beaver as a Pet.
"Big Joe" is a magnificent beaver two
years old, and weighs fifty pounds.
Crowds of people have Hocked to Sir. .1.
('. ivian's to see this living curiosity
dining on poplar, which the owner has
contracted for by the cord, and to watch
the appetite left when ho gets down tho
programme to the dessert, when ho be
comes sat:ntcd with apples and tur dps.
A perfect live beaver iu a town or city
is rarely if ever seen. Tho most cole
bratcd travelers that have stood in every
quarter of the globe admit they have
rurcly teen one before, uud tho best
writers in encyclopedias can only guess
how they woik by moonlight, but such
authorities can now see how "Big Joe"
works at ivian's. Beaver is considered
a great delicacy as food, and the tail of
"llig Joe," fourteen by six inches extra
size for his ugo would make a dish fit
for the gods, but he is healthy and likely
to get a conspicuous place in some
zoological garden. Ho was caught on
Oliver l.uke, near liabbit .Mountain .Mine,
by a well-known trapper, and was con
tented at tho mines until the present
owner brought him to town in a carriage.
I'orl Arthur (Canali) Sentinel,
Ire lliirvestluu.
I was talking last evening w:th one of
the largest ice packers along the Hudson
liiver. He said that the greatest suffer
ers lrom the lack of cold weather are
the men who are accustomed to till iu
their winters by working for the i e
puckers. Of late years the freezing
weather has come after New Year's Day.
During tho past seventy years there have
been b it five winters when the ice crop
fell greatly Uilow the average. They
were those of I HI, l1 it', la;, lSS-iand
18.;ll. The Hudson liiver has only been
frozen over once this wiuter, uud that
was on December I1. Sia e Kit) the
Hudson has been permanently closed for
tho winter later than this your only ou e.
That was in lbJl, when it was frozen
ovei on February 8. Xeio York S'ar.
In the sleigh there was only just room for us
There was nobody else to forbid it
The music of sleighbells beat time to my
And some way or other I did it.
There was love in the air that was breathed;
the white snow
Was tinged with the sun's golden glory.
Well I spoke and she gave me the mitten
point blank!
That's the long and the short of the story
The wild rush of happiness you do not know.
You can't know unless you have tried it,
What's that; Why, she gave me the mitten
that's true
But ber dear little hand was inside itl
Vajsar Miscellany.
A serious blow A blizzard.
A paper dealer The note broker.
An old, ehionio growler The lion.
Sign of longevity "Old Men's Home."
Bent in twain The double dwelling
Tho newest thing in the dog line
Will not necessarily fall The girl
in slippers.
Tho flower of tho family is often the
latest tc rise.
Settling money on a son frequently
unsettles the son.
The grocer doesn't often show grit.
He conceals it in the sugar.
A horse knows more than some men,
for it knows when to say neigh.
"I am only a littlo .shaver," said tho
smnll boy who worked in a carpenter
A "It is reported that you have in
herited a lauded estate." B "My dear
sir, it is groundless."
"Your laundress appears to be very
old." "Yes; sin belongs to tho iron
age." Boft in U i.elte.
"This is a pretty pass!" remarked tho
editor when tho railroad company re
newed his transportation.
They stand for ollico in England and
run for it in America. Characteristic,
isn't itlJ'hilitdetjdiia Cull.
Curiously enough, tho big guns of the
human race aro seldom in tho condition
to bo Hied. ISurliityton Free l' -es.
Many a girl thinks she shall Miss if
sho isn't married, aud many a wife Mrs.
it by not being single. Chicago Journal.
When tho doctors give you up there is
only one way to get well; and that is to
give tho doctors up. Flijende JJUietter.
Without consulting the market reports,
one would naturally expect "refined"
sugar to be "quiet and steady." Pit'
bury Ch.onirlf.
Thero would be no objection raised
against any absconding financier settling
iu Canada if he Aould first settle in this
country. lliwjh'impton Jiepulikan.
Tom "A new coat, eh What color
mi you can H, seal urowni jsicn.
(thinking of his unpaid tailor) "No;
dun brown, I guess." Yankte Blade.
"Nice girl ycu have, that Clara," re
marked Giles. "A little absent-minded,
I hear." "A trirlo," replied Briggs.
"The last letter she seut me was sealed
with her chewing gum." Sew York Hun.
Mrs. Winks "Well, I declare! Tho
weather indications are right for once."
Mr. Winks looking over her shoulder)
"Humph! That j nper ti,- you have
got isa week old.'' VMLailet t,U Jtecord.
Captain Anson (coaching his players
in u (imiiii ui uau ui me unse iuo J'1
Egyptiuu pyramid) "Forty cenTtii:-1
are looking down on you, Williamson!
Bang tho o'.utting out of 'cr!" Chictyo
Said a disgusted tramp to his New
York associates on his return from a
Western tour: "They said I would find
wonderful advance iu the West, but I
didn't find a mau who would advance
me a cent." Siftimjs.
"I used to think," said Uncle Ezra,
"thct this thing of gals kissing pug dogs
was purty rough, but seuco 1 come to
town un' seo some of the dudes well, '
maybe the gals ain't so much to blame
urtcr ull."- Seir York Mercury.
"(ieutlemeh'of the jury," said counsel
in an agricultural case, "there were ilU
hogs iu that lot ilti. I want you to re
member that number Ml hogs just
three times lho number that there a,re in
tho jury box." Albany Late Journal.
First Eminent Physician "But Hcrr
Windygrat: has gout his lungs are as
sound us possible. Why did you tell
him not to play the trombone for six
mouths." Second Eminent Physician
"Because, my dear, Ilerr Wiudygrat
occupies the chamber next to niiiie."
Fimnj Fo'ki.
A spring whoso wafer is a perfect writ
ing fluid has been discovered iu .Michi
gan. Now all that is needed is tho dis
covery of a lake of writing paper, a mine
of postage stamps and a quarry of steel
pens,, iu tho sumo vicinity, to make that
portion of Michigan a "literary centre."
Aeie Fir'.: Mercury.
"Will you have a piece of this nice
mince pie, Tommy ("said Tommy's aunt,
with whom he was taking his dinner,
"l'lca-e, ma'uin," replied the little
fellow, holding his plate, "but you
might put two pieces on now; mamma
has taught me never to pass my plate
buck for the second piece."
Australasian Wool Product.
The wool-producing industry of the
Australasian colonies is one which is
steadily growing in importance. The
total n u in In1.' of sheep in the whole of
these colonies on the :11st of March,
ls-', was in , lii'.',i;;s. Of this number
almost one half were found iu New
South Wales. '1 he totals for each colony
are as follows : New South Wales, 4i', -1105,
1 52 ; New Zealand, 1 '5, 5f I ;
(Queensland, l'.',02ii, 15S; Victoria, 10,
Ii2;l,!i8"i; South Australia, T,'.'5l,00i;
Wct Australia, 1,imi',u44; Tasmauia,
1,517,24 '. The total of HO, tti2,o;i8 com
pares with a total of in.sss.Tlu in 15.
For purposesof comparison, we may give
the number of sheep in some other
countiies. l or the Argentine liepublic
the figmes ill 15 were ( 00,1 liO; in
Futopeaii 1 Ussia, excluding Poland,
thero were iu 1 ssi estimated to be 40,
'2',T:!ii sheep; in the L'uited States in
1SS7 the number was 14, Vy;l I ; and iu
ISSiJ iu the l'uited Kingdom thore were
J8,952lll khf(-p,W..;i Cu'tirutor.