THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10. 18S9. BOROUGH OFFICERS. I1urgr. R. Knox. i ViuanlMM Vn.l K T T IT - ...... iii'iui v, ... .1 . iiuif- kins, II. M. Foreman, H. P. Irwin. South ward, .1. C. Scowden, Wm. SmcBrtmugli, m . r. rrnpor. Jnttirta of the iYftee J. T. Bronnan I). S. Knox. Vonxtable ami OittnnrR. 8. Canfleld P'Aonf J)ireetorn--0. W. Robinson. A, II. K oily, J. II. Dingmnn, D. S. Knot, . rr.Vium, rf, 1. Jireunail FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. fm&r of Cimgrenn Jamks T. Maf- KKTT. Memher of Situate J. IT. Wir.sow. Ait(imtiljf C'nARt.KH A. Kandai.i.. President .Tudqc W. D. IIrok. .4 unoiadj Judge Lkwis Ahnkh. J NO, A. Pnoricn Trennnrer Solomou FlTXfiEWAl.n. CfflUunidirj, lirff inter t Recorder, te. V'MI ftl. A R TV Kit. .. .vwar. Oko. W. SAwrrs. (linrninioit(-r Wm. D. H. helps, C, F. 1.K jkrctr, J. J. Parson. tynnln Superintendent liKO. W. K KltR, Kttriet Attorney P. M. Ci.ahk. Jury OmmfMieners C. II. Curium, ANUS j. COOPICR. Cbanr.v ffurvryor IT. C. WniTTSKlW. tWonr Dr. J. V. Morrow. Count) A uditfrn K. L. JoNE, R. 7., OlLLKn, Wm. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TI01TESTA LODGE JVo. 309. 5r I. O. of O. TP. ATEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8 .if a. o'clock, in the IjoUge Boom In l'ar- F. R. SANSON, N. O. (ijtVT. 8AWTKR, Soo'v. , 27-tf. TVlRfiST LODGE. No. A. O. IT. W 1 Mft every Friday Evening In Has let 1111, Tionesta. JKO. W. DUNKLH, M. W. J. E. WJCNK, Recorder. - ' CA.PT. OFvORQK KTOW POST, No. 274. C. A. It. Monut on tho first Wednesday In imch Uiontb, In Odd Follows Hall, Tionesta, Pa. , liN, VUlmuuer, NICHOLAS THOMPSON CAMP No. 28. Bona of Votcrana. rnwtn first and third Thursday evening of each month, In Odd Follows hall, Tionesta, I ft. O. M. AONEW, Captain. J J. HOPKINS, First Servant. YOKEW A CLARK, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Offloe next door to P. O., Tionesta, Pa. . B. AOMKW. P. M. CLARK, District Attorney. EL. DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' Tionesta, Ta. Collection made In this and adjoining oounllca. F. RITC1IEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Forest County Pa. (" AWRKNCK ' HOUSE, 'Tionesta, Pa., -i L. tt I. W. Agnow, Proprietor. Thia hriia la nentrally located. Everything cw and woll fiirnlnhwd. Snpeilor Ac omnimlAtionn and Htrict attention iven t Knesta. VeiK'tulilcs and Fruits of all kind aorved in their aoaaon. Sample foom bit ConimcrclAl Agetita. CENTRAL 1IOCSE,, fa., O. O. Drownell. Proprietor. Tlila la a new houao, and luw Juat lieen tittod tip lor he arrommodiitlim of lim public, A por tion of tho patronage of the public la aolln Jttid." ' , . - .. ; 4il-ly. I CENTRA L HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. yj W. II. ROTH, Proprietor, . Thf lnrgovt. Rest Located nnj Furnlshod ilouao In Hie fit v. Near Union Depot. T B. KIOrtINK, M. I., Piiyxiclan, Surgeon A DriiKk'Ut, , TIONESTA, PA. J. W. MORROW, M. D.,- PHYSICIAN SUROKON,' Ijite of Armstrong county, liavhiR located in Tiicosta Is pr :mreil to attend all pro (lonl calln promptly and at all hours. Olfloe aad rcnidcnce two dimra north of Tjtwrenee Houao. Otttce honra 7 to K a. M., and II to 12 M. ; 2 to S and i to 7) P. M. Nnnduya, 9 to 10 A. M. ; 2 to S and i to 71 p.m. may-18 81. DENTISTRY. DR. J. W. MORROW. , "lYnVlnpt purchased the materials Ac., of llr. Steitdman, would respectlullv an . nuureo that he will, carry on the Dental VinaliiPss in Tioneata. and having had over pix yearn mioresxfnl experience, conxidem 'Imholl fully competent to plve entire sat . lwfantioiu i shall always give my medi cal practice the preforeiice. mu'r22-(2. T T AY, PARK A CO., ill BANKERS. Corner of Elm A Wainat Sts., Tioneata, Pa., Rank of Discount and Deposit. In terest allowod on Time Deposits. I'ol lec tions made on all the Principal points of Uie U. S. Collections aolioited. jryiBKNZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer In HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. m ten anu i iQNESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONKSTA PA. . Tjand and Railway Kurveyinx a Specialty, Magnetic, Molar or Trianulation Kurvey lug. Host of Instruiiicnw and work. Term cu application. lractical Tinner All kind of Shoct Metal Work prompt ly attendod to. TIN 1 ROOF1KQ ( 'I A BP KOI A LTV, AND SPOUTINO. liONNER RU1LDINO, Up KUIra. TION1CSTA, PA. rju oytiuC'K RRO'S, fY A 1ST .-I'ilist in V .lsl,"vlRcVaction of the lUaniiii , of charge. KRtiN, I'ICNN, of the ft; JAS. T. lUtENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY, TIOTsTZEST-A., J?J. PARTK!tTLAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO Til K PROPER ASSESSMENT OF LANDS AND Til K PA YM ENT OF TAXES. ALSO TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE, AND TO THE RENTING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SAME, C ondrnnrd Time Tnble Tioneata NtntUn. NORTH. I HOUTH. Train 2fl 7:S7 am Train 11 D:14 am Train 02 2:2.1 am Train 2f)... 12::I2 pm Train St) 3:52 pmlTrain 31... 8:1(1 pm Train 28 North, nnd Tnln 2! South car ry the mail. Chare and ftnlihntn Hrboal. PreNlivterian Sahlmtu School at 9:4.1 a. in. t M. E. Sahhath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching In M. K. Church every Sab bath evening ny tiov. ttiinioergcr. Services In Lutheran Mt. .ion"s Chnrcli, HtTinan Hill, every Sunday at 10:30a. m., Enuliah and (Jertiian alternating. S. S every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. R.J. Gruetz, Pastor. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Mio i mt li evening at tho tisunl hour. Kuv. A. D. Gaines. Pastor. United ProHhvterlan aervtcea will bo held In the Presbyterian church next Sab bath, morninir and evening. All are cor dially invited to attend. Rev. J. C. Mil ieu will officiate. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Mn. L. Agncw is payiDg mother a visit at Indiana, Pa. ber Miss Lu Best of Edcnburg, Ta., ta paying ber friend, Mies Emma Sloan a visit. .. Mrs. John Frick and daughter, of Philadelphia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Irwin. Mercantile Appraiser White pass ed through town yesterday on his rounds of the county. See Smenrbaagu &Co.'s new ad. this week, aud then call at their store and get a pice almanac for, the new year, freb. ' ' . V Smith Sanner " of Balltown, has purchased the pleasaut little borne of Mrs. D.' Robb, near the: Oldtewn school bouse.' ' ' r ioe ice crop does not promise a very large yield this winter, and "iced tea" will likely be a scarce article next summer. Frank Weaver of Green town ship, started for Washington Territory on Monday of this week. He will send for his family in the spring. Another bad wreck on the N. Y., P. & 0. Road occurred near Tall niadge, Ohio, on. Monday. Eight were kiUed--and many mure badly injured. Samuel Bush, who last summer moved to Armstrong county from Green township, has returned and will agsin take up his residence at his for mer place. Mr. E. S. Hoyt, Supt. of the Forest Gas Co., was dowu Jrom Tid ioute on a short business visit last week. He reports his company in a flourishing condition. The Venango Spectator celebrated its 40th birthday last week. May it seo another toriy years and be as handsome and good as uow, is our New Year's greeting. The Blizzard mentions as some what of a coincidence that "since the Pennsylvania legislature coovoued there has been a marked fulling off in the uumber of tramps in this sectiou." Messrs. Wade & Co , of Edicboro, Pa., have leased the Russell property in Kingsley township, and were mov ing goods to that place last week. Tbey will open operations there once mare hen spring opens. I have always been much annoyed by neuralgia and headache and finally determined to try Salvation Oil. I am glad to recommend It as it made a perfect cure in my case. Mark New. 62 Aisquith St., Baltimore, Md. Representative Randall has been made chairman of the committee on Vice and Immorality bv Sneaker Boyer, besides which he has beeu placed on the following important committees of the House: Agricultur al, Federal Relations, Military Affairs, and Ways and Means. The Northeastern Ohio, Northern Pennsylvania, and Western New York Bee Keepers Association will hold its 10th annual convention in the Citv Hall, Franklin, Pa., Wedoesday aud Thursday, Jan. 30 and 31. Hotel rates at $1.00 a day have been secured, and a general invitation is extended. The Philadelphia Times Almanao for 1889 is issued, and is fully up with former issues of that excellent publi cation. There :s a fund of valuable information contained in the compact and handsome pamphlet, which should win it a place on the tuble of every business man. And yet no snow ! There's a wail of disappointment going up from the lumbering camps of this county, where business bas about arrived at that poiut called stagnation. Two weeks of good sleighing would help wonderfully, aud if it should come there will be greater activity, and more demaud fur teams than for many years past. Fourteen of the twenty tomb stones for the graves of deceased sol diers of this county ordered by the Grand Army Post here, have arrived and aro now at the station. The Government furnishes these monu nicnt, which are tastefully gotten up and of first class material. They will be properly cared for and erected as soon as the weather will permit. A man in New York stabbed his friend fifteen minutes after the New Year came in, in order, as is alleged, that he might enjoy the distinction of being the first to tost electricity as au executioner. There's Yankee enter prize for you ; but wouldn't he be iu a fearful fix if, by some hitch in his trial and conviction, some other wide awake chap were to get ahead of him. The "fire department" was called out yesterday forenoon in double-quick time. The alarm, which came from the upper story of the Acomb build ing, was caused by the discovery that the working apron of Mr. Ralle, the watchmaker, had caught fire, raising a fearful smoke, which rolled out of the windows, doors, etc., in a great volume. Had the fire gotten under good headway it would havo made bad work. From the Tidioute Kew we get the following, which will cause a pang of sorrow in the hearts of those who were acquainted with the subject of the item : We regret to learn of the decease of our former townsman, E. A. Baldwin, which occurred last Sun day, at Los Angeles, Cal. To the be reaved family we extend our sympathy and trust they will not bo lacking in kind friends in their new home and that many will be ready to assist in the last sad offices of laying away their dead. The Blizzard says: "A new time card will go into effect on the river division of the W. N. Y. & P., Sunday January 20. The principal change will be that train 28 will leave Oil City at 8 o'cuck a. m., instead of 6:50, as at present. Its first Stop will be at Tionesta, and passengers bound for In termediate points will be taken on the way freight, leaving Oil City at 7 a.m. under the new schedule." We hear of other changes, but can get nothing definite. It will be well for travelers to keep in ruiud these changes. D. C. Cowan, teacher of North Piue Grove school, makes the follow ing report for the month ending Jan. 10, 1889: Number of pupils enrolled, males 25, females 17, total 42. Av erage attendance during month, males 21, females 14. Per cent, of attend ance, males 90, females 90. Progress and conduct fair. Fritz Kuhl, Steven Dot3ou, Willie Rarie, Geo. Greena- wait, Oran Cassins, William Slater, Thomas Slater, Edward Slater, Annie Pierce, Caroliuo Kuhl, and Rosa Slater missed not more than one day. The Pittsburgh Dispatch is enti tled to the distinction of having fur uished its thousands of readers the fullest and best accouut of the great calamity in that city caused by the cyclone of last Wednesday. Its graph ic and profusely illustrated descrip tion of the horrible scenes on the morning following the disaster showed its wonderful enterprizo and remarka ble facilities for gathering the minutest details from such a state of chaos as must have existed when the report was made up. The Ditpatch is a truly great paper, and leads all competitors in the race for news. The Clarion Jacksonian says : "A despatch from Las Cruces, New Mexi co, stating that Mr. A. A. Carlisle was dying was received by his family, now living in Brookville, on Tuesday of last week, and on Wednesday morning Mrs. Carlisle started for that point. On Tuesday last a despatch was received by the friends in Brook ville from the lady, stating that she bad arrived safely, had found Mr. Carlisle still alive, but in a very criti cal condition." This will be sad uews to Mr. C.'s many friends in the edi torial profession, who look upon him as one of the brightest of their num ber. In the Supreme Court, now in session in Philadelphia, the case of Commonwealth against Reyburg, in which the Quarter Sessions of Warren county held that cider was not an in toxicating liquor and that a person was not liable to couviction for selling it without a license, was reversed on the 14th, and a new trial ordered. The Court holds that under the high li cense act, the question in such a case is not whether a liquor is intoxicating, but whether it is malt, brewed, vinous or spirituous. This is a question of fact and not of law and the Supreme Court, therefore sends the case back to let a jury decide the momentous question whether cider is a spirituous or vinous liquor. That fat man, who the ladies do elate is the handsomest man in Wash ington, used to be an invalid, but he took to hard drinking, not of whiskey, but of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and now be walks right over the very slenderest dudes, aud don't care at all. There is nothing particularly new to report from the Dawson Run oil field this wetk. The Tionesta Oil Co. is working away at its No. 3, and will likely bring it in this week. Kel ly & Co., on the Baird tract have their No. 2 nearly completed which will also bo in the sand this week should they have no bad luck. Besides these operations Messrs. Kribbs, Emmlnger & Hill are about ready to commence drilling on the Noble Farm, on the east side of the river, adjoioing Judge Hill s farm, four miles north of Tio uesta. Several years ago a well was put down on the bank of the river, not far from the above location, which showed op for a five to ten barrel well, but for some reason was abandoned. TT TI Tk . ... ... iion. jotio r. I'arK cued ai ins residence in Franklin, on Tuesday, January 8, 1889, from the effects of a fall received at his place of business in Oil City, nearly a year ago. Mr, Park was well known and highly es teemed by many of our older citizens, having, away back in the 50's been engaged iu the mercantile business in this place; afterwards removing to Franklin where he has since resided. He was one of the originators of the banking firm of May, Park & Co., of this place, in which firm he continued for several years. Of late vears he was engaged in tho hardware business in Oil City. He leaves a wife and lour cnuaren, among whom is our former young townsman Mr. Geo. P. Park, now a resident of Jamestown, N. Y. RAILROAD UP TIONESTA CREEK. The talk of a railroad up Tionesta creek is again revived with good pros pects of beiug a go this time. It is not necessary to rehearse the many advantages that would accrue to the projectors of a narrow guage road along the creek, or to the land owners, lumbermen and residents on the route. These have been demonstrated repeat edly and are too well understood to need memion at present. Mr. T. D. Collins is at tbe' bead of the scheme, and that means no "rainbow chasing" nor castles in the air, but it does mean "go ahead" because it will be a paying investment. The lumbermen of this section are beginning to see the neces sity of shipping by rail instead of by the old fashioned water route as has been tbe universal custom heretofore, and an outlet for the great forests of pine and hemlock still standing along tbe Tionesta is what is causing practi cal men to cast about for such outlet. The best route by all odds is down the creek to Tionesta, although a route up Ross Run and over V big Hill, thence down Beaver and Hickory creeks to West Hickory, has found some advo cates. This latter is by no means a feasible one, buing billy aud round about. We understand that Mr. Col lins and bis co-projectors are iu some doubt about the possibility of getting the right of way through our borough. If this is the only hindrance, we can see no reason why the road should not be commenced immediately, as we feel assured there is not a property owner along the Hue of the proposed route within our limits who would not readily and cheerfully say, "Come on with your road, free of charge." All with whom we have conversed on the subject talk that way, at any rate. Such a road would materially en hance tbe business interests, not otily of this place, but for a radius of sev eral miles arouud, and we have every confidence would ultimately result in tbe erection of a first class tannery io our community, as tbe bark from the great hemlock forests of the Tionesta valley thousands of cords of it could then be easily and cheaply transported here, where every natural advantage is to be bad, among the first of which may be mentioned nat ural ga3 in abundance. Give tbe project all encouragement and let us fee if we caunot give to business a new impetus before another twelve-month bas passed around. Report of Tionesta Schools. Room No. 2, W. J. Rloom fluid, toachor. No. enrolled 60. Per cont. of attend ance 88. Thone preach! every day were May Hilling, Illauche Hunter, Ilirdio Chadwick, Till io Morrow, Viunie Slump, Zeta Setly, Ruth Clark, Clara Ncllls, Lillie Bradbury, Kittle Hepler, May Fitz gerald, Mary Joyce, Alice Uaasey, Edith Davis, Harry Davis, Willie Hunter, James Morrow, Fred "Partridge, Lewis Artier aud Samuel Fitzgerald. Boom No. 1, Aggie Kerr, teacher. No. of pupils enrolled during month 64. Av erage attendance 47. Per cent. 93. Tliohe present every day during the month, Gar field Grove, Leunie Ilium, Harold Her man, Otto Mueuzeuberger, Albert Law rence, Leslie Ilraue, Ralph Brace, Clillbrd Merriam, Joseph Joyce, Adolph Blum, Robbie Fulton, Albert Bradbury, Ralph Hepler, John Muenzenbergor, Nelson Foreman, Mattie Muouzeuberger, Katie Bradbury, Elsie Kelly, Mary Hassoy, Maggie Hassey, Birdie Foreman, Klla Brownoll, Blam-ho Hepler. Marie Smear baugh, Sadie Morrow, Minnie Canlleld, Hattle Uood, Bessie Morgan, Maggie Evans. Iu case of hard cold nothinir will re lieve the breathing ao quickly as to rub Arnica x uu imminent ou tbe coast, f or sale by D. BarnetU Strobleton. A series of protracted meeting1) is beiug carried on at Washington M. E. Church by Rev. J. 11. Miller. We sincerely hope and trust that many sinners will bo converted ers the meet ings come to a close. Miss Belle Stitzinger, who for some time was stopping in Tionesta, return ed home last week for a short visit. Mr. D. Fellows and wife of New mansville, were the bappy guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. N. HarklcEs not long since. We presume the teamsters will be compelled to haul with their wagons, as tho prospect of sleighing is very poor. Mr. Charles Myers, who for several weeks was rusticating near Oil City, came home last week. Mr. D. Wolfe of Newmansville, assisted Wm. Hepler one day last week in cutting and ranking wood for fuel. Miss Cora McMichael, who for a time had made Marienville ber place of residence, came borne a few days since. Mr. J. D. Rhodes, the former teach er of the Newmansville school, was succeeded by Albert Foy, who intonds completing the term. We wish hitu success. Tbe recent storm, it Is reported, caused great damage throughout this entire community, it threw some of tbe fences down, and uprooted a num ber of large trees in this proximity. Mr. Casey of N. Y., who for several years bas been engaged in enlarging pictures, was seen in this locality a few days ago. Jan. 14, 1889. Zigzag. East and West Hickory. EAST HICKORY. Correspondence of Derrick. Mrs. Will Grove and daughters Moud and May, were guests of friends here on Saturday. Rev. Sager preached nn eloquent sermon here on Sunday evening. In tbe action of Heath vs. Douglas, for trespass, judgment was given to defendant and plaintiff pay the costs. Mr. Frank Whitmore's children are down with chicken pox. A. J. Sigworth was in Tidioute on business on Monday. Rev. Thompson preached a sermon at Balltown, on Suuday evening, to a large and enthusiastic congregation. Mr. Mong, of Clarion county, is the guest of bis uncle, Aquila Mong. James Boyer, who was arrested in Tidioute a few weeks ago for selling liquor, is out on bail, Mr. Walters of Newmansville, going on bis bond. T. J. Bowman spent Sabbath with his family in Jamestown. The rig is beiug erected on land of James Church, preparatory to the drilling a well at once. Frank Wheeler is in Boston finish ing his musical education. Mr. and Mrs. William Connelly were called to JNew Castle by the death of a half sister of Mrs. Con nelly. WEST HICKOKY. Charles Keif departed for Salem on Thursday, where be will receive medi cal treatment. Eugene Holmes intends moving to East Hickory, where be expects to farm Jim Henderson's place. John Christie and Ed Fitzpatrick have located a new railway station over the bauk. II. P. Copeland thinks it a nice thing to be an engineer, as he gets a call from all the pretty girls. Will Allan has gone to house-keep- ing in bis new house. V. P. Klein goes to Erie this week, where be expects to locate. Skating is excellent on the mill pond, and our lads and lassies take advantage of it while it lasts. Erueet Davis, of Sugar Grove, who has been visiting here, has returned to his home. Mrs. II. C. Ketuble is making a visit with ber pareuts in Tidioute. Will Burrows, of Spriog Creek, is making a short visit here. L. C. Hill has his billiard hall end barber shop fitted up io nice shape. It is -a pleasant placo for tho boys to spend their evenings, George Wytuati, of BuOulo, is pendiug a few days here, looking after his lumber iu teres to. Rumors of a cbaoge in the railroad time table have been going the round for some time, but have not yet ma terialized yet. A Sunday train, either up or down the river would bo hailed with delight by our young men aud would no doubt be well patronized. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps aud Blem ishes from homes. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bono, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, Etc. Save ti0 by use of one bottle. Warranted. Sold by Herman dt fciggins, Druggists, Tionesta. nov2iMy. All those who have used Baxter's Man drake Bitters speak very stxongly in their praiso. Twenty-five conta per bottle. For sale by D. Burnett. HERE AND THERE. P. Dolan, a patent medicine rrinn, lias mysteriously dWapprnrrd from Corry, Pit. Hi has bt en mis-inr nearly n month, liavlnpt last been heard or nt Bradford about December l.lth. Hois about sixty years of otro, short and rather stout, linn a smooth, red fare, is of Irish nationality and Is a rapid talker. Mrs. Nancy Colemnn reached Cincinnati last week alter a walk of over 3 0 miles from her home on tho Rig Sandy river, in West Virginia. She bad with her two children, ono of whom is so youiiir. Hint she carried It tho entire distunce. She told the police a pitiful talc, to the rll'i-t that her husband deserted her lor another woman, taking the children. She follow ed him, and recovering the little ones set out on foot for Cincinnati, hoping to pro euro work there. She was entirely out of money. A piano tuner who saj s that pianos fre quency deteriorate because they aro al lowed to become too dry, prescribes this remedy: "Keep a growing plant lu the room, and so long as your plant thriven your piano ought, or else there's some thing wrong with it. Just try it, and see how much more water you'll hare to put In tho llower-pot iu the room where your piano is than in any other room. Some people keep a huge vase or urn with a sopping-wet spongo in it, near or under the piano, and keep it moistened just as a cigar dealer keeps his stock. They keep this tip all tho time tho fires are on." Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human or animals cured In 31) minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Herman A Sigglns, Druggists, Tionesta. nov2S-fiiii. The name of N. If. Downs still lives, although he has been dead many years. His Elixir for tho euro of coughs and colds has already outlived him a quarter of a century, and is still growing in favor with the public. For salo by D. Barnctt. - . , HI ( Kl.KN'S AltMt'A Tho bf-st -Salvo In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, t:locrs. Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappd Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Bovard. KI.IX'TUIC BITTIillS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters Bin( tho song of praise. A purer medi cine does not exist and it Is guaranteed to uo nil that is eiuimeii. liiectrle Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Kheum and other affections caused by im pure blood. Will drive Malaria from tho RFstem and prevent as woll as cure all Malarial levers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60 cts. and $1.00 per bottlo at G. W. Bovard's Drug Store. Is Consmnp'ton Inrnrablr t Road Uie following: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physi cians pronounced me an Incurable Con sumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle aud able to oversee the work on 1113' farm. It is the finest medi cine, ever made." Jessio Middlewart, Do catur, Ohio, Rays: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in beat of health." Try it. Sample bottles free Bt G. W. Bovard's Drug Store. When Baby was ilck, ws gave her Castorla, Whon ihe wm a Child, ah cried for Caitorla, When ihe became Mia, ahe dung to C&Moria, When il had Children, ahe cave them Caetorla, l'IO lOfSTCvY IHAUICKTW. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour barrel choice - 5.00fS(7.00 Flour sack, . - 1.25M.1.90 Corn Meal, 100 Rig - - 1.2.r(i$1.4G Chop foed, pure grain - - Vi; 1.25 Corn, Shelled - - 70 Beans JS bushel ... 1.51 2.50 Ham, sugar cured - - - 14 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - - Il'1 Shoulders ..... 10 Whitctish, half-barrels ... 8.50 Lake herring half-barrola - - 6.50 Sugar - 6J Syrup ...... 60fy,(10 N. O. Molasses new ... 50H75 Roast Rio Coffee ... L'ofn 27 Rio Coffee, ... . LilrTi) Java Coffee .... 32ri,:i5 Tea ...... 20(m,!H) Butter ...... (,,.25 Rice ..... . h Eggs, fresn .... 05 Salt best laVo .... 1,05 Lard - (,t 121 Iron, common bar .... 2..V) Nuils, lOd, V keg .... 2.50 Potatoes . - ... 40(('i 50 I.inio fl bll. .... 1.10 Dried Apples sliced per lb - . 5(,i,S Dried Beef .... - IS Dried Peaches per h . . . HI Dried Peaches pared per X - - 15 Arri:.tL xothj:. Notii o is hereby given that tho Commis sioners of Fwrest" County, will be at the following places, at the time designated, for the purpose of hoMing appeals lor the triennial asMsiuttiit for iwni 1 Urinous' tovvni-hip, Ailcnder School House, Tuesday, Februury ft. Hickory township, East Hickory, Wednesday, February (1. Kingsley township, Newtown Mills, Thursday, February 7. Howe township, iialltow 11, Friday, Feb ruary 8. tiieeii township, Nebraska, Saturday, February W. Howe township, Brookston, Monday, February 1 1- Jenks township, Marienville, Tuesday, February 12. Darnell township, Clarington, Wednes day, February 13. liurnelt township, Cooksburg, Thurs day, Fein nary 14. 'i ionesta Borough, Court House, Tues day, February l. Tionesta towimliip. Court House, Wednesday, February 20. W. 1). Km 1:1. ns, C. F. I.KUKlll u, J. J. Pausons, County Commissioners. J. T. Bbex as, Clerk. K-.tptare cur gajtrantfted. Eataibtoiiee. Noop- rtllou ur but.uuil di.r. curtnl. k'or circular, I'r. J. i). MYr, 6.11 Anil M , 1'toU. Al JtlvUUulel, IV 24 !At vt ettt lutmill. carter'sI f IVER "f55 ii pius. -i-i CURE Rick Trfadnche find rellPT? & thr trotihlea fuel (tent to a hifHMiB Mate nf th wymtrm, such hi iJizinertM. NnitwA. irowslm, Dirt mm ftT nt.n. I ntu in tlx Sid, Ac While thWrmont rtMimrkuble ffttrcen has heffl shown iu curing IT(a'tfrri. yrt Cahter's !-tTTi,it Lrvfen Pir.Mi nrn eiml1y valnnhlt in Constipation, CTtrfni? nnd preventing this annoying complaint, whllp thy also corrert nil disorder of the ntntnarit, 'imiilfttrt the liver and regulate too bwci. Kven if tliy only cured Ahe they would be almost prke!ewi to tnosJ who tn(Ttr from this distressing complaint: hut fortunately their goodness does not end hero, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in ao many wars that they will not he willing Io do without them. But after ail sick bead Is the hane of so many lives that here Ig where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it whiln fit hers do not. Carter's Ltmx Liter Till are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, hut by their gentle action please nil who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for J 1 . Hold everywhere, or sent by mail, CAS7S3 UEDKKTS CO., K: York. SmB Fill SziHSsft SziaH Fries. A 1 Is here furnished of tbe consequence neglecting to take wise wifely ad vice. This man thought he knew it all and Turned Up His Noso At our low priced Furniture because they were low. He paid two prices for an interior article which led his wife to Turn Down His JVoso For future rofereneo. She gave him th shake in a mild form and threatened divoreo for tho next offence. She's all right. To fail to trade with Nelson Groeulund is A JUST CAUSE OF DIVORCE If the courts would only think bo. Keep on ladies. Educate your husband to know a bargain when he sees it. Train them in the way they should go (for Furniture.) And remember that N. CREEN LUND'S, Undertaker Jt Enibn1nior - 331 Exchange Block. WARREN, PA? THE WEEKLY PRESS, PHILADELPHIA. ei.OO-OueYear For One Dollar-Sl.OO A Pure and Purposeful Homo Paper., w. A NEWS PAfL-U.,.y fl With every modern facility for obtaining tne latest news, reriectiy equinpod in mail, telegraph, telephones 'and cable ser vice. Correspondents, local, national and foreign. Special despatches from all ln ' porbiut points. A REPUBLICAN PAPER, Whoso trained editors present tho vary. lug phases of polities with such clearness aud fairness as to givo practical aid to all voters. AN HISTORICAL PAPER, Which devotes special attention to tho hitherto uiiiiublislied events of tho great civil war. These war papers, written by union and contoilorato officers wtio saw what they tell, form an invaluable war library. A LITERARY PAPER, Giving every week the brightest and best selections from recent poetry, and enter taining healthful stories by eminent writers. A FARMER'S TAPER, Having tho best conducted agricultural page iu America, where aro gathered the views of progressive farmers and gardeiv ers the country over, upon all queseTTtisC. of crops, fruit, cattle, poullty, farm build ings, uu.. A MERCHANT'S PAPER, Giving full reports from tho Philadelphia, New York. Chicago, and other citv mar- kets. Prices and shipments of" grain, live-stock, provisions, groceries aud coun try produce. A WOMAN'S PAPER, Extending a helping hand to all women. To them is devoted a full page in which they show each other, under editorial guidance, "how to get married ami how to keep house," in the most approved laxhion. For those who aro forced to re main single and hoard, tho way is mado pleasant. Every woman reader has a chance to talk. A CHILDREN'S PAPER, With Winter games und entertainment lor little people. Instruction ill tho way of making things aud doing things. Sum mer excursions to the fields and woods, l''s for the quick-w itted, ami plenty of prizes to make the slow-witted quick. IMPORTANT CLCRBINU ARRANGE MENT. By special arrangement with all tho leading weekly and monthly periodicals of America, subscriptions are taken for any one or more of these lournaU in con nection with tho Weekly Press at such low rales as virtually makes our great family paper free to the subscriber for one year. Sample copuw furnished freo upon ap plication. Address, THE PRESS COMPANY, Limited, Philadelphia, Pa. For Dropsy, Gravel, Bright' add Liver Disease. Cure guaranteed. Oillce, fcU Arch street, Philadelphia. All drugikta. Try it. H a bottle, six tor r