.we organized terdajr without the 4f in either branch. The i Jo tin u. urdy presl- Russell Errett, of A! erk; A. F. Banuoo ading clerk; E. W. - ango, journal clerk. elected Mr. Boyer of (, speaker ; John W. Mor eghnny, chief clerk ; Cuss. I of Philadelphia, resident R. W. Baker of Mercer, terkj A. L). Fetlerolf of t? journal clerk. The Jr Message, aa admirable Jwas read, and after the f'Feveral miuor officers, an yn ut was taken until Tuesday 6to give the speakers of ChYJime to make op their :s. Dalzell's New Year'i Gift. gh Dispatch. appended most remarkable from Private Daliell, man acquaintance as extended as ttiun, a man kuown personally large proportion cf the Union os, is important, even though, i present appears, it is backed up by his own fortunate experience, wrotl it to the Dispatch, and when, er its receipt, lata yesterday ailer on, effort was. made in this city to irify it, or at least disprove it if in ecu rate, the attempt was in a very' .mall degree successful, as indicating that the affirmation might not ' be wholly wrong. Private Dalzell, though at times ec centric in his good-heartednees, has never been known to mislead bis 'old comrades, and so bis lAter, affecting 400,000 of them, is given for just what it may be worth, as follows : Caldwell, O., December 25. Comrades By the courtesy of the Pittsburgh Dispatch I am enabled to present you with $14,000,000 as a New Year's gift for I wish it were more. I should I Ike it 600, 000,000 if I could, buVtlis is all that is at my command now, and Congress will band you the $600,000,000 before another New Years rolls around. Evety man of yon, and every widow and orphan of our holy dead, has a valid and unpaid claim of from $25 to $35 each against the United States. The nftney is in the Treasury. You need no lawyer it will cost nothing and all you have to do is -to write Washington for it. That's all I to do to get mine last year, he claims aro and you never rd of them before: 'irst Five cents per mile from :e of discharge home. ""rd Twenty-five cents daily for .. duty between October 8,. 1862, April 1, 1865. iirr Twenty-eight cents daily while in pris t or on furlough. I state it brefly. The amounts are email, and as tbe Government allows only 1ft per cent to the agents, tbey prosecute no such claims, you bet I For tbe first class named above apply by letter or postal to tbe Second Aud .tor, for the second to the Quarter master General, and for tbe third to the Commissary General of Subsist ence, all of Washington, D. C. There are 400,000 of these claims, averaging but $35 each, but in all amounting to $14,000,000, of wbicb you never beard before, not one iu ten f you, and this, with the compliments f tbe season, is my Ne w Year's gift o you. Your comrade, Private Dalzell. A Grand Newspaper. iVe can heartily endorse tbe follow I truthful testimony regarding one I the great leading newspapers not ily of this State but of the country s well, from the Franklin Evening Vew : Tbe Pittsburgh DUpalch, daily and Sunday, is tbe leading city paper iu this part of the Uuiou. Iu its variety of conUuts, its thorough grasp of the news of the day, its enterprise, judg ment aud general ability, the DUpatch an challenge comparison and dispute precedence witb the rest of the , jup of metropolitan dailies. Its progress and fcuccess bave been re .'kiVjjfclfwyHng mote thau abreast -f the phenomenal 'growth of that ronderful bive of iudustry from wbicb t issues. Tbe daily edition steadily "! reuses, and its Sunday editions, ificent 20-page issues, now aver ' wui copies. In the case ucCs8 is tbe Its mauage to give .t ..uer and the . ouuday Dispatch, in addi o its regular contributions from the most prominent and popular writers of tbe day, aonouncee a series of novels by well known English and American authors, as among its spec ialties for 1889. That which we like most about the Dispatch is its clean ness and its healthy moral tone. This, witb its newsy qualities and general brightness, give it a lasting hold upon its widening circle- of readers. Try it for 18S0. Boodle, Boodle ; Who Got the Boodle? The New York World is devoting a good deal of time aud space to prove that ninnc-y in suspiciously large amounts was used during the late campaign. We can tell more iu twelve lines about that than the World has told in some forty columns, to wit : PreHiJont Clevpland $10,000 Secretary Whitney 11,000 Secretary Vilas...... 10,000 Postmaster General Dickinson 10,000 Secretary Fairrhilil 10,000 Secretary Endioott 10,000 Sr-cretnrv Itavard 10,000 1. Scott' 7V0 Oal. Hrice 50,000 V. H. Havemeyer 50,000 A. V. Oorman 20,000 W. H. Itarntini 40,000 Herman Oetricha 50,000 These are the amounts aisiliorita lively set down in Dcruocratiopapers as the sums contributed to tbe Demo cratic National campaign funds by members of the "reform" administra tion and tbe National Committee alone. The aggregate is $365,000, and it was a mighty good start lor a boodle campaign. Cleveland Leader. Governor Beater has issued a proclamation announcing the extiu guishment of $1,118,550 of the State debt during tbe year ending December 1. Tba bonds redeemed were as fol lows: 3 J percent. 1881, $250,000 ; 5 per cent, 1877, $810,000; 4 per cen', 1879, $45,500; 5 per cent. 1867. $2,900; 6 per cent, 1867, $10,150. The Publishing and Patent Offices of the Scientific American. Perhap some of our readers haVe visit ed tbe extensive offices of tbe Scientific American, at3(f Broadway, New York, but many have not, and to such the fol lowing account nitfy be of Interest. A correspondent who recently had this pleasure informs us that he was greatly surprised at the magnitude of tbe estab lishment. It suggested to bis mind an enormous Insurance company or banking house. At the main office, which is prin clpally devoted to tbe patent buaineas- formlng as it does so Important a part of the establishment may be Been tbe mem bers of tbe firm and their able corps -of examiners. Ready access to tbe principals la afl'ordod to every one j and here may be aeeu inventors from all paits of the coun try showing their models and drawings, and explaining their inventions. Tbe models left by inventors form a large and interesting collection, and are kept in a room by themselves. TUb large corps of draughtsmen who prepare the patent drawings are for the most part expe rienced mechanics,' electricians, or engi neers, some of them having been connect ed with the V. S. Patent Office. Most of the correspondence la carried on by type writers, and thia necessitates a separate department, wnere a cumber of expe rienced female type writers and stenog raphers are constantly employed. The ark room, where the photographs of the patent drawings are copied, and where the photographs for tbe t architectural depart ment are developed, is also on this floor, On the floor above nay be found tbe edi torial rooms; compositors' and subscrip tion room, and tbe engravers' department. Tbe Architectural Department occupies tbe top floor, and bare may be seen tbe manager of ttus department, and also a number of.draugbtsmun at work prepar ing the plans and general designs for the Architect and Builder edition of the Scion tific American, which is published month ly, and has attained a widespread circuit tion. Tbe printing of the papers is car ried on in a separate building. At the entrance of the main ofliCo, which alone occupies a floor space of 80 by 1C5 feet, may be seen one of Prof. Draper's re markable recording barometers, with which instrument a complete record is kept of the atmospheric changes. This barometer was built specially for the Scientific American, (tnd it is a remarka bly fine and sensitive as well as a very expensive instrument. Some idea may be bad of the extent of tbe business done at the office of the Scientific American when we state that over one hundred persons are employed by Munn & Co. on thoir several publica tiona and iu their t-xteusivs patent do partmcnU, 4 How to Get a Public. Office. There aro 120,000 olfices in the till of tbo new administration, and now is the tune for those seeking public employ ment to take proper steps to secure one of tlicho lucrative position. All who are interested should at once send 75 cents to J. II. Souie, publisher, Washington, D. C, for a copy of the United Slates Bluo Book, a register of all Federal offices aud em ployments in each State and Territory, tbe District of Columbia and abroad, with their salaries, emoluments anddnties, shows who is eligible for appoiHiiient, question, asked at examinations, WW to make an application and bow to puVlit to success. It gives besides a vast aitVuut of important and valuable inforuKaion relative to government positions never before published. Mention this paper. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Callousod Lumps aud Blem ishes from horses.- Blood Spavin, Curbs, Sy, King-Bone, Stifles, Throats, Coughs, Etc. i ranted, ..I I'KI.KVM A KIN HA SUI.TE. The bent Salvo In tha world for Cuta, Ilrnlan, 8orp, I'leerw. Salt Rhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, rhappd Hands, Chilblains, C'ornH, and all Skin Eruptions, and pout lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to irive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per boa. For sale by O. vV. ltovard. RENEWS HER YOl'TII. Mia. Phono Chesloy, Peterson, Olay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the resident of the towni "1 am ' years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now 1 am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Hitters for hav ing renewed my youth, and removed com pletely all disease and pain." Try a bot tlo, orily 50c, at ltovard s Drug Store. WORTH KNOWIMJ. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant. Lake City, Kla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running into Consumption ill its first stngos. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty In breathing anil was unable to sleep. Fi nally tried Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption and found immediate rolief, and after using attont a half d07.cn bottles ton nd himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of euros, as Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption tlusrnnteed to d3 iustVhnt Is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at U. W. ltovard s Drug Store. R"THE ONLY Brilliant Durable Economical - Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others are just good. Beware of imitations they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor, weak, crock? colors. 38 colors ; 10 cents each. " Sand potul far Djt Book, Sample Card, directions lor coloring Photos., making th fincit Ink or Bluing (10 cu. a quart), etc. Sold by Pruggitts or by WULS, RICHARDSON I CO., Burlington, tft. Far Oitdlng er Bronilng Fancy ArticlM, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Qold, Silver, Bronx, Copper. Only 10 Cents. O . . f CELERY raw COMPOUND CURES I PROOFST . - "PaiD's Celery Com NOUr&lglft pound cored my v- out tick beadache. " Mr. L. A. BuBrtTKn, Nervous Dbaa.isia1.Um "After using ti bot PrOStCltlOn ttea of Pained Olery ppippjfjpppppp, Compound, 1 am cured of rheumatism," Rheumatism .hCoTrV. - - . "It haa done m more KlCinCy root! for kidney disease . . thau any other medi- D 1 868 809 ciac." Go.Aott, t Siou CityIowa. Ajt D "Vatne's Celery Com- pound has bee, of great All LlVOr benefit (or torpid fivr, indigestion, and bilious - Disorders " euzawthc. Uuali., Queche , Vt, TUE WEEKLY TRESS, PHILADELPHIA. $1.00-0ne.Year For One Dollar-1.00 A Pure and Purposeful Home Paper. A SEWS PAPER With every modem faoillty for obtaining me laiexi newa. i-erievuy equipped in mail, telegraph, tclr phonos and cable ser vice. Correspondents, local, national and foreign Special despatches from all im portant points. A REPUBUtAN PAPER, Wlinfltrained editors present" tlie vary ing phases of politics with auch clearness arul fairness aa to give practical aid to all voters. AN HISTORICAL PAPER, Which devotes special attention to the hitherto unpublished events of the great civil war. These war papers, written by union and confederate officers who saw what they toll, form an invaluable war iiurary, , A LITERARY PAPER, diving every week the brightest and best selections from recent poetry, and enter taining healthful stories by eminent wriiurg. A FARMER'S PAPER, Having tbo best conducted agricultural pare in America, where are gathered the views of progressive farmers and garden ers the country over, upon all questions of crops, fruit, cattle, poultiy, farm build ings, etc. A MERCHANT'S PAPER, Giving full reports from the Philadelphia New York, Chicago, and other city mar kets. Prices and shipments of grain live-stock, provisions, groceries and coun try produce. A WOMAN'S PAPER, Extending a helnimz hsnd to alt women. To tliein is devoted a full page in which uiey snow earn other, under editorial guidance, "how to tret married niul how to keep house," in the most approved fashion. For those who are forced to re niai u single and board, the wav is made pleasant. Every woman leader has a cinaace to talk. A CHILDREN'S PAPER, With Winter games and entertainment lor nine people. Instruction in the ways of making things and doing th intra. Sum mer excursions to .the tiolds and woods. Puzzles tor the quick-witted, and plenty of prizes to iiiuke the slow-witted quick. IMPORTANT CLUBHINO ARRANGE MENT. By pperial arrangement with all the leading weekly and monthly periodicals of America, subscriptiwna are taken for any one or more of tliene Journals in con nection with the Weeklv Press st hih-Ii low rates as virtually makes our great family paper free to tlie subscriber for one year. Hani pie copies furnished froc upon ap- Jiii-nuuii. Auaress, THE PRESS COMPANY. Limited. Philadelphia, Pa! s&ugvst Mqkck Jus. of the firm of MORCK BUO'S, OPTICIANS, Specialist in Errors of Refraction of the r.ye. .tiamiJiaUoiis free of chnrge. WARREN, PENN, V YoU WANT a respectable Job of jTiiunijivu a reasonable pnc send youi DAVID HARNETT, Dealer in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES GL.VNSWAH E, iU E ENS WAR K, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, GLOVES. MITTENS, J K W 1C LEY, CUTLKKV, CONFl-XTIONEHY, CIGARF, TOBACCO, &C. Everything Eresh, New, and ol Choicest the Markets nllortl. Constant ad dition) being mndo to stork. coL'XTitv ntonuci: Taken In exchange for Woods, and the Ihiihor t Prices allowed. Cash Paid t-.r B,MTn AND FURS. IRON, BAGS and JUNK of all kinds taken iu exchange for goods. I uiin to .ivo cu.-lomors perfect satisfac tion in nil dealings with them. A slinroof public patronage is respectfully solicited, with tlie proiniso that none shall go away disappointed. l)A VI I BAHNETT, Tionesta, Pa. SAVE MONEY! now ; 63. BY BUYING THE SNAG-PROOF RUBBER BOOT, THE BEST IN THE WORLD I ii. J. Horuixs v co., SOLE AGENTS. S.B. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in FURITITUBE. -Also,- UNDERTAKERS, TIONESTA, PA. MASON & HAMLIN 1 ta iMlniMt organ waa introduc4 m iu present form by Uaaoa & liamlui in ll. Other makers lolloweU In itaa maimrtrtura of thM iuatmmeuts. hHtlh. Mum A U.nli. li l Uined their apnmacT aa the beat in the world, mtaaon Hamlin ofler, aa demonatralion of ths vl uciuouiiriuon or Ut aneauaited axcUcnc of their onraiia. iha fact that t all o lha if r Paris. 1S6T. In who Deal niiDiiniio competition craof all conn tries, thev have I UHUHI10 lnvariablTtak - - m m a vj p- uiidu tratea catAlocniM awti ti auui r honor. Una. Mon A Hamlin da not herniate to maka the er traordinary claim for their pianoe, thai ther are oerior to all oihera. Thejr recoiriibM the hlio eicollenco achievrd by other leadinji make In ths S1n,.r1MM.,,!tUd"'' .but Mi" J'n auperlorltr. Thia ther attribute epL-iy to tha remirkabla Im provement introduced by them 1:i tlie year ISoS. and now known i-.a tlie "Mji..on A Du Pi in a Sjj& PIANOS tone, trl(o.hi.r I I II I IU Uilh areaUr In. j-rea.clcap.v l. 05l3 S UP5I3ET. t for aiaudin in time and oLher iniMrtaut adv.ntae. Ach-rulw, conuuntng teatunoniala from thraa hundrt-d purchaer, muaiciana, and tuaera, aent, totetherwuh deacritiv. catalogue toauyapullcant. Piano and Organ sold fur caaU or caar uar menta; alao rented. MA!&HJ&AKWH 0RGAN AND piano CO. 1889. UNPARALtELED OFFERS ! THE IIARRISBURO IVEBJXtl.Y Tr.I.EUItAPII Is tlio largest and best newspaper puliliHh ed at the t'npital of Pennsylvania. Each numlier contuina sixty-four columns filled with the hiUiHt nevn', gtoriea, legiHlative proceedinjrK, market reports, iitisuclla neous reading. PRICE, ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Look at the following unparalleled otterm We w ill furnish the Weekly Telegraph and "Our Family Physician, ' (Now 'Edi tion, 4h0 paireu, price 3,) for Two Dollar. Weekly Telegraph and Texas .Sittinga (weekly, price 4) for Two Dollar. Weekly Telegraph and American Agrl culluriHt for Two Dollars. Weekly Telegraph and New York Inde pendent for Three Dollara and a half. Weekly Teloprrapli and either flood Cheer, Country Home, or Kami and Home (monthly) for One Dollar and a quarter. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED In every School District in this aud ad joining counties. Daily Telegraph, per year. Daily Telegraph aud "Our Family Phy sician," $i pur year. Daily Telegraph and Texas Siftinga, $6 per year. Tlie cash must accompany all ordera, and be addressed to M. W. McALARNEY, Manager, Harri&burg, Pa. "SALESMEN WANTED to canvass for tha sale of Nursery Stock 1 Steady employment gurantewu. Salary and expenses paid wi aly. Apply at once, statint" ae. (Rof to this paper.) SNKLLdt UOWLAND, Rochester, N. Y. i St 7- i 1 1 I-T. 0 tfM(?j?sr Stock, WE KNOW: WE KNOW WE HAVE GOOD VALUES IN Ol'R DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT WE KNOW WE HAVE THE LATEST STYLES AND DESIGNS! WE KNOW WE HAVE GOODS WORTH ALL WE ASK FOR THEM I WE KNOW WK HAVE AN ASSORTMENT THAT ALL CAN SELECT FROM 1 WE KNOW THAT TO APPRECIATE OUR STOCK YOU MUST COIvTEJ .AJtTID SEE I DRESS FLANNELS, WOOL SUITINGS, HENRIETTAS, FINE CASHMERES, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, MUSLINS. n MEN'S, ROYS' AND CHILDREN'S 1 ) MEN'S, ROYS' AND CHILDREN'S! MEN'S, HOYS' AND CHILDREN'S! J MEN'S, ROYS', CHILDREN'S MEN'S. ROYS', CIIILDHKNVS MEN'S, HOYS', CHILDREN'S Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoos and Rubber Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns and Comfortables, Robes, Horso Blankets, Carpets and Oil Cloth. GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! Our Stock of Grooorlos," ' , V iTTOTJJRj .AJSTZD PEED " IS! iSSTZZ kPI,t 1,1 B 0onor" lor h. ar. i-ioPKiisrs & eo. HERMAN & SlfiiNSl DRUGGISTS Sc GIIOCEIIS, TIOWESTA - pENNv IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS HE FOUND THE FRESHEST GtiQCBSMES, BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, INSE-ASON. In our Drug Department, which is in charge of a thoroughly comut Clerk will always be found the - ' PUREST DUUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITU UTMOST JCARE. DEPARTMENT STORE. 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, WM. SME ARB AUGH & GO., TIONESTA, PA. ai -..-. ti tuskV i . biu) truirf ON THE R ; ri rfi w ?KJ5VATK DAS STIES, EXCELS ALL 0Ti!tS MF.TH03S. SEE RECORD: Y:9y.i MsfiALii at n-jl mond, SS.! ttjWAli t.i 15.VY MA'i fjOLtJ M-L'Ai. )n-:ivA1.V:Itrt-STATli rwwtt riiM i-njr.'iraiisoiiioijicsbii.ieotx-Tn n;iK)iN. I. exposition nep. w. r ivo F iret Pt etr.lv rr.3 out : f a po.iii:a Seven ut Hay Mtc Fair, Oct isa First Premium on Factory Uuttcr ut Maine Miito Fair.. 1883. First Promll!m on Factory liulti-r nt ICcTv HampWwt'taW fer:uic FMtj 1884. first fre'.-lkl n mil Jj-WCepotakeS, Yi-rnont Statn Fair, (8P8. COLU iVICPAL. PARIt!; (rr.incc)Ejrpnfitions. ".II and itfttr TtSTSof PIX VI .i-'j'CS nt tho 1'a'ruuof iiiiluitry in competition wi;li all loiiilhiirsystemsof tho world. UOWJ PflOAl, ut ltoyal W-'J r - n l. vVjisfstjatiO!'JftTiit;riv'.tion.il lnirvl-Bir,N. . .'J. .-..w..v.'ivi.:J fibi?t&. iwki Co.. fi: mn. Ktr,V?'ft&-!i C.L.'7P r;!t-rAs3 r.,-.ni io!l uru too numerous to fc 'i.-""- V I tut nil- vi.v.imv: vs-i:3t '.ili.ef. unttl vou hiTuf-x uiiluod Into i: Y ! rocrr.v Sisianji !aV)r, -.a 9?;pcc3 ar:dr..iyfi t'-tr net prootol. Full lino of KNOINK iKCriT FARM WINCHESTER mm SINGLE SHOT RIFLES, RELOADING TOOLS, 0 AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS. MANl'FAtTVREO UV WINCHESTER REPEATING MIS CO. . 1TEW XX--VOXT. COiTXT. " 3ei5.A fox QO-pagr J&EXTIOIT Finest Goons. MEN'S, HOYS', CHILDREN'S M ION'S, ROYS', CHILDREN'S MEN'S, BOYS', CHILDREN'S a. wuitiuw tLH?Tij3-'f i Va . J!xio?ti'in, Oct nnd Not., FAlit, Unrinnrtdd, M., Oct, I F.lU at Ikm-r, Oi-t, I 888. 1883. AirrS.-j!tt:ral xli:l'.tioti, London, England, lHTU. mention. tbs os t:u:.i:i imtzikkixu. it is teas Sfud Mrllli&rrrUMi irniluni bufure DUi-cliuelsir of CUM-TL r.AC!l!M5 CO., Bollows Falls, Vermocf f Hl - uatiated. Ca.ta.log-u.. THIS PAPER. mm is KiNte Kv---'','.-r';--i -iX TKC EASIEST SELLIKO, SEWiH8MA8i!INE In tlio Virld. THE M0'3T rttCAfvT, , , GTRONOCST AWli r. EST ' WOODWORK OH THE MfoxJCT. i.c.iY ms cf-.ES rAti.FM.rria't. -t;;c white ii t;ie nt i.f m ScWKfaTu. Crti'tE ft i A' CASC. HIE WHITE IS TUP US'f:CSf HIIKIKQ ri3 St!S"t t-.illiHtd HUM v4KlKit t.i IMS MtK lit Cs.-.ltrui'.ijh Ij SILFLi. PO'j'TIYIi C'.-WBI.B- IT W0rtV.AiC,t, 13 UN3Ulkrttt'a. Ton can istM-e tha If -.on r.prl al sacs, t3 a t In ir.oor.lt tg'iltoii, j . V:zzi v.& Tcr2.3 Ifa&n Zat'sfiiloir. , CLtVLA5(D, 0. XJ ESTEUN NEW TURK & TBSX SYLVAN1A hAil.KOAD Formerly n., N. Y. F, TIMETABLE IS EFFECT o, in. im Wouvaidj t'lttflmrtiii Idvixn-n Eai war- A. M. P. M. A.M. r. s arPitlMrj irhlv! H 451 91 7 2tt 4 01 4 00 ii IS 20 4 HI I 0w a.w.., si aij P. M. l'urkor ',U IS 1. l oxlinri?.,... 12 OS iv; 2- 1 ruiikiin 1 ti) 1 m lv...uu t'ify...ar; 1 0i 2rJ A.M. 1" M.U.' P. M. e m P.M. 1 tMi p. . 'r.M.iA. 116. nr. .Oil Ctr. .1 S0A IT. laos'utHi ..... OlK'ij"Iia.. t V; 7 nl t8 35, M 10 in ...liatla l"i.li. fa: 17 r ttS 82il2 4T1 U 8 1!12 3'J AM 8 01 j 12 111 S ;7 t7 6S I2 0S 7 b 7 40 11 Ml 7 2. t7?i ii :m 0 20 7 10; 1 1 i.! 5 45 I'l Idcnt. ....Its itii f7 j l io:i'-H'n ,.. ; 6V 7 ' lliukrtvv. 4 0.-. 7, ..Tnii'ki viil.. ttlS'lV Tidiout...... j i r, if ...Thnmrmoii t...it4 4i lli ....Irvlnot .n..,..! f.'.O'.S.J 0 to 11 Ul -U 1210 23 P. M.IA.M. rrnr I a ;0; lv...Kliiaiiii..ai Wl 9 33 A.M. r. t.: a. m. 4 li); 7 N) lv...Trd('ord .n V. M.'A.M. 6 12 10 -:t A.M. I l-11ar...Klnnia....lv 6i6 111 n; 12.rH o 4H ft fi,i)l 65 6 8) tUTill 20 ft M7j 9 4-1" "X1 Kuifur linn ... ..Cor don .'.C.aill..:... .VV.f Hun... l )7 .1 0s 4 M l)87l(J24;qnicer r.ridip. Cai I) 2K...l!r-i III. nno'.,.-. V ! SI1... MJIMlllV '-tt.. 4 4 6 57 7 I I! .Nb. '.rro!)'oii. 6,M ,.S,i VkUi'etia... 4 1 8 4H 4 17! 8 SJfl 1H AU.yny P. X.I A.M. A. M.I. " GEO. s. J TCUELL, Orn'l .-v J. A. FEI.LOWH,. tlcn'l 1'usH'r. a:i Tic'.ct As, Isn. St I vlianne St., .riil.'iin. SJ f T tll Tl i - 0 - ALLEGHENY VALl Moat dirix-t rcntf t, V Eaxt. Only ronto l-w' Union Stnlion wi.ho r-WTroiiiH rim ' "l ime tub''1 ' "Sop a. ii, h 4 Ofirt 10 Wl 11 10 1 1 30 11 Ml I 10 a.. 11 27 II 41 4 55 It" t fi l En1-' III 6 Pui koi fi 41.. Fojtl'lirir , 12 14 12 0AI12 2 12 18 v.', o ,1.5 .Illl-t. nll. 1 07: 6 Si Kciimro-.l! 1 7 04'!..Kraiai- 2 2,j 7 3jj...Oil Ci a. m p.m. I 12 40 1 20 2 07 p.m. t. IU. (l. 111. v v .. 2 Mi a of., . I 'ri.,i..iii 3 47 4 OK! 5 10 5 S;i, It I I HOI Corrv. ..Mnvv-Mt. 4 SO 6 21 6 46 .Hl iX t n. .. 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