THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. K. WINK, toiroa honiiroi. WEDNESDAY, DECEMRER 21, 1887, - - - . .. I - Cleveland recommends I ha reten tion of the tax upon Americans, bv opposing the repeal of the internal revenue laws, aod the lightening of the tax upon foreigner! by reducing lua custom duties. This is very gen erous, but it is the sort of generosity luai the American people fail to ap preciate. IN Richmond, Va., June 1, 1361, Lamar vailed the patriot Liocolo "ihe buffoon who disgraces the boat oi ce occupied" by Washington and Madi con. aua inn same Lamar now wants to be conflrmed as Judge of the Supreme Court. The Senate ought to reject him without ceremony. Warren lau. Second the motion, brother. The ioterualiooal pugilistic contest between Jake Kilrain. of Baltimore, ond Jem Smith, of England, for the diamond beit aod the championship oi the world, took plaoe on the Inland oi ot. 1'ierre, in the river Seine, trance, Monday, sod was called a draw on account of darkness, although Kilrain bad the best of the fight all through, and would doutless have won tho battle had it been fought to a fin ish. Tbey fought 106 rounds. There is said to be a growing opin. ion among Republican Senators agaiust the confirmation of Lamar for the Su preme Bench Republicans will in dulge the hope that this opinion will keep on growing uutil it becomes effect ive iu preserving the highest tribunal iu the land from the disgrace involved in the elevation to it of the Mississip piaa. There is no good reason why Lamar should bo made Supreme Judge, while there are many good reasons why he should not. The revenue reformers, the Cleve land surplus reducers, and surplus dis sipaters are very much annoyed by Laving Cleveland's policy declared a free trade policy, but we reckon they will have to stand it, for if there is one man in this country better quali fied than another to say just what Cleveland's policy iucsds, it is Ah rain 8. Hewitt, the Democratic Mayor ot New York, and he receutly said that "Mr. Blaine represents the protection ist policy, and President Cleveland the free trade." This Lit the nail on iutj)eadv aud kuocks out the free inae journalists' attempt to conceal tho truth. A despeiiate struggle is now being made by the Democratic free trade pross and by tho Washington corres- pouuenis oi tree trade Democratic journals to make tho people believe there has been a rebound in favor of ;:ijnWree trade declarations. ""'Wog-i3MccceliHg.o any great extent," becau.-e there is no re bound, and the country is not in favor of free trade. Cleveland, if he should bappeu to be a caudidute next year, which is now extremely doubtful, will discover the sort of a rebound theie has beeu to the menage. When he wrote bis free Hale speech if be really did write it he wrote hi polit ical death warrant, the New Y. rk free trado journals to the contrary uotwfch standiug. . The Republican Duty Clear. Tho Convention of Republican Clubs in New York has brought in. gether intelligent and wide-awake Re publicans from almost every state in tho Uuion. They are men who know aud understand the feeling in their several localities, and what they Bay is naturally accepted as meaning some thing. The JVes yesterday presented tho opinions of maDy of thee repre soiitativi Republicans, covering tweu ty lbur states, as to the way in uhich the President's mcsage had been re ceived by the people, and whether the Rcpuhlicau party ahoul I make Pro. tcctii.j the comer stone of the national jdatlorm und force the issue ou that as Ufc-aiost Free Trado. The icsult was a striking unanimity of expression. Ffoui all quarters it was ujsde clear lhi Mi Cleveland's htlitu.le on tho unlf ijiesthu Inn) Utngibeued the Ilvpublicuus aud m the same degree bal weakened the Democrats. What was ...i, hv rpre eiitativrs fruu the d.iubtfu! suits U worth particular atteuimn. Those from CoiiLctieut, is'ew York. N. w Jer.iy an.! Indiana tru very decided iu tlio opinion that tho i.-u.- raued by I lie uii'ti-sjjo would ujuku tlier statt-s sur.-ly ItrpuWicau. It Lai had its must pr-jbouiicvd t lll-c-t up-ill tho sec tions in which lsre numbers of work iomeu are empl ij-.d, hut it was a mi felt iu agricultural coombs. Tl ere are cvt tal -f the fv.uthero Hales .'.om Democracy in likely to ho calitd iu qmstit.u by tlii, la-ui: wheu di.vctlv wide. Ni'whera is thtro auy sign that it has iu tho smallest de0M. e served" to strengthen the IVmocrats. It d km not appear in any New England statu, where the b ree trade apologists have as often asserted there was a growing b ree trade sentiment sure to be felt. Even in the West, where the- Demo crats have so much boasted that there were several stales which could be carried by them if they took a pro nounced stand in behalf of Free Trade or at least against Protection, the sen timent against the policy laid down in the message is as strong as anywhere Michigan and Minnesota are notable examples of this, particularly as they have been poiuted nut as states in which the Protection seotiment weak even with Republicans. was With such unmistakable evidences of the effect upon the country of tho 1 residents frank avowal of the Dem ocratic attitude on the tarifT, there was natuially but one opinion as to the duty of the Republican party. That is to array itself more firmly tfcan ever on the side of Protection to Arner ican ioterests and American labor. The belief that Protection should be made the corner stone of the Republi can national platform and the direct issue urged against Free was entirely unanimous. It was not less decided from the agricultural slates of the West and South than it was from the manufacturing states of the I'ast. There is on section of the country that would not he seriously iujured in some interest by the adoptiou of the Presideut's policy. His every sogs tion was ia the direction of Free Trade, which, in spite of his specious disclaimers, aims a blow at the pro ducer, the manufacturer and the la borer in almost every line of industry. Nothing can disguise that fact, aud ever7 day gives new evidence that it is clearly understood by the people The duty of the Republican party is unmistakable. That duty has been most directly marked out iu the inter views iu question. There is uo chance for hesitation or uncertainly. PAia. Press. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Cotulueted by the Tionexta Union. Tho W. C. T. U. meets the 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 3 p. in. rroalilent Mrs. 1511 Holeman. Vice Presidents Mrs. J. O. Dale. Mrs. W. J. Roberts. KoeoidingSec'y Mrs. L. A. Howo. Cor. Sec & Treaa. Mrs. S. P. Irwin. drink, that putlrM thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken alao. Hub. II, 15. The wicked worketh a deeeltful work i but to him that sowxth righteousness shall U a.. II It. THE FIRST GLASS. Alcohol taken into the stomach is never digested. It is absorbed, and works its way through the system, and finally evaporates, or passes t.ffthrough the skin, the lungs, and in varioua ways, thus relieving the body of il presence. The human system can ru dure a cerlaiu amount of alcohol with out immediate peril. But if the pro portion is iucreased until the veius aud arteries contain one part of alcu hoi to 195 parts of blood, inseusibilitv follows and the man becomes "deai' druuk." This I oss of consciousness ends the dri -king, and saves the drinker's life. But if a large quantity f liquor is swallowed at once, so that the system Contain- ooe part of alee hoi to 100 parts of blood, death is sudden aud inevitable. Many instance are on record where persons have ap parently drauk beyond this limit, and death bas followed. The following is such an instance : The Irinh World says a stroug ar.d intelligent young mau of New York city was not long since lcfi a nice sum of money by ibe death of a relative in England. He was a cheery, active young fellow, working steadily at small wages in hope of deserving mors before long, and f starting fairly in life with an attractive and amiable youug gir who favored his shy atteu lions to her. Hero sow was a fine c haute to make his brightest dreams ao actual reality ! Here was a spleii did start fur a good, useful, aud emu tortable lii'u jut iu his hand I But the dnuk ileiuou Was ou iho watch, aud determined to spoil the bright picture. He made tools of tho young uiate liiends. Tim j vial, g.-rtrous ld, with his pocket lull 'nf m ney, was -Mly iu ducrd t-i tin., a gi..i .tic I ion in houor of the g .oil luck ILs Iriend drank his ljuiiili He took his (list fc'iuc lo drink llji'irs iu rtlura. I'tial tirat gU! That tirpi glass! Thul lirol tarle of if ilcadl.v fai-cma! loin ot the "Worm of the still !" Oh, it some good uiitl had wliitpered lo him the wisdoia ;t avoiding that first taste! No doubt he had hi.- good iupuat ious ; hut lie o'id uot heed them, and the first flas ltd to li e kwiiI, aud Uailering "li it-ndj" closed around biut in tocial circles mghi alter mght, and ihe devil iu the hriimuiiig bn turm d the social meetings iuio -niut'o! orgies, ivi ere m-U-hood and Conscience weie killed aud buried. Once in ou this grand spree be never got wtrll out of it till his lasl dollar and the !M of hw faK f;ivnde gone, and he round himself on the streets of New York, a moral, mental, and physical wreck, with no part or association of his bright young life of a year ago. He was conscious of only one feel inghe must have a drink ! Something withio him craved it wilillj, savagely. He eutered a saloon. He knew some of ibe faces at the bar. "I want some whiskey," be Appealed to one. "You must have it all you want," said the other, remembering former liberal libatious at the expense of Ibe now penniless drunkard. "Oh, no, you would Dot give mo all I want, 1 could drink a gallon." "Fill up a 'schooner' lor him," said the other to the bar keeper. He drank itolf. "Fill another." He drank it. Again 1" aud the crowd drew around now interested and curious. The fourth "schooner" was filled hesitat- deutikard did not reach his hand for It. Ma h.i.l culped ihe three larce " ' . " "' glasses lull or tho "Dro water without waiting lo note or feel the effects of eacu succeeding glass, and now be stopped as if paralyzed, his whole face hideously lraufonued, his eyes start- iug from their sockets. Drink yr whisk-y only one mote," said one of the onlookers. "No. Give some water! waler! water!" be shrieked; "I'm burning up!" He rushed wildly around the room in search of water. Give him some ale," suggnsted one ; "it will coo! him." He snatched the proffered drink. Irained it, shouted : "I'm all on fire!' and fell dead I He did not vanish in a cloud of smoke aud omell of brimst ne, but be lay there a hideous corpse, until after the coroner's "Death from alcoholism," when the body was return.) ii mother eanb without holy riles or mourners' tears, to wait the resurrec lion Ihe next day s dailies published ihe bare fscis in a lew cold lines that to the average reader had but little interest or significauce ; but is a mournful, t-rriule tale if properly dwelt on, and appeals to every young mail of the thousand that read it to fear the first glass. -The Safeguard. IPGS THE TIMES! PHIUDELPHlfl. CHEAPEST, BRKiHTEST, FRESHEST AND I'EST. The Most Complete Newspaper Pub lished in Philadelphia. The Tim ok ig the most widolv read news paper published in rcnnxv'lvanin. Its reader are among the more intelligent profrnooive pooplo of evt-rv faith. It ia einpl.aiii-allv an independent newspaper - Independent in everything: neutral in nothing " Iia dlseuKsinn i,f ami public measures is alwavsl'uarleHx and in tho ii tere-t of public intturitv. honest government and prosperous industiy, and it knows no nartv or ni-rHmml niin. in treating public issue. In the broadest ' and best sense a family and general news- i paper The News of the World.-Thd Times has all Hie laoilltiea of advanced Journal ism tor gathering news from all quarters of the t.l the, in addition to that of the : abbintimhmi rress, now covering the whole world in its scope, making t the perfec tion of a newspaper, with ever thing ta e tully edited to iK-oopy the smallest space. The Coming Year will be one of uni versal pnhlie interest in the United States. Partv organs will perform their duti a as party interests shall demand. uut llin lap. idly growing intelligence and independ ence of the age calls for the independent newspaper when great political oontliuta are to be mot. Urave problems of reve nue, f h nance, of commerce, ot industry, of science, of arv and of every phase of enlightened proure are in constant course of solution by the people ol the Vnion, and the prcgrf ssive newi-papcr is ever In tho lead III every struggle for ad vancement. The 'l imes is a one-cent paper only In price. It aims to have the largest circula tion by deserving it, ami claims that It ia unsurpassed in all the essentials of a great M(.trosiiian newspaper. Specimen Copies of anv edition will bo sent free to any one sending their address. Sunday Edition It pages -Handsomely Illustrated, 2.O0ayear. Weekly,! 00. rcrms Da ly, &l per annum; $1 for four months ; ;I0 cent per month ; deliv ered by carriers for ti cents per weeks Sunday edition, an immense, quadruple sheet of 128 columns, elegantly illustrated, ft! per annum; 5 cents per copy, liaily and Sundav, 5 er annum; 50 cents per month. Weekly edition, $1 per annum. Address all letters to THE TIMES, Chestnut ami Eighth Streets, Philadelphia. F A WEEK and upwards positively JJ soenred by men agents selling Dr. ScottV Genuine Eleclrie belt, Suspensory etc., and by ladies selling Dr. Scott's Elec tric 'nrscts. Sample free. Slate sex. Ir. Scott, W8 liroadwav, N. Y. Nov.ltl-3m. BOOKS, THREE rapar. aad many of tl.cin liaudaoiuaT I "a.traU Tli.i l.aliad la an; l.oil or laucuiuie. i7.l f,,V...... ... ,1 . .'.'..' ua ioiiowidb DOOII ara tinhl .hA l .... ....... lilaratura nv UqU or lauuuv, and kua. in. poca al amen inc. . tit, ,our.J tL-l,t,,,J I- ' ... " Waaara af tha Warl.l .cb ,. . '' "'.re.lilic n I In.ltuclJ.a. ttaoYraur lha Sea. A i(.uo n wun.,,r. rwl .i. I o..uiiul t..iin. i.iiua .1 u tviKun .1 ii o.. .n LrwfuM ioi... '''V". K'aKlan." aaS Olk.r Sliru-haa. Kt ' "Hi." .1 lr.....iiLi7lullli; "4.t' "",,t l,!",r l..ii1oruuii.rlifciiid... ' "iTA""1 J"1"" l'ara. SfCi.a. ai-i.T. aalhar la ...r, ,,U , , -H Uow b.doll." ..."J", '' !.. raalalna . V.'.3.,"' ;'rl...4. H..I CPU, " " Uaaail tUa tuiU I.WMp. A b....h ol tlvll.iu:lwrM .... .al I.t i... Inn. ., t..a... ' 1 II ' ." "J '".m. Ml IM.I.vank .. .m2!T."LTI JfHHIlMia. C '-malalaf ihaanitaaaSaallMr. Manl u,.u n .r lr.,uai.ll aa unaaaiaf aaS ua.aiaa- i,,u',,1 "'. a' " .r,n.. . . t-w Lira la Srm Vara., a MrUa af vltl.t aa aldanM lra a llShf? .S?".' K"! "'" c"cl.r. , t . . 'w p "' l-"alla sul a .i lj ..?c?r.lV,;,"44 1 aaallia.alal.illiaua 1 11 'JV.'i ' ' ll-ariMiM. i.."i. M" crtSaav A t, km a., f. . "'I1,'"' 'I' 'hur " ,h " boo.. St mail &Uiafatlon yuaraiUsd or 11 IMPROVED WHITE is- 001 v. r-.. -.. -fcys:-. . i'r ,-Vv.-iM TUV: EASIKST KKI.MVI, Till! HKST SATlSt'YINM SEWING MACHINE ON THE MARKET. I IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT. ' ltH. '""'rnctloii N Simple, Positive and Diirnblo. ImworkniaiialiinWiinaiir.Ms. ed. In nnt luijr diit other beforo trying ffiaot?.,'!-' ,,fu,a nJ Tr' ""'' DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEW I NO MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, ulMO. HUMPHItEYS HOMEOPATHIC VITISINABT S?rCITIC3 For Horses, Cattle, Shetp, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry, 600 PAGK BOOK Treat, neat of Aatnnls aa4 Chart Hcinl Free. "T-eer. roafMrlona, Inflammation, -liLicntpcr, (iul DlHiiriN. Mtralna. I .aw...... UkMH...i- J J.Cn"', irlea. Hrlha. ke jj.-t ougha, llra, PnriimlL. incur unrra, Drioarat. -MUi-Hrrlast), llrmarrhitira. . mrr .n niQDCI Ullfai ".IS .'"ei with Sperifloa. Uuiul. urn lioiel ou and Mnllcator, ST. OO Price, Single Bonis (orer SO doaasa . ,oo lolS hr DranlHi, sr Bent Prena.14 Rerelpl ef Price. Humphrays' Med. Co., 10 Fulton Si., H. y. fyj Agenu, to Sell US BLACK KlJ niisi nnw n lm HiU i 4H'!" , wars irrt? va co A GENTS !rl WANTED ; To canvass for one of tho largest, oldest established. Best Known Nurseries in the country. Most liberal terms. Cneijimled . Mini!--., "i-iicvh .urserv, i-.siantiMied j 18W. W. & T. SMITH, lionevn, N. V. A PRI7FNol,J slx Cf"lt'' ri,r potaire ' and receive free a costly box of goods which will help all. of either sex to more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure. At once nil J iiiffivv,iiM niimiiiii, iuuine, V v - o r: e w " 11,1 w o g o em H w o 12! s Send fcr7G-Pas;o ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MENTION T!!JS PJP"R. CENTS EACH! . .... r.2 ,t , m ' ? ": """ ptio tna nl, tvpa on rood " i I'.ui le an OPIjrtu an opijrtuiMly to .crura the e.n.t b.M.k. v.r i.i.ti. on. i. cumi'lai. iu ilm Ii :'"".lh! '"t auia. would coil many Tha K..r...llr,l Hublaa. I ha I'.arl ol,.,... a .Vai.l. B, ( l.. "a ,. '. " A "' ' ni: J Uffe lli.oaa. 1 Nanl. H f rrt w ri.ara I iiJtr lua Lllui-a. a o..l. L I... ,a.., ol aiv,- !u- Old II.I,. a s... a-...l. I..' '" '.""m' "1 1., ro. '1'Sa OlaaaaaS llraadal. A K.v.l. Ji, b. Baaai 3 !!.""r'.,,,,-. 1 r'"a aa.naoa. lady nJwii-Ul' il.tswoMU. 4 Iw.w. u, A Wlekcil lil.l A V ...I . U Tun ' Ogrft Tl.. It iM Twi flu, i Hotsl. Kjp tb atlwr sf I hm Maf mf Urtsrt. A Nel. ty B t.rjs;r,. V 1 wrl otl. bt Pi.oir Who,., TL Ouih, lilwr. iXl.m.tiiii;uli,.,,IB Uussl t.r...e. i fil. Mr. Woo." I l-j wrifht l(.uchUi A Kol. Br Mib. A. ..a Kal kail Kalaa A .v.. . .. ttaciiaU-r't itsbla. A KoL ti Mrt. K.T.Ttcroa. at- I'ama .h iP.i rat nail Of -on rsr.nti.f onli 1 c... M KJiiifw 7 ui tli i.ili tiki buui.'l iii bwardi '...tuusrsu. UO Dull fill I U.nt.ia.ii ..1 it iLLra 9 I s WMmte ft i e- if 1 s & S i M fen JU ST LOOK -A.T 971 SXCHAEB BLOCK Holiday Goods. Santa Clans Headquarters. 'I I m 1 , aa a. Ammx i ar -4ia.'it JBuixax ai . ( b niaiiii ' ' ' ' '"aniiliiiiiii iimfir atafcMMti tttLtl''' In variety of Style and Color to suit both TASTE and PURSE. LOXJUQES, TABLES, cfcC, &cC. Too numerous to mention In detail. Come and aeo and bo mado happy by Kottin,, tho Best iola for the Least Money at NELSON CREENLUND'S, xjnsnDETAKiii! embalmed 331 Exchange Block, next to Exchango Hotel, . WAREEN, PENx'A. H. J. HOPKINS & CO.'S oooo s e c c c e e e c c IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD TO BUY GOODS!! COME AND SEE. 23: LARGEST STOCK, FINEST GOODS, AND LOWEST Pit ICRS! SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR BOYS FOUR YEARS OLD! SUITS AND OVERCO TS FOR MEN THAT WEIGH .100 LBS I SUITS AND OVERCOATS ALL .SIZES AND PRICES ! a a ; y . t t i. , t t . t , , , L . , , IN DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS AND FLWLS ! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE 1 All Wool Undewesr for Ladiea, Gentlemen and Boya. All Wool Underwear for Miascs, Children and Babies HATS HATS! ANY SIZE ANY PRICE! BL A-ISTIKIIETS ! All Wool IJlank.ta. fir.v Blanki-U. Shanty UlunkeU, Mixed Wool Blankota Homo Blanket. Kmo Uohos, Wolf Robes. .., Our stock of B..ola and Shoes i RUBBER GOODS AND PELT BOOTS A SPECIALTY G&qce&iks, GmCK&rxs, Giiocixtrxs, FLOUR, FEED, Our Urooery Stork la always Complete, and HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS A SPECIAITY Come nd see ua j we will do you good. HT. J. HOPKINS & CO. HERMAN & DRUGGISTS TIONE&TA, IN iUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND rim FRESHEST gjiqceries. HSRRIEN, FRUITS A VECE TABLES OF ALL KINDS, IX SEASON. In our Drug Department, which ia iu clinrno of a thoroughly nin)tent dork, will always bo found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., -DEALEKS IN- CLOTHING. DRY GOODS. NATIONS. H4TS, CUPS, GROCERIES, QL'FEIS' WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS. CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. D00TS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVEHY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCUANCI2 FOR GOODS. FOB HOLIDAY GOODS TMiero you can find Present at Specially Low Pricoa lor tbo next 30 day. CHAIRS AND ROCKERS! in every stylo, both Antlfinoand Mod ern, In LEATIIEIt, rix-siT, WILLOW, or CARPET- CHIFFONIERS, nooic CASES, HALL HACKS, UKACKETS. BASKETS, FOOT RESTS, OIL PAINTINGS LADIES WRITING DESKS, SIDE HOARDS, CHAMBER SUITS, in Walnut, Mahoxany, Chorry and Antique Oak. EASY CHAIRS I o c e cccceece eeeeeeccccee CAPS CAPS! ANY SIZE AND ANY ritlCE ! BLANKETS 1 very larso nvd MI ST BE SOLD, AND SALT! embrai-es everything kept in thi mnrkel. SIGGINS ! GROCERS, PENN. MD8IKSS Tho only lirnnd of Laundry Soap awardmt a first class medal at tli Now Orleans F.xxKltinn. Uunrnn tiMl nhscilutfly pure, and tor genera! household purposos is the vory best 7ESTE'tN NEW YORK A PKNK V SYLVANIA RAILROAD. i Formerly i,.r.r, .) TIME TARLE IN EFFECT Juns 19, IRS7. WostwaidJ PUtwlnirph Division EaafwaTJ a. M. r. M. I 7 ;t.-ii T 2ft 4 11 4 11 4 01 4 0:1 ii 4:1 2 4:t 2 lj -i 1ft a-.M.r. m. A.M.IF.M. ar Pittsburgh Iv oo 8 50 Parkar 12 II 12 14 .. Foxbura 12 401 la M Franklin .. 1 hO: 1 t lv...Oil 2 15 2H a. m. A. M. P. M.. P. M.I P. M. n lift. 2lW.ll l. ar... nil 1 n inn! P. M. 3 0ft a so 7 10 tH 44 11 4ft; 10 22 OlentMilia f.t2rt tHBiiitl 87,10 0.1 t .11! 5o 8 1H 1 18 H 14 8 011 I 01 8.V1 t7 M 12 Ml 7 M 7 411 12 41 7 20 17 21 8 i 7 Oi 12 0ft! 0 00 0 4 1 1 SOI 0 12 II 1ft p.m.'a.m.Ia.m. p. m'.Ia. m. ...Eairle Rook.. I'reHidont... Tioneata Ulckorv .. Trunkoyvllle. Tidioutn.... ...Thompson .. IrvinetoD .... Warren , fl 83 f7 17 f 8 86 f7 20 52i 7 87 4 Oft I 7 60 f4 13' 7 68 4 26, 8 10 f 4 4ft f8 2ft 6 15! 8 46 6 0l 9 Oft 6 I21 S S5 Iv... p.m.Ia. is. p. m.Ia.m. jlr...Bradirird 8 00,11 26 p.m. a.m. Ia m. p.m. a.m. 0 12 II OA; 1 1 Oft 8 12 9 10 5 Mill 0010 S-ij... Suuar Run ... I71 9 43 6 3M0 4T 9ftft t'orvdon 6 33 10 0.1 Bill 10 3(1 .M Onovillo 6 40 1011 52I102H ia....Wof Run.... 6 47 10 14 ft 18 10 24 0 00, Quaker Rrlda;e. 8 63 10 24 8 04 10 08! 832...ltoil House.... 7 07 10 38 4 4! H 61 7 Mil... Saliiinaora.... 7 2110f.S 4 14 0 111 7 20: .So. f'arrollton.. 7 17 II 0J 4 2I: tl 28 1 6 .Vii... So Vanilalia... 7 47 II 21 4 07! 0 12 0 28 Alleirany 8 01 11 37 Silo D O.I III 1ft V Olnan illlllit P. M. A.M.lA.M.I P.V.'.-.I. AnnirtONAL Thaim - Leaves Kinana ll.-Oftain. Warren 12:Miiim, Irvineton 1:46 pm, Tldiouto 8:lftpm, TionesU 6:0:,pni. ar riven Oil City fl:4ftpm. AnninoAr. Tkaiw I.ravin Oil Tity fl:0l am. Oleopolla 0:40 am, EhrIp Rock 'liftftitiii. PrpHident 7:(r.'am, 1'ioneMa 7:ft2ain UU-korv 8:40am. Trunker villn 0:O0am.TtiI oute ti;M)Hm, Thomnsoii 1 1:110. airive Irvlneton ll:1ilaiii, Warren lz:60pin. Kin run 2:0",in, Suuar Run 2:'0, IVry.lon S.-00, Onovillo 1:1ft, Wolf Run 330, uakcr Brldiro 1:40, Red Iiouan 4:10, Salamam-a ft:02. South Carrolliou "i:10, South Vamia tin 6:IS, Allimhrny U:1S, arrives Olean il:1'Vi,i. Trains run on Eaatern Time. Tkai. It-n vinir Pltlsbureh B:00nm, ar rivinir PittHburuh 7:'Jftpm, are Solid Train between lliill'alo and I'iti.lmrah. TiiAia leaving PitikbuiRh 8:60ptn. ar riving I'ittalmrvli 7::Vmiii, are Solid lartis wltli Pullman'a sleeping Cars twtweea Bollalo and PittKburuh. rt'I'ii-kflH Mnl.l .ml 1 ... .. a-.- to an principm pyinli. Got llino tables irivinfi; full Inforniatko from I nnipanv'i Ak-onli GE. N. i ft.' II ELL, Quu'I Supt. J. A FELLOWS, Gen l Pa-M'r an ' Ticket Agent No. S4 Esehutio St.. Bulfalo, N. V. J. L. CRAIG, Acent, Tioneata, Pa. ALLEGHENY JALLEY R. R. Most direet route to Pitt.iburgh and th Only route landing pasnenjiers at Union station without dolava or transfer. .M-Trains run by Hauler n Time. 'I inio table in etln-t Julv 10, lw7. Nortliwaid. Southward. 1 3. I...2. I 4. 7 a. in ip.m. i.v. Ar. p.m. a. m. p nr. 8 0-i 8 ftii. 1 Mi I'iltMburKh 1 7 20 7 30 1 16' 11U,I0H 1H7W. 1 June! AIM, 8IV12 10 10 47 I0s 8 4it Kitian iiiiml 641 ft 4.M 1 nr 1 1 32; 1 1 1.7: 4 3.1 Red Hank. 4 f H, 6 02 10 .'.2 I14"ijll41; 4 57 tu-t Hradv 4 40j 4 41,1031 1'2 1 ! H: 5 2M ... Parker... 4 11' 4 Iri0(2 i 4iiil2 2ft' A :'.. Foxlmri . 4 Oft' 4 01 9 62 12 4f 12 12 6 11:. Eiiilonti.ii. I 3 ( 3 66 9 44 0 00 8 : 4 8 06 1 21 I 07; l 21 K enneiOelli 3 21 3 10; 1 M 2 -.V 1 1 0 " . Franklin... j 2 60 2 0ft 7 l'5'...Oil Citv...! 2 2n 2 4 2 I p in p.m. 3 Ift 4 Ift .-. :w 0 oft! 1 22! K mij 3 ft2! 4 26 1 6 IHll ft 10 . Ill . III. :p.m. a in a. 111. 4. in M 111. a. 10 1 3 0- . 4 I.I 5 2 ! ft All. Oil a in 8 46; 0.1, , 111.: KN. Y .V P .......Titin-ville ....! ('orrv... p.ui 1 2i 1 25 7 W 12 20l-J 'all 10 fiirll 1ft!. 10 Ol! 10 35 ....,.., ..Mayville.. ... Hroeton... . Dunkirk . JMjMalo... ... I iooei.ta . . .Tidiouto... .Irvlneton. ... Wai ren... Salamaiiea. ..llradlord. ... .Olean. ... Ar. Lv. 9 4 IK 161 8 5il. h ia 7 40: 7 101 49i 4 4d i 4 On 8 iOj I 18 12 41 12 HI II Ml I1 11 9 I.i 9 05 7 23 10 5ft:. 8 00 II 2ft 8 10 II 4i p ill. a in. p. 10 a. 111. p.m. 1 y-tull'alo Sunday Train leaves Pl ta buryh U a. 10., arrivea at Oil Citv, 2:20 p. 111. Returning, loavea Oil City 2:20 p. 111 . arrivea a PilUburgli 7:45 p. hi., atop iimr at all xtmion-, DAVIli Mi'CAHHO. Or-l Kll)t. E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Frt. A Pas. Agt. Pittsburgh, Pa. Mason & Hamlin. Organs and Pianos. Tlia Cabinet Ortn was (ntrndurid br Mfttton A Iluiit iit in jstll. Miwoii V. H iinliu Orifiii.s tiuve hlway nuiittitiiict ilu-n -uiirftnu. y over 11JI miitr htiviiu rcuMM'd JliirdHctlloiHii ui 14 ii Urtat Worij Tlie Improved MiwJ.or Striiiuin : riattun, .nventeii l.v .M.tfou X ILimiiii In I., u K,-,.ui kUviuko in jit.m coiiptnn iion, - ((- .rtfioiiiicin U "tha yn-uiusi iiiiiuveitit hi in piaUi'isiu iulf a f cutury.1 I'tann i-irt uUr, o-nt tiuiiii itn.l tekiimunial from urc.iiicr, ihiifitiaiisi, nuU iuucr( miti i'Uuo kbd Orguu CutaUuuitt, freu. MASON & HAKLIN 0E3A1I AND riANO CO., 15 Ziit lf.k ix. (Csln Sm), VIW ?3BX. PENPi'A 'Cf (CULTURAL WOP.XS. Steam EiiiriiTO, Saw Mills, Ilav PreiiS ei, Stump Poll.-, and Standard itricol tuuil 1 1 1 . p 1 -1 1 1 1 . a vo'iieriill v. K.-i ,1 I04 Caial ., t,, FAltCUilAU Ja SUN. Yoik, Pa. V