THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. I. WENK, EOITOS PROPSItTOS. WEDNESDAY, J FLY 27, 1S87. KopiittlU'nn ( oniily Ticket. Prnthonotary. rtc., CALVIN M. AKNEIt. Khori(T, UKOUnR W. SAWYKIl. Com m isslonctn, J. J. PATtSONS. C. F. LEDEilllt. U. Auditors, (ULLEKPIK. E. L. JONES. Jury Commissioner, C. 1LCIICKCII. VAl.h KOK THF RKN ni.H'AN MTATK lO.Vl:NTH.N. llKAniiUARTrns nrrrni.icAS KTATR COMM1TTKF.. rHII.ADK.LfUU. .IllllpO. 1SS' Tho Kepnblican Stato Convention will 1o bold in the Oiiera House, at Ilarrisbiirg, on the third Wednesday ol August, tlio 17th, 1887, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the pur pose of nominating candidate for State Treasurer and Judge of the Supremo Court, and for the transaction of other business. The attention of Republicans through out the State is respectfully directed to llio following Permanent Utiles for the holding of State Conventions and the conduct of the party. First, That Delegates to the Stato Con vention shall be chosen in the manner in which candidates for tho General Assem bly are nominated. Second, Hereafter the State Conventions of the Kepublioau Party shall bo held not earlier than the third Wednesday of Au gust, except in the year of the Presiden tial election, when it shall be held not more than thirty days previous to the day fixed for the National Convention, ami except in Gubernatorial yeari. At least sixty days' notice shall be given of tho date of the State Convention. Third, That we recommond to tho county organizations, that in thoir rules jt they allow tho largest froedom in tho gen eral participation in tho primaries con sistent with tho preservation of tho party organization. The State Convention of Juno SOth, 1880, having abolishod Senatorial representa- lion, liolegatos to the approaching Stato Convention will bo selected according to tho number of Representatives iu the legislature to which each county or city is entitled under the Representative A lKirtionincnt law passed at tho lucent ses iou of the legislature TUOS. V. COOPER, Chairman. The Lackawanna Democrats de clare that the revenue bill was lost by fraud aud bribery. Now if these ex cited Democrats will furnish some evi lence on the subject and not froth so much they will do the State a service. "Who thall decide whon doctors disagree Good Pcmocratio author ity states that the President is going to St. Louis this fall, despite his state ment to Mayor Frnucis that bo bad abandoned bis iutontion to do so; while equally reliable though less Democratic authority says he has not yet decided that he will 0. la this couflict cf statement we can ouly bide our time until the matter is set tled. If the President foes Wfft litis fall, he will display a lickli-nivss an. I vacillation of wliicii h bitterest ene my bus not yet arc until bint. i a - The Knight of Labor have led IT their mciiilit'rsHp in Huston, New York and Chicago iu tho last year. Much the same bus hnppi netl in Phil adelphia. This was inevitable afer the bluuder niado at Ilichiuonil. As Mr. Powderly reincmbcrs bis hiyh hopes and flees in end in tho mier' ablo intrigues by which the General Executive Board is si riving to retain its power, it roust seem to him a sad outcome for a movement begun with such promise and ending in such dis aster; hut too much management and too little prineiplo will kill any or ganization, most of all one calling for supreme self sacrifice iu all engaged in its leadership. The report of the death f Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer, in that far-off land, caused a shock of sur prise and a fueling of sorrow through out Christendom. Mr. Stanley has done much for civilization, and wns in a fair way to do more. lie has writ ten bis name hich on the temple of fame, and will be remembered with Livingstone, while the English lan guage survives. Some comfoit may be found in the fact that the story of his sad and premature death is did credited in England Belgium, where his movements have beeu closely watched. Let us nope the rumor is without foundation, and that the biave, tireless explorer may be spared for many years, to further advance the crcat work be bns done so much to forward in the "dark continent." The Ohio Democrats met at Colum bus on the 21st and placed the follow ing ticket in the field, to be knocked out in November next: Governor, Thomas E. Powell; Lieutenant Gov roor, D. C. Coolman ; Supreme Court Judge, long terra, L. 11. Critcbfield Supreme Court Judge, short term Virgil I Kline ; Auditor of State !Etuil Kiesewetter. The free traders are a dishonest lot 1 While plainly intending to destroy the protection features of our custom laws they refuse to say so In plain J iiiiil''1,; tol skulk lrfr!i-tlie-tubter - tiaybroo-jue reform and reducing 'loiyhU they beliuve free traae .i",r'opular why not say so and go to the people on an issue equarely made and about which there can be no doubt? W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Comlnetcil by the Tionctta Vnion. The W. C. T. U. meets the id and 4th Tuesday of eaoh month, at 3 p. in. President Mrs. Eli Holeman. Vice Presidents Mrs. J. O. Pale, Mrs. W. J. Roberts. Recording Wec'v Mrs. L. A. Howe. Cor. Sec. & Treas. Mrs. S. P. Irwin. Hoe vnto him that rrirrth Art neighbor rfrint, that thy bottle to Aim, and uutkcM him drunken at.ia. llab. II, 13. A Chapter on Coffee. The Revenue Commission, which is Lard at work on a now revenue bUi-to" ,-")? BuTJutteoVldifSexr'iegislttture, Las dropped the provision which ex--erupts household furniture, watches and carriages, but as these articles are already exempt from taxation as soon as a separate act, passed last winter, goes into effect, the result will be the same, and a second exemption in the .sew revenue bill would be superfluous. Mb. Wheuby, of Cumberland, who i would like to be the Democratio can didate for State Treasurer, baa bad hituself interviewed by a reporter of tho Philadelphia Time. This be has Lad done, no doubt, because Mr. Wherry has made a discovery all alone by himself. He has found that there is no Randall and anti-Randall party in the State outside of Philadel .phia, but that on the other hand all are for the party regardless of the - leader. This is a discovery, certainly, And Mr. Wherry was justified iu hav ing himself interviewed. Governor Beaver, in a letter to a gentleman iu McKeau county, has jiiaiiiiy" stated bis purpose not to ap point an additional law judge for eith er the McKean-Potter district or that composed of Fayette aud Grecuo uu til the Republican numiuations are made. Then be will appoint the -choice of the couveutiou iu each case. This is in accordance with bis policy respecting the vacauey ou tho Su preme Bench. There are boveral c&u didates for the nuuiiuatioo iu each iu- stance, aud should the Governor make the appoiuttueuts now, when uot really uocessary, it might have the effect of iutlueuciug the action of tho conveu lious. Tho Governor will ba com' ueuded for the position he has taken Iu Chester aud Lackawanna, when appointments have been made, there was no divided party opiuiou, ouly one candidate having bewi pi denied i'r.nii &,'h countv. V After pondering over the Eepubi.i can's item relative to coffee and nat uralization papers, it would seem that Kepler took an extra pull at bis jug to help along digestion, and out of a befuddled bruin evolved the fol lowing incoherent conglomeration of stuff, which for pure cheek woold put to blush the most hardened govern ment mule: Editor Wenk seems to have a pick at the Carnahan Bros. Last week he located their well on, "Lands of Cal vin G. Ilinkley," this week he is raut ing about their naturalization papers and Kepler's hotel. He says the bus iness was forged and that un emetio brought it up. The emetic seems to have been Wenk's Burly assistant aud bis own bud liver. The Carnahans are all right despite Weuk's little paw. It is evident that no thrilling stream of pleasure courses through Wenk's veins over the Carnahans' good luck. As to the Carnabau Bros., they are uot in the controversy. Personally wo are not acquainted with ibcuv-Uut from what we have heard, can say they ura,ifiuofriou8, estimable gentlemen, and deserving of all the good fortune that can come to them. But ubout the coffee busiuess: Iu 18G8 a contest arose out of a senatorial election in the then 21st district. The contest developed the deplorable fact lhat hundreds of forged naturalization pa pers had been issued aud voted on at the preceding election. To give them a dirty and aged appearance they were dipped in coffee. Now what we propose to Bhow is, where this "dirty" was doue. We therefore first append the sworn testimony of Jane Moore, a cook in Kepler's hotel (?) at Phillips burg, which is as follows: I was cooking at Kepler's hotel pre vious to the October, 1807, election ; Mr. Lede boarded there: Mr. Ltde came out Friday evening aud utked me it I would make liiui a pint of coffee: I made a peach can full for liini; I took it into the diuiug room uud. gave it to him; there were two blruuurs with bim; this was after supper; the table was cleared up Mr. Leilo had his supper ; ilou t know what be done with the coffee; I did uot put any milk or sugar in it. And here is a little extract from II Bueher Swoope's argument before Ihe committee ot investigation, aud lor scathing sarcasm it would make dog criuge. Here it is : Thoir next witness was Jacob M Kepler, who keeps the wretched apol ogy for a hotel at Pbillipsburg, where the conspiracy was hatched the place where the papers were colored with coli'eo. We hope Keplor will try not to get tilings mixed up so badly when he writes about coffee colored naturalizu tiuu papers in Ihe future. FROM llHKI. TO BRANDY. Tim brer-brewers and moderite drinkers cluim lhat beer is an innoceut beverage, nnd that its universal ur-e would crowd out brandy, whiskey, and thd stronger liquors. The so-called "high-license" bill at Albany is framed upon Ibis basis. The beer countries and beer drinkers of Europe are quo ted in support of this theory. Prince Bismarck specially baa been publicly referred to as an example. But tho telegraphic reports of Bismarck's re cent noted speech on the "army bill," of three quarters of an hour in length, state that during the delivery of it be "drank nine glasses of cold brandy aud water." This is very bad for tho beer argument, but it is ihe ouly nat ural aud inevitable result. Tho drink ing of beer and light wines leads di reetly to the stiouger liquors. This is the almost universal testimony. leer is the outlet to the great ocean of in toxicatiou. The claim that beer dis places the stronger liquors is utterly lse. On the contrary it only fosters and creates the appetite. The alcohol in beer and wine is as dangerous and poisonous as in brandy. It is "mocker," aud whosoever is deceived is not wise. CRUELTY. It is a cruol thing to send a boy out into the world untaught that alcohol in auy form is fire, and will certainly burn him if he puts it into his stomach It is a cruel thiog to educate a boy in such a way that be has no adequate idea of the dangers that beset his path It is a mean thing to send a boy out to take bis place in society without understanding the relation of temper aoce to his own safety and prosperity and that of society. The national wealth goes into the grouud. If we could only manage to bury it without having it pass thitherward in the form of a poisonous fluid through the in flamed bodies of our neighbors and friends, happy should we be. But this great abominable curse dominates the world. The more thor oughly we can instruct the joung con cerning this dominating evil, the bet ter will it be for them and for the world. J. O. Holland. Astonishing Success. n la 11m dnlv of evorv person who has used lloseheo's Onrmiin Syrup to lot Its wonderful qualities bo known to their friends in euring Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, l'neuinonla, and In fiiet all throat and lung diseases, jno person ean use it without immeiiiaie r- lef. Three doses will relieve any ease, and wo consider It the duty of all Prng sists to reeonnnend it to tho poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as NO.OOO bottles were sold last year, and no one case where It failed w as report ed. Hueh a medieine as tho Oerniau Syr up cannot bo too widely known, ahk vour druggist about it. Sample bottle to trv, sold at 10 cents. Regular sir.e, 75 rents. Hold bv nil Druggists and icaiers, in tho United States nnd Canada. HERMAN & SIGGINS! A llrcnl Hnrprlse Is in store for nil who use Kemp's Ral mil for the Throat and l.ungs, the gr'iit guaranteed remedy. Would yon believe that it is sold on It's merits nnd that each druuaWt is authorized to refund your mnnev by the I'ropiu tor ot tins wonder ful remedy if it fails t' euro you. 1. W, llovard has secured tho Agency for It. rice "0e. nnd fl. Trial size Ireo. most i;. !:i.m:nt. J. J. Atkins, Chief of Police. Knoxvllle, Tenn.. writes: '-riv Innui nnd l are lien ctieinrit s of vour most excellent medicine. Or. King s New Discovery for consump tion ; having found It to lie all that you laini for it. tlesiro to testily to its virtue. My friends to whom 1 have recommended it, praise it nt every opportunity. Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption Is uuarantced to cure t oughs. Colds, Hi-on hitis. Asthma. Croon and every alloctioti of Throat, Chest, and Limits. Trial Mottles Freo at U. V. llovard's Drug Store Large Size fl.lio. r.ITKl.KN'S A KMC A HAI.YH. Tho best Salve in llio world f.r Cuta, llriiines. Sores, I'lcers, SaltKlieum, I' ever Sores. Tetter. Chnpivd Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptions. and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisiaeiion, or money refunded. 1 rice 2a cents per box. for sale by O. W. llovnrd. DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, PENFJ. IS OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WlLti ALWAYS UK FOUND BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which Is in charge, of a thoroughly oompotont Clork, will always be found the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. coooooooooosooco oooocooccc cocooocoooooooooce WE SAY- rr COME! COME! t i t t ? t COME! 1 1 i t Come whore you can buy nice Dress Goods I Come whore you can got Good Goods Cheap t Como whore you can get what you want Come whero tho goods redeem themselves! on The only brand of Laundry Soap awartlud a first class medal nt Hit Kew Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely puro, and tor general liousutiold purposes is llio very best ALLEGHENY JfALLEY R. R. Most tlireet route to Pittsburgh and tht East. Only routo landing passengers at Union Stntion without delays or transfer. jrrt-Trains run by Eastern Tlmo. Tiino tablo lu ollect July in, 18W7. Northward. come wnmiK the &?m& In SPRING DRESS GOODS we have complete slock of the Choicest Goods at prices that will astonish tho close buyors. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS DEALING Sattino Berbers Suitings, Ginghams, PRINTS, i. a. in II 00 10 i:l 10 4 11 3'J 1 1 4! 11 It 40 12 4M 1 21 1 50 2 20 i.lll. of every kind at lowest prices. It represents something you liko and ap preciate, it illustrates our moiu od of doing business. It means "MllTAKK D12ALIXG !" Don't you see? TI1IS IS WHAT WE r Preach. 'ractieo. ; iiaranteo. Honest Values 1 1 .atest Styles PUT BEFORE YOU. Fairest Prices. ) fPr I Pr Gu In opening our Elegant New Stock of early Spring Stylos in PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS! LOUNGES, ("Tho Newest. YOU'LL FIND THEM J Tho Rest (.Tho Cheapest. Prices ) Qualities. AS YOU LIKE THEM. Stylos. J ILAZDIES' SHOES Sc SLIPPERS. Come where the Stack is Complotet Come wcero the Stock is Now t Como whore the Goods are Roliable t Como whero Prices ore tho Lowest! L CQ.Vfi WJXEftR FIXE ffs2XG,XJr.Y8 CLOTUING FOR MEN, CLOIIINQ FOR BOYS, COTIIING FOR ANY BODY, AND EVERY BODY. Our Clothing Room is full of New Su'U Just received and Marked Down Low. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Aud don't forgot that wo are Ileadquartors for Our Goods are all Now and Fresh, and will bo sold at tho Lowest Posulblo Price. Como and seo us. No trouble to bIiow goods. H". J. HOPKINS & CO. Ro- KE.VbW lll:ll Vll Til. Mis. Plm-be Chosley, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells tho liillowing leiiKU knlilu siui-v, tlie truth ol which i vouched t by the. residents of tho town: "I am "1 years old, have been troubled w itli kidne KHiii.lunil met laiiieiu lor many years could nut dress mvfselt' witliulit help. Now 1 urn free l'roiii all pain and soreuuss, au( aui 1.I1I0 to do all mv own hiuisewiii k. owe my Ihank lu Ut'ctric hi Hers for bav ing ii-anued lily vuulli, and rruinvud coin plutuly all ilit-,e and pain." 'lay a but llo, only i0e, dl ilovurd k li uy kloiu. It is said that forty years ago in Edwards county, 111., an old Cumber land Presbyterian minister went into. every school district in the county aud taught tbo boys and girls temperance, and pledged them to total abstinence and for prohibition. Edwards county that time was a great drinking place, and its case seemed almost a .-less one. But this- humble and faithful soul saw a work to be done and he did it, though he was doubtless called crauk and fanatic. Ten years went by, and those children he taught and pledged were growu up, aud lol behold! It was a temperance army that said to the saloon ' Uo I ana go it bud to, and for nearly thirty years that county has been rid of lliataboni inable besom of destruction. Edwards connty has been blessed ; her taxes are light, her paupers are few. She has sunt but one tnau to the peniten tiary iu twenty-five years, aud ho got liquor in another county that caused him to commit the crime. Dear friends, do you go to work with tho children, if you can see no other work to do, aud, as in idwarns county so iu nther counties, the children shall drive the saluou out. Drunkards we cau seldom reform, but we can save the childreu aud stop the niakiug of drunkards out of them, aud in a few years we shall find them uur best sol diers iu the warfare for temperance for God aud homo and native land So to work, to work, at once. Let no precious time be wasted. The Western Chrulian Advoeute, of Cincinnati, eavs : "The soloou at I he Soldiers' Hume at Dayton, is proving a curse to the iuiuates, and the eil'jrts of certain newspapers to ruakn it ap pear a blessing are limed upon cither false or insufficient information. Oue of the iumutcs of the Home writes to a friend that betr is doing the work the sober veterans feared it would. Men are daily und nightly quarreling aud lighting. The frieuils aud advo cates of the Hume suloon desire to keep tho public in ignoranco of the fights resulting from beer-driukiug, aud many cases are never reported." The officers of National Woman's Christian Temperauce Union have is sued uu earned adJiots to "brewers, d tillers, rectiliers, wholesule dealers und feuljonkticpcr" to discontinue the liuuur Lubiuesg. Como! Wo will treat yon right, member Spmro Dealing in FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING! AT XI2LSOX GHEKXLUSfD'S, Exchange Block, next to Exchange Hotel, Telephone. WARREN, PA. WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES. QUEENS- WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS. CUTLERY. JEWELRY. TOBACCO. CIGARS. , ... ... p.m. m 00 ID 00 10 :w! 11 27 1 1 4:1 12 14 12 2i 12 !!'. 1 07 1 UK! 2 05 a. 111 p. 111 ft. Southward. aTf 4.T'" Ihv. 4 671 B2 544 02:1 8 58 7 251 p.lll 11. 10. a, 111 3 01 4 12 6 20 li Ofti 8 22 8 Qui...... 7 87 8 10 8 4ft o.- 1 50 Pittsburgh. 8 117 W. 1. June 8 411 Klttan ulna 4 ft Hed Hank. East Brady ... Parker... .. Foxburn.. ..Kmltinton. K eiinertlell ..Franklin., ...Oil City... Ar.lp.m, p.m. ; i;! 4 1ft 5 8(l 8 Oft 8 22 8 no 8 52I 4 2ft 5 00 5 :tu 7 2ail0ft.M 8(H), 11 25 1 8 lOlll 46 p. 111. a. in. p.111 M.N.Y.A P. ..Titiuville. ....Corry.... .Mayvllle... ..Urocton . Dunkirk.. ... ltullalo... ..'lionesta ,.;Tidionto... ..lrvlneton.. ...Warren... Salamanca. ... Bradford. Olean Ar. Lv 7 20' 6 IH 541 4 6H 4 40 4W 4 Oft 8 57 8 21 2 50 2 20 p.m p.m I -in 12 20 10 50 10 O.I1 SI 4 8 HI 1 is! 12 4.1 12 111 II Ml a.i 15 0 06 a. in. a. in. 7 8O1 1 15 8 1U12 10 5 4ft 11 57 5 02 10 52 4 4810 8.1 4 1210 02 4 (:l 8 5W 44 8 10 2 4ft 2 1 0 62 0 0(1 8. ".4 8 05 a. in. 'h. 111 a. 111. 1 251 12 21 II lftl 10 !tft 10 1.')' 8 SO 8 1(1 7 40, 7 10 0 4!) 4 40 4 20 4 Oil p.lll. 7 10 jrfl-Hutralo Sunday Train leaves Piltn- burKh 0.00 a. m., arrives at Oil City, 2:20 , p. 111. lloturnliii;, leaven Oil City 2:20 p. S 111., arrives at I'ilUburgh 7:45 p. 111., sttip- nun at an Htntion. JAV1I McCAUUO, (Jen'l Supt. E. II. UTLEY, Oen. Frt. A Paaa. ArU PilUiburKh, Pa. is w m niiTn jnii RAILROAD. TIMETABLE IN EFFECT Juno 10, 1887. WcBtwaidJ l'ittsliurnli liivisicn Eastward A.M. P. M. 7 .V 4 11 4 U 2 4:i 2 15 A. M. r. m. 9 Oft 2ft 4 11 4 (i;t 2 4:i 2 lft P. M ur PitUbiirgli lv ... 1'iukor .. Foxhurii .. I-'iuiikliii lv...Oil H.M 2 (1ft 12 2, tS44 11 4ftill 4ft ts 1 1 :i7 1 1 :i: 82 fl 3111 2 8 Uli 1 IS 10 55: 8 01 1 08 10 2!i t7 Kll 12 5l; 10 12 0 51 II 17 8 4.i THE IMPROVES WHITE -IS- BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! fZiji. t ryrrJtfoiLfiT : V &TnZ?,-.i a ci?r w?rrTTW; 7 40 12 4:1 t7 28 12 2ft! 7 Oft 12 Oft I) 40 11 DO 0 12 11 lft P.M. A.M. '. M. A. M. 4 20, Jl l.i . mJ A. M. 12 11 (i.; 11 0 5 5li II (K) 6 . Id 10 41 6 31 lO.-UI 6 21 10 2H GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IX EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANfl E FOR GOODS. " 1 SASIEST f SAT SEWING MACHINE THE EASIEST SELLING, THE BEST SATIS 1SU ON THE MARKET. IT SELLS UPON ITS MERIT. Its Construction it Simple, Positive und Durable. Iih workmanship is unsurpass ed. Do not buy any other before trying THE WHITE. Price and Trruia made Satislactoi y. DEALERS WANTED. WHITE SEWIXG MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Estate Notice. Letters of Administration bavinir boon granted to ihe uudersiKucd, on the estate of Charles 1 Union and Sarah A. J 1 in ton . deceased, late ol Tionesla Horouih, Forest Countv, all persons indebted to either of said estates, ni o reiuesiou to iiihkb liiuno dintti payiuent, and those havlntr leal cliiiiii.s agaiiiKt the same will present them without tlclav to Ji. li. tiusi Aduiinistralor. or E. L. DAVIS, Alt'y, Tiontsta, Pa. THE V 0 L I J N T E E rTOLD IER of America. Tlie latest and Greatest Work of the moiit illustrious Aniuri eau Voluntocr Soldier, GENERAL JOHN A. LOGAN. The voliiiitour service dcli-ndod and up hold. Login's Personal Heiuinist'eneus of Army Lifo. l.arirn Ot tuvo Volume, Beautifully Illustrated. Agent wanted at once. Circular free. P. J. FLEM ING A CO., 4 Fifth Avunuo, Pittsburgh, Pa. apr27-4t. PATENTS, Caveats, Re-issue and Trade-Marks socur cd, and all other patents causes in the pat en t Ulrica and before tho Courts promptly anil carefully attended to. Upon receipt of inodul or kkctch of in vention, I made careful examination, and advtso 11s to patentability Freo- of charge. Fees Moderate, and 1 iniiko No Cliwrye liiile.-.s piit'-nt i seemed. Iiiloriua' ion, ailvico and spi ciai r-ili-riiiictih sent 011 ap plicalioli. J. It. LIT L'l.1.1.. Vwihiu.4loU, 1). C. SittAf U. S. i'itc-ul -JlUci'. E 3 Ul 1 H osMH LV ras Send for Catalogue. Send for 76-Page ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MENTION THIS PAPER. Executors' Notice. Estate of Hon. John Rock, late of Tio nota. Forest County, deceased. All liei. sons indebted to suid estate are requested to iniikH immc'.iale payment. And those having leal ulai ins aai nst the siiiiio, w ill present the-.n without delay iu proper or itur for settlement tit SEBILLA RECK, W. R. RECK. Executors, or MILES W TATE, Attorney. Jllli 14, 1887. OQ, ex & 1 d (TO yyrv . ..J ar... Oil Oleopiilis ...Ea-.'le Kuoli... President Tioiiesia Hickory .. Triinkey villo.. 1 Minute ...Thompson s... Irvint-Uui Warren A.M.IP.M. (I (Ml 8 Ml 12 II 12 It 12 -Id; 12 25 1 Ml; 1 ilS 2 15 2 03 CUT jA.M. V. M.U.U. :io.i 1150 i-i : 2(1! 7 10 lv... Brad lord v'm. ! il'...Kli:t.u:l....l 10 S"i ... SiMar l:i.u ... U 5ft Corvdon H SU Oiinvllle I) l.i ....Wo f Run.. 1: "S 17 17 13;l(i 7 20 H f.2i 7 H7 4 0,1 1 7 50 11 l:l'7 5s 4 Sl.i H 10 14 4r.S20 o:.o! yes 6 12. t) 85 p. m.Ia. m. i."m.!a. m. 8 011:11 2. 12 0 40 II 17' U45 h 18 10 24; fl Oil Quaker Bridge. 5 01 10 08 4 4'.ii 11 51 4 .'Ml II 811 4 21! 1128 4 07! 0 12 4 ttV t) 05 P.M. A.M. 8 82 7 50 7 20 fl 55 fl 28 0 15 I v A.M . Hotl 1 louse. ... Salamanca.... .So. Carrollton. ...Ho Vandalia... ....Alleany .Olean ... .ar PARKEE EHOS., Makers, M ER IDE N, CONN. Show-rooms: 97 Chambers St., New York. The itichest Humorous Book of the Age is SAMANTHA AT SARATOGA by Josiali Allen's Wife. Miss Holly siient ail last season amid the whirl of fashion at tSaratoga, and takes oil' its follies, flirta tions, low neck dressing, pug dogs, Ac., in her inimitable mirth-pruvokiui; style. Tlie book is profusely illustrated by Opper the renowned artist of Puck. Will sell immensely. Price $2.50. Bright Agents Wanted. Address IIIJBBAHI) BltiW., Pubs,, Philadelphia, Pa. 13 5t. li 8.1 10 (I I 0 40 10 II 1147 10 H 8 68 10 24 7 07.1(1311 7 21 10 65 7 37 11 Of) 747111 21 8 08 1 1 87 8 10 1145 P.M. 'A.M. Additional Tiiain Leaves 11:05am, Warren 12:50pm, Irvinetou 1:45 pm, Tidiouto 3:15pm, Tiouceta 6:0ojui, ar rives Oil City H:45pm. AimiTioNAi. thaix Leaves nil iny 6:00 am, Oleopolis (1:10 am, Euilo Rta-k Oi.Vmin, President 7:02am, Tlnnesta 7:52aiu lliekorv 8: lUiuii, 1 runkey ville W:00am, J lil- outo ti:50am, Thompson 11:00, arrives 1 H..l..n,.. 11. -lit..... W......A.. l'l.rjlr. Vltt. ,1 tiuniuii ij..iiNtui ..- 2:05pm, Nugar Hun 2:20, Corydon 8:00, Onovillo H:1B, Wolf Kun 3.80, Quaker Bridge 3:40, Bed House 4:10, Salamanca. 5:02, Mouth Carrollton 5:80, South Vanda lia 5:48, Allegheny 0:18, arrives Oleau 6:80pm. Trains run on Eastern Time. Tiiains leaving Pittsburgh 0:00am, ar riving Pittslmrnu 7:25pm, are Solid Trains between Buffalo and Pittsburgh. Tkainm leavinir I'itUburxh 8;50pin, ar riving Pittsburgh 7;85uin, are Holid Trains with Pullman's Hleepiuu Cars betweeu Buffalo and Pittxburgh. i"-Tii-ke(s sold and bapgage checked to all principal points. (Jet time tallies giving full lnforniatlt a from Company's Agents. (1EO. M. UATCHELL, Gou'I Sunt. J. A. FELLOWH, (ion'l Pasa'r and Ticket Agent, No. 84 Excliango St., Bulfalo, N. Y. J. L. CBAIU, Agont, Tiouesta, Pa. Law Blanks I Blank Books 1 BOOK-BINDING. RIDGWAY PUBLISHING CO., (Limited.) RIDGWAY, PA., Aro now solo proprietors, and publish ers of tlie celebrated '-Scha-uing Series ot Copy lighted LAW tfe CONVEYANCING BLANKS, Consisting of nearly four hundred dillor eut forms and printed on the best linen ludger paper. They aro Complete, Uni form, Accurate, and have the undorso inonl of tho best law judges in the State. Write for catalogue. Discount to dealers. Wo ulsu niiuiuluL'tUiu BXj-A-liTK: BOOKS And do all branches of BOOK BINDING, PAPER RULING, GILDING, Etc., In the neatest and best stylo cf the art. HoUil Bigistors a Specialty. (Jive us a trial. Wu guarantee our work equal to that of any establishment in the States, Write for estimate. AUdrvb as ubovi-v -. Jill