The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 16, 1888, Image 4

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One Method ur Trnohlnar Calvcn to
P. V. Dunn, liilcyl'o., Kansas, write:
Tho Prairie Farrnrr rhvo aevernl sugges
tions about (enching n calf to drink, hut
they wcro confined to the upper-lip
method, a I call it. The dillirult pnrt
is touching tlio rnlf to pin its nose into
tho pail. This is easily dono hv the,
under-lip method, liac'k the nnimiil into
corner, holding the pail with rinht
hand assisted by right lr. Put left arm
over the calf's neck, placing tho fingers
in us moutli from the t.Wr side. In
I.enrnhow to mako (irRt-elnss butter
and you can easily get first-class prices.
Thn best authorities claim that cream
should be kept at a temperature of about
fifty degree, or between thU and sixty
Mdm.milk of a dairy is worth more to
ho fed to calves in winter than in sum
mer, but it i-houid bo fed warm and
sweet, and with a littlo oatmeal. Never
destroy a cnlf's digestion with cold
m lk.
Tho chief use of commercial fertil
izers, giuno, phosphates, bone, potash,
salts and siiecial fertilizers prepared
this position the calf's lower lip rests in I bv formu'ae for different crops is to
flirt 41... I 1 1 I. 1 ' . . J . . . . . 1 . .
..... r.,,.,i ,.i iuu ii.iiiu mid ii uiinis rn i supply ni:rogcn, puospiioric acid ana
for its feed, and thus puts its nose into ' notish.
r.lf if'llf 'rn ,"""",r''- ...V""1 !!'C i no"'inS trom the o that
ZI K m k,"f:8lr yr,,hV,rRW,tl, nlT'9 fertilization as do crops of
finirerS. n lnwnwr If in fi.n numt f.,., . ..... .... ' . . .
1,,; . ' . " " ' " "." '"Y" cereals, jt is almost wliolly carbon, winch
by keeping tho linger ends against its , .wivd l, t,, ..I-,,.; tvm
milk.) 1 have been equally successful
with this method whether the calf sucked
its dam three d.ivs or two or thrp week
anil never needed allow the calf to suck
llutter. though sometimes high, in price,
is really produced from tho cheapest
elements known.
The creamery system is tho only one
my fingers after tho fourth feeding, and ?r . ,n,,,ia."lnr milk and making buttet
several drank readily at second. Calves ; "at, "ot mak. I avc I w""'c- 11
taught to drink by this method seldom j .'' K"t emancipator cf tho house
bunt tho pail about, thus spilling tho T.'f?' besides making more butter nncl of
milk. Do not nttenmt tn led, , Hrinir , higher averngo quality. As a measure ol
; attempt l
uutil they arc thoroughly hungry.
economy no good farmer should be with
out a creamery.
Corn is tho best crop for ensilage.
Clover and grass are better made into
hay. although tlicro is, undoubtedly, a
loss of nutriment in the drvinir of them.
Corn yields more weight and bulk than
Sunflowers mid Malaria.
The sunflower has long been popularly
supposed to be a preventive of malarious
diseases. The opinion is well founded,
nnd for the rnn.nn flint liiit-v c.f l..n..A.l
plants are supposed to greedily take up anv 0,hcr foi,,lL'r rroP- '' 19 beyond all
malarial gases. The sunllowcr has broad comlm"n best plant for the pur
leaves, and in relation to the si.; of tho l"""," ?o secure tho best quality of the
plant it large leaf surfjcc. The haves of fodlUr 11 should be grown in rows three
the sunllowcr were Ion" considered to bo fcct Rp,,rt ftml w,lh fonr or flve I''""'" nt
specific for asthma, when dried and nt-'rvl of eighteen inches. As it is
smoked in a pipe. Tho value in this di- ,l,slrble to hae the grain ripened the
rection has not yet been siiccessfuilvcon- co""non corn of 1,10 locality should be
trovertcd. W o recommend the planting P!ntcd.
of the sunflower freely about tho house1 Plants, like animals, rcquiro food for
in all regions where malarial emanations
are likely to be iound. This is always
the case in all prairio regions or those
where tho original sod is turned. The
-svvus re prouuecu in prolusion, lorm a
life and growth. A part of the food ol
plants tomes from the atmosphere, tho
rest is furnished by the soil. 'o ordin
ary cultivated plant can thrive without a
suliieicnt supply of each of a number ol
fattening food for poultry, and may bo substances needed for its food. With an
fed to all farm animals occasionally with abundance of all these, in forms in which
profit, The stalks broken up make ex-, the plant can uso them, and with othei
cellcnt kindlings for fires, and thus every circumstances favornble, the crop will
portion of tho plant may bo put to good i flourish and the yield be large. Hut if
uso j the available supply of any one of them
When raised in regular field rows, j be too small, a large yield is inevitable,
plant four feet apart between rows by ; If oil the other conditions for a profitable
twelve inches in the row. Cultivato pre- ; crop of corn, potatoes and other plants
cbcly ns you would Indian corn. When ! ? fulfilled in the soil, except that potash
the heads are ripo cut and carry to the ' deficient, the crop will surely fail,
threshing floor, or cut partially oil and 1?llt if the potash be supplied the yield
let them hang down on tho stalk until w''l be abundant.
dry and then thresh. The stalks may bo ! A hearty cow, fresh in milk, observes
cut next to the ground and stacked up the JVw Finland Fanner, and eating
until wanted for fuel Farm, Field and ; dry food, will fiepicntly drink five or
Stockman. j more ordinary pailfuls of water iu a day.
j If this be t:iken into the svstem near tha
Onion Cull ure on the Farm. ! freezing point it must be warmed by tha
Levi P. Warner, of New Hampshire, ! beat of tho body, which heat costs the
says in tho American Agriculturist: The farmer money, just as tho heat from the
w riter has had thirty-five years' experi- 'wood or coal we burn in our stoves costs
ence wilh tho onion as a field crop, and money. It was long ago discovered that
has not been able to discover any change beat saved by tight walls and roofs is
in those fundamental principles which cheaper tlran tho heat produced from hay
are indispcnsablo to its growth and .cr- ; nn(l ffram. It is now being learned that
fcct maturity. It requires a lino firm ! wood, coal and kerosene oil is cheaper
texturo of soil, drainage, rain-fall (or ; f,lcl fr warming water for animals than
irrigation) at suitable intervals, and if I bay or grain. Ono leeder estimates that
"The soil has been exhausted of its fertility ! during tho present winter live ocnts'
by repeated croppings it will refuse to i worth of fuel used for warming tho
yield a harvest even in these modern ' drinking water for his cows has returned
times, because tho onion has nothing in j bim $1.00 worth of butter,
itself to made a crop of. In the matter Farmers are every year learning the
of rotation we have increasing evidence j importance of sowing grass and clover
that, with proper tillage and fertiliza- ! seeds very early. It it is best to seed
tion, onions may bo grown upon tho when the ground is. frozen, nnd when
same field for a long term of years, with still further frosts may be expected,
reasonable prospect of success. Hut j Tho surface is then damp, and tho fine
methods and systems havo chunged. It 'seeds are covered sutliciently to insure
w as formerly said that the man skilled their rooting al ter they germinate. It is
with the hand-hoo who would start early better even to tiamp over tho fields
and work hard and long would be sure through the mud than to wait for the
to succeed with this crop. While the surface to become dry. (ienornllv, how
hard work has not been eliminated, ever, there aro light frosts at night nt
something more is required now. New . this season, and the Fewing can best bo
jiHttJrnpipyeu implements have been in- done on still mornings before the mud
traduced, whereby labor has been very i has thawed. The reason why grass seed
much abridged. CherjHmr-lei tili.ers j sowing must be earlier now than former
arc more gcnainWy Used. The demands ly is because vegetable matter in the
of the market aro constantly changing, soil decreases with continued cultivation.
ana tlierc is competition on every sido. nnd this prevents it from holding
The successful onion grower of the pres- ! moisture bs loug as it used to do. It
ent time must be not only u willing ! grass seed docs not get rooted early it is
worker, skilled in tho uso of improved
implements, but ho must be a well-read,
careful observer.
The soil upon which our onion crop
has been grown is alluvial, heavy loam,
uui eany cultivated, nearly level, and
quite apt to dry out and perish when dry
weatner comes.
Cutting a tree down is a quick and in
expensive way of disposing of it. Ol
course the stump is left, but if sprouts
pn ltiirnn.l nfT nnvt Tulir n 4 i. i.
..vv ..uu. u. 1UU rccuui, , Will not sprout again touoany hurt, and
practice has been to plow in antumn, , will in time rot out. Whoever tries grub
after applying a half-dressing of farm- , bing out trees as a means of clearing
yard manure to be supplemented with ntu wUi ,iro 0f it. There are place!
chemical fertilizers the e jsuing season. , whc..,j it wi)1 ,my. to remove a fow niuj
In early spring we apply to each acre I )lttve valuable land at once available for
two hundred pounds of high-grade sul- I othet llscs. uut ordinary farm crops will
phato of potash aa equal amount of j Dot pav tho expense. It is a poor littlo
plain superphosphate, nnd one hundred ,ree' that does not require three fcct
pounds sulphate of ammonia; harrow, ; saro to be grubbed over to get it out
drag and hand-rake until the ground is by the root. This is just one square
yery tino, firm and freo from all rubbish : yJrd. if it could be done for three cents
that would obstruct the seed-sower or ; it w011id mnke tho land thus obtained
push-hoc e sow four pounds per j rost $;,() per acre. Home calculation of
acre of yellow Globe Danvers onion iced, thig kiml is apt t0 come over a llmn wilcn
in drill hftecn inches apart. The do- ' llc hiw been workinga whole day to grub
mantis of the market must, however, ) out a trce. Tho next one he tackles will
regulate, to some extent the variety and; be cut down in the old-fashioned way,
amount of seed used. '1 he after-culture nnd leavc timo t0 do tho grubbinS.
consists in keeping the crop fice from j
wceas, una thorough imt shallow culti
vation oft repeated until tho crop is
nearly grown. We usually apply one
hundred pounds nitrate of soda broad
east early in July, and if the crop seems
-to re uire it, repeat the dressing after mi
interval of a week or tcu days. During
the last half of treptcmbcr tho crop is
Freaks of Dakota ISlizzurds.
Wind-rolling snowballs are often seen
on the Dakota aid Wyoming prairies.
Sometimes millions upon millions of the
liull-i aro in sight at one time. Many
are of the size of an orange, soma as
I 1.-11 l. ! I .. .l. i . i u.i i lt'ii s a c.iunuu. imu, wiuic outers reacn
ready to harvest, when we pull the onions ! ..." .: . :
and allow them to remain on the around ! ",u ,'"'. ' V ""I-"'". '
'to dry, four or live days beforo and per
haps a9 long after removing the tops.
Then, if tho weather has been favorable,
they are in fiue condition to tore or send
to market. Wo invariably prefer the
latter, because it gives more tune to at
tend to other farm-work, which always
crouds at that season of the year, nnd
also saves cost of i-toiago aud re-sorting,
though others prefer unofher course.
Our loss from smut, blight, or mag
gots has been quite small, and we repaid
tho crop as reasonably sure. Rill, there
is an occasional shortage which amounts
to twenty, thirty, and sometimes even
fifty per cent, of tin) crop. It conies
alike on the well-carcd-for and the neg
lected UeUls iu tho locality, and some
times over a wide extent of country.
This result occurs, perhaps, not more
frequently than once in a decado of
years, and we have not been able to trace
it to any well defined cause.
I'arm and (iardcu Uinta.
The safe way to get good milk cows is
to raise them.
Kemove the sieds before feeding
pumpkins to cattle.
Dampness is a great producer of dis
easo among poultry.
Water cattle frequently or let them
have free access to it.
l'or growing calves, oatmeal may have
tea 1 1 led milk uddud to it.
Dirty boots are as much out of place on
the hay fts on tho carpet.
Keep the poultry, old and young,J)ul
of the spring slop mid slu.ih.
Poultry are fond of milk and butter
Ulilk, aud they promote laying.
the county fair. The-e freaks of the
storm leave a person under the fanciful
impre-sion that great armies of school
boys have been battling over the snowy
Truth in an Acrostic.
A stands for Action, which
makes lysines move;
D for the Dash, which ne'er
gets in a groove;
V stands for Vim, which e'er
leads to success;
E for the Energy
hustlers posse;
R stands for Reason
to wineri guod sense yields;
T stands for Type, which the
world's Bceptre wields;
I stands for Industry,
handmaid of thrift;
8 for the Sales, which don't
couie aa gift;
I stands fur Indolence,
mull's grcatasl cursj;
N for tlie Nothing. In
I .aytxme s purse;
G stands for Gold, which you
ull want to gel;
P stands for Putieuce,
winch bids you not fret;
A for Advice that you
keep out ot dubt;
V stnnds for You, sir, whom
tlius 1 ud is?;
,3 for Success, if you
Lut AU V Kit '!!-.
L'otumbuM .Ohio) Dispatch.
Dr. Anna Kingsford for sixteen rears
never touched meat Or alcoholic drinks.
Ked gowns, wool for tho street nnd
China silk for tho house, nro again in
Two young ladies from lloston make a living by teaching whist in New
York city.
Tlio r.mprcss of Austria has almost
entirely given up hunting, which sport
she used to be very fond of.
The Km press of Hussi.i gets no relief
from her rlicumatMii nnd will probably
visit Aix-le Hains in the spring.
Mrs. Frank Leslie told a rcportet
recently that she had to decline "on an
averngo two offers of marringo every
day" of her life.
It is said that tho ever popular sailot
hat, this summer, will have quaint
crowns of drawn silk, with a cluster of
ribbon perched nt the top.
A certain French Countess of econom
ical habits recently married her steward.
It is presumed that she was desirous ol
saving the expense of his salary.
Colored crapes will be used very ex
tensively in millinery, nnd for summer
wear nothing can be prettier. All the
desirable shinies arc to be found in this
Pretty summer dresses for littlo girls
are made of striped gingham of two
contrasting colors, worKed all over with
white wheels or open compass or star
The cord and tassel is a favorite mode
for trimming the spring costumes of
wool, and draped gracefully like a
girdle they make a simple yet graceful
Panels, plastrons, etc., of whito cloth
nro bra ded with gold or fancy tiuscl
braid, and are inserted in cloth costumes
of light gray, navy blue, dark green and
terra cot In.
Large plaids aro preferred for littlo
girls' gingham dresses, nnd these are
trimmed with plain-colored ginshnin, oi
with all-over embroidery cut into tabs
and epaulettes
Largo plaids in light gray, bluo, bufl
or brown wool, or figured challi or gay
striped mouselino do laino, nro being
made up into spring and summer frocks
for little girls.
Most bodices aro now fastened with
hooks nnd eyes, or buttoned invisibly.
When buttons are visible, they are merely
small mollis covered with cloth, orj small
crocheted balls.
Polonaise costumes cntirelv of wool
are trimmed with moire sash ribbon ten
or twelve inches wide, which is arranged
as n girdle and sash, aud also cut up to
form a est and revcrs.
Pearl and crystal dress garnitures aro
intermixed with gold. S-ilk cords and
beads in white and gold will be used to
trim costumes of white wool, crcrelinc
nnd India silk for summer wear.
lllnck hats are likelv to be vcrv norm-
lar this season. Kconomical ladies will
welcome this fact, as black hats are uni
versally becomiuir, aud may bo worn
with toilets of every description.
Graceful back draperies for si Ik dresses
are composed of three breadths, which
aro laid in two triplo box-plaits at the
belt, each plait, being caught up in the
middle to give a slightly bunchy effect.
The youns ladies who aro studying at
the ,Wesleyan University of Iowa have
adopted a uniform consisting of a cap
and a loose-fitting garment, not unlike a
Mother Hubbard, that reaches to tho
A costume of striped wool, recently
noted, had the plaited skirts arranged so
that the stripes went around tho figure;
the stripes of the front drapery were like
wise, and the back drapery had diagonal
Tho newer pockctbooks show a tend
ency to shorter nnd broader forms, al
th nigh the great majority have by no
means revived tho square shape. Tho
modified lengths are, however, tho pre
ferred sort.
.Mrs. M. A. Crocker, of San Francisco,
Cal., has given the Young Women's
Christiau Association $10, OOP, which w ill
be used iu purchasing a lot upon which
a building will be eventually erected by
the association.
Many of tho new waists aro plain on
tho shoulders and plaited at the waist
line. This is a pretty way of using bor
dered goods, as the edges are straight,
and the selvage may be used as trimming
along the buttons and buttonholes.
Francis I., of France, was the first
monarch who introduced ladies nt his
court. lie said, in a style of true gal
lantry, that a drawing room without
ladies was like tho year without the
spring, or the spring without flowers.
A young lady, who was one of a leap-
year party at llonncrsvillc, Dakota, pro
posed to tho gentleman she escorted, and
on being accepted produced a minister
nnd they were married. Now she says
it was only a joke, but the bridegroom
insists that it was not, and has appealed
to tnc courts.
Frocks of light wool for little girls
are often made with a velvet yoke, which
is cut low to wear over a guimpe, the
armholca being simply corded without
sleeves, and a velvet, belt inserted. Tho
velvet yoke sometimes extends down the
front to the belt, the space between be
ing laced with ribbon or silk cord.
Henrietta cloth dresses aro made with
the skirt quite plain, or else in side plaits,
which are either very small or four or
five inches in width. A single wide
band or several narrow rows of watered
ribbon are the favorite garnitures. Tho
front drapery may be long or short, as
preferred, but the back should be very
long and full, ami arranged with plaits
in the middle and the sides in jabot folds.
I'g Vec Yam is the uumc of a Chinese
woman who recently arrived in Han
Finncisco. Hhe is possessed of wonder
ful beauty, and the Californians havo
gone wild over her. Hie is a sister-in-law
of Lee Kong Yon, a well-known
cigar manufacturer of Fan F'rancisco.
This is the tirtt time that a really hand
some womuu h is come to this country
from China. Those who have seen I'g
Yeo Yam say that her beauty can well be
called celestial.
The doctors say that quinine is used
to excess more than any other drug.
W will print tout niMi and
ddieaa iu Anicn an Agrius'
lore. f. r oly I nl
lit ftotlair lnrp;you will tha cecn grrat numtxra u( intt
(lira, taiiii, ratal fii, bHka, uiuj la ttutksaf art, on uL.ia,
Mmi-nriix . pdpri. enteral aiiilca, etc , ett , t Kiuu I
J..u Hie giral Lit, ad tirltlof ilia pirat iiidyniriit atttl aR-nrf
(uainraa. 'IJtoaa Mb.-w abiiita arc iu ihit Imt. u.ry ofirn rciVa
(lial t hn h it ui. )iasJ. Wutiiil iwt .0 or f HI catU. '1 houaauda
( tutu ami wuiarti maka large auma vf Miunejr in tlia ap;'iv f
buaiuraa i cna uf millions ut dillaia awih -i ai yri if
aonl throna-h irrnii 1 his Diieriury la aUKttt anj u"l tiy ll
jatti-K puLlisliera, bokellMa, hoHt iUalra, mituiuti and
ntaiuf lurrra uf the I nitcii Malr and k ur'. It it irptatdrj
i ha lanvlaid Af lila hircc lory ( Hit world and la i lied uun t
Iiartfst until all ahuM iiaauta a (far in it i liuae nlia
pamraarcin it Hiilkatp ii- and un ail Hie new twunr inaait.g
tiiinga dtat come out, mIuIo liiriaiuia ii fluw lo iliem in a
aicatly an cam. (be irreal birnamaol iha most rrlialilc nm.a mil
f (.nt nrliiaall. Acenia maar Itmitry iu llirir on n lo. aliUfi,
icruu utaka limit' iiavrliiii; all at.-tu.d ume afrnta .uiika
uvfi ie.ii ill..tiaail iWllaraa i-ar. All drj-emU u" tthal MiaaKtnt
baa lo aril. I- tt ihna are li kimw U shuul ilia bua.m-aa wf
ttioaewhw utiil'.y atci.ia; Um-so olin hae il.i kiif.iinatiuo
biaka ttai niuitry aaaiiv . ilmta wha namia aic in Una Uiicc.
Iur rri tLia tiUoiuiailuit IHkt aud i.lci. J ! lnitiUrf
la umvI Ly all Crtt i laa nn.ia. all ucr ilia world, wlia amnio?
ageta. ti-r i,ii"i aucti rumiUH ii V'-ur uaina ia tin
lU(V will Liin( you iu ureal ittl"in.atiun and Imga vulue , thiu
J(,.la still iliii.ub it Liu Irdtu .i vnial'le m rk. and rK 1 1 m i.
, aj. r, tiia iy l-ralaurall iiioaliiKiit uii vau utaka. la ( liaT
wui itsuai' ami addiraa -(ii. id iu ibta d.rattoiy. Audtraa,
'Didn't Know It Wan Loaded."
T1m younp man Ml dead I
A friend ltal pointwl a revolver at him.
"Ho didn't know it was loaded I"
We oflnn hear it stated that a msn is lot
resKinsilie for what ho docs not know. Ths
law pnsupMWP knowlodno and tlierefor
convicts the man who excuses crime by
" If I hnd only known"1 has often been an
unfortunate tnnn's apology for somn evil
iiiiknowingly wrought, hut In a mutter of
general inierest as for instance that land
annnt iaapoisnn, that nnplitha is a deadly
explosive, that hlorxl heavily charged with a
winter's n vinniilBtions of the wnt of tho
svstem, it is olio's duty to know the fact and
tho eonseiiuenet s thereof. Our good old
grandmothers know for instnnc. that the
opening of spring was the most perilous pe
riod of t he year.
Why I
Hecnuse then the blood stream Is sluggish
and ehillet by tho cold weat her, and if not
thinned a good deal and made to (low quickly
ami healthfully through the arteries and
veins, it is impossible to have good vigor the
rest of tho year. Hence, without exception,
what is now known ns Warner's Ixig Cabin
Sarsnparilla was i!entifiilly made and re
ligiously given to every member of the fam
ily regularly through March, April, May
and Juno. It is a matter of record that this
prudential, preventive and restorative cus
tom savwi many a fit of mekness, prolonged
life nnd happiness to vigorous old ago, and
did away with heavy medical expendi-
Mrs. Maggie Keivhwal, Lexington, Ky.,
used Bi ner's l og t'bin Sarsnparilla "for
nervous siek headache of which 1 had been a
sufferer for years. It has been a great Ivenefit
tome." ("apt Hugh llarkins. 1114 s. l.Hh
Ht, l'hiladelpliin, l'a., says "it purified mv
blood and removed the blotches from my
skiit" Mrs. A area Smith, Topton, Iterks
Co., Ta , says she " was entirely cured of a
skin disease of the worst kind," by lig Cabin
Sarsnparilla. Bad skin indicates a very bad
condition of the blood.
If you would live and be well, go to your
druggist 'oilay and get Warner's Tog Cabin
Snrvipanlla and take no other, there's
nothing bkn it or as good, and completely
rynovatJ vonr impaired system with this
simple, old-fashioned prenration of roots
and herbs.
Wnrivr, who makes tho famous Safe Cure,
puts it up, and that is a guarantee of ex
cellence nil over the known world. Take it
yourself and cive it to the oilipp miMiilur. ni
the family, including the children. You will
1 astonished at its liealth-giving and life
pmloiiging iwvers. We sav th s editorially
with xrfeet confidence, because we have
heard good things of it everywhere, and it
name is a guarantee that it is tirst-class in
every particular.
An Expensive Tropical Dinner.
"A tropical dinner," which cost tl'o
per cocr, exclusive of wine nnd music,
was recently given by onoof New York'r
millionaires, who wonted to make a
splurge. Twenty courses were served.
There was no cloth on tho table: a palm
leaf fan was laid beforo each guest, nnd
on these the plates rested. Tho in-
uixuiiui uccorauons ar, earn piste cost .
-o, i ne iavors cost as mucn more, and
the menu cards cost $10 each. A bou
quet of ten strawberries, costing $". was
placed before each guest. 'Ihetrulles
were imported from Franco. There was
a miniature lake, with gorgeous tropical
trimmings, on the table. I Ionian punch
was sened in oranges hanging on an
nranso trce, tho pulp having been so
leftly removed that the guests could p:ck
their own fruit. The dinner is tho talk
l tho uppcr tendom. Atlanta Comtitu
'ini. Tho leaf of tho tobacco grown in
Turkey is very much smaller .than that
of the Americnn varieties, and is of a
beautiful golden color.
Tho assessed vnluo of the farms in
Pnkota is about . sf iO.t.OOO.OOO, and tho
value of tho farm products in 1S87 was
very ncaily f 1,01)0,000.
Hnnie Foollnh People
Allow a cough to run until It gets beyond the
reach of inrtlieine. They often say, "Oh, It
will wear awav," but in most eases It wean
them away, t'nnld they bo induced to try ths
successful medicine called Kemp's Hnlsam,
they would immediately see the excellent
effect after taking tho first dose. l.erge foot
I U s, SO ee ts aud $1.00. Inat tUe ree. At all
AxKnglish Hishop has prohibited oran re
citals ami lik entert.iinm -tits to wtiieh ad-nii-sioti
is eliarjitl in the churches oi his dio
cese. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp
Hin'i, K c-uuler. Druggists sell at " bottle.
Why We Win
Ftvntiitt IUnmI's RarApnrilU is tha best tprlnj
mHllkine aud bliKxl putiner.
HtMaiiRt' it i a ciiucntrato I x tract of tha bsM
rl eiMtU-f ami blaai purlljlnf renaeiiM of ih ret
t table kinRj'im.
ltfoaut, by a petitlar oomblostinn, proportloTi
and preparation, It pouesses curaUvo power peeullai
to Ittc'.r.
n oauie It Is unotjuiloi fr the cur of acrofula,
ault rlteuiu, bulla, plmpta, humnra, etc
It.H-nute It I tiift only metlMne of which cn trulj
I hum "i don? uno dollar,' an unauawarable ar
gum nit aa to
Strength and Economy
Because It pfTecta rtm ratable cures where other
prcparait tot tot.illy full
llucuiiae there In nothioff equal to It for carinf
dyipepsia, bllluiune-w, alck headiche, lndlgeatloo.
Boca t lie it miiM the kMueya and liver and keepi
thetie orrfan1 In healthy condition.
Uecauae every artk'lo entering Into It la carefullj
L'aniied, none I ut t o beat U uaetl, andall the roou
and hert are jtr und In our own druj mill whlci
make 1m possible the use of anything Impure or de
leterious. Itecause It 1a not alvertUed to do anything which
It has not already ucoompU hed.
Uecau-e Hootl'a Sararllla Ii an
Honest Medicine
and every purchaser receive a fair equivalent for
hi money.
Because we ak n'y a fair price, and do not lm
pow upon the public confidence by absurdly advr
tii)R Hood' hurMparillu aa "worth" more than we
tell It fo
il? uumj tm ml 'irt lain? la nrltrlnal and not d 'pend
int upou thu brulit of itimftlt'rs.
Bfi uui It la a mtxleru medlciue ; the ripe f ru t of
t elml :tiy and atudy of eipe lenml phannacltts
under who e peraooal dlr ctlon It Is still prepared.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all drti;lts. $1 ; tlx for $j. Prepared only
byC. I. llooU Jk CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mais.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
S Y If V-1&
An ntrlvcomplnxlon mud NdMe ft frltjhfc,
Ilcr fnen nl pimply end red
Thouirh her toiit'tre wore good, and her blue
rvoa wer bright,
Xh plain girl Is Nelllep they enld.
Put n it, n hy mnutc, plnln Nellie Imt proem
n n itur nn an nriiti itrti;iiT iiivnui;
Her tnre in nn awect m a Ihiwer now-Mowni
llcr checks are like peaches mid eret n.
A Nellie wnlkanut In the fnlr morning light.
Her brant attract every .
And n for the people w hn called hera fright,
'Wh , Nellie a hjin Isome:" they cry.
And the reason of the rh.-tnge Is t lint Nellie
tetk Dr. IMerreXioblen MimicI licover
which rcgulittel hr liver, rlenrel her rnin
plexlnn, mude her Wcd pure, her bienih
aweet, herf e fair and nwy, nnd reinoveil 'he
defects (hit hid otmuiotl her uiMUity. ISold
I'J ill UL'K f'1''
A K anss postofflce lm lccn nnmed after
i'n nu-1 iantont, the I'reantciirs 1'r.vute Secre
Haw re ftelect n Wife.
Oood henlth, good morels, gi d sense and
grxMi tcntiier aie me four esnehttnl lor a gru
wile. '1 hee nre the fndisp'nsabhM, After
them rmne the nun or advoutHtfe of kimmi
looks C(MvnpHhnfiils, fnmilv position, Ho.
With the tlr-t four, mnrrie I life will Iw cm.
fortahlennd ha'ipy. lurking either, it will be
In nmre r leN ileree a f:iiluro 1'imn tc'l
health den nds largely good t -niper and gotnl
look , nnd osomeei ent geM anae a n
1 oe u et mina must n a lit, led more or less n
!lit wcnkncM nml whinn attendant on frai
heal h. Young man If your wife is fallm
iniortsinieot invHiiiiinm,ifrst vi rv
lo remote her health. If di in trmihl d wild
utMiniTiu ipiii ie weaKiiesses nuy ir
Plerco'e favorite Prescription. It will cure
Tiikhk are Tl "chnmpions of Kngland' In
gann a ot all t-nrtA.
Pierce's Pleas tU Purgitive IV'lets Possess
'""''nil i men y, rusi i auucsviy, iromoie
PhvNit-al Pi-osjH'nty.
Fink manners are like personal beau I y A
letter of credit everywhere.
Ilntntnte Kcnrlii in K nnsns Nebras
ka, A r.nnas nnd Tcxns.
The Missouri PaciHc Kailw.ty will run etcur
ioMia to all points In Kunsusnnd Nebraska, 40
miltM wfs f Missouri Hiver points, tit ab ve
rate, AnriUMth. 2'it h : Mav Hth. lHh, M. ill;
Juue, PUh.aiih. Mlsoiiri Pacilk lUil
w y nnd Iron Mountain ltnute will rim excur
sion to Texas mot A kansas at t he same r.ts.
April :.vib: May nth, June nth. Ample
. nut i in t n'Kfii niiii si op. over privileges i . r..
Mo, t, K. P. A., m UMwav, N. Y. It. t Town
end, (i n. Past. nn I Ticket Ag't, M. liOuKM .
rnnitmpi1nn rSurelv ( a red.
To thn r-.tlitiir' Planus infnrm vims Mi.lnr
that 1 have a jMtriitive reined v for the above
iinnii'ii nv us timely use thouaandsor
hot lees cases have been ermanently cured. I
shall be glad to vend two bottles of mv remedy
ritKK toanv of your renders who have con
sumption if they will send me their Kzpross
aiiiu i . v. aiuiron. riespcciTUllY,
T. A. Sl.OC't'.M, M.C.. 1S1 Porl BU. N. Y.
Ilnnr In (inlu Mnt anil HI mivtk,
I'so Rftrr prh m al ."t'OTr'H KH'l,n! with
Hyioili,miliitos. H Is iu paliilulilo lis milk,
ami easily iliu, steil. Tlie raplilily with whirli
ili-lli at (x-ople liiinmvii with Its usn Is wiim
l'if ul. I o Ii and iry our wimkIiI. As a
reimily for Cniisiiinpiliin, Throat atTet'tlnn
' it Hmni hltK ,t is unmiual I. l'li aso r. a l:
"I us;'l Si-Ktt's Kniiilsion ill a iliil.l oilit
innnlhs uM wilh KO il rc-lllts. llouulno lour
l nuiids n a very short tiinr." Tm. 1'itiM, M.
!.. Aliil'aniA.
D RUCCI2TS. and Dealers. UvERvwHfREj
Thp CHs;.A-VnRFLER Co-Balto-Mo
reo turpi tart aft
Htffig Ely'tCtram Bttlm
ftro month to Jlnd th
riyht no ril, tchich trn.
chmed for twenty yeart
trot often and free u
the other. J ferl very
thankful It, Jt, Or
engftam, r,i Wh Street!
V ooklyn. j
A pnrtlele la npp r 1
Mil'ieHca moiiii aim i
ni:rtM;ib e. Price raiceiit
aitiruc I i ; tty n I. lequier
H1.Y Him i n K us. z
rrw - e
Newark, N. J., Sept. 19, iT"
Messrs. Trocter & Gamble, Cincinnati.
Gentlemen: Although a stranger to y, and my ft-
entirely unnecessary as it certainly is unsolicited,' yet I t.-'
pleasure in testifying to the excellence of your "Ivory" .
and thanking you for putting it on the market nt so low a pri
It has entirely supplanted the use of Castile and other I
soaps in my household for several years past, being in n?
inferior, and from fifty to seventy-five per cent, more cconon
A good test I .find for the purity of soap is to try it w
brush for cleansing the teeth, and the taste of the "Ivory" :
so used is perfectly sweet and clean.
Very Respectfully Yours, W. S. BAKER, M
Thfra are many while loaps, each represented to be "just is good at tb&'lv
they ARE NOT, but like ill counterfeits, lack the peouliar and remarkable qu.ii!
the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting It.
OopTrlKht 1RK4, br Pmrtir A (Iambi.
Whw 1 my curti I do nt mean merelr to etna tbtn
foralimndttn ha, thtin rvturn aain. 1 wan a
rm.liral i-ure. 1 Itatx njarln iha i1imu ol I ITS, KH1L
t-.t'NY or rAlllMl MiMir.M iir lnn( atnur . 1
arrant mi romarlf tn rura the won Haoauss
there h filrl i no rtamn tor not new reciin
Cure. iSfntl t nr Utt trcatiM and Yrrm Rot It
cf m inlalhhi rvmeilr. it Kierww ud Pnt Office.
U. t. KtOTtl.l..lha 1'rarl wi. New Verk.
TC V AC I A W ft -V 000.000 tere bent Rgrleiil.
I LAMO IHIIUuiMi aiui cr.rinr knd f.rale.
DIS-j9sfDSIl. Cr EngltthGoul and
Dial! SrlHSi Rheurrutiri Remedy.
P OT fl '' " hom IMlt onta wn) arwrtJnr, Am Iha
UULUt anvitiltia- rU In Iti" arntlil Flth-r t"l Cnallv AMtrll
fa,. Jrwikk. A .Mi , iHtl A l'ii.,uuMa,Miaa
Llnt-a imt mi'l'T th hnrati'ii fmi. W rite
1 rtiwoter -nfftv Keln Ho.t .,. HoIIt, Vie
1 Ol.ll l worth tMWiM'r l.
VX wonhi.iii, ut m iMihl t
kix by
e Blve l
A Tom Wtaajnu
1rQ ltrra, Hcrl a'. .
tawf ftcKi an4 h'M f c
Kaavi ali s, u r j
ttlkfl lM' ,
niM.11 a
rti:i-i4a(ivirniiiiit .
f kV-Mll.l ONof ArKK3o rH l Sllnn
Iiukotn, Xunienn. itt n, W MM-itr .n
eruA CAR ruhlkattltiia wliti m.m.
dCnif rUll HKTAKr(eultumWJ).
I nnili now ui en tn set r. rfait 1'
CHAS. B. LAM30h i i . ,
I W Uat tlie Ucnulniv 8"lrt E rnbt
I I I 5 I !
'1 lie nut i w lm una in vi a iril Ih'Iii llm-e
tn tivv ililri in A ItitbtH-r ml. Knit
At Ihi tlmt Itrtlt lurnr eH'rirnre In
e ttonii nntlt to hia nrrw thl It !
hntly a letter pruln-tum tti.ui a tno
flutto nritiitit, nt imty ft-4'li rhncruied
At bring m bniiy tHki it In, toil Alto
feels If he !- not ok exactly like Mnfl n 11 t'tli
ter iha "HSU llUAMr Si.khh Ml V Ami mke n mhr. Ifr
dors not hit vr the fiH hkmi. teiul torileartinttTerAiAlomie. A..1.TnwR.ifiniiii'n Hi..
ajj "teX1 ItX'I 1 X 'X 3Em f 1 t "l!! i 'X Ii' atfr i 3r l1 f I
We oner Ihv mA hku wtuita rtt.f- f
(not style) a irartiM'tU that vlM ric$i
liim dry In thr huiOvat stini. H
railed TOW Klt'H Drill HRANl
' 8 LICK Kit," a name fsuiiiiar tn evrrr
tow-btiv all nvrr Hit- lml. With Hi-m
the rnly Lvrfi-et Wdid aiuI Wat-rnruf
t la IViwrr'a Kih Urmt pii r. '
For a case of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure.
QJ V til I Ji
frorvnmiiT, iw. i
8 YI PTOSIS OF THE DISEASK.-T)iiU, henvy hoadacho,
ottstrtK'tion of tho naul pnKmitn, dim'liartr lallintr fniu tho
head into the tliroat, Aomi-ttima profit, wntory, und acrid, tit
othtTfl, thick, U'liat iona, miirnui, purulent, hlontly and putrid;
the oyeej are weak ; there in nnifiiiff In tlio cnta, dufneea, hut-kinjr
or couifhina; to kar the throat, expert oration of oili'nsive mat
ter, toKftluT with Aialfti from ulevrs; tho voice ia eh an (fed ana
has a "nasnl twanjf "; th lireotli in offontive: amell and tnto
impaired; tliore is a sensation of dizrineiw, with mental drnn-a-Bimt,
a bark ina; mutrli and (renernl dehtlity. Only a fjw of tlio
above-named symptom are likt'lv to bo pn-aent in any one coat'.
Thoiiftamts of c:ia- annually, without uiitnifeatiiifr hnlf of the
above symptoms, result in consumption, and end In the aravn.
No dimoiie is so nininon, more deceptive and dantreroua, leea
understood, or mora unsuuccsutully trt-aUd by ihyiciune.
r'''M VO'.S'i'li wV. ""'r monui-
1 1 . Jrw' l Ulr nal color. An
IJr' iCj .tfllf, b nil In. iofiKoa
!v 3 . jr'i-i I 'S If and beautirlfs
f f i.TiAv.- I Mil J'K"w
l ; I 1 rl S'.'iT H"tortne.
V A' 1 f 4lJ l'reveni hair
Comhoh Sense
If you wmild rrmovn an evil, Urihe at W
mil, A tho iroilifipKiliiir or nal ruuw cif
catarrh Is, In thn majority of can, ma
weaknesa, linpurltv, or olhrrwiau fHUliy
comlitliiu of tliu vyatcm. In at tempi inn to
euro Ilia t'ii60 our oii( aim iniiRt lm
directed to li rcmniul iif tluU. caiutr. Tho more we 8i of tlni
odious iliwaac, nnd we (rcat. iicccssfullr thoiiranda of enw a 111
nuully at. tlio Invalid' Ilotvl and Huririral limtitnlc, the nioro do
we realize tho iinnoruineo of comliininv with the use of a local,
aoothing and li- ulitiif aiilkiitlnn, a tUomuijh and jxurultut Inter
nal uJof blood-cleansing and tuuio incdlciata.
T In curlnjr catarrh and all the various dlacascg with
iiHIFF I which it w m 1 freiincntly uoiiipllctiti d, aa Ihroiit,
Uillkr I hnkiwhiul. Hnd hinir diHeitaca. weak stomach. cu
ttirrliul dciifncna, weak or iiiilainud eyes, impiiro
blood, airofulous aud ayphilitio taints, the wonder
ful nowers and virtues of Dr. Tierce's (loltlen Med
ical Discovery cannot be too stxouKly extolled. It lius a sueclUo
j Relirhce. I
effect upon tho llmnir mucous membranes of the nasal and
ir-paiwairea, nroinotiim the natunil a. cretion of their follicles and
ulnnds, tlieieby aoltcuiiiK tho din asid and thickened membraw,
and restoring It to Its natural, thin, delleute, ninlt, healthy con
dition. As a lilood-purlller, it is unsuriiamcd. As tho
which compllcnU) catarrh arc disea aof the linimr muuona i in
liranea, or of tho blood. It will readily be aecu why this medlcloo
is so well calculated to cure them.
. I Asa local application for heallns: thedlaenard condl-
I nf!lL I tlon In the head. Dr. Have's t atarrh Keincxly Is beyond
kuuuk a ram pn,.),,,,, tne b t iri'arution ever lnv ntrd.
IrrilT I It is mild and pleaaant to use, pi-odin'lnr no amarlina;
fiULnl. I or imin, and coutainlnc no strong, irritutlng, or caua-
mmmmm in Arxnr or other nolKon. This ltemetlV la m bower-
ful antiseptic, and speedily destroy, all had smell which accom
panies so umnrraw"! ' " 1 n 1 1 " . mu .i. u.... D "
Quae who sun or irom in is aiatase.
The Golden Medical Tilscovcry la the mfitursl
"helpmate" of Dr. Haae's t atiirrh Menu .iv. li
not onlv cleans -fl. uurilli-s. rcaulates. a nl I ml.
PlIDC? I "P 1,10 system to a healthy siandnrd. tu .i
UUnLO. I quers throat, bronchial, and luna; tvuiplirm
mhJ when anv aueh xlllt- but. fl'utll 1IH ; ..
effects Kin the linina; niembrune of the nasal pawip.-ti. i; -
ninterially In rectorina; the diseased, thlckenid. or nlccrun-i n.t
lunne to a healthy condition, and thus umlieotes tlK) diacaw.
Whin a cure la cliccted in this manner it it permanent.
Tloth Pr. Plercc'i (loldcn tied I cal Plscovcrr and Pr. Pair's
Tutarrh Remedy aie sold by druKKists tho world over. Iilsom cry
ii no, six bottles for .(Xi. Ur. bage'i Catarrh Jteiucdy W ccutt,;
Llllf-doK'n bottles t'J.M.
A complete Treatiso on Catarrh, glvlnsr yaluablo hints as to
clothimr, diet; and other matters of Importance, will be maileil,
tiust-pttid to any addrtsa, ou receipt of a IS-tx.nt postago stump.
Address, World1) Ilspcnsary ITledlcal Association,
No. 683 Main Street, llcrs-ALO, N. Y.
D n i I fJ U o n P A T A R R H "r
IIVVUII W r roiuiuw cut
r(Mfa. I utiitittl- d for ( ftifcr rhavl throat
ftflti'tloU!, luul liit-ath, i-rttMtMve ndtra, r tttruat.
Ul in the hru'l. Ak for " Koioh
aa 1onaajourAn,prA
M ill iriun ni', kj w r lu
ll l a or BK'ltHf uf Ui
leaOrelle oil
l(tinci4 anil urt-rriitA
V rinklt-a, and rmiuh
n )a uf Klwh or akin
piertrrvra a yuc.itiful,
pUiiup, fi iii cuiitliLiott
if Die ffttturr i ro
inuvvn ihiplea, clrort.
i no vunipiMXitin,
xiiiy nillum kii'jMU
tliut will arrwt aatsl pr
MntUMarrjl vrlullafl
$1. I'riiitViala of kxp,
tt. H. HBLIft, (haia4,
rry Utf, t.
a. -mi, I jm i a w, i, ds M'-wa J :.jfi
Sold by Druggists.
29 Cents a Vial.
Pr. Pierce's Pclleta oiienito without disturbance to
the system, diet, or occupation, l'ut up In gins
viuls, heiiuetlmlly sealed. Always frvh and n lin
ble. As a gentle laxative, alterative, or active
purgative, they give the most crlcct aatisfuciion.
The original
As tlVEB F1XI, they are I'uequaledl
licwareof Imitations, which contain Poisonous MineraJa. Always ak for
Dr. Fierce s rem la, win i DOSL
or AnU-bilioui Oraaulog. ONE PEULtT A UUkt.
unions Headache, Dizziness, Constipation,
lnilige.tioii, llilious Allacka, and all ili riinge
iim nt. of tho stomach and bowels, are promptly re
lieved and p. riiiauently cured by the use or ur.
uiri.i.ii Veiieia. In fi iilanatlon of their remedial
power over so great a variety of discuses, it may ,
truthfully be said that their action upon the system la universal, not a
gland or tlasuo escaping their sanative iiitlucnee.