THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. t. WINK, . CSITOR PHOWtltTOd. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, IW. Forest nouotjr Republicans elected their whole county ticket Tuesday of last week, runoing up a vrry clever majority for Hart ami William. Neighbor, shake. Broohrillo Rrpub lienn. Hero you are Sr. ItuMon cornea from Washington tbat the President is going to make an assault on the tariff id bis message. Many a man has blindly butted bis head against a ttone wall, but we never beard of the wall being dam- aged. In our notes of the election last week we overlooked "little Forest." All the same it went solid Republican by a largely increased majority, so much co that it is inclined to make a claim for Cooper'i prize banner. Tidioule Newt. Totter, Warren, Venango, Forest and Jefferson counties, all gave splen did Republican majorities at the late election. In fact in no section of the Blato waa any better work dooo by Republicans than in the old "wild cat" district McKean Miner. The steamer W. A. Hcholton, which left Rotterdam for New York oa the 19th, with 230 passengers aboard, was auok by a collision with the Rosa Mary at 11 o'clock that night, ten miles off the coast of Dover, in tbe English .Channel. One hundred and thirty people wers drowned. As at? incentive to Republicans to get out their vote, Chairman Cooper offered a handsome silk banuer to tbe county tbat showed the greater per centage of gain over tbe vote of 1884 Tbe award has not yet been made, but Fayette county lays claim to it. Kane Leader. But Forest takes the banner, just tbe same. Little Forest, the only Republi can county in this Congressional dis trict, gave a Republican majority on tbe State ticket of 221 at tbe late elec tion. On tbe county ticket tbe ma jority ran as high aa 322. This is a handsome Republican gain in that county, and we tender our neighbors congratulations. Let tbe good work go on. Eidgway Advocate. (jKV. (iRANt'b nilpaoa ira haninniMn . V. . to die off early. Mrs. Sarah Oowdy, aged 80, who has just died at Ports mouth, O., was "preoeut at the birth of Gen. Grant and was his nurse in infancy." In checking off tbe demise of nurse No. 1. we would remark tbat the mortality among Grant'a nurses will hardly reach its maximum uutil we're pretty well advanced into the 20th Century. Frantlin Newt. The unauimity exhibited by tbe democratic politicians. aod their or- -rana in rirnnnnnitinn Af 1 : - '""Tyi a nu a ' trees, whev; ayiug tbat "the l gr&gJSl thought." Mr 'V1 Se a el bother to the -ir en when he is several " .lea away and not saying a ut them. They evidently see Su ,enmenfhip developing upon tbe wall. Bliitard. Ok tbe popular vote in Virginia at the recent election, tbe Republicans carried the State by two thousand ma joritya fact which naturally greatly encourages tbe leaders and rank and file of tbe party, and baa greatly bur prised and cbngriued the Democracy throughout the emire South. With Virginia in tbe halanre. the Presiden tial contest of 1888 will be full of peril for the party now in control of tbe National Government. Mr. Thcebe does not prepese tint Mr. Carlisle shall remain in the enjoy ment his aeat in Congress without ( tnakiog him prove his title to it. The attorney for tbe first-named gentleman declares tbat tbe contest for tbe seat will be vigorously pressed. Of course Mr. Carlisle will bo given the scat when CoLgress organizes, and as tbe Democracy will need all the votes they can get to maiuiain a working majority, there is small prospect ot Mr. Tboebe's contest being successful, though it may have tie effect of mak ing Mr. Carlisle aud his friuuds very uncomfortable. The Richmond State favors a ticket composed of Cleveland and Fuz Hugh Lee. Tbat would pleaso us too. By all means make it Cleveland and Lee. And make 'the Mississippi Jackson the president of the National Cooveu lion, aud Jeff Davis chairman of the National Committee, and have a Phil adelphia snub aud an Ohio kiss em blaiooed on tbe transparencies, aod a dash of color might be given tbe whole by decorating tbe speaking platforms with tbe rebel flags that Mere not re turned. There would be luta of fuo Me a campaign containing these ele ments, thinks tha Uartuburg Tele-graph. Will Congress Throttle the Gas Wells. A Washington City correspondent sends tbe Pittsburgh Leader tbe fol lowing information, which, if correct, indicates that the Government is like ly to take steps to prevent the waste of natural gas: "One of the first steps Congress will attempt to take when it assembles will be tbe control of the use of natural gas in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, and some other States where it has been found in such quantities ai to lead to its waste. I am told by a gentleman connected with the geological survey that re porta have been received from Munrie, Anderson, Marion and one or two other places in Ioo'iana, and from Fiadlay, O., which show that more natural gas is beiug wasted than is used, and that a recommendation will be made for a law to prohibit the wastage of this valuable and desirable article of fuel and light. It ia con tended by the people at the geological survey that Congress baa a perfect right to legislate on this subject, icas much as the gas comes from deposits many miles in extent, running from tbe property of oue to another, from county to county and from Stale to State, so that when a well is drilled on one man's property the supply of gas may not only c.nue from another man'a deposit, but from another fctele. Tbe question will bring up a full scientific discussion of natural gas in all its bearings, and the geologists will have a feast of uieutal research. 1887 vs. 1861-5. Ed. Repi-blican : We shall now attempt to present to you another class of ex -soldiers, and from the direct import of Cleveland's Veto Message and assertions of the few whining press here and there throughout tbe country, thia class most be the camp-followers, dead-beats, Ac, referred to by them, for, we believe we have proven to tbe entire satisfaction of tbe tair minded man of honest convictions, that the clans or class es referred to in a former issue, needed no special legislation in their interests to en title them to Pension according to law! their regimental and hospital records is, "with tbeir identity," allaufttcient in their case. The writer has one of thia class of ex soldiers on his mind, one of which he will confine himself to more closely for exam ple sake; his name we could give if nec essary. This then young man went into the service strong and robust, physically, and while faithfully performing his duty, a dreaded disease undermined his strong constitution beyond a reasonable doubt, and before said disease was fully devel oped showing its slow but sure work upon tbe surface, the war was fought to a suc cessful termination and be was sent home, a mere wreck of that manliness which en listed for the war. A year or two ago he applied for pension, being constitutionally broken up and in need of help; a f. w weeks ago be was Informed by the depart ment that under the present law he was not entitled to pension, aa "no record" appeared showing tbat the alleged disa bility was contracted in the service. This fact we submit as proof of what we have said heretofore, via : That the successful termination of all claims for pension un der existing law depends upon the Impor tant word "record." We must, therefore, conclude that there is comparatively a large class of old sol diers who made no surgical or hospital record during tbeir servics in the army; a class whose record as patriotic men and soldiers, shines out !n that grand lustre that only encircles the bn-w of the true, patriotic, Union Soldier. President Cleve land and the petty press of a redeemed country may, if they can, ridicule, slur and sneer at these records and the names they have won upon a score of battle-fields, yet one certain fact stands out prominent ly and above all others, viz: That the name of our noldiers, the fame of their deeds, the valor of their heroism evinced from Bull Run to Appomattox, will be honored and held in high repute by a free country loving people, while the names of all their enemies of to-day will, if re membered, he despised. There is now but one conclusion to this whole matter, vias That the Dependent Pension Bill was calculated only to bene fit tbe class which maoe no medical record while lb the service; they were wonder fully fortunate then ; they are wonderfully unfortunate now. It ia an undeniable fact and one that is approved of by the best medical talent of our age, that no man who was in active service for one, two or three years returned home as sound physically as when they enlisted, and though they might have been so fortunate as not to lose a drop of blood nor necessi tated to take a dose of medicine, yet on account of said service aud the exposure attending it, their lives have been corres pondingly sbortenod five, ten and fifteen years. Now lot me ask, have not thee men, who gave the best of their lives to their country's service, a perfect right, being in need, to ask the Government they helped to save to contributo a little for their support in order that they might march down aud over tbe rugged edge of lil'o with tonio degree of case aud comfuriT No patriotic, loyal, country-loving Presi dent or individual worthy the name of American citizen would dony I hem this right, nor rebuke when tbe plea is entered in the interest of the homst soldier; but it is a fact and cannot bo successfully de nied that it is the deserving soldier whom Grover Cleveland bus rebuked beyond reason, tru h and Justice, and with slang and abuse unbecoming a leader of this great country. But there is some conso lation in knowing tbat iu this particular case of the President the scripture is ver ified, "From tbe abundance of tbe heart the mouth speaketh. All the press of our country which aro belching forth in favor of Urover's deal ings with the soldier bear othor ear murks of which we might refer and which very forcibly illustrate tbe character of the ene my, Ac. Tuke for instance, the Philadel phia 'limes, Kansas City Times, N, Y. World, and even the National I'emocrat of TionentA, nd you havo a set of pro fanned cowards In the day of our National calamity. Did not our country in her dis tresa and peril call as loudly to these men as to others? Why did they not respond to that call and learn the arts of war and take In the real pleasure of the soldier's liftoT Forhapa the most logical reason ia thoy could not art through 0'ir lines. Verily, nol While those men, whom they so cowardly attack to-day were trudging along under a scorching sun, they wcra taking in probabilities of our success j and while the soldier was standing out upon the lonoly picket post amid tlio darkness and storms of winter, thinking of the dear family at home, those men were en joying tho comforts of home and the so ciety of their families j and whilo the sol dier was, an It were, straining every nerve in actual conflict these men wore perfectly calm and happy, having nothing to fear save tbo coming draft. Not ono of these contemptible papers were represented in our army. Tho editor of the Phila. Times bad tho audacity to sot himself up as soldier, but when confronted in the mat ter cnnld neither give his Company or Regiment, hence his claim to that honor was as false as tho position he and others have taken In relation to tho Dependent Pension Hill. Hut lest wo pass tho line of deserved courtesy to our editor wo will mbv no more at this time, but fully expo.t tit say more hereafter. J. A. THE STATE VOTE OFFICIAL. Although the official majorities of the late election in this Stato havo heretofore been published, the correct figures of sev eral counties were still lacking. The last county In the Stale has UoW acrt lu Its re turns to the State Department, and the fol lowing table shows how thecountiea voted on tho two principal candidates for State Treasurer. There ia not one In the list which conies up to Forest in the matter of increase in the Republican vote, and she's won that silk banner too easy: c c Counties. Adam s Allegheny ,,, Armstrong Heaver Bed lord Berks- Blair Bradford Bucks Butler Cambria. Cameron Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Cloirtiold I'liulon Columbia Crawford . Cumberland Dnupbin Delaware 27117 28rtf9 4062 4172 3860 6371 4471 6106 7465 8!W 3. Hi 612 1830 8719 7593 2077 8410 23!8 1561 7218 37 80 7057 6320 t7d 6061 5706 719 48S0 807 2010 3386 463 314 1593 7821 14947 3136 3825 6077 8631 42WI ii7tr7 65(r7 1939 918 11107 868 6080 4940 2738 80872 306 1915 W22J 2031 3617 677 3813 4882 1740 3100 2! "62 H35tl 2148 7640 1830 3201 20516 2S14 2152 3691 11798 3140 2954 7472 3370 4192 441 2194 3889 6150 3046 4110 2743 28"6 6751 4654 6277 2782 1426 4196 6W3 498 4226 1065 3067 2&H2 1370 2663 1623 86!4 8350 142.5 1946 6970 , 9.S88 5318 1380 4281 1791 2.-7 10504 1268 8399 4777 2516 720.0 093 1100 lOOOu 1 21 161b 95i 2459 1872 10,5 2287 2070 4954 2226 7392 1834 8074 Elk.. Erie Kayette Forest Franklin Fulton Greene Huntington Indiana Jetlerson Juniata , ljickuwaiina I.ancaster Lawrence Lebanon Lehigh Luzerne Lycoming McKean Morcer Mifflin Monroe Montgomery Montour Nor liampton Northumberland. Perry Philadelphia Pike Potter , Schuvlkill Snyder Somerset Sullivan Stisuuebauna Tioga Union Venango Warreu Washington Wayne Westmoreland Wyoming xork Totals 385514 840200 Marl's pluiality 46254 Irish, Prohibitioh candidate for State Treasurer, had 18,471 votes; Kennedy, Labor, 8.000. The vote on Supreme Judge was: Williams, Rep., 383.257; Thompson, Dem., 343,042; Chase, Pro., 10,921; Keyser, Lab., 8,475; Williams plurality, 40,215. Give Them A Chance. That is to say, your lunus. Also ai your breathing machinery. Very won derful machinery it is. Not only tbe larger air-passages, but the thousands oi little tunes ana cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any ol the family of throat and nose and head anil lung ob struction, all are bad. Ail ought to be got rid of. There is just ona mre way to get rid of them. That is to take Rosehee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a liottle. Even If everythinic else has tailed you, you may depend upon this for certain. COWWISSIONERS- SALE of lands. BY VIRTUE of various Acts of Assem bly of ' the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania made and provided, we, the under signed Coinmis.-loners of Forest County, will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry at the Court "House, in 'lionesta Borough, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, A. T), 1887, at 2 o'clock p. in., the following described tracts of land, viz; BABSBTT TOWJXSniP. Acres. How Assessed. 42 Buzzard Isaac. HARMON T TWP, 69 Faulkner William. 9 of 16 Green and Grovu. 30 Jones H. 10i Dale J. T. ft Monroe Oil Co. 1 Roup Samuel. TloKKSTA TWP. 46 Hale J. T. 240 Caswell U. T. J. R. CUADWIf'K, Ol.IVKH UTfcKI.Y, W, 1). HHIKLns. Attest, Co, Cuuiiuibsionerg, J. T. UuKNNiit, Clerk. Qi) A WEEK and upwards positively vt secured uv men agfliiisselliug lr Scou'x (ienuine Electric belt, tSufpciiKoiy etc., and by ladies selling Dr. Scott's Kit trie Corsets. ISainpltj Iruo. (Statu sex Dr Kcotl, 64S Broadway, N. V. Nov.ltt-3in. SEND your Job Work to the 11EFI.B Ll CAN Office. A l'atsta's ('srtanai Klucorrry. C ipt. Comn, si'hr. Wevmouth. plvlng between Atlantic City and N. Y., 'had been troubled with a cough so that ho was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. It not only gave hlin Instant relief, but allayed the cxtieme aoieuosn in his breast. His children were similarly af fected aud a sinulo dose had thesamo hap py elTect. Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard remedy In the Coleman household and on board the sch'oner. Free trial bottles ol this standard reme dy at U. W. Bovard'a Drug More Bt' Kl.KN'H A It MCA AALTR. The bent Halve in the world fjr Cuts, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to itive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents por box. For solo bv a. W. Bovard. Aa KimI ta Baae Hrrsplsf. Edward Shephord, of Harrisburg, 111., says: "Having received so much benefit from Electric Bitters, I fee' it my duty to let sutleriug humanity know it. Have bad n running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would have to havo the Imne scrnped or log amputated, I used, instead, three bottles of Electrio Bitteis and seven boxes of Ilucklon'n Ar nica Salvo, and my leg is now sound and well." Electrio Bitters aro sold at filly cents a bottle, and Bucklen'a Arnica Sab at 25c. per lxx by U. W. Hovard. KENKWN II KK YOUTH. Mis. rhcehe Cheslev, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by tho residents of the towni "I am 73 yearn old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress invselt without help'. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe iny thanks to Electric. Hitters for hav ing renewed my youth, and removed com pletely all disease and pain." Tjy a bot tle, only ?c, at Board's Drug Store. THE IMPROVED WHITE Lit-s.. THE' SELLINO, THE BEST SATISFYING SE WING MACHINE ON THE MARKET. IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT. Its Construction is Simple, Positive and Durable. Its workmanship in unsurpass ed. Do not buy any othor before trving THE WHITE. Prices and Terms made Satisiactoi y. DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. PRESBYTERIANS Wbe do not tak th Hr14 a fnn SEND 1t OMNCratt B lam pa FOR. A. 0m) oopy of that 9Pr n4 ft tmOfel taelarTe4 Calendar for 1888 8iM 4zX inekM. Orna nam.asnd sHdr..... .f t.a or mvrm PrMbrUritB. of dm.r.Dt f.milla. vko io sot bow uki th spr. sad rocoi. tb. 0l nd.r sad ml. cop? fro. IMa4 Motion Barn. of church sad tutor, sad Mr wk.r. yo law thia. Aitrm S.D ANI l-KM-SllTTKm, 171 Eui Slant, Ciscuixaxi, O, Ajenta to Sell Uie H1ST0BY of BLACK PHALANX. aa. am n I. niai it. Sail. fMt WhlMIU. Bltrkt if fro. Af..W I , II. fA to 10 Ml., fa asjiiticia pui'i co iim, immm. takSMaS. Cl a tt aiLMM. - Send for Catalogue, cro. PAHESH BEOS., Makers, .Meriden, conn. ?ko.rocmr, H Chambers St., Naw York. IS . : f WMmted my tern I m a .-tmt . -.1 " saw i atn bmm too I v h.3 era i daaiiiiiiai. r,jrli,ai,nllf H. J. HOPKINS & CP 'S oooooooooooooccooooococcoococ eeccoceoeooooe IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD TO BUY GOODS 1 1 -COME 2. LAItOEST STOCK, FINEST GOODS, AND LOWEST PRICES! SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR ROYS FOUR YEARS OLD! SUITS AND OVERC0 4TS FOR MEN THAT WEIGH 600 T.RS. I SUITS AND OVERCOATS ALL SIZES AND PRICES) 3CH . 5 t t t .'..'its.', jjittliiJ J ft .'Mijj j ., . . rr IN MY GOODS, DRESS GOODS AND FLAK! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE! All Wool Undowear ftir Ijidloa, Oentleinen and Roys. All Wool Undorwear for Mlanes, Children and Rabies. 1-IA.TvS HATS 1 ANY SIZE ANY PKH'tl l Wool Rlankfta, Gray Wankotn, Shanty Rlanketa, Mlxet! Wool Rlankcta Horse Dlankets, Knee Koboa, Wolf Roboa. ' Our atock of and Shoes la very large ar.d MUST BK SOLD, RUBBER GOODS AND FZLT BOOTS A SPECIALTY G&QQsmES, GltQCKmESi GftQCimiZS, FLOUR, FEED, AND SALT! Our Grocery Stock is always Couiplote, and cmbracos ovcrytblng kept in tbis market. HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS A SPECIALTY. Come end see us ; we will do you good. II. J. HOPKINS & CO. HERMAN DRUGGISTS TIOMESTA, - IN OVJX GROCERY' DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS RE FOUND rim immimsr maemms. BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Departinont, which ia in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found the PUREST DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITII UTMOST CARE. WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., -DEALEKS IN- CL0THIN6. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO. CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY- IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. l 'a m n O i i-i z II hi Sf o. W yds sf! Send for7G-Pago ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MENTIOM T'lTS P'PR. Hie Richet llunioroua Book of the Axe is SMVIANTH A AT SARATOGA by Jimiah Allen's Wile.. Miss Holly spent all last season timid the whirl of lailiion at Saratoga, and takes olf its toll lea. lUrlu tions, low neuk dretuing, pug dog,-Ae., in her inimitable iiilrtli pnivoking style. Tlie book ia profimely iiltiHtrated by Opper the renowned artiKi of Puck. Will sell immensely. 1'riee S'J.iiO. Bright Aitenta Wanted. Address ItUUUAUU UltOS., Plils., Philadolphiu, Pa. J3 St. AND SEE.- CAPS CAPS! ANY NIZB ANI ANY PKICR! & SIGGINS ! it. GROCERS. PENN. AND CHEMICALS! HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEERS- Law Blanks I Blank Books I BOOK'BINDINC. RIDGWAY PUBLISHING CO., (Limited.) RIDGWAY, PA., Are now sole proprietors and publish er of the celebrated "Selia-iiiug rierioa" cf Copyiighied LAW CONVEYANCING ULANKS, CimsiHtlng of nearly four hundred difler flit forms and nrinied on tho best linen ledger paper. Th.iy a.'O Complete, I'ni form, Atx'iirate, and havo the endorse nienl of the tet law judges in the Slalo. Wri' a for catalogue. U.seounl to dealers. Wo also inanulauturo BLA1TK BOOKS And do all branches of BOOK BINDING, PAPER RULING, GILDING, Eta, III tho neatest and best style of tho art. Hotel Register a (Specialty, 'iive us a trial. e guarantee our work equal to that of any establishments in tlio Suite. Write for estimates. Address us ulnivo. IIUMPIIItEYS' ECJffiOPATina VETrmiTAUT specifics Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hoes, Poultry. I 000 PAGE BOOK o. Treat ment of Aaliaala aad CSart kient 1'ree. fjonEs Frf r. CoDKeailotis Inllaiitniaiilon, JLtBiiieuratsj, Hhf unittiiat (! r.-liinruipert Na. lUcburKt. j. (. Hi r Crub. IVoruia. ii. J. K.llaaea ! iilaeaifuu. ntte. blabla fan. with SpartOre, Manui.l. W Itch Uiuil OU auu i!lkur, ST. 00 Price, blugle Bottle (uvvr Ml doanX MO Hold by Vrugataiai r Seal Prepaid ea Uecelut at Price. HurrphrejnV Mad. Co., lot Fulton St., M. Y. APRIZE.S - x ifiiU lor ohtai:e and reeeive flee a costly box of gooda which will help all, of either sex to more money right away than anything else in thia world l'"rtuiirt awuil Hie workers absolutely sure. At once ad- tlrcss True di Co,, AuyuuU, Maine. Apr. 9 V.VMC The only hrnnd of Lnundry Soap awarded a first class medal at tha New Orleans ExKisltiou. Guaran teed absolutely pure, and tor general household purjiosea is tho very best W ESTERN NEW YORK A PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, i Formerly n , . t. 4 r. a. n.) TIMETABLE IN EFFECT JnnnJII), 1M7. W est waid j'ittobiirgh 1)1 vislen'fEa at ward A.M. 7 " 4 11 4 01 2 a 2 ir A.M.! P. M. 7 25 4 It 4 03 A.M.IP.M. ar Pittsburgh Iv Parker...:... Foxbnru Franklin 9 00 S60 12 II 12 14 12 40 U 2. 8 43 A IS r. m. 1 hO 3 16, P.M I 88 tv...uit a 06 A.M. P. M.jP. M. ttos! 2( t8 44,1 4ft P. M. 11 15 10 22 10 01 9 65 9 II 8 35 7 68 7 2f 0 a: 0 00 ar...Oll 8 05 I60 Oloopolia ...Eairlo Rock... I'resiilent Tionenta Hickory .. Trunkevvllle.. Tidiouto ...Thompson s... .....Irvlnetoo Warren tS2rt 7 10 fS H3't7 17 T .Vi tl 7 8 Hi 1 1H 3 52i 77 4 05 7 6(1 8(111 I OH t7M 12 511 7 4UI2 43 t7 Sf:l.ia 2.-1I 7 05 I2 0. 8 4!t 1 1 50 0 12 1 1 15 t4 181 17 6-3 4 26 8 112 t4 45f8 2t 6 16 8 45 8."0 90S tw A.M. A.M. II 2& lv...Kinf 6 12 P.M. AM. p. m'.Ia. m. ?i '"' P.'nT A.M. ei-2 11 ar P.M. P. M. lv...Hradrord 8 00 A. M. 11 OTi 10. v P.M. A.M. 910 9 45 ... Sugar Kun ... 012 6 Till 11 00 6 30 10 4S 5 ft! 10 SO 6 24tloaj h 18 10 24 6 01 10 (.8 4 4!: U6H 4 84: 9 HO 4 21! 0 28 4 07 9 12 4 05 9 05 P. M.I A. M. 6 17 V 55 ,. Corydon... 0 83 10 M- 9 34! Onoville 6 40 10 n 6 47 10 1 6 63 10 24 7 07 10 39 7 21 10 66 7 .17 11 0t 7 47 II 21 03 U87 8 10 II 45 9 15 ..Wo f Run. 9 00 8 3U 7 60 7 20 6 55 6 28 Quaker Bridge. ...Kml House.... ... Salamanca.... .So. Carrol Iton., ...So Vandalia. . Allegany.;:... 0 15;lv Olean ., ar A.M. P.M. A.M. Adiutionai. Thain Leaves Kinsu 11:05am. Warren 12:50um. Irvineton--4' pm. Tidioule 3:15pm. Tionesta b:0.'pui, ar rives Oil Citv fl:45pm. Aiiditiomai. Tha fx Leaves Oil City 6:00 am. OlcopolN 6:40 am. Eugle HihM H:55hiii, Preslileut 7;(imn. I'ioneaU ?:i"2am Hickory 8:40:im.Trunkevvllleti:00am.Tld onte 9.50am, Thompson 11:00, arrives Irvineton 11:30am, Warren l'J:60pin, Kln rua 2:05pm, Sugar Run 2:20, Corydon 3.00, Onoville 3:15, Wolf Run 8 30, Quaker Br id ire 3:40, Rod House 4:1), Salamanca 5:02, South Carrollton 5:30, South Vada lia 6:48, Allogheuy 6:18, arrives Oicau 6:30pm, Truina run on Eustcrn Time. . THAtss leaving 1'lttMburah 9Mm, ar riving Pitlslmruh 7:26pm, are Solid Trains between liutlalo and Pittaburgh. Trains leaving Pittsburgh 8:60pm, ar riving t'ittshuruh 7:3.iin, are Sidld Trains with Pullman's Sleeping Cara betweeo Uuttalo and Pittsburgh. rTleketa sold and baggage checkaJ In ail iTilu ioiil ootntM. Oct time tables giving full Infornialicn from Cnnipnnv's Agents. CEo. S. U A TC 11 ELL, Oru'l Sunt. J. A FELLOWS, Oen'l Paa'r ail'1 Ticket Agent. No. 81 F.xuhuiign St., Buffalo, N. Y. J. L. CKAKi, Auei't, 'lloncsta, Pa. ALLEGHENY JALLEY R. R. Most direct routo to Pittsburgh and the Eust. Only route lnndinu passengers at Vnion Station without dolaya or transfer. ,ft-Trains run by Eastern 1 line. 'I'iiuo tali.o in otlecf July 10, 1887. Northward, Sotitliwurd. k !.-. IJLI S. lll.p.Ul.lp.lll I 9 (nil 8 501 1 6o. 10 13:10 t 3 07 i HM7I1113S 8 4fl 11 82ill Sff! 4 35 0. I.v. Ar. Pittsburgh. W. I". June Kltian ninu Red Hank. ICnst !lradv ...i-.... p.m.;. 111. p in. 1 zu; 7 so 1 to 6 18' 6 IP 12 10 6 41 1 6 4M1 87 4 Hi 6 0210 62 4 dot 4 43 10 81 II 45; M 43 4 57 VI II 12 40 12 4 1 21 12 I I 5 2H 4 13 4 i i 101.2 4 as; 0 52 5 55j 9 44 8 Hi 9 06 2 45 8 .'14 2 15 06 12 25, 6 36 .. Voxlmrg . 12 32; 5 41 1 07 : 6 23 1 H8i 6 5.M 2 05 7 i'5i . Knilentnn. K eiinei'didl ..Franklin... ...Oil City... a Kt 3 2ll S6O1 2 20 p ni. 1 611 2 20 p.m. P.m. a. m p.m. I a in. a. in. a. in a m. M.N.Y AP ..Tliusville . Corry.... ..M avvillo... ... Brocton... .. Ounkirk. ... Builalo.,. p.m. A. Ill 'M Ml. 8 15 4 15 6 3d 0O5 022 8m Tjj 4 25 0s 4 12 6 2r 5ft4 6 h; 8 'jol 1 20 1 i'5. 710 12 20 12 21 10 50' II l.J. 10 0:1,10 85! 0 47 10 15. 8 301... "8"T;. 7 40l. . 7 10l... 6 4tl.., 4 49... 4 20,... 4 0O. . p.m. I... 8 1(1 1 fs 12 43 7 37, 8 10 8 45 0 05 ...'I'loiiKKta . .Tidiouto.. ..Irvineton.. ...Wairen... Salamanca. ..Bradford. ... .Olean. ... Ar. Lv. 6 00 5 SO 12 II II 60 7 2:) ' 10 55 9 33 9 15 906 a. in. 8 00 II 25 8 111 1 1 45 p in. a in. p.m.! .Tft-Buffalo Siindav Train leaves Pi ta bu rgh 0.00 a. m., arrives at Oil Cltv, 2.-20 p. 111. Returning, leaves Oil City 2:20 p. 111., arrives a' Pittsburgh 7:46 p. 111., atop- mi if at. all station. MVIll McCAROO, Clcu'l Rupt. E. II. UTLEY, Gen. Frt. A Paaa. Agt, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mason & Hamlin Organs and Pianos. The Cabinet Organ waa lutrodncrd br Mum A Ilamilii in lsai. .Muuu to llumliu Orjjii,. hive alwuy. muiiiuiiu-il 1 licit- nprL-uiaiy ovr ull nihtre, having ruuulveil lllu'l'totlluuui. ai ullUrcul Wurld't luuubiliuua iucu Isul. The Improved Mk1 of fiirliii-lii ! Piano., InTented DT Muon & Uumlm iu isk, U a gri'ul udvauce in piano coiiatritciioii, exiMTiH prtiuuiiiidnj ii " ilie frt-stest Improvement in pisiioln l.ult a century uino circular, c. .niiiiiiiug aoo luiimonlula from purchaser., niu.icluna, and luuere, ud l'Uuio and Organ Caluluguia, free. HASON ft HAMLI1I OH 9 AIT AND PIANO CO., 4( rut li-.a cstiv zn), mw tosi. PtriiVA" AGI ICULTURAL WRKS. Steam Ei nine-. Saw Mills, Hay Press es. .Si. j mn Pulliii a anil Sisndarrl I tin al Implements genersllv. Send t'nj ! 1 im. A. Jl. FAKQVllAR 6t SON, ' York, Pa.