THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. t. WINK, tOITOR 4 PROFNICTOR. WEPNESDAY, Jt'N'E 13, Itopiiblionii State Tlrltct. Jndno of the Supremo Court, Hon. JAMES T. MITCHELL, rhiluileljiliin. Announcements. Hatks. Cminrc"1, f-. Astpnihly, ?10. PiMi ii't Attorney, ? t. Xo nnnoiincoiiM'nts will appear unless neeompnuied by the cnsli. ASSEMHLY. Wp nro nntlmrlxed to nnnoiinre CIIAS. A. KaNDAMj, of Tionosta, n rintmlitlntti lor Assembly, Milijevt to Kermblican usages. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Wo f-tro mitliorirort to announce P. M. CLARK of Tioncsln, as a ounilidnto for District Attorney, subject to Republican Manges. Republican Primary Election. Pursuant to a Resolution of the County Committeo, passed May 21st, It is ordeiod that tho Republican Voters of Forest meet on SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 18SS, nt 2 o'clock p. di., at the following named places of holding Primary elections to-wit : Iiarnctt, Jacob Maze's Carpenter Shop. Harnett, Uullng's, Joseph Hall's Shop. Green, Uppor, at Oulton School House. Urcon, Lower, at Nebraska, Forest House. Harmony, Upper, at Fleming Ilill. narmony, Lower, Allender School House. Harmony, at West Hickory. Hickory, at East Hickory. Jenks, East, Byrom's. Jenks, Central, Marieuville. Jenks, Southern, Gilfoyle. Kingsley, Newtown. Kingsley, Whig Hill School House. Kingsley, Starr School Houso. Howe, East, Brookston. Howe, West, Ball town. Howe, Middlo, Cooper Tract. Tionesta, Court House. Borough, Court House. At which time and places they will by their votes nominate : One person for Congress. One porsou for Assembly. Ouo person for District Attorney. Each Election Precinct will also elect one person for Member of the County Committee for tho ensuing year. At the meeting of the County Commit tee, May 21, 1888, tho following motion was carried: That in townships where only one polling place exists, there be elected two assistant committeemen; in townships where, two polling places are established that one assistant bo elected, said assistants to be elected at the pri maries same as the original committee. Tho polls will romain open until 7 p. in. Ketnru Judges will conveuo at the Court House, Tionesta Borough, on the following Tuesday, June 28, at 2 o'clock p. m. Attention is called to the Act of Jun, 1881, regulating Primary Eloctions, that Judges and Clerks, before entering upon the discharge of their duties shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation in pres ence of each other, viz : "I do (affirm or solemnly swear) that will as Judge, Inspector or Clerk (as the case may be) at the ensuing election im partially and faithfully porform my duties in accordance with the laws and constitu tion of the Commonwealth of Fenusylva nia, and in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the Republican party of the County ol Forest, for tho gov eminent of said primary elections, meet' ing or caucus, to the best of my judgmen and ability." This oath or affirmation to be first ad' ministered to the Judge by au Inspector, then the Jutme can quainy llie oilier oin cers or administer .tie oat.ii to any elector offering to vote. The above form is given for convenience and is that prescribed by the Act aforesaid. And all boards will observe it closely, that the election may be conducted according to Rules of the Republican party in this County, and law governing primaries. Samuel D. Irwint, Chairman Republican Co. Com. OREGON THE FIRST GUN. Free Trade gets a Terrible Backset Democratic Uneasiness. Tho result of tho election in Oregon on Monday of last week was the most (lompleto victory fur lh R- piibliinos that the party has attained since the State was admitted into tho Union. The election was for a Congressman and members of the State legislature. Hermann, Republican, was elected to Congress by over 7,000 ronjnriiy, (be argcat ever given to any candidate, while the legislature is Republican in oint ballot by at least 60 majority, thus insuring the re election of Sena tor Dolph. The battle was fought on the protec ion and fiee trade issues, into which all the powers of Cleveland's adininio- ration were thrown for the purpose of carrying the day fur that parly, or at cast whittling the Republican major ity down to a virtual Democratic vie ory, which was to be claimed as an endorsement of the administration and its English free-trade policy. In the fare of this the overwhelming de feat is most significant, and is fair warning to the party of free-trade that the voters of this nation aro not ready fur that kind of medicine yet. There is great uneasiness in the Democratic camp at this crushing rebuke, and if that party's convention were held this week instead of last, it is most likely there would be a very noticeable pull ing in of horns on the free-trade busi ness. The ball is in motion, and will be kept rolling until every northern State has recorded a victory like unto that of Oregon. Don't forget that. Cleveland and Thurman. Republican Primary Rules. RULES GOVERNING THE REPUBLI CAN PRIMARY ELECTIONS OF FOREST COUNTY. 1. The candidates for the several offices shall have their names announced in one or more of the county papers at least three weeks previous to the Primary Meetings stating the office, and subject to the action of the party at the said primary moetings. 2. The voters belonging to the Republi can party in each township and borough, shall meet on a day to bo designated uy the County Committee, at the usual place of holding spring elections, at 2 o'clock P. M., and proceed to elect one person for Judu'O, and two persons for Clerks who shall form a Board of Elections to receive votes and detormino who are the proper persons to vote, and who shall hold the polls open until 7 o'clock P. M. After the polls are opened, the candidates announced shall be balloted for; the name of each person voting shall be written on a list at the time of votinir, no person being al lowed to vote more than once lor the same office. S. After the polls are closed the board shall proceed to count the votes that each candidate has received, and make out tho returns accordingly, to bo certitied by the Judge and attested by the clerks. 4. The Judge or one of tho Clerks ap pointed bv the Juduel of the respective election district, shall meet at the Court House, in Tionesta, on the Tuesday follow ing the Primary Meetings at - o'cllK'k P. M.. havintr tho returns and a list of voters, and the prson having the highest number of votes for any min e, eh-tll be declared the nominee for the Republican party. 5. The Return Judges shall bo compe tent to rceet by a majority, tho returns from any district where there is evidence of fraud", either in the returns or other wise, and shall reject them where there is evidence of three or more persons voting at the Primary Meeting who are not Re publicans. H. Any two or more persons having an equal number of votes lor the hiiio office, tlie 4 uuj-'cs slum proccuu lo iiiiiun inr u dunce, the person hating the highest number to be the nominee. 7. The Return JudgesKhall appoint Con ferees Representative, Senatorial and CongresMonal lio. e acceptance of said appnii 'incut shall be a pledge to support ihe person who may leceivo llso largest number of volts cast for that office. K. Tho Return Judges may at any time change the Hindu and manner id' selecting candidates as they may be instructed by tho people at llieir primary meetings, tine notice being given by the County Coiu iiiillec. tl. The Chairman of the County Com mittee ahull be required to issue a tall in pursuant o of the action of the County Counnit'eu. This is the pair which the Demo crats at St. Louis last week put up for November harvest. It was no surprise to any one. The thing was cut and dried by Scott, and there was nothing left for the delegates to do but endorse the set up, which they did with little or no kicking. Thurman was stuck onto the tail of the ticket for the pur pose of raising a I it le temporary en thusiasm, which has already subsided, and because bo's the "Old Roman.'' The platform i3 free trade pure and unadulterated. Of it the (Philadel phia Prcsa says : "The Free Traders won a complete triumph at St. Louis. After sustain ing an apparent check for three days they turned tho tables and carried every point. The final deliverance of the Convention is precisely what they contended for, and the candidate and the platform exactly fit each othsr. The Democratic party by ihe utter aace and action of its highest national tribunal, commits iteelf squarely and unequivocally to the most advanced policy of Freo Trada. "In any event, whatever the decla ration, Mr. Cleveland would have been bis own platform. Even If the deliv erance had not been in full harmony with his position, the divergence would have possessed no practical signifi cance. It is Mr. Cleveland who is running, and he is running on his own record. But as a matter of fact the platform exactly squares with his most extreme Free Trade proclamation and carries the party fully and finally over to bis position. The more conserva live Democratic leaders who see the dangers ahead wanted to bold, the party to the tariff straddle of 1884 and save it from going beyond. That was a two-faced declaration, and Mr. Randall could stand on it in Tecnsyl vania while Mr. Watterson could just as easily stand on it in Kentucky But the St. Louis platform has at least the merit of abandoning all double dealing, and of speaking on the tariff question in terms which are direct, explicit and unmistakable. It declares that President Cleveland s message is the correct interpretation of the plat form of 1884, and supplements this with a separate resolution which ex prcssly endorses tho Mills bill. "In other words, it justifies the con struction which the Free Traders put upon tbe platform; it abandons all attempt at a straddle; and it plants the Democratic party on the extreme position of the President's message. It approves the Mills bill, but it goes be yond that measure because the message goes beyond it. Tho Mills bill does not limit its proposed itduction whol ly to the tariff duties, but does em brace some decrease of internal taxa tion. The meea-je, ou the other baud, expressly condemned any ultempt to cut dowu iulcrtuil taxes, and iufeisted that the entire reduction should come from the tariff. The Democrats of Coiiffrcss did not dure c to the full c; w txteut of the nicosago in reporting the Mills bill, but the Democrats of the Convention have endorsed it in all its length an 1 breadth. The position of the Democratic party is at last clearly and decisively fixed, and there is no longer aiiy room for cavil or dispute. Uuless the people are strange ly bliud to all the teachings ot exper Tun St. Liu is Con veu tion ir moral ly indictable for conspiracy against American interests and American labor. It has deliberately orgauized a plot to ruin both. Now if Colonel William L. Scott will kindly take a bung starter and hit his bar'l a few thumps the Cleve land campaign will burst wide open. From Henry Wntterson's speech to St. Louis Convention : "The Presi dent's message has committed ihe party to Free Trude, and any declaration that is net in accordance with the message will discredit the party." The man who was too old for a Cabiuet seat in 1383 is now set forth at one fit to bo Iho corncr-stono ol an s Ituiuistralion in 1889 Somebody was either lying like sin four years ngn or is playing the hypocrite now. The American advocates of Free Trade and prosperity abroud and in dustrial prostration at home have held their National Convention. Tbe American advocates of Protection and prosperity for American interests ill hold theirs next Tuesday. All eyes are turned toward Chica go these clays, where the Republican National Convention meets next Tues day In nominate the next President of the United States. Who will be the lucky man is a nutter which at this writing tbe wisest is totally unable to say. telicrman will likely lead in me first ballots, with Gresbatn a good BJeoed, while Allison, Depew, Al$er and Harrison will all be well support ed. And it would not surprise us to see any one of these distinguished statesmen nominated, either of whom we believe could be elected over Grovcr and Thurman. SlORES Via. ains elerv . J . ompound i ORES Nervous Prostmllon, Nsnroti. Issdachs, Neurslila, Nsrvout Wukntii, Stomach and Llvet Diseases, R hiumulin, Djrspepsls, t aaa sit idkiiobi oi nm maavj.. WEAK NERVES Fains". Cilirt CosrorKO U s Vnr Tfinta which never falls. Containing Celery and Coca, thoae wonderful stimulants, it sptl lij cures all nerroua disorder), " 1 RHEUMATISM Flint". Cn.itsT Cotrrorin) purities th blood. It drives out the lactic arid, which Cannes Khcumattsm, and reatoret the blood making organs to s healthy condition, Ths true remedy for Rheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Paihb'i Citmv CoJtPorMD quickly restores the liver and ktdneyi to perfect health, Tula curative power combined with Its nerve tonics, makos it tho best remedy for all kidney complaint - DYSPEPSIA r aini's CiLinv Cotrrotmt) strengthens ths stomach, and quiets the nerves of the dlges tlve organs. This is why It cures even the worst cases of Dytpepsla, 4 CONSTIPATION Punk's Cilery Coirrorxn Is not 1 Cathar tic). It is laxative, living easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol lows its use, . .... i Recommended by professional and business , 1 men. .Send for book. Price il.00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON 8, CO., Prop's UURLtNGTON, VT. Manufactured ly GorimiUy Jeflcry. 18 SPRING. 88 - - . - . t -. Sprlnir lias romp amt It. .1. HOPKINS it CO. nro rpjulv lo inert, (tin ilpmnml with a Stock of Sprlmr OtHitls tlmt, to lt npprpt'iBtotl, imint hti hopii. We Imvo a I.AHOl. II Mi.rK niui 1 1 K 1 1 v.ll AlilliTi tliiH prliiix timn evor licibro. In our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Wo linvp Romotinjr lo unit any person. lt;iimlnif in prli-e from We. lo ?I.IHI per vitrei. lverytliiUK in the littesl niui most tlt'Nli'itlilti color. Our N.YT1NF.H, NKKIlst'l'lv KUN, ijO.NW-n.OTHS, WINWIIjYMS, ill liutftll tho Domestic Woods ro vory ilt-Mirfl-tilc, aiitt every yurtl in pwHl vitlne. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING! Our Clotliinu: lVi:ti tinent hut never bpen no Completely Stocketl as this Siirinit. Our Men's Suits ut, fs.OO. $10.00, nn.l $12.00, aro ItAKWAINS. Children's 1115 a Biimu us iimr .veins, noil 1 nuy 111. 111 you liuve looked through our slink. SHOES, SHIRTS AND HATS. Our assort 1 uen t in this lino enn't ho held any place. Wo btiv In Cso Ijots and know that tve (tet the I.atet Styles, ami at prices thai are right. Wo sell tho UlCsT ft.00 snoo 111 tins country. OUR ARGUMENTS ARE STRONG ! We aim to make our PRICES SO LOW that our FURNITURE Alwnvs sells nntoklv, and tho QUALI TY PKOVKS IT. We mako no rash as sertions, but prove everything we htato in newspapers when a customer tails at our Store. It you want Sterling Woods for Sterling Cash call and see our stock of CHAMBER SUITS ! SPRIXOS, MATTRESSES, PARLOR SUITS, KASY C11AIKS, TA1HA.S, LOUXUliS, CUAIKS, tVe. tverj-tning in tho lino of Furniture. OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT ! Is complete from tho Plainest to the most iMauoraie gootis. tiling uuu see. XELSOIV oreexluxd, Undertaker A Enibalmer, 331 Exchange. Block, next to Exchange Hotel, WARREN, PA. V. It Kill K LI? & SOX, Agio, . . TIDIOUTE, PA. friccs i.nd catalogues furnished on ap plication. Tho liest Machine mado niul prices the lowest. aprl-im. S. H. HASLET k SONS, GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in IE1 TJ IR, IT X T TJ IR, H, Also, UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PA. A MAN OR WOMAN who will work faithfully, can Moure (If thev so fleslrel, a rare chance to nmKe moiiev. bv Imndlinn Til E HON. HEN KY W. FLAIR'S (Suuutor from New Hamp shire!. Tetnneratieo Movement, or THE CONFLICT BETWEEN MAN AND ALCOHOL. From tho laet or tno ueei: interest being taken in the Temporaneo Movement to-day, as also the high shind lim of the writer ai a leader of men and moulder of public opinion, it is presumed you can readily see the unusual opportu nity offered to make money by selling such a work. If favorable to engaging with us, please answer at once, a territory is Iminir taken verv ranidlv. and give us full particulars as to your uusiucs ci perieucc, r"forenees, Ac. E. R. BAXTER A CO . 22-10t. 1015 Arch St , Pliila., Ta, NORTHWESTERN LUMBERMAN PI'RLISHED WEEKLY AT IKls-310 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, BY W B. JUDSON. TERMS, ONE YEAR, $lj SIX MONTHS, ?2, IN ADVANCE. THE LUMBERMAN is published i the interest of its subscribers ; consequent lv it is a curiosity in modern trade jour imlistn. No advertiser can buy a line in its editorial or news pages. '1 hat is what makes it the best advertising intttium ii the world. A .journal in which every nth er iiaraL-ranli is a paid "wriut up," or il luslraUMl pun, is hosoiuiciv Hjiunti i tho reader; it is worse Ihan 11-1I1 ss, be cause it is misleading. The Lumberman has information lo soil at llni lato offl.oil per year for 1H or -() pages per week. It givts more panes of lead in j; matter, out. side of its advertising-the lull number running from 4') to 4t pages eacli week -than any oilier journal published at tho 11. 1 nev contain jNsteSS! A n V. GROCERIES! GROCERIES ! ! our ittH'ord In tlie wroeerv Business is wel known to rvcrvhodv. mi. Inn .tool. I just say that it has lost nothing. But that we aro giving it' special attention this Spring, and you will ibid that our goods are Kiesh ami of the Itc.-itqualitv. with prices it. . 11 llini- lw.t '1 t I.' J. V I . I." !. t - l, 1 -.w... i. .it v uiij ..--iis,ij. t-j cir.r. t. O, U. J. HOPKINS & CO. HERMAN & DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, SIGGINS ! GROCERS, PENN. IN OUR GROCERY' DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE I'OUNI) rim Fiwsirmr GttocmiES BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON? In our Drug Department, which Is in ehargo of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. & Hamliri 1 1U il j O u i ris-jrt.. ami it m DEPARTMENT STORE. 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c. 47 - cotjisttehs. WM. SMEARBAUGH TIONESTA, PA. i .ri'i-v I k - - - Organs and Pianos. Tlifl C:ihiuet Orpin was Intmiluci d bjr Mnnon A riatnilii In IM'.l. .Mu--i.ii & Hiiuilin Orpins liavo slw:ty m:ilntilnod tlit-lr iipninat-y ovt-r hII nthi'rt. haviux nswlvea llieltotlluuuraat ttlltiteut Wurld's Kxliibitiuus biucu IwjT. Tlie Improvod Miide of Strinittim I'lnnnn, lnTintl by Mjnn Ilamlia In In-J, l a (,'rt-at mlvanco In piano ctinslniflion, exinTin pniuoiiiicinK it " tlie f.rul,.Hl Imnrtivt-IIU'llI ill llialll'-t ill llttlf SCtiUtllry. ' Plain) lircular, fniitiiiuiiii! :) lrMiimilii:il Irom pnrt hSM-rs, luuelciana, uud luuuro, uutl I'utuo anil Urguu LuUlutiuca, iruo. HASOM k Emm CSSA1T A1T3 PIANO CO., - t6s:tJfiK.(Usl.-sS(-.HK).l'EwTCCS. KIRK'S J f w i coun FLOATING SOAr the'chief T'of tha Dnth, Toilet and Lsundry Snow Whtta and Abaolutely F'ir If Totir Oralrr ilomi not kMn WhH t'loml dod 1U rants fur sampls caso to tba niKh S. KIRK 5 CO., JAS. CHICAGO. 17F.STKRN NEW YORK A 1'1'J W SYLVANIA RAILROAD. I Formerly n , . Y. A . R. n.) . ... TIM ETA HLE IN EFFECT May Westwaitl l'ittshuri;h Dlvisien (1 i M.l V. M. 7 'M 7 f0 4 4 :m 4 0.'.l 4 lis J l. :l II V! I .-i 'J -III M.l I', M. P. M. f. M. 9U.1 1 'All II iV. IX U T2 f.s 11 (10 KX I'JSI'IOtt' fs :2 vi 41 10 :i'j k tit, ii ;v ii r.o Klll.l'JIH 8;I7 t7M,l2IW 7f.t 7 40 11 Ml 7 17 :' II .Ml 0 20 7 HI II I.i 6 4.) fl 4!i II 01 fl Ii!jl0 21 P.M. , A.M. . M. P. M.j A. M. 4 HI 7 ;'0 I'. M. A. M. A. SI. tl I 'J lOtft 1 I A ar rittshnrgh lv! ... I'arker i .. Pnxburi? . Franklin lv...Oil ar...Oil ... OleopoliM .Eiii;Io Rock... ... President..... ....Tionesta ....Hickorv ..Trnnkevvllle. Tldiotite ...Thompson Irviueuni-... Warren lv... Kiiizua..! .Brad lord n M 111 hi 12 '; ft 40 lir.";ll r.,ri ft:l:V ( 4711 till 5l!7, U4J 10,'Kl nr.. ..It ... Suirar Run ... Corvilon Ono'ville ...... ..Wo f Run. tins' h r7 S HI1 8 :vj H 2ft A. M. It J.t Mi p;i7,IO 21 Quaker Brltliro. s as i 4 54 4 42 4 ill 4 17 I 10 P. M .Itetl I Inline, 7 41 ... SalaiuHiica.., 7 l:l .So. Carrollton tl .50 ...So Vantlalia. il Hi Alh'Kraiiy.... 6 tHi lv Olean ... .arj H A.M.I il ti KO. S. tl ATCUELL, tien'l J. A. FELLOWS, tien'l Pna'r. an.1 Ticket No. SI Exehanize St.. Hut! . J. L. CRAIU, A no lit, Tioneata, I '.. 1. i 2 i V, M t:t2'i. 13 :(.. a ,i-.' 4 C 4 1 4 .' ' 11 fiCi. It nil. fl 12 P. M. 1 P. M.l H I" P. M H I.! H IV fl H f 0 4 o f..; 7 f ALLEGHENY VALLEY Most dirift route lo l'lttabtirui: East. 4 inly route, landlnir ihs.i Union rotation without delays or i f O 'Trains run hv Eaatern Time 'I'iiiio table in elltict Nov. 0, Northward. I 1. a. m tl IKI 10 It III 47 1 1 :i2 1 1 4." 12 II 12 to 12 4s I 21 1 fin 2 1.. p.m. p. m :l I. I i:i ft 211 ft ft. JMJi-J p.m. p.m. I. v. Ar. 8. Mil 2tHi;l'ittsliur)rh. KitKi; a is w. r. June 10 as 4 (l Kittun ii inn It 27 i 4 .( Itetl Ihiuk. II 41; fi Oft .East liradv 12 14; ft :I2 ... I'arker... 12 2-ii ft 4"'.. Koxl'lirn , 12112 5 I'.il. Emlcntmi. 1 17; U K ennei dcll I Its 7 ihi ..Franklin... 2 a 7 :iu ...oil City a. in p.m. a. mi in., W.N. Y V l' Snilht . Ji7l4.!. in. i 7 fioi 7 -Mi fl S'.l II pi flO.- ft 4. I ft2H fie - 6 O.V 4 4.1 ; 4:wi 4 -4 2H 4 O"- 4 l!! H42 8 11 2 40 p. rn a urn. 4 IIS' 5 !; ft ftc Ill &C0., Ift2i 7:17 I H 10' 00 H4ft! ..Titusvill ! Corry... !..Mu villo... ... Brocton... .. Dunkirk . ... Itulliilo... ...'i'ltuteatji .. . .Tidioute, lrvlneton. ...Wai i en Salamanca. ..Dradlord.. tilean !Ar. Lv. u i- o in 7 .MM 8 (HI a ft2i 7 a; 4 ft ft an' o.v 7 23 lOft .V 8 (HI 11 2ft 8 HI 11 451 p.m. a. in. p. in NtT Hull'alo Sunday Traiu leaves I liuriih ll.(K) a. m., arrivua at Oil Oily, p. in. Returning, leavea Oil City ; ' in., arrives at Pittsburgh. 6:00 p. in., t 1 i ii K at. all stations, AV1I Mi'CAItOO, Oeu'l Sunt. E. II. L'TLEY, Uen. Frt. & I'axs. 1'ilUsburKli, - It f: 3 1' 2 4 2 1. a. in 1 I 'J in 1 4 ft 2 47 II 2.1,11 10 4ft, 10 lOXKiiu l 8 Sill : : Tis! : 12 4' : 12 i"j 11 Ml v, 9 .Vij -I II h)J 4 .. 0oj 4 I a. iii.lp.iii ,,...:z:;..ECTaji:gsgii:itf A PROFITABLE OPPORTUNITY FOR HTVESTMENT. - ! f n R f jk j- tr. i ALLAr UUwnj jf A THE PROGRESSIVE YOUNG CITY OF THE NEW SOUTH. This fvftKtperoui -ftmns; citf. whk-ft is now sttr-sct nf iiiTCtoi. manul-Kiurert and KttlrrtlromSTenr jlU.ii ( th t'oivit. is sltuatc: in the ' Pld aMMt -rgton of western (jeorsjia, lour sniles from the Ala -aula line, in tbe heart ol the richest iroa. -Burble. ag-rKullural and ninber district ol the -Knit a. luucc aiid ail ilia uiciaits oi iniernsi the it) cau bo no doubt about I bo result of tuch a etrugglo." sutnn in ire in tlie world. 1 nev substantially all the lumber news, and the weekly reviews of the markets soutli anil wet-l, iiorth and south, are intlispeiifablo to any w ho cares to keep post ed on current events. Its advertisint-naire-t contain more valuublu information than is iriven in all tho pai;eB of many lumber j jurnals, no-called. As a matter of fact, Its advertising pajrea are of tlie ttt niost value to all users of w ood-workinii mai hinery, as they form a complete cata logue of the latest and best of all the modem devices used in lumber inanulact- ui iii(r. Send lor it. A WANTED To canvass for one of the largest, oldest establish!, liest Known Nurseries in the country. Most liberal terms. I neipialed laeililic.-i. Oeneva Nursery, Established lMii. W. A T. SMITH, tieueva, N. Y. ROSE E. CLEVELAND, SISTER OF PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. "Social Mirror; or Moral and Social Cul ture," Is the title of the jri-antl new book Intro duced bv Miss Cleveland. Just out, an unparalelled success, profusely illust rated, with decant lithoK'Kl'lt plate of Miss Cleveland. Tho work is a complete treat ise on Moral and Social Culture, true man hood and womanhood, The mother's in liuence, lie patient with the boys, Keep your daughters near you. Home beautiful, Family government," The art of conversa tion. The awkward mid shy, A mother's cares, F.ii'iuetle in all its biimelies. Etc, Etc. Its mechanical execution is tinsur imssi'il. makinir it iho handsomest sub scription hook ever published. The il- lui-liittions are me niiesi aim iii.tttu special arti.sU. AUKNTS WANTED Everywhere. Tlie success of work inn agents is soinetliiii.' reiuai kablo. None but live, energetic men and women want ed mi this work. We (riiarantee exclusive U'rritorv. Anents nt work are making from f 1.00 to per day. Write at once for illustruted circulars and terms, anil name your choice of terri tory! or to bee tire it fnsiantlv send 1.00 lor complete at-'Ciil s ouuu, w men win uti forwanled by return mail postpaid. Lib eral terms guaranteed. Address, J. L. II KHKUT I'l'BLISHl.Nli CO., D17 tit 010 Olive Street, St. Ijouis, Mo. its popuUtioa tuts doubled ta tlie Uu six ssonths. ina vritn tlie present isia increase wui vm ,vww trlore ths close of ihe present year. Residence and. building lots which sold (or tK0 sis Booths so, ere ctanfin(r kaads l IboOO now. Property on the leedinc bueineas streets has d mneed Iron 5u lo I.WC per eeat. ths Bwt lew itbs, sad Is sua set tlie gn-uoa boot in Mmimri wuh prkos of property m other oaies. with ill raf-Mjl erovrui ot toe cur. pnniiT vum teo-foM in value dunn the neat year, and khs that C0 r A WEEK and upward positively Oi J secured bv men agents sullinfi Dr. Sisitt'H Genuine Eloctrie Belt, Suspensory, etc., and by ladies sellini; Dr. Seott s fr.lec trie Corseis. Sample flee. Stale mix. Di" Scott, bW Broadway, N. Y. Nuv.lti-Uut. in rocaiion ii on ll.e Ceorioa Pacific Rsilroafl. mica from AtUma. 4U uiles from Annittoo and 1U0 niles from llirmtmham. and tsalreadv the obiecuve :)int of three other lailioads now building or ai early surveyed. There are nearly fil'j business bouses, espress, etfir-trh and u'jHt omie. oris newtLupcr. three Shuithrs, three hotels, ctL'ht saw and nUmng Bulls irid wood working establishments, schools, cotton f Us and factories. Nearly 4,0u0.000 is represented ba the canital stock and money invested in the city St the present lime. Its elevation la l.luO feet above U.e sea, and the city is noted foe its -remarkable oealthtulnrMS, being out of tho limestone distric. Biul ntu-etv hevona tlie ranee of cholera, veliow fever, or any cpidemiis. The purest and best of Irrestor.e and mineral waters abound, and lbs not mri drinu..e Tb clinate U a happy mcdiuM brtweeit ihe ub tropical clmate of l-.ondnd the extrcne cold of the Non.;.. the average thermometer being in Winter V tjM in SumiBer 7u. Tho city u surrounded with the hit: he st envies of iron ores, manpanene and .irble, and the cold deposits of Tallaiooaa aro at tho preist-nt time aitrarnnf widespread at teat too Ov er 9I..O0J liat.alrearly been invested in nt same wl h will begin or rations by April 1st. The (old of this reuton assav from $5 00 to $300 per ton. and iitcuity of iron, gold and marble u inexbaua- uuie ssca lo te a Large MannfactcrM City TheTA!lapooea Furnace Co., capital stock 10O,000 K Wt-eady orgaiuzrd, ana are unaer con t ran io nave itrsr furnace in blast by December 1st, lboti The TiiUikmu Malleable Iron Co.. authorised caoitrf $i'0,tJ0, are under contract to have lUeir -iroiWi in or-eratton in eight months. Twe Tallapoosa Steam Brick Manufactory le al fraly puuine; in an enormous plant for brick and irrrt cotta work, with a capacity of 60,0u0 daily. aAd afTangessenis have been completed fur a wagon factory, saan, door ana Diina laciory, swikt mxntt t io Hroi.fB (art or v. roost fuiorv. and neeotia- liuns am in procress for a silk mill, to employ M) bands, cotton mill, rolling mill and several other in dustrira, wnk favorable prospcu for Uictr locauoa were al an early day, Enormous Advance in Rial Estata, Th rrtrital of the advance of real estate in Talla- tAnsj in lvi ih BifMiths would seem like a fairy Ul t tiue not familiar with the rapid growth of iikcs m Ui rich mineral belt of lUe ucsr aouio. at mmUinm ttvav tvl Irom S90 to C3UU. Stmsld bring ire times that sum before the cioeeof tbprreot year. Thks Company bare an vowed over 7VJ0 m buildings aro In procem of erection or nearly com pleted in tbe city, and bustle, push and enterprise is everywhere apparent. j em riff 9 i,vvv,vuv w-r ---vw""-w 0lrriee imsroemnr is pledged for tho city to bo located here in the neat three yeon, and this alone meant a population ol irom lea to iwcniy-UT uiwawmi. Liberal Iniuccmeiits tn Mas-faciarnrs. T. fammnw i ftrenared to ofTetr the moat Itb- eral inducements lo manulacturera who will locate their works in Tallapoosa, i ncy win oonmi hri on railroad front for plant, and other vahsabft con .derations t raw material aa4 cheap labor arc .k.tiulanl llM V naAm fBaVfrnWr. MHfCa. I 111 WIU is fast becoming the great manufacturing centre of .t.. I 1 ..jtVnrftiisr nanilfsi Uirn thifltrHls Of cltanging location will 6nd it to their advantage to Cuouauuscaie wuu una vwuij . Cose to the South, ir It is tho moat desirable section for settlers and in- wa.siir.ra in ih United Staico to-daT. rortunes arc g made rsiuidiy by mo anvance in reu cnw .na ia dtmiunr'a atocka. and we have aa yet seen but tbe beginning of an era of wonderful pros perity iq this out pamaiiyocvciopca, mourn kiij favored, section. In climate it is the Italy of Amer tea, in beaithfulncsa it is the Eden of the earth, and . jf -. I . ..I u.t akun.liar. atnji AtmmrtlilW tkl WTk IB oral products, anii in growing prosperity and pro grcsaivcucsa. no soctien of iho country can equal . PnltaSle InTestiEiti Ewrmou BitISciIj, W would caJI the soecial attention of either large or small investors, who have been accustomed to small rates ol ia ureal, to tno advantage oi i aiiav nana u k nix: aI oronLab&e and abaolutelv safe in vestment. Real estate and stocka in TalUpooaa an rapidly advancing, and in vest men ta can be made here to-day that are sure so double and quadruple before the close of tlie present year. Investments made in real etatc in a laptdiy glowing and proa nsrua. maukulaciurine citv are sure to return band- some pruata to the in veal or, and are absolutely safe investments, we nave yei to snow oi awugiv m stance ol invest menu mado here, tliat bavc not re Inrruxl Ursrst silWuicBliB lO ihe IMVeBtOT. AS lllC CII V is but yei m its uUancy, real estate is acliiug at low pricea, and those who Invest during tho nest lew months wilt reap the liarveat before valueeare forcr4 to the exhorbitant figures which will surely ioUow the rapidly growing prosperity oi wecNy. oTliostLooliijfoririTorjiltPkceforLoallci If you are wholly without money, do not cocao r. Tallanoosa. Ion t sro into any new country without at least something lo give yon a n, bus if vuti have a little monev. be you jarmor, me chanic or laborer, and desire to locate in a section where the winters are mild and equatie, and the summers no warmer than the North, vt.erc peifnt health to secured for your bell ana iamuy ; wner you can build a house for one-halt the coat of byiUJ ng the same house in tho 9mm t where you ci.ii, ive in corutort t much less than in New b-nelanj aud the West, aud are willing to use your energia eotf idMuence in co operation witn otners ua uio prosperity of the city in wbuh you are located, and appreciate a thriving, industrious, procTeaaive city and people come lo roJJajvoeea. If you aro of this cUss ynu are wanted here, and the little you have can be invested ta the building of a home thai will rapidly increase in value on your hands, or in the channel of some business or enterprise that will cant the meat graulyir.g dividends. Ccne and Investigate. Nins mii mi im of ihnu who come and DenoaaMv investigate tbe menu of Tallapoosa, as a place ol profitable investment and location, either becoevo) investors or permanent residents, or both. Tbe. wonderful advantages oi lius rieomooi mi rich mineral belt areas yet compaiaiively unknown ro Northern investors and setilera. An arMsratoj description by ut would be looked upon wiUi lit credulity. 1 Wm fill rnhmrrfully mv fn traraliw opene mf uny perun vimttiutf wooaa srAo deee wet find it omU -r- rsHNSlNff'i turn proprrwy mg mf - r-- pftfy, no rpr0rmtd by . M'4 tkm tf-oet riu4 pe I tVNooitfsttJS ir tjiseoaroro u$d fAeao (Mmg f m nolo sWrtoo o fers4oN, W we ears to como mnd ce for fnoHfvo tna wvMy mdrmmtagra lalhip9a mm mt rfoea oy pmriimhim mnd amft itvmtmrmt0 seatiois of VsialMOao or umuttrim9 or fmr rmsidm! SEND FOR PROSPECTUS. We have issued an elaborate pr-arctus, accurate ly describing ihe city and its surrounding, aod Iho property oi this i ompny. giwn g illkj'.traiioas vt many ol the buildings, residences, etc., also plat of city, price list of lots, Lair at quuiatiuns on atcn.0 this Company, and other information c7 in tet eat to investors aud settlers, which we Mill mail Ireo cm I application. Addiesa Cel. Geo. W. Hdalr, President Tallapsosa Lasd, KInlns & Han'f'g Co., T!'2?sc:a, G3. I1wr1 ff Ttnr-i mv.m t mm sa -Mgni'Of ng-pr Bsaig-, tgTfT. nrr uerx&'wraz. -:-diia i our hiinu. liinr Imiintr li-cuMi-. ait ovaa au utt U4U nat a si v