THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINN, t ditch 4 Paormrro. WEDNE8DAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1888. Announcements. HEritESENTATlVE PELKC1ATE. We are authorized to announco CURTIS M. BHAWKGY, of Tlonmita, b a candi date fur Krprexentativa DolorttP to the Komiblican Stata Convention, which moots in Harrisburg, April 26, next. Wo are authorized to announce II. C. WHITTEKIS, of Tionosta, aa a candi date for Keproapntntive Dnlegate to tho Republican State Convention. NATIONAL DELEGATE. Kpttor Rkpcbmcan ! Plenao nnnounce my nunc aa a candi date for Dolonate to the thieairu Conven- "".mibjept to the inBtnck-OTTT.rl?.?? f n, o, nt.iiLii, l Tioiiesta, Jan. 9, ISSN. CAM. FOIl THE RKPrnt.ICAN KTATK CONflvNTlOX, IlEAnqrARTERa RErUBLICAM ublicam 1 ,21, 1SS8.) State Committe rniLADELl'HIA, Jan, . The Republican State Convention will be held in the Opera House at Harriaburs, . on tho last Wednesday of April, tho 25tn, 1HSN, at eleven o'clock, a. in. for tho pur pose of nominating one candidato for Su premo Judga, two persons for Presiden tial Eleotors-at-Larjre, and twenty-eijiht persons for Presidential Electors, tho , latter to be named by the Delegates from t lie Congressional Districts where District have not previously named them. Also for the election of lonr Do'egates and four Altcrnatea-at-Largo to tho Republican National Convention to be hold at Chicago, Juno 19th, 1888. The attention of Republicans throuph out the State is respectfully directed to tho followin Permanent Knles for tho hold ing ot State Conventions and the conduct of tho partv : First. That Delegates to tbe State Con vention shall be chosen In the manner in which candidates for the General Assem bly are nominated. Sbcoxd. Horoafier the State Conven tions of the Republican Partv shall be held not earlier than the third Wednesday of August, except in the year of the Pres idential election, when it sha'l be held not more than sixty days previous to the day ixed fr the National Convention, and ex cept in Gubernatorial years. At least six ty days' notice shall bo given of the date of the State Convention. Thimv That -we recommend to tbe county organizations, that in their Rules :hv ullov,- l!io larpest froodom ill the gen eral participation In tho primaries consist ent with tho preserv tiou of the party or ganisation. Thn Stats convention of June 30th, 188ti, having; abolished Senatorial representa tion, Dolegatcs to tho approaching State Convention Vvill bo selected according to the number of Representatives in tho J A'trilatiire to which each county or city is entitled under tho Representative Ap- rwir'.ioninoni law nassca at tae recent eea sien of the Legislature TUOS. V. COOTER, Chairmau. HEPUSLICAN PRIMARIES. Primaries fur eloclioa of Delegate 4o btata UouveotioD, and nomination of Delegate to Chicago Convention will be held io the several townships on loeaday, iebraary 21st. (tbe day of the February election'), the return Judges to meet at tbe Court House, in fiouesta Uoro, on Thursday, Feby at z o clock 1'. 1. Rules same as govern regular Pri waries. By County Committee. C. M. Sttawkey, Cbf.irxan. Jan. 23, 1888. Judge Wilson of the Clarion dis trict is announced in last week's Re pullican-Gazette of that place, aa i candidate for Supreme Court Judge. The Democratic millionaires have overthrown the Democratic commoner in Pennsylvania. Scott, Siogerly and Coxe each with Lis million of money have made a combination greater than Randall's brains. Tell it not in Gatb that tbe Democracy is the poor nuc's party. ,Teliit. to' the marines and bear tbeia snicker. George W. Childs, of the Pbila delrhia Ledger, has written t letter declining tbe nomination for president of the United States, tendered bim by William McManes of tbe same city. Tbe author of eo many delicious mor sels of obituary poetry is not of tbe proper temperament for the tempestous duties oi president. His decline is wise act, and again opens tbe way for lilaine. Meadville Uazette. It was tbe perfection of impudence for ex-Congressman Erank Hurd, of Ohio, to come iuto Pennsylvania and make a free trade speech. Mr. Hurd is the person who said be wanted . get back ioto Congress that he might have an opportunity to "koile tbe iron cieu of 1'enneyiviiiiia. His distn repudiated bim and revveJ bim out and now this loud mouthed brawler this agent of the Cubden Club, bas the effrontery to come iuto Penneylvani to speak agaiust the policy that bas built up the industries of our Stat and filled our shops with the beet-paid workingmen io the world. It is a wonder tbe people of Philadelphia did not mob the creature. Harruburg Jticyrajjh. Tat Peoniou Committee of the Ben bte bas reported favoidbly a new pen- sion bill, providing fur the pensioning of such ex-soldiers aod sailors as are incapacitated from manual labor. Sen ator Maodersou, of Nebraska, is the father of the bill, the objects to be ac complished by which are the same as were coutempUtvd by the depended !eoiiou bill, which President Cleve aod vetoed during the last session of the Forty-nioth C-ingress. The friends of this bill hope to obtdiu its passage aud approval, as the clearoess and ex plicitcei with which its purposes are stated, it is believed obviate the chief objections raised agaiust it by the President iu his veto. The Pensions Committee are unanimously in favor of tbe bill, aud it will have many ad vocates, uot only among the veterans, but also among those who believe that uothing is tuo good fur the men who saved the life of the qatioo on the rsld of battle. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Conducted fy tAe Tioiiesta Oiton. The W. C. T. U. nioeta the 2d and 4th Tuenday of oach month, at I p. in. President Mm. Eli Holeman. Vice Preatdonla Mrs. J. O. Dale, Mrs, W. J. Iloliorta, Rorording Soo'y Mra. L. A. Howe. Cor. See. A Treas. Mrs. S. P. Irwin. Woe HHtO him thnt pivrth hi neighbor drink, that piittrst f A Oottle to him, end makest him ttrttttkrn aim, Hub. If, !.". The wicked workoth n deceitful work : but to him t hat ho wet u righteousness sliull boaauro reward, Itcv. II, IX. tub yriKT oui:rvlk. Do you ate Ilia mau? - J iVtf ike .t!Su. Fhs iog iS tot- j ...-. I.. ti.. dofe dues uot wabbltj like (lie man. Do y on see the man now? No, I (lo not see the man. lie has gone ioto a house. The dog dues not go in the house. It sat dnwu beside the door. Do you know what kind of a house it is? No, I do nut, but I see a sigu over the door. Spell if. Sa l oo alootl. Why diJ the dog not go io ? I give it up. Because there is uotbitig iu a saloon (bat is fit for a dog to drink. dog. There, I see the Il wags its tail io glee. Yes, it does that because the man bas come out of the saloon. See now, the man follows the dog, but he cannot walk as straight as the dog. No, but if the man had stayed with tbe dog be would be able to walk traight. Is the man sick ? No ; he is drunk. Why didn't the dog get drunk? Because the dog must stay sober to ead the man homo. Tbe dog follows the man to tho sabon, cud then the man follows tbe dog home. Do animals get drunk ? No, none but mcu. I hive heard you tpeak of a druuk- en brute. Yes, my boy ; but then I was talk ing about the mau who spends his money iu a saloon fur stuff that takes bis senses away, and theu acts worse than a brute. Is tbe dog a wiser animal than a drunken man? Some dogs have more sense than some drunken men. I would rather be a dog animal than a man tuimal. Why so, my sou ? Then I would not look eo bloated, and smell so badly. I thiuk the dog is much nicer than tbe man. But you must not compare a man with a dog, my sou. There, tbe man bas gone into anoth er saloon. Yes, and the dog has gone aud left the maa. Has tbe dog gone to find a dog sa loon ? No; the dog has goue home to tell tbe man's wife that she must come aud fetch her husband out of tbe saloon. There are a great mauy suggestions in this object lesson on temperance, some of which may make deeper aod raoie lasting impressions on the mind of tbe child than a sermon or lecture. Tbe fact that a man will make him self lower in tbe scale of animal life than a dog is most appalling, even to a child, yet it must be a very stupid cnua wdo cannot see mat it is so. Theu children are more afraid of drunken men than they are of dogs. Were pareuts more careful to make use of such object lessons as these tbey would succeed in maitiog impressions on the mindset tbeir children which they would not outgrow Mothers could point out neatly aud plainly dressed ladies to their daugh lers and show them how it is that tbey are better dressed and really more at tractive than those burdened with trills aod nuns and Uounces. then by dressing tbeir daughters neatly aud plaioly they would lay the foundation for a correct tusto in the matter ot drees. Boys are frequently warned against the drinking hamt by their fathers. This is riuht aud proi er, yit th lorto cftl e warring isofteoroore than neutralized by the father laughingly reoouoiiug some of his drunken ex periences. The pleasure these recol lections appear to afford hiui prompts bis sons to do the same thing. Have you not heard young men ex cuse their excesses io drinking by say ing that their fathers weot on sprees in tbeir young days, und did not suf fer for it 1 Do you poiot out social wrecks to your children aud explaiu to thein how tbey came about? Do you ear nestly try Io show them by living ex amples how much better it is to lead a strictly temperate life than to indulge in the least excess, or to even yield a single point r-heo tempted? These object lessons are more effect ive than fireside talks, family prayers, aud temperance lectures. These are all very good in tbeir places, but they will not make deep and lasting im pressions on tbe miods of children. Pitttburgh t'om.-G'azeite, Jan. 24tb. COUNTY AUDITOR'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1887. S. FITZGERALD, Treasurer of Forest lor year cnning DR. To Balance, from Wm. Rnioar- bauKb I 7,747 M To lands redeemed from County 2Ht 24 To reo'd for use of Court Room I 00 To ree'd for Hooks sold I AO To ree'd for Orasa sold 4 00 To ree'd for old plank sold 4 50 To ree'd for old lamp sold 1 60 To roe'd tor Ink sold. 65 To seated tax for 1K87 8,301 1:1 To unseiitod county tax for 187 S.I'M 00 To seated lands rot u mod for 181 425 22 To undented county tax received for l!0l 3,li!l Vi To si xtv da v list lor 1K87..: " l To lamis soi.l by county for 1KH7 133 00 To fltii'S reo'd by county for 1887 2A 00 To reo'd from city of Uriulford ac- (sntnt Bowen 0 M To ioor fund Jreen townahin .... TO 2-" I Tn mmr fund llli'korv townsltiD 22Q ') To poor fund Tionesui Horn ".. 1!0 00 125,477 (M li,r70 25 To Balance.. S. FITZGERALD, Treasurer of Forest County, in account with StateofPvnnsylvania, or tne year enuing To Raluiico baii)th, . To Statu U from Wm. Smear- f 42 IK CtW 71 $705 87 $474 07 To Italanc S. FITXftiKRALD, Treasurer of Forest County, in account with Redemption Fund, for year ending January 'i, 1888. To Ualaneo hauch. . from Win. Smear- (3,443 96 Tj individual umouuta received. 1887., 168 67 $:i,iU2 u:i To lWanoo $:l,38l 83 J. It. CIIADWICK, County Commissioner, year euoing To orders drawn $173 00 OL1VUR BY ERLY, County Commissioner, In account with Forest County, for tho year ending January 2, 1888. To orders drawn Si14 40 Rv Oil dav's services $180 00 W. D. SHIELDS, County Commissioner, ending January z, jssp. To orders drawn $JJ2 50 Rv 50 dav's services $150 00 CURTIS M. BUAWKEY, Prothonotary, year enuing January i, its. To orders drawn $2ti0 20 By fees , $200 20 LEONARD AOXEW, Sheriff, in account January To orders drawn $155 90 To jury fees roceived 40 00 $395 90 40 00 To Balance.. P. M. CLARK, District Attorney, in account January To orders drawn $134 00 FOHIWT COUNTY. w: vo, tne undersigned Auditors of Forest tho Commissioners Oltlce In said county according to law, and did audit and adjust the several accounts of the Treasurer, Sheriff, Prothonotary, District Attorney and County Commissioners, for tho year ending January 2, A. I). 1888, and find the same as act forth in tho foroiroing report. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our nauns ana seais una 10m aay oi January a. ROB'T Z. WILLIAM Attest P. M. CLARK, Clork. EXPENDITURES of Forest County .$ 629 90 720 00 60 00 2S0 61 , 1,920 on 54 10 406 06 462 00 278 47 57 60 193 30 201 25 4!4 80 637 75 199 68 I 157 55 760 56 355 90 260 20 148 36 18 99 333 60 County Commissioners' Clerk Counsel fees. Bounty on wild cats, foxes, An... jury lees Jury Commissioners and Clerk Assessors Printing Constables and Tipstaves.. Court Crier Road View Fuel and lights Elections Commonwealth costs Books and Stationery Repairs on Court House aod Jail Warren Hospital Sheriffs Fees , Protuonotary'a Foes Janitor Postnge , Collector's Commission FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Forest County for the year ending January 2, 1888, ASSETS. Balance due on County account by Solomon Seated Lands returned for 1887 Due oy n. . Clark lor coal Due by Tionesta Township Due by Tionosta Borough Due by Hickory Township Due by Green Township LIABILITIES. Amount due on bills not presented for payment $ 28-1 00 Surplus over all liabilities FOREST COUNTY, as : Pursuant to law we. the undorsianed Commissioners of Forest Countv. nubllsh the foregoing exhibit of the refepits and expenditures of said County for the year ending jaimnrj i, 10m, n uness our nanus ana W. 1). SHIELDS, ) C. F. LKDEHUR, County Commissioners. J. J. PARSONS, J Attest J. T. BRENNAN, Clerk. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS It represents something you like and ap preciate. It illustrates our meth od of doing business. It means SQUARE UEALIKU !" Don't you see T Preach. TUIS IS WHAT WE raetice. uaraiilee. Honest Valnes I.atest Styles Fairest Prices. J PUT BEFORE YOU. In openi'lg our Elegant New Ntock of early Spring Ht Urn in PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS! LOUNGES, The Newest. 1 The Best. The Chcapost. YOU'LL FIND THEM Prices Quniilles, Styles. AS YOU LIKE THEM. Come! Wo will treat you riirht. Ko liienibtr Kijuare Dealing in FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING! AT m:ijso.- c.iti:i:.i,u.MVN, Kxrhange Block, next to Exchange Hotel, Telepbona.) WARREN, PA. IP YOU WANT a rt-npeetabU Job of printing at a reaaonablo )ric send your ordor to ttim o&c. DEALING County, In account with Forest County, January a, (It. 11,41U 23 689 48 402 1.1 nv county orders redeemed... Hy 6 per cent, commission Ily vouchers for seated lands re- turned Ily vouchers for exonerations Bv tl per cent, commission on fcNlo.78, redemption money... 310 67 l:i 84 Ily Balance.., Sl'Af'70 i $12,570 25 January x, iron, Bv State Troaurer vouchers..., 19 II 01 474 67 $705 87 Ily 5 er cent commission , Ily Tty amount paid individuals , SM 78 Ry Ilalanee $:l,38l 85 $3,612 63 In account with Forest County, for tho January u, ibw. Rv f8 dav's services tlM 00 By 50 miles travel 5 00 S17.1 On Hy 644 utiles travel 54 40 40 in account with Forest County, for the year Ily 725 miles travel 72 60 $222 50 Ac, in account with Forest County, for with Forest County, for year ending d, looo. By fees $;I55 90 By Ilalanee 40 00 $395 90 with Foro-it County, for tho year ending z, tens. By fees $134 00 County, do hereby certify that we met at i. ihss. iILLESPIE,L8.j County Auditors. BLUM, IL S.I J for year ending January 2, 1S83. Express and Freight 8 56 347 00 Stenncrapher. Refunding orders.. District Attorney Wohtorn Penitentiary Cleaning Court House Auditors and Clerk Bridges, Repairs, Jtc County Iustituto Coronor's teee Special Court expenses Con lit y Treasu rer's Com m issions Watchman for Jail Supplies for Court Ilouseaud jail Witness fees, County Case Court Auditor Telegrams Jail Physician Board for Bowen, Lunatic Acknowledging Commissioners Deeds 24 19 131 00 91 65 30 00 114 60 1,361 09 116 ti 84 19 600 98 703 32 25 50 115 31 1 60 10 00 2 42 3ri 00 5 00 1 25 Fit.intlrl Trciumror i'J! rto o.-. 399 68 26 66 1N2 60 no 12 6143 , 95 00 $13,434 66 , 1.1,150 68 $13,434 66 souls mis luui uiiy 01 Januarv, a. i. itss, Mason & Hamlin Organs and Pianos. Tha Cabinet Orrn was Introdocd br Mann A Tlaiuliu in ISsSI. Mii J Hwniliti Oij-ms have always) muiut tnit'il ihclr iprcmay mcr uti nriur, imvm reccing iut?itti iiuiior i niotiai worm tatiiUtUou tintu lhf, The Improved .Mtxleof Mitn-'ln r Invent1 by Wam m H.tmliu In li, i- a vrvut mivunce i pianu ctmuriit'tirm, expt n rrontiiitirhitf u "ti "rvtett ihunovt incnt In itiantxiii tu'f AveiirurT, I'iitnn circular. iniiL litiinir H teiimitii:iU from nurcliaberA. iimricmim, utid tut Mm. Mid l'tuuo aud Urgau CtttuiuuuJ, free. Si EAKLI11 0110 AN PIANO CO., it lui li-.fa ::. (7da Srt), tuw TCSI. Ageuta to Sell tha H1STORV i 11?, BLACK PHALANX. bia'laruaa. aa aal Wiciwarail MamMao W. tatmcai Fui-t 00 0f llUw- w 1 - d Wanted 'Mill ari t rr y - , . jf fcrfT Pa aaowfca. Aa tm a Mc k 1 ' ' 11 ZwLilj ff kU m im4 tka mtiM af a 1 a' W IrO- Haw tuK-naj durlua U. IMI vi a.! ink. mi. laaie k iTb.v -- kNjW' V V'f rWta uhi a aWJi-. fact L'-vkTa ' " f wmMaaud klwha r prstw. S - rau r' ' aU $m - JMa JL Boa Ifcia aaaoa ta Jt la-J! -j nwiiltao. o II 'Aria H. J. HOPKINS & CO.'S oocooooooaoocooocoooocooccocoo ooooocoeo IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE -COME LARGEST STOCK, FIX EST GOODS, AND LOWEST rRICES! SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR ROYS FOUR YEARS OLD! SUITS AND OVKRCO TS FOR MEN THAT WEIGH f.00 Ml. I SUITS AND OVERCOATS ALL SIZES AN I PRICES ! Bf DRY GOODS, BRESS OUR STOCK All Wool Undewcar for Ladies, Gentlemen All Wool I JELVTS HATS I ANY HIZE AT miCKi All Wool lllankfcts. Orav Blankets. llorso Blankets, Knee Our stock of Boots and Shoes is RUBBER GOODS AND FELT BOOTS A. SPECIALTY G8QCJSmJSS CrRQCEZHESi CcStOCimKSt FLOUR, FEED, Our Grocery Stock Is always Complet, and HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS A SPECIALTY. Come nd see us ; we will do you (rood. H. J. HOPKINS & CO. HERMAN & DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, . IX OUR GROCERY" DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND THE FRESHEST GStOGFStZFS. BERRIES, FRUITS t VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON'. Iu our Drug Department, which is in cliargo of a thoroughly competent Clork, will always be found the PUREST DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. DEPARTMENT STORE. , 10c, 25c, 50c, COUNTERS. 5c, WM. SMEARBAUGH TIONE8TA, PA. BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Tb following books art pnblUhod In neat punphWt form Vpr. Q1 many of tbom hanJtuoiclr lUQStraud. x iuro ntnuftumeir iuastru I or laogufcg ftud furoiati to Iiuiad la inv Uod or lioguag, aud furoiih to Ui iibsramrc cm ui aay at inn uofli inoing axuaniia. dar at ttio luoml LrlAiiiK timi bow to prlc M nuicli r iitr uuoivo. Wsalrn mi ftb Wmvt4. MaTraat, nfi Otb. On- talDB lcrljtlui and UlMatratiuuc of tlia ! woodarfui Worki ot uatunt and of maa. Very lutrMllnt and Inatrtirtt. W4rf iboHea. A ertjll(irt 0 the mur wonder tnt aud boouilFul lliloKi (ouaj at tua bwttunt wl tlto ocean, wit arofuM llitrollont. "A I'leMtre KiarUa," aaj Other katoMb Ky M JoaiAB ii.i iN i Wtra." A ruiioctloa i l trreaieilliiy fttBBj ketrtiM bf Ilia moot popular humor. writer ol Hie Uy. Tha Await KaattaW laaora, bC'i aa Avtfrt, aatkor f "Tho Uittf Kcuuaata " a moat nilcaUalf faaay book -laavary way k Io "Widow Bedatt." C'krloliBM Hlarlra, ty Catai.M Diriwa. Coatalna a rubor of ttta ool cii uuing f'lulaluioa atorle ar wniioa r tiiagrofttoat wrlltrwlte arliad. aarbeao iocoaplt. H?w itZ KvawUaT lwiav A r,k ol aUi-Ua.atctuwi, aaniao4 iu, for t. litti luiaa n bom. Pap altar rUwItatlatM mm4 Irlalucwva haninrotu). draata 11." mni pattietls, iiirlnlliif oli lh UUat, tat aud Dt'Mt pular, ThHlf.mad Met mt Mootrrn Tlwica. Coaiatua pr tralu and bi i,pitUa of fainoua aall-uuaila AuarlCMM, froaa tba ti tne of Franklin to tho proatot. raiwlltar Quwlatlawa. CuaUlalar tho ott1a a ad aathor hluuf oiaur iiiM Irciueally aack ta raadia aad coavaraa tlon. 4 valualiia work of refeiaaco. Law Life la Nrw Yark. A aartat of WM pen plrtaraa tinwinc tha dar k al l of li i la lha f root city. Uuttraud. Tka KaU tw Wnaltk. K.l an advarilalac circular, kut a tifrttutfttlj pravliol work, polatiaf out a way bf whl. -hall ma maka money. aaalU. roi iiiit ud buavattv. uno iiaaarva faaalar . aoulimeo and comlo, iu. In ting 11 tua Urritaa. ao aad old. Mr Narl'a llrlr. A Novel. Ur Ur Mat Iunh FLaataa. A Ilartfwl I-l fa. 11 Hmoa Hui ac. Aa Old Maa' orUaa, A iol. Pi atra. rraraKMa. yWi will arorl any fiur of tfia ahor books by mn rental any tartifa rr lur SOfetitat tha autira nit "l"l VlUfcH UMK, IU V K , I V. Thiaiafli hararain Bti$faetion guarantee ormoc fxS4r4. foftaa taui taken forfraeuooa of a dollar. Aa to our rlihitlty( rafar to nf Dawpaiar puTjUaU. 1 In New Y rk. likrwlaa tu tha Comuirrkat Agauciak. All bi Jnra IMf -1 by fium oikU. . AJOxttM fcUiltf; J, lt A"XXA. AublUkr X Mrrtajr mrt, w Vtrtu IIUMPIIKEY8' EOUioPAina vxtleiaey epzcotcs For Horet, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogt, Poultry. I JSOOPAGEBOOIt an Treat. eat or Anln.l.a.a Chart Heat Free. cbi yrter. C'onfftatton.flnn.mmtloa. A.A.-hplnul Meulnallla, Milk trt nplDitl Neuinviii.. miia kever. 81 rulu. I.Miitne.n, It . r. Ill.lemper, kiwi ! barge.. I. I). liul. yr lrub.. Worm.. r'., K. t'ouvhit, K. K. C'ullc ur (.ripe. Bfllymt-he. .3l la.-arrlHae, llruiurruaui'ti rin.ry ana tiiaaey iiiaK.ea 1. 'l.ruullvH lilariM.. r-rupuve iiaruaa. Jiauaa. H.llaa.ea ef IMable (', vita Hiieoinca, Mao an!, i, ttcb Uiual OU and Medlcalor, ST. 00 Price, single Bota(oversoaoa. ,00 Hoia br Draagl.t.i ar Seut Prepaid .. Hecelpt ml Price. Humphrey!' Med. Co., 10ulton St., n, Y. CjQC A WEKK and upward positively 0J aecured by men amenta aelliiiK Dr. Suott'a Genuine Kloctric liult, SuHpenaory, eic., and by ladiea aulling Dr. boott'a Elec tric t'oraeto. Sample free. Rlataaex. Dr. fecott, SIS Broadwav, N. Y, Sfov.lti 3ii. WORLD TO BUY GOODS 1 1 AND SF.E.- TTT" GflQBS MS FMMBLS ! IS COMPLETE! and Hoys. ndorwoar for Misses, Children and Rabies. CAPS CAPS! ANY H17.K AMU ANY PRICK! Khantv Blanket!. Mixed Wool Blankets, Rohes, Wolf Robes. very large and MUST BE 80Ll, AND SALT ! embraces everything kept in this market. SIGGINS ! GROCERS, PENN. & AND CHEMICALS ! &C0., nimnhUt form, nrlntod Tmm mnnA raAiAm (vm m mmI Thf r without cxrepuun tl rliearait book! r rub- uumi of ilia pod1 ma opportunity t iur trt bent id any oiner Mnri trir crtal worka wvoid CMl aaanr ou i couipiM tu iuii : Tho rawelllwl Rwbl. A Woaol. M. T. C -, 1 ka OIJ Oakrw 4'krat. A Kl. kj B 1 ata Haa. Jr. 1 fcc leH af lh Oraa. A Karat. Hy C'Laa Afotrr. Hollow Aak ilali. A Moral. ly MaMaaaT Bt,wsaT Uu.lftii. Uffa llawax. A Moral. My r W Fiaara. 4 ladav ma Lllataa. a Moral. My too author af "Dea Tltorao." Tka IMaaaaaA DraKfiai. A Moral. Ej Mr. Maaav Wood. itiuMraud. Tka Lawyer1! arraC A Moral. I,HIHU I Biiimi. Tkafttrwnaja Caaa wf Dr. JakjU Mr. U Aa. A Koval hi at L Htoiniom, A U'lokrd 4-lrl. A Hural. My Mabt Cn It BT. Idy aJwartA'a trlaaawda. A Mwrat. My Taa Drt aaaa." liotwaaw Twa 1m. ASoral. Si tka aatkar af Dor Thuina." fUurl4d. The N!a at llrarta. A Moral. BrR t Pitlint. lforla'a Fartaatv akoval. ky Ft-oaawcr Waiaa. A Law Mrrla. A Hoval. Hy Ulaa kvi.uri. IUu. Tka ttullty ltlar. A Moral, by Wit-aia Cut.ii a. Tka lwla of A opr. A Moval M FLoaavca Maava. Moat brtaia Moral. My Mra. Bat Wwiu. t erming lha Prttrra. A korcl. ky Mra. Jtt aiaanra. A I'lajtrrlckC'a UaaaUA A Moral. By alia. ElaBla. iU,.lr14. Kalr kat ralaa. A Moral. By tba aotbor af M Dor Ttioraa." idujiraKtf. I.anraator'a Cakla. A Moral. My Mr. X. T. Tir-roa. A. H Itlu. Tba U .imU llatcak A Moral. Br Dr. J . II. Moaivaoa. iVutlraUd. Ika CoUrorvU Cabla. A Moral. By M. T. CaLuoa. mail poat raid apno wlptnf only ! Cental ny ten tor (aiMwuikat for To i for Ifi I'auta i tlia antkra I ml bound Lo buardA ta tMMik arar offarad. DoBOtf all lotaka advautaaa of it. GENERAL MERCHANTS. I toilers in FTJBITITTJRE. -AIho,- UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, TA. KIRK'S FLOATIfJC SOAP THE CHIEF For thA Bnth, Toilet and Laundry. Snow Whits und Absolutely Pun, If your dMtlnr do not It wen Wblt ClonfJ oaii. Mod 10 c'iit for Mmpla oaka io th mbkaiit JRS. S. KIRK & CO., CHICACO. W liSTKItX NKW YORK A P1CNN 8YLVAN1A KAILKOAD. 1 Fornif rly B , N. v. P. h. It.) TIMETABLE IN KFFECT Ieo. 19, 187. Wwtwai d l'ltUljurKli Dlvlnlcn ( K.ntwaril A. M. 7 :o 4 IZ 4 at 3 4.1 2 1; A. M. P.M. I I U.M. P.M. 60 1214 12 26 1 U 2 05 A. M. r.0 arrltMiurah It 8 00 4 :trt Parkar H 11 4 2M Foxbur 12 40 5 111 Franklin 1 Ml !i40 lr...Oll 3 16 p.m. ' r-.w P. M. P.M P.M. p. M. A. M. 005; iw, 11 rA ar...Oll 8 0S (I 60 7 10 8 44 1145 8 3.111 87 11 00 Oleopoiia... ...Kaulo Hock 3 2 10 40 10 30 fS 83t7 17 t ait7 ao fK 3J fl 34 H W I IS 8 01! 1 03 t7 6.l'l2G 7 40 1- 43 t7 ?3;l'iS5 7 10 12 10 8 411 11 50 6 11! 1 1 1') p. m.Iaj. Km. a.m.' I'realdont.... TionoMta...... Hickory .. Trunkey villa. Tidlouta.... , ...'I'honip.on a... 3 62 4 06 7R7 7 60 8 37 7 68 t4 13i 7 68 7 4 26 8 10 6 B0 A4!i ft 46 f8 29 Irvineton 6 00 8 45 A SO 9 0S e 12 9 35 Warren.. 1 P.M. A.M. P. M. A. M. 4 2: is U.. Uradford arl 80o!ll ! '. MJ A. M. A.M. P.M. A.M. n 12 11 oft 1 1 l-Vftr.. ..Iv 6 12 40 17 9 45 6 83 10 01 44.10 11 6 47. rJ 63 10 U 7 07 10 89 7 23 10 66 7 37 1109 HOT I I l"l 6 00, 10 43 5 3.T10 36 5 21 10W h II 10 at ft OS 10 OH 4 r4. V 61 13 . Suirar Rnn ... 11 Mi t'orvdon.M... II 2n Ono'vllla 10 50l....Wo.f Hon.... 10 24ttnakpr Hrldfio. v l M...KWI tiouae... 7 41 ... ISulamanra.., 7 13 .So. Carrol lton 4 4i 9 30 9 28 9 U 9 05 A.M. 4 31 4 17 4 10 P. M. 6 !i0...No Vandalia... 7 47 II 21 6 Hi Allegany...... 8 03 11 T 6 00 It Uloan ... .ar 8 10 11 44 A.M.I P. M. A.M. OKO. S. (i ATCUELI.. 'jIch'I Sunt. A. FELLOWS, tlon'l Pohr't an4 Ticket A gout. No. HA lisfhaiift St.. Hufralo, N. Y. , CUAKi. Atnt, Tloneata, I'a. J. I. ALLEGHENY JALLEY R. R. Most direct route to rituhiirt;ti and tlia F.&t. Only routa landiiiK paHcnttera mt Union SUiUmi without dolaya or tranafer. i:eTraina run bv Eastrrn Time. 'l ime tablo in olbxit Nor. L0, 18h7. nrlliward. Wouthward. i. I s. I b. i : a. in. p. m.; p. in.; I. v. HIMi 8 60 aOOil'lttHburu'li. 7 60 a. in. 7 sol 1 15 HI 13! 10 HOI 8 is W. V. Juno 10 47:10 3.1 4 04 Kittan ninji 11 3:! 11 '.7; 4 60 Kod Hank. Il4.ri!ll 43 6 06, Eat Itradv 0 301 6 1KI2 10 0 06! 5 4511 87 6 23; 6 0210 62 6 0-.I 4 431081 4 3rtl 4 12;10 02 4 2i 4 03 9 62 4 10.' 3 5f! 9 44 12 II 12 4 12 4S 1 21 1 6o 2 li. p.m. I.iii. 3 If. 12 14 5 32... I'aikcr 12 2A 6 4H;.. h'oxbura . 12 32 6 40:. Kmlcnt iii. 1 07 , 0 2li Ki'iint'idol) 1 !W 7 mil.. Flunk lin... 2 Oi, 7 30, ...Oil City... 3 42 S 101 9 00 2 45 8 34 2 16j 8 06 a. in. la. in. 3 II 2 40 .1.1.1 11.111.; p in . in !a iu.,W.N. V a i' 3 03 ..Tiuihville. 4 0M ! Con v.... 5 16 1.Mavvillo... p. in. i. in 'a ui. I ii 1 26; 7 IO 12 4? 12 22; 11 23'll 16. 10 if., 10 36 10 311:10 17! 4 13 6 '.II1 5 rt iv 7 An 3A-: 5 .M l. 0 10, K Oil!. 7 a? : . llriH'ton... Dunkirk . I ... Ilullalo... 8 60 8 30! ...'riouihta 4 10 .Tidiouto.. 12 4.1 12 H ii r.o 7 4l 6hi 8 16; Llrvini'toii.. 7 10 i"! 40I f :Uii o 0. ...WarrtMi... Snliiiuuiica. ..llrndford.. Olotin 7 23 10 6..! 8 OOill 2f 8 10I14A p.m. a. mi. -p.ui. 9 53 9 16 4 201, 9 06 4 ll.'L .... Ar. l.v. 111, p.m. I M-liiitralo Sunday Train It-avmt Pl t burgh ! 00 a. in., arrives at Oil City, 2:1. p. m. riftiiri.inn, lavea Oil City 2:40 p. in., arrivpH at l'ittMburh b:00 p. hi., atop pinir at all atatlonx. DAVID MrC.VKtJO. (l.n l Sunt. K. II. L'TI.EY, Uou. Fit. A i'aBa. Agt. PittaburKh, V. JS3 - ' 3 ai 3 - W ? Send for 70-Page ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MENTION TIMS PAPER. riORTKERH PAG1F10 I l LOW PRICE RA1LRGA3 LAKDS FREE Government LAND3. laraiLUUKt or ACK of eiutta li Mlnneaot. Kortu akutv U.mUnt, lilitho, Wahiii-'i"ii nd Or it 'H. f run CIO Hiihiu-fcUni with Utvya dfMcrlbliiu t lf Luia qj-v oi"-u ui HMun fiiant Free- (HAS. B.UMBOaiAW.WWK'Mi' nt free. AWir-t a O a - VI o 2 V "2 f3 t-i , . i g: ' I 14 i 1 i in SIS r.i 13-a l-M I rv rl V;'f JO