THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. I. INH, tftlTON 4 POHltlO. WRDNESDAV, APML 11, 1S90. The returns from the Spring elee lions in Obio, Illinois, Missouri, Rood Island and other states all point to the coming of a Republican tidal wave. Tbo small craft should geek shelter without delay. The trial of Jacob Sharp, the bribe giver, is ended in this country. - He was summoned to appear before a higher tribunal on the fifth instant, when death put a stop to further pro ceedings in his case here on earth. Os the whole the American work iogman will conclude that it, is better that he should be able to pay (20 for a suit of clothing made in this country under Protection, than unable to pay 814 for an imported suit under Free Trade. T" The Presidency boom for Major William McKinley, of Ohio, is ODe of the most promising infants in the Re publican household. - It is hardy, brainy, modest and handsome. Its freedom from hypertrophy is one of its strongest features, thinks the Philadel phia Prat, Tuk. Republican gains in the Ohio municipal elections seem to indicate that the people cut there got so ab orbed in overwhelming the tricky Democracy that the necessity for re bilking Governor Foraker was wholly overlooked. The rebuking will have to be postponed to some other year. Kaiser Frederick, of Germany, formally returns thanks for the univer sal sympathy expressed for him in his illness, and for congratulations on his secession to the throne. He deserves all the sympathy and congratulations expressed ; and we hope he may fully re:ovcr his health and long rule the land of his fathers. RHODE ISLAND 0. K. The result of the election in Rhode Island last week was aaything but en oouraging either to the Mugwump or the Free Trader. The full returns show that Taft, Republican, fur Gov ernor, has a majority of over 2,000, and Lapham, Republican, for Lieu tenant Governor, a majority of over 1,900. The suffrage amendment had 573 over the necessary three fifths vote. The Senate stands Republicans, 25; Democrats, 6; do election, 5. House Republicans, 54; Democrats, 10; Pro hibition, 1; uo election, 7. This re sult insures the election of a Republi can U. S. Senator, which will likely be the present member, Senator Chacoj. Ex Senator Conklino is lying at his residence io New York in a critical condition, from a beating in the head, which seems to be affecting the brain. His physicians think there -is little hope for his recovery. In the death of Benjamin Harris Browsler, which occurred at his resi dence in Philadelphia on the 4ih iost., the State loses one of her most bril liant and capable citizens, the l?ga profession one of its brightest orna ments, and society one who adorned ber highest circles. Gifted far be yond the measure of the ordinary man, Mr. Brewster was easily among the leaders in any sphere of life into which he entered, aud with his great capabil ities, be was as true as steel to his con victions of duty, and was animated by that spirit of good fellowship which made and retained for him hosts of friends. The Democratic New York World and the Mugwump New York Evening Post have agreed tbat as a civil service reform President, Cleveland is a fail ure. The latter paper diJ not have to wait for the facts brought out by the Hale investigation in this city before pronounciog its opinion that expecta lions of reform had been disappointed, but it commcDds the investigation as The Democratic State Committee certain to prove beneficial, and asks of Connecticut has decided by a vote Senator lisle to look into the affairs of 14 to 2 to make no reference to the of the New 1'ork Custom-house while tariff issue in the call for the State be is about it. Tbe World unheni Convention. The observer who does tatingly declares tbat reform has been not see the shadow of William Hadley nullified by federal officials in this city Baroum'a fine Roman hand beneath and calls upon the President to do something about it. Well, he is doing something. He is encouraging tbe nullification. Phila. Press. W. C. T. IT. CXLUMN. Conducted by the Twncsta Vnion. The W. O. T. U. meeta the 2d and 4th Tuosrtny of each month, at 3 p. m. President Mm. Kll Holoinan. Vice Presidents Mrs. J. O. Dale, Mrs. W. J. Roberts. Recording Sec'y Mrs. L. A. Howe. Cor. Sec. A Trcas. Mrs. 8. P. Irwin. Woe Unto him that girtth hit neighltor drink, that puttext thy'lmttlfi to him, and tnakeit him drunken. also, Ilab. II, 15. The wicked workpth a deceitful work I but to him that noweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.- Rev". 11, IB. The Mcadville Qazette, Col. Iiei- the record of this performance is evi dently going it blind in politics. What under the euu does Vermont mean by choosing Blaine men as dele- rates to the National Convention? singer's paper thus hits tbe nail on tbe Doesn't she know that the Democrats bead again: "Tbe newspapers of some Lave ordered Mr. Blaine to be sick sections are having a terrible fight and solemnly announced that he is too among themselves over the chairman feeble to run for President? Tbe ship of the republican state committee, Democracy should offer itself as a wit- aud it is feared that it will be so ir cess to convict Vermont of cruelty to revocably settled by tbe time the state GOOD ADVICE. One gallon of whisky costs about (3, and contains, on the average, sixty-five ten cent drinks. Now, if you must drink whisky, buy a gallon and make your wife the bar keeper; then, when you are dry, give her ten cents for a drink. When the whisky is gone she will have, after paying for it, $3.50 left, and evory gallon thereafter will yield tbe same profit. This mon ey she should put away in the savings bank, so that when you have become an inebriate, unable to support your self, and sbuooed and despised by every- respectable person, your wife may have money enough to keep you until your time cornea to fill a drunk ard's grave. On the train a day or two ago a gentleman said to the writer: "I'll give you a text for an editorial 'The Tyranny of Tobacco Users.'" Just behind sat a roan so saturated with nicotine tbat he befouled tbe air for several yards around, to the great dis gust of ladies who were sitting near. Tbe tyranny of tobacco users is a text often spoken upon, without avail, how ever. Non-tobacco users are compell ed to iuhale the smoke of tbe cigar on the street, and the odor of nicotine elsewhere. Io fact they seem to have no rights which the tobacco user is bouud to respect. "The persistent and absurd loquacity of some men when in their cups aud their interruption or those wbo are engaged io private conversation render tbem exceedingly disagreeable. I know some who, when free from the effects of alcohol, are gentlemanly in deportment and highly agreeable com panions, but uuder other conditions their friends are. rejoiced to escape companionship with them. Why do meo put an euemy into their mouths to steal away their brains?" crane's Ivj elerv (Mound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. Nervous Prontr-tlcn.NfTvoiii Mel ache.Neuralgia, NervouwWcukne, Stomach and I.ivtr ttlase, and U affections of tht Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC. Ormtr.t W. Imvtox, SriMr. nt CiN.,rr.j-t " For two orni I a miili-m- fim iti-rvons bil ly, tuid I thank i.M rn.l the r.Kovpnr f Hit vaiiiaio rccnotir tlit I'mnhv roor!-D Cirftf in. A u i rOvM' t -iti-sly. I nrsf pay It livx L-1 any cus nW w n.c Kr iiaUi" AN ALTERATIVE. A.10NZO AramT, Wmrra, V,v'B! 'I bvlicre I'AiwrNi C"T,nT fvmp.vT A 1 f Hft My trnubls m1 to n IrMuftl h,im. K'forsI uod It I wiicufi-ntl wit1, t ; t I r'n 'bd to sWl. Tli eruption H .ipi.lly IWal.t -aud 1 aw flveuundutl jicrcout, bctur iwry .. A LAXATIVE. A. C Biaw, 'Hmt nrrm JtrrcTro. Vr., n! For two ytra part I have bran irnttt mitrervr from kidney and IiTpr troiiM-, attend! wirh iSys psrala and mnUpttrn lw-forw I twrn to U i'lUClTCOslrVl'ND it eWllcd ft! thcUffh IMryiAmf aUed aia. Sow 1 can say .Mf alls Hi A DIURETIC Oboboc Abivott, Sion Crrt, Towa. warn? "I hsT bwm uMnfr pAtwm's Cut km COrorD and it baa dou m inoro intod for kidnry and lans back Uian any otnor hmUpIim I barv errr takn. Ronrlmls of tantlmottials hav bsra racHvx1 fmtu iwoni who havft nmA this remedy with, remarkatta bsnaflt Band for circular. Prtosf I .OO. Bold by Uractists, WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietor BURLINGTON, TT. KIRK'S Ma: & Hamlin THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH ! NOW OPEX AT H. J. HOPKINS ADMISSION, - & CO.'S FREE TO ALL. FLOATING SOAP 13 THE CHIEF Par lh Buth, Tollot and Laundry. Snow Whlta and Abmolutaly V.'. If tout lol.r nol kpo Whii riouil IJo.ii. Not 10 cwiim for a tuple oka tu II'. mt". J AS. S. KIRK Zt CO., CHICACO. KSTKRN NEW YORK A FKSN BYLVANIA ItAlLKOAD. ( Formerly B , N. Y. A P. a. B.) TINIKTAIJLK IN KFFECT Poo. IB. 18M7. WTslwnidl l'itUluirKh TUvinion Kaaiwan! A.M.i 7 so! 4 U 4 0; ii45 3 ir A.M. P. M. 0 05 P.M.I 7 Ml 4M 4 '2H 3 II 2 40 P. M. P.M. Organs and Pianos. Tlia Ci'r.npt Or;:;n s Intnvtnrrd y M A llnm;i.i iu Irifil. M..-011 A Hniulin Orim. be imi1iiLiii''I tlu-lr npr inacy over nil other., having rvr: lil-'in-i ll' nurt ' a'.Kiixat World'. Kxuiuui'J'.i. -inc. Im)7. Tli TitiiMvr! X rnli" of SiriniMii r runom Inventoil y Minu & lUinliu in a ktchI MiUanc In pmno con-triifiMm. rpiri. n'io'inclnir li rIVttlCSl HUMVnK-m in I'lim. Ill I'UII H v.:niury. iun.i clrculnr, rnMlnlni .HK iotlnioiilal from parviiniHTP.'ian.. und tum rv. una PUuo luid Orbn Catuoyuva, Iru. ka:ou k ha'ji::: ossah act ruro co., HERMAN & SIGGINS! GROCERS, PENN. Ti IMPROVED WHITE animals. We see it stated tbat Hon. Lucius liogers, of tbe McKean Miner is talk ed of for Assembly in his county. Well, Bro. Rogers is one of tbe found ers of the Republican party, has been a eood worker in tbe harness from its infancy, and it would juBt serve him convention meets, tbat tbe delegates will have nothing to do iu tbe matter. As we have said before, we have con fidence in our delegation to the con vention, and are willing to await ao lion with patience aud confidence. The unseemly racket got up over this matter is more due to democratic in terference than to anything else. It right if his friends should send bim ought Q b(J unfJer4t00(j by this time, iiWy " "r" """' that the Philadelphia Timet is not a it. We hope they will. .t; a . ;.. a The wrath which Mr. Blaine's letter a a vise me repuoi.can pariy of withdrawal provoked among the 10 PUU8 " cour9e- 00 utJeci- n l... i.l.. . n. .,.r, unless u neueves inai ins course bo iyrjutuvi a mi um i aatu m iui m i First it was heaned udou Mr. Blaine recommended will result in its injury, n the assumotion that his letter was i'ossiDiy tue lime noes noi uuaer r . . , . .. uot sincerely meant, ai.d now it is piled ". Du' lne average repuoi.can iinnn thn Kpnnli ii'an iiarf hpfnpp uucs. tbe letter is uot unanimously accepted. Our friends the enemy have lost tbat which impoverishes tbem without en riching anybody else namely, tbeir temper. It is cot pleasant, says tbe Fall River Advance, to think tbat tbe law is a luxury fur tbe rich and an iujua tico upon tbe poor, but it is hard to got away from tbe conclusion tbat the wealthy rascal can lead tbe poor man sucb a steeplechase through the courts that discretion ofton prompts him to tuffer a wrong rather than overtax Limself in trying to get it remedied When laws are made for the people and not for the lawyers it will not be the longest purse tbat gets tbe mo6t justice. Equity v. ill rula where dollars now prevail. Tue latest news from Berlin indi cates that Bismarck, the creator of one great nation aud tbe conqueror of another, is to bo bowled over by a woman his royal mutrets, the Em 'fires Victoria. It is said that tbe Emperor Frederick joins with bis wife and mother-in-law io urgiDg tbe mar riag of his daughter and Ferdinand, ex-Prinoe of Bulgaria. If this be true, it will doubtless be followed by Bismarck's speedy retirement, and hard baded Toutoos are groaning io spirit at tbe thought that the rule of tbe Iron Prince, which has brought great aggrandizement tj the Father land, inuat give place to petticoat gov- erumeut, controlled by a foreign prin cess. These be troublesome lime for the Germans, and they may be excused for feeling uervous over the situation. r-lforri'hurp Tflffffnjh. One of the startling developments of tbe early part of tbe campaign of 1888, is tbe positive expression of Vermont iu favor of Blaine's renomi uation. Both tbe State Convention and the district conferences are prac tically solid fur Blaine, and obviously foreetful of tbe bitter taste tue name of Blaine leaves in the mouth of Ben ator Edmuuda. Since 1876. the Ver moot Republicans have beeu coscbing Senator Edmunds fur the Presidency and in 1884, he and his friends sulked in their tents until the closing days o tbe battle, when tbey fell io with un disguised teluctance. Tbe Stale was regarded as thoroughly soured on Blaine and Jingoism generally; but uow, wbon Blaine has decliued, Ver mont, the lu-publican star that never sets, cowti up eniiliug fur Blaioe and demands hi nomination. When Ver mont, under tbe very eye of Blaine hatiog Edmuuda, flops rlatfooud over to Blaine, acd leaves bdmunds voice less in tbe delegation to Chicago, it looks as if Blaiue was to be forced ioto the fight agaiutt all comers. Well, Blaine will must enthune eighty per cent, of tbe Republicans of tbe land ; but bow about tbe odd twenty per cent. 1Ph'Ua. Times. Well, give us Blaine, and the Republicans will see tbat tbe odd twenty per cent, are on deck when tbe voting commences. Wbeu you are troubled with dii- tineas, your appetite all gone, aod you fuel bad gecerally, take a few doses of Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandralfe Bitters, aud you will be surprised at the im provement iu your feelings. Every tintile warranted to give satisfaction. For pale by G. W. Bovard. The Weetcrn Christian Advocate say s: "A saloon keeper in Chicago sold liq uor to a young girl, who, while drugged, was taken out and ruined by a disrep utable character. Tbe saloon keeper was arrested, but was acquitted by tbe judge, on tbe ground tbat tbe law tor- bids the sale of liquor, not to one mi nor, bat 'to minors.' Tbe saloon-keep ers presented a cold headed cane to the attorney wbo furnished this bril liant defense. An adequate character ization of such infamy as this defies tbe power or all language tbat we know anything about. We hope our readers will tako a good long time to pnnder this item.'1 Is it not true tbat tbe church of God has basely and ignuminioosly surren dered to the world, the flesh and the devil. The great moral aod social in terests of the state and nation, to-day are tamely yielded to tbe dictation of the beer and brandy soaked politicians while tbe Christian voters meekly follow where these men lead. O thai all our pulpits would thunder ou God's truths along these lines until the people hear. Sam. Small. Oa tbe line of intemperance and its bitter fruits he said : "But if God sends tbe drunkard to bell as be de clares be will, and if he sends the rumseller to hall as is plainly indicated by tbe words, "Wo unto him that put tetb tbe bottle to his neighbor's lips," what else can he do with the man tvbo votes to give license to tbe iniquitous traffic? Sam Jones. -18- THE EASIEST SF.IXfNO, THE BEST NATlSr'YlM4 SEWING MACHINE ON THE MARKET. IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT Its Construction U Simple, Positive and Durable, lut workmanship ia unaurrasa- k1 TV, iint hnv iiii v other before trying; THE WHITE. Prices and Terms made Satislavtoi y. DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO, DRUGGISTS & TIONESTA, IN OUlt GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS I1E FOUND THE FRESHEST G'SQCEHIES. BERRIES, FRUITS fc VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, Vhlch is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always be round the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. I it 05 11 Wi tH 4111 4f 11 00 18 3.) tl 37 8 S'Jjfl 84 lit 1H hoi i o;t t7 63 12 .VI 7 40I12 4S t7 'I. lit 2ft! 7 10,12 10 ur Pittsburgh lv rumor Koxburg; Franklin W...OU 10 40 10 :m: t wi 7 5? 7 2.- 0 SO S 45 6 40,11 SOI A 12 11 1.1 P.M. fTm. 4 20 A.M. A. M. 8 lft ar... Oil Oleopnlia ...r.tiuie uock... 1'rpMlitpnt Tionemta Hickory .. Trunkeyvlllo., l HllOlllO j ...TlimnpHim a... Irriuotoo Warren! A.M. 9 00 1211 12 40 1 M 2 IS P. M. 3 as P. M. s f.n 12 14 12 2.V 1 M 2 OA A.M. A. M. SO 7 10 lv...Hriulf(irl I'. M. A. M. A. M 6 1211 ft 1 lft! ft M 11 (M)'12 3Hi... hujrar Hun ft OO'lO 43' 1 1 So Ccrvrlon... ft 33' 10 SiVU 20l Onovllle... 6iiri0 2r;iOSO....Wo'f Run. ft W lO4;1024;Quakor Bridge.' f3 r3t7 17 3 30 S2 4 0ft H13 4 A: t 46 ft OU ft 30 6 12! P.M. pTm. 8 00 6 OS'J0 08 4 S4 U 53 4 42 9 30 4 Ul 9 2K 4 17 9 12 4 lOl 9 0.) p. m.!a. m. 9 1ft 7 41 7 13 6 50 lrt 0 00 A.M. .Kml Houma, ... Salamanca.... .So. Carroll ton. ...So Vttinlalia... AUeuany I v Olcan ... .ar t7 20 7 S7 7 6I 7SS 8 10 f8 2 8 45 90ft 9 35 A. M. A.M. P.M. A.M. 6 12 P 40 17 9 45 H S3 10 0.4 6 40 10 II 6 47 10 18 6 63 10 24 7 07110 M 7 23! IMS 7 37 II 0 7 47 II 21 8 01 11 87 8 10 11 45 p. m.'a.m. GEO. S. HATCH ELL, On'l Supt. J. A. FELLOWS, Jen'l Pan'r and Ticket Agent. No. 84 ExchanKO St., Buffalo, N. Y, J. L. CRAIG, Acent, TloneMta, Pa. ALLEGHENY JALLEY R. R. Most dlrrct route to PittuVmrith and tho Eiwt. Outv route lnntlinK paHsrnKers at Union Station wtilioot clnlay or Irsnifer. -Truiim run by Eastern TiionV l ime t:ililo ill etl-ct Nov. U), 1X.S7. I?orlliwni(l. 3. I 6. 1 1. a. in. p.m.' l.v. Ar 9 00 8 50, 2 00 ith.i 7 W, IU 13 10 00 3 18.W. 1'. .1 init io 47 1038 4 04 Kitlim iiIiik! 11 811 Sffi 4 Ml Hod Hunk. 11 4"!ll 431 6 0S KuM llrndv 12 11 12 141 6 32 ... Parker... 12 40,12 2.'.1 5 40!.. Koxbura.. 12 48 12 32 6 4 . Kmlonlon Suihvard.- DEPARTMENT STORE. 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, COUNTERS. WM. SMEARBAUGH TIONESTA, PA. 1 21 1 50 2 1ft pin 1 07 1 3S 2 05 &C0., in. iii p.m. i. in 3 0.' 4 OS 6 20 K ennoi-aVll 7 00!..Franklin... 7 ;... Oil City.. 7 SO; lift ft 3V; 6 li',12 10 6 0.-.I 5 4511 37 A2H BOi'lOftJ. a. in p.m. 3 15 4 1;. 3 20 5 15' . 5 5ft ! ft fii'l f 12; ft 101 7 60i 800; 3 52tT ii 4 8 10: - 5 00: 8 45 5 3f: 9 05 7 23 105ft1 1 Sulamanca. 8 00 II 25 ! - Bradford. 8 10 11 4ft! ! Olonn.... p m. a. in. p.m. A r. Lv. W.N.Y.A P ..Titnsvillu . ' Corry.... ..Mayvillo... .i...lirorton... !.. Dunk irk . !... Ilutlnlo... ....Tiouehta .. .1. .Tidiouto... ,i..Irviiintoii.. ...Waimi 4 Sri 4 2Ki 4 1M, H4-' 8 11 2 401 P ?n p. in 1 -Ij , 4 OA! 9 sw 3 5i; 9 44 8 1M) 9 06 2 4ft 6 6t 2 lft 8 06 (. U1.IR.III. 4.111. Ul. 1 251 7 1 12 47 12 22: 11 23 1 1 lfti 10 45,10 36; 10 3(il0 17 8 .Ml! 8 w 1 18 12 43! 12 10 11 60 9 63 15 9 0ft 8 ik: 7 40 7 Id 0 4U! 4 64; 4 20 4 lOl 111. p.m.l....... rtTBiilTalo Sunday Trulu loaves Pl'ta-Ihii-bIi 9.00 a. m., arrivBS at Oil City, 2:14 p. 111. Itoturntn, leave Oil City 2:40 p. m., arrives at Pittsburgh 8:00 p. m., atop- 1inir at all Htnlion. AV1D Mct'AHGO. CSon'l Sunt. E. II. UTLEY, Gou. Frt. A Paa. Agt. Pittsburgh, Pa. Wby do some men wheu 00 oatb, 0 carefully abield the dealer in intox icating liquor, whose business io this direction ia iu violation of law, when upon other subject they will scrupu lously tell the truth? Sometime! we are applauded for a position we have uoooosciously taken oa the side of nyht ; how much more worthy of praise when, we are found there as a matter of choice, after due reflection. Professor Stewart, of Liberia, esti mate that for every missionary eeot to Africa 70.000 callous of rum is alas sect to that country. A vote taken by the bouaoboldera of Glasoow, Boollaod, showed that 57, 700 were io favor of eutiie prohibition, and only 19,000 against it. HUMPIIItEYS 2CU0rAT2X0 VITEIir.UST SPECIFICS For Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Dog, Hogs, Poultry. AOO PAGE BOOK. Treat Bent ef AnliuaJemaa Chart Heal Free. miESFever. rnnceatlnns. Innammelloa. A.A.-bplual MenlimllU, Milk lrr-r. ll.B.-8liln, I.auieue, ULriimiliaa, 1. litMieniper. Nanal Int-aariice . D. lion ur t-rubii, Horn. K. E. ougbs, Mrawea, Purumenla. F. F. f'ollr er liripen, Bclla be. it, Ci. Miscarriage. Ilrmorrliaiiea. II. II. rrinari and Kltlnev llltruej. I. I. F.rupttve llUriien. ll J. Kt-iueav 61 iflaestloa. 8iahle rae. with Kporince. M annul. wluhUuclOUandtlullcaior, tr.00 Price, Single Bottle (over CO doenX .60 old hr Draiglalai ar Seat Prepaid aa Kerelpt af Prlea. Humphreyt' Med. Co., 10 rulton St., M. Y. S.H. ROSE E. CLEVELAND, SISTEU OF PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in 3T TT Tl ItsT ITTJR EJ. Also, UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PA. TF YOU WANT a re-ipeclnlle Job of 1 pi luting at reasonable price scud your order to rtiis olMce. "Soeiitl Mirror j or Moral and Social Cul ture," Is the title of the piand now book intro duced by Minn Cleveland. Just out, ail unparulelledsucpeua, profusely illustrated, with elenant lithoniaph plate of Misa t'leveland. Tho work in a ooiiiili-te treat ixo on Moral and Social Ctilturo, truv man hood aud woiiianhiMxl, Tlie uiothor'a in ttuoiice. Be patient with the boy a, Keep your daiiKhtera near you. Home beautiful, Family (joveriiiiient, I'he art of eon verna tion, The awkward and tIiy, A niotiior'a rarea. E'liiuette in all ita briiiielii-H, Etc, Eta Its mechanical execnilon is miHur paaed, making it llio haiidaoiuoKt sub acriptiou book ever piiljlibhtid. Tbe II luvtraliona are the tiiuwt and mudo by special artists. AGENTS WANTED Everywhere. The success of woikiug aienui ia souiethini; remarkable. Nono but live, energetic men and women want ad on this work. We guarantee exeluai ve territory. Aitenta at work are making from &1.00 to $10.00 per day. Write at once for illustrated circulars and terms, and name your choiue of terri tory: or to keen re it Instantly send 11.00 for complete agent's outlit, which will be forwardod by return mail potitpaid. Lib eral torina (fiiaranteed. AdilresH, J. 1,. HKUEKT PU1UJSHINU CO., U17 & Ul" Olive Street, bt. Louis, Mo. A MAN Oil "WOMAN who will work faithfully, can aoctiie (if ih mi ilnHirei. a rare chance to make moiiev, bvliaudliiiKTlIK HON. IIKSKY W. HLAIK'S i8enator from New Uamp hhirei, Toinperanee Movement, or THE CONFLICT llETWEEN MAN AND AbctlliOL From the fuel of the deep internal boinir taken in the Temperance Movement to-Uay, ua also tue ihkii mnu r iiiu writur um a leader of men and moulder of public opinion, it ia presumed you can readily ace the unusual opportiv nitv ottered to make money by selling aueh a work. If lavorable to engaging with ua, please answer at onco.aa territory ia being taken very rapidl, aud give us full narticulara to your business ex perience, reference. A". E. It. HAXTER A CO., 22-lOt. 1015 Arch St , Phila., Pa. WESTWARD, HO! r vnu contain olatimr a iournev W or South T If ho. the undersigned can give vnu CHAPEST KATES of FAKE or FREIUHT. Also furnish Mapa, Ouidea and anv information relative to the Farm ing, Grazing or Mining diatric'a of the West or South. Call on or address. K. H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent N. Y., P. O. By. OOiio in Union Depot, OIL CITY, PA. J.i-V,:; a.-v-iaU "Tit--.. OUR ARGUMENTS ARE STRONG ! We aim to maae our PRICES SO LOW that our FURNITURE Aiwava sella quickly, and tho QUALI TY PROVES IT. We make uo rahii as aertions, but prove everything we state in newspapers wlion a customer cau ui " Ktore. It you waut Wierllng oooua ior Sterling Cash call and aoo our slock of CHAMBER SUITS! SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, PARLOR SUM'S, EASY CHAIRS, TABLES, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, dec. Everything iu tho line of Furniture. OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT! Is complete from the Plainest to the most Eluoorato goous. Lome uiu aoo. Undertaker Einbulmer, 831 Exchange Block, next to Exchange Hotel, WARREN, PA. Orphaunt Court Nnle. BY VIRTUE f a decree of sule mado by the Orphans' Court or Foreat Coun ty, In No. 1 of Feb'v Term, 18fT, in Par tition, thero will be exposed to rbUO- Sale at the Court House, in Tionesta Bor ough, ou THURSDAY, APRIL 111. 18S8, at 2 o'clock P. M., the billowing tlcacribetl real estate, to-wit; All that certain piece or parcel of land aituato in Tioncsta Towuhip, in said County, beginning at a post and stone, thence South 1 1-2 degroua East "JoO perchca to poht and atones; thence South nil de grees East 87 perches to a post ; tbeuce North 1 1-2 degrees West 2HH porchea to pot and stouea 1 thence North 8U degreea West 87 perches to the piece of begiuuing. Containing 141 acres and 105 perch-, be ing part of Warrant No. 2M'Jt), and known aa the Daniel Huddleson Farm. Except- . ing one aero heretofore conveyed for school purposes. Appraiseu at fiuou.uo. TERMS OF SALE. One-third cash ia hand, one-third on or before Aug. 1st, 1&I8, and balance hy February ii8, lSefl, with privilege to pay half or all cash at date of sale; balance unpaid to lie se cured by boud and mortgage on trie prom ises. WM. R. HUDDLESON, Aduilulstrator. A a mew A Ci.auk, Att'ya. Tionosta, Pa., March 10, 18e. SQCA WEEK and upwards positively L J secured bv men agents selling Dr. Sootl's Genuine Electric bxlt, Suspensory, etc., and by ladiea Belling Dr. Scott's Elec tric Corsets, nanipie ire. v. Scott, 818 Broadway, N. Y. Nov. 16 3iu. Administrator's Notico. ESTATE OF ALBERT KINNEY, late of Foiest County, decoosed. Iu the Orphau's Court of Forest County. Letters of administration on tbs above Estate laving been granted to the uuder signed, all persona indebted to the said Estate aro requested to make payment, and those having claims, to present the same without delay, to J. B. AG NEW, Administrator. Feb. 10th, 18(-8. fit. Tionesia, Pa. "PATENTS, Caveats, lie-issue and Trade-Mark secur ed, and all other patents causes In the pat en t Otflce and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of model or skeU'h of in vention, I made careful examination, and advtse as to patentability Free of charge. Fees Moderate, and I make No Charge unless patent 1 secured. Information, advice and special referouecs sent on ap plication. J. R. LITTELL, Washington, D. C. Near U. K. Patent Orlice. 6 OOD SALARIE or Commission to Men aud Women to act aa local or traveling Agents. No experience needed. Steady work I Jamls r. niluov, i uiserviiisu, 1v1n.ner.M-r, N. Y. Moutiou this ) aug-l!&. If 8 1