THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. WINK, tDiTO 4 Proprietor. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1?87. MPIBLICM WIN ! Pennsylvania Cilrra 30,000 Majority fop the Tlrlict. 3hio, Massachusetts, Iowa, Nobraska and New Jersey ' Roll up Republican Majorities. LET THE EAGLE SCREAM. The elections of 1887 are over, and the result is about what was generally "expected. In nearly all the eleven States which held elections it was con sidered to be an "off year," and the vote in each did not get a great way above the average. ; In Pennsylvania the Republicans have once more placed a grand victory to their credit, electiog Hart treasurer, and Williams supreme judge, by at least 20,000 majority, which, consider ing the large corruption fund with which the Democrats were equipped, which was wrung from the federal offi cere, the backing of the national ad ministration, and the combined efforts of the Persoual Liberty Leagues and Brewers, is a most wonderful victory, ! and leaves the Republicans in elegant fighting trim for 1888. FEW YORK. York State has likely gone Demo ,! cratio by from 12,000 to 15,000, which is no surprise to the Republicans. 2fewYork is one of the hardest of States in which to get out the rural v which i is yeryJ4JgeLv,fiepubl" and only shows up io the mm excit iog campaigns. In a year like the present one the City has it pretty j much its own way, which is about all Democratic. It will be all right for ' Blame in '88. OHIO Re elects Governor Forakerand the tole Republican ticket by overwhelm ! iug majorities. It would not surprise ; tha Republicans to Bad they had car ; ricd the Slate by 30,000 majority, which is uearly double nhal it was two , years ago. It was a graDd victory ad no mistake. MASSACHUSETTS, Which the Democrats were in high hopes of carrying has been swept by the Republicans froru one end to the other, electing their Govornor and en i tire ticket by from 17,000 to 20,000 majority. IOWA Has again been swept by the Repub licans, electiog their Governor and other 8'ats officer by increased ma jorities. VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND May have both been carried by the Democrats but their majorities bare been so badly whittled down a to amount almost to defeat. Both will go Republican in 'M, if the good fight is kept up. NKUltaaklA Elects the Republican ticket by tliu overwhelming majority of 30,000. NtW JERSEY. j la New Jersey the Republicans made large gains io the Kgi.Uture, both bodies now beiog safely Repub lican. ti aud Sawyer bad a neck aod neck race. Sieers io a corn patch couldn't beat that run. CoortK'8 "fire side racket," as the Democrats pleabed to call it, worked like a charm. FOREST COUNTY! MISTAKE. She Elects tho Wholo Repub lican Ticket by Majorities Ranging all the way up to 300. ,11,; "THAT SAME OLD COON." The election in Forest county passed quietly io all sections, aud resulted io a splendid victory for the entire Re publican ticket as usual, only a good deal more so. Never in the history of the county has the party rolled up such splendid majorities for its candi dates from the top of the State ticket to tbe bottom of the County ticket. True, there was considerable cutting on all sides aud in all parties, but in the general scramble everything aver aged up so as to change the natural result but little. And since tbe thing is over and the result as it is, every body seems disposed to bo happy aod content that the "couulry is saved again" and no barm done. One tiling that eDt red into the cauvass at the last moment, made a most decid ed change in tbe attitude of things. It was KepWs insane attack upon Commissioner Shields in the last issue of his sheet, aod the posting of roor backs all over the county advocating his defeat. This seemed to set the people wild, and it was bard to keep them from casting a uounimous ballot for him. The vote he received is cer tainly a most fluttering endorsement, aod a stunning rebuke to the slanderer who has heaped abuse upon the ' pres ent board of Commissioners evervut-e" be discovejd Uli-he"c'ould not bull JaSS the gentlemen comprising it. Such a vindication ought to be enough to sicken tbe old whtlp if he has a spark of decency left, which of course he hasn't. It would be iu order now for the old slanderer to "crawl his hole aud pull the hole io after him." Everybody smiles at the out come io general, even the Democrats are happy for once ; aud why nolf when ll.ey know the affairs of the county are still in good and safe hand9. Chairman Shawkey is -entitled to much credit for the able manner in which be conducted the campaign, gelling out the vote, and arranging all details, and the parly, as well as the successful candidates owe hi in a iiig vote of lhauks, and it is moved, seconded and carried that be is thanked. We publish the table of votes cast, but will say that it is not entirely accurate, as it will be impossible to get the official figures uutil Thursday noou. We will re publish tbe table uext week corrected fully. By a glauc-e at the figures it will be seen that we have made large gains in lioib vole aud majority en the State ticket, which is a most gratifying icsult. The Anarchist Mutt Swing. Lat Wednesday the Supreme Court of the Uuiied States unanimously de cliued to interfere with the decisiou of the Illinois Supreme Court io the case of I he condemned auarchibts, be ing ef the opiuion that the trial rests eutirely with and is a matter of State jurisdiction. There is but oue chauce more aud that is in executive clemen cy, which is or seems to be tbe remot- et of all. The execution will take place day after to-morrow, Friday, unlets something cow uol expected nhouid iuterl'ere, and the seven mur derers will swing off as they should have done loog agu. Let us hopo fur the safety of nur beloved couutry that this will put ao end to anarchy iu fiee aud eulihteiitd Amenta. 1) forest Uountj'n Vote, 1SS7. o o o 2 rrn 2 S o e JJJrSrS jogs o a k i 3 ? f t ill! i T i t H : i t ! 1 -o O 2: si ! i ! i r ' i ! : : M ! M Hart, R. MoOrnnn, T). i . i : i i ot:: : ! : c.-.: : ro Irish, I. SiS2;y2-S!W'llllnniR, H. - - 3! f? ? 2 5 ; "iTbompson, ' . t i : . i : . : : : .: : ioJ Chase, P. e i K 7 i - 4 T, i' 3 S S Arnor jt. J S I e ST 2 S 2.flark, IK j.J !!S3?SS? Swyrrn J S ! !jS2V?5 5S!MVli'llini1,ni5 I i !3 S K g g t E i a g j rrnn-., it. 1 9 51 1 -i v. s i s g s 3 y ,jr(,r1:iiJlJL I S I ii m !i i S S t- isjsiii.-l.l, ik I ! 7 H ? 2 g 'i i ".ri'i'ii.'H'I- il'S I a: I t,l I S i' I. 1: w S ! Hmt.r.iiJ" ? cl SrS; 5 1 Ti-iSi-j Jt..-H, it. ni ssg! I il ? x i!:rnipiie. n SgalrlS: S1 Ilium,' H. I: I $rii:.g:g$i5 nmn-h. it. g j v. ; ! i !i 2 z ; r ; i'urove. r. M johitiks Hart ovor M-(irinn, ai(; Wiilimns nvrTlioiiii:.oii, ni. Arni-rover rinrk, :tlK; Sau vi-r over .Mi-Cli-llniul. rarwuiH nvrr Coit-Uinl, 10.1; Itloin nvir Ln.v, U j (iiurch and l'ioMr both l(ctod. Hekk, Chairman C'ooprr I This way with that silk banner. Forest county has use for it. Pawyf.ii aud Shields got a rnysl serenade by the band this.JWeclncsday evening. Thanksgiving Day. Io the u.tme and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A proclamation : Tbe President of the United Staies having designated by public procla mation Thursday, the 24th day of November next, ns a day of general thanksgiving, to be observed by the peopln of the Uuited Slates, I do heartily recoinnieud the people of this Commonwealth to assemble iu their respective places of worship on the day aforesaid, to render hearty and united thanks to Almighty God for the goodness and mercy which have been vouchsafed by Hun to us as a people during the past year. . In testimony whereof I have here unto 8ft my hand aud caused the seal of the State li be afliixed this 3lt day of October, iu the year of nur Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven, and of tho Common wealth the oneJmijilreit- and twelfth. - James A. Beaver, Governor. Harrisburg, pa., Oct. 31, 1887. Sir Charlie Dilke, in a recent magazine arlii le, advocates an expen diture !.f 810,000.000 no fortifications for London, which city he declares vuluerable to attack from a foreign foe. London's real danger is from within. While the land of England is mainly owned by a few hundred men, aud a great portion of the do main taken up by deer fnrtsts and game preserves, Ltiodoii swarms wiih a vast and rapidly augmenting army of unemployed, hungry men, deeped iu misery to the lips and growing wild with want. They threaten a duoger to England against which breastworks and cannon will be of no avail. The Government hud better spend the 840,000,000 to relieve the destitute If something is not done io that di notion, something may occur to shmk tho privileged classes who are uow en gaged iu roaming their vast shooting rauges or riding oiler their fox bounds. Franklin Newa. At Kdinboro teachers and students work unitedly for tho jrood of all. Kueh in his place doea his best. Give 'ihem A Chanco. That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing lnm-hinury. Very won derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-paHHp:H, but the thousands of little tulies and cavities leading from them. When lhe.e are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what tiny do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumoniu, catarrh, consumption or any of the laiiiily ot throat and noo and head and long oh hlruetions, all are bud. All ought to be got rid of. 'i lit ro is just ono sure w ay to get rid oftliem. That is to take Hoseheo's lierinau Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 eenta a bottle. Kven if everything else has tailed you, you may depend upon thia for certain. Homm t-'oulttob Teople Allow a eo uk 1 1 to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, till, it will wear away, but iii nioxt cases it wears them away. Could they be in duced to try the successful medicine call ed Keuip's lialfaiu, which we aell on a positive guarantee fi cure, thev would Iiniuedialely see the excellent effect slier taking the first dose. I'nce 50o ami 1.00. Trial siie free. (i. W. Hovard. The Pujiulallun of Tioneeia., Is about 700, and we woull bay at least one half are troubled with Home airectioii of the Throat and l.unus, as thoi-e com plaint are, according iu statistics, niore numerous than oth ;rs. We would advise all not to neglect the opportunity Ui call on us and got a bottle ol Kemp's Italsum for the Throat and Lungs, frice oOc. and H.OU. Trial size tree. Itespectlully, L. W. liovurd. IOli W(KK ur every dtwciiition execu te! al tlie HKl'UiJKR'A N otlice. A Captain ForMnnte Dlnrvrrry. C ijit. C'i'rmMi, si-lii Wevnimith, plrinir liotwoon Atlnnttp. Cltt n"d N, Y., 'had been troubled with a tough so t tint he rh unalilo to nlppp, and iaa Indnoed to try Pr. King's New Dtapnvory for t'onsunip tlon. It not only Kavohlm Instant, roliof, but allayed the pxtioite aoienxo In hla lirrftst. ' II ia rhlldrpn wpre aimllarlv af TpotPd and a ainitle doMp had tlipHatne hap py ptlppt. Pr. King's New Discovery ia now the stHiulanl remdy In ths Coleiiian lifiiinphold and on boKi'4 the aclrHiner. l'Vpe trial bottlpa of thia atAiubird reme dy at (1. W. llovard'a Prog Mtoro. .BtCRI.KN'S ARNICA HALVE. Tho best Salve lit triff-xs-orld fir Cuta, IV-nlHP, Soroa, Ulcora, Salt Hhpunl, Tpvor Sori a, 'I'cttpr, Clmpp"l Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Ski" ,"raptiona, and post tivply ourea Dilr . " pay required. It la pimruntppd ti ot sntiafHPtlnii, or nionpy rhui,, 1'rirp 2 pcuta per box. l'"or aalo bv U. V. Iiovard. Aa Knd la Hone He-raping. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111., says: "Having received ao much licnotlt from Electric Bittern, 1 fpp' It my duty to let Hollering huinatity know 'it. Have had n running sore on my leg for eight yearn; my doctors Uld mo I would have to havo the bone scraped or leg amputated, I iiMod, Instead, three bottle of Electric, liittoia and seven boxes of liiicklen's Ar nica Salve, and inv leg la now sound and well." Kleetrio totters aro seld at Hftv ppnta a bottle, ami Kucklcn'a Arnica Salvo at ifric. per box by U. W. Hovard. HKNKWS II KK YOI TH. Mis. Vluebo Chcslev. Teterson. Plav Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable siory, mo iruui oi which is vouched for by ihe rpsid-nta of the town: "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness tor many years' could not dress myselt without help Now 1 am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do nil my own housework. I own my thanks to KlectricHitters for hav imr renewed my youth, and rem ved com pletely nil disease and pain." Tjy a bot tle, only fiOc, at II ard' Drug Store. -IS '"sJUttJ:? THE EASIKST RELMNC, THE BEST SATISKYINU SEWING MACHINE OX THE MARKET. IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT. Its roustriu-tion Is Simple, Positive and Durable. Its w orknianship is unsurpass ed. Do not bi'.v anv other before trvlng THE WHITE." Prill-sand Terms iiiado Satisiactoiy. DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, iiHIO. PRESBYTERIANS ho do not tab tb llermld mnd Pre bytrt lUoulti SEIVI rlT. Ooe-Onl SJiaaiM FOR A. Bkmplt copy of that itapor and buliful tl-iiriaTd Calendar for 1888 Size 4'stzftS lochei. Or tnd nimn and addraa of tea or moro PrMbyunitaa o( diQrnt fit m the who do not now tsskti the paper, and reeeive tho Cal endar and aam pie copy froo. rWaal aftonrev MfDtion name of chorcb acd paetor. and aa Vbcre vau law thtn. Aittre((i m.H4M AND FHMBTTER, U5 LlM tiTilMt, ClkClNMATI, 0. AgctiU U ScU the HISTORY or BLACK . PHALANX. &i ? MfJMHtM. Tba trwt r IM atP 'l M arrtM af ItM rVArS-jTv SiMrtai dswina tW (tari ilia, ifii ism m. D iibrwy eata- C'ta iitkwai it balls fat (t ttj4 BlarU Biff psssts. Afau ss-iairt V i sUs p t mm isa bav Mat ty. Baa (W irrUu m4 l'W'il, as 1 tllhlMk l nMaa kldMaast, M all rW iHM. HU Upm- AMERICAN PUB'S CO Send for Catalogue, to t3 CTO. C3 PARKEE BEOS., Makers, MERIDEN, CONN. Sbow-rocms: 57 Ciiatiib&rt St., Raw YorL G lMpi 7i f..?X WSJ Munte Si H. J. HOPKINS & CO.'S eoooooooeooocececccceececec cecceeeeoeeeoccec IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD TO BUY GOODS!! COME AND SEE. f -k J ' LA 110 EST STOCK, FINEST GOODS. AND LOWEST PItlCES! SUITS AND OVERCOATS EOIt HOYS FOL'U KAItS OLD I SUITS AND OVEIUXMTS FOH MEN THAT WKWII 600 LrtS. I SUITS AND OVERCOATS ALL SIZES AND PRICKS! tt;;;K'!tM;!;;;t.'Ht;;;;!;i;kiiii!i.'';;;r I DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS AND FLANNELS ! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE! All Wool Umlowoar for Ladlos, (lentlemen ami Boys. All Wool Underwear for Miasos, Children and Dallies. HATS FTA.TS"! ANY NIZK AMY PKIt'Ut BLAITZBTS I BLANKETS All Wool niankdn, (Jray ninnkot.., Slianlv IHunketa, Mixed Woo! IJlanketa lloiHe lilankela, Kneo Holies, Wolf Itobca. Our stock of Doom and Shoes Is RUBBER GOODS AND FELT BOOTS A SPECIALTY FLOUR, FEED, Our Grocery Stoek la always Couiploto, and HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS A SPECIAITY. Come and seo us; we will do you good. i-i. j. iiopiciisrs & CO. HERMAN & SIGGINS! DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, 7. TIONESTA, - PELMN. ! IN OUU OROCEUY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND THE FBE8JKEST GEQCEJllES. BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OK ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Donartment, w h:eii ii In rliarun of a thoroughly conipetenl Clerk, will n'w.tys be found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOCNPEi. WITH UTMOST CARE. WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., . . DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, N3TI0RS. HUTS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY. CANNED GOODS. CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO. CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. j llw s 1 A P fT f:- fr3 C37: i v H ? Lai 65 V Send for76-Pago ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MEMTION THIS PPER. The Kl. Iiest Humorous Book of tho Aire ia SAMANTHA AT SARATOGA hy Joainh Allen's Wife. Minn Holly spent all hut aeaiion amid the whirl of Ui.liioo at Saratoga, and lakeo olf ita lollies. llirlil liona, low nerk ili'eisMiiiK, iii doga, de., in her iniioiulilo mirth provoking Ktyle. Tlie IxMtk ia profusely illoatruted byOppi-r the renowned urtiHl of l'ui-k. Will iseil ioimi'iihely. I'lii-e S'J.SII llriirht Amenta Wanted. Adilrcsn IIUUUAUD HKUS., Pub., Philadelphia, Pa. 13-5t. 3: CAPS CAPS ! AMY Nl.K AN II YNV 1'ltH'Bt very larire and MUST 11 K sot.I) AND SALT I ombraecs ever tiling kept In this market. Law Blanks ! Blank Books ! BOOK-BINDING. RIDGWAY PUBLISHING CO., (Limited.) RIDGWAY, PA., Are now aole prnprlptra and publlah era of the eelebiated -.Soha-ning Series-' of Copy lighted LAW & CONVEVANCINO BLANKS, C-insisting of nearly four hundred diflor ent forma and printed on the beet lineu ledger paper. l'h.y a.-e Complete, Uni form, Aeeurate, and have the endorse ineiit of tho bent law Judgea ill the State. Wri e for eatalou-iie. Diaeount to dealers. We also manulaeture BLANS BOOKS And do all branchea of BOOK BINDING, PAPER RULING, GILDING, Etc., In the neatest and best ktyle of the art. Hotel K'iiialoia a Specialty, 'iivu us a tr;al. t (guarantee our work erjual to Hint of any establishments in the Slate. Write for estimates. Address as uliove. UCMPHUEYS' EOHSOPaTHIO VETZEnUEY SPSCUIM For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 300 PAGE lloOKaa Treat, inent of Aaiinalsond Ckart beat free. CTHiEa Kevrr,, Keer. 'od Jr.lli.ii., Itinamniallan. hiiual AleulDsllU. Milk J-'rvr. )u.ii.-niruiuh i.miiriir.ti It aeumal Isin. i'.-l.",,'u",.'r! li'-:lire. . II. Ilufs aj- t.rubs. V orwii. F. F.- ollc ur Orlvrx, Hi ll) , br. iV lv-?!,?''"rrl"5,2'r1""',.h"B-V'!l, r'"sr, and liiduej 111.. J. S.ruiHive lli.pium, luugu. J. K.Jieues of lilsvsUuu. blable f'ase. with Mim-isca. Uaaual. u Itch liuxi-1 Oil aud MtUiuiior. 7.00 Trice, Slugle BoiUetowaiduMiilt .liO Sald br Ilrugglaisi or Sent Prepaid oo Beceipi of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 10 fulton St., M. Y. A PRIZE; He ii (. x i-eols l-ir po taue and receive fn-e a eostlv box of goods which w ill help all, of it ln-r sex to more money rinlil away limn anything elso iu this world. Fni'tunes await lliti workers absolutely sure. At once ad- dresa True it Co,, AugunU, Maiue. Apr.U wa Ding I W-r- V--iVH, Tho only bi-.'.ud of Lnundry Konj awarded a llrst clxss mttlal at tint New Orleans Kxposition. Guaran teed sbsolutely pmo, nnd tor (ioncrul lioiisehuid purposes 13 tho very best 7KSTEUN NT.W YORK Jt PKNN . SYLVANIA RAILROAD. (Foruierly , n. y p. a., n.) TIM K TAR IiKIN V.V F KCT J ti no 1 (1 IBH7 . Westwanl f'lltsburtih DIvIhUii Knstwaril A.M. P. M. A.M. P.M. 9ou aro 12 1 1 ! 12 14 12 40 125 7 Hfij 2 ar rilt.sburgh Iv Parker ..... Foxbiirg Franklin 4 II 4 M 2 41 2 l." A.M. P. M. 0 O.-i U 4 0:! 2j ' P.M.I P. M , ' P. M . 2 ; 12 2". 1 hO i m A. M. iv. .Am i' 2 16 P. M P. M. A. M. 8 0.-. A M t:i ill! 7 10 13 S8't7 17 i:t:m 7 ao 8 K! 7 S7 4 0.'i 7 SO H HI 17 6 4 10 ar... OH OliHipolia ...Faulo Rock... President. ... Tioneata Hlckorv .. Tionkevvlllo. Tidiouto....'. ...Thompson Irvlnotot) .... Warron tH 44 1 1 4" 1 1 4fi s sr. ; 1 1 7,li a-.- tK 'I f I 34 It 2V R Iii! l ih itir.5 sin! i i:t hi 2! ,7 M1 12 fill 10 12 7 40 12 131 fl 6C f7 21 12 2.i 9 17 7 0' 12 n:. A 4i fl 4H'M .101 fl4:;t8 2M S IS 4ft 6 :n 6 12 P. M. pTm. 8 On 0!V 9 35 A. M. A.M. II 20 U 12 II 15 P.M. A.M. A.M. P. M . i A. M. 4 20: W V lv...I!radrord . .ar P.M. (A.M. A.M. P.M. A. II. fl 12 11 ft. II 6 12 0 40 ASH 11 00110 V ... Sugar Knn ... It 17' 9 45 5 W 10 4 l 9 5S! Corvdon 6 33 10 01 5 111 MHO fi2l lO'.li h IS (l '.M 9 341 Oiiovlllo 0 40 10 II 9 l.'i ....Wo f Run.... 6 47 10 IS 9 00 Quaker Itrlilgo. 0 M 10 24 5 04 10 OKI H32i...Het llmiio.... 7 07 Id SW 4 4'"; 9 7 Mil... KHlamatira.... 7 23 10 65 4 34 ! 9 39 7 20 .So. Carrollton.. 7 37 11 00 4 2i; 9 2H fl.V. ...So VandallH... 7 47 II 21 4 07; 9 I2 0 2M! Alleranv 8 0)11 37 4 0.'.: 9 05 0 l.-.ilv Ulean ... .ar S 10 11 45 PM.lA.M.lA.Mj P.M. A.M. A u n it 1 o m a 1. Tit a 1 x Leaves- K i'niii a 1 lilfimn, W ari-en I2:,r0pm, Irvlnetou V.fii pm, 1 Kiiouie :i.ipm, TioncMa b:0Cpm, ar rive Oil City il:t.rpin. Atiuirii.NAt. Thain Lenvea Oil Pltv 6:00 am. Oleopoli 0:10 am, Kglo Rock 0:r.r'aui, Presidrnt 7:02nm, l l-oicrta 7:A2atii Hickory 8:40am. Trunkeyvllle I'tOOani.TU ontrt Ii:o0am, Thompson J1:(K arrives Irvineton 11:30am, barren l.riOpni, Kln siltt 2:0."pm, Sugar Hun 2:20, Corvlon 8:00, Onovillti 3:l.r. Wolf Klin S30', Quaker Kride3:4o, ed House 4:10, Snlamanra 5:02, South Carrollton VI0, Simth Vauda tin i:4H, Allegheny 6:18, arrives Olrnu fl:30pm. Trains run on 1'axlern Time. Tiiains leavlmr Pittshnrgli 9:0fiani, ar riving PitlNbnruh 7:2Sn.Ti, are Solid Trains between lluffxlo and Pittsburgh. Toainh leaving Pittsburgh 8:S0jim, ar riving I'ittsburuh T;H.'iin, are Solid Trains with Pullman's Sleeping Cars between RuMalo and Pittsburgh. riJ-TieUeta sold and burgage check ej Ui all princljial points. tiot time tables giving full InforniatU 11 from Compaov's Agents. n KO. s.'o TCHKLL, Geii'l Supt. J. A. FF.LLOWS, tii-n'l Pass'r an- Ticket Agent. No. 84 F.xehange St., P.ulfulo, N. y. J. L. CIt AIU, Agent, Tioiicsta, Pa. ALLEGHENY JALLEY R. R. Most direct route to Pittsburgh and tho K.uit. Only route huuling pnsciiger at Union Station will, mil delays or transfer. XO-Tiains run by I'listern 1 linn, l inio table in eileet July 10, lxs7. Northward. &outhuiird. 1. 3. I 4. a. 111 p.m. p.m. I. v. Ar. 9 Oil Sf,0 1 fin, Pittsburgh. 1 m.h.m. n m. 7 20. 7 30, 1 1ft 10 13,10 lm 1047 0 3"i 11 32!11 27 11 4VH 43, 12 II 12 H I2 41HI2 2.V 12 -ts'12 32 3 07 ;w. P. June 3 40 Kltuin ning 4 S.ri Hed llank. 4 57;Kust llradv 5 2fll... I'iirker.!.; f .35;.. Foxluirg . 6 44,1- I 6 18 6 in 12 10 5 4 '. 1 1 87 6 0210 52 4 43 10 St 4 I i 10 0B 4 03, 9 52 8 55 9 44 8 liil 9 00 2 45 8 :;4 2 l.V 05 a in 0 in. 5411 4.-8 4 40 4 13 4 05 3 57 3 21 1 21 1 60 2 2" p.m. p.m. 3 15 4 I ', o 30' (I n ")1 22 j a 1 11 4 2.1; 6 IKI: f. 30! 7 23 I 07; (123 Kennerdell I KXI 6 55;. Franklin... 2 50 2 li. 11. Ill 7 25i... il City... 2 20 p. m. p.m. a. 111 3 0- 4 1. 5 2i 5 6) n n 8 20 -.N.Y .V p ..Titn-Vilie Corrv... ..May villa... ... lii-ueloii... .. Hunk irk . ... HuiValo... ...Tioiit'sta . .Tidiome.. ..Irvineton.. ...Wai ren... SalaniaiH-a. .. HraUford. ... .('lean . ... Ar. Lv. a 111 k m. 1 201 I 2fij 7 10 I2 20lls2l' 10 Well Ii.;. 10 03,10 9 4 iu K, 8 II JSnj... 8 1 . .." 7 401 7 be 6 4li; 4 49! 4 20 4 OO p.m I 7 37 H 10 8 45 0 0:.i 10 551 1 1 12 43 12 lo II 50 0 33 9 15 9 05 8 00 1 1 25 h 10:11 4 , p.m.!a 111. p.m. a. m. iSOrltulValo Sunday Train leaves Pl ts burgli9.00 a. m., arrives at Oil City, 2:20 p. 111. Iteturniog, leaves Oil City 2:20 p. ni., arrives a' Pittsburgh 7:t5 p. in., stop ping at all station. DAVII" MrCAUiiO. (ion'l Supt. E. H. UTLKV, Gen. Krt. A Pasa. Agt. 1'ittsburgh, Pa. Mason & Hamlin Organs and Pianos. The Cuhiuttt Orgtn wu Introduced hv Maunn A Hum, in in INil. Jlu-.m ii )ln. In, Oi';. Imio SlWtt.Vtf msilltiillied Ihcil' Hilireliiiu-v iivlt ll ettien, having rt-cuiveii lliL'lie.lltuuia u,i uHliieul Vt,nd's Kxiiiuiliuus felucu ItioT. , The Improved Mixleof KoIiil-Iii f I'Iihioh, Invrnuiil b Muhiii & llainlili in lKi, Id a glint i.Jviiihu in piano conetrnclliin. expnt. ,ne,oniKiii it "thu en-stub! 111, linncu, fill In piuiii,n l,,r a century. " Pimm ciiculur, ,iii,in. a.m icliuiur.i.u. ironi inirclioM-m. niii-lclaus. uud tuuc, and t'lui.o und Organ CuUiloguus, (tuti. lUSOM li EAHLI1T 0S3A1T PIANO CO.,' tS Eut li:i ::. 7b1:h Scuw), VZV VCil.v..! I .. PENfl'A AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Sleum F.i gines. Saw Mills, Hay Press- es, Stump Pulleis uiiil Standard Agiicul- " I tural lnipluiiicnls generally. Send liu - i Ciitl"i A. a. FAltUL'ilAU di tUN. ' I York, Pa. MB ,' 1 1