THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. . K. WtN Ki lOITOH 4 PROPRICTOH. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1(1, 198ft Reports from Harrisburg indicate that the new Senatorial Apportion ment bill is intended to last just long enough to legislate Senators Cooper and Gobiu out of office. They d'nt not vote as they were told to do on the Senate Clerkship, So tho political millennium has not yet arrived after all. PitUburgh Chronicle. One Yeah Clocks. An important improvement in clocks hns been shown the British Association for the Ad vancement of Science by .Mr. V. II. Douglass. The new feataro is the tor sion pendulum, which, with lever and escapement, may be applied to ordi nary works, and by its slow rate of vibration makes practicable the coo version of an eight doy clock into one requiring winding only once a year. The Electors chosen by tho people of the United States on the 6th of last November, met at the capitols of their several States on Monday of this week and announced their choice for President and Vice President of the U. S., the result of which was a large majority for the Republican candi dates. Tho thing was only partly done in November, but now, in the language of the facetious Sunset Cox, Messrs. Harrison and Morton "are thoroughly elected in every respect." The legislators of New York have not pleased some at least of the scien tists by the substitution of the electric current for the rope in the execution of criminals. The Electrical Review says that electricity is not suited for such work. The Scientific American says that the law has been passed but no provision has been made to carry it out. Apparatus is not provided, no competent specialists have been op y pointed to superintend its administra tion, and in the present state of affairs the law appears to amount to little more than an indefinite suspension of the death penalty for murder. The Harrisburg Telegraph very sensibly remarks: And now we are to have a board of State Medical Exam iners, are we? It is not enough that we have a Board of Charities, a Board of Health and a Lunacy Commission, but we must extend these humbugs by creating aaother medical pet. Is it not time to stop? For all the good either of the other boards bave done they might just as well never have been created. It is true they supply fat places for a few, and also give in quisitive people an opportunity to nose about,- at the expenso of the State, int(5 things that do not concern them. There isn't one of them that can point to a single practical good that it has accomplished. They all began mod estly euough, but they grew, and rap idly, too, until now to hear them and to see the reports they issue, the ques tion often arises: How the dickens - iiuvStBte get along before they were created? Let as have no more of them. The Legislature Ready for Work. Speaker Boyer deserves much cred it for the promptness with which he has announced the House Committees. To have the Legislature fully organ ized, as it now is in both branches President Grady having given out his committees on Wednesday so soon after its meeting is unusual, and is un precedented in the recent history of that body. It was no easy task to divide the 204 members of tbe House into the proper committees. Nearly throe- fourths of the number are new to the Legislature ard in general quite uu 'known to the Speaker. He has, how ever, performed his duty with decided ekill, aided in considerable degree by the experience which he acquired in the chair last session. The important chairmanships have been given as far as possible to experienced members, those at the bead of appropriations ana ways ana means bomg the suine as in the last House. Iu several iu stances those who had previously served second ou the list are very properly raited to the chairmanship in the absence of those who Lad servc-tl first. Iu the general composition of the committees there baa been an evident disposition to keep members to such .,work ait they hove become familiar w'uli. Thus very nearly one half uf ilio Ways and Means Committee were on the same committee in the last tr . 1 . . I . i louse; aud inn is nearly true also with the Committees on Appropria tions, Judiciary General, and Rail roads. Every committee of any im portance lias a good working number of experienced members upou it a fact ceriaiu to greatly fueilitate wjik. Ia the Seuato tbe arrangement of the committees is not so difficult, there beiog less than one-fourth the number of members to dispose of and but very few now men lo place. President Grady has made os few changes as he could, and in doing so has assured committees well equipped for their work by previous experience, whose members are themselves generally well pleased with their assignments. More than a third of the Senate com mittees have the same chairmen as iu the last Senate. The model Legislature may now be regarded as entirely ready to go ahead with its work. The Senate, however, began its part by adjourning uutil next Tuesday, and the House is cer tain to do the same to day. This is not what makes a model Legislature, but we may fairly assume that when the committees have prepared same work there will be no bucIi intervals between the working days not if this Legislature is to be a model one. 2'AtAt. Pros. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our rr-Riilnr Correspondent.) Wasiiixotos, January 12, 1880. It is now manifest that the present Congress, which expiris on tho 4th of March next, will end its deliberations with tbe most important legislation undisposed of. Tho disposition of the House seems to be to do nothing dur ing the remaining weeks of the session. This is strikingly apparent siuce the week just past has been spent in idle and senseless filibustering, while the calendars of tho House are crowded with public bills important to the whole people, and meritorious private bills important to claimants who bave just claims ngainst tho Government. If the present policy continues an ex tra session appears inevitable. There is no longer any expectation on the part of the thoughtful men of either House that there will bo any revenue legislation at this session, and all the work expended by the Senate and House upon revenue legislation will be lost unless tbe new Administration shall promptly convene the two Houses in extraordinary session. This would seem to be demanded by the condition of tbe Treasury and the general sentiment of the country. Everybody concedes that there should be revision and amendment of our revenue laws, and that such revision and amendment should occur within tbe shortest possible time. Tbe Re publican party will hardly await the regular session of December for the consideration of this character of legislation. For this reason it is thought Geu. Harrison will convene Congress iu March, aud at the earliest day practi cable in that month, so that bis party in the House can firmly and resolute ly set about the work of revising the revenue laws, and accomplish some thing in that direction before any re cess or adjournment shall take plaee. This would mean business; this would satisfy the country; this would inspire public confidence iu tbe new Admin istration and the new Congress, and insure ttie conviction tbat both meant to carry out their promises of their party platform, and register the judg ment of the people. Tbe friends of Gen. Swaim are more hopeful of securing his pardon by the President. His friends generally contend tbat his conviction bv court- martial was not warranted. The bill lo make the Department of Agriculture an Executive department of tbe Government with a Cabinet officer at its head, which passed the House and Senate lust session, still hangs in conference. It is said to be very probable, however, that the Sen ate conferees will recede from the Sen ate ameudraetit striking out tbe pro vision transferring the Weather 15 u reau of the Signal Service to the pro posed new Department. It is also understood that the House conferees will offer an amendment to the bill, while in confureuce, putting the Geo logical Survey also under tte proposed new DepaitmtLl. Maj. McKiuIey's chances for a place in the Cabinet have been frequently canvassed among his fellow members on account of his conspicuous cuiineo lion witu tbe maiu isue of the recent campaign, aud iho belief that Senator Sherman, not caring to leave the Seuate hiuiiitlf, would recommrcd JUiviniey. In reply to questions yesterday, Mr. McKinley remarked that he would not accept a place in the Cabinet under any circumstances It. Frightful Calamity. Tbe sturm uf last Weilociiluy created lerrillo havoc iu Pittsbuib anil lltindiug, this State. A largo seven story building in process ot completion, at the corner of Diamoui and Wood streets, 1'itls burgh, was blown down, wrecking nearly g dozen buildings. Tho killed number sixteen, as fur as ascertained with sis mis-sing, and 1'urty or fifty more or es seriously injured, tome, of whom will die. At Heading the large tilk mill, tiuployiug upward of two hundred operatives, mostly girls aud women, and buried luany under tho ruins. At last accounts the killed numbered tweuty-three. Scores of others were badly Injured. The scenes around the places of disaster were simply indescribable Tho citizens of Harrisburg, Carlisle and Williarmport suffered more or loss in the destruction of buildings of all kinds, and iu one or two cases death has resulted from injuries by fulling limbers, Ac. At Niagara Falls the suspension bridge the one nearest tho falls was blown down. It was by fur tho worst storm that ever visited this state. vtrf'im mm nwn. u win n mm mil? i ACTS AT THI lMI TIME ON THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS This combined action Rives it won derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick? because we allow the nerves to remain weakened aud inhaled, aud these prcat orRMis to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. 1 COMPOUND WILL CUR Biiionswsss. ms, CONSTIFATIOlf, KIDNEY COM n.AINTS. URINARY DISEASES, IFMAI.EWEAKNFS8,RHEUA. TISM. NEVRALOIA. AND ALL HERV0O8 DISORDERS, T!y quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor ing their power to throw off disease. Why sulfa Bilious Pains and Aches! hy tormented with Pilss, Constipation! Why frightened ovsr Disordered Kidneys Why eaduro norvoua ox sick headaches 1 Why have sleepless nights I Use Paiks's Cbikut Compound and rejoice In health, it is an entirely vcgcla bit remedy, harmless in all cues. Stld fy all rrar!tti. V.V $1.00. Six rr 4.o. WELLS, RICHARDSON iCO.,PropriUrt, ZU&LUIOTCR, VT, us C01TCUUPTI0U SOSOrULA BE0HC1HTI3 C0UGH3 COLDS EMULSION GORES WastiagUiscates Wonderful Flesh Producer Many liavo pained one pound per day bv its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a se cret remedy. It contains tbe stimulating properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, tbe po tency of both being largely increased. It is used by Phy sicians all over tbe worlcL PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemists, N. Y. PATENTS, Caveats, Re-issue and Trade-Murks secur ed, Hiid nil other puUints causes in tho pat ent otlieo and before the Court promptly and carefnllv attended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of in vention, 1 made careful examination, and advtae as to patoutubility Kreo of charge. ees Moderate, aim i make ;so unarge unless patent is see urea, information, advice and cpecia! references Rent nn np- lication. J. K. IjITTKLL, Washington, . V. Near U. K. l'atont Oilico. SPLENDID CHANCE! tor YOU. Permanent position tho year round 1 Hood weekly pay ifimranleed ! No experience needed' 1 Only l'imhI character and williiiKiictai lo work required. Outfit, fieo. Nend for tei niH nn 1 commence at once. Write .1. AVSTIX SHAW ,V CO., Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y iniir A It.ufi Ghowzb that produces AOlliC liAftl WUEIte IU. OTUEn jail. wo'r MAGNETIC R Ddrufl- Cures all Eruptions anil Dfs-lt 1 1 n Knftcn snd eases uf the hkiu uml txalp n Al Rbsutilei tit tilt. Tho only art kin that restores Hair on pnnlrn Haiti Heads. Uaa no KquuJaa Dreading. Contracts made to grow Hulr on terms of NO HAIR-NO PAY. Fxle $1.00 a. 7avx. MANLTAtTUlUCD BY ACME HAIR GROWER CO., OIL CITY. PENK. WESTWARD, HO! Aro yon eoiiteiiiphitiiiji a joiirnev West or South ? If ho, the innlcrniiieil inn trive yon CHM'Esr HATES of EA HE or 1' UEliiHT. Also fin nish Mups, Oiii.les ami any infoniiation reht'ive to the Evrni in.;, OrHzini; or Minin:; disti ic's of the Went or South. Cull on or mlilresn. K. II. WAI.EACE, Ti. ket Aent N. Y'., I'. ,V O. Rv. Olli.-u in Union Depot, Oil. CITY, l'A. "WANTED HEMAHLE AGENTS to h.,11 our New 1 1 ifjrli Arm Automatic Sewing Mitehlne, 'i'liti Nn, II. Liberal inihlccmi ills. A.I.Iioki. WIIK.EI.Ell Ai WII-SON MEli. CO., Philaiieljihiu, I'll. Established IslH. A GENTS A WANTED To canvass for 0110 of tho largest, oldest established, Hint Known Numerics, in the country. Most liberal terms. Uueualud faeilities. tienex'ti Nurscrv, lOhlahlished MH. W. ,t T. SMITH, Ueiieva, N. Y. A WEEK 11 lei upwuidti posiiively 0--' secured hv men iiueut.s bulling Dr. hcutt'H tienuinu Electric belt, Suspensory, elc, and by be I us sellim,' Dr. S.miII'h Elec tric CoimoUs. Sain 1 ilo free. Slate mix. Dr. Scott, 6-js: Broadway, N, Y, Nov.l'i-3in. DAVID HARNETT, Pealer In DRY GCODS, NOTIONS. GROCERIES t ; i, ss w a l! i :, q V i : i:xs v a n I :, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, cun r.H. miti'I-ns, j k w re Xj u y , cc r !.:: y, coni-'Kctionkiiy, CIGA1V. TOISACCO, &C. I'verytliinir 1'ivsli. New, and ol Choicest the Markets alloid. Constant ml r.iiioi's iipinjt made to Mock. COliXTSlY rttoiu i: Taken In rclim:cp for iooN, lli'jl-.e-t 1'iiccK all nved and tho Cash Paid fr HIDES, PELTS ARID FURS. II!' IN, It ACS and JUNK uf all kinds taken in for g irds. I aim !) ive customers perfect satisfac tion in nil dealings wi'll thein. A shareof pul.lic paln.najio is respectfully solicited, with the pi-uiiso that none shall iro ivay disi;p"iiited. K.VYir. n.Vr.NP.TT, Tiouesta, Pn. SAVE MIONEY! HOW P BY ni-YIXO THE SNAG-PROOF RUBBER BOOT, THE DEST IN THE WOHLP! II. J. IKriIXS A- CO., SOLE AGENTS. r H lASLET & SONS, GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers m -Also,- UfiDERTA'E-RG. TIONESTA, PA. MASON & HAMLIN Tna cabluat orxan was Introduced, in lis present forni by Mason & lianiliu In It-81. Other maker! followad in tbe manufacture of ttaes lustniawntis. but the Mason A ilamlin Orpane have alwars maiu Ui3od their snpreinacr as the beat In the world. 4 a Mason A llamlio offer, as demonstration of tha BnequalKxJ eicellcnce of their organs, tbe fart thai i all of the great World's Exhibitions, since that of Parts. tboT. s Exhibitions, since that ot ORGANS; with beat malt competition era of all eonn invarUblTUa honora, lllua- tries, they have n the highest trated catalogs U28 TO SUOO. free. A s Mason A Hamlin do nut heaaale to make then inordinary claim for their pianos, tbat they are nperior to all others. Tbi-y rucoguiro the hied excellence achiered by other leading makers In ( art of piano building, but still claim superiority. This they attribute aolely to the remarkable im provement Introduced by them 1a the year lam, and now known aa the "Misis & IUulih Piaso frrmisoML" by f Q iheiiseof which siblepurity and r I li Is I I Arelntmmf of tone, tiKetherl 1 11 1 1 Wwlth creatly In creased capaci- CSaKS U73I3ET. ty for sLaiiiuia tn tune and other iinoriant advantages. - A circular, contauiinK testimonials from threw hundred purchasers, musicians, and tunera, aenL luKether with desrrlutivecataloirae. toanv aonlinuti. Ptanoa and Oruaua told for cash or easy pay ments; also renu-iL i MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. k Its' tMTi a S; klVIU ex- ar , . . . . " tjk, WW va tifi IWl..t UUttJAIill, 189. UNPARALLELED OFFERS ! THE 1IAUKISHVUU xvs:j:ssi.y Ti:i,a:cic.irn Is tho liii-fjost i.ih1 hct iii.vapiipf!r pulilish-t-il lit the CnpiU.l of l' iniKV iv.iiiin. Eaoli iiumhrr colli:. illM stixty-fonr ooIuiiiiin tillo.1 with tho Intunt news, stories, lt'ixhitive pioieeiliii!., inuiket reports, inisrella- . I.wik at the following 11111 arnlleled oilers: Wo will furnish the Weekly Tclcirrapli and "Our l-'aniily I'hysieiaii, ' (New Edi tion. -I'll pnes, price for Two Dollars, Weekly Telegraph nml Texas Killings (weekly, price f i) for Two Dollars. Weekly Telegraph and Aiuericau Agri culturist for Two Dollars. Weekly Telegraph mid New York Inde pendent for Three Dollars aud a half. Weekly Telegraph anil either Good Cheer, Country Home, or I'aruiaud Home (inoiilhly) for Ono Dollar und a quarter. KEUAllEE AGENTS WANTED In every School District in this and ad joining counties. Daily Teleirrapli, $1 per year. Daily Telegraph and "Our family I'hy-sici.-in," yil per year. Daily Telegraph and Texas Sittings, Jii jicr year. The cash must accompany all orders, and he addressed lo M. W. McALARNEY, Muiinjror, Uairisbuig, l'a. SALESMEN WANTED to canvass for tho sale of Nui aery Stock ! Steady employ incut n"rantoed. Salary ami expenses paid weekly. Apply at once, btatinn ane. (Holer to tliis paer.) liuWIi.t.Mi, Kocheuler, N. Y, He II ft J. Z.ijtm&F Stock WHAT WJiJ IvlSTO-VV: WE KNOW WE HAVECtHilis WOKTII At.t, WE ASK I-'OH Til EM ! WE KNOW WE II AVE AN ASSORTMENT THAT ALT, CAN SELECT KKOM ! WE KNOW THAT TO AP1MIECIATE Ol'K STOCK YOU MUST COME -A.2STH) SEE I DRESS FLANNELS, WOOL SUITINGS, HENRIETTAS, FINE CASHMERES, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, MUSLINS. CLDTHIi! MEN'S, HOYS' ANfl M EN'S, HOYS' AND MENS, HOYS' AND M EN'S, HOYS', Cltir.ORE.vs MEN'S. HOYS', Cllll.nitKN M M EN'S, HOYS', CHILDREN S Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoos and Rubbor Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns and Comfortables, Robes, Horso Blankets, Carpets and Oil Cloth. GROCERIES! our btock or Clrowrica, ; IFLOTTIR, J.1TJD PEED : I ttlwit.vH kpit rlglit np'to tho Stnn.lnrd. pxoont Our Sto. k of t..H.,ls Piiil.ra.-a everything Iho Finest Silk. COME AND SEE US. it. J. Hopkins & ,g,o. HERMAN & DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, IN OUU Ul'vOCEUY HEI'AIITMENT Wil.l, ALWAYS HE I'OUNI) 15EUIMES, FUL ITS A VEtiETAHLES OK ALL KINPS, IN SIASON. Iu our Drue IViiiirtmoiit, wlii.:!i U in i-lmro of n thoroughly cotiipotpnt Clwrk, wil! ahvi.ys ho found tho , , PUREST DRUGS AND CIIKMICALS ! rUESCKirTIONSCOMl'OUNDEI. WITH UTMOST V.V1? ft. " " 1 'Tsnrnii...?pgr iij.inas . asaminsi HbW'weaarjirwi WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., DEALERS IN CLOTHING. DRY GOODS, KCTIONS. HfiTS, CAPS, GROCERIES OLTEHS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED C000S, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. ROOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! (iOODS OF 1'IIIST CLASS O.UA1.ITY IN EVK15Y DEi'AKTM ENT. $mmm rmmm Aim &m TAKEN IN EXCHANOE Foil fiOOHS. FOR Bmim FACTOR! AN THE Cream Gathering Plan,- or PRIVATE DAE&IEG, TBEGOOLEYGREAE3ESPROGE8 EXCLL3 ALL OTHER fflETHOiJS. SEE P.ECORD: GOI.P Pi'o--OA!.S Pi Ki -)i:nM.d, Va,, JA-!)o.'it!on, (Vt nud K07., 1883. 5pU ???-:rAl, cl BAY STATE W!t, tH.ri-.jn-ld, Mass., ct., 1888, tX4.l MwiiAl, PM.AWAIIE iS'l'A'J' K r'.'.lH t Dover, O.L. l-'OUH First Prorr.iuiYiSoutc.rHsiii!riSlx t iiiifaioN. v. Expot.itionSep.rn Fivo rirot Pro;rsiuniCoutci Savon at liny state Fair, ot-u last), rii'St Premium on l'.vtory U-.Mtci- ut Jiuh'.o Hate Fuir, 1888. J ti'St Prenrsium on Factory Butter nt Kew Itiinipshire State Clriuifre Fair, 1883. rit-f.-i lromUIl ami ?Wdep&take&. Yemiout Statu Fair, 0?-3. COt.H M'c.OALs I'AIM:, (V!-mce,);or.s, 'i'J mid Vi. nfter TESTS of SIX WEllii at ti! i'ylij'.oof Ir.rtu; try y.i connictitioii wilh iiIlleailinaHystenisof the world. CCiKVj lS.VP. I. nt. JJ.ival A.-riciihemi I oiidon. Enchind. 1H7H. CO tji rVt SDA LB'?Svv3EI'ikC-?titIi.teraationMl Dairy Fair, N. Y.,'T8ii'?U, ?'-t?7CJ9 COl-O MiciiAilIV:k:.Co., I'a, li. "1 iiJl.V IZiTJ K3DAiV BO rv;;'i' .s 11 aiii.ii. until you naveexaiainea imo me rnoLEV system ot c:ci:ai (utiikhiso. n is less labor, lesg oxpensa and rays better not proceeds. Full line of KNOINUS, CHUltNa and evcrytalnj Used lu IIL'TTEU FACTOltlEa or Trlvata liaiilra Bend for Illustrated i irculun. before purcnaslog of others. VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, VermoftT WINCHESTER ktWA Hi SINGLE SHOT RIFLES, 0 AMMUNITION MAMVFACTl'HICD UV WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., it 31 r Nsar UU t.PllEN'S t CM 1 1 ,IKEN'S ! CI 1 1 MUIEN'K ICIOTHII! M EN'S, HOYS', Cmr.HREN'S MENS, HOYS', CM I I.I EN'S MEN'S, HOYS', CIIIEIUtEN S GROCERIES ! kopt in a tJoticntl StorP, fron, HalyU Iii.v to v . SIGGINS ! & GltOCEItS, PEWFJ. awansci arc too numerous 10 mention. ii ii RELOADING TOOLS, OF ALL KINDS. Xll-u.stza.ted. Csttalogrue 4 mam PI T WHITUS KING- ! i.'",4"!' '4 tk J 2 - -i '.-lY,,-,--".n THE EASIEST SELLSKQ, TSE BEST SATISFYING SEWINGHI!IE In tlio World. THE MOST ELEGANT, STRONGEST AND CiCST WOODWORK ON THE MARKET. a) EVEHr 9.MS GI.TS SAIISrACTIOW. THE WHITE IS THE VLiX OF ANY SEWIN3 MA CHINE KO.V MADE. THE WHITsVIS THE LIGHTEST RUNNING AND BEST F'NiSHLD SEVrlNQ MACHINE IM THK NAKKf.T. Its Csnslructbn is GIMTLE. POSITIVE & DURABLE. IT3 WCi;ANSIi;i' li UNSIinPASSEO. You can cocu-i tho Xr.ENCf II you apply at ence, S3 j wi:.l dealer In unaeuuu'td tcirl!or. Trices aqJ Ttnw Mada Satisfastory. " WliiU" pclv 103 "Irjdcliins 0o, CLEVELAND, 0. 1 KSTI'.UN NI'W YnllK .V 1'liNN- SVI.VAMA li A I lltO. I). I Formerly 11., n. y. . p. I,, n.) TIM KTAIU K lv i:i'Ki:r'T d.v. io, t-. West in dl I' iltl.nii;li liiviMicn IKiiNtwitr.l A.M. I". M . I " iO Tn'..., 1 i :i -I in'..., I nn1 4 in'..., 2 11 'I .VI1..., i i" -!(!,.,.. A.M. P.M. j P. M. P. M. P. 11 l'"l I lill 1 I ts 44 1.! f.s !" I'jr.l.lil S Mi! I'J 47 III HI VK )i SOI Vi HI S f7 M I J (iHi 7 7 Hi II .VII 7 17 -i II ;m, ti 7 in 11 I,-.! .-. II 4'i II (Hi... 6 12 lOSil!.... P. M.A.M.'.t. P. M A. M 4 HI 7 Ml' ... ill- l'ltti-lmruli lv I'lll k.'l- r'o.x; ri'iinuiiii lv...Oil tUly...Br A.M. 'P. M . S 4.'.! R Mt il in; I J 1 1 r.' n:. p.; l '.'iij i I 47.! i O.i P. M.j A. M. P. M.I A. M. rt ft.'.j ti M :l i' 7 H :l :KH 7 17 )s;i(i )7 ;! r,- 7 ."7 1 ay 7 fin r... Oil (it ..... He, M.lTl ... 1'In irlit liock... ..... I'lcsldcnt Tioi.estn U icUr' . 'I'l ilnlvcy vlllo.. Tidl.nitc ...T)iiiiHim r... If. I.ict..p .... 11 i.i 17 as 4 I'.',; H l; M4.-.'l-' At4)j H 4. ft : o' o .i . 6 I Ji 0 P. H. ' A. M. P. M. P. M. M Illjl2 1 . I'. M A . N. li I'J U 4-i i 17' t. -I . s:t in ii , tl -Ut in l 0 17 in i-. K.Vt lO'.'l 7 07 l'l :.' 7 '.!.'t l'l '., 7 .17 II i " 7 47 II : I H 0:1 II 10 11 4' p. i. 'a. ii- . Wnrrm...;..,...ui lv lv...lii d ',nd P. t. A. M. II I'J III '.':; in li, .'i Uf... Kin nn.... I. ;... Snjiir linn ... t'r 'ili.ii..... .': . 'iiu'viDc I';.... I' l.'nn... I -tj... I!. Ml liutlKc.... .". I I: 5 :r., iv ,ri US I '. I I li 4 "1 I 17 4 10 P. M.i J. .1. I.. ii .y.'H II 17 11 I'J III ii .",', :in II i':: li, 7 h.'.7, 7 S Hi 0 8 n II . i:i' ,"li:. i n i .. S' .So. t 'lllTi'lMlllll .. ..S". V'ii:it!:iIiHv. lli'i!tmy v til.'i'.n ... .in H-.T,j ,1 A.M. (A. ; i : v. s M.I . H ATClll.l.l,, Uctl'l ,'illlit, .1.11 'AS, I'iiski- nt. 'Ticket A'eiil Km Iciii.. St., llnM-il.i, N. V. , Axciil, TiuliONtn, I'll. A. I l l tlcn'l 'No. M ( ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. Most direct - ill to to Pittsli.u-li mid tho 1'iitt. Duly iiiiitc litndinii )mscnacli at I iiin ii Stutii'ii illiniil it.ilii.v4 or hiiiiBler. . . 'I'l iiins i nn ley KhmIci ii 'l imp. 'J'inio tnlilo in cllect May LI I, li.vl. Nortlitt.ini, j Soiithwnrd. . ; .A-. ; '" r ijT u.' I.v. .vi. i.iii.,. in., W ;o aim l'itlslinri;h. ; 7 'JO. 7 llii 1 15 0 "iino no :t im w. i June r. in! n w Vi lo:!nlo:i8 4 01 Kittan iiiiik; .r4u ft.'8ll9i' II 111:11 T, 4 r..r ltcd Hunk. f. IHI 4 68 10 61 II Hu ll 4:1 ft os Mast Itradvi - 10 s' ll.Vl'lll :t.'. ... Parker .. 4 Hi' 40!iO02 I'J O.'.II'J '' r 44 .. I'nxlinri 4 OS: 4 (Hi 11 f.J 1J I '.Jl'J :VJ S.Vtl. .'inlenli.n.l 4 OOj S.VJ II4 I'J 10 1 07 llrl'l Kennerdell 3 L'l 8 17i tirl 1 'Jn I i's 7 04 iiinklin... ii Mi 2 41 8 St O.i 2 -J.. 7 an ...Oil C ity... 'J 2o 2 1.'. 8 OV i. in. (a. in p. m.' p m.H. in. h. rn. . in. in. in ni. VV.N.V..V 1' ii.iii.lo. Jn u.m III. 111. Ill : mi ;t or.1. .. l itnvillo . 1 18 1 VT. 7 10 :t 47 4 os., 4 .Hi! 5 10 B 24 1 r, . t 111 1 V ... . ..Mityviile... ... Itroctntl... .. Hiinkii k . ..: Unlluln... i.i I,, , I. i.:iw.i,,..., 11 lo il ir. 10 4. I U Xt 5 4 .1 ti :l Dunkirk . 10 -HI lu 17 . 7 20 8 00 . ........ : Unlluln... 850 8 : 8,r.Jt 7 ;',7. .'... CTioncMii.. 12 ,'VJ Ttlrl. ...7 4 2"i 8 10 i...TiiUnito... 11 ,r. 7 40 5 Wll 8 45 ;..lrvineloii. II 20 7 HI fi:io 0.V ...Winreii... II III tl -in; 7 'J:i 10 Saliininiicii. 0 (is 4 f4 8IHII12'. ! ..llrmlloid.. 0 IT. 4 20 8 10 II 4". Olcuii 8 2.". 4 10; p.m. u. in. p. in. A r. I,v. a, r.r Iti.ll'ali) Snnduy Train leaves ift linruli 8:4"i h. in., al iives nt (nl IMty, 1:53 p. In. ltetnrni nir, leaven Oil City 2:20 p. in., arrives al Pittsburgh 7:45 p. in., atiip jiiiiL' at all Ktntinn-.. I)A VII MrCAlti.O, (ien'l Hupt. j:. ii. i"ri.i;y, ucn. Kit. a iw Ah. i'ittshtirli, l'a.' Ii Mitj nitU'HL unj nioft (M.puhit at'NMilitle nud liiHctianwiil (jiht jiut.liclii i antl htm t tit) laritt-ht cirt'uiulicn of Hiiy i.i'r ( it m i'Ihhh in Hie world. Knlly llliiwltHH4j. li Kt-claM of ViKd KiiKrnv lli'n. J'UbUrht'd weekly- Sclid for HpM imuli rnjiv. I'l ice 3 u vr. r'oiir uunt Im' t i ihI, ML NN A I u.i I'L-iiiisntitK, bruatlwaty, N.V. AHCHITECTS A, CUILDERQ Edition of Scientific American. O A irreat fmrceoB. Kach InNiie oontulm colored lit ttO(iTuhiL' pln'fH t country itud CU T rt-siiltjn-. cm or LiuUhc buililiiiKD wiiifrttviiityA and full plum iti.d up. f' H, uj -. in'h an coiiU'ini'ljtU' in. -lv-1-U;i''-un oi.lF a!cu. txiy. IViUNN a Co.. ruj 4m maybe aecur- t.Moi by m.plr Aftv iutf tu Mt'NM 4(1 yp'trnr' ' pel itMioe und hnvn iumit t'vt'r tjlLUiJ aippluuti"!. for AnitM-U'iiii ud or- i.i ii.l..i'IM M.iinl lor 1 1 ill id buuli vuiaw LAJIlUyltCi) 1 l'l tl)" Coiillilulil lill. m I . .1- n. 3. x u ily comMui.iuii. . ... .. '? t rLU UmPiiiW W V ,.,,.'u. ...... - - -.T-.rfs. m r a luiim-.iinin a .lias. CI T k "X at op vim ;i i'o,i 1 41 yd, r inicki) in., junior, PoeU fx . B r