THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEtNRaDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1883. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Jfuioe. II. O. Davik. Acilm; North ward. I J. Hob kin, J. K. Clark, H. D. Irwin. Sou lb ward. J. F. Proper, Win. Smearbaugh.U. w. Hovard, 7mHo of the Peac J. T. Brennsn, l. a. Knox. Oinitabt amt OiHfvror-fl. H. Canfield. AtoAoot Director O. W. Robinson, A. II. K plly, M. Hhawkey, O. S. Knm, i. W. Olark, E. l. Davis. FOREST COUNTT OFFICERS. Member of Congress J aw it T. Map FFTr. Member of Xenite3 ' Vr" - r - yvni'Jrn Judys W. 1. Brow. 4 Mnciarn Judges Lkwu Arkkr. J 90. A. Propkr J'reaturer 9or,o0!t Fitxoeralp. f'roMaaofari, Register dt Recorder, dtc. CAtVI! M. ARKITR. ,rArr. Gko. W. Kawtks. , CmMioner Wm, D. H.ltEI.DS, C. F, LlDKRtTR, J. J. Parsons. County Superintendent a ko. W. Kerr. District Attorney P. M. Ci.ark. Jury Vommtioners C. II. CBTROH, Avm I.. Coo pun. County Surveyor II. O. WniTTERlit. lYronr Dr." J. W. Morrow. Oountv Auditor E. L. Josi ks, R. Z. GlLlRsrlK, Wsc. Blcjj. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TI05ESTA LODGE JVo. 369, MEETS every Tuesday evonlng, at 7 o'clock, In Uis Lodge Room in Far trIJgV Hall. E. S. HOVT, N. O. O. W. SAWYER, Sec'y. 27-tf. 10 REST XX) DUE, No. IM, A. O. IT. W.. NTeeW every Friday Evening in Odd Fellow' Hall, "Tionesta. I AUNEW, M. VT. J. E. WENK, Recorder. CAPT. OEOROK HTOW POST, No. 74, O. A. R. Meet n the ftrt Wednesday In each month. In Odd Fellow Hall, Tionesta, Pa. 1). R. KNOX, Commandor. OSSff CLARK, ATTOHN EYS-AT-LAW, Office next door to P. O., Tionesta, Pa. if. AOEW, 1". M. CtARK. y District Attorney. EI,. DAVIS. . ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collections made in thl and adjoining counties. RITCHKY. A TTO r V H Y - A T-1 . A W , Tlmr-:a, Forest County Pa. 1' AWRENOE irOUS K. Tloi.osta, Va., U L. A D. W. Agnew, Proprietors. Thin 1 cuse I centrally located. Everything l ew an J well furnished. Kupeilor Ao c.itumittlstioii and trlt-t attention given t giievl. Vegetable and Frnit of all I inJ aervod in their season. Sample I oom fur Commercial Agent. CENTKAL IIOU8H, Tlonoeta. Pa., V O. C. lirownell. Proprietor. This I a new huoe, and ha Just been fitted tip tor the accommodation of the. public. A por .ton of the patronage of the publlu I snllo Ited. 4-ly. I CENTRAL HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. J W. H. ROTH, Proprietor. Thf InrireNt, Hat locatwl and FurniHhed Ilouao in the City. Near Union Depot. JB. NKH1IXS, M. D., I'tiysiclaii, Surgeon A DruggUt, TIONESTA, PA. T V. MOHKOW, M. n., .1. PHYSICIAN A SUROEON, l.aieo. Armstrong county, having located In Titt'eta i prepared to attend all pro fMHKiil call promptly and at all hour. tMllou reiiidoiice two door north of ijiwreuce Hae. Office hour 7 to H A. ., and II to li M. ; 2 to 3 and ui to 7) r. M. Kundiiy, 9 to 10 a. M. : 2 to 3 and HI tu 7) r. M mav-18 81. DENTISTRY. UK. J. W. MORROW. IIh lug pnrchaacd the inateriala c, of Dr. itfeiutinau, would repoctiullv an Hour. that he will carry on the Dental biilneM in Tioneata. ni) having had over Mix year siio-ef-rul experience, itonaldera hiniKell fully couipnteut to give entire aat ifacUon. I hhall altray give my mndi tkl practice the preference. mar22-M2. AY. PARK A CO., L BANKEI1S. (Vkruer of Elm Walnut HI., TlonoKta, Pa., Pank of DiHiuiunt and Depoait. In toroat alloweil on Time De poult a. Collec tion made on all the Principal point of the U. S. Collection solicited. rORKNZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer In HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kind of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1 IONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. lnd and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, So!ar or Trlangulatiou (Survey ing. Bot of IiiHtrumenU and work. Term on application. IP. "W. LAW, I'racf Ical Tinner A!! kind of Sheet Metal Work prompt ly attended to. ROOl isr, ( A 81 ecialtv. SPOUriNG llONNER RUILDINO, Up Stair. TIONESTA, PA. WATCH CLOCK & JEWELRY REPAIRING. MMIE UNDERSIUNED would respect JL fully announce to the citiama of Tio nesta aiid vicinity, that he haa removed hia watchmaking eHtabliKhment from Ty leraburg to rioneotA, in the room over wm. Hinearbaugn A C o. utore, formerly occupied by Dr. Morrow aa an ollico, where he in prepared to repair watohea, elook and Jewelry. 37 year experienue will eiuble him to give aatisfaotion. Give turn trial. R. 11A LLE. U PENS' AGRICULTURAL WORKS. h tea m Engine. Saw Mill. Hav Presa- , Slump Puller and Standard Agricul tural Iuiplcincnta generullv. Send foj Catalogue. A. II. FARQUilAK 4 SON, 1 '.', i . JAS. T. BItENKAN, REAL ESTATE AGENT, TIONESTA, PA. LAUDS 10CEHT 15D SOLD ON CQMMI83ION. oeeeeeooooeeeoe - If you winh to buy or oll RenI Eelata it will pay you (oorreepond with me. Cdcn Time Tle Tleimta Miailea. KORTB. Train ! 7!S7 am Train B2 !i:2.r. am OUTK. Train 01 IMitm Train 2fl... 1:1R pm Train 30 3:f2 pm Train 31.... 8:10 pm . J.ln 28 North, and Train 29 South car ry the mau. ......., l krrh and ftaefcath Hrkeol. PrpHhvterinn Salihatli School at (MS a. ni. t M. K. Hnbbath Hohool at 10:00 a. m. Preaching In M. K. Churoh every Sab bath evening by Rev. Rumberger. Hervloe In Lutheran Mt. Zion'a Church, Herman Hill, every Himdar at 10 a. m., Enalinh and Herman alternating. H. H. every Sunday at 9 a. in. R. J. Groctz, Pntor. Preaching Ui the F. M. Church next Sunday evening at tmual hour, Rev. K 8iiger,'Paator. Also on Oerman Hill tt 3 p. m. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. February 1, 1888. To morrow! grouud Log day. See if be teet bii ibadow. Dave Ramaley, of Latrobe, I'a , pent the Sabbath in town. Oil market closed yesterday 901. OpeniDg this morning at 90 1 o. Mr. John Shoiip of Allegheny City, paid Tionesta a business visit last week. The case of false preteosct against II. G. Tint er in tbe Venango Courts last week was settled. Mr. and Mra. John A. Hart, of South Oil City, were with Tionesta friends over last Sabbath. Graduates of the Normal School, EJinboro, are teaching in five of the Slate Normal Schools of Pennsylvania. George Killraer has bought Her man & Siggins' dray, aud will beie after couduct tbe busioets in bis own behalf. Mr. II. C. Wbittekin is to day announced as a candidate for Repre sentative Delegate to tbe Republican State Cofiveolion. Mrs. T. D. Dunn, with ber little daughter, of West Chester, Pa., is paying ber parents here, Mr. and Mra. T. B. Cobb, a visit. Rev. Ruiuberger commenced a series of revival meetings at tbe M. E. Church last Sabbtth, which have thus far beeu well attended. Mr. J. T. Dale of Marion, Ohio, is paying a visit to hi parents and otber Tionesta friends this week. The "Col." is looking well as usual. Vol.1, No. 1, of the Bradford Weekly Era, is at hand. It is bright, clean and newsy, and will doubtless "fill a want." ftuccrss. Iu rnnjjnction with other local talent the band boys have iu contem plation the rendering nf tbo play en titled, "A Social Gins," in the near future. -Tbe friends of Mr. R. R. An- drews will be pleased to learn that be is again able to be up and out, with first class prospects of a speedy and complete recovery. Mr. anJ Mrs. Carroll of Titus ville, paid a visit to Dr. Morrow's family this week, returning home yes terday accompanied by Mr. Morrow, who will visit with them a few days. Samoel GrauJin, Esq., one of tho pioneers of Warren county, and father of the well known Grandin Bros., died at hia home in Tidiouteon Thurs day last, aged 87 years. A good man gone. We gladly welcome to our town as residents Mr. R. V. Merriaro and family, who have moved into tbe Mor gan house on Vine St. Would tbat our town could boast of such an ac quisition every day. Dr. J. E. Blaine of Deuver, Col., is shaking bands with old TioncsU frionde, having arrived in town tbe latter part of last week. The doctor is looking well, and is as pleasant mannered as of yore. Tbe committee on permanent cer tificates will meet at tbe school build ing iu Tionesta, on Saturday, Februa ry 11, 1888, for the purpose of exam ining teachers for permaueut certifi cates. Those intending to apply should bear in mind tbe date. Tbe Ilulii'ge Lumber and Boom Co., under the management of Mr. J. D. Huliog, is progressing very well considering tbo inclemency of tbe weather. Mr. Hulinir is one of those men who does not stop on trifles. Democrat, 6t. George, V. Va. The wife of Mr. S. M. Ward of Gilfoyle, a daughter of ex-Judge Kerr, is reported ai lying at tbe point of death from consumption. P, S. Since tbe foregoiog was pot in type, we learn with regret of the death of thia esti mable lady. The bereaved husband and parent! will have tbe linoerest sympathy of tbeir community in tbeir sad loss. The Lander! Brothers are fixing op tbe rink in fine shape, intending to convert it into t sort nf opera house, so to apeak. A stage, curtain fixtures, seats, Ac, are being put id, and when completed will be quite a fine play bouse. Tbat sterling Republican journal, the McKean Miner, entered upon it! 25th year recently. The State don't produce any brighter weeklies than the Miner, and tbe next 25 years will find It younger and more vigorous than ever. G. W. Lachner of Baroett town ship this county, and wb,g, Y.ii beso at: lending the State Normal School at Ediuboro, is teaching school at Mc Kean, Erie county, this winter. We are glad to know tbat he is succeed ing well with bis school, and climbing up in his studies. J. C. McMullen, one oi tbe oil regions brightest and most popular journalists, died in Bradford on Mon day nigbt last of pleurisy with which he was attacked on the previous Fri day. At the time of bis death be was tbe editor of the Petroleum Age and one of tbe puplishen of the Oil New. Barnelt Items: Lester Warner of Redely fle is feeling quite good over the pension be got a few days ago. The Maple Creek Lumber Co., are doing a large business this winter. On Thursday morning, while Mr. James Gregg was driving up to the school bouse, with two of his girls and the teacher in the sleigh, it up set throwing tberu all out together in the mow, and severely injuring the teacher. Constable Canfield has posted no tices to tbe effect that an election will be held in the borough of Tionesta on Tuesday, February 21st, 1888, at which time the following officers will be elected : Oue Burgess, oae assessor, two assistant assess ore, one collector, one constable, oue high constable, two schoo' director', four couucilmen, two auditors, two overseers of tbe poor, one judge of elections, two inspectors of elections. Now's the time to au nounce for these fat places. The monthly report of opcralioos ni oil, for January, as published this morning makes the following showing: Wells completed, 57, which is 39 lees tban in the previous month ; new pro duction 879 barrels, or 212 bhs. less; 19 dry holes, 8 less than in December; 64 drilling wells, a loss of 24, with 29 rigs, or 19 less than tbe previous month. Tnis slowing is quite "bullish," and ought to stimulate the market considerably, bat whether it will or not, no fellow can tell. Mrs. Dinsmore, whose trial for complicity with King in tbe murder of J. C. Davis occupied four days of the Venango couits, wal acquitted of tbe charge by tbe jury, on Monday afternoon of Ibis week. In the light of the former trial, in which she was convicted of murder io the first de gree, it ii exceedingly difficult to see how twenty-four men could get so widely apart in their opinions one set contending that she ought to bang, while the otber find her guilty of no offense. The anaual report of tbe County Auditors, together with the financial statement of the County Commission ers appears iu this issue. Tbe show ing is one iu which every citizen of the county may well feel a just pride ; with tbe eounty still out of debt and a balance of assets over liabilities of $13,150.G6ao increane over last years assets of S2.564.57 there is certainly no reasonable cause for complaint at the management of the couuty's affairs. No county in the State can show up as well by several points. The Republican has added a new Gordon job press to its jobbing department, tbe very latest style, which for beauty, durability, smooth running, etc, is Dot excelled any where. We are, as heretofore, "at home" to all io need of clean, neat, and stylish priotiug at reasonable prices, and all such are very cordially invited to inspect us. We do no ama teur work, noitber will we allow any "smeary, apple butter" jobs, which are a disgrace to tbe art, to leave the office. Call aud see us. At a re union of "the boys" who attended the Traiuing Field School of Charlestowu District, Boston, Mass., previous to 1819, held io tbe latter city, recently, many of "tbe boys," aforesaid were present, and many were obliged to send letters of regret, among the latter is our present effi cient Sheriff. But it seems bia old classmates haven't forgotten him, as witness the following item among tbe proceedings of tbe reunion published io tbe Cbarlestowo Enterprise: "The boys have a reasonable assurance tbat if they ever visit Tionesta, Pa., and get into a quarrel, tbe Sheriff of tbe county, George W. Sawyer, will see to it that the law ia not too harshly interpreted." A man's character ia like a fence it cannot be strengthened by white wash but be can strengthen his voice by uting Ir. Bull's Cough Syrup. Mr. B. II. Rice, who for the past twelve yean hat so ably filled the po sition of book-keeper for Wheeler & Dusenbury at Newtown Mills, resigned that place on tbe 21st ult., to accept a similar position with a large rolling stock compaoy in Alabama, whither he will go in a few weeks. During his residence io Forest county Mr. Rice, by hia sterling honesty and gen tlemanly bearing, has made a host of warm friends who will be sorry to bear of his departure, and will join the Rk puhucax in wishing him unbounded prosperity in the future. Last Thursday morning Mrs. We'i'ngard, wii'a of LoUi: Weiegerd of Harmony township, met with an ac cident that will disable her for several weeks, if not permanently cripple her. That morning Mr. and Mrs. W. had prepared to go to Fleasantviile, and just as they were leaving the house, Mrs. Weingard removed her husband's coat from a satchel and threw it on the table. The next instant the report of a 32 cat. revolver was beard to is sue from one of the pockets of tbe coat and the lady received the ball in her left arm just above the wrist. They immediately came to Tionesta and called upon Dr. Morrow, who probed for the ball but concluded it was in expedient to attempt to extract it, theie being no bones broken. While the wound is a painful one, it was, to say the least, a very lucky escape. Mrs. Ella Dinsmore accompanied by ber daughter Lilly and ber brother Milton Phillips, was at the depot this afternoon on her way to the home of tbe latter in Pinegrove township, War ren county. There was a general craning of necks to catch a glimpse of the woman wbo bad beeu twice tried tried for murder and once found guil ty, and numerous were tbe comments made good, bad and indifferent. In conversation with a Bliztard reporter Mr. Phillips stated that they were, of course, well pleased with the result of tbe recent trial and the manner in which it bad been conducted. He further stated that had threats not been ruled out ou both sides the defense would have shown that Davis had swore to blow up the Dinsmore house with dynamite and bad made other violent threats against the life of Mrs. Dinsmore, 1 be property turned over to Mrs. Dinsmore by Davie he said was worth about $400, is now io tbe bands of Attorney Reed aod Mr. Dinsmore does not profess to have any claim upou it. Bliztard Items from Frosts. Ou Wednesday night last at 11 o'clock tbe house of Leonard Raokins caught fire. Mr. Rankios was not at borne at the time and the children barely escaped with their lives. Mr. Elmer Katy is doing a flour ishing barber business in this town. Mr. Hugh Thompson has goue to Soydersburg to visit frieuds. Fox & Crane mean business; their machinery is on the side-track for their new saw mill, which will soou be in running order. Mr. Jackson Rudaker is the guest of W. II. Fiost. Shingles must be in good demand, as tbe mills are running night and day. Mr. Ira Kendell is very low with tbe measles. Tbe roads are about drifted shut, and it is almost impossible to navigate. O. W. K. Some School Statistics. We are indebted to the Department of Publio Instruction, for a copy of the Report of the State Superintend ent for tbe year eliding June 6, '87. To those interested in the educational work of tbe state it is an interesting document. We append a few of the items of general interest: Number of schools in state, 21,062 ; graded schools, 9,444; male teachers, 9,135; female teachers, 14,687; average salarie of male teachers per mouth, $38.53; of female teachers, $29.86; average length of school term per month, 7.75; number of pupils, 928,624; average attendance, 609,732; total cost, $10,. 129,732 94; estimated value of school property, $36,991,147.00; increase io number of schools during tbe year, 379; of graded schools, 3o7 ; of male teachers, 340 ; of female teachers, 179; io salaries of male teachers per month, $0.15; decrease in salaries of female teachers per month, $0.61 ; increase in school term in months, .62. Excluding Philadelphia. Increase in number of pupils, 9,235; average length of term. 6 71 ; average number mills for school purposes, levied, 5.95; for bnilding purposes, 3 34. KO K EST COUillY. Out of 59 school bouses 6 are re ported as unfit for use, and the grounds adjaeent to only 30 are of sufficient size; 25 are badly ventilated ; 20 with out suitable privy; 19 are reported as first class; 47 are supplied with suitable furniture ; 10 have injurious furniture; 6 have been supplied with furniture during the year ; 22 are well supplied with apparatus; 12 are with out apparatus worth mentioning; in 15 apparatus was increased, while all the schools are reported well classified. It should be borne in mind tbat these reports are made in accordance with the instructions of the depart ment. Er. In 55 are books uniform, the Bible read in 69, drawing taught in 12, vo cal musio in 6, some of the higher branches in 20; 71 provisional certifi cates were granted, 6 professional, 20 applicants rejected ; average grade of certificate 1.75; of 85 teachers em ployed 15 were males, 70 females, 9 had bad no experience, 30 bad bad more than 5 years experience, 25 had attenJed a Normal school," 1 "was a graduate of a normal school, 6 had taught lees tban one year, while the average age was 23 years; 80 had read works on teaching, 15 held pro fessional certificates, 6 permanent cer tificates; there were two failures in teaching; 240 visits by the couuty su perintendent are reported of au aver age of 1.12 hours each; 20 directors and 75 patrons of the schools were met by the superintendent ia the schools ; 5 schools are regularly visited by directors, 12 by patrons; 5 educa tional meetings were held by the coun ty superintendent, 2 districts have li braries, 300 children of school age do not attend school. Average length of term 6.97; average salaries of male teachers, $34 89; females, $31.60; number of male pupils, 899; females, 861 ; average attendance, 967 ; per cent, of attendance 81. Average cost per month, $1 12. Mills levied for school purposes, 9i ; for building, 4i ; tax levied for school and building, $18,025.01. Forest received $1,082.26 State appropriation ; expended $23, 193.54 of which $13,629.50 was for teachers' wages. Resources, $2,871.62 ; liabilities, $6,603 87. HERE AND THERE. It ia said that the following remedy for diphtheria, where it has beeu applied promptly, has never been known to fail in etrectlng a cure. It is a remody that was discovered in Germany, and is said to be the best known. The remedy is simply as follows: At the flint indication of diph theria In the throat of the child, make the room cloan. Then take a tin cup and pour Into it a quuntity of tar and turpen tine, equal parts. Then hold tbe cup ovor a tire ao as to fill the room with the fumes. Tho little patient, on inhaling the fumes will fall asleep, and, wbon it awakes, it will cough up and spit out all the mem braneous matter, and the diphtheria will pass off. The fumes of tbe tar aud tur -pontine loose the matter in the throat thus affording the rcluf that has baffled the skill ot physicians. The remedy is simple and parents should cut this out and pre serve it. Ex, Judge Taylor yesterday rendered an important docision on the lence law. The old colonial law of 1700 requires fences in this State to be constructed of a cortain height and strength. In 1883 the LegUla ture passed an act allowing cnuntios to settle tho fence question by voting for or against the repeal of the old law. Venan go county voted for tho repeal. Some months ago cattlo belonging to a Mr. Cherry, near Rouseville, broko into the premise of a neighbor named Frost. The lattor sued Cherry for damages before Justice Mustard, of Rouseville, and got Judgment for $0. Dolendant appealed the case to court, Hancock and Thorp, of Oil City, appearing for hlui, aud W. J. Breone, of this city, for Frost. They argued the case before the court two months ago. Judge Taylor's opinion BUHtaiuM the Jus tice, on the gronnd that the first section of the act of 1700 is still in force in Venango county ; also, that tho act of 1885 is uncon stitutional, as it ia special legislation, in conflict with Art. 7 of the now Constitu tion. This decision means that if a man would eolloct damages for the depredations of his neighbor's broachy cattle, he must show tbat he maintains the old-fashioned fence, popularly described as "horse-high, bull-strong and pig-tight." Franklin News. A gentlcmon who pretends to know says that the secret of Solicitor General George A Jenks succoss at tho bar was as much owing to his habit of studying men as his knowledge of law. Ho made it a point to learn the weaknesses of the opposing counsel, and would Invariably make practical use of his Information. If bis opponent had a hobby he would force him to get on and ride at a critical point. As an instance of this he told the follow ing story : George and bis brother, Judgti W. P. Jenks, had opposite sides of an im portant case. George realized th it he had the weak side, and knew that hi brother would knock his argument into a cocked hat unless something desperate wa done. Knowing his brother's great bildical knowledge and his weakness for display ing it, George contrived to make a couple of bungling quotations from Scripture at the close of his argument, in which he tortured tho inspired word iu a horrible manner, greatly to the exasperation ol hi brother. When Judge William arose to address the jury he immediately proceed ed to thow them how littlo George knew about the Scriptures. He gave the quota tions In proper form, showed that they were not uttered by the particular propht t to which they were attributed, and lastly that they had boeu improperly applied. By the time the Judge had straightened out the distorted Kciipture quotations he had little time left to talk about the case. And thus, by setting up a man ot straw for his opponent to knock out, liiHtead of bis argument, George won tho i-axe, Punxsutawney Spirit. Tbe great'popularity and success of Salvation Oil, tbe great paio de stroyer, bas made it a target for coun terfeiters. Beware of imitations. Price 25 cents a bottle. CostiveneBS can be (permanently cured by tbe use of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. For sale by G. W. Bovard. Jury List, Februsry Term, 1888. GRAND JURORS. J. II. Dlngman, Foreman, Boro. Bovard O. W., merchant, Boro. Carson John, Jobber, Howe. Cribbs A. VV., merchant, Hickory. Day George, laborer. Hickory. Dotterora Charles, laborer, Klngsley. Fyock William, laborer, Jcnk. Hunter Wm. J., teamster, Green. Hunter John, farmer, Klngsley. Kuhna Eli, farmer, Barnetu Manross S. 11., carpenter, Harmony. Middleton Caleb, farmer, Hickory. Matha Henry, farmer, Tionesta twp. Norinlle Patrick, laborer, Klngsley. Pownell Lake, farmer, Hickory. Reed James, laborer, Harnett. Smith Harry, laborer, Kingley. Shean Dan., farmer, Harmony. Taylor J. L., laborer, Howe -Wagner George, lumberman, Howo. Wonk J. E., editor, Boro. Wallace A. J., producer, Howe. Watson John, fanner, Klngsley. WMr John, farmer, Tlonosta twp. PETIT JURORS, llloom field E. A., laborer, Hickory. Burdlck Robert, laborer, KlngNluy. Brant Fred., laborer, Tionesta twp. Brace Willis, laborer, Tionesta twp. Cook Andrew, lumberman, Barnett. Cussins James, farmer, Barnett. Cartright John, laborer, Barnett. Chatley II. B., laborer, Barnett. Cooper Walter, lumberman, Howe. Cannon Dauiel, driller, Harmony. Caldwell John, laborer, Jenks. Dawson J. A., farmer, Harmony. Davis W. 8., sawyer, Jenks. Dawson J. D., farmer, Harmony. Fullmer George, farmer, Barnett. French Charles, driller, IlowOt Glasancr Henry, farmer, Tionesta twp. Grove David M., laborer, Hickory. Haskins Ira, laborer, Klngsley. Hunter Charles, laborer, Tionesta twp. Irwin Samuel, laborer, Barnett. Lackner Geo., lumberman, Barnett. Moore Melvln, farmer, Green. Munson Frank, laborer, Howe. McCarty Tho., laborer, Harmony. Mealy Samuel, laborer, Jenks. Matha John, laborer, Klngsley. Osgood John, Jobber, Kimcsloy. Perry Lewis, laborer, Hickory. Shell Frank, luborer, Howe. Sblpe John, farmer, Jenks. Shriver Zach., laborer, Tionesta twp. Vockroth E. E., farmer, Green. Witheroll Emery, laborer, Hickory. Wlnans Boyd, teacher, Klngsley. Wolf W. II., farmer, Tionesta twp. Zents S. J., farmer, Barnett. ZahniBer James, farmer, Harmony. WHAT AMI TO DOP The symptoms of Biliousness are un happily but too well known. They differ in diflorent individuals to some extent. A Bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellout appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. Ills tongue will hardly hear Inspecliou at any time; if it I not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive systom i wholly out of order ana Diarrhea or Constipation may be a symptom or tho two may alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headacho and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of tho stomach. To correct all tills if not effect a cure try Green's August Flower, it costs but a tri fle and thousands attest its efllcacy. How often we hear middle-aged people say regarding that reliable old cough remedy, N. II Downs' Elixir: "Why, my mother gave it to me when I was a child, aud I use it in my fami ly ; it always cures." It is always guaranteed to cure or money refunded. For sale by G. W. Bovard. A Haaad Lefal OplUa. E. Balnbridge Munday Esq., County Atty., Clay Co., Tex. say: "Have usod Electric Bitter with most happy results. My brother aim was very low with Ma larial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am sat isfied Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr. D. I. Wilooxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying : "He positively belioves he would have died, hud it not been for Electrio Hitters. This great rem edy will ward off, a well a cure all Ma larial Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands unequaled. Price 50c. and 61.00 at U. W. Bovurd's Drug Store. Every mother should have Arnica & Oil Liniment always in the house in case of accident from burns, scalds or bruises. For sale by G. W. Bovard. DON'T EXPERIMENT. You cannot afford to waste time iu ex perimenting when your lungs are in dan ger. Consumption always seems at tlrst, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imita tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you. get the genuine. Because be can make more profit he may toll you lie has something Just aa good', or J list the same. Don't be deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which Is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat, Lung and Chest alt'cctions. Trial bottle free at U. W. liovard's Drug Store. If you want at once the best and cheapest Life or Accident Insurance, insure in tbe Mutual Reserve Fuod Lif'o Association and Guarantee Mut ual Accident Co. P. M. Clark, Gen eral Agent, Tionesta, Pa. Bl t'KI.KVN AUNIC'A KALVK. The best Salve in the world f r Cut, Hmines, Soros, Ulcers, Salt ltheuui, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappu Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and imjbi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For huIu by W. Hovard. DIED. WARD. At Coluiuan, Burnett twp., For est county, Pa., on Monday, Jan. 30, 1HK8, Mr. Miutu, wife of Samuel M. Ward, aged 18 years. . APPEAL NOTICE. Com uiksion Kits' Ofvick or PoHKHT t'Ol'KTV. Tion knta. Pa.. Jan. lit, 1S88, Notice is hereby given that the C'omuiis siouers of Forest County will meet at their ollice in the Court House, at Tionesta. on tho twenty-second and twenty-third of February, next, for the purKse of holding a Court of Appeals from tlw Assessment uMlW. W. D. Shiklps, C. r I.fcPKin H, J. J. Pahsons, , County Commissioner. Attest, Jas. T. Bhknnam. Clerk. OB WORK of every description execu I led at the REPUBLICAN nrac. TIONESTA MAItKETS. CORRECTED EVERT TUESDAY, Bt RELIABLE DEALERS. Elour V barrel choice Flour T sack, Corn Meal, 100 Iks Chop feed, pure grain Corn, Shelled -Beans 9 bushel Ham, sugar cured Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured Shoulders -Whltertsb, balf-barreta Lake herring half-barrel Sugar - Syrup V. O. Molassea new Roast Rio Coffee Rio Coffee, - Java Coffee - - . - . Toa - Butter Rice Eggs, frexn ... Salt best lake - Lard Iron, common bar Nails, lOd, ? keg -Potatoes -Lime V bbl. Dried Apples sliced per lb Dried Beef -Dried Peachea per th - -Drlod Peaches pared per X f.00fl.M 1.00 1.64 1.46 1.60 91.40 - 80 1.60S.0O - IS - 14 - 8.60 S.&0 - 6 8 60O7S 7S ($88 26 . S2V 2000"" - 22(336 8 20fjt25 1.25 10 124 - 2.50 - 2.76 - 75 100 1.10 - 68 - 18 10 16 PROCLAMATION. Whereas, The Hon. W. D. Brown, President Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for tho county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas Quarter Sosssions, Ac, at Tionesta, for 1 1)9 Cnumy of Forest, to commence on me Fourth Monday of Feb.. bolng the 27th day of Feb., 1888. Notice Is therefore given to the Coroner, Justice of the Peace and Con stables of ald county, that they be then and there In tholr proper persona at teri o'clock A. M., ot said day With their records, inquisitions, examination, and otber loinembrances, to do those things which to their omce appertain to do none, and to those Cho are bound in recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in tbe Jail of Forest County, that they may be then and there to proseouto against them aa shall be Just. Giveu un der my band and seal this 30th day of January, A. D. 1888. GEO. W. SAWYER, L.8. Sheriff. Xotlce In Divorce Louisa Leo, Libellant, Common Pleas of Forest County, No. 6 Deo. Tiv 1867. Al. Sub in Divorce, Frank Lee, Respondent To tbe above named Respondent : Wb erkas, Subposno, and alias subpoe na, having been returned, "Aon ett in ventus," you are therefore now hereby notified to be and appear in your proper person, before tbe Judges of said Court, at tbe Court House In Tionesta Borough, at a Court of Common Pleaa there to be held ou the fourth Monday of February, being tho 7th day of the month, to au swer complaint of libellant, and show cause, if any you have, why a divorce from the bonds of matrimony should uot be granted to the libellant, agreeably to prayer of petition exhibited against you before said Court, and the Aot of Assem bly in such case, mado and provided. You are therefore required to appear accord ingly, and this you shall in no wise omit, at your peril. GEO. W. SAWYER, Sheriff. Sheriff's OfUee, Tionesta, Fob'y 1, 1888. S. D. IRWIN. Lib'ts Att'y. WESTWARD, HO! Are you contemplating a Journey West or South T If so. the undersigned earl give you CHAPEST RATES of FARE or FREIGHT. Also furnish Maps, Guides and anv Information relative to the Farm ing, Grazing or Mining distrios of tho West or South. Call on or address. R. H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent N. Y., P. O. Ry. Oflloe in Union Depot, OIL CITY, PA. Ti IMPROVED WHITE -18- THE EASIEST SELLING, THE BEST SATISFYING SEAVING MACHINE ON THE MARKET. IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT. Its Construction is Simple, Positive and Durable. Its workmanship Is unsurpass ed. Do not buy any other before trying THE WHITE. Prices and Terms made Satislactoi y. DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEW1NO MACHINE CO.,- CLEVELAND, OHIO. Law Blanks ! Blank Books I BOOK-BINDING. RIDGWAY PUBLISHING CO., (Limited.) RIDGWAY, PA., Are now sole proprietor and publish er of the celebrated "Scbueulug Series' of Copyiightod LAW 4 CONVEYANCING BLANKS, Consisting of nearly four hundred differ ent forms and printed on the best linen ledger paper. They are Complete, Uni form, Accurate, and have the eudorse menl of the best law Judge in tbe State. Write for catalogue. Discount to dealer. We also manufacture BLANK BOOKS And do all branches of BOOK BINDING, PAPER RULING, GILDING, Etc., In the neatest and host sty!o of tho art. llutol lt-giiUir a Specialty. Give u a triul. Wu guarantee our work equul to that of auy establishment in tbe State. Write for estimate. Address a above.