V THE FORXST REPUBLICAN. i. t. WIN, tOITOM 4 P0lltTO. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1888. Announcements. . llEPRESENTATIVE DELKGATK. We ar authorized to announce CURTI8 M. 8HAWKKY, of Tionnsta, as a candi tlata for Representative Delate to tho KpubllcnHtate Convention, which meets in Mnrrlsburg, April 26, next. NATIONAL DELEGATE. TniTOR Rkpl'bmcas : Please announce my name m a candi date for Dolepate to the Chicago Conven tion, subject to the District Conference. A. B. KELLY. Tionesta, Jan. 8, 1 18S. REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. iVimarici fur election of Delegate to Stats Convention, and nomination of Delegate to Chicago Convention will be held iu the several townships on Tuesday, February 21st, (the day of the February election), the return Judges to meet at the Court House, in Tionesta Boro, on Thursday, Feb'y 23d, at 2 o'clock P. M. Rules tame as govern regular Pri maries. By County Committee. C M. Shawkey, Chairman. Jan. 23, 1888. CALL FOR THE RF.Pt BI.ICAN KTATB CONTENTION. tlEAPqrARTKRS RKPrtlLlCAH ) Statk Committee, I Philadelphia, Jan. 21, 1SWS. J - Tho Republican State Convention -will be held in the Opera House at Harrisbtiro, on the last Wednesday of April, the 25th, 1888, nt eleven o'clock, a. m. for the pur pose of nominating one candidate for Su preme Jude, two persons for Presiden tial Kloctors-at-Larsre, and tweuty-eight persons for Presidential Electors, the latter to be named by tho Delejnttes from the Congressional District where Districts have not previously named them. Also for the election of four be'egata and four Alternats-at-Large to the Republican National Convention to be held at Chicago. June 10th, 18,-W. ' The attention of Republicans through out the State is respectfully directed to the following Permanent Rules for tho hold ing ot State Conventions and the conduct of the party! Fiust. That Delegates to the State Con vention shall be chosen In the manner in which candidates for tho General Assem bly are nominated. SKCosn. Hereafter the State Conven tions of tho Republican Partv shall be held not earlier than tho third Wednesday of August, except in tiie vear of the Pres idential election,, when it shall be held not more than sixty days previous to the dav fixed for the National Convention, and ex cept in Gubernatorial years. At least six ty days' notice shall be giveu of the date of the State Convention. Thikd. That wo recommend to the county organizations, that iu their Rules thv allow the litrgost freedom in the gen eral participation in the primaries consist ent with the preservation of the party or ganization. The State convention of June 30th, 18S6, having abolished Senatorial representa tion, Delegates to the approaching State Convention will be selected according to the number of Representatives in the legislature to which each county or city is entitled under the Representative Ap portionment law passed at the recent ses- aion of the Legislature. TIIOS. V. COOPER, Chairman. Note. In compliance with requests from many sources, thnt the National Rules of the Republican party tie publish ed, they are givvn. below. ""' ' -"t'lIE NATIONAL KfLEI. Tho Republican National Convention of 18M adopted a resolution offered by Hon. Oalusua A. Grow of Pennsylvania, which now embodies all of the National Rules of tho party, touching the time for calling Conventions and the election of Delegates. The text of the rules in this, as officially printed in the proceedings, pp. 70-78: "Said National committee shall issue the call for the meeting of the National Convention six mouths at least before the timo fixed for said meeting; and each con gressional district iu tho United States V shall elect its delegates to the National (Convention tn the same way as the notni ii.V4 of a member of Congress is made in sa.J tUntricliJuitUn. the territories the delegates fa the Convention shall be elect ed in the same way as tho nomination of delegates to Congres is made; and said National Committee shall prescribe the mode for electing delegates for the District of Columbia. An alternate delegate for each delegate to the National Convention, to act in case of the absence of the dele gate, shall bo elected in the same manner and at the same time an the delegate is elected. And the delegatea-at-largo for each State and their alternates shall be elected by State Conventions in their re spective Suites." The changes embodied in the above, from the rulos and cm.toms which pre viously obtaiued can bo explaiued very briefly: First. AH epec'no limitations as to the time oi selecting State or District Dele gates, have beeu abolished. Necoud. State Con ven tionscan not here after subdivide into district conventions, for the selection of district delegates, since this class of delegates must be elected iu "the same way" as Representative to Congress are nominated and by the people of tho respective districts. Tuiru. Where new apportionment laws are in operation, and counties have been displaced from, former districts, dis trict delegates must be selected lrom the ."w Congresioual district, iu like manner as candidates for Congress are nominated. Members of the State Committee and officers of County Committees will rapid ly promote a knowledge of these rules by requesting their publication in all of their local Republican journals. The Issue Presented. The preliminary skirmitsh between the free trade and protection wings of the Democracy of Pennsylvania in this city yesterday resulted in a victo ry for the President and Lis friends, and Mr. Raadall and his partisans have been sent about their business. Whether the rauk and file of the Dem ocracy of the State will in their selec tion of delegates to the State Conven tion ratify the action of the State Com mittee, and give themselves over, Lound band and foot, to the enemies of American manufacturing interests and American workiugmen, the future must reveal ; but it must be confessed tbat it looks as if Mr. Scott aud bis allies will succeed in whipping the party of the State into endorsement of the President's free trade views, and that they will be able to send a dele gation to the National Convention pledged to his renoinination. The re sult of such action must be apparent to all who are not blinded by partisan bigotry or misled by grsed for office or political power and influence. Penn sylvania, always a strong protection State, roust become almost solidly so on the Issue as presented by the Demo cratic committee. Let the contest come. The free trade leaders have grown bold to rashness, but the people of the oountry are ready to meet them, and when the battle of the ballot takes place Pennsylvania will give a good account of herself. IlarrUbttrg Tele grap . rcuul brigadier is now on the Supremo Bench of the United Stales. "Fiii;n Trade and Low Wages" is the cry of the Pennsylvania Democ racy. How do the workingmen of Penn sylvania like the attitude of the Dem ocracy in declaring for free trade t Here was a bold, oulnnoken derlara- iu favor of the pauper labor of Eu rope. -a i i Ar the rureting of the Democratic State Committee in Harrisburg last week, Free Trade was king. Randall's man Sanders was knocked out, and Scott's man Kisncr was elected Chair man. Cleveland and his free trade message were endorsed body and breeches, and the Democratic party of Pennsylvania place J squarely and un equivocally upon a free trade platform of the rankest order. No denying the charge any more; the issue is made, and the Republican party accepts the challenge, with the promise, upon that issue, to roll op net less than a hun dred thousand majority in November. The Elections Committee of the House seems to thoroughly understand what is expected of it by the Demo cratic majority, and to be determined that these expectations shall be fully realized. It has bustled Thoebe out of its presence with almost brutal dis regard of the rights of contestants, and this act is to be followed by the ousting from his seat of Mr. White, the Republican member from the Twelfth Indiana district. It looks as If the Democratic majority of fifteen is not large enough to suit the leaders of that majority, and as if the Elec tions Committee have undertaken to increase it. Ir cnything were needed to convince the pcoplo of the peril which threat ens the best interests of the State and country under continued Democratic rule, the evidence was furnished last Wednesday in the almost unanimous adoption by the Democratic State committee of the resolution endorsing President Cleveland's free trade views and pledging the party to his renomi nation. Just what Democratic pro tectionists think of this action we shall doubtless Boon discover ; but it is cer tain that it will net lessen the chances of an increased Republican majority in Pennsylvania, nor check the hopes of the election of a Republican Presi dent next November. Congressman Exloe, a Democrat from Tennessee, has introduced a bill appropriating $150,000 for the erec tioo of a National Home for ?)isabled Volunteer Soldiers in the State of Tennessee. This Home is to be open to all honorably discharged Union soldiers or sailors disabled by disease, wounds or otherwise, and "to all hon orably discharged or paroled soldiers and sailors who served in the army or navy of the late so called Confederate States." This puts patriots and trait ors on exactly the same looting. Well, if Mr. Lamar is good enough to sit on the Supreme Bench, why should the privates in the Confederate armies be slighted 1ifercer DinjHttch. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS DEALING It represent something you like und ap- preciaie. illustrates our mein od of doing business. It means "Square ii:ali. r Don't you see? Preach. Practice. Guarantee. THIS IS WHAT WE Honest Values 1 Latest Styles Fairest Price. I TUT BEFORE YOU. In opening our Elegant New Stock of early Spring Styles in PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS! LOUNGE3, The Host. The Cheapest. l-rloes 1 Qualities. AS YOU LIKE THEM. Style. J Pome! We will treat you right, Re- memoer square Dealing in FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING! AT .i:i.SO r.UEEXLOON, Exchange Block, next to Exchange Hotel, ' Telephone. WAKKEN, PA. 188S THE TIMES I PHILADELPHIA. CHEAPEST, BRIGHTEST, FRESHEST AXl H1-.ST. The Most Complete Newspaper Pub lished in Philadelphia. The Time Is the most widely read news pHr published in Pennsylvania. Its renders are among the more Intelligent, progressive poople of every faith. It is emphatically an independent newspaper "Independent in everything; neutral in nothing. ' Its uiHciiNsion or public meu ami piibilo measures Is always fearless and in tho Interest of public integrity, honest government and prosperous industiy, and it knows no party or personal allegiance in treating public issue. In the broadest and best sense a family and general news paper. The News uf the World. Tho Times has all the facilities of advanced journal ism for gathering news from all nuartors of the Olobe, in nddition to that of the Associated Press, now covering the whole worm in ii-s scope, limiting it the pence tion of a newspaper, with evervthlnc care fully edited to uccupy the smallest Fpac. The Coming Year will bo one of uni versal public Interest in the United States. Party orirans will perforin their duties na party Interests shall demand, but the rap idly growing intelligence and independ ence of the age calls for the Independent newspaper when great political conflicts are 10 ue met. urave problems ot reve nue, of tinauce. of commerce, ot indnstrv. of science, of an and of every phase of pimgiiifiipu progress are in constant courso or solution by the people of the Union, and the progressive newspaper is ever In tho lead in every struggle for ad vancement. The Times is a one-cent tinner onlv In price. It aims t) have the lan-est clrcnU. tion by deserving it, and claims that it is unsurpassed in all the essentials of a great ..ii'iiDpiriitiiri newspaper. Specimen Copies of nnv edition will lm sent free to any one sending theiraddress. Sunday Edition lri nnms llaiirlHnma. ly Illustrated. 2.00ayear. VVeekly,l 00. " iniiv, er annum; fi lor four months : 30 cents ner month -loll v. ered by carriers for 6 ceuts por week ; Sunday edition, an immense quadruple sheet ofls columns, elegantly illustrated, $- per annum; Scents per copy. Daily and Sunday, $5 per annum; SO cents per u. mo. wm v eouion, si per annum. nuurra an leucrs to TH R TIMES, Chestnut and Eighth Streets, Philadelphia. A Great National Journal. THE NEW YORK Mail and Express Thm Adrocmte of tbe rtcst Interests of th IIome-Tlve Enrmy ot the Saloon The Friend of AnerlMti I-ahor, THo FaTorlte NeTimaer of Taople of JU fined Taslvt Everywhere, r l:tlnn of th5 5i Tortt MAIL. AND 1 hum natnoisdtnj? ifrTmt: iiam-r of tw n troMUs. -whllo iu wotXU- rl ti')n'h. MT1I'. KAVORITK HOHK aV4i'i it in tiionutunW of ruiilla In ererv-FUtein ll t u -m. J t liaA&l.A.ntM. tt crrt popularity nml lii'mei-ro in- tia e ster prlselu the oolifvttonnf nev n, tho purUr uf iu fom ami thfiftbilttr ami ctmrnfrr of Itn vtvooa ot the Klftlitoij aUf,it'Attoit)Of fiitllc lut rvt-u KoR lKNtna Mail and r.rurw m t a better payer than ever, anil, a loan, lutorcst lntf, inauuctlTo Homo Newspaper, HaoiirttacompartMoii with any other in theronn. trv. It i-on of thelAttr.KHTFArKHS Pi;iU IJffll KD auywhero, au1 fparr neither lal-or nnr expeofie to aecura for it a metiers tho rery best aaUUepartuieiiuof newttpapex llloraluru OUR POLITICS. WebelleTethoRepnhllranpnrtTto bo thetme Inelrnmnt t the I'OLITU A I tKOKH of the American peoplo; aurt holding tht the honpAtenforrementiif lta principle ia the best Kuanuitee of tbe tiattonnl welmr we shall sup port them with all onr might; but we utmil alwnva treat opposlutf parties Uii euuMdei atioo akd ldlr 117- AGAINST THE SALOON. TbeM n,A!aFTTrjttrBie the roeofrnlrM leml ivg Journal or the oountry in the Rifut Ami Kuloon Kepnbllran movement It brlievoa thut the liquor tratrie as it exists to-day tn the Vnlieri Mates is the enemy of society, a frnitlul sonrce ot corruption iu politics, tho allr of aiiart-by, a school ofcrline, anL with Its avowed purpose of seeking to corruptly control elections nml fr lega tion, is a menace to the imlillo welfare and Ue avrvea the condvoiuaUou of all Rood uiun, In briwi, all who wia to have 1n their omea a FI KST-Cf ,AH KEWmFAPER. or national scope, broad views, clean pafroa ami isjurnsfwraa, yet kind I r, utterance on all ques tions of ffcnoral puMlo Interest, will not be disappointed in the Mail and Exphksk, and we respcsoUnUr solicit their lunaence and sup port. M-fWHTPTIO I? ATEt. WitricLT, per ynar, l.UOi six months, UO rents: three uionf lis, 30 cents. Iailt, poryiar, S600t ix nioulhv vJ.OO, tore luonins, 1.Ui one luoutu, 30 Cents. rVEnY 8CBrHTBEll to the TVciklt who snna ten rent to par ior pacHtntt- an1 po.-4tae roceives as a present from the mail anu KxrtLcns ANY TWO of our elegant rremiem J'ortrnlta of Liueoln, Oraut, Gai tleltl, Lopuu and fieerher, exact copies of tho finest crayon Ukeneissea, V I Inches in sUo, sout to Uis addrosa frou aud posipald. FOR 91.50 we send tbe Matt, aud Cxfrkm one y (Mr and a copy of Munkacny groat psiut-liift- of 4 briii Hoforo Pllntn, richly and art lit ic ully reproduced In lil colore The ordinal of tins crcat painting was recently sold fur over A I.AIii.R I,IT of other popnlar anrt rml nsuie prvinluius aio offtvd to auocrlurs and SK-ts oa tiio must htieral trrms. 'Jey cauutft bo l-criLn.d hero. Cuid for our clrouUc. AGENTS WANTED. V7e want a s;oo1 a rent In every town and vll. ltie where we have not one now at work, bend H, ti..r Hpcciiit Circular to Agent and se Mir J.bcrsl tuft re, I'OSTMASTEItH ar.4 their ASSISTANT. r.D4 fcll others who nUh w increase their ia Cbiue, will Cud tbUn excellent opportunity. K.U1I.K t ttl'il.S srnk free to all applt raitta, ha tur oue:'ud eiscloso the'juldressus uf onr f r!.;ii !. Adores Blindly Tim Mali ajiu POOD SALARIED II or ComniiKKion to Men and Women U to act as l.iral or traveling Agent. No experience needed. Steady work I Jamkh K. Whitney, Nurseryman, KocheHter, .-. i. ji Biiiion nun paper.) atig-uo, WON'T EXPERIMKNT. i ou cannot anora to wattle lime In ex perimenting when your lung are in dan ger. CoiiNiuiiptioii alwavti kociiik at tirst. only a cold. lo not perniit anv denier to impose upon you with nonio cheap imita tion of lr. King's New Discovery lor ConMiiniption, Coughs and Colds, but he anre you (ret the genuine. Kecause lie can make more prolit he may tell you he has noinethiiijr juwt as good', or just the name. Don't be deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New liixcovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat, I.ung and ChcKt alleetions. Trial bottles free at U. W. Jlovurd'a Drug Store. A GENTS A WANTED To canvass for one of the largest, oldest established, Best Known Nurseries in the oountry. Most liberal terms. Cnoualed facilities, tienevn Nursery, Established 1HW. V. A T. SMITH, Geneva, N. V. WORK FOR THE WINTER ! Uuliable men ot energy and push can have permanent t in loymeut with us this winter at good pay, selling onr choice lino of Nursery (Stock. Teims liberal. Busi ness easily learned. Particulars and out tit free. Address Tho Chase Nurseries, tiuneva, N. y. fctalo age and enclose l'P. dotil-at. SEN 1 your Job Work to tho ItErUB LIC'AN Uflice. Law Blanks ! Blank Books T BOOK BIN DING. RIDGWAY PUBLISHING CO., (Limited.) RIDGWAY, PA., Are now nolo proprietor" and publish er oi me reicuraiea "."lomr-nmn series of Copyrighted LAW A CONVEYANCING BLANKS, Consisting of nearly four hundred differ ent forms and printed on the bwl linen ledger paper. Thov are Complete. Uni- torm, Aecuruto, and have the endorse ment of the best law judge in the Ktato. Write for catalogue. Discount to dealers. Wo also manufacture BLJLZSTIC BOOKS And do all branches of BOOK BINDING, PAPER RULING, GILDING, Etc., In the neatest and host at vie of tho art. Hotel K?gistem a Specialty. Hive us a trial. We guarantee our work equal to that of any establishments in the State. v rue lor estimates. Address aa above. Ti IMPROVED WHITE -13- 11 4 THE KASIKST SELLfNO, THE BKST BATlSf Y1SU SEWING MACHINE ON THK MARKET. IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT. Its Construction la Simnlo. Positive and Durable. lis workmanship is unsurpass ed. Do not buy anv other before trvinir THE WHITE. Prices and Terms made Satislactoiy. DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEWINO MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. igtuls to !cll tbe IIIST0BY of .BLACK Rau BaU'Mi aWnw sjj mi, wit. iis, k. irsrvytxiw if iiki ii. r m Wkitafst1 Sl.fta. Hf mIm, AffttU rtptrl I W Mies p Mk. IWa't is it a Sun M tt bsb. PriJ fW finals md l'iii:i'fi. r Sl.OOrsrMt rMsr a bli 1erSM. m ail IWritmrsil. Mmsm AMERICAN PUB'S CO Csssrs m StUMS. Mason & Hamllri Organs and Pianos. The Cabinet Orpan waa lutmdured hf Mason A Ilumlin in IHrtl. Mmou Jt Hsuilin Organs Usva always rtKunUim-d Kieir onpremacy over sll others, havint; rcceivcil Ilirlit llouurs ai ull Oixal WurlU's luxuibitiuus tiuco Th Improved MkJ- of HrriiiirUi Pianos, inrsntcd bT Muenn A Hamlin tn If, Is a k'" hiivsiico in pisito construction, rxperU trinurinvin it "tho L-rosiest improveui' tu in piartoxiti liwlf a century. ' j'isuo ulrcular, cDUtiuiutf X) tsriiiinonisls from I'Urchasers, mnalcfuus, and luucrs, cud l'iauo aud Organ Catalogues, Irue, UASOU & HAULIN 0E3A1T AND TIANO CO., 10 rut lf.b St. (Uslos Squx), MIW TCBI. A Honsd Lesal Opiaian. E. Bainbridge Munday Esq., County Atty., Clay Co., Tex. aays: "Have used Electric Hitters with most happy results. My brother also was very low with Ma larial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am sat isfied Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr. 1). I. Wileoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying : "He positively believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Hitters. This great rem edy will ward oil', as well as cure all Ma larial Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands uneoualed. Price 50c. and $1.00 at O. W. Bovard's Drug Store. OltTII KNOWt.MU. Mr. W. II. Morgau, merchant, Ijike City, Ela., was taken with a severe cold, attonded with a distressing cough and running into Consumption In its first slugcs. lie tried many so-culled popular cougn remedies ami steadily grew worse. 'as reduced In llofh, had dilllculty in breathing and was unablo to sleep. Fi nally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for 1 (insuinption and lound immediate relief. anil after using abont a half dozou buttles found himself well and bus had no return of llio disease. No other remedy tan show so grand a record of curen, us Dr. King's Now Discovery for Cunsumition iuaranteed to da jusi what is claimed for it. Trial bottlo frno at ti. V. Bovard's Drug istore. it K. i:vs 111:11 yoitii. Mis. I'hu'he Chosley, Feterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the troth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town : "I am 73 years old, havo been troubled with kidney coinpluinl and lameness lor many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain aud soreness, and am aoie 10 cio ail my own uousuworK. J owe my thanks to Electric Hitters for hav ing renewed my youth, and removed com plotely all disease and pain." Tay a bot- iie, oniy ooo, at no vara a Drug store. rOBWOKK of every description cxecU' ted at the IIKFUBL1CAN ollica. . . U Ttf st -4 wrl-Ur . Ti WMmte H. J. HOPKINS & CO.'S oooooooooooocoooooooeoeeoeeo ccoooooooeooooee IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD TO BUY GOODS I! COME LAlttl EST STOCK. FINEST (iOODS, AND IA5WEST FKICES! SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR HOYS FOl'R YEARS OLDl SUITS AND OVERCO TS FOR MEN THAT WEIGH MX! LH.N. ! SUITS AND OVERCOATS ALL SIZES AND PRICES! I MY GOODS, DRESS GOODS Ai FLANNELS ! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE! All Wool Undewear for I-adics, (Jentleinen and Boya. All Wool Underwear for Misses, Children and Hablea. EL-A.TS HATS 1 ANY WZK ANY TRICE! All Wool Blanketa, (Jrav Blanket-, Shanty Blankets, Mixed Wool Blankets Horse Blankota, Knee Boliea, Wolf llobes. "lanaeta, Our stock of Boots and Shoes I very largo ai d MUST BE SOLD, RUBBER GOODS AND TELT BOOTS A SPECIALTY G&QCEmits, GsQCXKiiits Gmcimxs, FLOUR, FEED, AND SALT! Our Grocery Stock is always Complote, and HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS A SPECIALTY Come nd see us ; wo will do you good. H. J. HOPKIISTS & CO. HERMAN & SIGGINS! DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, - - - PENN. IX OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND THE FMESZTFSr GilOGEMXES. BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IX SEASON. In our Drug Department, which Is in charge of thoroughly competent Clerk, will always be found the PU11EST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. DEPARTMENT STORE. 5c, 10c, COUNTERS. WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., TIONESTA, PA. BOOKS, THREE tbs roll owl n bonks srs pntuhsa m nsst panrh)t form, printsd from rslsbl typs rva food rapsiv and mmj of Lb em haaUiooislr tllastraud. Tbejr ucu iis m 1 isuu in wuiuanii, suu IiUraturs of tbs dav st ths boil tnt and or UacuMt AU4j farntKb to ths tiuMS tbs prios at whleb thsy ars tisrs udsrsX adfe WmSam f lha Wrld. N itvul a Onil Cnm- tltts daartillaasl A1 IUMirtlion r h st vondarful Workaol lr ud of MM. Vary taWrMllnf and Inatrmcllv. Waainaf (ha A Sacrltian ot lha stikr woadar. fal and bMtittrtU ttikos IwuS ft I Uta bvtkua of S khi, wltS frorM tllatrftioiia. 'A plMr KisrUoa. a- Otasr Skctohas. MJotkl Allio's Wire." A cvllacllua oi IrroataUbl j fuf s'aalcliaa br Us anoal swpalar Suanorowa wrllar tthm daj. Ta As KmIbIi l'apra Sy Ot.au Auaoara, t' sf " TtM Sas Duubii." A bjmI rtdlculsualj ruatty took la avarr way ftuual t "Widow hadotl." CarisUtaa atawlaa. ht Cmiilu Diessws. OaaUtni nwbar f nn mt tuarmliir tliriaitaaa alortaa mvt wrilloa W lSfr 4aa wrttST I0 r U4. Brkaa tsatattUlt. !!3aiHstia Evcntast Laaia. A b..uk rtf twtcivas, putslaaaitd (antaa, fur ti. Hill ! ia at honta. Fapulap liMllatlows saa Otlaica, bsmovoai, Srns. le an4 palliaile, lutlutiu( U V itiaat, t aS mftl polr. Thair.m4 Mm of Mrm TIbim. Contain p"r Iratta nl btnciauiitaa of famoua alf Ausfhaw, ttem (b tlnaof Franklla U (ha firaaaat. Paajtlllttr OaoUlioiis. O.nUisidtf tka er1(ls author, ahlpuf utauf rliraaaa frvquanlly anal Is r4ift ft S 0UBrM ti8. A Taluai.la work rr rtriort low I.lfb la New Yark. A aris ai T vHld pa pletsrss Shnwlnc th dark M of lifa la lha ral cllf . TUutlritd. Ths Um4 ia Weal It k. Hot adrartlalnf circisiar. fcnt iburottfttl airaciuat wnrh, fwlntlBg out ft way ky alilrth ftll snar tnakft mutiaj, awtly, rapidly ftlid konafttly. Oma Ilaiaarval Papalar fcowa, aaotlnaDtal. fltMtl ftnd oomlr, turltidlaf rnott af Itkft fav rlia. sn and aid. lr Narl't llt-lp. Kottl. y Hit li.i liixu rutlM. A Bartered l.lfe. A Nnvat, B, H.IM Butisp, An Ola Maa's Bacrtlos. !. By Mrs. Asa f. Tftraftjta. Wt will send snr four nf ths sbors books by mail rott-pald anm receipt of only 1 Cants i soy tm for o Cataiaay twmt ft (or AO nta tbs sour list (0 booka) for Cwcttei tls sutire Mat bound Iu buenla wimi cuun data, i or vi .iu, Tnlftlttheicrsautft naCAto Vastus surniii ww reier v auiy newipAper pUOi vsi-rBauui. AaarsHAUistum Jr. JO. H Iv.i IIUMPIIltEYS' EOHEOPATEIC VETEUHTABY SPECITIM For Horse, Crttle, Sheep, Dog, Hogs, Poultry. 500 PAGE noOKoi Treat. moat of AsliosUaafJ Cbart bent Free cm ! rs. f 'onieslloiis. Iiiflammallon. A.A.-Hpinal Mroiugltla, 11 ilk Fr. I.R. Mratuat l.auieuf , H heutnailam. C llHteuipr, Nttaiil IlMcurvsa n. IJ. lliiisor Orubn, W orms. K. F.. Tougba, Htues, rnfunipnla F.H'ullc or UripttB, liillat-ta l..ftl .crrlBliK. Ilfmurrlii II. I riuary aud Klduey Di f, r.mptive lkifeaar.. Man K llii.Mca of iisvailoa. J use. tXtbtr C'aa. with Rpecldofl. Manual. WltcttUunouudM.Klk'miur, 97-00 Price, Slugle Bottle orer (0 duawi .60 fold by Urngglstsi or 8ent Prepaid on Uecelpc sf Price. Humphrey.' Med. Co., 0 Fulton St., H. T. CQ K A. WEKK and upwards positively secured bv men ugeuts soiling Dr. Buotl's Gsnuine liltx-tric Uult, Huspensnry, etc., and by ladies selling Dr. Hcott's Elec tric Cursiits. Ksuiplo fre. Slate eex. I'r. Bcott, 818 Broadav, N. V. Nov.16 -3ui. AND REE.' ti-J ! ! t ' i i H j j CAPS CAPS ! ANY Hir.K AND ANY PRICK! embraces everything kept iu this market. 25c. 50c, CENTS EACH! ars without itMptlon ins rlisant book sver pub- nsaacs of ths r-opls aa opportBDitf to scurs th Mil an i- B 1 c WU WUUJU OOBl, BSC1J us is cumplst ia tuU: Tks PorwIIIat RaSlaa. A or1. p7 M. T. Cilsas. TbeUU OabMt hail. A Ifoaal. Sy Btl v tutii Coas, Jr The Prl f the OaWa. A Nctval. hy Claka Aosuiti. lUIUw Ask Mali. iKml, Uf stMAjT Skm. tUuittmUd. US IUa. A Nal. By Ktta W. Pnmr. ssev kks LUac A Vsaal. hf lo auUiur sf "Dora Tks iXiasaai Braealal. A Howl. By Mrs. Bstst Wood. lUvitrld. Ths lawiar'nlMfit i !, Hla W Vupni, Tht ktniBH taa af Da JattfU M Ma Uida A Narai. Mi a L STftvsiiawM. A WcBa1 iilrL i Hosl. y Mast Cwfit liT. th?dr Vsiwan-'s tla aU. A hal. By Ts Hrtwara T Bias. AKsvsl. By tks suiksr sf " Dsra T"-)rtia." tltutrid. Tha Pflas mf HmmrU. AMaval. By B. L. Vaainoa. liorta Fartamst. i Mil. If runsui Wiun, PTllkJf. A JIUfai. py Hilt IM.OCft. JOKia k 4tulliy be PaUaa c riltea. A aumi. wiLinCaLLiNt. oa Asds. A Naval. St Plomimcsi Maiatia. pt wrauara a novsi. b urt. hsiit wood, rwrailas th fetter. A hsval. By Mrs. Ai.bia.Wph. A tMstywrlcbt' laamalca A V . By Mia. Aania ti.wiftua. Jtiutiril4. fair Bat t at law. A Meval. By tks Salter sf "Dor Ttx-rna." JUuurud. l.iarHtar'i laala. A Bi. By Mrs. M.T.Ticrom. JUuMrmttd. riraa Ivlaa-twa's Oatk. AVawl. By Mr. Mabt A- U !'. iUt(f at J. Tfc Waa Uftlaa A Bvl. By Dr. J. II. Idiumi, The taUfWmla Cahla. A Boval. By U. T. Calhss. id dok svsr vnerca. woaunau wvass a)uatiiwTe ui 11. tkn fur frctiODS of A dollar. Ai to our fell a hint. Utbed In Vw Vnrk VikwlaA to ths Commercial Ag-eoclfa All urtUra flUftd by , A'uuiiskcra AS.M aaitrra Ms-vat, a ow m raw S.H. GENERAL MERCHANTS. IUiaU'i'8 in TJ" IR 1ST I T TT 12 E. Also,- UNDERTAKERS. TlOStoTA, I'A, KIRK'S FLOATING SOAP -IS- THE CHIEF For th Bath, Toilet and Laundry. Snow Whlla and Absolutely Fuifj. If rniir tfsstsr dots not kaft White Cloud ffnar. Mod 10 can ut fur sample sake so the maksrs, JAS. S. KIRK & CO., CHICACO. w KSTKitN MEW YORK A PENN BYLVAN1A RA) LKOAU. (Formerly n , n. v. a p. k. a.) TIMKTAHLE IS KFFKCT Ilea. 19, IW. WpBtw wT dj i'lttsbu rgh l vi"lo?KsTwarU A.M. I P.M. I I IaVmTp'.V. 7 3) Slli. ar riltliurah lv tOO iMI 12 4 03 i 4.r 3 lf A. M. 4 W I'arker Koxlmrn Franklin lr...Oil City...ar 12 11:12 14 4 2S, 12 40;12 2A .1 11 2 40 P. M. 1 M) 1 M 2 16 2 05 A. M. P. M. P. 0f 2 M. P.M P.M. SO.i t26 tssa ia Mi 4 52 406 a.m". 60 7 10 I7 17 77 7 60 7 68 8 10 f8 2 46 90S 9 J5 A. M. ft'i 11 65 4.1111 00 7 110 40 ar.OIl CItr....lv H44 fl 8 3.". I Olooolis ...Eaple Rock.., rresldent..... Tionesta..... Hickory . Trnnkpy vllle. Tidloute .. Thompson a... Irvineton... Warren 94 10 R0 9 AO 801 1 t7M;l2 7 4(l!l2 t7l?S 12 7 102 49 II 12 11 p.m.Ia. 8 87 7 M 7 2 6 30 f4 13 4 ZA: 14 45 8 4.') 6 00 ft SO I v...Klnua....arl 6 12 P.M. P. M. A. M. 4 201 l. P.M. A.M. 8 00 11 25 lv...ltrsdford ..ar1 P. M.i A. 6 12 1 1 ft 511 11 5 00 10 a a:)1 io S21 10 h 11 10 5 OS 10 4 54 t 4 4 ! S 4 311 8 4 17 P 4 10 9 M. P.M. 8 12 A. M. 9 40 15 ar...Klncua....lv S'll... Hnfrar Run ... 6fl ... ..Corvdon 20 1 Ono'ville fi0....Wo,f Run.... 24 ounkor llrHlKe. 15 ...Rort House.... 41 ... 8nlninno. ... li .80. Carrollton.. 50 ...Ho Vandalia... 10 Allpi;aiiy.... 9 4ft 43:11 31)1 11 2 10 24 10 081 9 Ml 7 S3 10 01 8 40 10 11 8 47 raiH 8 63 10 24 7 07 10 3S 7 23' 10 6ft 7 57 11 0 7 47 11 21 8 OS 11 87 8 10 11 P.M. 'A.M. 30 7 2 6 12' 6 0ft OOilv Oloun ... .ar P. M.lA. M. M KO. 8. ATI-HELL, Oeii'l Sunt. J. A. FELLOWS, Oon'l Tcwis'r ant! Tiokot Ag-ent. No. Pi K.Ti lmniro St., ilulfaio, V, T. J. L. CltAIU, Aneut, Tlouesta, Pa. ALLEGHENY JALLEY R. R. Mont dlront route to Plttebiirfrh and the FiiNt. Only roulo lnudinir passengers at Union Rtstion without delays or transfer. aft-Tralns run bv Eastern Time. Time table In effect Nov. L0, 1HW7. Northward. i. " 8." .r 1 h. in. p.m. p.m. 0 (Ml MM), 2 (XI 10 is 1000: a is 104710 am 4 m 11 3-.ii 11 4 50 11 45111 4:'. ft lift 12 II 12 II ft 32 12 4(1112 25 ft 4il 12 48; 12 32' 6 40 Southward 2. I 4. I 0. TTv! a? I'itlHlmruh. ..111. Is. m. p.m. 7 60! 7 80. I 15 8 30 8 1012 10 6 05 6 451 1 37 ft 231 ft 0210 63 ftP'i 4 43 10 31 4 30' 4 12'lOOa 4 2Kj 4 03: 9 62 W. I. June Kittan nin Rod llsnk. Eat Itradv ... Taikor .. Vox lm i if . .KiiilKiUmi.j K ('iiiierdt'll' ..Frnnkliu... ...Oil City...! 4 lOi 8 66 9 41 1 21 1 07! 6 2 1 38! 7 00 2 05 7 80 H.m 'p.m. 8 42 S 10 9 Oil 2 45 8 S4 2 l&l 8 0a a. in, in. 1 611 2 l.-: 3 II 2 40 p.m. p. in, 3 If p. m. . 111. 'u. in 3 06i 4 Oh! , 6 13; 6 6(' , 8 10 8O0I jW.N.Y.A l ..TitiiNville Currr.... ..Marvillo... ...lirM'ton... .. Hunk irk. I... Hufl'alo... p-tn.iA.in.it 111. 1 4.1 t -U), 7 10 I2 47'l2 22i 11 23 11 151 10 45 10 85' lonolio 17 8 ftOI 8 80 4 13 6 20 SS." 6 12 7 601 3 ,U! 7 37; 4 251 8 lOi A(K 8 45; ft 3D W 05' 7 2;4iI0.V 8 00 1 1 25 , 8 llll 11 4ft p. 111. a. III. i. 111 ...Tionrsta .. . .Tldiotite... ..Irviiieton. ...Warren... Salnmanra. ..Kradford.. Olean Ar. Lv. 1 18 8 I61. 7 40. 7 loj., 6 40.. 4 64.. 4 201., 4 10. p.m... 12 43 12 111 II 50 9 63 9 1ft 9 05 a. in. .ir-IulTalo Sunday Train leaves Pitta liurich 0.00 a. 111., arrivoa at Oil City, 2:16 p. lit, KuturniiiK, leaves Oil City 2:40 p. 111., urrivos at Pittsburgh. 8:00 p. in., stop ping at all stations. UAVII) M.CARtJO. Geil'l Hupt. K. II. UTLUY, Ocn. Frl. A Pass. AgU Pittsburgh, Pa. Send for7G-Pago ILLUSTRATED. CATALOGDE MENTION THIS PAPER. FJORTHERR PACIFIC Nlow price railroad FREE Government LANDS. IraiLUUNt ar SCItSH of eiu-fa In Mlnnnofs. Norm okit.L, M'ntti.na, hiaho, Waaiitniru.n ntl Orr,roii. CCIn CUD I''iu-tiona with Kup rt'-Tihimf Tbs dtNU rUllBShT AnoiUtmKl, UrautlnK sn4 Tim N i La-Kin now to siilt'r Bent f rtjft. Art-!rt (HIS. B. LAMD0I(.,t"br. a'u'LTmin""" fl ! y -a o W !:! J 5"sS;i W $ S5 fc5 . A R