THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. d. C. WtN, . Eoitom 4 PnormtTon. WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1888. Itl.Pl HM AX TICKKT. NATIONAL. rBESIDE!T, HKNJAMIN II. IIARK1SOX, of Indiana. vn-E rBIWlBKST, LEVI P. MORTON, of New York. HTATK. Judpe of the Suprrnio Court, JAMES T. MITCHELL, Philadelphia. C OI NTY. Assemblv, CHARLES A. RANDALL. District Attorney, T. M. CLARK. Grover didn't hare time to go to the Gettysburg celebration. lie was too busy writing humorous vetoes of private pension bills. Pittsburgh Pen ny Press. Any Democrat who is honestly un able to understand the Republican platform can hear of a profitable en gagement by applying to the manager of the nearest dime museum. The British Hosiery Review says: "To the majority of our readers the question will be of very great impor tance, as the quantity of articles man ufactured and otherwise, that are now sent from British and Continental ports will be materially increased if these tariff proposals are accepted; indeed, we venture to assert that Eng land will reap the largest share cf any advantages that may arise from the adoption of the ideas now advocated by the Free-Trade party in the United States." This will be pleasant news for American workiogmen, and espec ially for Irish-Americans who have had any idea of voting the Democrat ic ticket. British manufacturers are so tickled over the friendly action of Cleveland and the Democratic Nation al Convention that they can't keep their joy to themselves. Cleveland in New York. It is a fact so notorious that Cleve land did not have a majority of the votes of the State of New York in 1884 that it would seem to be the veriest foolishness to call attention to it; but in conversation with a gentle man a day or two ago, we found that there were many who believed that Cleveland received a majority of the votes in New York four years ago. The vote in that State four years ago wos; Blaine 562,001, Cleveland 563, 048, giving Cleveland 1,147 plurality over Blaine. But St. John, the Pro hibition candidate for President, had 24,999, and Butler, the Greenback Labor candidate, Lad 16,955, or a total for these two of 40,807. Or in other words, if the electoral vote of New York had been contingent upon Cleve land receiving a majority of the votes, be would have fallen short more than 40,000. In discussing Cleveland's possible chances this year, it will be well for Republicans not to forget these figures. They are very interest ing, and at the same time very dis tressing to the average Democrat, who always forgets them, when he can. When it is remembered, too, that when Cleveland carried the electoral vote of New York by this bare plu rality four years ago, he had the sup port of a united party and of that portion of the Republican parly that believed his election would secure a purer civil service than the continued retention in power of the Republicans with Mr. Blaine as leader, and also the support of the protection Demo crats of the State, who were assured by Mr. Randall that the election of Cleveland would not menace Ameri can industries, it will be seen that in stead of Mr. Cleveland being a strong candidate in New York this year, he is actually weak. He has violated bis civil service promises wherever ILj strict letter of the law did not inter vene, and he has not always even been restrained by the statute law. This is a fact about which the civil service reformers took him te task within the last month. lie will, therefore, lose all that large portion of the mugwump vote that was sincere that did not make a pretense of being for civil ser vice merely to cover their freo trade purposes. He will also lose that larger vote represented by the protec tion Democrats of bis State, maoy of whom have already announced their intention of voting against hi in. Considering, then, the 1,147 plural ity, the loss of the honest civil service reform vote and the loss of the pro tection Democrats, it will be readily seen that the probabilities of Cleve land carrying New York are not near ly so great as soma of the ignorant but eutlnieiaatic Democrats would have us believe. New York is not only a fair ly debatable Suto fur llt-publicans, but, consideriug the issue, is much more likely to give its doctoral vole to the party that encourages protection, than it is to give it to the party that would Land the industries of the country over to the importers of our principal seaport cities. Harruburg Telegraph, Editors In Erie. The anneal excursion picnic of the Pennsylvania JOd itorint Association look place in Erie comniflocing on the 26th ult. and lusting till the 20(1). A special train of six conches left liar risburg on the morning of the 26th oa the P. & E. road and arrived in Erie that evening at dark. All the cars were comfortably filled with newspa per men, many being accompanied by their wives aud daughters, and iu all there weie upward of two hundred. To say that the reception they got was a royal one is putting it iu the mildeit form. The entrance of tho train to the city limits was signalized by the booming of cannon, the playing of bands and a general illumination. As the cars pulled into the depot tho as tonished editors looked out upon one dense mass of humanity that extended as far as the eye could reach, and not one in ten could be made to believe that all this outpouriog of the citizens was in honor of the editorial visit. A line of march was formed double file and headed by two brass bands, and tailed by one, the procession (ladies in carriages) marched down State street to the Reed House. The distance is fully three fourths of a mile, yet the street was jammed on either side by Erie's populace, while balconies, win dows and house tops were crowded to their utmost capacity. The street along the line of march was one con tinuous blaze of fireworks, electrio light and natural gas illuminations. Business and private houses on every side were covered, three inches deep, as it were, with the national colors, while banners and arches bearing ex pressions of welcome were visible wherever one chanced to look. At the Reed House the party was quar tered for the night. Next day at noon the visitors were treated to a delight ful ride ou the lake, or bay rather, the lake being too rough for smooth sail ing, and at the life-saving station an exhibition of the manner of rescuing the drowning was given by tho crew, which was quite novel and very inter esting. A ride up the bay to Massas sauga Point and a visit to the stock farm of Hon. Y. L. Scott completed the afternoon's enjoyment, atd the party returned to the hotel, where in the evening, Erie's ' handsome and popular young Mayor, John C. Brady, welcomed the association in a neat ad dress, which was fittingly replied to by J. Hayes Grier its president. A hop terminated the festivities of the day and evening. Next morning a majority of the visitors joined au ex cursion to Niagara Falls, while those remaining took occasion to roam about through the beautiful thoroughfares and parks of the "Gem of the Lakes," visiting the splendid industrial estab lishmeuts of the city, in which is in vested many millions of capital, and which are manipulated by the most public-spirited and liberal-hearted men to be found in . the State, and whose products are known the world over. Friday, after a visit to the elegant mansion of Erie's most revered lady, Mrs. General Reed, the editors were driven in carriages though tho city and given a view of all the principal places of interest, a treat which was richly enjoyed by all. And at 8:00 p. m. the excursionists took leave of their hospitable friends, and said good-bye to the scenes of the most delightful occasion of the kind they have ever enjoyed. Tommy Jones, of the liar- risburg Telegraph, winds up his account ot toe anair in tnese words, wnicn is the experience of every one in the party: "'Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh,' sailb the good Book, but if I wrote of Erie ao cording to the abundance of my heart I should fill this entire page. The re ceplion and treatment accorded the editors bv the people of Erie was princely, and the trip will be down as the most memorable iu annals of the association." put the Accident Insurance. T. F. Ritchey, who fell on the in clined walk leading from the Court House, when it was icy last December, and fractured his wrist, had an acci dent policy in the Traveler's Iosur auceCo. The Co. paid him 9180.00 on account of the eccideut. Tbe Traveler's is a good, reliable Company, and pays all legitimate claims prompt ly. Insurance can be had in it by calling upou T. F. Ritchey, Agent, Tionesta, I'd. A misstep will olteu make a crip pie fur life. A bottle of Henry & Johusou's Aruicu and Oil L'liiuient baud, will uot prevent the misctcp but used immediately it will sav being a cripple. Fur sale al Board's, W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Comluetftl by (he Tionesta Union. Tho W. C. T. U. moots tho iM and 4th Tuesday of onch month, at 3 p. in. rrosidont Mrs. Ell Ilotoinnn, Vice Presidents Mrs. J. O. Palo, Mrs. W. J. Roberts. Rororiling Src'y Mrs. L. A. IIowo. Cor. Seo. A Treas. Mrs. S. P. Irwin. Woe vnlo him that tierth his neighbor drink; tlmt puttrsl thy tiotltr to him, unit mttkest him tlrnnken aim. llnb. II, The wicked vrnrkoth a deceitful work! Imt to him (lm( xonctli righteousness shiill bo a nuro reward. Kev. 11, 18. THE FAl'MNE rKINOIl'I.H OF TOTAL AR9TINKXCK. I. Car. 8:1-13. Golden Text Rom. 14:21. Practical application. 1. We have iu this lesson the duly of total abstinence based upon ti e principle of regard for tho welfare of Othors. The conclusion of the matter is given in verse 13. "Wherefore, if meal niaketh my brother to stumble, I will eat no flesh forevermore, that I make uot my brother to stumble." Revised version, verse 11, holds the great persuasive argument for self de nial. Shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died T Verse 12 brings saddest charge of nil. But when ye sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin agaiuet Christ. How appealing these words in the light of the lessons of ihe quar ter. If Paul would give up meat, good in itself, because by its misuse some were hurt, what strength of con demnation shonld be applied to the use of that which is cause of woeful stumbling to multitudes, and in itself is an "irritant narcotic poison ?" 2. Christ's making wine at Cana is often used as an excuse for moderate and refined drinking. But in the ab sence of positive proof ns to the kind f wine Jesus made at that marriage feast, it is certainly binding upon us to interpret this act of our Lord's in the light of His character and mission. Can we for a moment believe that He would have perverted the health giv ing water into that which poisons body nd brain, and imperils the soul? Strangely out of harmony with all his life and work to save and help men suoh doing would be. Jesus said of bimstlf, "Thiuk not that I am come to destroy the law, or tbe prophets : I am not come to de stroy, but to fulfill." Matt. 5:17. Set over against this declaration the command : "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red." Frov. 23:31. 'Woe unto him that giveth his neigh bor drink, and makest bim aruuKeu." iiub. zao. "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is rBging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is nut wise." Prov. 20:1. On the other hand, how perfectly in harmony with himself and nature, and how beautiful withal to suppose, as does Dr. Norman Kerr and others, that Christ "accomplished in a im ment that which takes several months each year, the conversion of the wat ery sap of the vine into wine in tbe grape." This interpretation is bus tained by Chrysostom, who says: "Showing that it is He who changes the water in the vines and the rain absorbed through the root into wine, who did in an jnstant at the marriage that won which takes a long time iu tbe plant." And Augustine: "Foi He on that nuptial day made wine in the six pots which He ordered to b tilled witu water, wno every year makes this in the vines." Other dis tinguished scholars give the same opinion. Sure'.y this would be the "wine that maketb clad the heart of man," spoken of in conncclion with other good things of the earth, oil and bread (Ps. 104:15), tree. JJe are con fident, from tbe deadly element of al cohol which is as truly the basis of the lighter fermented beverages as of the more fiery distilled liquors, that this is the true interpretation. 3. But whoever may dissent from this view, none who claim allegiance to tbe Master and love for humanity can fail to be touched by Paul's ap peal for tho practice of total absti nence. Wrecks of once noble young men, encouraged in the drink habit by the example of eminent men, attest sorrowfully to the evil of moderation. How often in our efilirls to induce the boys to abstain from the use of to bacco, is heard tbe plea, "Mr. smokes. Isn't bo a good man?" An- otber declaration of principles by Paul is our GolJen Text, which ought to be that of ull those who Lave put on the L'ird Jesus Christ : "It is good not to eat flush, nor to driuk wine, nor to do anything whereby thy brother Btumbloth." Revised Version. We look for fruit from this temper auca teaching of the S. S. lesson all over the world as Belectcd by the In ternational Lesson Committee. Ji intemperance a vice? EovyingB, murders, drunkeuneis, revellings and such like; they which do such tilings shall not inherit the kingdom of Cod Gal. 5;21. IS THE BEST ror Young Infnnta It te e pwfeet eobetltnoa for mother'a milk, often sarin, life; for the) Invalid CI DyappptiO It " ol tbe inUMt Tain. It a) THE FINEST BABY FOOD, " THE BEST INVALID FOOD, " THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD, THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. ISO Meals for an Infant for SI. OO. A Cabinet photo, of Mm. Hurt thn beeutifal ebildren eent to tho mother of any belt bora within e year. AJra a valuable pamphlet so tlie Cere of lnfei U end lnTeliaa. Sold by DrnmiMe. 2SO., BC-O., (I.OO. WEIU, RICHARDSON k CO., BURLINBTON.VT. Manufactured liy Gormully A JofTory. TIDIOUTH, PA. Trices nml catalogues furnished ou np' rilicntion. The Bobt Machines m ado and priors tho lowest. nprlS-Jm. M. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers m Also,- UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PA. .Sidewalk Ordinance. Be it euacto.1 by the Uurnoss and Town Council ol the ltnroimh of Tionesta: 1. That RHldowtilk his built on thti South side of I'hureh struct from Vine street to Jilm street. 2. Said sidewalk on Church street to bo four (4) feet wi.lo and to be built of 1J inch pine or hem'ocK boards, three (:t) oak tttrinzrrn three (3) iiicho bv live (51 Inches, and not less than 11 vo (fl; Itkl. nails to uiawpru. 3. (iiid walk to 1,0 built within thirty (50) days by the owners ol land bordering thereon, or it will bo built for them at their expense. Passed July 8, ISfW. 1. S. KNOX, Bullosa. Attost-P. M. CI.AKK, Secretary. -IS- rf-Se-ie THE EASIEST SELLING, THE BEST SATISKYINU SEWING MACHINE ON THE MARKET. IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT. Its Construction is Sluiplo, Positive ami f urn I ilu. Its workmaiisliip is unsurpass ed. Do not buy any other before trying THE WHITE. Prices and Terms uiado Katistactoiy. DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. WANTED AOKNTaS to netl t-mr New High Arm Autoinulio bowing Mnrliino, The N. H. liiberal iiKliu'emonU. Ailtlrt'sn W1IEKLKU M WILSON M VO, CO., 1 VhiluUu.i'hiu. IV. EiubliUud Ib-ia. 4ti tV- ES"'i-- r.. 1 '-s " - t""" wt)j8 18 SPRING. Sprinji linn eomo mid II. .1. HOPKINS A ft Mock of Spvinu ( Mint, to be appreciated, must bo xeen. .-muck ami iiKiiisu vahiisty thin spring DRESS GOODS Vn have Roinetlnir to suit any ponton. Hnniliur in price from inc. to per vnrd. Kverythinir In the latest and m.wt doxirnblo color. Our NAT1NKN, SKKKSIH'K KKS, I.ONU-CI.OTIIS, NINUIIAMS, in fact all tho Dumovtio Hoods nro very desira ble, and every yard Is good value. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING! r."JiCI,'Ul!n'1. ,,T"'',"V'' ''" "over been so Completely Stocked rts this Hi.rimr Our Men s S.uts at .,.no, s.(K., w.m, and fU.oo, sro'nAlUlAIN Chil.ln's Kuth: in as small ns four years. Do t buy until you have looked tluonKh our stock. SHOES, SHIRTS AND HATS. Our assortment in this lino that wo net tho latest Styles, and at prices Shoo in tins country. GROCERIES ! Our IJeeord In tho Orocerv Itnl,mua l Just say that it has lost notldng. But llmt dowune'rhey Zi." COMB AN i? U. -J. HOPKINS & CO. HERMAN & DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, IN OUll GROCERY DEPARTMKNT W11.I, ALWAYS BE FOUND BERRIES, FRUITS A VEUETABI.ES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which is In charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. DEPARTMENT STORE. 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c. COUNTERS. WM. SME ARB AUGH TIONESTA, PA. TALLAPOOSA, GA. THE PROGRESSIVE YOUNG CITY OF THE NEW SOUTH. TM prm per oui yung city, which ta now attract-1 lif invrtrs, nantrftcturen and aettiert (rm fftry kcum mi Ux Umon, it aiiuatni in the Ptcdaai " rfft ol wcttcro Georgia, (our vilra froia tha AJa wmi hne, m Uit bearl ot tho ricbesi iroo, f oU, Arot, aTKuhura) and timber dittrictof tbm South. Ua popuioiron haa doubted m ttio last aia oiqnfha. irvd with tbe present rapid increaM ul bo t,00V tcfon Che ctoae ol the present year. la location is on the Georgia Pacific Railroad, mtes Iron Atlanta. 40 ia i Ira Irotm Anoiatoa and MO ntlea from Btnainrhun. and already live objective eotnl ol three other railroad now building or al ready CUTTCycd. Ttwre are nearly flftr butineat bouses, expreea, telegraph and post ofnee, one esrspaper, three Shurcfcce, three bote Is, eight saw and ijianinf ml la and vood worhmg eMabushinenta, acboola, cottoa rtaa and factories. Nearly $4,000,000 is represented Is. the capital atork and BMoey io vested m tbe thy at the present time. Its elevatioa u I.SuO feet obost tbe sea, sod the city ia noted for its remarkable beslihfulrtesa, being out ol the limestone dtsthc. aud entirely beyond the range of cholera, yellow fever, or any eptdealcti, 1 be purest and beat of Keeoione and saineral waters abound, and the oat oral drainage and location of the citv is perfect. Tbe climate is a happy medium between the sub liwul climate of Florida and the extreme cld of the North, the average thermometer being io Winter bo" aod in bummer 79?. 1 be city m suiroundea with tie highest grades of iron ores, manganese aod tsarwle, and the gold deposits of Tallapoosa axe at tbe prrsrat time attracting widespread attention. Over 100,000 has already been invested in one snioe vds will begin operations oy April in. i ne goia see mi this teuton assays from (6 00 to 1300 per ton. aod the supply of iron, gold aod marble is tscabaus- owie Soon to loLarse Mannfactoinz City. The Tellapoose Kuroece Co.. cepitel Moch 1 100.000 b ekcAdy ergamxed, end ere under contract te have tarar lurnat a in biat by Ueccmber lit, IbtKi lpooea alaileeble Iron Co.. eutl I IIUW.OIU. are under contract to Uictr : The Tallapoosa Steam Brick Manufactory to al teadv SHittiuaT 10 an enormous clant for brick and in operation in eieht months. tecra cotia work, with a capacity of 6O,0uO daily, and arrangements have been completed for a wagon factory, sash, door and blind factory, boiler manu factory, broom factory, rope factory, and negotia tions are In progress for a silk mill, to employ 900 bands, cotton mill, rolling mill and several other in dustries with favorable prospects for their locstioa tscrs M an c&ny uay. Enormous Advanct In Rial Estato. The recital of the advance of real estate in Tails- poooa u the last sis oiuntlis would seem like a fairy tJe te those not with the rapid giowth of ciuc is Uua rich mineral bell of the new boutb. Col Gee. V. Adair. President Tallapoosa Land. & 88 CO. ftre to meet the dem.mdM wllh W'p Imvon l.AKdl'.ll lu our than evor before, DEPARTMENT tliat aro right, VVe soil tho MOST XlH GROCERIES ! ! ...n L ........ ... ,.. VvJ .v.,.V KSl u,mio 'Z 8KB Us! "'Ul l" "" Wit" l'rt' SIGG-INS ! GROCERS, PENN. Sc & CO., A PROFITABLE OPPORTUNITY FOR Kcudrace tad build Inr let, wfaick (old f er JM eu eieatbe efe. are cAen4noi: heed at $1,00 Dew. Property on ihe kadiuc bueiaces eavru e ad vanced (real 60 Is l.Oua per cenL la the laM am Baotha, aa4 a) at IN on tbe f round Deer In comp.rv aoa onto ervree of propenr ra other aliee. with cue oreaefit raela ero tb ol ttte city, property bum leavluM in eahie 4unac lb neat yrar, arul ba laal are arUiiif to-day al (roc tM to MO, aboun kno( Ave tisoes that sues before the .vested over r.w in iimprovemenu in the lest few tnoatha ; over 100 new buudntn are in process of erect ion of nearly com pleted in the city, and bustle, push sod enterprise is everywhere sppsrent. jvsewrtsf eW.vvw.vms) yes 9mmmmfmcmwv mmUrrimmm ss4 iwiiMinw as pledged for tbe oity te be located here in tbe neat thiee years, ana in is aiorte means a population oi uvw tcs is twenty -a v taouaaod. Literal Inducements to Ia.sT3Ct.rcrs. Tbia Can oany ta ereoared te oner tbe bom lib eral toducemeBta to Banutarturere who will tocale tneir work in TalUpooaa. Tbcy will donate land en railroad Irene lor plant, and other yalaabhl con etderatieat raw Balerial a ad cbeap labor are abundant, and a borne market aanirod. The South M laal beconiaff tne free .anutacturiiur twin ei . i J injilwh,m muuifvlurm ininhina of Chan7rtn( location will find H lo Ibtlr adanla(C lo cwuuauiiu.aia Willi uii. vwitwif. CCME TO THE SOUTH. It Is the most desirable section for settlers and In vestors in the United States to-dsy. ror tunes are being made rapidly by the advance in real estate and Usd company's stocks, and we have as yet seen but the beginning of an era of wonderful pros perity in this but partially developed, though greatly favored, section. In climate it is tbe Italy oTAmer ica, in healthtulness it is the Eden of the earth, and in fertility ot soil, abundance ana eivorsuy ei snm rml oroducss. and in srowinf orosocntv and pro grcsaiveueus, no scctwo of tbe country can equal it. ProKaSlt iLTestmenti EntrauB UiTlfleili We would call the special attcAtion of cither large or small investors, who have been sc customed to small rates of interest, to the advantages of Talla poosa as a place of profitable and absolutely safe in vestment. Real estate and stocks m Tallapoosa are rapidly advancing, sod investments can be made here tolav that are sure so double and auadruple before tbe close of the present year. Investments mads in real estate in s rapidly growing and pros oerous manufacturin citv are sure to return band- some probts to the investor, and are absolutely safe investments, we nave yet to enow oi asingie in u.nt al inrMlinrnti aaaale htfie. that Luvc DOt re I is but yet in its inlaocy, real estate is selling al low turned large dividends to the investor, as ine uy KIRK'S FLOATING SO A THE CHIEF Fop the Bath, Toilet end Uunrjr 8 now White end Absolutely l' If yrmr den tar rtoen not ker White Ctfrnc! iQn4 10 enu for Mm pie oak to th t-- JRS. S. KIRK 5 Cn CHICACO. WESTERN NEW YORK A SYLVANIA RAILROAD. Pi ( Formerly D , n. Y. P. . .) TIMETABLE IN EFFECT May Westwaid PittsliurKh Division V A. M.I P. M 7 :m 7 fo ar Pittsburgh It 4 I 4 -M 4 2.N : 11 1 411 r. M. .. Parker . Foxhtirff . Franklin I 4 0.1 2 4.. 1 1.) A.M. 12 1 2 I P, M P. W, lv...Oll Ciy...r V. M. P.M P. M t (f 1 20 1 1 ft.. 11 00 10 40 nr... till Clt t44 112BS tHSoiiafii fS32'l'J47 ...Oleopolis .Eairlo Rock... ... President,... ....Tionesta ....Hickory Trunkoyvllle.. ....Tidioute. .Thompson ... ...Irriueton .... Wnrren I (IX f.1; :l r. 4 " 8 111 12 32 8 01 12 HI t7 fill! 12 OK 7 40 1 1 Wi 17 ?:t 11 Hi! t) ft I 7 6 7 2.!. It 20 6 4.. t4 1 . 4 : t4 4 7 10 II ! H 411 11 01 U 12 10 2.1 P. M.Ia.M. 60. 5:" 1 P. v P. Y. il P. !h 8 I 8 1 0 : H (i ; 1 v.. .Kinzua.. P. M. 4 III' A.M. 7 fiO lv... Bradford P.M. lA.M. A. M (I 12 10 211 a ri 10 in 1 ir. 12 Ml 11 fifi Supar Run ... .. Corvdon ..Onovillo Wolf Run.... 5 401 Of. 5 ;t;i fi27 n 17 6 0S 4 54 4 421 4 III 4 17 4 10 P. M. 0 47111 20 V 42 o:t7 9 2.1 P IIS 8 57 4(1 8 :2 8 25 ' A.M. 10 M 10 24 0 2.1 Quaker Bridge. ...Hod House.,.. ... Salamanca.... .80. Cnrrollton.. ...So Vnndalia... Allegany lv Oloan ... .ar 7 41 7 Kl 6 50 H 111 600 A.M fSF.O, S. (1ATC11ELL. tin. J. A. FELLOWS. Uon'l Pnss'r and Ticket No. 84 Kxchaiurn 8U, Jluli.i J. L. CRAIG, Atrciit, Tionesta, 1 ALLEGHENYmLLEY Most direct route to PittulinriiH East, Only route land inn pa.--' Union Station without delays or i TC-Trains run lv Enstern Tim. 'I inio table in ell'eot May CO, ls. Northward. Sonlliw p.m. U. iu 7 20 7 v (I I'll (! . 1. a. m. 8 15 (I ,'.il 3. p.m. p.m. I Lv. Ar. 8 501 2 0o 'Pittsburgh. 10 00! 8 lxjV. P. June 10 11 1'i il :in 1 1 .Mi 12 05 12 l:l 12 4! 1 20 2 05 p.m. I0:isi 4 04 Kit! an niiiK 11 27; 4 55 Ked Hank. 11 4:t: 6 in East Brudv 12 14' 5351... Parker... 12 25! 6 41 .. Foxburir.. B 421 f. : fiiKi; 4 4 42 I : 4 Hi' 4 4 OH; 4 - 2 32 ! 5 53 . Emlentrtii. 1 07 rt3lrvennerdell 1 :w; 7 01 ..Franklin... 2 25; 7 3(1'. ..Oil City... i. in p.m. I 4 00! !l : B 24 3 1 J 53! 2 2n p .in.' I a. m. a. in. W.N.Y.A 1 p.m. 3 05 4 OW 5 10' 5 5.i; O 131 8 Otll T87,. , H 10. 8 451 II .'; .TiliiMvillo ...Corry.... MavviMu.. .. lli'iH'tnll.. . Dunkirk. ... Hiitl'alo.. 1 IN 3 4 12 22 1: II l! I! 4 50' 5 21 5 45 10 45 ! 10 SOU.' 7 2(H 8 6o -II (SI; 3 52 4 25 ...Tionesta... ...Tidioute.. 5 00 ft 30 ..Irvineton. II ' ...Warron... 11 Oi 0 15 8 25 7 MO 6ft Salamanca. ..Bradford.. Olcim Ar. Lv. 8 00 II 25 8 10 11 45 p.m. a. in. 'p.m a. in. f:-Buffalo Sunday Train loaves Iniryli 8:45 a. m., arrives at Oil (It. p. in. Returnini;, leaves Oil City ' m., arrives at Pittsburgh 7:45 p. in., nine at all stations, D AVID Mil'AltOO Oeu'l Sinit. E. II UTLEY, Oen. Frt. Jt Pa Pittsburgli mi mm INVESTMENT. prices, and those who invest during the) seatt sew months will nap the harvest before values are tarred te the eih orbit ant figures which will surely loUesy tilt rapidly growing prosperity of the cay. To T.o:t Lootini (or i FaYorafilt Pluce far UiSsi If voo are whollv without ssonev. do sjed csm te TalUpooaa. Doo't go into any sew osssvuo without at least souaethiuar te cive vou a eajt. mmm if you have s I it lie money, be you farveer, chanic or laborer, and desire to locate is a eecim. where tbe winters are mild ana eqwaote, sns summers no warmer than the North, where perssxe health is secured for yourself sod family ( srawr rou can build a bouse for one-hail the cost of bsuM mg the same house ia the t4erth ; whese you cesi live in curuiort st much less than im Mew Borisow aod the west, and are willing to use your energ?) and lifriucnce in co-operation with others for tax. prosperity mt the city is which you are located, and) appreciate a thriving, industrious, SHoeressive cue) and people oome to lwirtswoeso. ft yo see s this class vu are wanted here, aod the bum rota base can be invested in the building of a soese inea will rapidly increase in value on your naooa, er tea the channel of some business er enterprise that wstf can the most (ratifying divideoda. Coins and InYSstigafo. 1 Nine out ol lea ol thoae who come invefctirate the merit, ol TalJaoooaa. aa a 1 nvomabia miM ratni ana location, eitncr fnveatorl or permanent resident., or both. T4J wonderful advantage, of tin. FledBOat region and rich mineral belt are aa yel comparatively unfcaem. to Northern inveatoia and aettlera. Au anraoa,. detcnptioa by ua would be louked uaoa artib b credulity. I We oHIl cbeer'ullki saw Ike eaioenaee e f imu .rrlun la.aina pooaa arAo olo.e wot fittd i -roi.M44i.0a, and 111 prepertp o lni f , paay, e rereamel bp- e. W lAe wie.t rifid aoraonoi iieimm I iHHiMrl tam eeait fr W4 able ailnee of l.M.a, aad airoo .M av-dj ... lo oome ."4 are (nr Ameva atadj many tlMalavM o lel;oeea ma o fiore o wrottuOie e.d sf .noeieoa ma. .wIlM of .uii.oK yr Maaaailertaf, or or reeictece, . SEND F0H PROSPECTUSJ We have issued an etaboraie prospectiu, svookTSSs ly describing ihe t ny and iu mirrouuriiiiga, sod tavd property of this toenpany. pivtng illu-tratioos ee mauy of tlie builJui, r !idi. nre, etc., also psal es cliy.pricc list of lots, latest quotations on stock os this Company, and other of inicrest investitrs and seiileis, wbuh we will mail free ta application. Ad die: Man'f'g Co., Ta.tepccsa, Ca. BS5S3 rX