V THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. t. E. WfM, Editor 4 PaoMtittoa. WEDNESDAY, .1ANUAIIY 11, 18X8. Announcements. it tpn esentatTvk deleg atk. Wc are atithOrijiod to niinnumx! CURTIS M. SHAWKEY, of Tioiipat. aa a candi date for Keprpapntativn Pclofrnto to tlio KoiHilillean SlnUi Convention, which meet inllarrlaburg, April 2ft, next. NATIONAL DELEGATE. EniTon Rr.vrni.icAs: riease nnnonneo my nnmo ns n candi date for Delecnto to tlio Chicago Conven tion, subject to tho District Conference. A. IJ. KELLY. Tionesta, Jan. 0, 1SRS, The Republicf d State Convention will meet in Harrisburg, April 25. Ttrs taost important work for Ilia con tention will be the selection of a can didate for Supreme Judge, iu place of Chief Jestice Gordon, who by the way U prominently mentioned as a candi date for re election. Every Free trader in Congress who reads the concluding sentence of the message of Governor Foraker, of Ohio, "Next to our obligations to God it is our highest duty to take care of America," will be round in a day or two with a motion to amend by strik ing out the word "America" and in serting "Europe" The Philadelphia Press says: It may he remarked thai there are just about as many Republican journals opposing tbe suggestion of nominating iMaine this year as there are Demo cratic organs opposing the nomination of Cleveland just about as many and no mora. This fact seems to have es caped the attention of a good many people. The Butler Citizen puts the matter very forcibly in this wise: Tbe serious question before the first Republican President, Lincoln, was bow to fill a treasury which tbe Democrats had emptied. After twenty-five years the serious question before the first Demo cratio President is bow to empty a treasury which the Republicans have filled. Any one who thinks that there is no difference between parties should ponder on this bit of history. Congressman Foran, of Ohio, is the latest leading Democrat who has come out against Cleveland and his free trade heresies. He has been known as a strong protectionist, and an uncompromising adherent of Mr. Randall. But his act in repudiating the action of the Foran club of Cleve land, wJicSi&srAwWtne President's jS5age, was a step which few men in pubho life have the nerve to take. Let the good work go on. Between the protection movement among the manufacturers and workingmen in the South and the defection of protection Democrats in the North, the President himself will doubtless coon be con vinced that his recent message was a boomerang. V Almost any Democrat in Pennsyl vania, Bays the Philadelphia Press, is just now in danger, of being seized by s, the ooat collar and asked to b?come a (jSfididate for chairman of the Demo cratic Suu Committee against Dallas Sanders. The Democrats are never satified with tbe head of their party organization. What they want is some one to accomplish impossible things. Congressman Scott is really the man who should take this position. He wouldn't do many practical things, but be would do a great many that no one else would ever thick of, and he is rich and could well afford the abuse which would be heaped upon him when his party had dug itself out from under the Republican majority after election day. The Media American says that Jo- , eeph S. Moore, a literary employee of tbe New York Free Trade League, it the author of Cleveland's message He was at tbe Arlington in Washing ton, for two weeks a frequent and con dential visitor to tbe White House, and was detailed by tbe Free Trade League for this work. Mr. Moore, is also tbe Free Tiade writer for tbe New York Times, and a comparison of his editorial style aud phrases together with his iJesa'on this subject, exactly fit the message. Though unknown to the country at large, Mr. Mooro hos long been in tho employ of the Free Trade League of New York, aud is well known to tbe newspaper fraterni ty of New York city, as "Parsee" Moore from a series of Free Trade letters of which he was the author, bigned "The Parsee Merchant." Tub meeting of tho Republican State Committee in Philadelphia latt Thursday, was a thoroughly business one. It had only to name the timo and place for the next State Conven tion, and this it did after a little con test for the honera, chiefly between IlarrUburg and Allentown. The lat ter city had many friends, but Repub lican couveotitns have been held at Harrisburg steadily for a dozen years and tbe majority of the committee thought best nut to depart from tbe practice. The time fixed, April 25, it the earliest that could be named un der the rule, which require! that the convention shall be held within two months of the National Convention in presidential years. The attendance of members was exceptionally large for such an occasion, and there was brought from all sections the best evi dences of a wide awake party spirit. Speaker Carlisle has dooe what he could, in the firination of the House committees, to bring about the condition of things which prevailed befjre the war, when the South exer cised a controlling influence iu Nation al politics. Iu distributing the char manships he gave thirty-une to South erner?, including the most important positions, while the Northerners have to put up with the remaining twenty one. If Mr. Carlisle hopes by this course tu strengthen the movement against the tariff, it is probable he will be disappoiuted. There was a time when the whole Soutb was for free trade; but as her resources are devel oped and her capital invested in in dustrial establiflhnients, the conviction that protection is the only hope of our business and industrial supremacy gains strength aud influence there; and though Mr. Carlisle and his free trade allies may do their utmost they cannot prevent or counterbalance this movement. But in this matter of tho chairmanships, Carlisle's course is in perfect keeping with the disposition which the South has ever manifested to gobble up tbe lion's share of places, despite ber numerics! and bus iness inferiority to the North. There fore, there need be no surprise at his action in this matter. Harrisburg Telegraph. W. C. T. IJ. COLUMN, Conducted by the Tionesta Union. The W. C. T. U. nioets the ad and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 3 p. in. President Mrs. Ell Holetnan. Vice rrc3idcnU Mrs. J. G. Dale, Mrs. W. J. Roberts. Recording Soc'y Mrs. L. A . Ilowo. Cor. Soc. t Treas. Mrs. S. D. Irwin. llroe unto him that giieth his neighbor drink, that pvttest thy bottle to him, and makett him drunken aLo. Llab. II, 15. The wicked workoth a deceitful work : but to him that sotvoth righteousness shall be a Bure reward. Rev. 11, 18. DR. GROFF S LECTURE. During tbe late Institute Dr. Groff of Lewisburg, delivered a very able address on the subject of Alcohol, under tbe auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Dr. Groff 's lecture was a learned treatise on the subject and quite different from the average lecture, which deals with the moral side only, lie viewed it scientifically being a learned chemist he demonstrated by science tbe effects of alcohol on the human system, hav ing defined what it is and what it has been produced from. That it is produced roa various substances apparently quite different The most usual source being grain, but bed oeeo produced from wood and even fioni an old cotton shirt by dis tillation. That it was colorless, being perfectly clear and largely composed of carbon. That it furnished no nu triment aod that its constant or daily use was only evil and evil continually. That it was liable to produce insanity and was the foundation of most crimes. The ladies also extend thanks to Supt. Kerr for his kindness in aiding them in the advancement of the tem perance cause. Also to the teachers in responding so promptly, and for their great inter est manifested in the teaching of physiology and hygiene. a Quaker's temperance lecture. A few days ago, several persons were crossing the Allegheny moun tains in n stage. Among them was a Quaker. As considerable time was on their bands, they naturally entered iuto conversation, which took the di rection of temperance, and soon be cama quite aaimated. One of the company did not join with tbe rest. He was a large, portly man, well dressed, and of gentlemanly bearing There were sharp thrusts at the liquor busiue.o, and those engaged in it. In deed, the whole subject was thorough ly cauvassed and handled without gloves. Meanwhile this genllemau ttuwed nimseit away in one corner, and maintained a stoical silence. After enduring it as long as he could, with a pompous and magisterial manner be broke silence, and said, "Gentlemen, I want you to understand . I . T 1- II Vi miu i am a liquor seller. I keep a public house at ; but I would have you know that I have a license, and keep a decent house. I don't keep loafers and loungers about my place, and wheu a man has bad enough he can get no more at my bar. I sell to decent people and do a respectable business." Whou he had delivered himself, he seemed to feci thai be hud put a quietus ou the subject, acd that uo answer could be given. Not so, thought our friend the Quaker, so be answered him. Said he, "Friend, that is the most damning part of thy busi ness. If tbee would only sell to druak arda and loafers, thee would help kill off the race, and society would be rid of them. But thee takes the young, tbe poor, the innocent, and tbe unsus pecting, and makes drunkards and loafers of them ; aod when their char acter and money are gone, thee kicks them out, ami turns thera over to oth er shops to be fiuished off; aud thee ensnares others and sends them on the same road to ruiu." Surely the good Quaker had the best side of the argument for he hud fao:s on his side. Words of Life. Tho National Temperance Hospital Quarterly, Chicago, is published every three months iu the interests nf Scien tific Temperance as appled to medical practice. Its mission is to tell some thing of what the Hospital is doing for tho world, and what you are doing fur tho H"fpittil. Its price is but twenty five cents a year, or in pack ages for free distribution, a dollar a hundrod. Saniplo copies will be sent free on application. A largo edition of the iuitial number is published and scut out broadcast with the earnest prayer that every one receiving it and reading the story of what the Hospi tal is doing, will send some offering to help on tbe work. One dollar from each of yon would carry un its benefi cent work for four years, or would go far toward placing it in a home of its own. bend all donations of money to the treasurer, Mrs. L. II. Plumb, Streator, 111. A t-rrat KnrprlM Is in store for all who uso Kemp's Bal- snni for the Throat and Lungs, tho great guaranteed remedy. Would yon believe that it is sold on its merits and that each drugicint is authorized to refund your money by tho Proprietor of this wonder ful remedy if it fails to euro vou. O. W. Itovnrd has secured the Anonev for it. Price 50e. and f L Trial size free. BICKLE.VH ARNICA StAI.VE. The bost Salve in the world for Cuts. nruiun. ttr.MU 1 M-l, 1? V..,.. ... 17n.rA. Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, vorns, ana an Mitn ttrnpttona, ana posi tively euros Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to (live perfecl satisfaction, or money relundtxl. Price 25 cents per dox. ror sale uy u. w. novard. BRACE I P. You arc foelinc depressed, vour nppo- tito is poor, you are bothered with Head ache, you are fidgetty, neivous, and gen erally out of sorts, and want to brace up. mace up, Din not, witu stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheapabad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed neuitn ana sirengtn. much a medicine you will find in Klectrio Bit ters, and only 50 cents a bottle at G. W, Bovard's Drug (Store. A Great National Journal. THE NEW YORK Mail and Express Tho Advocate oi lite I)at Interest of the Home The Kurimj of the Saloon The Friend of American Labor The Favorite Newspaper of Feople of Bcflned Tail Everywhere. rorcinny renm the daily a 1 It inn of the Xew Yore MAIL AND KXPKKbS h teen recog HUM aa thrlnadma; afternoon papor of tbo mo tnmolla, v bilo iu weekly edttfou has brn TliK KAYO it IT K FIOflK PA PL It lu thonunl oi fr.uulift In every 8tate In litA Union. Ithsnatmlned Its Kn-at popularity ami lnflutmro bv Its outer, pride In the collection of news, the puiitr of Its tone, aud the ability anil courage of lis advocacy of the It Iff tt on ail qnUoiia ofpubllo iu tore at. Foil lHHNtho Mail and Exfrfps will be ft better psuor thtui ever, and, as itma, iuterost lu, Uisuuclive Homo Newspaper, It solicits comparison irith any other in the conn try. It isoueof theLAUGfcHT PAPKK Pi ll. IJHIIED anywhere, aud spares neither laKrnor xpenee to secure fur Its readers the very best inaiidepaxtiuoutsof newspaper literature. OUR POLITICS. TVs believe the Hopnbllran party to ho the tme lautriimcut of the POMTltAL I'KOUESS of the Ammrin people; snd botdiun that the ImneNt enforcement of Its principles is the bet nuaiaiiu s ui vie naiiuuui weiinr re. we snail suu. p rl them with all our might; but wo shall always in-ut opposing parties wlia cuusideratluu and fair AGAINST THE SALOON. The M.'.TL AKD FXPREBB Is tho recoffnifwl cA. tvg Journal of the country in the great Ami KiLlnoa Itepiilitlonn movement. It bVlleves Uiat t:ulimr traltio at it exists to-tlay in the Volted states Is tn-j eueniy of society, a Uuitiul source of t-urrunt .on in politic, tu allv ol anarihy, a Bt'hool ofcrime, and, with Its avowed purpose of feelilng to t urruptiy control eiocUons aud ltwU tmn, is a mono e to the puhlio weifmw and do Svi t!3 thn vondeuiuuUuu of all good men. la biu, nil ho wiu to havrt In their tiomcs a F1l8T-CXAa K r:WPAPfc It of uloiinl rtcop, bread views, clean pacs and courageous, yetViuilly, uiUirancu ou all cues tl 'us of gcueru.1 putUo in U-rent, will nut be dic;.iulntOil in iho Mail iND ExruKss, and o rcdiKcUully solicit their luUuouco and suy. l' V- rrtHcn i ption n a tkr-wrfklt, per yrar, 6I.OU1 six luoutha, 0 ceuts; threo months. uut nitv. jjaili, per year, ti ttti.04h aix mouth. three lauuiLs. Cl-tUi uue mouth, 0 ccils rvrrty t:Bf'itTnEFt to the 'Wkkklt Wio . ca U t-ti cectM t; p;v ft.r l-acHlug aud pMrit.it -A ici'iu3 u u l-rf-cut Hum the mail ami JJxi ;it AN V TW u of our eleuuttt li v.-iiiHii 'nriiit-i ut llut)lTl. m:.t, riai lh-Wl, J.' fff.u ilcfritjl, v.u t Cu'UCS it thu IIUh( i. i liKi.s. J ( s'i; inciitw iu sUu, suut to Lie J.ilicao iicj ul, 1 !HiMituld. f ""it 1 .O we html the M.n, Ar rxFnrs o r uu-i it of M uubai y's it mat ialii. 4 of t hiift iKtv Pilntn, rithlv and ariiiiic. it y ii", ru-.l-.K'i - ii 'j: iolrt. 'fl-o oiIkiuuI of t .:.-. p'.ert Luling .un lutciilly suld lur uvtr C : J.,4 tsu. A I. .;KT.1ST oi fither popiilsr and ral. ti;:u1c prirnKi.is u oiici'i d tu subscribers and c ' o t thv lituN iitm.ui t rmi 'J hey cauuut bu cu-it i-iijid Llic. fc'-i.d lur our circular. AGENTS V.r.TED. ti nut o pt'Od p'nt in cvvy town aud vM. ; v. hurts w (. t- ml oio now ut Wulk. bouct r. t-tr .'I 'l I it-: ut.tr lu Atit-'Uts -i lir V' t Arrn nm their A!TST.'T--t, 1 h'I PL'K'ii v t.r vi Ii lo iu r-aio Hietr u. 'i rM Qu i tht.- mi fxct lluui opiHirtuuuy. i 't: 1 ttiitln.-.t irc lo all apalt C ii-1 i. - n 1 ttt vi. ' :.t.i i m lt'hu lliifuiidrtHSia of .i;ir fr.-u A-l b-iiii-ly Tiiii Mail - y.i' it. WESTWARD, HO! Aro you contemplating a journey West or Mouth? if mo, tho undersigned ran civo you CHAPEST RATES ot FAKE or FREIGHT. Also lurnixh Maps, (iuidea and any inluriiiation relative to thuFvmi ttf:, ini.in( or Mining distrie's of tho Wiht or Suulh. Call on or address. It. H. WALLACE, 1 i ket A-ont N. Y., i'. A O. Rv. Olliif in L'iiivu Di pot, OJL Cl'lT, PA. SHERIFF'S SALE. nY VIKTUK of a writ of Vcmli. Kx., Issued out of tlio Court of Common i'leaa of Forest County, Pcnnavl vanin, and to me directed, tlero will bo expiwed to sale by public voodoo or outcrv, at tho Court Ilbuxc, in the Borough of 'l'ioncxta, Pa., on SATUItPAY, JANUARY, U, A. V. 1S88, at 2 o'clock p. in., tho following described real rwtato, to-wit; KM.AKKTU WAt-SH vs. JAMES W. WARP, Yrndi. Kx., No. 2 February Term, 1H88. A(rnew Clark, Atl'ya. All tha riirht, title, lntero.it ami claim of the defendant of, in, and to all that certain piece or parcel .if land Mtna! o In tlio town nlilp of Jenkn, and conuty of Forent, and Nintu of l'cniiMylrania. Koirlnnlnir at a post; thence by land of 8. II. and J. A. lteyner, Mouth lUtiti-IO perches to n post ; thence by land deeded to N. W. Vaino, west IS!) perches to a post ; thence by land deeded to II. Spencer, north llMi tl-10 perches to a post ; thence by the northern llinKliam boundary line, south SS) degree east lWt 1-10 perches to tho place of begin ning. Containing one hundred and twenty-eight and eight-tenths acres, more or less, ami bein p.irt of Warraut No. and tho same premises conveyed to tho said James V. Ward by deed' or S. M. Kox et. tlx., bearing dat'e April 23, lsoT, recordod In 1'orest County in Deed Hook No. 2, page 4!2, Ac, and' having thereon erected one two story frame dwolling house lSx'JS feet, with 'V 16x20 feet, one frame barn 24x40 fret, and about 100 fruit trees growing. Taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of James W. Ward, at the anil of klimhclh Walsh. TKP.MS OF SALK. The following must be strictly oompiied with when tho property is stricken down : 1. Wlien the plaintiff or other lien cred itors becou tho purchaHer. the costs on tho writs must bo paid, and a list of lions including mortgage searches on the prop arty sold, together with such lien credit or's re -eiiit for the amount of the pro ceeds of the sale or such portion thereof iu ho may claim, must be furuishod tbe Sherilf. 2. Alt bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. m ot tho next day, at which time all property not settled for will again bo put up and sold at tho expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition page 4 0 and Smith's Forms, page SS4. I,. AGNICW, JShoriir. Sherilfs Office, Tionesta. Pa., December 20, 1SS7. Ti IMPROVED WHITE -IS- THE EASIEST SELMXH, THK BI.ST SATISFYING SE WING MACHINE ON THE MARKET. IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT. Its Construction Is Simple, Positive and Durable. Its workmanship is unsurpass ed. Do not buy any other before trving THK WHITK." Price and Terms liindo Satislactoiy. DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, UllIO. AffonU to hcli tao n;src:;v r ? BLACK I JITS" cu Mason & Hamlin Organs and Pianos. Tuo Cabinet Orpin was introduced hy Maon Jb Htuniiii in iM'tl. .Mhihi A; Huiiilia itriht liuvo always mainlNiiiC'l their ipmiijii y ovt-r nil (.llirn. having received Uirliutt llui;oid ut uil Uicul WurlU's xhiUtiuus feiucu 18u7. The Improvi'd Mk1u r Sn inin r riunon, (nvpnlfd by Mumju tV lluiiiliu in .- u irt-ut inlvtuuo iu jiittiio const ruction, t-xptrtv prnnuuiK-in il "tlm trrcMtest luiprovt'iiu iit in piuiiuiiii Inilf acenturv.11 l'iriiiit circular, coutiiuiiit aM icttimniiiuls from pure I) avers. luiificiHits, itud luuurs, auti i'iuno aud Organ Catalogues, frue, HASOII tc HAiam 0P.3AH AOT PIA1T0 CO., 16 1:t C. (i'ti-.a Sj.am), UIW TCtl. GENTS WANTED To canvass fur 0110 of the largest, oldest eMuljlisii' d, Iti'st Known Nurseries in tlio count) y. Most lilicral terms. Unequaled lii'-i litics. Cencva Nursery, EstabliNhed JM.i. W. iV 1 . SMITH, tieneva, N. V. WORK FOR THE WINTER! Reliable men of energy and putdi eau have pel iiiiiiu-nt eui l"ymeiit with us this winter at goMl pay, seiiin our elmieo lino ot Nursery Stork. T01 ms liboial. liusi-ni-Ms exsil v learned. 1'ai tieulars aod out- lit free. Addres Tho Chaxo Nuiseiios. (iiiieva, N. Y. Stuto iil'ii anil vnulose stump. i)if-'l-:tt. POOD U or Coinniis SALARIE S IsNiou to Men and Women to act 11s local or traveling Audits. No experience needed. Steady work ! J amis E. Whitney, N iirscryinan, itoeheHter N. Y. .Mention this paper.) aujj tftii wi'iitv 01 everv nescriptiun execu- J Ud at tl.u RU'LULK AN etlite. crfk ii I ii. I K.. , Itf.-r Ut.- ! r.r. tVl ( U t i 1 - . .1 ' . .! prl A H. J. HOPKINS & CO.'S ococoooooooccoooco cccoooeccocce IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE -COME AND SEE.- c - rr-rr s s i ; i LAlUiEST STOCK, FINEST CiOODS, AND LOWEST PiUCKS! SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR HOYS FOUU YEARS OLD! HUITS AND OVERCOATS FOU MEN THAT WF.1U1I 600 LHS. I SUITS AND OVERCOATS ALL SIZES AND TRICES! IN DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS AND FLANNELS ! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE! All Wool Undewear for Ladles, Oentlemen and Roys. All Wool Underwear for Misses, Children and Hablca. HATS HATS 1 ANY HIZK ANY TRMKI BLANKETS I All Wool Rlanktts, Oray Rlankets, Shaidy lllnnkds Horse lllanketa, Knee Robes, Wolf xjootg ax anosoi Our atock of Hoots and Shoes Is very large and MUST UE SOLD, RUBBER GOODS AND FELT BOOTS A SPECIALTY Gmcxmits, Groceries G&Qcmim', FLOUR, FEED, Our Uroocry Stock is always Complete, and HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS A SPECIALTY. Conio end seo lis j we will do you good. IT. J. HOPKINS fe CO. HERMAN & SIGGINS! DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, - IN OUR CiltOCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS HE 1WND TME FBESIXEgT (mCEMXE$. UERRIES; FRUITS & VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON'. In our Drug Department, which Is in cliarno of a thoroughly competent Clerk, " will always bo found the PUREST DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUN WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS. CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO. CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS IJU A lOQBimre 'smmm &m cash: TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Th foHmrtn boohi robliihed tn nt puarhWt form, rrintfJ from motn rckdbl trp on rood iiHia ib my woa or itafUMe, sua rurniui la lilertur of Ui dftf at Ui unit tritliiiR ttiH Urn U pnc hi wbieh Uy t barm vUaratL anj wod or laacuaffe, .ud furniftti to tha tha dav at th mmt tritliiiR ttiDM. Wm4m mi Ik a WH4. Nirrtil and Otmrb. Con WIm dci tpilont nd lUuatiAtiuni r ll ! wuodcrlul Worfciol Dktui and of aB. Vrjr lutarMtlnc rt4 tnatroclU. Wwafri mt iha Mek A dMM-riptUn uf lb mtuy ootlr l ud bMuilful it. 1 oi foood at U btftuiu al tit ocmo, witb rofilM lllttatrftllotts. A PlfMro rxartloaw" mJ Other ftktfc. Uy Joiiah Ai.L'i Win." A erUcllun ol Irraaiallbljr fflQBj aiatrhss by tli intMl pujiuUr btimoroiu vrtltr ol tL day. Tha Lmm KaiUh I'apcra, by Clab Autfom, aDltinr af " lh Unet KKx-itiurutK." a uott riiiicnlwulf limoy bowk In wr sqiMl la "Widow Hedott." ChrltlMM bitwrloa, ly Cmm u Dirwwi. CooUIni tnUr nl ih id1 clianulnr ChrlitutM totirvr wrltUa by ibrfttMt writer w'to trllTtl. fc boa Uc-ewpWt. Homh4 tha KvanlnaT I. mm. A -vk wl ltulM,yUHumi, uttlr u I c m , (wr !. hide U lk Luhio. lopilar liacltatloaa aid Dluluf ut huaoKini, drkm lb a ml iiii.itv, in lu II uf alt the I ti I. List ud mwt pinir. ThsHcir-Hiade Me mf Modem Tlwea. Coutini p.. traita n. bi.u-raj.iiu t ul ftinuu acti uiad Aturtcut, (rwot tb tlaia nf Prntlin tn tl firent. Faia1Ur Owotntloat. ('nUlufnr thortf In and mthor tit pal uiftiif riMa fru.(untl wet tu raadluc maA oouvmm-lU-n. A TklitaM wnrk of rr'vreuea. Law Life In Nrw York. A arla f lt.1 wa pletsrM Bli.inK trie dark l lr Mf 1 1 ' tu the f rati city. fUuttrafd. The Hm4 la Wraith hut n drttalu circular, but a thurouf-tily practical m-oik, pntniinic out m way by wlilrh all may make inonry. aaatli, rafldty aod btmaatl). One Handled lopular Mnnra, aanilmanUI. Lbtto an1 oumlc, hiMii tint iu't S 'v"'tti, nw and old. 11 r Norl'a llrlr. A N.ivfl. Bv Un aUi kU rLcawa. A HHrrrt Life, A Nil. lij Mtaiua IUi ahu. An Old Moa'i Bacriaca. A huttl. D; Hn. Ifil. emruiNf. atWa will MDd anr ftur nt tha ahora bookuby mail noat-paid upon receipt of onlr ! nte tnr t'-n for SS ( eaUiQy tuv nty jit for AO eutai the eotire hat (W hrmkt) for 15 t'eulat tha anilrf liat t.uml hi boar.la with cloth back, for SI .10, Thiaia the sreateat larfcain in IxkU i ever (HfrrJ. Uo not f ail to Ukr advuniiu-'e m it. Batttf action QUxraHtxt ormtmey refundeA. fotiUtctt auimpn taken forfraetuma of a dollar. Aa tu vur rfliabiltty, are refer to muf newapaijer pubUabd In Vw York. llkwiift to tha OintnrrclKl Aareurtta. All onlrra illlwd by raluruiOAiL A4araflAiUeUexA; Jp, JJL A.t TOa.l'uD.Ufccr. Murruy Mirejct.Acw Vurau IIUMPIIItEYS HOliTOPATHIO VETSBINAE7 SPECI7ICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. I 300PAi.Kl!OOKooTTcat- uieut of AnlniaUaad Cbari Heut Free. riHK-Keera. ('oiiirsiioiia, Influinmnlloa, A.A.MiukI AleuluiriiU. Itlilk Frvrr. U.ll.-MrHioi! l,aiiiuraa, H bt-umatiain. 1'. f '.-Itintemprr, Nuaat Illnchiiruua, . I). Hole or O rutin, Wiiniia. F. uutfba, llfuva, I'ni-uinonla, V. f'olii- ur firiuea ltfllvm ht. i. l.-,llla l-urrlantf llnuiorrliaui. It. Il.-I riuurr mid Kl.liu v 1)1. J. I. 'Krupilve llHeuiM Muui K.lil4.iftua ol lilueMifuu. liUHO. Blable l iu, lib biwelllca. llanunl W itch llal OU uid iliukulur. ft tr. oo Price, Single Dottle (over UlduMX frold br UriitfuUtHi or tcnt Prepaid ou liecelwi of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co.. 10K Fullon St., N. Y. A WEEK and upwind posiiivuly sc-fuiud l)V moll iii'iUn iJr. Hrott'ii Ciuiiiiino Kloi'lrii! licit, Suoiworv, otc, Hiid by liidiuH bullinn lr. .ScoII'h E1w lri( 'ursctM. Sam pin free. Stuto sex. lr. Stotl, BP Hioadway, N, Y. 'ov,Ii-Jiii. ceo coocooocce WORLD TO BUY GOODS 1 1 CAPS CAPS ! ANY HI7.K AMI ANY MUCK: Mled Robes. Wool Blankets, AND SALT! embraces everything kept in this market. dc GROCERS, PENN. AND CHEMICALS! DEL) WITH UTMOST CARE. HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS- l.ITY IX EVERY DEPARTMENT. TUfj ftm without E(itioo t rlivuMftt book aver Dub- niajMra nf tha raiinla aa uttoriuiiil v lo Mmrt tha be it In any other nana theita g wcka wuuid eoftt Biauy The Forrclltal Koblea. A Korrt. Br W. T. fuaot, TlieOldUt.l.ia hMt iXffl. By Bt t mv Coaa, it, Iha HMrl of theOcMit. A baftl. by (Yaaa Aowcara, Mullow Aaa ilaiL a hoval. Uf ktuuui Jltvax. lliutt.auJ. I llffe llouar. A Novel. f.y Krri W. r ia a. 4 1 nder Iha LUaca. A Kul. ky lit auiuwr af Dora TTi irua." Tha D1aaiaa4 Brmaclei. A Kevl. Cy lira. Ban The Lawycr'altaerat. AMa1. By Mtaa M II Runuol, ThefctraaKa Caaear Dr. JahfU sad Mr.Uda. A Ko! b; U.I 8Taano. A Wished iilrL A bal. Uy Hast rartt RaT. Lady VaiwartA'a Iflaaaaada. A kml. by "Tan Dri uim.' Hrtwaca Ttf Wlna. AKoval. Ey tba autUor af M Dara Ti"i ." iUulrald. 1 hr Nlnr of Hanrta. A Raval. Py It t. r ibjbow. Dorii't Karlantw ANI. by FLoaawoa Wdbb, A Low Marrltio. A bual. by fcliaa llnuci. The Oullty litvrr. A bial. by Wiuita ("oLLiwa. llif '(iloa of A ana. A Nnvrl by Flo a a. a MtutlT. flnut (ranio. A Novel. JJ.v alrt. tlaaa Wuuu. w rclna thrt Frttrr. A horl. by Mra. Ataira. A llajwria-hfa lMUshtcr. A Novgt. t)y Ura. Aaata BiwktiB. Hiuttmttd, r alr but Kular. A Koval. By tha aottiar ef " Dora Th..i I.anctkatr'a i'ubln. KovaL Py Urt. M.Y.ViCToa, Klorrnra I1nctaaa Oath. A Kuval. Ly Mra. UAkff The H oaaaa llaUrv A Kortl, Cy Dr. J. II Uoai-.ffn. Iltuitratfd. i he tell Co re I a Cabin. A Kotai. tj u. T ri dob, S.H. & GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dculors m F1 TJ JEli UsT ITU TZ 313. Also, V UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, I'A. KIRK'S FLOATING SOAP 18 THE CHIEF Pop th Duth, Toilot and LaurKlry. Snow Whita and Absolutely Pum. If youf dottier rtoot not kvrp White '"loud "iwp, aa N eenta for eampla cake to the iaLrt JAS. S. KIRK S CO., CHICACO. ESTEUN NEW YORK ,t PENN SYLVANIA KAILHOAI). (Formerly n , w. v. A p. i. n.) TlMKTAltLE IN EKEECTJloc. 19, 18X7. Wrotwiudl rittil)urliYlvlHlon iVRtwiiril A.M. 7 ; 4 1 4 0;t 3 !. 2 l.r) A U P. H. 7 f.o i M i 2H S II it 40 P. M. A.M. P.M. arl'lttbtirfili lv I'&rkor Foxburir Franklin 9 001 II 60 12 11 12 14 12 40 12 25 1 hOi 1 SX lv...Oil Clly...r 2 Ift 2 05 P,M A.M. P.M. P.M. 0O,r 2 0.". 8 ST) tl 37 t8 SJ'fl 3 8 llii 1 18 8 01 i o;i t7 B3'i2 ro 7 4o;i2 4:1 7 ? i 12 25 7 10 12 10 6 41) tl 60 12,11 If. P.M. A.M. P. m.)a.m. 4 'Ml P 15 P.M. 11 M 11 00 10 40 10 30 9M 8S7; 7 68 7 2ft; 6 .U) & 4.r. A.M. OftO 7 10 ar...Oil Clty....lv DkKipolil ...Kasle RM'k.. I'resldont... TloiMnta Hickory .. Trunknvville. Tldiuuto.... f7 17 30,t7 20 R2 7 117 0.) 7 60 Kl!7 M 21.1 8 10 4V(8 2tt ...Tliompnnn a... Irvineton 8 46 9 05 9 35 arron iT...Klnziia....ar A. M. P. M. A.M. A0!1 IL?? P.M. A.M. n 12 9 40 6 17 9 8 33 10 04 0 40 10 11 0 47 10 IS 8 SfeVlO 24 7 0a3? 7 21 10 ft.i 7 .17 11 0 . 7 47 II 21 8 0111 37 8 10 11 43 P.M. 'A.M. lv...Hrndford ..or; P. M. tl 12 ft .VI A 00 ft .H I 6 21 ft II ft OS i r.4 4 4i 4 ol 4 17 4 10 P. M.I A. M. A. II 06 1 U oo;l2 lo 4:1:11 10 30 11 10 2HI0 10 24 10 10 I': 9 '.I.Vti 7 H3!i 7 0 2H-4J M l.r)ar...Kiimia.... 'W... Sujiar I'viin ... oft t orvdon 20 Onovillo...:.. wi....wo'.r null.... 24 (Junker I'.iIcIko, lrV..r.v1 MotiHp,.., 41 ; ... Siilainanra.... 13: So. Carrolltou. .'.O1...S0 Vnndulia... PI; Allpiraiiy U 12! 9 OA w lv Uloau ... .ar A.M.lA M.I tiEll. S. HATCH ELL, Ueu'l Supt. J. A. FELLOWS, clrii'l l'H8'r nn 1 Tiiiki'l Agoot No. 84 Excliaiiitn St., Ilulfulo, N. Y. J. L. CHAIU, Aisent, TioncHtu, Pa. ALLEGHENY JfALLEY R. R. Moat direct route to Plttnburgli and the Emt. Only routo landing pawongera at I nion Station without ilolayi or tranator. 'O-Traina run hv Eastnrn Timn. Timo tablu In ettvt Nov. L0, 1!W. Ntirlhwurd. I . S)iithwarl. I JL'. jit. p.m. p.m. Lv. Ar. 1 .111. .m. p.m. Hftil. 2(Ni I'ittHtiurtli.! 7.'.o: 7 0i 1 15 a. ui 10 I 1 10 47 11 32 IU.". 12 II 12 40 12 4ti; 1 21 1 fto 2 1.1! p.m. p.m. 3 I ft 4 13 10 (h 3 is w. p. jtiiK-: u in 12 lo lOHSi 4(M Kltliin nliiul UO! 6 45dlS7 i i 4 fto ltrd Lnnk 23; 5 02 10 AS 1 1 a i 6 Ou ICunC Urudv 5 32 ... Parker... C Oil 4 30 4 2! 4 4310 81 4 1210 02 4 (ti 9 62 3 ftft 0 44 3 111 tl 01! 2 4.(1 8 r.4 2 I j 8 0.5 a. in. a. in. A. 111. M. ui 1 25' 7 10 12 22'..... 12 14 12 2ft ft 40;.. Foxl'iirir 12 32 ft 4(1 . ):inl(iil..li.1 4 10, 1 07 8 20 Kvnuordi'ir 3 42 1 38 7 Hlr.Frnkllu..J 3 III 2 0.5! 7 30;. ..Oil City...! 2 4o .in p.m. I iP-rn. a. in. a. in.: W.N. Y., v 1' ii.iTT. 3 05' '..Titimvilla. 1 4 IU; 1 t.'orrv... 12 4 ft :a! 6 15 ..Mavvillo...lll 23 II lftj 6 fift 6 fti1 i... Ilioctoii. fl 12 8 10 1., llnnkirk 7 fto; h oo!. ";i :i 7 37 4 2ftl N 10 ft 00' 8 4.5 . ft ;ki o o i . 7 23 lOSftj. 8 00 II 2ft;. 8 10 II 4'. p.m. a.m. p.m. y.Trt-Hntlu'.o Siuulav Train loaves Pittsburg-!! 0 00 a. in., arrived at Oil Citv, 2:15 p. in. Hoturuiinr, loavna Oil City 2:40 p. in , arrives at I'ilt-iburgh b:00 p. in., stop i ii tr nt all HUitiini". UAVI1) McCAHOO. Gen'l Supt. E, II. UTLEY, Utii. Frt. A Pass. AC rittsburisli, Pa. o o 9 o I . V) hp ft 11 8 -So- M s r rift W r W 'J Send for76-Pago ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MENTION THIS PAPER. IM LOW PRISE RAILROAD LAKOS & FREE Covernment LANDS. Ip-SILUim or 41KH n enrh In Mlnnraou, North lik.ita. M.mluita. Ilh, Wai.hli(krt.ii mid Or-v tn. CClin CAD r-ililhUuM witbMt.unlo.urllilneTM dbnil run UkT An.-ultuil, OiaKlnK aiMl Tliii tins. u. liwor vvti KvfcVi'aa: 10 4.-i;iu as . 10 .KIIIO 17 8 60 8 30; 7 18 "8 lfl. 12 43 7 40i 12 10 7 lot 1 1 fiO 8 4W 9 63 4 64 9 lft 4 20l 9 05 4 loj a. ni. p. m. I Iliilliiln... !...Tioiuxtit . j...Tidioiito... t lrvliitlon.. i... War run... Kalitmnnea. j ..Itradt'ord. I Olcan Ar. Ly. rrj a 1 i 1 m $l H m irA