The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 04, 1887, Image 5

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Hut Is nalkctl in Ms Kmleavors
Io Good A Talk With Eliza.
'I don't wiint the public to pet the im
pression Unit Mr. Itowser i not a pood
brartod man." says Mrs. Bowser, in th
Detroit Free Pit. "Such an idea would
do liim great in jiitrc. lie is a little
tiucer in some of his ways l,ut a" fight
m a whole, and a more tender-hearted
man never lived. When we began house
keepinjj and got our first hired pirl, Mr.
Dowser called me into the library, shut
the doer, and dropped his voice down to
the confidential pitch and said:"
'Mrs. llowscr, let's start out right
Let's respect the feelings of that poor
girl in the kitchen."
"She's just as cood as we are, and we
niusn't put on any airs over her. She shall
cat at the table with us, and if she has
any time from her work you might learn
her how to sing and play the piano."
"I can't quite agree with you, Mr.
"Oh. you can't! Woman's mortal
enemy is woman. Well, I'm going out
and have a little talk with Eliza and tell
her what I'm willing to do."
I listened at the kitchen door. Mr.
Bowser is no man to beat about the bush.
He went right at the business in hand by
'"Eliza, nobility does not consist in
She slid away from him toward the
"You are not to blame for being in
your present position. How would you
like to take singing lessons?"
She looked at him with open mouth.
"And learn to play the piano?"
She opened her mouth still wider.
"And, perhaps, learn how to sketch
and paint?"
She seized a pan of water in the sink
and whirled on him with:
"You cross-eyed old reprobate to talk
to an innocent girl in that fashion I Get
out of my kitchen or I'll drown you in a
When we sat down to supper I won
dered w hy Eliza hadn't put on a plate fot
herself, and I asked Mr. Bowser when I
should be sin her niano lessons.
"Mrs. Bowser have you lost the little
sense you possessed two or three months
ago?" "he hotly exclaimed, and I thought
it best to let the subject drop right there.
A few days after that a boy about eight
years old came to the door to txg, and as
soon us Mr. Bowser caught sight of him
he observed :
"Call the little shaver in and let him
sec that the milk of human hindness has
not all dried up. Now givo him a good
The cook stuffed hi in until he could
eat no more, and then Mr. Bowset
brought him into the sitting-room and
cut his hair, washed the little one's fact
w ith his own hands, and was going to
call the cook in to wash his feet, when I
protested :
"Now, Mr. Bowser, that is going too
far. We don't keep a county house
"Don't we? I wouldn't have your mean
spirit for all the money in America! It
is just such people as you who have ad
ded to the woes of poverty and the wick
edness of the world."
"But we can't make such a fuss ovei
every beggar who comes along."
"Nobody expects you to. You are ex
pected to stand in the door with a crow
bar and brain every poor unfortunate who
stops to ask for A mouthful of food. 1
shall go home with this boy. I want tc
have a talk with his father, and it may
end in my adopting him."
Mr. Bowser led the boy away, and it
seemed, as I afterwards came to know,
went home with him. When he left th
boy's house a man was chasing him with
u shovel, and a woman with a hoe handle
was trying to head him off, and the boi
himself stood in the door and clapped his
hands. When Mr. Bowser came home 1
asked what had become of his adopted
son, and he roared at me:
"None o' your business ! If I had youi
spirit I'd expect to be struck by light
bin:;!'' When, we got our horse we got a mar
to take care of him. and at their first
interview I heard Mr. Bowser say tc
"Now, Mr. Johnson, you are not t
blame for your lack of education. You
have not had a show. Take that bars
and manage" it according to your owt
judgment. I've got a suit of clothes ic
the house for you, and there are plenty o:
books in the library."
Mr. Johnson took ten books from th
library on the first day of his arrival. On
the second day he disappeared. So did th
books. So did the harness and robes and
a lot of tools. Mr. Bowser was furious.
He wanted ten detectives on the case all
at once, and as he started to telephou
fur them 1 said :
"Perhaps he has retired to a cave with
the ten books to enrich his mind."
"And perhaps I ain't the biggest idiol
iu the State of Michigan for marrying
you ;" he shouted back as he ground away
at the crank uud lifted the Chief of Police
of his chair.
Already Dressed.
"What does this mcau, Emma.'" asked
a boarder who had iust joined the select
circle m .Montague 1
Did this
turkey wear a shirt r"'
"What do you mean,
. irned Emma severely.
Mr. Brown 2" re-
Here is a shirt button in the stuffiing,
and I merely wanted to know if it be
longed to the bird," .said Jirowu. carefully
placing the button on the side of his
-.Now I think of it. s";r, it Uluy M. H
lijht; I believe the mi-Mis Luulit that
turkey already tlrcs-cil."
Not bail for Emma.- A
No Silel' Liuin
Siitliflbiur'' li;.J -;i,in.-
All) More.
WlOUo witk
aud Le was clr-ijouJcbt
"Conic, cheer up," tuij hU wife,
w ill all come out li'jlit iu the end.
know 'every clotiil has a silver liiiiajj "
"No, I tlou't kut.w it,'' replied Jur
ca;tii iis olotiuiily, ''ubJwliat is liiort, 1
..luii't Ldicveit. If tli'V have u silver
JillillL' SOlIlt- MllUI't 4'tl.SS WUllld llxK in-
v cntcil u in' hinc for lij.jiino the liuiiio
out before this." M'. Herald.
A C'Iit ffln.nno Thm Will Number 100.
IM0 In Trhf Month.
"Must remarkable statement are heard
in every hotel lobby anil on every railroad
train about St Joseph, Mo.," writes a press
correspondent. "A large-amount of Kansas
City, Chicago and St. louis capital is being
invested in St. Joseph real estate, ami I hear
that a numlier of large enterprise employing
thousands of men ami w ith a capital that to
millions, have completed arrangements for
moving, bag and baggage, to this new center
of emigration. I ni"t a St. Joseph man on a
Wabash train to-day. He tells me that the
immediate cause of the great boom is the ex
tension of the Chicago, Rx'k Island & Pacific
Railroad. This great system is making St
Joseph its Missouri River dejiot for its freight
ami atix-k traffic between Chicago and the
Southwestern ranges, and ha given the city
a prominence as a railroad center equaled
only by Chicago. The extension of the Rock
Island has induced the Chicago, Milwaukee
ot St Paul to extend the diagonal south
ward to St. Jiweph, and the Santa Fe
to come up direct from Topeka and Atchison,
in order to secure a short cut to Chicago, said
to be sixty miles shorter than by any other
way. The Rulo bridge will be completed by
the first of August, and that will send the
Burlington & Missouri trains from Denver
straight through St. Joseph, eastward via the
Hannibal. The and other favorable circum
stances have combined to bring about a
boom which, as I said in the outset, has bo.
come the absorbing topic of conversation
in every prominent hotel lobby half way
across the continent I hear of men who have
made a fortune in one day on an investment
of $1,000. People are buying lots in hollows
and on top of bluffs, and half the sales are
made from the map without an inspection of
the ground whereon thev are located. The
city has about 60,000 inhabitants, and not
the least remarkable fact is that she is quoted
in the last United States census as
next to Portland, the richest town of
her size in the coimtryleontrolling the whole
sale trade of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and
New Mexico. Her shipping facilities, coupled
with her large wholesale trade, has made her
perhaps the best manufacturing and pork
packing point in the West. The new istock
Yards, the most complete west of Chicago,
roiM' 440 acres of ground, and will
shortly combine a hotel. Stock Ex
change and several large packing
houses with other facilities. Local
capitalists are erecting a new OO.0u0 hotel,
a safe depository, ami companies have l-en
urgauize.1 to buittl a belt line and two cable
roads, w hile the Council has just granted the
right to two of the street-car comianies to
employ the electric motor. An hisiiectioii of
the Boston iWs weekly clearing-house re
ports for the past three months shows the per
centage of increase the largest of any
city quoted in the report. Under
such like circumstances, mv informant
thought, the boom rented upon a
solid footing. Strangers are coming in by
every train, and he predicted that the city
wouid have a population of ltr.iN in the
next twelve months. Large additions to
the city are platted, but on the market and
sold in two days for residences, manufactur
ing and bushier purposes, the real estate
deals ranging from J.'iO.Umj to a day,
those of last week footing up :!.; io.oiio.
An Expensive (oe.
United States Marshal Wiisou, of the
District of Columbia, in a conversation
the other day. told the story of a goose
that cost the Government 1 160, as fol
lows: When Fred. Douglass was Marshal it
was customary to summon a large number
of witnesses to appear before the Grand
Jury, the ability of the jury to examine
all thus summoned in one day not being
considered by the Marshal. This was
particularly the case where the party
charged with an offense happened to be a
colored man. The per diem being $1.25.
every negro residing in the vicinity where
the offense was alleged to have been com
mitted struggled to have himself sum
moned. On one of these occasions Mr.
Wilson was foreman of the Grand Jury.
A negro was charged w ith having stolen
a live goose. Over thirty w itnesses were
summoned by the Marshal.and the Grand
Jury spent two days in their examina
tion. When the case was concluded the
foreman reported the facts to Judge Mc
Arthur, and expressed the opiuion that
witnesses were summoned in many cases
for revenue only. The foreman was in
structed not to spend time in examining
such wituesses, and the Marshal was di
rected thereafter to summon no more wit
nesscs than the Grand Jury could exam
ine on the day for which they were sum
moned. This resulted iu correcting the
abuse during the continuance of Mr. Wil
son's term as foreman of the jury. "I in
quired iuto the cit," said Mr. Wilson,
"of our inquest over that ;oosc, and
found that the i-xiH-use to the Govern
ment was $100. That experience has !
been of service to me as Marshal, and has I
cuubled me to save to the treasury a pretty
tars;' sum iu witness fees."
Wonderful Earthquake Effect.
"It is an ill wind that blows uobodv
good," ays the proverb, and no one
should endorse th:it ancient saying more
heartily than Mrs. Jerome, U tter known
to fame as Lady ltandolph Churchill's
mother. After suffering from paralysis
for some years and Ircing quite bed-iid-den,
the iioor old lady was s terrified by
the first shock of the earthquake ut
Cannes that she sprang out of bed. fled
down stairs and. instead of delivering up
the ghost then aud there, us her amazed
and terrified friends and attendants fully
exK-cted, she has been able to walk ever
since. This is a case w hich should find
its way iuto manuals of philosophy aud
(rooks explaining miracles. L-judin
Court lietiar.
Siiow shoes lor llores.
llnix s in thi; iinmiitaiu regions of
ifoniia hiivc hml to vw ar iniwhoc- dur
ing the jiust w inter. Tlie Nevada City
Trunin yt thus dttt rilii-'S llit-sc shi i-s:
"To iiiukc out of th- h'-s ou tT r-t lal.i-
a jiiiri' m niniM-r ijeuiUL; aiHiiu i ivnu
im )it-s iu diumcU-r. I-'ati-u to one .-LI'-of
il u sWtii plan- o jM-rforatfil that tin-
allis of the horn's u-ual shoe will til in
it. Then by a ( lamp fasten one of thi;e
ilh l he rubber ide ilowu .-ecuiely to
i ai h font of lite animal."
Why did the W omen
of this country use over thirteen million cakes of
1'rocter & Gamble's Leno Suap in 1SS6?
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.
An Old Campaigner's Story.
The command to which I belonged in
our Mormon campaign was conveying
live stock sufficient for the army
en nmte to Salt Lake. We had 30.(100
sheep, 2,000 cattle and 300 mules. Near
Denver we came upon a natural soda
fountain bursting out ol the side of a
mountain. The place was a great resort
for game of all kinds, especially elk. It
was the 11th day of May, 1S.7. That
night our cavalry portion of the escort
was ordered up the mountain to camp for
the night. Not knowing the climate,
we grumbled nnd laid down under our
our rubber ponchos. When we waked iu
the morning it was bitter cold and we
were unable at first to move. We were
buried under six feet of snow-, which had
fallen during the night. The tents of
the infantry, whom we had left below,
were all blown down, nnd the stream of
water by which they had camped was
frozen solid. All our stock had stampeded
and we were in a great strait for three
days. The sheep, of course, could not
get far, and the cattle were soon got
together; but most of the wagon stock
had got awny, nnd the .100 mules with
their two herders had disappeared
entirely. Four days after they joined us
with one of the men frozen in the saddle.
He had to have Imth legs amputated, and
afterward got a big pension. The army
sutler had a lot of whisky along, and the
commanding officer ottered him $ - mt
gallon for it. but the rascal wanted T.
and had the impudence when he could
not get it to ask for mules to haul it. as
his own were lost in the storm. Well, he
left the twenty-five barrels of whisky
cached in the mountain, and, as we came
back by another route, I suppose they are
buried there still. Globe-lkmwat.
Vocation of the Cowboy.
It surprises one not to the manner born
to discover how much skill, judgment
and experience is required in the projK-r
handling of big herds on the trail and
round up. Many people look upon the
vocation of the cowboy with a touch of
contempt, and imagine that his business
calls for little beyoud rough oaths aud
hard riding. And yet a ranchman learns
something new every dty, and is fre
quently called upon to display an amount
of tact that is the balance iu the scale of
success. Did you see a couple of thou
sand range beeves on the trail? They will
frighten at their own shadows, and the
only way to manage them is to make them
believe that they are doing as they please.
To know when to push them and when
to let them rest, when they should drink
and how much they can 1m; crowded
without losing flesh, are subjects requir
ing as much generalship in their way as
the movements of a human army, and no
one who has witnessed a successful drive
will ever afterward belittle the knowl
edge of the much-maligned cowboy.
G luff-Democrat.
November, 130, Thomas Torney. S-o!tIlf-pot.
Putnam Co.. W. Ya., wrote: "In bed with
sciatica, am using St. Jam-b Oil. Oct. Sir h.
lssl, he writes; "Three rubbings with it (cut me
out and cmed me. No return.'
Ax investigator has discovered that, al
though doijs cau follow a nian s trad eve i after
strong perfumes have been sprinkled a unit the
track, yet if sheets of tissue paper are placed
on the ground to be walked over, and after
ward removed, no trace of the scent will lie.
"We have used Red Star Cough Cnre,"
write the Sister of the Noire Dame, (iovans
ttwn, Md.. for the cure of coughs, oppression
of the chest and sere throit." Price twenty
five cents a b ttle.
There is considerable phophoni in the soil
in portions of Ijeoriria. Id Aibanv this ; r eit
the lieht emitted lias hern renin kabie, ami a
correiKr.ilent writes: "Hedi srriar.s have
ra:ight tbis lnminons stibrtanee oo ti e r tee ,
a'i'i tueir patli would be marked for a short
distance by the light.'
If bilious, or sufferinfr from impurity of the
blijod. or wea lunzs. and fear consumption
ix'rofuloti diea? of the lunc-i. take rr.
Pierce' -";olden Medical Discovery" and it
will cure you. Hyrtnigji'H.
The arence weekly consumption of coal in
London is i-'.") ton.
One l ent laveated
In a postal card cn which to end ynuraddre
to Ha.lett & Co., Portland, Maine, wifl. b ' re
turn mail, brim? you free, part.culars about
work that both sexe.i. ot all uie-s, tan do. an i
live at lio'ne, wherever thev are located. eirn
init thereby frooi J. to f i't p r day. and in
ward. Mrre have earned cv.rr $" '.n a -insle
day. Capital not required: you are staiteil free.
Ycnnxor m:ddle- ied men. MitTerinjr fiom
nervous dhi.iry or k mired ufTectioni, shou d
addres-wnh lo cen' s in si amp foi lare treat
ise. World's Liii ei.aai y Medical Associat .oi.,
liutTalo, N. V.
Oiidfr have been issoed to tiie military and
navai forces of Hcsia to Oe in a etatu ot tuu
slant readiness lor ai ij.e service.
If afflicted ith sore eyes use Dr. laic Thorn p
kon's Ee-water. Drugitistssell at-V-. perbuttie
'Roy AL Of.r E' mends any thina-! Proken Chi. lass. Wuud. Free Vials ai limit lini
Spring Medicine
Is a aeceaalty with nearly every one. This Is tos
best tlais of year ia which to purify tha blooil. to
r'atora th lone appetiu, aui t huild up the enure
yatem. a tha body U now pec-uiUriy aus eptllne U
beaeBt from mdlclne. Ths p.-ullax madieioal
mcrtt of aad tha wonderful cures by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Have mad it the mol popular medicine to take In
thaapnns. It cuiea ai-rufuia, aalt rheum anl all
Bumora, fjUlooaneaa, dyipepla. heailache. kidney
aad liver compla nta, catarrh, ant all afiVctiii4
cuuaed or pr iraoted by lo alate o' the aytem or
tiupur blood. Don't put it off. but taka Hood'a sar-
aa-axilta now. It avlll do you good.
Builds Up the System
"I gladly attett the wculiar bulldmu up power of
Huod a saraparlila. For auoie tune 1 have teen un
abi to attend to bualneaa. but finally at the request
of a friend 1 used part of a bottle ot Hood a Sana
parilia. hK'li aav tone and atrenijth to my ay-tern
and oiala n. feel younv as when a Loy." uaxv
fiui T. Woops, 64 and at Lodge Street, Clni lnnat:.
N. B.If you have made up your mind t get
Hood sanaparlllado cot take any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all drugK'.5t4. .1; six for -i pre pi re J
bj C 1. H'X1 CO., Apothecaj-lei, Lowell,
IOO Doses One Dollar
Kor Liver. Hlle, Indiifetiou, etn. Krae from Mer
cary ; eootaia. only I' ire Vegetable Inr
aul.c. (i.tliintMON, New Vb.-k.
Morm ailcnata,
A the coming ot a ereat storm Is heralded
by tlie display of rsntio ary signal, bo Is the
approach of that dread and faial disease,
t onaiimpttnn of (he Luiw. usually announced
in advance by pimples, hloK lies, mictions,
ulcers uland: iar swellings, anil kl drrd (
'iin manifestation of the nternal blood poi
son, which, if not promptly expelled I rem the
avstein, nt'ncks the delicate, tissue of the
limit', causing them to ulcerate and break
d ovn. I r. Tierce's " iolden Medical Dtsi-ov.
ery" Is the greatest remedy for tills, ns fur a'l
dhensi Imvig their origin in halhliol It
Improves the appetite anil digestion, I creases
nutrition and biduls up the wsste I system.
Tltr. Treasury lippar'inent la Informed that
ninny of the nolo dollars have been split and
tilled so skilfully as to almost defy detection.
Rochester, X. Y., March 6S, '83.
For many years 1 have lioen troubled with
severe pains in the back of my head and neck,
the jviin Ix'ing so severe at times that I was
nearly insane, and my friends feared that I
would lie. Lunqw as lare as a hickory nut
would swell up on my forehead and neck. I
tried many different kinds of medicines and
physicians, but none seemed to reach my case,
until I commenced the use. of Pr. Fardee's
Kheunintie Remedy, and before I had used it
four days tho pain left my neck ami shoulders
and went to my hips and linilw. I continued
taking the remedy, and the disease si-emed to
work downward, but there was but little pain.
1 am still using the rente ly, and I feel confi
dent it will entirely cure me: for I am so
much letter and stronger than 1 have been
for years. I cheerfully recommend it to all.
Very respectfully yours,
lit) Mt. Hope Avenue.
Strom Statement from a Well-known Indi
vidual. , '
. IOckport, N. Y.
A short time apo I was afflicted with rheu
matism so badly that I could not move. My
hamls and limits were all swollen. One leg
was so badly swollen that it burst the skin.
The Sheriff of our county advised me to try
Dr. Tardr-e's Rheumatic Remedy, and bought
me a bottlo. After taking the remedy jne day
I felt relieved, and in less than two weeks I
was able to go to work and have not felt rheu
matism since. Three bottles cured me, and I
recommend it to all who are suffering from
rheumatism. CHAS. ROR1LLARD.
Subscribed ami sworn to K'fore me
this .1th day of June, lSS'l.
M. J. TORELL, Notary Public.
Ask your druj;ist for Dr. FanWs Remedy
and take no other. Price l per bottle; six
bottW, .V
Pardee Medicine Co., Rochester, X. Y.
k i r i
Hl.tMt Aw rib U HoOoh Is Enp m4 kmri.
The noatest. qm-ket. isaiVt an I mot powprful
iviuiiv kuownfor Hheii'i:ati.m. i'lt-unsv. miiliii,
LuintKitfo. Hai-ka.'he. Weaknm., eli in the rhe!
an.l alt nh'ii an I aina. Knl'nMtl hr j.ii PhTt-cinnan-l
Ituk tof th" h k:h'st rpiit. IVnuon i
1'liiwteri pn-mi lly rl i ve uml itirt where othr
liutin ni Krvujfy salv. lintnirntu ami lotion,
are aoait-tv iim IVnarc of .nutation' unlr
im lar avmmlinir nanie:, nuchal ''t'apxtcum." t'nn
uin ' t'ai-eiiom " a- tii. y are urttrfv wmhla
an.l lntn.1el to iIwIvh. ak r., Bkisos's Axa
Taki ' r hkiu. Ail Irugiri'.ti.
SfcABL'RY JOHNSON, froprletow. New York.
The followinir worrls, in pr-tlso of Br. PrrnfE's Fatobitb Pbrwriptio a a remedy for thoan drlioato rlisrwa and weak-nea-9
jn-uinr to woraon. rr.t:: t be of lntortt to evi-ry guiroror frm such mnladies. They ar fmr aampiea of th pntaneoua
cvpnnn3 with w!;i' h tliou:ir.'!8 Ive uttomneo to iln ir avtiae ot gTaututle lor tlie lneatimable Lhajq of beaiiti wilth luu been
r to tho:n tj thi uau of tiiia world-Luucil mediuuiu.
.Tohx E. Peoar, of ywienbeeK, Va writra:
"Mywiio had L"- a sutferniK for two or thn-o
yr:irn with f' truile woaknene, and had paid
out one hundrvd dollars to phynioian with
out p lief. she took l)r. Pierm'a Favonto
PrTiption and It did her Dmr g-ood than
all t:i metlieme Hiven to hi-r by the phyai-
Thbowm Away.
cians during the threo yr arn tin y had bwn
Mrs. Grntir.E HriliiEH. of HYrMrM, .V. 1",
write: " I was a irreut sufferer frirn leucor
rheu, bearinir-lown puin. and pmn contin
triliy aerijes iny liaek. Threw bottli-s ot your
' l'':ivrinte Prr-M.nption rUjr-d Die to pr-
f.--t hmlrh. I trenred witn I)r. , fur
nine montn. without rowivinir any benefit.
The Greatest
Earthly Boos.
Tho 'Favorite Preaonpruju ' ia the greatest otrtiny boon to u
poor suffering wouicn,"
M.iny rim.-s women mil on their family phyaleinns. tuft-ring, a they Imagine, one from dysT! another from heart diseyae,
another from liver or kidn.-y tl. a . r from nervous exhaustion or i roatration, anotlw r with Jaain hero or there, and in
tliiS way they all ?ir.-sent alia': to Uieuisclve and th lr eauy-ifiiinir and tndifftrrent. over-busy dM..r, at naeate and distinct dlaeaar.
for win. h lie pr.e. nu4 his pui and potions, a.-aiiiiniii' Win U, Isi such, wh.:fi. In reality, they are all only aymptorn cau. d by some
womb disonl. r. Tlie phyn urn. Iirnorumof u, laiuu of sutTerinir. encurajre hi pnutl untU larire bill are nia-le. lhe surfr-riii
rntient g-' no lietn r. but protmbly worse by r-anon of the ,u lny, wrong- treatment and nrmsrviient oinpliistion. A proper medicine,
liHo lr. Pieru-s Favorite, prescription, tlirrrft-i I; tut enve would have euUrciy n moved the disease, thereby dispeuicjr ail those
diatre.-jjimf sytnptonis, uud hinututitnf comfort instead of prolonged nnsery.
Mrs. F.,
F. MoRnis,
ls a Ureaili til su!I
il.lVin CVIlttllnUd
.-." 'S ompl
. . t,-iE with
I rlllFn. I
I 1
alone. I bf-iran rai." iTTI . roe's Favonto Prescription and
iiux tho lix al trenum nt recommend' d In bis '(.ouiuion P-nse
Mi ilicul Adviser.' I commenced to Improve at om-. Jn ttirce.
luontiis I was prf fi cure !, and have had no tro utile slnco. I
wrote a letti-r to iny family pnr-r, brieny nientiontntr bow my
health bad b.-n restored, and off-Tuiir to send tiio f uli imrtietilars
to any one wriuuir mo for tlwrn. uud eruhmmo a af.iiiid-eik-t'Wope
f'ir I hwi: rea ived over four buudn-d Iclti'ra.
In n-plv, I have tfi-sr-nte-d my case and the treatment used,
and have earnr-stly advisi-d tiw-rn to 'do likewise.' Krom a (rreat
many f have received second l-tti tsof thunks. Htatinir that they
had commoner the uso of 'Favonto Prescription.' had sent the
I1J5H n-qiiin-d for tho 'Mr ditnl Adviser," and had applied the
l'cal treaaiu-fit so fully und plainly hud down therein, and were
muca better already.
The treatment of many thousands of oases
of tuoae chronic weuktu tw-sand distressing
ailmi'iilc inculrir to toMmles. af the Inv ilMj'
Hotel lllld .-MlrtflCltl Iustitute, Huffulo, N. i,
hm ail irditl a vunt evcrn nco in nitv ly
aiiapnug un 1 thoroughly t-isting reinclnu
fur the euie of worn. m's h.i iiimr nuiluriii-s.
lr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is the outgrowth, or n sult, of this great
und valuable experience. Thousands of
tesflmoiiuiis, received from pa'ietita and
lrotu phvriiciuiis who hinn tted it in tlie
more ugruvabi and ot.-fin.itc cas which baili.d their skill, prove it to lie the
Miost wonderful reiie.iiy ever devised for
the reli. i tirnl cure of gtitlcnng women. It
is not recommended as u "euro-all." but
as a most ported irpccitlo lor wonuui'8
p I'tili-iT
As it powerful, Invigoratlna; tonic,
it imparls 6tr iiirtti to too whole system,
and to tho uterus, or womb und it. i-
,;i!i'3. 111 J):lltlellUir. ror nvrrwi irk
worn-nut, "run-down, -n ointuieo reaen.
et'S, luilliners, ure--!:uikt rs, si timrn'-.sea,
"Mjopjirls," houi keepers, nui-simr moth
ers, iiiio I'vblo wiimeu gcncrully, l)r.
Pii ro' S FuMiriie Proscription is tho great
est earthly boon. In utii.mlli d us an
apiH'ti.ttiif corilml suit lestoiative toiiii. It
ox'oluoles UiffctftioU uud uaiuniaiiou oi loou
If yon have a Cold, Coutth, (dry-hackln)
Croup. Cankered-throat, Catarrh Dropping
causing coUKliHr. Kilmer's Indian Couith Cure
(( 'rijnoiiificm i hi) wtll relieve Instantly heale
and cnre,l,rlee 2V., fiOo. and $1.
.Vn Opftim In I'lso'a Cure for Consumption
Cures where other remedies fall. S.V.
ftufforlng from Kidney Dlt
ease or from troubles pe
ttt pnrffxt if self ?? far th legitimate healing ef
at irast and the reitej cf fatnmna that tt toe$ mil it
it'aims to dctkomsanitcj laJies can gladly testrjrt
Ith.w itiwxlthe test of twenty yean in relieving periodi
cal pain, primming regularity of seaon and banishing
weakness, tuik-iche and consequent nervoui dtitre.
TntKiSIy no other woman in the world receive to
many ''letters rf thanka" as I.yriia F. rinkham, of
Lynn, Muss. Mrs. D of Lnfield, N'.'II., aya:
"I will simply say that your Vegetable Compound is all
you recommend it in b. hat dent mt W'erldt tf
fits.' Another lady writes from Ottawa follow) "I
have jiml toxLiy bought the seventh bottle of ymif Vege
table Compound have used two bones of Tills and sev
eral packages cf your Sanative Wash, and think it but
rii;ht to tel 1 you how much derived from your medi
cines. They art a regular God-tend. All the pain
nd aches have almost disappeared, tny stmrlftch ta much
stronger too and I feel myself improved every way'T
rrlM 1. U y all Drsf fliU, '
Ptno's Tteme1 for Otarrh Is th
Bast, KjuiwI ut I'M, sad C'bsspeu.
Also nv1 (hr fold In the Fend,
Headache, Usjr Fevtr, 6c AJesaia.
(TO( tae oeuuuta. bold k very w liars.
hy Thv w. r..x. An AuthvnUe a I ta-npi.t Htvtory
of hi t.i' ao4 Work horn the rati to thr .rT. ot
tl. Jt mlhr Id . Th HK-t ntl I tt fi A rttl T. 5plf- lliiiatminl. sita m vtwar. l4aavnhinf1rW
for rW'f M4 $t9 tlr T-tsm. Sud for Ctrcu
mr. saJrM Hil'0l n. tU., lUrtfoM. I 'win.
I t TkM. w. Ext. An Aoili'mlc snd Complete iilitorT
ofhia Ufrsii'l WorkfrimihpCr.lltotliH.irsTe. Tke
Jlnomti'l ht for .l-r'i;. T'i to"t if fkmprnt. Pplfn
d I'll t tlhutrmip.l fell iiii viurtr. Iltn.-n.i hindrance
for tM7lkarlllaa4aTa Kill Tarva. ClrrU-
Ura. Aajrvaas. ..-HU. lu.N .... Hartford, Conu.
torn i
Ai.fc.-. 2.V-. Jliiau-a .1 itallooa uf a ullcuu
Mutrkhiw tiMii4-rttiice lM-vera''. atremclhena snj
purifies mv bl"0.1. 1M purity and (lrllcary or flavor
lonniiriM It In al. iw.'UI rvrrywlwr. '' K V IT.
Offlrfrs par, bounty pro
cured; drsrrirrs relieved,
'il yeara practice. Siicceane
I no fv-4. Writo fr crr
1 A. V. lr ormirh A
mtiar ana new law.
. WahlDtnn,lJ.C.
Oliialn-'l. Semi itamn for
ntor tiui'le. L. llu
I'a I'nt Lawyer. Wa lunttton. 1. C.
and M or phi in
to tiday-4. liefer
a llnblt cured la l
to Iikiu D.Utentacured
luall part.
UlL MxRSH.VUlB -y. Mk'Q
For Sals it
(ood Farming Ind. on long
tne. For information wrtte to
(..utWI, Kant Mgtuaar, Mlcrt
lotsa day. Samples worth i.3( FRF.R
I.iucm not under the horn's feet. Addre
ba..wsTkU's3tr Kiu iloLbia, Holly. ilich
to Soldiers k llelra. Send 'tamp ir C'i'U I- HIM
II VM, Att y. Washington. L. C
jaaa.Baaa llnhlt f'areil. Treatment aent od Crta
UriUm HL MASK KF.MElJV t o.. LAlayette, lu I
Reward for any
caae of Kidney
I'raablea, Nrr.
iti llebiriT.
lenlal or Phyalcul IVraanrii that llataain
rrr Hillrrafaliucuri. atlr. Hero Meilklna
Co.. 1. N ltth Mt., Fnila.. Fa. Sold by alt DruggloK.
pructielnaT upon her."
anlilfi, and feel a well
ment of myaelf and
attendinir to the duLio
of JVo. 71 Isiintjton St
suya: mo years sro l
n r Imm utenii: troublr-s.
tno skill of tnr-e ptiy-
tiilliciilt.v the r'Xitn
cures nausea, weukness of stomach, indW
gcstion, bhwiing and eructations of gus.
Aa a aoolbiJiat aud sln ugtlieulna;
Ile-rvlne, " Favorite Proscription " is uti.
tipmlli d und is invaluable In abating and
subduing nervous excitability, irritability,
exhaustion, prostration, hysteria, spasm
and other distressing, nervous ymptom
commonly attendant upon functional aud
orguiiic disease of the womb. It induct
refreshing sleep and relieves mentai aux
ielv and di-spondi-ncv.
ir. Pierce' t'uvorite Prescription
la a legitimate medicine, eui fully
eonifioundid by an pxperieuccd and skillful
physician, and'adupted to woman's delicate
orgunbMtiou. It is purely vegctnble in its
composition and ts-rfet.-tly harmless In its
effects in liny condition of the pvstem.
"favorite Prescription n la a poal
tlve cure tor the moet complimtcd and
obsfimite oims of leucorrhea, or "whites,"
excessive flowing at monthly periods, pain
ful incnetruution. unuarurai suppressions,
jjrolusiis or fulling of the womb, weak:
buck, "fenmle weakness," anteveision, re
troversion bcariug-down si ions, chnm
ic congest ion, inil uumution and ulevrutiua
of the womti, lnftammatloii, pain and ten
derness iu ovaiice, uccoUtpaJUlcd Witu "Ui
I tcruul hcut.
Thbew Lm
It Work
Iaaffb fiailiMaai'a
Li I. EM
Coldt, Coughs, Sort Throat, Influtnza, Bros
Chltit, Pneumonia, Swellinir of tha Joints
Lumbago, Inflammation. Rheuma
tism. Nturalgla, Frostbites. Chil
blains, Haadacha, Tooth
acha, Asthma.
CnRKj THE WnrtST rAtVS rn from nnatnlarantt
Dilnutea. Not (in E Hi U K after rea.tlug thla at
vertiaeruent ni-ed auv one SI'KKKR Ml TH PIN.
f' Kaailt Heller Is n at-rn 'r ff
herrln, vnrnlna, llrnl.ea. ('. I a
h llneli. Client ar l.lmbs. Haras
lb Fift anil la the Oalr
That tnatarillv atu, the nMWt em-riirtaMnS pains;
sllava Inrlainiiiatioti. and eurea C mgeatl. ma, whether
vt the Ltiiii;a, Htomaeh. Howela, or oihar glauda or
i'reaiia. Iv one appliratton.
A half to a teaapo ntiil In half a tumbler nf aratae
artllnia few nilnutna nira Uraniia, H taaina, f4nr
rto ai-h, Hearllnirn. Nervounea Bleenlea.'iaaa,
Hlrk lleadai'he, Inarrliiea. Dtaeulerr. OjIio. Jflaaia-leni-y.aiid
all lutertial paltia.
Chills and Fever, Fever and
Ague Conquered.
Nut nnly crea ih patient w (ml with thta terrlhl tn aa-til.-r tn newly ettled dut rleta. whn lh
Malaria ir A(ue fiiata, but IT iMHipIe exirOMl V It
will, ev.-rr inorntn.r on (ret tin out of hml, tak
tw.-nty or thlrtT drop of the KearW Relief Id a art
of water and eat. ay. a era Iter titer wl l ecap aa
taek. TliU muHt te done beftire oinf out.
TiimH not a reineilial av'iit in the w rld that win
en re ('Aver and Aitne and a" nh Mi'irt .ti. Mtllmtf
and other ffrer-. aided h It UMVAY'H PILLH.
ao quick aa KAI)VAYH UKAO V UKLlKK.
Flftyranta yer bottla. Mold br 4rM-t
tTbfi llnly ;enlnel
Tha Great Blood Purlflar,
rorcurenf all ehronle dlaeae, Herorula, Wool
Talnta. Svphllltlc Complaint. Oinnumnclon. oiafv
Uiar Plaraae, lleera. Chnnln Hneumatlam. Eryalpe
elaa. Kl.lnev, Bladder and Liver Complaint. I'va
p Mla. AITe-tlonaof the Lunira ami Tluruak purtllal
the Klood. reatorlnx health and vIkot.
"old by UraciUla. l per Battle.
The Great Liver and Stomach Rand
For the rtire of all ilianMera of the Stnmarh. TJrar
Bowela. Ki.lneva. Illail.l'-r. Nervnua Piaeaaea. Uiaa
Api'etit", Heala-he. C'tlveneaa, IniluttMon. oil-
lotianeae. Fever. Inliammatlon of th Hnwelaj Pile
and all deraiujementa of the Internal Viaeera. Pura
Iv veg -talite, eontaiainii no mercury, mineral at
de'eterl.'in ilruir.
Frlce) SI eanta per hoi . fM1 by all drninrtaam,
Ie. liiiitwav'a Pilla are a eure for tina eitn.
plaint. Tur rwl ire ureuirth to the atimaehani
natile It to cerforru Ita fiiiirtiona. i'h ay tr'toma
of Dvaieiladiaapiear,aid with them .h liability of
th ayatetn to c mtraet diaeaaea. Taaa the niaUiota
aeeonllnit to dinx-li ma, and otxarr what w aar ia
"Jl'alae aud Trua" raamctlu diet.
tr-Send a letferatamp to UK. RADWAV
(.. N. ,11 Warrea street. New Vark. (or
"F ala and i'rua. "
D R. KILMER'S ri,"!l,
Arreal that! alurrb,Rnn-
ctntiator Afttlima. Tola
lli-ruwly relioves quickly.
urea raTnituiontly. II
prevent Iwliw. Niulit-Hweau
ami aleatb fruni vaaaataaaittaa.
I fr lreNire.l at la. aiLaaa'a
PlpaMnakV. ituiif iiatntou, i.. i.
letter. of inouiry aiwwered.
Gui.l. to Health Kent Free J.
hala by ItraeeUta.
r. A. LEM M AN V, SomTToa or P-tiit. Whlruj'i:,? n
C. No t-haU-ita unVeNl patent b A-vurvd. (read for Cirr tmm itf
Mrs. Sophia F. Hoarwyxr, WTilf Cottage.rk,
write : "I txik eleven txtilea of your 'Fa
vorite Pnwriition ' ami oun bottle of your
' Pellets.' I am iloiti tny work, and have law a
for aome time. I liave had to employ help for
about iiiIith year before 1 coiruurooetl tak
lntr your medicine. I have had to wear a
upporter moat of the time; this I bavia lap
a I ever did,"
Mm. Mat CLiAaoai. of A'unlfd, Offoim Co.
Sfxch write: "lnur 'Favorite Preacrlptlon"
baa worked wonders in my tsar.
Aram IM) wntia: " Mavmir taken aereral bot
tli of the 'Favorite Prea.-riilijn ' I have re
trained sir bealtn wonderfully, to the aatotilab-
frleml. 1 tan now be ou m fct ail day,
of my houat bold.
A iriar-TPloca Cure-Mr. O. F. PPRAon,
of CryaOU, JJurh wnu-s: "I was troubli! with
female wesinias, leucorrhea and fulling of the
womb for seven years, so I had to keep my bed
for a good part of the time, I doctored with an
annv of different pbysiciuns, and tiietit large sum
of money, but received no lasting U'nellt. At last my husband
rsuaded me to try your uu dicines, which I was loath to do,
iccauso I was prejudiced against them, and the doctors Baia
they would do me no gooe. I finally told toy huatmnd that if
be would g' t me some of your uu 'iicines, I would try them
ara.nat the sdvliv- of my physician, tie got me biz botth of the
'i-avorite Prescription, also aiz bottie of the iiiscovery,' for
ten dollars. C trok thr-e bottUa of ' Discovery ' and four of
'Favonte Prr-cription,' and I have been a sound woman for four
yr'ar. I then gave the balance of the medicine to my sister, who
was troubled iu the same way, and she cured herself In a short
time. I have not had to take any medicine cow for almost
four years."
In prra-uanry, " Kuvorita Prescription
is a "motiir-r cordial," relieving nausea,
weakness of stomach and other liiatressiua'
symptoms common to that condition, if
its use ia kept up in tlie latter months of
gestation, it so prepares tho svstcm for de
livery as to greatly lessen, ana uuuiv time
almost eiitin ly do away with the sufleruij
of that tr ing orii-al.
f avorite Prescription," when taken
in connection with tho use of lir. Pierce's
tioldcn tledical Uiscovcry, and small laxa
tive Uiiw'S tif Irr. parce's Purgative Pellet
(l ittle Li it Pillsl, cures Liver, Kiiliu yand
bladder diM-uM-s. Their combined use also
removes blood taints, and ulolu-hes can
cerous and acroiulous humors lroin (he
"tavorita Prescription" ia the only
medirine for wnuirn sold, by druggisss,
under a positive tuaruuter, from the
manufacturers, that it will give satisfac
tion in every ciim; or money will lie re
funded. .This gueraiitce iis l-en pnnti-d
on the rjolllc-wr.ipM r, and faithfully cm-,
ried out for many years. Large bottles
llJ UoeeSl Sl.t0, or kix bottle for
t iT Send ten cents in stamps for Dr.
Pierce's large, illustrated Treatise (lou
pugesj on lJiseases of W omen.
Wo. 663 Main Street, Bl ITALO, M. T.