THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1888. BOROUGH OFFICERS. ' Pnrge. 1). R. Knox. Vanned men North ward. L. J. Hop kins, H. M. Foreman, S. D. Irwin. South ward, J. C. Heowdon, VVni. Smoarbauj;h, F. F. Proper. tret of the react J. T. Bronnan, ,'. H. Knox. (mtnbte and Collector S. 8. Canfiold. M-hool Director il. W. Robinson, A. II. Kolly, J. II. Dlnirman, 1). N. Knox, D. W. Clark, J. T. llronnnn. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Me.Ynber of OongreM3 amks T. Maf- FKTT, Member of Senate J. II. Wilson. AenemblyVU Km.v.H A. Randaix. .Prenident JudieW. D. HnoTt. A'inciritc. Judges Lewis Arner. Jno. . Proper 7VrHrer Solomon Fit7.oekat.i. frothonotartf, Regieler it Recorder, Jtc. AI.VII M. ARSIB. NhtrrHr. OKO. W. SAWYER. ' t)iiiiMion!r Wm. D. SHIELD", C. IiKPKnrtR. J. J. Parsons. nmtv Superintendent O eo. V. K ERR. iHttrict. Attorney P, M. Ci.ARK. Jury (hmmlionerU. II. CnnRCtr, moh L. Cooper. Mnnly Surveyor XI. C. Whittekin, t tiron'i-r-Dr. J. W. MonROW. Vonntv A uditor K. L. Josr., R. 7.. nl.t.EHPIrt, Wm. Butm. susTness directory. TIOUESTA LODGE Jfo, 309, I. O. of O. IP. 1 KETS every Tuesday evening, at 8 l o'clock, in the Lodge uoom in i r- J. V). SWAILES. N. O. W. SAWYER. Hec'v. 27-tf. 'OREST LODGE, No. 1H4, A. O. IT. W., . Meets everv Friday Evening in nas- t Hall, Tlonesta. ' GEO. W. DUNK LB, M. W. r. E. WENK, Recorder. APT. GEORGE STOW TOST, Kit 971 . A. n. 1 on the first Wednesday In each ..ill. In Odd Fellows Hall, Tlonesta, Pa. . 8. D. IRWIN, Commander. 1NEW ft CLARK, ATTORNEYS-AT-I.AW, o next door to P. O., Tlonesta, Pa. ... AONKW. P. M. CLARK, District Attorney. L. DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TioneHta, Pa. p.-tlona made iu this and adjoining lllltiCA. F, RITCIIEY, ATTORNEY-AT-IjAW, Tlonoaia, Forest County Pa. WRENCH HOUSE. Tlonexta. Pa.. A D. W. Afinow, Proprietors. Tills ) In oentrally located. Kvcrythiiin mid well furnished. Supoilor Ae- mdauona and strict attention given -its. Vegetables and Fruits of all i served In their season. Sample fur Commercial ARonts. TRAL HOUSE. Tlonestn. Pa. . 12. Ilmwnoll. Proprietor. This is a Mouse, and has Jut ueen littod up lor -c-ouimolation of tho public. A por nf tlio Dutrounire of tho public is sollc- 40-l.V. NTRAL HOUSE. OH, CITY. PA. W. II. ROTH. Proprietor. . !argent, Rest Located and Furnished -o lu Hie City. Near Union Depot. t. sionixs, M. D., PiSJ&ftcittii, Hurtj'cou Dmtrt;ist, TIONEHTA, PA. A MORROW. M. n.. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, - of AriintronR county, huvliiR located Vnesta Is prepared to attend all pro- ma! rails promptly ana m uii Hours, i and resldcnco two doors north of , roune Houso, Office hours 7 to K A, :..wi i i ,n io w . irt u.tii al In 7" Sundays, 9 to 10 A. x. ; 2 to 3 anT 6i i p. M. may-18 81, :STISTRY. DR. J. W. MORROW. .ivlnjr purchased the materials fte., of i-,teadiBan, would respecllullv au iee tliat he will can y on the Dental iiiees In Tiouesta, and having bad over years successful experience, considora axell fully eomiietout to ulve entire sat- iction. I shall always Kve my medi practice the preference. mar22-82, TAY, PARK & CO., M BANKERS. Oomor of Elm (V Walnut Bts., Tlonesta, Ha., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In torest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec tions made on all the Principal points of me u. a. uoiiectiona soucuea. jrymuNzo fultox, Manufacturer of and Dealer In HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. m TIONESTA. pa. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Tand and Railway Snrveylntr a Spoclalty. Magnetic, Solar or Trianuliition Survev- ing. jiei or insirunteuU and work Terms on application. I'ructlcal Tinner. All kinds of Sheet Metal Work prompt ly attended to. TIN 1 . " f AND ROOFING 1 l SPOUTING. BONNER BUILDING, Up Stairs. TIONESTA, PA. WATCH CLOCK & JEWELRY REPAIRING. 'TMIE UNDERSIGNED would respect--L fully announce to the citizens of Tio neU and vicinity, that he has removed his watchmaking establishment from Ty- jcrsourg to rionesia, in tne room over Wm. Hmearbaiith A Co.'s store, formerly occupied by Dr. Morrow as an ollice, where lie is prepared to repair watches, ciocua aim jewelry. 37 years experience will enable him to give satisfaction, (rtve liimamui. R. HALLE WANTED RELIABLE AGENTS to sell our New High Arm Automatic Sewing Machine, The No. 9. Liberal inducements. Address WHKKLER A WILSON MFG. CO., ruiiuueijiuiii, ra. caiauiisuea 1018. JAS. T. BKENNAK, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING ACENCY, TIOITESTA, IF.A.. PARTICULAR ATTENTION OIVKN TO THE PttOPKU ASSESSMENT OK LANDS AND THE I'AYMKN I ur i AJf.1. al,w TO THE PURCHASE AM) SALK 1K REAL EST A IK. AN i n tub ivim-i i iflu AND MANAGEMENT OK THE BAME. Condensed Time Table Tlonema Station. NORTH. I SOUTH. Train (M 9:14 am Train 20...- 12:32 pm Train 81...- 8:16 pm Train 28 7:37 am Train 62 2:25 am Train 30 3:52 pm Train 28 North, and Train 20 South car ry the mail. t'burrh and Snbbntn Hrhool. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a, m. m. K. Nivtiimtn senooi at uiani a. in. PreachinHin M. K. Churcn every nau- IiBth cveninir by Rev. Riimbernor. Services in Luthoran Mt. 7,ion's Church, flormnn Hill, every Sunday at 10:30 a. m., English and German alternating. S. S. every Sunday at 9:30 a. in. U. J. Gracta, rastor. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Pay your tases right now. Mrs. A. M. Doutt is visiting with Oil City friends. Oil market closed yesterday 02 Opening this morning at 92io. T. J. Van Giesen Esq , is shaking bands with Tiouesta friends this week Dr. J. B. Siggins is taking in the big Pittsburgh coutcnuial celebration this week. Hon. N. P. Wheeler paid the Republican a pleasant visit yesterday afternoon. Found. A cuff button, which the owner can have by calling at this office nd paying for this notice. Miss Varner, daughter of Samuel Varncr, is visiting her grand parents, Judge and Mrs. J. A. Proper. Mrs. Dr. Hunter and family now occupy their elegant new mansion, having moved iu one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Agnew are in Washlugtou, D. C, attending the wed ding of a lady cousin of Mr. Agnew. A couple of weddirgs aro said tu be on the tapis for this week, but we're not at liberty to give 'em away just yet, Mrs. I. B. Murphy, of Balltown, returned Inst week from a pleasant visit if two months to her' sTtstcr, iu- Ottawa, Canada. Miss Ida Ruff, who has been vis. Ring with her sister, jsirs. w. W, Hillings during the Summer, returned to hnr home in Pittsburgh, Monday, Go to II. J. Hopkins & Co. and procure a sack of tho celebruted Re liance Flour. It takes the lead, and has an immense run already. Try it. Mr. Edward Bennett, tho wagon maker, wb has beeu lying very ill with typhoid fever at his residence anroes the creek for the past mouth, is still in a critical conditinu Sheriff Sawyer left for Pittsburgh Monday evening, accompanied by Wallace Thomas, (colored) convicted of larceny last week, whom he will deposit in the penitentiary. The Kiltanniug Gas Company have made a raise of 33 per cent, in their rates and many of its froruer pat' roue have taken out their burners and are laying in a winter stock of coal. A young Udy made her appear ance at the residence of Lewis Perry East Hickory, on the 18th inst., in tending to make that her future home. Weight 9 pounds, and Lew is happy Republican committeemen should urge the importance of paying taxes upon members of the party in their districts. It is just now the most im portant work they have. October Gth is the last day. Rev. Rumbergcr's many friend hereabouts are pleasod to learn tba be haa beeu returned to this place tor another year, and the church is to be congratulated upon the retention of such au able divine. "Cherry Hill" items are not in serted this week for the reasou that the sender fails to send bis or ber name with tbem, "not for publication, but as a guarantee," &o. This rule must be strictly observed. The annual reunion of the 83d regiment tukus place at Union City, Erie county, on Thursday, October 4th, next. Quite a uuniber of the survivors from'this section expect to attend, and will without doubt have a jolly good time. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scowden paid a visit to the parents and other rela tives of Mr. S. at Meadville during the past week. Farmer II. M. Zahuia er of Stewarts Run, who is an old hand at the busiuess, bad charge of the forge iu Joe's absence. One of the very important mat ters for Republicans to look after now is the payment of their State or County tax. Don't neglect it or you will lose your vote, and no Republican wants to lose his vote in this important year. Saturday, Oct. Cih, is the last day, but you should net put it off that long. Mr. L. J. Hopkins is in Now York this week laying in a stock of goods for the fall and winter trade, j Linus had blood io his rye when be loft, and it may confidently be expect- ed that this invoice will knock the tar out of anything ever yet piled into this market. Get ready to hold your breath in astonishment! The State Weather Crop Bulletin says: lue temperature tor toe past week has averaged about four degrees above the normal. The rainfall has been excessive and unevenly distrib uted. The wet weather has delayed fall seeding. The early seeding is growing Uiceiy. Vorn cutting nas commenced in many localities, in oth ers it is ripening very slowly. The to bacco crop is being gathered. Mr. Henry Brann, formerly of Warren, and Miss Nellie Frews were united in marriage Wednesday morn iog at St. Titus' church, Titusville Rev. Father Coady officiating. The newly wedded pair will go at once to housekeeping. Warren Ledger. Mr, Brann is remembered by many in this place as the efficient book-keeper of T. Brace & Co., all of whom will join iu extending congratulations upon the happy event. Court, which was engaged in the trial of tho caBe of Fox et al vs. Lacy et al, when we went to press last week, continued antil Saturday eveniug npon the same case, whon the jury brought in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for 82200. The case of Common wealth vs. G. -W. Zents was called, and the defendant failing to respond, forfeited his bail. The court ordered the amount of bail to be increased from to S0UU. Wallace inomas, 0f Forest eounty, but the other coun indicted for the larceny of 820, plead ticg ar0 doubtless more or less thun guilty, and was sentenced to one year derelruck Bt big shameless, and debas- in the penitentiary. Mr. W. F. Sawyer, accompanied by his wife, son and eldest sister, Mrs. L. A. Bradley, of Boston, paid Sheriff Sawyer and family a visit during the past week. Mr. Sawyer is the young- est brother of our efficient Sheriff, a very pleasant geatleman, and, by-lhe wav. a red-hot Harrison and Morton man this fall, although always here tofore a staunch Democrat. He says he eau't go the free trade doctrines of his party, and is firmly of the opinion that Massachusetts will give 40,000 wtrisritf-for the Republican candi dates in November, all on account of the tariff fight, There is an effort being put forth at the present lime to start a Military Cornsanvin Forest Countv. as it ig about tha onlv countv in the State that is not renresented bv a company of the National Guard. The Borough has been canvassed and about 35 of the vounir men have signified their .;u;nnn... ;n;n tha nraani7tion. n in aju vrw w jvih v - . . The Adiutant General and Secretary of State have eiven their attention to the matter, and the necessary papers ra aTnecterl at nv t me. Ai there is a vacancy in the loin lteg t at tne present time there is no doubt the project will succeed. The admirable letter of General Harrison accepting the nomination of Ih. Tlemiblican nartv. we nnhliih this week. Although unavoidably a trifle , . , r .u. r ' , , , . i IVbl-UULillAfl BUUU1U UBYC a cuuuuo U ... , j ..... ri napiiaa this aminri an1 fit a rosm, n 1 1 Ira j ,. . . p rlnmimant whinn loavpa an room tnr nbi...nha,..nrlirl-f.tnda ., ... .a on all the important issues now before . T. . , ; i,, addresser! to American, hv s hroad. .,,m. j minded American statesman, and oil 11.1. ., nmirsn is not calculated to receive the favorable commeut in Great Britain which Grover Cleveland's did. Read it. Jas. T. Brennan Esq., has taken the initiative step toward raising a fund in this vicinity for the benefit of yellow fever sufferers of the South, and we are pleased to see that those to whom the paper has been presented have subscribed liberally and without hesitation. If there ever has been in this country a cs'.l for help that ap pealed to the hearts and generosity of our people that ell comes up from tho plague-stricken districts of the South this very hour. No scourge has ever visited these people that has been so appalling as this oue, and the response to their call should be both prompt and liberal. A brother editor of considerable experience thus sarcastically sums up his likes: "We like to hear a roan re fuse to take his home paper and all the lime sponge on bis neighbor for the reading of it. We like to hear a man complain wheo asked to subscribe for a home paper that he takes more than he can now read, and then go and bor row his neighbor's, or loaf around until he gathers all the news from it. We like to 6ee a man run down his home paper as not worth takiog and now and then beg the editor for an editorial favor. We like ti see a man run down bis home paper and then try to get a share of the trade which the newspaper brings to the town; we like to see this; ii looks economical, thrifty, progressive, and cheeky." An exchange very properly re marks that the person who furnishes items to the newspaper is a valuable friend to the editor. Many persons hesitate about sending personal notes to a newspaper regarding themselves or friends, foaring the newspaper man should think them too anxious to see their name in print. He will think nothing of the kind, but on the con trary is glad to get notes. Many seeming unimportant items, when printed, are news to a large number of our readers. It is not fair to censure an editor for neglecting to publish an item of news that he knows nothing about, and which you could, with little or no trouble, have put him in pos session of. The Democratic congressional conference of this, 28th, district met at Dubois, on Friday last and placed a gentleman named James Kerr, of Clearfield county in nomination. The conference seems to have been some what of a mystery, the candidates outside of Clearfield and Centre coun ties knowing little or nothing about it, and were almost entirely ignored. Of course no one in this section who has given the subject any thought pretends to say that the "Referees" from Forest county were legally elect ed or entitled to sit in the conference at all, but Kepler had made promises to all the candidates, in return for ser vices rendered at the recent Stale Committee meeting, and he must be on band to deliver the goods, which he did, and as a natnral consequence three of the four counties outside of Mg 0De t jeft ; tj,eir Jeai;nga with bim To bo Bur6( D0 one about uere .urr,,;9efl . this wholesale sell out tog treachery, and it is altogether likely that there are fully enough de Ceut Democrats in the district to re pU(iiate the sell-out, and teach the tricksters that no matter how large the majority, a nomination gotten by 8Uch questionable means cannot be set down as equivalent to an election. A Pleasant Reuntan. "The lines have fallen to me in pleas ant places," eo said a Solomon of old, and bo can a number of old Vets say since the evening of the 20th All former members of old Compa ny G, 83d Pa. Vole., who chanced to be in town on the above day. were I it i i agreeaoiy surprised ny an iny.iauou from our brst and model Captain, V S- Knox, to meet him at his residence aDoul 8,x P- m- "e captain or were always promptly oueyea oy H8 boys, nor was the present request " exception, but was treated accord ins to our old time ouBtom. You will pardon us for not giving you the do ngs in detail as we realized ourselves prisoners iu the hands of our Captain and nis most esuinaoie wne After doing full justice to a bounti ful table loaded with the choicest of the grand old earth's productions, we were escorted into a neatly arranged P"". wner. oc pa was tne ,hemfl for 8eVeral bours-lt i i i . i i . - . . i asre8ly ful1 flel32ed camP firo The fact that we bad our old time frieud and Comrade, W. W. Dimond I -low of Downs, Kansas, with us, con I r , , tributed largely to the evening's agree I o J a a ability and pleasantries. Our mind I became very much refreshed iu rela UCW"UJ" ij muu udu ,u lion to tne historic past as tne names f thfl 0DC8 members of OOr Company were mentioned : and, indeed, sombre ... . I recollections crept over hearts as well I ' " as minds on realizing that so many of the grand old Co. G. bad passed on to the Eternal Camping Ground since our first existence in 1861. But a lit tie more than a skirmish line is now left when all told, and even to them the light is now gleaming across from the grand Eternal Camp, cheering us on in the solemn yet certain fina march across tne siieut river, as we trust, into' the sweet beyond. Wo need scarcely say that all en joyed tho pleasant entertainment a the bands of our Captain, who has ou undivided thanks, such as can only b tendered by aud to Comrades. Yours in F. C. and L., A Com k a uk. Sabbath School Convention. To the Sabbath School workers of the 1th District of Veniwlvania, Arrangements have been made to hold a Sabbath School Convention for this District, at Warren, Pa., begin ning October 2nd, at 2:30 p. in., and continuing through Wednesday. A rich program is provided, and man; able speakers have been engaged. Let us make this convention a grand up lift to the Sabbath School work in the District. Let every county secretary see that his county is represented by delegates and reports. Seldom is such an opportunity for instruction aud help offered us. Let us all embrace this one, aud be early in attendance. J. T. Waiu, President, 7th District. Ridgway, Pa., Sept. 18th, 1888. BARNETT, The land of festivals and first-rale ones, too. Great schemes for further ing sociability. Clarington has a town hall and a real nice one; two stories, plastered on the inside and nicely painted on the outside The upper story is used by the Patriotio Sons of America us a lodge room. The lower story for this, that, and the other. It was dedicated Sept. 10, a grand ball being given af ternoon and evening. The ball be longs to a stock company, and is man aged by a board of trustees elected annually. The Camp of the Sons of America at Clarington has a member ship of 75 or 80. Professor Keller began a two weeks Normal Musical Institute at Claring ton first of last week. The Walford family are billed for a concert at Clarington, September 27th. The Brookville Fair was tho point of interest to many of our citizens week before last. A large number took iu the (how at same time aud place. Joseph Reynolds is pushing his coal aok oo tho old Titus place, now owned by Sol. Fitzgerald and Jacob Maze. Mr. Reynolds deserves the thanks and unlimited patronage of the people of Barnett for his persistency n his search fur coal iu Old Forest, The M. E. Church has built a fine parsonage at Clarington near where the old one stood. It is nearly com pleted. They, tho M. E.'s, havo also built a very fine church at Pine Grove, better known by its misnomer of Hominy Ridgo. And the United Brethren, not . having any idea o "getting left," are also building a new church at Pine Grove. There is some building being done aside from the above, considerable. Clarington has improved and is im proving. X'eatsau ana israaen nave set their mill up at the "old 'butmenr," where they have a boat scaffold in op oration. There are two boat scauolds at Clarington and one at Maple Creek, all of which have been very busy dur iog the Summer, and are still at it Pearsall ou the Forest County side of the river, and Shields Bros, over on the Jefferson side, both do a good gen eral store business. Jim Hart does the "barberous act' in rooms in the Reed Honse. John Snyder is village blacksmith, and a very popular one. He has in vented and patented a churn that is a "daisy," and don't fail to lay it up in your memory among things worth re memberiug. Clarington has two good hotels Tbcre is a daily mail to Brookville nd also to Vowinckel ; both leave Clarington in the morning and return iu the evening. There is a mail to and from Marienville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, leaving Clar iugton in the morning and returning in the evenincr. After Oct. 1st the mail for Ridgway will leave Oaring ton on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, and return on following days. An organ was purchased for and placed in the M.E. Church last Spring, aud a choir organized. Rev. Delo, the pastor, preaches every two weeks, Rev. Leason of Brookville, a Presby terian Minister, comes over and preach es once in a while. lie is a grand, good Christian man, and has many friends all through that section. Rev Delo has proved an energetic worker and deserves and has the respect and esteem of all. A new school house will be built up near Shippen's. Buruett pays $28.00 per month for teachers for the Win ter term. Three weeks ago the Redely ffo base ball club came dowu and played the Clarington boys. The score stood 11 to 8 in favor of the visitors. A return game was to be played at Redclyffe, but the first time the rain interfered, and the next timo the Clarington catcher was laid up with a sore baud. Monday week ago tho Redely lie boys went out to play the Sigel club. We haven't heard how it came out. There is considerable activity in the timber woods in Barnett. Tho amount put iu during the coming Winter will be considerable. We met W. J. Armstroug, ono of the Clarington boys of ouly a very few years ago, up at Kane not long ago. He is located there io the practice of medicine, and has a large aud increas ing prnctice. His old Barnett friends congratulate him on the success he has scored, aud feel proud of him. 'Squire Shield still is famous for raising big crops of potatoes; this year his effort in (hat line is a big success. Robert llilldrd of Maple Creek, hai vested the largest potatoes dug out here this Fall. Tramp. Barnett, Kept. 24, 'M. For Sale. A nice farm of 80 acres, principally bottom land, about CO acres improved, od liouesta creek, located about odo mile from Tiduesta borough, aud known as the Riser Farm. Will be sold at a bargaio. For full iuforma tiou address J. U. Agoew, Tiouesta, I'a. tf. East Hickory. Wonder what has become of Gree- ly He must have gone visiting Inst week. Robert Lvnch has returned Irora a short visit to friends iu Mercer county. Quite a number of persons went from lo attend th Titiminllfl fair, and In tftlin in "fmir TiAwn" show w hiln , there. Mr. Douglcss went out hunting the other day, returning in the evening with 14 squirrels, aud it was very good squirrel day either. not a Mr. John Whitehill is building a new house, where he and his better half iuteud to commence keeping house before long. The buckwheat and corn has beeu damaged considerably by frost in this vicinity already. Beechnuts and chestuuts scetn to be plenty this fall. Why is talk so cheap? Because there is more than there is a demand fr. Prof. Squires is teaching another term of siugmg at .bast Hickory. During the first part of his former , .. I . . term some of the boys tbcught they could scare him out, but he gave them ' B to understand that he didn't scare that C8' Guy Hilliard caught a raccoon tho other night, in a steel trap, which had barrel I . ,. , , . a mtonding to have him for a campaign coon, but duriog the night he made ' o b his escape Tho coon had beon tbcre Delore. The Harrison men that started from 'I. , t, , ,. .. . r here to the Republican meeting at Tionesta, could not atlord any better music than a COW bell, SO Moses said in his letter to the Democrat last weuk. Old Grover and his men will do well if thev have enough to brag about after election to even ring a cow bell. Moses, Grover and you had better go fishiog. Sept. 24. . Aaron. Conference Appointments. The Erie M. E. Conforenco mot In Greenville last week. Following are tho appointments for tho FHANKL1N DISTRICT: Milton Smith, Presiding Elder. Cllntonvllle, J. A. Hume. Emlenton, O. G. Mclntyre. Farmington, Sylvostor Fidlor. Franklin, A. J. Merchant. Hickory, C. R.Thompson. Kama City, W. M. Canfield. Millerstown, Wm. BrmifleUl. Monterey, W. B. Holt. N. Washington, L. F. Morrott. Oil City, Grace Church, P. P. Pinney. OH City, Trinity, J. M. Thoburn. Parker City, P."j. Slattory. Petrolia, F. M. Small. Pleasantvillo, Abraham Bashllue. Plummor, B. F. Lynn. Reno, John Eckels. Rousoville, S. K. Ryan. St. Petersburg, II. IS. Moore. Sberrett, Pattison, supply. Tidioutc, D. S. Steadmau. Tiouesta, C. C. Runiborger. Titusvlllo, J. W. Blttisdell. Waterloo, W. H. noovor. OTHER APPOINTMENTS. Union City, J. M. Bray. Brookville, John Lusher. Claringtou, J. M. Edwards. Edouburg, C. II. Frampton. Sharpsvillo, Morcor Co., A. O. Stouo. PUillipavillo, Erio Co., J. P. Hicks. FHEK METHODIST APPOINTMENTS. Tho Freo Methodist Conforeronco wet in Sharpsvillo, Mercer county, Pa., on Wodnosduy and closed ou Saturday of lust week. Following are somo of the ap pointments made : riTTsnlTRQH DISTRICT. J. S. McUcary, Chairman. Pittsburgh and Mansfiold, W. B. Roup. Verona and Mt. Hope, M. L. Sehooley. Braddocks and Hmithton, to be supi.liod Li punier and Apollo, to be supplied. NEW CASTLK DISTRICT. J. S McGoary, Chairman. New Castle, S. Port man. Mercer, R. II. Beutloy. Meadville, O. J. Berlin. Oil. CITY DISTRICT. R. W. Hawkins, Chairiuuii. Oil City, to be supplied. Franklin, M. B. Miller. Tiouesta, A. D. Gaines. Hickory, S. Sager. Pluosuntvillo, Hoover, supply. Weavers, I. llodgkins. VRADPOltD MSTIllcT. R. W. Hawkins, Chairman. Braillbrd, George Babcock, supply. Pcntield, II. C. Barnes. Ridgway, A. Bcun, Shcllield, 11. Irwin, B. F. Tidd, supply. (ioneseii, J. Ncaly, supply. H. H. Loomis, Conference Evangelist, member of Bradford Quarterly Confer ence. Choice Chautamiua Grapes and j Sweet Potatoes this week at 2l DEPARTMENT SlOHE. For Sale or Rent. The very haujiome ami desirable property of Rev. James Hickling, iu this place is for sale or reut. This property is finely located and hi every couveuicnce, aim is oue ot inu 11101 vomfurtuble lumea in our pretty towu. luftiJ-dioii can bo had at any time. For terms, Ac, iuquire of or udiireta Kev. Jus. llickliog, Tiouesta Ta. Livery stable keepers shsuld al' ways keep Arnica & Oil Linimout in the stable, nothing like it for hordes. Arnica & Oil Liuiiueut is equally irood fur inau and beast. 25 and 50 coots per bottlo. For sale at Bovard's. For Sale. Mv hoiife and lot on corner of Elm and Helen Sts., Tionesta. Terms easy. C. M. hilAWKEV, MaylGtf. Wsrreo, Pa. thousands wmk tho earth tody h woulJ be sleeping in its bosom but for the timely USO Of L0Wns Elixir. For sale by G. W. Bovard. For mild rslliartin and efficient lorjie ue Rte,.', Mandrake Bitters. EV(,r - bottlo warranted. For sale by a w Tjo,srcj. Reliance Flour stands at tha J. Hop tf. head now. Try a sack, at 11. kins & Co. lU't'KI.KN'H AKNM'A HAIH. The best Salve in the world for Cuts. Hores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Tl . ; r, .... t)A.M 1 " 1 . ,.o Uall ttlmnm Vn..jin corns, ana an rtKtn r.rupiions, ana post tivcly cures Pilos, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to pive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Frii-e 25 cents per box. f or sale oy u. w . iiovara. A Woman's Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has beeu made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease tastenecl its ciutciies upon ber ana for seven venrs she withstood Its severest tests, but her vital organs were under mined and death seemed linmiuont. or three months she couched incessantly and could nut sleep. She bouit of us a bottle of 1)r KiuK S y0vr Discovery fur Cen- mimption and was so much relieved on l.iL-l.if- Orut , nA that alin nlnnt all nifrtit ami with one bottle has boon miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Tims write W. I'., llnmrick A Co.. of Shel- by, N. C Get a free trial bottle at O. W. uovaru 8 "ru8",re; The Trrllrt Unanimous. U. dull, JJl llHUiab, illun, auw., wm- tfie,. ..T rocommend Electrie Bitters ,V'e ve!7 best remedy. Every bottlo unlil linsirlvpn relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of il,rnlmm Hare 1 rn ci-lnt. Itnllvllln. Ohio. atlirms : "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, ls Klectrio Bitters' Thousands of others ,t hTB do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidaeys or Blood, only hair a dollar a Dome at u. W. Bovard'a Drug btoie. MARRIED. HYATT GORMAN. In Triumph town ship, Warren county, Pa., Sopt. 19, 1S88, by Rov. G. Foster Barnes, 'Mr, Erwiu 11. Hyatt, of Tidiouto, and Miss Bortha S. Gorman, of Triumph. aTperfect cbftlBINATIONi Of harmless vegetable remedies, that will restore the whole syste ra to heakhy action, Is absolutely needed to cure any disease "for the disease that affect one organ weakens alL" Patne's Celery Compound It THIS PERFECT COMBINATION, iuad the proofsl ...jVV.r.U ; SV v " k I Hat ttiffiyrM terribly from fct?rojYra.wi And kidney trouble. 1 txniut two tottl of , I'mme'ii Otiiery Cotnpouml, uti oil, IV'W it 4 id ki'h iuo I 1 Iiavd avi uihwh ftuth In your xueul Cine. fur I know m bat it liM f tf iu." ' k Ontario Ueatre, N. Y. Hum. 1. ). WaXMB. ( PAIHE'S CELERY CGHFOUXD For Ave ywr I mrrTrwl with Tiisferla itKl DorvotiBiieKM. I trlud I aiud'a Cnry Uoitt. oiiuil, am) I can U -utMullv t-j that nve l-ut-ltr'upl'U'y rurwtt urn. IcLoiTluiiyrwoiu. iueutl it, lur 1 kiiow ii tu b- a inxHi mlicm.' ('HA. L. rtTKAMNa. . Letter Carrier, Btettou fi, i-rvtkiu, M. y. . CURES ALL NERVOUS DISEASES Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Parajycfe, Bilious ness, Dyspepsia, Costivencss, Piles, Liver Complaint, Kidney Troublo, Female Com plaints, and all diseases arising from Im- f pure Blood. ' ' , 1, ill fortl 6 Uial ivb Villi txiui tba a-Wrf''' J l.a.lo MarlL ( Willi, RicnAnoaos fc Co., l'rupa., SiirluietDii, VI. For tho Nervous, . Tho Dobliitatod, Tho Agod. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. Must direct route to Pittsburgh and ttie East. Only route laudinir passengers at Union Station without delays or transfer. MTr-Trains run by Eastern lime. Time table in otloct May iW, 18S8. Northward. Southward. L JUJLL 2. 4. a. in. p.m. ).in.! Lv. r, 8 f.0, 2 tt Piitsburirh. 10 00 ; 3 18 W. P. June p.m. a.m. p.Bi 7 20 7 21H 1 15 0 Hi Ii 012 10 8 4.r 1) 10 30 10 3 4 04 Kittan iiiiiu 5 4 .M 5 3811137 0 001 4 6810 64 4 42 4 31jlOS3 11 hi 11 27 4 A.) K''il Hank. 1 1 so 11 4:i 5 08 East Brauy 12 14l 5 Xt... Parker... 12 2."i 5 44.. Kojcburn . 12 :(2, 6 Ml..KinlenU.n. 1 07: tl 31 Kennerdell 1 381 7 (H'. Frankliii... '2 2.r,i 7 3j.. -Oil City... 1 1 51 Vi 0. 1 111) 1 v; i v v 4 08 4W 5J 3 52 It 44 S 17 to 2 44 8 34 1'2 l:t 4 00 12 4!i 3 24 2 53 2 20! p.m. 1 20 2 0; 2 151 814 p. ill a. m p.m.! a.m p.m. 1. 111. W.N. Y P p. 111 I. HI 7 19 Z Ml 3 Oo 4on; 5 l!i 5 5.1 6 13 ..Titusvillu.. Corry.... ..May villa... ... liroctou... .. Dunkirk . ... BiHlalo... ...'l",inwla.. ...Tidiotite... ..Irvinetou.. ...Wurreu... N.ilamauca. ..Braillbrti.. lean.... 1 18 1 251 12 22 8 4 1 4 50' 11 lt 11 15 10 35 5 24 10 45! 10 30 8 50 12 32 5 4 10 17 7 2(H 8 00 8 3 52 7 37' 8 10, 8 45i 8 H. 4 2-i 11 5d 1 1 20 7 40J 5 Oil 7 lot. 5 :tOI 0 0.Y 7 23 I0.V: 8 (Kl, 1 1 25 8 10! 11 4.": 11 01 SON 4 54 15 4 M 8 25 411 p.m. p.m. In. 111. p.iu.lAr. Lv a. in Rei-lliillalo Siuiiliiy Tiuin leaves Pitts burgh 8:4" a. 111., urnves at Oil City, 1:55 p. 111. Ketiirnii nr. leaves uu l ily ..M V. 111., arrives at Pittsburgh 7:45 p. in., snip ping at all htutioii-. DAVID M.f AKHO, Geu'l Supt. E. 11. L'TLEY, Gun. I rt. Jc Paaa. Agt. PilUsburKh, Pm, WESTVVARD, HO I Aro you conteiiipliitliiu a .journey West orSoutliT If so, lb,, miil'T'iKued cun give vou CIIAPKST KATES of FARE or FREIGHT. Also luiiiinh Maps, Guides and any iiif,iriiiiitiii relative to tlio Kriu I111;, Gia.iuir or Minim districts of tuo West or South. Cull on or address. It. II. WALLACE, Ticket Audit N. Y.. P. A O. Ry. OlUee iu U iu. hi i, pot, t, OIL CITY, rA, PENN'A AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Steam KiminoN, Saw Mills, Hay Press es, Stump Pullers and Standard Apricul tural Implements u n ml I v. Send fo.i Cahilonue. A. H. FALUlIAR A SON, York, Pa. Ml.