She forest gUpuMrnn. T. E. WENK, KDITOR. VEDSESDAY MORSINC, JUNE 8, 1SS7. Announcements. The following rates will b charged for announcing candidates: Prothonotary, flO; Sheriff, $8; Commissioner, ; Aud itor, $3; Jury Commissioner, $2; Dele gate to State Convention, $2. . These tonus are Jfn'ef mA advanre. prothonotary. We are anthoriand to muinunw CAL VIN M. A UN EH, of Kinavloy township, as a candidate for Prothouotary, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce. LEOX ARD AUSEW of Tionesta, ns a candidate for Prothonatary, Ac, eubjoct to Republi can usages, SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce J. It, liANDI.S, of Harnett township, as a can didate for Sheriff1, subject to Republican linages. We are authorized to announce GEORGE W. SAWYER, of Tionesta, as a candidate for Sheriff subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce W. S. DAVIS, of Jenks township, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Republican usages We are authorized to announco R. W. PIMM of Harmony township, as a can didate for Sheriff, subject to Republican uaages. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce J. J. PARSONS, of Jenks township, as a can didate for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announco P. C. BLOC HER, of Tionesta township, as a andidat for County Commissioner, sub ject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce C. F. LEDEBUR, of Green towship, as a candi date for County Commissioner , subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce J. R. CHAD WICK, of Tionesta, for County Commissioner subjoct to Republican us ages. COUNTY AUDITOR. We are authorized to announce R. Z. GILLESPIE, of Kingsley township, as a candidate for County Auditor, subject to Kepublican usages. We are authorized to announce E. L. JONES, of Harmony township, as a can didate for County Auditor, subject to Re publican usages, JURY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announco W. W. THOMAS, of Tionesta townshiD, as a candidate for Jury Commissioner," subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announco C. II. CHURCH, of Hickory township as a candidate for Jury Commissioner, sub ject to Republican usage. REPRESENTATIVE DELEGATE. J. E. WENK, will be a candidate for 1 Representative Delegate to the Republi can State Convention. A Big Mistake. Last week Governor Beaver took vp the general revenue bill, passed in the last hours of the legislature, for the purpose of attaching his signature to it, when the startling discovety was made that the bill had not been signed by the President of the Senate. With out going a 6tep farther this omissioD killed the bill "deader than a door nail." Thequestion then occurred, who was to blame for this blunder, if blunder it was. When a bill passes both branches of the legislature finally, it is the duty of the Message Clerk of the branch in which it originated to take it to a member of the compare bill committee for his signature, then to the chief clerk for his signature. It is then his duty to take it to the epeakers of both Houses, whose duties it is to announce in open session that they are abont to sign such and such a bill, and after they have signed it, the bill is then delivered by the mes sage clerk to the Governor. This doesn't seem like a great deal of work, but when it is considered that from fifty to three times that number are generally left for the last ten or twelve hours of the session to be gone through With in this way one can imagine how -a single clerk is kept on the jump, and how easily an oversight of this kind could occur. And these are not all the duties devolving on said clerk be is obliged to deliver scores of other messages between the two Houses. The wonder is, then, that many more rrors do not occur. Yet with all this, Message Clerk of the House, Thos. B. Taylor, made not a single blunder, and got through with his work in an exceptionally creditablo manner, and the attempt to place the blame of the failure to have this bill properly sign ed upon him will scarcely stick, par ticularly as he maked affidavit to the fact of having properly preeented it for the signature of the President of the Senate, and when it was handed back to him, without doubting for a momeDt that it had received the same messaged it over to the Governor, Just where the blame lies has not, and perhaps never will be, discovered And it don't matter much now, for it is too late to correct it, and the new revenue bill, which was expected to correct many evils and bring sufficient additional revenue into the state treas ury to meet all worthy appropriation bills passed by the recent legislature Las failed. The natural mult ia that the Governor is obliged to cut down these appropriations to an alarming extent. There is much talk of colling the legislature together for the pur pose of correcting this blunder, but the Governor is ail to lie unalterably opposed to such a course. Should there be an extra session the members would be entitled to $000 each, but many of them have signified their willingness to go back and niako the proper correction, taking only their actual legitimate expenses. This would be right; more than that would be wrong, under the circumstances. The failure of the revenue bill takr with it the wholesome legislation eg gested by the convention of the county commissioners held at Harrisburg last summer, as every recommendation made by that body had been incorpo rated in the measure. Its failure, therefore, adds to the disappointment felt by the counties throughout the entire State. Supreme Judgeship. The Evening Express, of Lock Ha ven, Pa., has the following concerning the candidacy of Judge Williams: The candidacy of Judge Williams for the place on the Supreme Bench, to be made vacant by the expiration of the term of Judge Mercur, seems to be meeting with general favor among members of the bar all over the state. Among the counties in which the bar has endorsed his candi dacy may be mentioned Tioga, Totter, McKean, Lycoming, Cameron, Elk and Crawford and we understand that a large majority of the bar of this county is earnestly supporting him. Among the reasons we bear given for this general support of the bar are the following : His age He is now 56 years old, just in the prime of life and in good health. His experience in the Common leas He was elected at the age of 84, and has now served over twenty two years continuoubly. His knowledge of the land law lis whole professional and official ife has been spent in a region where original titles are often brought uu der examination in the coutts. His familiarity with the law relat' ng to oil and mineral rights All five of the counties of the old fourth district are mioinsr counties: while what is known as the great northern oil field is almost wholly in the samo district. Judge Williams has the reputation in the oil regions of having contribu ted as largely towards the settlement of the novel and perplexing questions growing out of the business of pro ducing and transporting oil as any Jud ge in the Commonwealth. There are certainly strong reasons and are well calculated to anect the judgment of lawyers and business men. i - On the failure of the revenue bill through an extraordinary blunder, and which may cause embarrassment to counties, the Philadelphia News says : "The only way out of the diffi culty u to call an extra session of the legislature to consider this matter alone. The failure to ratify the bill will destroy the result of a great part of the work of the last legislature and its members ought to be willing to sacrifice their time long enough to go to Harrisburg and pass the bill again in proper form and then adjourn at once. If they do this the legislature will have the thanks of the people of the state." Now would be the time to get rid of the state board of health and the stale board of charities. They aie useless, expensive, offensive and by no means defensive. They waste money and do no good. They wioe and dino at the expense of the state w hile hatch iug schemes to secure more money and greater power. Let them be aban doned. The absolute necessity for re duction in the expenses of the state makes this course particularly justifia ble at this time. Harrisburg Tele graph. t cm t The death of Ex Vice President, William A. Wheeler, occurred at his home iu Maloue, N. Y., on Saturday last at 10 o'clook a. in. He had been in ill health for some time, aud the final cause of death was softening of the brain. If you want at once the best aud cheapest Life or Accident Insurunce insure iu the Mutual Reserve Fund Li l'o Association and Guarantee Mut ual AcciJeut Co. P. M, Clark, Agent Tioue.ta, Pa. Republican Primary Rules. RULES GOVERNING THE REPUBLI CAN PRIMARY ELECTIONS OF PUREST COUNTY. 1. The candidates for tho several offices shall have their names announced in one or more of the county papers at lenst throo weeks previous to the Primary Meetings stplini; the odlee, and subject to the action of the party at the said primary niectintrs. 2. Tho voters belonging to the Republi can party in each township nnd borough, shall meet on a day to lie designated by the County Committee, at the usual pl:co of holding sprint elect ions, at - o'clock P. M., and proceed to elect ono person for Judge, and two persons for Clerks who shall form a Hoard of Elections to receive votes and determine, who a'o the proper persons to vote, and who shall hold tho polls open until 7 o'clock P.M. Afterthe pol Is are opened, the candidates announced shall Vie balloted for ; .the name of each person voting snail bo written on a list nt the time of voting, no person being al lowed to vote more than once for the samo ollico. 3. After the polls are closed the board shall proceed to count the votes that each candidate has received, and make out the returns accordingly, to be eertitied by the Judge and attested by the clerks. 4. Tho Judge for one of the Clerks ap pointed by the Judge of tho respective election district, shall meet at tho Court House, in Tionesta, on the Tuesday follow ing the Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock P. M.. bavins tho returns and a list of voters. and the pwrson having the highest number of votes for any ollice, shall bo declared uio nominee lor tlio Kepublican party. o. ma Ketnrn juiiges snail bo cninpe- tnt to reject by a majority, tho returns from any district where thero is evidenco of fraud, either in the returns or other wise, and shall reiect them where there is evidence of three or more persons voting at tho Primary Meeting who are not Re publicans. 5. Any two or more persons having an equal number of votes for tho same otlice, the Judges shall proceed to ballot for a choice, tho person having tho highest mini ior to De the nominee. . Tlio Return J udces shall appoint Con ferees Representative, Senatorial and Congressional whoso acceptance of said appointment shall be a pledge to support me person who may receive the largest number of votes cast for that ollico. 1. The Return Judges may at any timo chango tho mode and manner of selectimr candidates as they may bo instructed by mo poopio at tneir primary meetings, clue nonce ueing given by tlio county Com mittee. 9. The Chairman of the County Com mitter shall be required to issue a call in pursuance of tho action of the County Committee. Republican Primary Election. Pursuant to a Resolution of the County Committee, passed May 17th, it is ordered that the Republican voters of Forest meet on SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1887, at 2 o'clock p. in., at the followiner named places of holdinc Primary Elections, to-wit: Barnett, Jacob Maze's Carpenter Shop. Barnett, Iluling s, Jos. Hairs Shop. Green, Upper, at Guiton School House. Green, Lower, at Nebraska, Forest House. Harmony, Upper, at Fleming Hill. Harmony, Lower, Allender School House. Harmony, at We-t Hickory. Hickory, at East Hickory. Jenks, East, Byrom's. Jenks, Central, Marienville. Jenks, Southern, Gilfoyle. Kingsley, Sturr, Wm. B. Heath's! Kingsley, Newtown. Howe, East, Brookston. Howe, West, Balltown. Howe, Middle, Cooper Tract. Tionesta, Court House. Borough, Court House. At which time and places they will by their votes nominate: Uno person for Prothonotary. One person for Sheriff. Two persous for County Commis- bioncrs. Oue person for Jury Commissioner. Two persons for Auditors. One person for Representative Del egate. Each Election precinct will also elect one person for Member of the County Committee lor the ensuing year. The polls will remain open until 7 p. m. Return Judges will convene at the Court House, iionesla Borough, on the following Tuesday, June 28, at 2 o clock p. m. Attention is called to the Act of June, 1881, regulating Primary Elect ions, that Judges and Clerks, before entering upon the discharge of their duties shall take and subscribe au oath or affirmation in presence of each oth er, viz: "I do (affirm or solemnly swear") that I will as Judge, Inspector or Clerk (as the case may be) at the en suing election impartially aud faith fully perform my duties in accordance with the laws and constitution of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and in accordance with the rules and reg ulations adopted by the Republican party of the County of Forest, for the government of said primary elections, rueetiog or caucus, to the best of my judgment and ability. This oath or affirmation to be first administered to the Judge by an In spector, then the Judge can qualify the other officers or administer the oath to any elector offering to vote Tho above form is given for conven ience and is that prescribed by the Act aforesaid. And all boards will observe it closely, that tho election may bo conducted according to Rules of the Republican party in tins Coun ty, and law governing primaries. CUKTIS M. SlIAW'KEY, Chairman Republican Co. Com. Itwfc- oalAiJU- bed, UsiUkiiuft u IS UrMfrirn lu the cx ootm- t ry . ' Jiuctl lit Mir J wtrma. u utju&iti irmuu PnrA low Orufvu Numtry. Ktukliftb d V. .V 1 SITH, Mirvw, N. V. HERMAN & DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, smmwwuwnui coocooooooooocco oocococcocccoo cocoooococoocc WE COME! COME! Come where you can buy nice Dress Goods 1 Come whore you can get Good Goods Cheap ! Como where you can get what you want ! Come whore tho goods redeem themselves ! COME TffJ& t&RE. In SPRING DRESS GOODS we have complete stock of the Choicest Goods at prices that will astonish the close buyers. Sattino BerBcrs Suitings, Glngbams, PRINTS, of every kind LADIES' SHOES &c SLIPPERS. Come whero the Stock is Complete ! Come wcore tho Stock is New ! Como where tho Goods are Rcliablo ! Como whero Trices are tho Lowest! CLOTHING FOR MEN, CLOUIXG FOR COTIIING FOR ANY RODY, AND EVERY BODY. Our Clothing Room is fuli or Now Su'ts just receivod and Marked Down Low. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. And don't forget that wo aro Headquarters for Our Goois are all New nnd Fresh, and Como and sec us. No trouble to show goods. IT. J. HOPKINS &? CO. is but a moment if rheumaiisai or neural gia tlrikes the heart. 'ilK-se iImi'iikcs a-rc the niot.t painful mid the must ila.wuii' ot tiny to which human kind is iiaL.ii. Tiicy tly from one part to another ii!.oul a moment warning, nn.l liniments a;vl other outward application.? orj in them selves ddngeroiu because tiiy arc iiahio to drivo the disease to some vilal organ v.n l 'j.uue instant death. llheimiatiaiu and .leuralgia ure diseases of the blood, nnd cm; only ba reached by a remedy which drive from the blood the laugermis nulls. Such a remedy is Aihlphoros. It lma brc:i tlnTuuhW t..i;ied aud is a taie, sirc cure. Spruce Creel.-, Ta., Oct. 5, 1 :!:,.". In answer to your recjucnt to know what your Athlophonm hr.s done for me, I viil i.v it lias done nondcrrsil work. 1 hava suffered from rheumatism for eighteen years more or less, and sometimes imt able to p'lt my clothes Ml or eat nluiio. 1 t- ic all kind.s, doctored with a good many doc tors, but nothing (III me any pood. I was setting woire instead of be tier, i read your advertisomeut in tlio ' i.'n.o. er:;t""an;l "Sentinel" papers of lyii.i. town. I have taken in nil four Imtil-'g. I foci no pain. I was drawn crooked, Lut now 1 am straight nce more. Ti'.ank yon for tin? rnod it iloao me. Athb'-nhnroi iu the medicine. Philip IlAi:iv;T:.if. , Yonr medicine lias cured rift of .cun! fjL. I Eiificrcd'.i it fur thnc i!a;, ;.;:d it gava me instant relief. Wm. F. Kixcii. Palmyra. IT. Y., August 10;!:. WyC, I us"d ono bottle of Atiilop!ioros (or tirm raWa after beini? laid tipelrht v. ti.!:3. Tun result was very eatiefactorv. il. R. Eioy. Every druggist should keep Athlophi i os anil Aildophoros Piilj", but whero they mi. not le bouirht of the drugcist the Alhio r.'.ioros ().," H i Wall lit.. New York. v. ill end either (carriage paid) cn rcteipt oi regular price, which is $1.(0 per Lottie for .Aihlophoros nnd M'c for I':!:. V'or liver an l kidnry dicenws. jviifjii ir ct;;e.tlnn, Wdritncx. nervous Ul,ii'i!y, l-i of witfaen, tisiir!t!ia, h-ndiii'hi, injure Hold, .vc, A iiU;piiin Til!? itc i ni'ijuiileJ. ') DE"1. W LAW, Practical Tinner All kinds of Shoet Metal Work prompt ly attended to. TIN ROOFING Is AND A SPECIALTY, SPOUTING. BONNER BUILDING, Up Stairs. TIONESTA, PA. NATCH CLOCK & JEWELRY REPAIRING. HIIE UNDERSIGNED would rewpect--L fully announce to tho citizens of Tio nesta and vicinity, that ho has removed his watchmaking establishment from Ty lersburg to Tionesta, in tiie room over Wm. Kinearbauuh A Co.'s store, formerly occupied by Dr. Morrow as an ollice, whero ho is prepared to repair watches, clocks and iewclry. i)7 years experience will enablo liim to give satisfaction. Give him a trial. R. RALLE. PATENTS, Caveats, Ro-issuo and Trade-Marks secur ed, and all other patents causes in the pat en t Ollice und before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of model or iketch of in vention, I mado careful examination, and advise as to patentability Free of charire. Fees Moderate, and I inako No Charge unless patent is secured, liitorination, advice aim speciui relerences sent on ap plication. J. it. I..ITI ml,!,, Washington D. C. Near U. S. Patent Ollice. OB WOKK of every description oxecU' I tea at tLw REPUBLICAN ollice. SIGGINS! & GROCERS, peuu. SAY - COME1 at lowest prices. ROYS, will bo sold at tlio Lowest Fossiblo Price DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS DEALING It represents something you liko and ap preciate. It Illustrates our.mclh od of doing business. ' It means "SQlLlKi: EA I.I ACS V Don't you soe? Preach. Practice. Guarantee, THIS IS WHAT WE Honest Values Latest Stylos Fairest Prices, PUT BE FORE YOU. In oponing our Elegant New Stock of cany spring wmes in PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS! LOUNGES, T-IBIj-tLlS, Tho Newest. Tim Most. YOU'LL FIND TIM (Tho Cheapest. AS YOU LIKE TH EM. Prices ) Qualities. Styles. J Como! Wo will treat you right, member Square Dealing in Re- FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING! AT X KI.SOX U It H :i2X LU A'1S, Exchango Block, nest to Exchango Hotel, Telephone. WARREN, PA. O-O TO WM.SMEASBAUGH&CO. FOR ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, FRESH GROCERIES, $3"iee Hats & C&a NOVELTIES IN QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. MEN'S, LADIES' fc BABIES' J" IE "W 3U T, IR, IT ! or THE BEST TOBACCO AMD CIGARS. SAME AS CASH ALWAYS SECURES BARGAINS AT WM. SIYIEARBAUGH & CO S, TIONESTA, PA. ApOiypSend six cents for postage. II I t and receive free a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex to more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await tho workers absolutely suro. At once ad dress True V Co,, Augusta, Muiuo. Apr.'J wMaw a ii tvr m- ft1'. . 1 . , r t 1 r" iim ouiy orniKi vi jjaunnry ooap awarded a first class medal at tho New Oilcans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pmo, and tor general household purposes is tlio very best ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. Most direct route to rittsburirh and the - East. Only route landing passengers at Union Station without delays or transfer. r-w" i rains run iy Eastern Time. Timo table in ellect Nov. 28, ltK0. Northward. Southward. 3. I 5. 3J p.m. a. m. p. m. p.m. Lv. Ar. Pittsburgh. W. P. June Kittnn ning Red Bank. 9 00 10 1:1 10 47 11 32 1 1 4:i 12 II 12 40 12 4S 1 21 8 no 2 50 4 05 4 40 5 40 7 25 t) 19 5 40 4 68 4 41 10 00 10 38 11 27 11 43 12 14 12 2ii 12 32 107 1 88 ! 2 05 i. m 5 52 0 21 6 55 7 04 7 40 8 10 Brady B'nd ... Parker ... .. Foxburg.. 4 13 4 05 3 52 3 ! 2 45 2 15 9 52 9 44 9 0(1 8 30 8 00 ..Emlentftii. K ennerdell 1 50 ..Franklin... 2 15 8 45 Oil City... p.m. p.m. a. m. p.m. a.m. a. 111. a.m. p.m. 3 15 a. 111. 3 00 4 08 5 20 M.N.Y.AP. p.m 11 m. 7 45 00 ..Titusville . 1 15 1 15 12 10 1 1 00 7 10 4 13 5 yo' ..Corry.... 1215 10 45 10 01 10 35 ..Mnvvillo... 0 0; 5 55 II 12 ...Brocton... .. Dunkirk . ... Duliulo... 10 20 10 00 8 15 8 10 7 40 7 10 0 40 4 40 . 4 20 6 22 8 00 6 12 11 SO V 45 8 00 1 10 BJ0 1 18 12 43 12 10 II 50 9 33 9 15 9 05 :i. m. 3 f2 7 37, 8 10 8 15 !) 0:. 10 55 ...Tionesta.. ...Tidiouto.. ..Trvinoton., ...Wurren... Salaninnca, ..Bradford. Clean ..... Ar. Lv, 4 2i 5 00 5 !!0 7 23 8 00 II 25' 4 01' p.m. p.m. 'p.m. .StSr Buffalo Sunday Train leaves Pitts burgh 9.00 h. in., arrives nt Oil City, 2:20 p. 111. Returning, leaves Oil City 2:20 p. m., arrives at Pittsburgh 7:45 p. in., stop ping at all station. DAVID McCAKtio. Oen'l Supt. E. II. UTLEY, Cen. Fi t. tt Pass. Agt Pittsburgh, Pa. TIM E TA BLE IN EFFECT Juno 21, 1880. WestwaidJ Pittsburgh Division Eastward A.M. 7 35 4 11 P. M. 7 20 4 11 4 03 A.M. If " ar Pittsburgh lv Parker Foxburg Franklin 9 00 1211 12 10 4 03 2 13! 2 43 2 151 3 15 A.M. II'. M. 1 M) 2 15 P. M 1 38 2 05 A. II. iv. ..on uity...ur I'.M. 9 CM . M. P. M. 3 05 a, y . 0 f(. 7 in 2 05! 12 25 ar...Oil Oleopolis ...Eaglo Rock... President Tionesta Hickory...... .. Trniikeyville.. Tidioute ...Thompson s... Irvineton Warren 18 44,11 451 f8 35 fl 37 1 fS 32 fl 31 8 Hi 1 18 8 01 1 03 f7 63 12 50 ' 7 40; 12 43 t7 23 12 25 7 0ri!2 05 6 40 11 50 ti 12 11 15 r. M.I A.M. P. M.I A. M. 4 20i 9 15 11 45 1 1 32 1127 t3 20 t3 33;t7 1 t3 30 7 2' 10 65 3 52 7 10 20 10 12 9 50 9 17 8 45 4 05 7 M 7 .V 8 1' (8 8 4. 9 (' 9 35 A. ?. A. M. 112.-: A.m. ) 94 10 0 14 13 4 f f4 45 5 15 6 HO 12 P.M. P. M. 8 00, lv,..Brd!'ord ..arl P. M. (I 12 A. M. 11 05 A.M. 11 05 P.M. fl 12, 17 (i 33 ar... ..1 ... Sugar Run ... Corydon Ono'villa ....W'o'.f Run.... 6 5(1 11 00; 10 85 5 30 10 13 5 31 j 10 30 5 24; 10 29 6 18,10 24 6 04 10 08 9 55 9 34 fl 40 1 0 1 1 9 1 0 47 0 53 7 07 7 23 7 37 7 47 8 03 10 j 10 2 10 V 10 c 110' 11 21 11 37 n 00 8 32 7 50 Quaker Brldgo. ...Red House.... 4 40 4 34 4 24 4 07 4 00 P. M. 9 53 0 39 0 28 9 12 0 05 A.M. ... Salamanca... .So. Carrollton. ...So Vandalia.. Allegany 7 20 0 5f (5 28 615 lv Oloan ... .ar 8 10,1145 p.mJa.m. A.M. Additional Tiiain Leaves Kiniua 11:05am, Warren 12:50pm, Irvineton 1:45 pm, Tidioute 3:15pm, Tionesta 6:05pm, ar rives Oil City H:45pm. Additional Train Leaves Oil City 0:00 am, Oleopolis (i:40 am, Eaglo Rock fi:55am, President 7:02am, Tionesta 7:52am Hickory 8: lOajn.Trunkcy ville 9:00nm,Tid outo 9:50am, Thompson 11:00, arrives Irvineton 11:30am, Warren 12;50pm, Kin xua 2:05, in. Sugar Run 2:20, Corydon 3:00, Onovillo 3:15, Wolf Uuu 3:30, Quaker Bridge 3:40, Red House 4:10, Salamaiicu 6:02, South Carrollton 5:30, South Vanda lia 5:48, Allegheny 0:18, arrives Olcaa 6:30pm. Trains run on Eastern Time. Thains leaving Pittsburgh 9:00am, ar riving Pittsburgh 7:20pm, are Solid Trains bctweon Buffalo and Pittsburgh. Thains leaving Pittsburgh 8:60pm, ar riving Pittsburgh 7:20am, are Solkl Trains with Pullman's Sleeping Cars between Bull'alo and Pittsburgh. jZTickots sold and baggage cheeked to all principal points. Cet timo tables giving full lnformaticn from Company's Agents. (JEO. S. U ATCHELL, Gen'l Supt. J. A. FELLOWS, jen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agent. No. 84 Exchange St., Bulfalo, K. Y. J. L. CRAIU, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. THE VOLUNTEER SOLDIER of America. The latest and Greatest Work of tho most illustrious Ameri can Volunteer Soldier, GENERAL JOHN A. LOGAN. The volunteer service defended and up hold. Logan's Personal Reminiscences of Army Life. Large Octavo Volume, Beautifully Illustrated. Agents wanted at once. Circulars free. P. J. FLEM ING & CO., 4 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa- apr27-4t. POOD SALARIE s U or Commission to Men aud Women 10 aci as local or traveling Agents. No experience needed. Steady work! James E. Wbituey, Nurseryman, Rochester, N, Y. Mention this napcr.j aug-25, 4. 1 (i. a. fit. p.m. 7 35 1 15 fl 20l2 10 5 451137 5 02 10 62 4 43 10 3.1 4 12110 02 4 03 3 55 3 19 2 45 2 15 I W RAILROAD.