THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. I. WCNK, rOlTOB 4 PROPftlCTOII. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1888. m:runL.iCAX Ticittrr. National. BENJAMIN II. HARRISON, of Indiana. VICH TIIESIDENT, LEVI P. MORTON, of Now York. (STATU. Judge of tho Supreme Court, JAMES T. MITCHELL, Philadelphia, IOINTY. Assembly, CHARLES A. RANDALL. District Attorney, P. M. CLARK. FOREST COUNTY S BANNER. Chairman Cooper of the State Com mittee has arranged for tbe presenta tion of tbe Banner', so gallantly won by tbe Republicans of Forest county last fall, on September 12th next. Tbe presentation will be made the oc casion for tbe grandest demonstration ever witnessed in tbe county, and be side! tbe brilliant chairman, there will be other prominent speakers present, who will contribute toward making that a red letter day for Little Forest. Everybody should make calculations on coming to Tionestaon this occasion. Tbe program, as soon as completed, will be made public. The Senate Tariff Bill. Paralyze Northern Industries and Foster Southern. The passage of the Mills bill in the House is most significant as giving the people of this country fair warning of what they might expect from the pres ent administration if it ever got the power to enforce Cleveland's free trade doctrines. And this is the Mills bill in brief: - Duty on Imported sugar 87 per c. " ' " " rico 101 per c ' " wool 00 per o. " " " hoop iron 00 per c. Thus it may be seen that with all the boasted open market talk on tbe part of the free traders they are quite willing to "try it on the clog" first. They would break up the sheep raising industry and the iron making of the North, but protect the two chief Southern products, which are assailed by foreign competition. Tbe free traders are not, therefore, as reckless as tbe general application of that term would make them appear. Paralyie Northern industries and fster the South is the old nullifica tion doctrine that had for its purpose Southern domination of the entire country. But while the old doctrine of the domination of the South was to be furced upou the country by arms if necessary, a plan that failed when tried, it is now attempted to be carried into execution by a specious sophistry in the name of political economy. The Mills bill pots the party that passes it in a position of hostility to the best interests of tbe country, and if its passage does not affect the injury that it threatens it will be only be cause its evil effects may be prevented by the party that favors protection. The Republican senators have adopt ed upon the tariff the course dictated by courage and by principle always and everywhere, in the face of great issues, the wise and safe course. Tbe Republican majority of the upper chamber accepts its responsibility to tbe party and the country. To the dodges and the deceit, the dema goguery and the buncombe, the Free Trade and free wool of the Mills bill it will oppose a measure in which Pro tection will be tbe guiding principle and the impartial treatment of all in dustrial interests the guiding practice. Before such a bill the surplus will disappear but Protection will remain, nd trade will not be deranged and destroyed to carry out a theory or practice Free Trade. Full ground existed for waiting until December before introducing a Republican plan for reducing the rev enue without disturbing or destroying tbe Industries of tbe American people. The Democratic House has given seven months to its work. Fonr months were wasted in secret and irresponsible intrigue and inquiry before the Mills till saw the light. A month was passed in adjusting its rates to catch Totes enough to pass it. Two months have gone by in which the caucus vote won and welded by sparing each selfish interest with a voice in the Democratio caucus has rejected all change and forced the bill through the House as it was left by the caucus. Tbe Republican Senate might well ask until December to do its share in the work. It might leave the Mills bill to the people and guide its own action by the facts and figures which open inquiry would bring out in the months between the close of this ses sion and the beginning of tbe next. But this will not be done. The tax payer has his claims on Congress, and the Senate will be quick to meet them, though tbe Democratic majority of tbe House has for three years disregarded them. Tbe Republican majority of the Senate will place before tbe land bill which will enow that the revenue can be cut down and the surplus cut off without closing a mill or reducing the value of a single product of the farm. The way lies clear and plain The heavy tax on food levied on su gar must be removed. Tbe tobacco tax must go. Alcohol used in the arts must be freed from tax and the profit of a host of industries increased. Lastly, the inequalities of the tariff must be dealt with, not by increas ingly multiplying them as tbe Mills bill does but by removing and re dressing them. Above all, and through all and in all, Protection must and shall be maintained. Phila. Press. For every Free Trader to paste in his hat: Amoricrn ballots and not British sovereigns are going to carry this election. Did Mr. Cleveland say, as he is al leged to have said : "I beliove in Free Trade as I bolieve in the Protestant religion?" If so, what did he mean by it? The speechee of General Harrison to tbe visiting delegations at Indianap olis are models of sound judgment and good taste. Incidentally it may be noted that there is no flavor of the cyclopedia about them. Steaker Carlisle is afraid to meet Major McKiuley in a tariff dis cussion. That is the plain, simple truth of the whole business. Mr. Carlisle has never made a finer exhi bition of statesmanlike discretion. The Protectionist Democratio or gaos find it hard to support the party ticket on a Free Trade platform, but they are bound to do it. When party demands it the editor of a Protection ist Democratic orgaa can wade through hot water and swear it freezes his toes. Every Workingman Should Vote Against Free Trade. Every laboring man can consistent ly vote this fall for Harrison and Mor ton. There has just been a great labor convention in London, England, and it was asserted there, without contra diction, that there are now in Eng land 700,000 workingmen out of em ployment, and tbe mills or factories they worked in are closed or working on short time. It was asserted at this meeting of workmen that relief to these laborers could be secured in but one of two ways: First, they must be assisted to the United States ; or, Free Tiade mu6t be secured with the United States, so as to secure free admission of their British manufactured goods into this country, and enable their mills to start up. Remember, Eng land wants this Free Trade to the United States, but not into ber own colonies. No laboring man can vote this fall to favor an English policy that will make her and ber laborers richer and us and our laborers poorer. Our country has attained her present enviablo prominence among the na tions of the world by fostering home industries, and whenever our protect ive Tariff has been highest, times have been tbe best. Referring to the St. Louis Convention and the red ban danas that were woven on British looms, the London Star said : "We may very well re-ecbo that enthusiasm on this side of the water, for the re election of President Cleveland means the adoption of his tariff programme." Another London paper, the Econo mist, says : "On the adoption of Free Trade by tbe United States depends the greater share of English prosperity for a good many years to come." Do day laborers of this country want to help build up English manufactories? Another English paper, The British Hosiery Review, said : "We venture to assert that England will reap the largest share of any advantages that may arise from the adoption of the ideas advocated by tbe Free Trade party in tbe United States." D,i our workmen like to hear such talk from our industrial enemy ? Every voter in America should become indignant at this British arrogance, and we should be careful to vote any way but the way our enemies would have us vote. Colosel Richard W. Thompson, ex Secretary of the Navy, in a speech in- Terre Haute the other evening, Slid that when he was Secretary of the Navy he was directed to send a ship to New York to trauspnrt pro visions to famished Ireland. He did so, but the provisions did not amount to more than a small part of a load. "One day," said Mr. Thompson, "a gentleman came into my office to in quire about it. 'That ship,' said be, 'has got to go. Go on and get her ready; I'll fill her out of my own pocket.' He paid fifty thousand dol lars toward putting bread in the mouths of famishing families. That man was Levi P. Morton. Tremen dous cheering. He did not wish his charity trumpeted to the world. He did not seek fame because of his char itable deeds. He enjoined secrecy upon me. That is what I call grand charity. "Cheers.! This is the first time I huvo made a public aunounce ment of it." Manufactured by Gormully it Jeffery. RET ON I S THIS FA1.1.. (TVne Yankee Doodle.) It's Harrison he'll be President ; You bet that he'll be there, air. Ilo's no froo trador, he's uot afraid To fill the empty chair, sir. , CHORUS. Democrats, just keep it up, Blowing in tho Post, sirs. And then you will be landed there, Three thousand miles from coast, sirs, Morton he will go along For there's nothing there to hinder, He'll win the race, he'll take his pluco When Thurman must surrender. Cleveland thinks that he's the man ; With the fat hog by the tail, sir, He'll run apart liko old hot lard And this full he will fail, sir. And Thurman, too, thinks he's the chnp That wears the red bandanna, But he'll bo stuck like many an old buck That plays In Louisiana. The Pittsburgh roil is all daubed up With Harrison slang and slander, But we all do know it is not so, As you will understand, sir. O. A. II KEAJLEII PROPOSALS. Sealed Proposals will be received by the Commissioners of the Counties of Jefferson and Forest, up to Wednesday August 8, 1888, at 3 o'clock P. M., for re building Uie Superstructure of the Bridge across IUU visnoii iuym nv invuii, Pronosals will be received for eiuier Wooden or Iron li rid ire. The bids to be addressed to the Commissioners of Jeffer son County, at Brookville. Pa., and will be opoued by tho Commissioners of the two Counties at Clarintiton. on Thursday August I), 1888, at 11 o cloc'i A. M. Tlie right is reserved to reject any or all bids. tiy order or uie uoaru. James T. Bbennait, Clerk This from Henry Wattersou's Louis ville Courier Journal of March 22, 1882, shows what the Free Trade pro gramme was then : Tbe Democratic party will muke a Free Trade fight in 1884. If it loses, it will make another in 1888. Well, the Democratic party made a Free Trade figlit in 1884 and won by a scratch that was purely accidental. Tbe Democratic party is making an other Free Trade fight this year,' aud tbe juJgineut of American mankind is against it. If the Free Trade boom ers will staud their ground and make the fight of their own choosing there will be no complaints from the Pro tecUouht eije. If the Administration boomers are satisfied with the result of their efforts to capture the colored vote at Indian apolis last week, the Republicans have no right to complain, it there ever was a bigger or more dismal fizzle than that enterprise it has unfortu nately never been recorded. lOL. J BOMAS A1CUAMAKT, Who IS filling the position of Auditor General made vacant by the death of Col, Norris, will have no opposition for the nomination. The Republican State Committee will meet on the 8th of August and formally nominate him for the position. He will make model officer, says the McKean Miner, and so do we. Dio William L. Scott say. as he is alleged to have said: "We (the capi talists) can control the workingman only so long as he eats up to-day what he earns to-morrow ?" The Hon Orange Noble, of Erie, a neighbor aud until this year always a Demo crat, devlarcs that Colonel Scott said that vcrv thins. Colonel Scott Las the floor, and he must take it or con fesa himself floored. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing account has been tiled in my olliee and will be presented at me next term Court for Confirmation. First and final account of Mary Catlin now Mary Tobev. administrat-lx of estuto ot Judson Catiin. lato of Kingsloy town ship, torest county, l'a., deceased. UAl.Vl. Al. Clerk of Orphans' Court of Forest Co, Tionesla, J a., J my 23, lhfw. Sidewalk Ordinance. 18 SPRINa r Time's eierv Compound THE CELEBRATED v NERVE TONIC. Spring hnn come and II. J. HOPKINS CO. are roadv to moot 1.1m demands with Stork of Spring Wood that, to be appreciated, must be soon. Wb havo a I, A Stock and BETTER VARIETY this Spring than over before. In our A Word to the Nervous . You are painfully aware that you have nerves? Then you are sick. A healthy boy has as many as you, but he doesn't know it That Is the difference between "sick", and "well." .- ..' :rff ...,d Why don't you cure your-' self? Itiseasy. Don'twait' Fainc's Celery Compound will do it. Pay your drug-' gist a dollar, and enjoy life once more. Thousands nave. Why not you ? WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., PROPRIETOR?, BURLINGTON, VT. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT We have aometing to suit any person. Hanging In price from 1(V. to 1.00 per vard. Everything in tho latest and most dcsirahlo colors. Our MATIN KM. MKRHsi'tcu. EUS, LONG-CLOTHS, GINGHAMS, u fact all the Domestic Hoods are very dcsl ru ble, and every yard is good valuo. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING! 'ui v iiuimiir lrcpnruncnt una never lmnti m f.,,.ii,.i..i. .i.t.. it... .... .... .... ... . i " " -. mm v.... n i. i,t ?, eld"', alio f 12.0(1, ing as small as four years, Don't buy until you C KltfIRI.,12 fc .SOX. A els. TIDIOUTE, PA. Prices and catalogues furnished on ap plication. Tho Bost Machines made and prices tho lowest. aprlS-2m. LI GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in FTJEITITTJIiE Also, UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PA. IIUMPIIIIEYS' HOMEOPATHIC VETIBHTABY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 000 PAGE BOOK on Treat Bent mt Animals a.4 Chart Bout Free. -t'rrrn. fonfeatlnna. Inflammation MiiBUla, milk tiirr, lYb' mtn fipluaf Me VII Kt rains Lameness. KhMmflam i-intetnper, nRHiui II n i a t iiru nit. Wnn K. R.-Conffhi. IletTeit Pneumonia. J'. l a vouc or unpcHf tseuyacne 4i. f J. fcl Isss-arrlaaea If pmorrhatrr II. II. rlnary and Kidney Ulienici -eruptive iiaeis ma; of liaest iou .Stable "Case, with finc1fl-. If an rail Witch liazel Oil and Uedlcator. $7.00 Price, Single Bottlo (orer SO dotesX ,Q0 Hold by Drugglatai or Bent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys Mad. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. Y. J:'k'I charaoa. tugo. -18- Bo It enacted by the Burcoss and Town Council of the Borouutli of Tionesta: 1. That a sidewalk be built on t'ie South side of Church street from Vino streot lo Klin street. 1. Said sidewalk on Church street to he four (4) feet w ide and to be built of 11 inch pine or liutnlocK boards, three (.1) oak stringers throe (J) inches by live (5) inches, and not less than nve (a) Itkl. nails to the board. 3. (Said walk to Im built within thirty (30) days by tho owners ot laud bordering thereon, or it will be bunt lor luem al their expense Passed July 9, IkBS. 1). . KNOX, Burgess. Attest-P. M. CliAHK, Socretary. WANTED RELIABLE AGENTS to sell our New High Arm Automatic bewinjr Machine, The No. 9. Liberal inducements. Address W11EKLEK .V WILSON MFII. CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Established MS. PATENTS, Caveats, Re-Issue and Trade-Marks secur ed, and all other patents causes in tho pat en t Oihce and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of model or aketch of in vention, I made careful examination, and advtae as to patentability Free of charge. Ecus Moderate, and I make No Chai se unless patent is secured. Information, advice aud special references sent ou ap plication. J. H. LITTKLL, Washington, V. C. Near U. S. Patent OUice. I OB WORK of every description ted at the REPUBLICAN olllce. Skin, 88 i'i ' s't"& ; j ; 32: Snrinir. aro BARGAINS. Children's Cloth- I you have looked through our stock. SHOES, SHIRTS AND HATS. Our assortment in this line ran't ln Wat nnv nlncn. V Imv l r.. t.iM x. ...., that we get tho latest Stylos, and at price that are right. Wo sell the BEST Kl.oo Shoo in this country. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! ! Our Record in the Grocorv Riisincsn is well k llOWtl to HVnrvliilv nri.l A .......1.1 list say that it has lost tiothimr. But that wn urn ..iv in,. !r'.w...'i,!i ,, i n. Spring, and you w ill find that our goods aro Kipsh and of the Host finality, w ith in ices down where they belong. COME AND SEE I S. U. J. HOPKINS CO. HERMAN & SIGGINS! & GROCERS, PEIMN. DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, KIRK'S SOA FLOATING the'chief For tho Bnirt, Toilet and Laundr . Snow Whit and Abnolutaly Pn If roar l"lr l"i not wp Whit. Cto " feud 10 onu fur aampla caka to tba JAS. S. KIRK & CO CHICACO. WESTERN NEW YORK A Pi BYLVANIA RAILROAD. ( Formerly n , it. t. A r. , b.) TIMETABLE IN EFFECT May SO. West wsiTlf Pittsburgh nfvlnirfr-'' A.M. 7 :io 4 l 'J 4 0.1 2 4 "i IS r. m. I 7 r 4 2' 24) A.M.Ip. M. r. m. p.m. r. m ii or, i vjii ii rwv t44 l.'ftH ll (Nil fH&VI'J 61 110 4H f !U I'J 47 8 III 12 M Hill, 12 I't 17 M 12 OS 7 40 1 1 "H 17 ?! 11 7 10 I ". A 40 1 1 01 (1 12 10 2:1 P.M. 'A.M. ar Pittsburgh Iv Parker .... Foxhunt Franklin iv... Oil M. A.M III 7 50 10 .12 0 fto 8.17 7 W 7 2- 0 20 A.M. ar...Oil Oleopolis ...Eagle Rock... President.... Tionesla. ... Hickory .. Trunkevville.. Tidio'ute ...Thompson a... 1 r vino ton warren.. Iv... lv...Bradford p. M.lA.M. 6 12 10 2:t A .VI 10 till 12 .Ml! 5 401 9 5.VI1 ftS fiat! lM.T ii 2o 5 271 M 42j 10 50 IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS RE FOUND the Fitmizmr moomu? BERRIES, FRUITS fc VEUETABLES OF ALL KINDsj IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which Is in ehargo of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found tho rUltEST DKUGS AND CHEMICALS! PnESCRlTTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. DEPARTMENTS STORE. 5c, 10c, 25c, COUNTERS. WM. SMEARBAUGH TIONESTA, PA. 50c, &C0., 5 17 ft OS! 4 541 4 42 4 III 4 IT 4 10 ;i7 n !ti 1)08 8 57 8 4(1 8 112' 8 25 P. M.lA.M, A. M. 1 ir! Sugar Run ... Corvdon Onovillo , ....Wo'f Run..., Quaker Bridge, ...Itivt House... ... Salamanca.... .So. I'HrrollUm.. So Vandalia... 10 21 0 2.1 741 7 I a H 50 A. M DO' 12 I! 12 4" 1 It" 2 If P, M 1 P. M. ta.v- S ft'-' 4 0.. t4 n 4 r. t4- ft (Hi: li ;to 0 1- P. H P. M H 1' f.K II I 0 i fi :i 8 ' 4 7 ' n in e 00 A.M. Allegany. Iv Oloan ... j&- liEO. S. U ATCHELL, Gen i J. A. FELLOWS, tion'l Pass'r and Ticket ' No. 84 Kxclmngo St., Millln '. L. CRAIU, Agout, Tionesta, I ALLEGHENY VALLEY ' Most direct route to Piltsl irgh East. Only roulo landing ; Union Station without delaa or i yrt-Tiains run by Eastern Ti. Time lablo in oilivt May Ut, lfss. Northward, "l. I . ffiTi" I a. 8 45 8 50' !l .VI III (HI 10 ;V 10 ;is 1 1 hi' 1 1 II :lnil l:i 11 .VI 12 1 1 12 n.'. 12 . 12 Iil2 WINCHESTER SINGLE SHOT RIFLES. RELOADING TOOLS, - ,..i f. j p .i m at. wiTLo v 0 AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS. MAKl'FACTl'RED BV WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., KAVEW, COXTXT. mm it- THE EASIEST SELLINO, THE BEST SAT1SFYINU SE WING MACHINE ON THE MARKET. IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT. Its Construction is Simple, Positive and Durable. Its workmanship is unsurpass ed. Do not buy any other before trying THE WHITE. Prices and Terms made Satistaetoi y. DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEWINtl MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. A- i via Send, fox SO-pa-gre Hl-aatxatetl Cata,lrA. S't MESTIOX THIS PAPER. PENN'A AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Steam Enginos, Saw Mills, Hay Press es, Stump Pullers and Standard Agricul tural Implements gonerHlly. Send foj atalogue. A. B. FARQUJJAR. SON, York, Pa. FOREST AND STREAM PUBLISHING COMPANY; Are constant! r issuing and have always on hand a full series of the newest, most entertaining aud instructive American and Knglish books on outdoor sports. If vou are interested in Shooting, Fishing, Fine Dogs, Yachts, Boats or Canoes, or ill Natural History, Camp Life, Travel aud Adventure, you should send for a Iree catalogue of their publications. To any one so sending, and mentioning tho name of the paper in which lie saw this adver tisement, they will scud free 28 pages of entertaining and instructive reading mat ter. Address FOREST AND STREAM f 1 l. l o., D'J Park Row, New York. 12 l'i 1 2.' 2 0.. p.m. p.m. 2 5n 147 4 .VI 5 21 5 45i 7 20! 3 5 '. 4 2' 5 IX 5 R 7 21,10 55 8 00 1 1 25 8 1011 45' p. m. in. in. Ar.! 2iHi i Pittsburgh. 7 2(1 7 1 1 18: W, P. June Kit ( I 01 KiC.iii niiii A 4- 5 I 55 Hod I lank. 5 (HI 5 East linnlv 4 4 51.V... Parker.".. 4 Id A II . Fox burg-. 4 t'8 5 '.!;. Emlcitl'iii. 4 I xi II I t l en dell .1 21 7 01 ..Fnink iiti... 2 As, Oil Cily...i 2 2i; ip.m. N.Y..V l';p.m I 07 I H8 2 25 7 :J a. in p.m. I a. in i in.. v :i or. I ..'ri'iiviilo 4 0j Corrv... 5 liij i.Mavviile.. 5 51: tl 8 0' . 7 7 . H in . 8 45, , 0II5 . Southv In ... Ill'octoll... !.. Dunk li k. linllal.i... . .'i ioncsta .. I. .Tiiliotilo... .Ii vinetoii.. ;...Wairen... Salamanca. ..Hriult'ord. ... Ailcun Ar. Lv. 1 I8l 12 2: II 1' 10 45; 10 so! 8 50 12 :i2 11 Art II 20 II (II t) 08 P 15 8 2i: a. 111 4 4 -4 4 ( 8 3 1 2 4 2 ! a. n A. I 1 II ! 10 1U i 8 ; li i It 7 i ' 4 . 4 . 4 1' p. 111 i-Bullalo Sunday Train leavos 1 biutli 8:45 a. m., arrives at Oil City, p. m. Returning, leaves Oil City 2:. m., arrives al Pittsburgh 7:45 p. in., : lung al all stations. DAVID Mi'CAROO. Gon'l Sunt, K. U. UTLEY. tieu. FrU A Pas. riltsourD, NORTHWESTERN L UMBPRMAfv mmm m w m - - - PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT 808-81 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, BY V B. JUDSON. TERMS, ONE YEA1. 1. S1V MONTHS IN 1MAXTF THE LUM HERMAN is published li the interest of its subscribers ; consequent Iv it is a curiosity in modem trade Jour- iiuliMiti. No njlvortisnr chii linv a linn in its editorial or news pages. That Is what i makes it the lwt advertising mediant it the world. A Journal In which evory otl er paragraph is a paid "write up," or lt lustratcd pull, is absolutely worthless V tho reader j it is worse than useless, b cause it is misleading. The Luinborinat lias information to soil at the rata of 14.01 per year for IS or 0 pages per week. I i gives more pages of reading matter, oulj side of its advertising the full iiumbef running from 40 to 48 pages each week - than any other Journal pu ?TOTICK. Notice is horoby given that the under signed has applied to the Secretary of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania, for two (2) acres of unimproved land in Harmony Township, Forest County. Pennsylvania: Bounded on the North by land ol Willett, forinerlv Jonea: on the East by McNut, formerly Allcnder ; on the South by Ira Copland, anil on the West by laud of John Rvud, formerly Ira Coiland. "July 17, 1888. WM. II. FOG Lb. A MAN OK AVOMAN who will work faithfully, can secure (if 11...1 iu ilcslrn). a rare chanco to innko money, bv handling THE HON. HENRY ...v. ...... ........ V,.... W. IUjAIII n (nt'Uiiuii iiwiii ..un ......... 'r,.:iii...riini'(i Mnvcment. or I HE CONFLICT BETWEEN MAN AND ALCOHOI From tlie laei 01 uie uucij Interest being luken in 1110 1 ciiiperan Movement to-day, as also tho high stand ing of tlie writer as a leader ol men ami moulder or puuuo opinion, n. is piusum. vou can readily see tlio unusual opportu iiitv ollcred to make money by selling Kuril a work. If favorable to engaging with us, please answer at once, as territory is being taken very raptdl, and give us full particulars as to your business ex perience, references, Ac. E. R. BAXTER A CO., 22-10t. 1015 Arch St , Phila., Pa. A GENTS A WANTED To canvass for one of the largest, oldest established, Best Known Nurseries in the country. Most liberal tonus. I'neqiialed facilities. Geneva Nursery, Established 1841). W. A T. SMITH. Geneva, N. Y. lubllshed at the same prico in tlie world. They contain substantially ail me inniner news, unci weekly reviews of tlie markets south ami west, north and south, are indispensable to any lumberman who cares to keep post ed on current, events. Its advertising pages contain more valuable Information than is given in all the page, of many lumber Journals, so-called. As a matter of fact. Its advertising pages are of the ut most value to all users of wood-working machinery, as they form a complete cata logue of 'the latest and best of all tlia modern devices used ill lumber manufact uring. Send for it. SEND your Job Work to the REPUB LICAN OtUco, WESTWARD, HO! Aro you contemplating a journoy West or South 1 If so, the undersigned can gif a vou CI I A PEST RATES of FARE lr FREIGHT. Also furnish Maps, Guidia and any information relative to theFsrai ing, Grazing or Mining distiiola of tie West or South. Call on or address. R. II. WALLACE, Ticket Agent N. Y., P. & O. Ry. i Ottlco in Union Depot, OIL CITY, Pt. A PRESENT Our readers for 12 cents lo postag stamps to pay for mailing and wrapping and names of two book agents, will rt ceive FREE a Steel Finish Parlor Eu graving of all OCR PRESIDENTS, in cluding tievelaud, sie 22x28 iu., wort, f l.UU. Address, i ELDER PUB. CO., Chicago, 111. ) J