The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 11, 1888, Image 3

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. .
lurgm.lK s. Knox.
lAimn7mt-North ward. L. J. Hop
kins, H. M. Foreman, H. D. Irwin. South
ward, J, V. Soowden, W(u. Smearbaugb,
J. K. Proper.
Jmttlera of (A iVaee 3. T. Brennen,
CVim6f ami CulM-for S. 8. Can field.
ScAoet DireetorsO. W. Robinson, A.
B. Kolly. J. tl. Dlngman, D. 8. Knex,
1. W. CI Ark, E. L, Davis.
frmber of Congress 3 avtm T. Maf
rTT. Member of Senate 3. II. Wilson.
Aittmbly-rCaAtii.r.n A. Randall,
1'residint JudgtW. D. Brown.
Assoeiat Judges Lewis ahm eh. J no.
A. Proper
Treasurer SoLOttOM FitzosraLD.
Prothonotary, Register 4t Recorder Jte.
CaLviw M. AnKR.
Sheriff. CI eo. W. Sawtv.
CymmissionerM Wm. D. SHIELDS, C.
County SuprrintenttrntQ ko. Vf. KCRR.
IKstriet Attorney P. M. Clark.
Jury Commissioners C. H. CaPRCB,
Amos L. CoorER.
Cnunfv Surveyor IT. C, Whittrbiw.
Owoner Dr." J. W. Morrow.
Connfy Auditor E. L. Joker, R. Z.
OiiXEM'ia, Wm.
JVo. 3C9,
I. O. of O. F1.
MEET9 every Taesday evening, nt 7
o'clock, In tbe Lodge Room lu Par-rrldu-o'a
F.. 8. HOYT, X. n.
O. W. SAWYER, Bec'y. 27-tf.
TXIREST LODGE, No. 184, A. O. TJ. W..
I Meets every Friday Evening In Odd
lellowa Hall.Tlonesta.
J. E. WENK, Recorder.
No. 274, O. A, n.
Meets on the first Wednesday In each
month, In Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta, Pa.
8. D. IRWIN, Commandor.
Office next door to P. O., Tionesta, Pa.
J. B, AQMF.W. r. M. CLARK,
' Dint r lot Attorney.
r nivia
. . mm B V . V 1 T A tt
Tionesta, Pa.
Collections made In thin and adjolnlug
Tionesta, Forest County Pa.
l w Ai?now, Proprietors. This
ituso in centrally located. Everything
w ind well furnished. Rupeiior Ac
commodations and Ktrlrt attention given
t guests. Vegetables and Fruits of all
I.-In. In served In their season, kiample
ooin for Commercial Amenta.
CENTRU, HOUSE, TloneVa. Pa.,
O. O. Hrownell. Proprietor. This I a
. iew home, and hasjnot been fitted up lor
the accommodation of the pulll. A por
ion of the patronage of the public Is sollo--J4.
J W. 11. KOTH. Proprietor.
'Tbt larpe't, Runt Located and Furnlnhed
IIouso in the City. Xtvar Union I)eot,
Plij-Kiulan, Surgoou A DruiruiHt,
?t o. Armtitrona county, having located
in Tio"eita in prepared to attend all pro
fional calU promptly and at all hours.
I) II! re aid residence two doors north of
Ikwrence Iloime. Offtce honra 7 to H a.
m., and 11 o 12m; 'i to 3 and (1) to 7 p.
M. Miuulaya, 9 to 10 a. M. ; 2 to 3 ami t
t71r. M. may-18 81.
l)It. J. W. MORROW.
I Living purohaaod the materials Ac, of
1r. iteadinan, would respot-tiull v an
nuurce that he will carry on the Dental
buaiiiPH in TionoKta. and having bad over
alx years suocosaful experience, oonHiders
lilniKcll fully oompetont to give entire sat
lsfactloit. t Khali alwaya give my medi
cal practice the preference. ma'r22-82.
Corner of Elm A Walnut St., TinneHta,
Pa., Bank of Diacount and Deposit. I n
torent allowed on Time Deposits. Collec---tiona
made on all the Principal- points of
the U. 8. Collections solicited.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Civil engineer and Surveyor.
Land and Railway Surveying- a Snecialtvi
Mao;netln, So'ar or Trlanijulation Hurvey-
ira;. no or tnsirumenu ana work.
Terms on application.
IP. "W. LAW,
Practical Tinner.
All kinds of Shoet Metal Work prompt
ly attonded to.
THE UNDERSIGNED would respwt
fully announce to the ciiiouna of Tio
' neaU and vicinity, that he has removed
his watchmaking OHtabtiabmeut from Ty
leraburg to Tioneata, in the room over
Wm. 8inearbauin A Co.'s store, formurly
fvmpied by Dr. Morrow as an ottlce,
Vtierebeis prepared to rouair watches.
clocks and jewelry. 37 years exporience
win enatnu nun to yvo butiHtaction. t.lve
niin a irioi. . li. UALLit,.
Hteam tuginua, Saw Mills, Hay Press
es, Slump Pullers and Standard AgricuS
tural ItnplomontB enoriill v. Sotul Ux
CaUloguo. A. U. FAUUllAIt 4 bON,
If you wlh to buy or sol) Real Estate It
will pay you to correspond with m.
Ceadea4 Ttae Table Tleaeata HtatUa.
Train 03... 9:14 am
Train 28 7-.R7 am
Train 62.. . 2:25 am
Train 80 3:62 pm
Train 2fl... 1:18 pm
Train 81.... 8:16 pm
Train 28 North, and Train 29 South car
ry the mail.
Chares astl Kabbata 8rbs1.
Preabyterlan Snbtmth School at 9:45 a.
in. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. tn. .
PreafthinR In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. Rumber(ter.
Services in Lutheran Mt. Zion's Church.
German Hill, every Snndav at 10:30a. m.,
Enallsh and German alternating. H. 8.
every Sunday at 9:30 a. in. R. J. Graets,
rreachlni In the F. M. .Church next
Sunday evening at usual hour, Rev. S.
Soger, Pastor. . Also on German II ill at
8 p. tn.
Oil market closed yeitetday 77 i.
Opening this morning at 77o.
Soaks itoriei are already blossom
ing for the Mason. .
The roads are drying op fust as
wind and sunshine can accomplish the
Mr. John Noble of Mayborg, is
paying a visit to Mrs. Noble of this
Mr. J. B. Carpenter of Newtown
gave the Republiban a pleasant call
this morning.
Supt. Kerr is attending tbe meet
ing of School Superintendent of the
State at Harriaburg this week.
tOil City Blixzard: Miss Lorrna
Campbell left for Tioneata, Saturday,
to visit her parents for a few days.
Mr. John Brecht one of Hickory
townships stauncbest Republicans, was
a pleasant caller at our omce last
Mrs. S. R, Cogan and children
started last Wednesday for Tioneata,
Penna, where they go to remain in the
future. Democrat, St. George, W. V,
Tbe spring bouse cleaning cam
paign is now at its height, and tbe
male portion of the household makes
himself as scarce as possible about tbe
Aoy of our granger friends want
ing a package of garden seeds can
have them by calliag at this office.
There are a few packages left, which
we will take pleasure in distributing
as long as they Iatt.
Spades that is, tbe kind they
dig up the ground with are brought
iulo requisition once more, as tbe
ground or garden spot dries up, and
there is promise of early garden sags
io store for tho industriously inclined.
'Tbo pleasant April Bhowers of
last week gave all kinds of vegetation
a little start, but tbe nights are etill
frosty, and tbe winds of tbe day chilly,
so that tbe tender shoots gain little
headway. But all the same tpriug's
on hand.
Mr. C. M. Shawkey and family
returned from their Western trip last
Saturday. We understand Curtis will
locate in Warren, not being particu
larly token with Kausas. The old
Kejstooe state, he thinks, is good
enough fur him yet. ,
A goodly number of the friends
of Rev. Rumberger and wife called
at the parsonage last evening and
treated them to a good "pounding."
Each caller left not less thau a pound
of tbe good things of this world, aoJ
many of the packages weighed much
Mr. C. M. Agoow was last wetk
appointed a Notary Public by Gov
ernor Beaver, and received bis com
mission on Friday. This entitles Mac.
to take all kinds of acknowledgements,
and as he will be part and parcel of
his father's office, will prove a source
of convenience to tbe law Grm of Ag
new & Clark.
Mr. J. C. Bowman, who for many
years conducted a flourishing mercan
tile business at Newmanville, will
shortly move to Franklio, where be
ha purchased property aud will em
bark in the Cbioa aud quceosware
business. Tbe citizens of Franklin
may well congratulate themselves up
on the acquisition of such an upright,
honorable gentleman.
Information is wanted of tbe
whereabout of John Wallace, who
disappeared from Tidioute, sick and
demeuted, last Friday moruiug. He
is dark-complexioned, with dark mous
tache, rather a thin face, and has a
peculiar way of talking. He is me
dium size, about 30 years of age, and
fill weigh about one hundred and
D.ty pounds. Had on when be left,
overalls, smock frock and rubber boots,
but no bat. Information as 16 hi
whereabouts will be thankfully re
ceived by hi relative. Send such in
fwrmatioo to The News, Tidioulo, Pa.
Congratulations and best wishes
for a long, happy and properou life
to Will Gillespie and wife, of Whig
Hill, whose wedding announcement
appears in it proper corner of to-day's
paper. Now, William, let us inform
yon that tbe first essential commodity
in tbe housekeeping line Is the Forest
Republican, whose weekly visits
never fail to allay all family jars, and
make smooth sailing all through life.
We make no extra charge to newly
married couple.
Last Monday night, lays last
week' Clarion Democrat, a black horse
wa stolen from tbe stable of W. F.
Alexander, near thi place. Tbe
horse is marked with two white feet
behind and ringbone marks front.
There Is also a patch of gray hairs
between the left eye and ear. Tbe
horse i not a very valuable one, but
Mr. Alexander i a poor man and can
not well afford the loss. Any infor
mation as to tbe whereabout of tbe
animal will be thankfully received by
The heavy rains of last week were
a detriment as well as a blessing to the
lumbermen. A detriment because it
filled the river bank full and running
over, and thus kept the rafts that were
already coupled from starting; and a
blessing because it brought the creek
up sufficiently to let out about all that
wa still back. Tbe cretk ia now
jammed full of lumber from shore to
shore, principally square timber, from
the mouth to Forge Island. Much of
ibis will have difficulty in getting out.
as the recediog waters have left many
raft high and dty en the beach, and
under the circumstances, tbe rafts
being badly mixed up, it is impossible
to gel tbem together for coupling up.
Tbe river is still too high for safe run
ning this morning and none have yet
Hickory Township: Rev. De
Vaux, who has finiebed hi pastorate
here and recently preached bis fare
well sermon, is visitiog bis parent at
Cleveland, Ohio, hi family accom
panying him. He thinks our people
may expect tbeir new pastor tbe first
Sabbath in May. Mr. A. B. Root
and family, with about eighteen others
of our citizens expects toleitve here on
the 17th, to join tbe other Forest
county colonists now located in Wash
ington Territory. Good luck and
prosperity to them all. We under
stand that Daniel Andrews is able to
be around with the aid of crutches.
Glad to see bim on hi legs again if
one is a wooden leg. W. H. King
has accepted the agency of a seed
bouse and U doing a thriving business
in the line.
We observe by an Erie county
exchange that Hon. Warren Chaffee,
a member of the last Legislature, is a
candidate for re election, and we just
wish to take this opportunity to put a
bug in the ears of tbe people of that
c ty concerning this gentleman,
Tbe editor of this paper was fortunate
enough to be in a position from which
he could view Mr. Chaffee' actions
pretty closely, and would warn the
people of Erie county that if tbey
want to return a man as tbeir Repre
sentative whose every act was charac
terized by tbe strictest integrity und
closest attention to their interests, tbey
have a candidate in Mr. Chaffee who
fills the bill to perfection. He exer
cised good judgment on all measures
which came before tbe House, was al
ways at bis post, and went about his
work pretty much with tbe same en
ergy that be would in the harvest
field. Tbe farmers of -his county,
without distinction of party, owe it to
themselves to assist in bis return, as
be was indefatigable in bis devotion to
their welfare, and while their interest
were at stake, Mr. Chaffee's zeal never
slept. For these and many other
good reasons we might euumerate,
they should by all means give bim a
hearty and united support.
Io cbronio cases of Deuralgia,
rheumatism, or gout, where tbe dis
turbing cause is a certain acid which
poison tbe blood, Salvation Oil should
be used according to directions. This
powerful pain destroyer will in time
dissolve the poison circulating in the
blood, and bring relief where all oth
er fail. Salvation Oil kills paio, and
is only twenty five cents a bottle.
A Card of Thank.
We wish to tender our heartfelt
thanks to the kind friends who ao
"generously surprised" us Tuesday
eveniog, April 10th. That the "Giver
of every good and perfect gift" may
abundantly reward them for their
kindness to us is tbe prayer of
Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Rumberger
"What tbe matter, onny?"
"Tbe matter f Wby I don't have no
time to play at all just because Ma'
has got a medicine wbat'll cure our
oolda in a minute, every old woman in
our square want me to run round to
the drug store aud get her some."
"What' tbe medicine, aonny 7" "Why
Dr. Bull Cough Syrup, of course."
A Raftman Seriously Hurt.
Yesterday' Derrick give tbe fol
lowing account of a aerious acoident
which occurred at Oil City Monday
A seriou and probably fatal acci
dent happened in the Third ward yes
terday afternoon shortly after 3 o'clock.
A large lumber raft belonging to Col
lin & McCain, of Tionesla, came down
tbe river and wishing to tie up in
Moran eddy, two men named Amos
Keyser and Fred. Sbreffler went ashore
with a rope. They got a hitch around
a tree, and as tbe raft was running
very fast, Mr. A. K. Mong, who was
doing the snubbing, snubbed it bard,
quickly taking up tbe slack. Sbreffler
saw the rope begin to slip aud dodged,
but before Keyser could do so the rope
flew around and struck bim over the
left ear, cutting a gash about six inch
es long and lifting tbe scalp from tbe
skull. Shreffler ran and jumped on
the raft and was so frightened that he
could not speak. Tbey finally suc
ceeded in getting tbe raft (topped in
Howe's eddy, oear Reoo, and tbe men
telegraphed to tbit city to take care of
Keyser. 'in tbe meantime eome men
found him lying on the bank and a
carriage wa procured to bring bim up
town. Every botel io the Third ward
refused to take bim in, aod he was
taken to the Exchange Hotel, where
Doctors Jackson and Sellew sewed- up
the wound. Mr. Mong said last night
tbat the river was about three tect too
high for rafting, and the run from
Tionesta to this city was made in
about three hours. Keyser' home it
in Elk City, and he ia unmarried. His
father has been telegraphed for. Key
ser let out some blood curdling scream
about 12 o'clock last nigbt, which
aroused the neighborhood, and it took
the combined atrength of three men to
bold htm in bed. Dr. Sellew said
that he thought be wa aomewbat bet
ter about 12:30, but it wa hard to
tell much about it yet.
Report from the injured man last
night say that bis chances for recovery
are eome better.
The Man Supposed to be the Ever
hart Murderer.
Tbe man D. H. Colliogwood, men
tion of whose arrest for commission of
the Everbart murder was made last
week, is now in Clarion jail awaiting
a bearing before 'Squire McGregor of
East Brady, by whom tbe warraut for
Wortbington was issued. The bearing
will take place on April 24ib. Con
cerning tbe matter tbe Clarion Demo
crat say :
A to tbe evidence upon which tbey
base tbe theory that this man and
Harry Worthington or tbe man who
arrived in Brook ville on tbe day fol
lowing the murder are one and same,
Attorneys Weidner and Sloan are
very reticent, but freely acknowledge
tbat tbeir evidence will show that the
horse which this man rude into Brook
villa on tbe date mentioned was also
seen to leave the neighborhood of the
Lickiogville murder on tbe day the
crime was committed, that it had been
quartered at the rendezvous of tbe
famous Boss Buck gang for eome time
previous, other parties against whom
evidence bas been obtaiued will soon
be arrested as accomplices and partic
ipants in tbe murder, tbat tbe man
registered at Brookville as Dave King
and made an effort to register under
date of March 6th, instead of the 9tb
io which be was detected and correct
ed. A montb or so after the horse
bad been left, he was told for bis keep
ing aod about tbe same time his al
leged owner was heard from as woik-
ing somewhere along tbe coast of
Maine, near the CanaJiao line, re
turned to Brookville io June, profess
ed a willingness to pay 1150 to re
claim tbe horse but when told be could
get it for $50, disappeared aud was
not heard of until this arrest.
The man arrested for tbe crime this
time is of medium height, sandy com
plexion and heavy moustache of same
color, flat face and nose aod rather re
pugnant countenance though not such
a oue as to impress one with the idea
tbat be would likely be a principal In
such a heinous crime. In response to
the inquiries of a representative of tbe
Democrat he gave bis name as l. 11.
Colliugwood aod bis residence as Ma
booing township, Armstrong county,
where be says be bas a wife and two
cbildreu depending on his day' labor
for support; tbat be never met or
even beard of Cook until tbe recent
publications of bis alleged confession
and that be ia eotirely iuuocent of any
kuowledge of tbe crime; tbat bis wife
was confined on tbe 6tb of March
1886 aod from tbat day until tbe 11th
of tbe same month be remained close
ly at home a be will be able to prove.
Tbe prisoner lent for Frank R. Hind
man, Esq., who wa closeted with him
in hi cell in tbe jail for nearly an
hour ou Wednesday eveniog, duriDg
wbicb time, Mr. Hiudman iu forms us,
be so thoroughly convinced himself of
tbe prisoner's iunoceoce tbat be bas
consented to act as bis couoeel. Ap-
pearancea seem to favor tbe innocence
of tbe man in tome things, a related,
there are circumstances surrounding
his actions about tbe time of tbe oc
currence of the tragedy which will be
very difficult for him to explain to the
satisfaction of the law.
Luthor Shaffer paid the penalty for
murdering the Colbys In Clinton county,
last Wednesday, at tbe end of a bom pen
cord. ,
Two carrier pigeon turned loose In
Meadville at 7 o'clock a. m., landed In
Philadelphia at 12:26 p. m. Tbat beats
railroad travel. The flying machine in
ventor should push his schoine. Morccr
The steady decline in the oil market
leads the Blizzard to remark tbat tho as
surances given, that there Is not the slight
est weakening of the producers' associa
tion, are all right enough, so far as they
go, but they do not make good the defic
iencies in the bank accounts of those per
sons who bought oil at the advanced price.
The long talked of new book introduced
by Rose E. Cleveland is being published
by the J. L. Mebert Pnb. Co., St. Louie,
Mo. The reputation of Miss Rose Clovo
land as a writer Is such as to guarantoo a
large sale for anything coming from her
pen. The publishers offer a rare oppor
tunity to agents. Soe advertisement in
another column.
Says the WilliamNport Gazette and Bul
letin: "That mortgage for one hundred
million of dollars, which bas just been
filod In the office of the register and re
corder of Lycoming county by the Read
ing railroad company, Is a ponderous doc
ument. It contains 5lO,(XX words, and it
is estimated tbat it will take one man
about three months to record it. This is
the largest instrument ever filed in the
office of this county for record."
Harry C. King, who shot, and Instantly
killed J. H. Bowman, of Venango county,
on tbe street in Douglass, Wyoming Ter
ritory, November 1, 1887, had his trial at
Laramie, W. T., on Tuesday of last week,
and was acquitted on the ground of emo
tional Insanity. The only wltnoss exam
ined was King, the defendant. He testi
fied that Bowman was about to draw his
pistol when the fatal shot struck bim.
There was no argumont of counsel and no
charge by tbe Judge.
Harry English, so well known in this
county a few years ago, it again in durance
vilo in the county Jail at Sinethport. It
seems that whon be was sontenced to tbe
penitentiary for forgery from this county,
there was a check of O. D. Coleman, of
this place, which It is claimed he forged,
tbat was not included in the indictment,
and English gave bail for his appearance
In court and tbe payment of tbe costs, but
failed to show up when wanted, whereup
on the county officials brought suit against
tbe bondsmen for the amount of the ball.
Upon learning of Harry's presence In Du
Bois, his bondsmen, preferring not to pay
tho amount of the ball, procured a bench
warrant, and put it into tbe bands of Dep
uty Sheriff M'Crea, who found English in
that city, and brought him to Smethport
last week. Kane Leader.
From a Former Forest County Boy.
The following letter from a former resi
dent of this county, will be read with
pleasure by the many old friends of the
writer still left here. Mr. Reynolds, we
may stato bos for many years held the re
sponsible office of Auditor of his (Osceola)
county, the emoluments of which are not
to be sneezed at ;
Sibley, Iowa, April 6, 16S3.
Ed. Refvulican :
Your paper of tbe 7th ult. lies before
me and I find that I have been alow in
responding, but you know how it goes
paying the printer. The Republican has
been a welcome visitor every week, aod I
see by It that up at Bobs and Brush Camp
Creeks things appear to be settling up.
I can not ace how men will spend their
best days trying to make homes for some
one else. I know all about that country ;
I was raised there and spent my best days
up there among the hemlocks and pities.
Money would not hire me to go back, and
although I have not done very well bore,
the country Is not to blame ; we had grass
hoppers here for seven years, but they are
among tho things of the past, and I do not
believe we will get tho peaky things again.
T wish some of my friends could see this
country and satisfy themselves of its
worth. The black soil is from 12 to 38
inches deep, and just lyiBg here waiting
for the husbandman to turn it up to the
warm sun and breeze of this beautiful
country to bring forth a bountiful harvest,
I have known men to hire all their work
done breaking included and got a crop
of flax that would pay all expenses, and
have from one to five dollars per acre left,
in one year; but this is like all countries,
if a mau expects to make a start be must
pitch in and mako things "git." It is filled
up pretty well with soldiers, and wbeu
one comes up for office, if a good square
man, he gets there. Hut I am perhaps
tiring your patience. I hope to live long
enough to go out there and soe Hunting
ton, Benjamin andSelden May, the Weller
boys, and plenty more of those I do not
now call to memory.
Our friend seems Ignorant of the fact
that Huntington and Sclden May have
passed over to the silent majority, and
that never more will bo meet them in this
world. En.)
Farming bas commenced here now, and
soon everything will be green, and then
this is one of the most beautiful countries
that man over laid eyes upon. Any one
wishing to correspond with me in regard
to this country, 1 will be glad to do all I
can for them. I am no land shark and
would not try to beat any one, especially
a Pennsylvanian from my native county.
I send you post ofllce order for $5.73 duo
you up to Jan. 1st, IHH0. I hope to see the
Republican for mauy years to t-ouie, as
it is politically to my taste. We proposo
to help old G rover out of tbe Piosideiitial
chair next fall. Yours Truly,
J, H. Reynolds.
Spring Stock large assortment
of Fine aod Comman Shoes for Men,
Boys, Ladies, Misses, Children aud
Iofaots at Department Store. 2t
Rheumatism is quickly cured by
using Arnica & Oil Liniment- For
sale by G. W. Bovard.
School Reports.
Report of TionoRta schools, April !,
Room No. 1, Miss Aggio Kerr, Te:ichcr. !
No. enrolled during month 4!; average !
43 i per cent. 01. Those pronen I every day
during month. Otto Muonzonlicrkrcr, Al- '
bcrt Bradbury, Ralph Brace, Lewi ic Brace,
Samuel Fitzgerald, l-eormnl and Adolph
Blum, Lowis Amor, tioorge Ball, Lillie
Bradbury, Graco Hoyt, Edith Davis, .Sadio
Morrow, Mary Fitzgerald, Alice Hasaey,
Mattio Waterman, Vurnie W.itmm, Iva
Uolomau, Oortrudc Agnow, Jnnio Can
field. '
Room No. 2, W. J. RIoomfield.Teichur.
No. enrolled 38 j por oenL of Htlomlance
IIS. Those present every day were Willie
Sitvons, Clifford Craig, James Morrow,
Dale Partridge, Willio Mtirnacnbbrgt.r,
Claude Campbell, Willie Hunter, Tillic
Morrow, Clara Nullis, Itilla I ! race, Knlli
Clark, klvira Steiner, Qoanio Hoyt, .Mary
Morgan, Blanche Hunter, Susi Uuling.
Room No. 3, C. II. Dotinclt, Principal. -Enrolled
31 ; per cent, of attendance 01.
Present every day, Tod. Kelly, Chan.
Bovard, Chas. Mucnzenherger, Forest
Bovard, Clove Donnoll, Bon. Kelly, Katie
Knox, Inez Brownol!, Rosa Uuntor.,
For Sale,
A nico farm of 80 acres, principally
bottom laud, about 60 acres improved,
on 1 ioneeta creek, located abnot one
milo from Tioucsta borough, aud
kbowo as the Kiser Farm. Will be
sold at a bargain. For full informa
tion adJress J. B. Aguew, Tionesta,
Pa. tf.
Said a noted man of 60 years.
"My mother gave mo Downs' Elixir
for coughs and eolJs wbcu I was a
boy." For sale by G. W. Bovard.
Full blood, 8. C. brown Leghorn
eggs, 75c. per setting of 13 egg. A
few settings of choice mating 8. C.
brown Logborus at $1.00 per setting
E. S. Hoyt, Tionesta. mcb7-3m.
If yon want at once the best and
cheapest Life or Accident Insurance,
insure in the Mutual Reserve Fund
Life Association and Guarantee Mut
ual Accident Co. P. M. Clark, Gen
eral Agent, Tionesta, Pa.
Mis. Phcebo Chosloy, Teterson, Clay
Co., Iowa, tells tho following remarkable
story, the truth of which is vouched for
by tho rosidents of tho town t "I am 73
years old, have been troubled with kidney
complaint ami lainoness for many years";
could not dress inysolf without help! Now
I am free from all paiu and soreness, and
am able to do all mv own housowork. I
owe my thanks to Electric llittors for hav
ing reuowvd my youth, and reni-ived com
pletely all dlsoawe and pain." Tjy a bot
tle only 80o, at llovard's Drug Store.
Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant. Lake
City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold,
attended with a distressing cough and
running into Consumption In its lirst
stages. He tried many so-called popular
cough remedies and steadily grew worse.
Was reduced in flesh, had difllculty in
breathing and was uuablu to sleep. Fi
nally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption and found immediate relief,
and after using about a half dozen bottles
found himself well and has bad uo return
of the disease No other romedy cau
show so grand a record of euros, as Dr.
King's Now Discovery for Consumption
Guaranteed to do just what is claimed for
it. Trial bottle fioo at G. W. Bovard'e
Drug Store.
Tho best Salve in tbe world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhoum, Fever
Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Pilos, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per
box. For sale by U. W. Bovard.
GIL LES P I E CAT LI N A t the bride's
home, April 4, 1S88, by Rev. C. C. Rum
bergor, Mr. Wm. S. Gillespie and Miss
Ernestine Catlin, both of Whig U ill,
Forest county, Pa.
TIONESTA MVltIli:',fy.
Flour barrel choice - - 4.00(0.60
Flour sack, - 1.00(1.85
Corn Meal, 100 lbs - - - 1.451.50
Chop feed, pure grain - - (iyl.40
Corn. Shollod - - 80
Beans " bushel ... 1.50Q3.00
Ham, sugar cured - - -15
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured 14
Shoulders ..... 8
Whitofish, half-barrels - 8.60
Lake herring half-barrels - . 6.50
Sugar ..... - 6 8
Syrup 60(75
N. O. Molasses new ... 75
Roast Rio Coffee - (Vi8
Rio Coffee, ... -Java
Coffoe - . - - 3J;
Tea ...... 20(3,00
Butter - 2-:(a,25
Rice - 8
Eggs, fresn .... 13(0,20
Salt best la! o .... 1.25
Lard lOfiJU
Iron, common bar .... 2.50
Nails, lOd, Tfi keg .... 2.75
Potatoes ..... 7:1(,100
Lime "0 bid. .... 1.10
Dried Apples sliced per B - - 6o,8
Dried Beef .... - 18
Dried Peaches per lb 10
Dried Peaches pared per - - 16
at eleven o'clock A. M., the sulcriber
will oiler for sale the following lunds, sit
uate near the mouth of Hickory Creek, in
Forest County, Pennsylvania :
Tract No. 1. The harm of the tli.'kory
Farm Oil Compauy, coiitaiuing about 300
Tract No. 2. The Farm of the West
Hickory Oil A Mining Company, contain
ing about 500 acres.
Each of said farms contains valuable
timber aud rich meadow lands, haviug a
frontage on the Allegheny River, and
being intersected by the Bulfalo, Ntw
York A Philadel hia Railroad. They are
situated about one mile from Hickory
Station on said railroad.
b.ile to take place at the farms. Terms
JAMES RICE, Auctioneer.
J. T. B BOOKS, President.
and Machinory a Specialty. tSecoud hand
Kngiues aud Boilers on hand. Send for
Slock l,U4. THOMAS CAULIN. Alle
gheny City. aognlv.
In tho Court of Common
Picas of Forest Connl.v, No. IT
l'eb'y Term, 1SS8, William F.
Oi-nrgo W. Greigand T. II. B.
Patterson, Assignee io Bank
ruptcy of said George W,
And now, February 2Sth, A. D. 1S?8, "n '
motion of TV. L. Corbett, Attorney for
Plaintiff, rule 00 Defendants, their veoder,
or vendees, or persons claiming under
them, to appesr on or hofore the liret dav
of next term, and plead to tbe above enti
tled action of rjoctinont to enforce spoclfi':
performance of con t met or agreement for
the Undivided one-fourth part of the fol
lowing, described lauds, tenements and
hereditaments, situate in tho Township of
Barrett, in the said County of Forest,
to wit !
I. Beginning at a fallen sugar the north
west corner of warrant No. thenco
by lands of Wlnlack east 310 5-10 rods to a
hemlock : thonco by land rf t-blppen
south 8)t ft-10 rods to a post; thence west
84 1-2 rods to poet and stones? theucn
south 294 rods to a beech ; thence by land
of E. C. Maxe and Jacob and Mary Macs
west 258 rods to post and stones t thence
north 125 rods to post and atones; thence
along land of Jacob Maze west 113 5-10
rods to post and stones ; thence by land of
J. Davis north 187 1-10 rods to post and
stones ; thence east 120 2-10 rods to a laarof
corner, rxwt anJ.Uoaes on roca; thenco
by land of Heffron-and Patterson north
369 rods to tbe placo of beginning. Con
taining m.i acres ana ao percnes, morn or
less; being parts of warrants Nos. 314?,
3114. 6701,3302 and 3305.
2. Beginning at a post al tbo northwest,
eornor; thenco east 135 8-10 rods to a hem
lock, now post and stones; thonco south
51 mds to post and stones; thence east 154
rods to post and stones; thenco by lands
of Horn-oil und Patterson south 123 2-10
roW to a post ; thence by land of A. Kel
logg wo.-tt 154 1-10 rods to post and stones
and west 34 rods to a post ; thenco by land
of W. R. Coon north 61 1-4 rods to post
and stones ; thenco by same north 42"
west 105 5-10 rods to a beach ; thence by
samn west 30 rods to a post ; thence by the
s imo north 42 rods to the place of begin
ning. Containing 200 acres and 67 1-2
perches, more or less.
3. Buginuing at a stump at the nortboast
corner, on line of land of E. C. Maze 1
thonco south 18 15' west 81 2-10 rods to
post and stones thence south 81 1-2 oast
35 2-10 rods to post and stones ; thenco
south 41 45' west 62 rods to lot sold to
Wbitelock ; thence along line of said
Whitelock lot, in a northwesterly direc
tion 20 rods to corner of the said White
lock lot; thence by said Whitolock lot
south 42 west 7 rods to the Clarion River :
thenco down said river to a post at line of
land known as the Titus lot; thence along
said lot north 10 rods to a post ; thence by
the same north 16 14' wost 103 5-10 rods to
a post ; thence by land of Jacob and Mary
Maze south 88" 20' cast 25 2-10 rods to a
post; thence by tho samo south 16" lu'
east 21 3-4 rods to a post ; thence by tbe
same east 25 rods to a hemlock stump;
thence north to a point at east end of dam ;
thence by said Jacob mid Mary Maze lot
south 87 east 60 1-2 rods to a post; thence
by land of E. C. Mazu south 8J 1-4 east
71 5-1U rods to tho place of beginning.
Containing 130 acres and 10 28-100 perches,
more or less, and being pait of warrant
No. 671.
Being tho same Interest in the fbrogoiug
described lands which (with certain land
in JetTorson County) was sold by Amos
Finkbine to the said George W. Groig, by
agreement in writingdRted February 10th,
1873, tho legal title to which was conveyed
by said Amos Fiukbino and wife to tbo
Plaintiff by deed dated January 6th, J8S5,
And in default of so appearing and plead
ing judgment to be entered according tn
the Act of Assembly in such case miulti
and provided, notice to be given by publi
cation according to Act of Assembly.
Attest C. M., Pruthouotary.
THE LUMBERMAN is published In
the interest of Its subscribers ; consequent
ly it is a curiosity in modern trade jour
nalism. No advertiser can buy a line ia
its editorial or news pages. That is what
makes it tho best advertising medium iu
the world. A journal in which every oth
or paragraph is a paid "writo up," or il
lustrated puff, is absolutely worthless to
tbo reader; it la worse than useless, be
caase it is misleading. Tbe Lumberman
has information to Bell at the rate of 4.00
per year for 18 or CO pages per week. It
gives more pages or reading matter, out
sue 01 its auvortlBinir tno ftTTn
running from 40 to 48 pages each week -than
any other Journal published at the
same price in the world. Tbey contain
substantially all the lumber news, and tho
weekly reviews of tbe markets south and
west, north and south, are indispensable
to any luraborman who cares to keep post -ed
ou current events. Iu advertising
pages contain more valuable Information
than ia given in all the pagos of many
lumber journals, so-called. As a matter
of fact, Its advertising pages are of the ut
most value to all usera of wood-working
machinery, as they form a complete cata
logue of the latest and best of all the
modern devices used lit lumber manufact
uring. Send for it.
To canvass for one of the largest, oldest
established, Best Known Nurseries In the
country. Most liberal terms. Uuequaled
facilities. Geneva Nursery, Established
1846. W. A T. SM ITU. Geneva, N. Y.
Our readers for 12 cents in postage
stamps to pay for mailing and wrapping,
and names of two book agents, will re.
ceivo FREE a Steel Finish Parlor En
graving of all OCR PRESIDENTS, in
cluding Cleveland, size 22i2b in., worth
(4.00. Address,
ELDER PUB. CO., Chicago, HI.
let that cold of yours run on. You think
it is a light thing. But it may run into
catarrh. Or into pueumouia. Or con
sumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is
dangerous. Consumption is death itself.
Tbe breathing apparatus must bo kept
bealthv aud cloar of all obstructions and
olleiisive matter. Otherwise there ia
trouble ahead.
All the diseases of these parts, head,
nose, throat, bronchial till his and lungs,
cau be delightfully and entirely cured bv
the use of Boachoe's German Syrup. If
you don t know this already, thousauda
and thousands of people can tell you.
They have been cured by it, and "know
how it is, themsolveu. Bottle only 75
cents. Ask any druggist,
FREE Government LANDS.
I-BILUU r Kin ol oh In Vluwla. Norts
1'i.kut. M.mtftn. lit alio, W,hlnirt!n u4 Orfoo.
(ran rna ium..iionaiihMitaM'itii.Tka
dCIIU rUllllltoT AKf-luuHurtl. OriiftlDtf UKl TlDI
bri Loiuit now oi.a t. sui.ot 8nt Frmm. Aiiilr-,
111A3. B. LAB0M(cw; KgCtfi'Sft?"
APP7F Send six cents fur postago
It IA L and receive free a costly box
of goods which will help all, of either sex
to more money right away than anything
else in this world. Fortunes await the
workers absolutely sure. At ouce ad
dress True Co,, Auguata, Maine. Apr. 9
OKKII your Job Work to the ItEPI'B
O I. K AN otfice.
nUiuft J6ev.i