t THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. C. WENK, CoiTtm Phophhtoh. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1?80. L The National Tribune, the official organ of the Grand Army boys, j strongly indorses Oenoral Alger fur a ! place in General Uarriion'a Cabinet. Nearly every Legislature finds some striker who bangs away at co operative insurance. This year is no exception. A member named Kreps from Franklin Co. has incubated a bill debarring all beneficial insurance organizations from operating in this State further than to pay "$300 for funeral expenses at death, or a stated sum of money during disability." This would bar out all the assessment companies, and is solely in the inteiest of the old line companies. Tidioute ICews. Neighbor White is correct in this if he is a little off on the fence law, and we apprehend this "model legislature" will take little stock in squeezing out the beneficial orders, which are the poor man's means of securing his family and kindred againet want and distress. A bill has been introduced in the Legislature at the instance of auditor General McCamant, providing for the payment of fixed salaries to associate judges not learned in the law, of which there are two each in the counties of Adams, Bedford, Cameron, Carbon, Centre, Clarion, Clinton, Columbia, Elk, Forest, Fulton, Green, Hunting don, Jefferson, Juniata, Lawrence, Lebanon, McKean, Mifllio, Monroe, Montour, Perry, Pike, Potter, Snyder, Somerset, Sullivan, Union, Washing ton, Wayne and Wyoming. Under a decision of the late Judge Pearson, these judges are entitled to pay for being present with the law judges """Vhen bonds are approved, executions stayed, etc., as well as for attendance at regular sessions of the court. The sixty-two associate judges not learned in the law present bills to the auditor general's department ranging from $300 to $800 each, and the new act fixes their salary at 200 a year. All the other judges in the State are paid fixed salaries, and the purpose of the .- proposed legislation is to put the asso ciates on the same footing. A New General Road Bill. Senator McLain, of Washington County, will introduce a general road law. It provides that at the February election of 1890 three road commis sioners shall be elected in each town ship in each county of the State, to serve one, two and three years respect ively. They shall divide the township into road districts and appoint over- --'seers to take charge and work each district on plans furnished by the commissioners. It provides for the election of a county engineer, who shall have general supervision of the improvements and the wages to be paid and the number of hours that rliall constitttt.--day's' work. The lVylTMroad purposes must not ex ceed 10 mills on each dollar's valua tion, the money to be collected by the County Treasurer and to be disbursed by him through the several boards of road commissioners. It also provides for the laying out of new roads and all things looking to the improvement of country roads, the condemnation of gravel for the roads and other matters relating thereto. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our regular Correspondent.) Washington, February 8, 1889. Now that an extra session seems to be inevitable, there is speculation as to what time will be the best for call ing the next Congress together. All of the Speakership candidates prefer an early date, as it will shorten the canvass, and no one of tbem has any thing to gain by delay, which might operate to invite new candidates into the field and still further complicate matters. Judging from tie remark of Mai. McKinley it would seem to be the purpose to make the tariff the special object of the session, rather than Ter ritorial legislation, if ihe Territorial bill now pending should fail. All fear that the Republicans will have trouble iu organizing the next House has disappeared, as they have a ma jority sufficient to hold a quorum for a week or so without much difficulty. Many new members will come in aud have to serve some time before they acquire the habit of delinquency to be found among the experienced legisla tors. But few people care to dispute the asseveration that Mr. James Gillespie Blaine will be the next Secretary of State, aud those who do feel that such will not be the case, appear to have but little testimony with which to support their views. All the evidence seems to be on the other side just now, uud the fact that Mr. Blaine has leased a house in this city for a term of ten years, aud evidently inbuda to spend a good deal of his time in this cily, serves to strengthen the latter belief. The residence be has chosen for him self and his family is a large double house on the east side of Lafayette square, known as the Seward bouse. It is an old fashioned structure, with an nhundiinrc of great linll like rooms. In the rear of the mansion there is a great deal of unoccupied ground, al though the stable is very large. It is one of the historic houses of that well known neighborhood. It was the residence of Secretary Seward, and until recently was used. as the offices of the commissary general of the army. The house will be in the hands of a force of workmen in a few days, and will he extensively repaired and thoroughly renovated. There was something lugubrious iu the announcement of Secretary Whit ney's reception Wednesday for Demo crats, and yet it seemed fitted for such a gatheriug just now. The announce ment said a "cold lunch will be served." Was that a piece of grim and cruel humor on the part of Sec retary Whitney, to gather our outgo ing Democratic brethren in melan choly conclave and feed them on cold vittlesf Then the weather, not to be inappropriate, turned the coldest it has been this year, and it was a cold day when the brethren gathered around tho cold lunch. A very affecting reunion took place on the floor of the Senate the other day between Senators Bowen and Sabin. For the first time since both have failed of re election they met each other in the Senate chamber. These two Senators are the only Sena tors on the Republican side whose terms expire in March, who made a canvass to succeed themselves and were not re elected. This established a bond of sympathy between tbem and they spent a good part of the afternoon in an exchange of views. R. TIONKSTA MARKETS. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour $ barrel choice - - 5.007.flO Flour $i sack, - - 1.2o1.90 Corn Meal, 100 Ibi - . 1.251.4G Chop feed, pure grain - L25 Corn, Shelled - - 70 Beans busuel ... 1.502.S0 Ham, sugar cured 14 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - -124 Shoulders ..... 10 Whitefish, half-barrels ... 8.50 Lake herring half-barrels - 5.50 Sugar ...... 6J9 Syrup ...... 60(3,00 X. O. Molasses new ... B075 Roast Rio Coffee ... ?5fa27 Rio Coffee, ... . 2i Java Coffee .... 8235 Tea ...... 208o Butter ...... 25 Rice ..... . 8 Eggs, fresn .... ss Salt best laVe .... j.26 Lard ...... q Iron, common bar .... 2,50 Nails, lOd, keg - 2.50 Potatoes ..... 400,50 Lime bbl. .... 1.10 Dried Apples sliced per B 6S Dried Reef - - - 18 Dried Peaches per lb . . . 10 Dried Peaches pared psr - - 16 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ or Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Plana "' Vnraat Cnilntw Pan n u.l ..a i n aud to me directed, there will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcrv, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tionesta ra., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, A. D. 1880, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, to-wit : J. M. MINTZ and DAVID MIJfTZ, doing uusiness as j. m. .miihz aim lirotner vs. DANIEL McKENNA, Fi. Fa., No. 3, February Term, 18S!). Irwin, Att'y. All the defendant's interest in that cer tain tract, in Barnett township, Forest County, l'enn'a, bcirinnins; at uost and stones on line of Kuhnsand Wray ; thence West 50 perches to Mst at Clarion county line; thence North 118 perches to a post; thence South 82 decrees East 11 perches to a white oak ; thence by laud of Dotson, North 58 perches to a post; thence East 3! perches to a post at line of Hilhruner; thence 175 perches to beginning. Con. taining titty acres and 124 perches, be the same more or less, (reserving timber sold to J. G. Brandon on articles). On which Innd is one two-story frame house, about 16x30, ono log barn and out-buiidiiiKS ; young orchard, and land partially cleared. Taken in execution and to be sold as the Sroperty of Daniel McKenna at the suit of . M. Mintz and I). Mint., doing business as J. M. Mintz and Brother, TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly compiled with when the property is stricken down: 1. When the plaintiff or other lien cred itors becou e the purchaser, the costs on the rits must bo paid, und a list of liens including mortgage si-an-hos on the prop erty sold, together with such lieu credit or's re'-emf tor the amount of the pro ceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he mav claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. 111,, ot tho next day, at which time all property not settled tor will again he put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first void. See Purdou'a Digest, Ninth Edition page 4 o and Smith's Forms, page 3M. OKU. XV. SAW V Kit. Sheriff. Sheriffs Othce, Tioucsta, Pa., January 28, 188SI. Financial Statement. Statement of the financial condition of llono.ta lioroltgli School msli'let: kksouhg-e. School building, lot, bell aud furniture Jlu.OCO 00 Iialance due by Collector subject to exonerations 704 09 LIAHIMTlt. 11. uided debt $ii,200 00 Payable as follows : y 4ii -ttKHJO lMio to lw.14 inclusive per year 800 00 lsiif) to lhiitt inclusive per year 4oo IK) 1WO to I'M inc lusive per year 50J W) Taxable val tuition of District, n 107,-JtKi.uo. ' L il ' w- K '"INSON, President. JAS-T.RKNNAN, Secretary. Paine's Celery Compound Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing like it. " I,nst spring, NMne very much run down unit OebllH-ntol. ljirociiml someet IMInen ( vN ry iminunl. Tho use ot two bottles nia-lc inn fwl like a new man. As a general tonlo and spring- medicine, I do not know its ciiiaf W. U tillKKNI.KAF, Brigadier Ucnrral V. N. O., Unrltngton, Vt Use It Now! "ITHTlnfr lists! j-onr Pntnc's Celery Compound this spring. 1 enn K.itely recommend It as tho nwt powerful und nt the same time most p-ntle n-gulator. It Is s splendid nerve tonic, and since taking It I linve tell like a new man.'1 K K. Ksoim, alerlown, Dakota. $1.00. Fix for .-..oa At UniRclats. Weua Ricimrpson t Co. Props. l)urUn(,1on, vt. 'diamond DYES tt-SLSXZi LACTATED FOOD & PROCLAMATION. WitKRKAs, The Hon. W. D. Rrown, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Picas Quarter Sesssions, Ac, at Tionesta, for thi County of Forest, to commence on the Fourth Monday of Feb., being the 2'th day of Feb., lSKil. "Notice is therefore i von to the Coroner, Justice of the Peace and Con stables of said county, that they be then and there iu their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ol said day with their recoids, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their olllee appertain to bo done, and to those whoare bound In recogniznm e to prosecute against the prisoners lhat are or shall bo in t lie jail of Forest County, that they may be then and there to prosecute against them ns shall be just, Given un der mv hand and seal this 28th day of January, A. D. 1880. GEO. W. SAWYER, l.s. Sheriff. Ierrnntilc Appraiser's Xoticc. Return of Mercantile Assessment of lorest County, Pa,, tor the year 1SS: Class. Tax. BARNETT TOWNSHIP. A. Cook, general merchandise: 13 $10 00 J. R. Pearsall, general merchan dise is io ou Maple Creek Lumber Co., general merchandise 14 7 00 JKSKS TOWNSHIP. Curll, Campbell t Co., L-enerul inerchaiidixo 14 7 00 C. 8. Leech s Co.. ireueral mer chandise 1:1 10 00 A. D. Neil, general merchandise.. .14 7 00 John Hoover, general merchan dise 11 7 00 Amsler Rrothers, general mer chandise II 15 00 C. P. Hunt, general merchandise .13 10 00 T.J. Revner, general merchandise 13 10 00 S. S. Towler, drug store 14 7 00 jacKson Jt iMatson, general mer chandise.. 14 7 00 J. J. Ureen, general merchandise..l4 7 00 Miner fc Ureen. iroueral merchan dise 1J 10 00 HOWE TOWNSHIP. ' S. Crawford, general merchandise. 13 10 00 forest I aiming Co., general mer chandise 10 20 00 William K. Brown, general, mer chandise 13 10 00 Reaver A Showers, general mer chandise 14 7 00 J. L. Saxton, general merchandise. 14 7 00 Georgo Wolf, general merchandise 14 7 00 KINOSLEV TOWNSHIP. D. H. Toby, general merchandise.. 14 7 00 M. Andrews, general merchandise. 14 7 00 Wheeler & Uusenbury, general merchandise .". 14 7 00 E. Berlin tic Co., general merchan dise H 7 00 R. Gillespie, general merchan dise 14 7 00 HICKORY TOWNSHIP. Wheeler, Dusenbury it Co., gen- ' eral merchandise 14 7 00 T. J. Bowman, general merchan dise 12 12 &0 Seigworth A Henderson, general merchandise 13 10 00 HARMONY TOWNSHIP. W. P. Siggins, general merchan dise 14 7 00 J. II. Karns. 14 7 no Dunn ik Turner, general merchan dise 12 12 50 Uarder.burg & Allan, general mer chandise 12 12 50 Wilkins te Wheeler, drug store 14 7 00 Perry Machesney, general mer chandise r 14 7 00 HON EST A HOItoroiI. Win. Smearbaugh & Co., general merchandise 1:110 00 G. W. Ilovard, general merchan dise 13 10 00 D. Rarnett, general merchandise... 14 7 Od U. W. Robinson, general merchan dise 10 20 00 S. II. Haslet it Sons, general mer chandise 13 10 00 II. J. Hopkins A Co., general mer chandise 10 20 00 J. T. Carson, general iiierchau- ms 14 7 00 Herman It Siggins, drug store 13 10 00 TIONEKTA TOWNSHIP. T. Rrace A Co., general merchan dise 14 7 00 J. W. B ill, general merchandise. ..14 7 00 (HKEN TOWNSHIP. Collins A Kreitler, general mer chandise 11 15 00 Collins A VVatson, general mer chandise 14 7 00 U.S. Lacy, general merchandise... 11 7 00 BILLIARDS. JENKS TOWNSHIP. F. M. Reck, two tables 40 00 M. C. Carringer, two tallies 40 00 S. N. Buzzard, two tables 40 00 HARMONY TOWNSHIP. L. C. Hill, three tables 50 00 TIONESTA BOKIIl'UH. George Raab, four tables till (X) O. C. Browuell, two tables 40 00 HOTKI.S. TIONESTA UOItOl'OH. O. C. Browuell, Central House 5 50 00 Appeals will be held at the Treasurer's Olllee, Tionesta, Pa., Monday, February 2olh, ISM), between the hours of 0110 and six o'clock P. M. JOHN H. WHITK, Mercantile Appraiser. Tionesta, Pa., January 28, loy. J OR WORK of every description execu ted at the REPUBLICAN utlico. COUNTY AUDITOR'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1883. SOLOMON F1T.F.R.LI, Treasurer, In ending Jan DR. To linlnncB I2,."0 " To sciited tux returned 8! 11 08 To.liuv fees, i. W. Sawyer, Shel l IV 12 00 to coal sold 1W 1 To Poor tnx, Jenks township ft.8 08 To seated tax returned 2 00 To ink sold to To costs, Commonwealth vs. Mrs. Wnltcrs 5 00 To books sold 1 07 To poor fund. Hickory Twp 1''0 00 To seated tux return d Tor iss... 8,1:78 80 To scut! t.-ix, Ilowo township, r-tui-ned for lsss 7 42 To maintenance, John Clnrv, I'. F. Kitehey 48 M To irntNS sold 5 OO To (10 dv tix for 18S8 21.1 78 To unseated tax lor 1S8M 3,!M 8il To lioor fund. Hickory Twp 17. 00 To Innd redemption 7tl 81 To p-sr fund, t.rcen Twp 47 21 To poor fund, Tlonesta ilorotigh, f,0 00 .'.l,:tl5 l To Ralnnce $11,403 20 SOLOMON FIT.G ICR A LP, Treasurer, In account with Redemption Fund, for the year ending January 7, 1880. To Ralnnce $3,381 85 Rv amounts paid to Individuals.. $2,!l:W (M To ani'ts ree'd from indlridu-.ils.. 2,053 70 Ry Balance 3,300 113 $0,335 HI $3,3'.0 03 To Rulane SOLOMON FIT.UF.RALR, Treasurer, In account with the State of Pennsylvania, for tho year ending January 7, 1880. To Balance $ 474 67 Rv vouchers Stnte Treasurer $ 400 00 To State tux for 18?8 708 00 Ry 5 per cent. com. tin $708.58. ... 3543 Rv 1 per cent. com. on $073.15 0 73 Ry Ralanco 741 17 $1,183 33 $ 741 17 To Ralanco W. D. SI1IKLDS, County Commissioner, In account with Forest County, for tho year ending January 7, 1880. To orders drawn $218 30 Rv 50 dav's sorviee $177 00 Ry 713 utiles travel 71 30 $248 30 J. J. PARSONS, County Commissioner, in account with Forest County, for tho year ending January 7, 1889. To orders drawn $343 20 Rv 84 dav's service $252 00 Ry 012 ni lies travel I'l l") $343 20 C. F. LEDKBUR, County Commissioner, in account with Forest County, for tho year ending January 7. 1S80. To orders drawn $204 70 Rv 82 dav's service $24(1 00 Ry 487 miles travel 48 70 $291 70 CALVIN M. ARNKR, Prothonotary, In account with Forost Comity, for tho year ending January 7, 1880. To orders drawn f'tJS 15 Ry fees $ !28 15 O. W. SAWYER, Sheriff, in account with Forest County, for tho year ending January 7, 1889. To orders drawn - $315 25 Ry fees $'115 25 P. M. CLARK, District Attorney, In account with Forest County, for the year ending January 7, 1880. To orders drawn ?iS 00 Ryfces... $13 00 FOREST COUNTY, ss: We, the undersigned Auditors of Forest County, do hereby certify that wo mot in the Commissioners' Ollice in said County according to law, and" did audit and adjust tho several accounts of the Treasurer, Sheriff, Prothonotary, District Attorney and County Commissioners, of said County, tor the year ending January 7, 1880, and linil them as sot forth in the foregoing report; in testimony of which wo havo hereunto set our nanus ami seals tins ism any 01 January A, l. issii. K. Ij. JON F.S, I WILLIAM RLUM.I R. Z. GILLESPIE, I Attost-J. E. UILLARD, Clerk. EXPENDITURES of Forest County, for year onding January 7, 1880. Lauds sold County $ 1,178 74 1 ounsol lees. County Commissioners County Commissioners'Clerk .... Jury fees Jury Commissioners and Clerk.. Assessors Constables lnd Tipstaves Court Crier Road View Fuel, Lights, Lamps Au 50 00 880 'jo 720 00 1,8I8 62 50 30 001 75 310 35 57 50 2.S2 20 451 Sil I'.lectlons "(.f-so Commonwealth costs v2i:2 22 Rooks and Stationary 205 08 7iU2i) Repairs on Court House hij Jail H5 41 Warren Hospital .-.T". 6S8 00 Sheriff's fees 4.14 01 Prothonotnrvs fees 447 00 Janitor.-. . 1:13 70 Poshuro 13 58 Express and Freight 0 13 FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Forest County for the year ending January 7, 1880. ASSETS. Ralanco due on Conntv account by Solomon Fitzgerald, Treasurer $11,408 20 Seated Lands returned for 1KK8 3s2 04 Due by L. Agnew. ex-Sheriff 40 (10 Due by Tioucsta Township 182 52 Due by Tioi.csta Rorough 15M 62 Duo by Green Township HIS CO $12,710 04 LIABILITIES. Amount due on Water Closets $ 1,220 00 Amount duo on Cl.-irington Bridgo 3,300 00 Surplus over all Liabilities 8,105 05 $12,710 01 FOREST COUNTY, ss : Pursuant to law we, tho undersigned Commissioners of Forost County, publish tho foregoing exhibit of tho receipts and expenditures of said County for ths year ending January 7, 1880. Witness our hands and seals this Istli day of January, A. D. 1880. Attest-J. T. RRENNAN, Clerk. S.H. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Doalers in Also, UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PA. SOCIAL MIRROR; Or Social and Moral Culture. Introduced by Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, Is having the largest sale of any strictly subscription book published. Terms and circulars free j if you mean business, and want to commence work at once, send il for outlit. Exclusive Terri tory Guaranteed. Hoping to secure your services for Ihsh we are Yours trulv, LYMAN W. IjR'KKRSON A CO.", 010 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. (Mention this paper.) Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing account has been tiled in my ollice and will be presented ut next term of Court, beginning on fourth Monday of February, lss'.i: First and final account of Thomas J. Bowman, Guardian of Win. W. Siggins. C. M. AKNER, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tioucsta, Fa., Jau. 21, 180. account with Forest County, for tho year nary 7, 1889. CR. Ry County orders paid $12,730 17 Hy8J per cent, commission on same 44.1 87 Ry vouchers scnted lands, rct'd... '2H Ott liy vouchors exonerations 144 24 Ry per cent, commission on lands redeemed J,il:8.n8 102 85 Ry lands sold County, Juno sales 1888 1,170 74 Ry Ralauc ..$11,108 2tl $l,ni3 II) $0,333 1 $1,183 33 County Auditors. Stenographer 1(7 30 Refunding orders 12 01 District Attorney 48 00 Western Penitentiary 310 50 Cleaning Court House, Jail and Washing 45 00 Auditors Biid Clerk 85 00 Bridges , 1,200 51 County Institute 130 00 Coroner 2 75 iiuifMes for Court House and Jail 41 80 Court Auditor 10 00 Transcribing Assessments l'.Ki 00 Printing 428 80 Jail Phvsiciau 8 00 Retorm' School ! 52 Insurance 3'i0 00 Ijihor... 53 80 Express 4 52 Water Closets 1,205 07 Treasurer's Commission 518 72 W. II. SIIIKLDS, ) C. F. LEOKBUR, U'ounty Commlssie J. J. PARSONS, J DAVID BARNETT, Dealer in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARK, GENTSIFURNISHING GOODS, GLOVES, MITTENS, JEWELBY, CUTLERY, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARr, TOBACCO, &.C. Everything Fresh, New, and of Choicest the Markets afford. Constant ad ditions being uiado to stock. ('(hjxtky ntoincii Taken in rxehango for Goods, and the Highest Prices allowed. Cash Paid for HIDES, FELTS ID FIRS. IRON, RAGS and JUNK of all kinds taken in cxcliaugo.for goods. I aim to give customers perfect satisfac tion iu all dealings with them. A share of public patrotiHge is respectfully solicited, with the promise that none shall go away disappointed. DAVID BARNETT, Tioucsta, Pa. A GENTS A WANTED To canvass for one of the largest, oldest established, Best Known Nurseries iu the country. Most liberal terms. Uneipialed facilities. Geneva Nursery, Established 1840. V. A T. SMITH, Goueva, N. Y. 1 IT. I J. I aQlgroi8)Qij,.- Lowest VI3Vr WIC IvlsTOW: WE KNOW WK IIAVK GOOD VALUES IN OUR DRESS GOO D8 DEPARTMENT WE KNOW WK IIAVK TIIR LATEST STYLES AND DESIGNS! WK KNOW WK HAVE GOODS WORTH ALL WK ASK FOR THEM I WE KNOW WK IIAVK AN ASSORTMENT THAT ALL CAN SELECT FROM ! WE KNOW THAT TO APPRECIATE OUR STOCK YOU MUST COE .AJSTD SEE! DRESS FLANNELS, WOOL SUITINGS, HENRIETTAS, FINE CASHMERES, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, MUSLINS. CLOTBIKB! M1S iiE MEN'S, ROYS', CHILDREN'S M TVS, ROYS', CHILDREN'S MEN'S, ROYS', CHILDREN'S Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoos and Rubber Goods, Flannols, Blankets, Yarns and Comfortables, Robes, Horso Blankets, Carpets and Oil Cloth. GROCERIES! GROCERIES At , Our Stock of Groceries, . . ZFT-jOTTIR, JbJlSTJD PEED Is always kept right up to tho Standard, except In Prices, whloh are all cut to piece. Our Slock of Goods ombracos overything kept in a General StoreTfroni Baled flar to the Flnost Silk..- COME AND SEE US. , IT. J. HOPKINS & CO. HERMAN & SIGGINS ! DRUGGISTS c GROCERS, TIONESTA, - - PEWK. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS RE FOUND nm FMESMFST GMQCEftlES. RERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETARLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which is In charge, or a thoroughly competent Clerk, " " will always bo found tho PUREST DRUGS AND , CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUN D E U W IT II UTMOST CA RE. """"'tSBSSSSSrSBSaiBBra WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO, -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NGTIONS. HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEERS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. iWrai BOBIfOI Km CASH: TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. it ri 1 .. tl - mm A Is here furnished of the consequence of neglecting to tiike wise wifely ad vice. This man thought ha knew it all and Turned Up His Noso At our low priced Furniture because they were low. He paid two prices for uu interior article which led his wile to Turn Down His Noso For future reference. She gave him tho shake in a mild form and threatened divorce lor the next olfenco. She's all right. To fail to trade witli Nelson Greunlund is A JUST CAUSE OF DIVORCE If the courts would only think so. Keep on ladies. Educuto your huxband to know a lmrgain w hen be sees it. Traill Ilium iu the way they bin-ill I go (for Furniture.) And remember that way is to N. CREENLUND'S, Undertaker A Einbaluier, 331 Exchange Rlock, WARREN, PA. IF YOU WANT a renpeeluble Job of printing at a reasonable price seud your order to this ollico. wmmh Jim am&9 ffcvrsr Goons ciEiii CIOTHIIGI MEN'S, ROYS', CHILDREN'S MEN'S, BOYS', CI 1 1 LliRKN'M M EN'S, BOYS', CIULDRKS'S SAVE MONEY! HOW P I1Y BUYING THE SNAG-PROOF RUBBER BOOT, THE REST IN THE WORLD! II. J. HOl'KIXK fc 0., SOLE" AGENTS. Ctr A M'.llt liuuwtu THAT PHOHUCES r0l.w H.Ul. WIILitC AU. UTUEtlS vi--.-..!l in-.! liiHlin Fortes n4 . :i ic-.ii s-.aij. f; At ntcttifct tit Ui. '.v 11 !!! - r.ytn-. f !U' -en PPfRJfrD 'til 1 ll.t . 1 ' 1 1 '.:-.! a." u lliti r t,'.r.unr.n ( rj;i u 1. 1.1 it1.-.- to vtuw I .. i r :i term of r;o E!A:::rio pay. TTriio f:l.CO a I'm. i- iCMi HAin GROWER CO- I:"""ZL