THE FORtST REPUBLICAN. 4. . win., tSlTON TOM. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1R88. I) call ron Tns ntrrai-icAN ktatf. CONVENTION. lTKAPQX'AnrrRs RrrrnucAS Ktatr Commuter, rniLADKLrniA, Jan. ill, 1P8S, Tb Kopuhllcau Stnto Convention will fco held In tho Opera House at Harrioburir, on the Init Wednesday of April, tho Zfith, 1(8R, at eleven o'clock, n. m. for the pur pose of nominating one candidate for Su premo Jude, two persona for Prosidon ilal Kloctor-at-Largo, tin J twonty-el.irlit persons for Presidential Kleotors, the latter to lie mimed by tho Relocates from tho Congressional llintricts where Districts have not prcvlouly iwnml thrm. Also for the election of lour De'efratos ami four Alteriiale-at-Ijir)ce to the Republican National Convention to bo held at Chicago, Juno lth,l?S. The attention of Republican tlirouph out the .State la respectfully dire-toil to the following Permanent Rule, for tho hold inn ot State Convention? anil the conduct of the party : First. that Delegates to the State-Convention shall be choicn In the manner in which candidate for tho General Assem bly are nominated. H eco xn. Hereafter tho Plate Conven tions of the Republican Fni-tv Khali bo held not earlier than tho third Vedneday of August, except In tho year of the Pres ldcntial election, when II NhaM be held not more than sixty days previous to the day rlxed fr tho National Convention, and ex" cept In-Gubernatorial year. At leant six ty days' notleo shall be given of the date of the State Convention. Thiho. That we recommend to tho county organizations, that in their Rule thy allow the largest freedom in tho gen eral participation In the primaries consist ent with the preservation of the party or ganisation. The State convention of June 30th, 1SJ5C, having abolished Senatorial representa tion, lielcgates to the approaching State Convention will bo selected according to the number of Representatives in the Legislature to which each county or city is entitled under tho Representative Ap portionment law passed at tbe recent ses sion of tho Legislature. TUOS. V. COOPER, Chairman. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Cbndrttrf by Ih TionbSta Union. 4th The W. C. T. V. meelB the 'id and Tuesday of oat h month, at 3 p in. President Mrs. I'll Holemau. Vice Presidents Mrs. J. G. Dalff, Mrs, TV, J. Robert. Recording Sec'y-Mrs. L. A. Howe. Cor. Kec ,t Treas. Mrs. S. P. Irwin. ICoe nnfo Ana that girtth AiM nrightwr drink, that thu buttle to Aim, and mcikcft him dmnkt n also. llab. If, 15. The wicked workoth a difoitful work I but to him that so,veth righteousness Mhatl bo a sure rewind. Ho v. II, 18. C0U2TT7 AUDITOR'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1887. S. FITZGERALD, Treasurer of Forest County, In account with Forest County, lor year cnnin .rumim y , - DR. To Balance from Wm. Pmear- bangh f 7,74? an cn. ll,4!'l 2 I Statesman Mills threatens to in troduce his Free-trade bill this week. ! lis n,:n j kA r. ( niii uuv kuv icauj ivii lb, j Governor Hill thinks be Las as much right to be a candidate for Pre- ' ident as Cleveland. And a good many Democrats agree with him. Mr. Cleveland bus gone to Flori da and taken bis Presidential boom with him t the imminent risk of hav ing it chawed up by the alligatois. Tan iiiiiasti-jn thst Mr. Cleveland trill tlionly Uiue a latter declining a ' renominalion is a noteworthy contri 1 botiou to current fiction. It will N" tickle the marine. The President's trip to Florida this week will be aDotber lesson in geogra phy for him. He will be amazed to dis:over that bis native land extends aucb a distance Booth of the Potomac flats. Officers, of the Grand Army have assurances that the President will be more liberal in his treatment of pen sion bills this year than be was last. This doubllees signifies that the comic veto message is a thing of the past. The great Mills Roger Quixote, of Texas assures bis fellow Demo crats tbat tbey will make heavy gains in Pennsylvania if bis Free-trade bill is enacted. Evidently Mr. Mills knows just as much about political eentiment in Pennsylvania as a broiled oyster knows about Greek art, and no r "inore. eath ef D. R.Locke, who was known the vTZ&.vr as "Petroleum V. Nasby," occurred at his borne in Toledo on Wednesday morning last, Feb. 15. Many thousand people will miss his pleasant writings, which were copied very extensively, and will mourn the author as almost a lifelong friend. Still for Blaine. The Blaine letter is not considered a finality by some of the ablest repub lican journals. It is believed to be a sincere expression of Mr. Blaioe's wishes. He does not want the nomi nation and releases his supporters from any obligations they may have consid ered themselves under. It says plain ly, in effect, that the way is open for the election of any good republican, and advises the selection of another than himself. But what if we cannot agree on anyone else? What if Mr. Blaine's lotter fails to convioce the re- publican that ho h no, by all odds, the 6tijutit csuj'data that can be nominated. T What if tlie republican convention tenders Mm the nomiua lion by practical unanimity ? Will be take the responsibility of refusing it, and desert the republican party at the time when it need and detnauJs his services? Mr. Blaioe is not that kiod of a man. The honors given to Liai by tbe republicans have given tbetu a right to command him, au.J it looks as if it would be done. The republicans are (till for Blaiue, and it is a poor kiod of a Blaine man who runs away simply because he bas permission to lo ta.Meadville Gazette. Tbe people are still for Blaioe, and if the Chicago conveulioa has a desire to btrike a responsive cord and no mi oate the most popular citizen of the United States, theo James G. Blaine will be the republican standard bear er. Give na Blaioe, notwithstanding be baa in a raoet manly way withdrawn from the cauvass aud left tho party fieo (o act. THE KIXDKKUAKTKX BOY. Tlitr i a UtS'i'J power in the words of litt'e ones; and there is heavenly wisdom iu the requirement that thry who would enter the king dom of heaven must become as little children. There i a might iu rbild hood which is found nowhere eUe on earth. Tbe eriis of infancy are more potent to move a loving heart than the eloquence of orators or the man dates of kioga. The nearer we be come like little children the nearer we are to G id, to heaveo, and to the hearts of our fellow-men. Ofteo cars which are closed to other voices are opened to tho whisperiugs of a little child. So qic one complaiued to Wes ley that his congregation was made up of servant giils. But be said, "If we got servant girls, we shall have the children ; then the parebls will follow," Many a poor lost wanderer has been won back to God by the ministry of a little child. And children's voices sometimes echo in tbe chambers of memory long after they have died away upon the outer ear. Tbe Union Signal tells us of a burly man, who at tbe close of a temperance meeting, made his way to tbo speaker's desk, and atked for a pledge to sign. His request was gladly met, and tbe friends near by fell into a talk with ibis new brother. In aus er to an inquiry as to what lead Lira ti take this impor tant step, be said : "I am a goiu' to put the credit where it belongs ; jer $tc I've been keepin' a f;il juii for ?omrt liioo. I bad mighty bad luck fer jeun-, at.d :ceiu' other meu makiu' muoev oeim-, allia beer sad whiskey, I jest locked up ray con science and opened a whukey-sbop ; mind ye, I never liked the business, but there's do tclliu' when I'd quit it, if it badn't been fur them ere free kindergarten school, aud my little chap, who was alters a comiu' home and talk iu' about the things he learn ed from them teachers tbat be oigh about worshiped. "T'other day be got bold of my band, and lookiu' up into my face with bis great blue eyes just like bis dear, dead mother's afore she cried theBhioe all out of 'em said, sort o' 'fraid like: "'Papa, won't you please take tbe whiskey out of your barrels, and put suntbiu' in 'cm that won't do nobody no hurt? Apples ia good.' " 'Besides,' said be, gittiu a fresh grip on bis courage, 'I dou't want the other boys a-sayio' that my papa keeps a saloon it hurts mo so here.' "And I'm blamed if tbe little critter didn't put bis band on bis heart, and the tears iust a streamin' down bis face. That fetched me, and the op shot is, I've gin up the miserable busi oess and am bound to earn ao honest livlu' or die a-try in', you just bet." As tbe little rudder changes tbe course of the mighty ship, so this voice of a little child had changod the cur rent of the father's life. Aud the great, burly man's eyes were not the oolv dim ooes, as friendly hands grasped bis, and earnest voices prom ised helpful effort in his behalf. Christian workers, seek out the cbil dreu. Do not be above your Master who took them in bis arms and bless ed tbcm ; f r in the bands of these little children you may Rod a golden kev tbat will uolock many a falher'i heart, a clue that may guide many wandering soul out of the labyriolb of sin and shame, into tbe rcalme blessedness and peace. The Safeguard To lands redeemed from County To reo'd for nso of Court Koom To reo'd fr Hooks soM To ree'd fur (Iraxs sold To reo'd for old plank sold To ree'd for old lamp sold To ree'd for Ink sold To seated tax for 1SS7 To unseated county tax for IHS7 To seated lands returned for lswl To unseated county tax received for 1HS6 .". To slxtv tlav list for ISsT To lands sold by county for 1SS7 To fines ree'd by county for 1K7 To ree'd from city of Hiadford ac count tinwrn To poor fund tJreen township ... To poor fund Hickory township To poor fund 1 iortta Horo To Dalance., 04 24 1 00 1 f.0 4 00 4 AO 1 .SO 65 ,aoi 43 3,'XA 60 42A ft! 3,ixu ro 303 10 . 1:W 00 25 00 .Ml W i!5 &.'t) (H) 1!0 00 i1,477 6 ,.l2,r7t 3 Pv county orders redeemed Il'v H ner cent, commission Hy vouchers for seated lands rc- ' turned 402 13 Ry vouchers for exonerations 810 67 llv 1 per cent, commission on " &3Q.79, redemption money... 13 84 H. J. HOPKINS & CO.'S coooooooeoooccoocoocoooooceoooooococoooeooes IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD TO BUY GOODS!! -COME AND 8t:K. s : : : LARGEST STOCK, KINK8T (JOODS, AN I) LOWEST PRICKS! WVITS AND OVERCOATS FOR HOYS FOUR YEARS OLD! SUITS AND OVERCO TS FOR MEN THAT WKtdH MO LIJ.S. ! SUITS AND OVERCOATS ALL SIZES AND PRICES! KIRK'S Hy Halance $1,570 25 J I ,570 25 FITZCiEP.ALI), Treasurer of Forest Conntv, in account with Stateof Pennsylvania, for the vear ondiiiK January . ttS. IN IY GOODS, DRESS GOODS Ai FLilLS ! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE! All Wool Undewear for lilies, Gentlemen and Hoys. All Wool Ludurwear for Aliases, Children and Rabies. To Halnnce from Win. Smear- baiiRh !'' To State tax for 1SM7 6;W 71 $705 e7 Balance Ry Slate Treasurer vouchors.. Hy 5 per cent commission lly H.ilance $i0 10 11 01 474 67 705 7 To S. FITZGERALD, Treasurer of Forest County, In account with Redemption Fund, for vcar ending January 'i, 1H&. To Halance from Wm. Smear- Hy amount paid Individuals I baugh fV To individual amounts reeeiveu, lt7 likS 6; 30 7H Ry To Balance.., $3,6 12 63 $3,3tfl S5 Balance $3,31 85 $3,612 63 J. R. CHADWICK, Couufy Commissioner, In account with Forest County, for tbo year ending January 2, 18SS. To orders drawn $173 00 Hv 56 dav's services $UH 00 By 50 miles travel 5 00 $173 00 OLIVER HYERLY, County Commissioner, in account with Forest County, for tho year ending January 2, IWi. '34 40 Rv 60 diiv's services S180 00 By 544 miles travel 54 40 $34 40 W. P. SHIELDS, County Commissioner, in account with Forest County, for the year ending January isss. To orders drawn $2 60 Bv 50 dav's services $150 00 Bv 7 5 miles travel 72 60 $222 50 CURTIS M. SKAWKEY, Piothonotary, Ac, In account with Ferest County, for vear ending Januarv if, lees. To orders drawn ?G0 20 By fees $260 20 LEONARD AO NEW, Sheriff, To orders drawn $.155 90 To jury fees received in account with Forest Conntv. January 2, lfiSS. for year ending To Lalanc 40 00 $iH5 00 40 00 By foes $355 90 By Balance 40 00 $395 DO P. M. CLARK, District Attorney, in account with Forest County, for the year ending January , lsss. To orders drawn $134 00 By fees $134 00 FOREST COUNTY, ss: We. tho undersigned Auditors of Forest County, do hereby certify that wc met at tho Commissioners' Olllce in said county according to law, ami did audit and adjust tco several accounts ot tlie Treasurer, Slierllt, frotlinnotary, uisinct Atlornoy and Conntv Commissioners, for tho year ending January 2, A. lKfrt, and find tho same as set lorth In the lorcgolng report. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our lianas anu seals this ntn tiay oi January A. i. iss. ROU'TZ. 01LLEsriE,(LS.1 County Auditor WILLIAM BLUM, LS.J Attest P. M. CLARK, Clork. County Commissioners $ 629 90 County Commissioners' Clerk.... 720 00 ouusel fees 00 00 Bountv on wild cats, foxes, Ao... 2'd 65 f A , Ul. Ill V lt t5!... l,t-U Ut 64 10 400 06 462 00 Jury Commissioners and Clerk Assessors Printing 462 00 Constables and Tipstaves 278 47 57 80 193 HO 201 25 Court Crier... Road View Fuel and lights tr.loi-tions Commonwealth costs Books and Stationery Repairs on Court House aud Jail Warren Hospital Sheriff's Fees Prothonotary's Fees Janitor Postage Collector's Commission TTT T-T"T-"f n . HATS HATS ! ANY NIZK ANY PRICK! CAP ANY NI7.K s AND CAPS ! ANY PKIC'K: All Wool Blankils, Orav Blanket. Shanty Blankets, Mixed Wool ilorso Blankets, Kneu Robos, Wolf Robes. niaiikets, 23 00TO ATX) Our stock of B.Kits and Shoes Is very large ar.d MUST BE SOLD, RUBBER GOODS AND FELT BOOTC A. SPECIALTY G&QCKftlES GrEQCEftnZSt (rSQClUMSt FLOUR, FEED, AND SALT! Our Grocery Stock Is always Complete, and embraces everything kept in this market. FLO ATITjlG SOAP THE CHIEF For ih Bath, Totlat and Laundry. Snow White nnd Abiolvttaly Pur.i, tf rmir ilcKlor rtiwt not ki-ep Whits rlnml Scsa, Olid 10 cii fur asmpla oak to th mnicera, JAS. S. KIRK & CO., CHICACO. WESTERN NEW YORK A PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD. ( Formerly n , M. Y. a P. K. n.) TIMETABLE IN EFFECT DonJO, lft&7. West waidPilbiiurgh Division fKustwsnj A. M.II-. M. arPiltHburgh lv 9 (KM Ml 'arker... l"ojtburg.. Franklin.. lv...Oil HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS A SPECIALTY. Como snd see u ; wo will do you good. I-T. J. HOPKINS & CO. HERMAN & DRUGGISTS & TIONESTA, SIGGINS ! GROCERS, PENN. EXPENDITURES of Forest County for year ending January 2, IS8S. Express and Freight 8 65 Stenographer 347 00 Ui-fumling orders 24 19 District Attorney 131 00 Western Peuilentiary 91 65 Cleaning Court lloue Ho 00 Auditors aud Clork 114 6(1 Bridges, Kcpaiis, Ao 1,361 69 County Institute 110 67 Coroner's Ices 34 19 Special Court expenses 500 98 County Treitsurer'oCommissioiis 703 32 494 80 Watchman tor Jail 25 50 637 75 Supplies for Court House aud jail 115 31 199 68 Witness fees. County Vhio 1 60 157 65 Court Auditor " 10 CO 760 55 Telegrams 2 42 355 90 Jail Physician 36 00 U60 20 Board lor Bowen, Lunatic 5 GO 148 35 Acknowledging Commissioners 18 99 Dccila 1 25 333 50 IN OUR UROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND the Fmsimsr cmooEmm BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, I N SEASON. In our Drug Department, which Is In charge of A thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. A. M.II'. M, I 7 30 ; 7 60 . 4 12 4 36 . 4 03 4 2S . U4M 3 11 2 l."j 2 40 . A. M. P. M.I P. M.I I'. M. 9961 2 95 11 56;ar... Oil f8 44 11 4511 lk)l Oloopolis, tK a.i 1 1 ft? i io 4, ft 32, 1 1 31110 30 8 16 1 IX 9 6'l 8 01 t 03 8 37 t7 63 12 5(l 7 6? 7 40:12 43 7 iio t7?3 12 25 6 30! 7 10 12 ID! 6 45 6 49 11 60 6 12 11 15 P.M.i A.M. P.M. 4 20 . M. 9 1.1 A. M 1 Ihiar. ...Kagln Bock... President Tlonesta Hickory .. Trunkevville. Tidiout ...Thompson a... Irvlimton. Warrnii.. Iv... Ivinzua... ar I v... Bradford ari 1'. M.I a. M. 6 12 11 Of. 6 66 II 00112 86!... 6 0O I0 43 1 1 65 f ti in nr. 1 1 "ni 6 21 10 29' low! ...1 Suv;ar Run , .. Coryrion... ..Onovllle ... Wo f Bon. 6 II 'I0 24;i024 (tuakt-r Bridge. 60 1008i D 15.. .Unci House.. 4 64 953' 7 41 ... Sulainaiua... 4 42 1'H'.1 7 131 Ko. Cnrrollton 4 Ul 92S 6 50:...So VamUlia. 4 17 9 12 6 Hi; AlWany 4 10, 9 05 0 00 y... Clean ... .or p. M.I a. m.a. m.I 12 1112 14 12 4li;i2 25 1 mi i as 2 16 2 05 P.X A.M. . M. A. M. 8 05 6 60 13 26 7 10 (3K3t 3 86, 8 W 7 "T 4 05 7 60 14 13 7 68 4 W 8 10 t4 46,f8 29 6 00 8 46 !t7 17 ,7 20 6 SO 6 12 P. M. 9 05 9 85 A. M. P. M.A. M. 0Oil 2. P.M. A.M. 6 12 fl 40 6 I71, 0 45 6 S3 10 04 fl 40 10 11 6 47 10 IS fl 6 3 10. 24 7 97 10 351 . 7 21 10 6i 7 37 II 09 7 47 II VI 8 OH 1 1 37 8 10 11 45 P. M. ' A. H. GEO. 8. O ATCHKLL, (ieu'i Supl; J. A. FELLOWS, Uvn'l Pafs'r ant! Ticket Agent No. M Exchango St., Butfuio, N. Y. L. CRAUI, Agent, Tlonesta, Pa. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. M'st diriM-t route to I'itl.sborgli and tha l'tt. Only roiiU- l.ui Imi; .uM.-,cngcrs at Union Million without iloluys or trunsl'er. rs-Tniinn run by l!nti ro Time Time lablo iu olt.'. t Nov. "J), hv;. FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Forost County for the year ending January' 2, 18H8. ASSETS." Balance due on Countv account by Solomon Fit.gerald, Treasurer $12,570 25 Seated Lands returned for 18S7 899 68 Due by D. W. Clark for coal 25 66 Due by Tinnesta Township., Duo by Tionesta Borough .., Due by Hickory lowuslnp., Duo by Green Township LIABILITIES. Amount due on bills not presontcd for payment Surplus over all liabilities 182 50 1 10 12 61 43 U5 00 $13,434 66 284 00 13,150 66 f 13,431 66 FOREST COUNTY, ss: Pursuant to law we, the undersigned Commissioners of 1-nrest Countv, publish the foregoing exhibit of the reuepits and expenditures of said County for the year ending January 2, 1888. Witness our hands and seals this 16th day ot January, A. 1. lbfrg. v. ii. Miir.i.Pft, C. F. LED E BUR, County Commissioners. J. J. PARSONS, J Attest J. T. BRENNAN. Clerk. Mason & Hamlin OXE TKUTIIFUL EPITAPH. There is a giim mouuroeot erected ia the Atchison, Kau., public ccme tery, placed thers by Mrs. Ricliai Harris, who etiil resides in the city with her two tLiluicn, aud vLo sccrus to have made the peculiar death of her busbaod a lesion to all youog men who might visit the placa of burial. The morunieot, as described by a eor respondeat, is a dull red granite shaft, broad at the base aud tapering toward tbe top, aod stautJd oo a slope tome fifty feet back from the roaiu road. The image of a euake, about as lare as a tnait'i arm, ia wound aroucd it from the Lave to the apex. Oo the four sides of the pedestal ia engraven, in large pUiu letter, this inscription: WC1IARD HARMS, Died February 13, 1887. of Delirium Tremiius, Aged 41 Years. As righteousness teudotb to life, so be that puuuctb evil pursuttb it to his own death. 1'rov. 11, l'J. Organs and Pianos. Tlit Cabinet Orpan Introduced by Mason A Ilaiiilin iu l sol. .Mioit t Huiidiu OrtiHiH Imvu bivva.t & muinUitu'd lltcir uprt'iiific over .nil oilier, bavjiiu' n cc.vrj iiitnt.-t Honor oi U Vi cat World1 tihibiUous kiiicL l,s7. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS DEALING It represeiitH somotliing you like and preciato. It lllustralos our meth od of doing business. It moans ap- 'MIUAIIK 1IL1I.I1TC4 ! Dou't you aoef THIS 13 WHAT WK ' Preach 'ractice. j uaiautve. Honest Values'! Latest Styles PUT J1EFORE YOU, Fainist Prices, j . f Pr (tit DEPARTMENT STORE. 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, COUNTERS. WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., TIONESTA, PA. N.iilliuiird. 'UJ t j "' i" ii. in. (j. in. p.m. i.v. Sr., II ooj h Mi 2 do I'liislnii-irh. , ID i:i;IO IKI 3 IS W. 1. Jiimv 111 4." 10 s. 4 n Kit'.Mii l.iiiw; 11 :l:;ll -7 4 fm Kcl l-.nnlv.: 1 1 4 VI 1 4 i 6 i-" Kust t trail v: VI yi 14; 5:t- ... Psik. r.'. l Vi 40:I J 'A 6 I1! .. I c.nI.ui k .; TJ 4-J :'.'J , 4'.' . Km!"iitn. 1-1 1 07 6 n K ciuii-idcli' 1 fir I 7 mj . l-'niiikliii ..i UOit, 7 80 ...Oil Cit...l ii. ni .ni.; .in a iii.,W.N. Y A 1 3 n,V '..Ti;u ille 1 0"' !. .. Corrv... ft I.".' ; ..Mavvilln.. 6 W ..lirocti n.. III; liuiikii k Soiitliiiard. .in.!. ni.) in. pin. pin. -a I;.' 4 V. r A f o la si 0 a'i; ti Oil .'. 4 Sii! 4 iis1 4 If, 8 4JI .til 2 4n p in 7 30 I IS 6 IV U 10 4.- 1 1 i ,io-!itia 4 4H io a t 4 lilOOl 4 o:i; n ftj H V.i V 4 I 3 l!it V li v : h :tt 2 li H ( a. m. ia. in. i. a m. M in. i -i;,1 i -J. i jo lJ47!l; 11 SI, 11 li 10 1.S,10.16' 10 :'Mll 17! 8 5oj 3i, T is!"iTTu;.7..7 l'J 4 l! 7 40, 12 lo 7 U) 11 60 0 4li 9 In 4 Lt, I' ooi 1 a. iu. iti. 7 Mil 8 on: HutValo.. 3 r,u 7 a7 4 2:, a io ....... A OHi 8 45; , 6 30! 0 0.) 7 StllOft'i' HOillll U.r. 8 111' 11 4S 16 4 aot.., Iftl 4 It L i.iti.m.l.., ..Tiontxa . .Tidionto... Ii im ton. ...Warrcu... Salamanca. ..Hiadford. ... .Olcim i p.m. ,a.m. p.m.! Ar. I. v. .ft-ltuffulo Sunday Traill leave rit.ts linrh !l.(Ht a. m., ari ivos at till City, 2:1 j p. lit. Itetuiniiiu, leaves Oil City 2:40 p. ni , arrives at Pittsburgh 6;00 ji. m., stop - p'tir at all station, i 1A IU MfCAKiiO. Oen'l Hunt. E. H. UTLEY, Ucn. Krl. A Pass. Ast, ' Pittburah, Pa. PROCLAMATION. Whkp.kas, The Hon. W. D. ISrown, President Judo of the Court of Coinuioii Pleas and (Jimrtor Sessions in and for tho county of potest, has isuod his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas Quarter Sesssions, ivc, at Tionesta, for th': County of forest, to commence on the Fourth Monday of h'eli., lining liie 27th day of Feb.. 1888. Notice is therefore fiiven to tho Coroner, Justice of tho Peace and Con stables of said countv, that they be then and there ill thoir proper persons at Uui o'clock A. M., ol said day with thoir recnids, inquisitions, examination, and other lemembranues, to do those t lit iitm which to thoir otllco appertain to bo done, and to those whoaro bound iu roconiini u to prosecute airaiu-it the prisoners iliat aro or shall bo in thejail of Purest County, that they may be then mid there to prosecute awiiiist t'liom as shall be lust. (iiven un der mv hand and seal this :i;illi day of January, A. 1). lsss. GEO. W. SAWYER, L.x. Sliciid'. S. I ISLET & SDNS, GENERAL MERCHANTS. Tie Improved Mode o" fritr-'in-' riano', InTrntctl bjf Mum m it llatniiu In If.--,', N u n-v.l i.dvancu hi p.uiio ctiiiftructtuii, t ptiin proi. oiimin il "tha i;n ttU:ht iiniroeint'ttl in piano- in iia.f u century. I'uno circular, i'iit-iunt' l icstini'iniuls from imp ha-'?, imificihiirt, una tunurrt, uud 1'iauo und Oryim Catalogue, frcu. ti CAJXIIT 0S3A1T Al'D PIANO CO., iC lul lith 5V, (J-Jtt 6?a:te), JIIW T08E. I il openinir our Elegant New Klock early Kpring Styles in of WMinted Agent to Sell the HISTORY of El?. BLACK -v. nun miv .v. f- JKs i riua.Uli A. r-viiito.r- ry I l.-4l H Nil rfl rarj uu tort U) WU Ba U.K ! tMUid fci air.ulalt tarn, uf t' ,fj af ""' nu kialiibr iM. aa ail Kiwi klnt)u AMERICAN PUB B CO IOB WOKK of every dcsiriptioii execu J ted at tU ULPUUL1CAN o.lico. PARLOR USD CIUIK1BER SUITS! LOUNGES, TABLES, &c(D., !Thc Nowest. Tho Host. Tho Cheapest. Prices 1 OualiticN. - AS YOU LIKE THEM. Styles. J Come! We will treat you riilit. Re-meinbi-r Sijuare li(aiiug in FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING! AT X KLSOJf H II HEX Ll'.VO'N, Exchange lllock, next to Exchange Hotel, Telephone. WAP.ltENT, PA. 2(i WANT a rtJintelahlc job of intniK at a reasonable price send your TF YOU 1 I'lintiiij oi dcr lo tins ollico, List of causes set down lor trial in llio Court orComnion Picas ot Purest County, on the Fourth Monday of February, 1888: 1. 1). L. Heaver vs. II. H. Hli'ieiutikcr, No's. 8 and 21 February Term, 184. 2. Mary It. Fox et al vs. tioj. J. li'-y ft al, No. 43 .- opt. Term, 1H--0. 3. Oeo. Tail vs. A. A. llopkini, No. Scot. Term. 17. 4. Wheeler .t l)ii-.cuburv vs. Alfred Slmrtt. No 41 Sctit. Term. 1817. r. Joo. R. Mslladiiv vs. Uaniul Illack, No. 1 Dec'r Term, lhV. Attest, CALVIN M. AHSEH, Proliionotary, Tionesta, Pa., Fwl-ruary B, 1888. Administrator's Notice. INSTATE OK ALHEKT KINNEY, hits 1J of Forest Countv, deceased. Ill the Orphan's Court of Forost County Letters of administration on the alxive Fstato liavimr been it ranted to the under signed, all iersons lndebtisl to tho kuid Estate aro requested to make payment, and those having claims, to present same without ib-lav. t J. It. AG NEW. Administrator. Feb. 10th, 1888. flt. Tionesta, Pa the OQt A WEEK and upwards positively ji,tJ beuured by men agents selling nr, Scott (ienul'ie Electric llelt, suspunsory clc. and bv ladies m llillir Dr. Sootl s Eliic.- trie Corsets. Nam pin free. Slate sen. lr, Keott, 618 llroadway, N. Y. Nov.l-3in I'ealciK in IT TJ DR, 3ST I T TJ 'B. Also,- UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA. I'A. 11 U M 1' 1 1 It K Y S HOMEOPATHIC VETEEINAE7 SPECIFICS For Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hog, Poultry. 1 000 PAUE ROOK nTrfil. Biflnt of Anlraulsand Cbart ten Frtc, rt'RK tvrr. Concntiom, Innommatlou. A . spiuul ilcuiintliii 11 ilk l i vt r, It. 11. - fi rtainit I.uiiirufNM, It biMiniHiiaiu i HlMieiunrr. tul Uiiacburtf t) i l. Kutit ur irub, Wufum. V., K. ( uuylii Hfae, riM-uiuonla t-. ulic ur 4rii(-H. Ilrllttti it v. ii, t.-!M tcnrriuvi( llcuiurrhuuMa a XJ v.-.1.'-- J. K.- fr.l'UpilVe JfiMCUttCHs .ilttugc. -lJ)lt'aMO Ol 1'IKVHIlUUa (Sluble 'ae. with fiitM'iflcM, II, I riuury aud Kiduty l(Heutc :atl lU h Oil Ulld UdllcHluT, Manual, r. $9.00 Price, blittfle BottU'luvt-r .VJd.onX .tiO ol by lruKtfinini or ent i'rfputd oo Uvrelpt of lrlr. Humphreys' Md. Co.. 109 Fulton St., N. T. PATENTS, Caveats, Ko-issuoand Traile-Markssecur-ed, and all other patenta causes iu the pat en t ( nin e and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of model or skotch of In vention, I made careful examination, and advise us to patentability 1'iee of charge. Pecs Moderate, aud I make No Charge unless patent is securuil. Information, advice and special relereiicos sent on ap plication. J. K. M1TEI.E, Washington, P. C. Near V. S, Patent Oll'ice. w m .v-.-i Lx3 3 I i h pa wi P p5 o o m tf. 1BP F Send for 76-Page ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MENTION THIS PAPER. rJORTER!rPAC!FIG Iti LOW PRICE RAILROAD LAKDS & FREE Government LANDS. lAmi uoMl er aikks ot eaob n MinnJt. Nona li.iki.t.t. M..ntjui. I.ittho, WiublnirtoH iul rbn rAQ t'uhiu-Mtlona with Map. dtorlliiijL StRU tUHwi AKru-.lllural, Urllli J.d Jim I., r Lau.ln nuw -ii - u t. . s,.ultir Sent Fre. Addr Lain jc . . . . TT. i: u tUAS.B.LiJluORJi.1