WEBHESDAT J1011N1S3, OCT. 27, I8SC. BOROUGH OFFICERS. It urgent. John Rim, ihtMcilmmi North ward, L. J. Hop kins. J. It. Clark, V. L. Klinestiver South ward, J. 1 Propor, C. A.. Randall Chas. Bonner. Jnnliec.it nf the Peace J. T. Brounan D. H. Knox. fonntabte S. H. Canfleld. .Ycoot Director U. V. Robinson, A. It. Kelly, O. M. Shawkev, I). S. Knox. ... vmitv, jr., n. J'aviS. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congvctts Ai.kxa NDK.ii C. Member of Senate X. O. Hai.l. Afmembty Pktkh Hi:iiry. Preaident Judge V. I). Bro vn. 4 mocii( Judges Lkwi AimiiK, Jno. 1. I ROrKK Prothonotary, Peg inter tC Recorder, de. Cl'RTI M. SHAWKKT, A'Acrif. Lkowabd Abxrw. Oomniioners Olivkr Byeri.y. Wm. n.iinuus, a. n,, ijiiADWICK, iTounty Superintendent J. E. Hill Xur. JUntriet Attorney P. M. Clark. .turn CommUKionersW. O. Davis. 1 , ... nr - - ' ASA VII, H A I,TKIIH, County Xurvcynr II. C. WniTTKKIN. roronr Dr. J. W. Monnnw. County A uditors3. A. Scott, Tnos. Coiiah, Quo. ZtiRNnix. I B VSIN E s S D I RECTO R y7" TIONESTA LODGE MKKTS every Saturday evening, nt 7 o'clock, in the Lodge Room in Par trldgo'a Hull. H, C. WHITTEKIN, N. O. 1. W. SAWYER, Sec'y. 27-tf. 1JOREST LODGE, No. 1847a. O. U. W.", I Meets every Friday Evening in Odd Fellows' Hall, Tionesta. K. F. WHITTEKIN, M. W. '. U WESK, Recorder. i1 M'T. GEORGE STOW POST, yj No. 274, O. A. R. Meets on the first Wednesday in each l jo wli, in Odd Follows Hall, Tionesta, Pa. J. W. MORROW, Commander. i , I . AOtNEW. P. M. CLAKK, District Attornev. ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW, Ollee in Court Uouso. Elm St. Tionesta, Ponna. J1 J. VAN G1ESEX, ATTORNEY v COUNSELOR AT LAW, Edenuurg, (Knox 1'. O.,) Clarion Coun ty, Pa. J L. IAVIS. . ATTORN K Y-AT- LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collections mado in this and adjoining counties. ILLS W. TATP, ATTO UN E Y-AT- LAW, Elui Street, Tinnosta, Pa. V. RITCHEY. ATTO RNE Y-AT-LaW, Tionesta, Forest County l'a, J AWRKVCE HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa.. r i II. S. Brockway, Proprietor. This tictisn in centrally liti-ated. Everything e'.nd well furnish!. Supeilor Ac tu modRjions and strict attention given t euo.ts. ' Vegetables and Fruits of all kinds nerved in their season. Samplo ioo.it for Commercial Agents. CENTRAL HOUSE, Tionesta. Pa.. O. Rrownell. Proprietor. This is n new house, and has just been fitted up tor the atvoinmodution of the public. A por tion df tho jmlronage of the public is solic ited. 4H-ly. CENTRAL HOUSE, OIL CITY', "pa7 J W. 11. ROTH. Proprietor. The largest, Rust located and Furnished IIous.in the City. Near Union Depot. 1 W. MORROW. M. D., I . PH Y8ICI AN & SURGEON, Late it, Armstrong county, having located in Tiwesta is prepared to attend all pro fessional calW promptly and at all hours. OtMco aad residence two doors north of Lawrence HoHse. Office hours 7 to 8 A. m., and 11 ix 12 m. ; 1! to 3 and t) to 7J i. m. Sundays, U to 10 a. m. ; 2 to 3 and 6 to 7) P. M. may-18-81. WC. COIUTRN, M. D., PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, 1 ins ha J over fifteen years experience in tho practice of hlw profession, havinggrad natoil t '.gaily and honorably May 10, 1SR5. Ollice ami Residence in Judge Reek's house, opposite the M. E. Church, Tiones ta, Pa Aug. 25-1880 Dentistry! dr. j. w. morrow. Having purchased the materials Ae., of Dr. iteadman, would rospectiullv an nounce that he will carry on tho Dental business in Tionesta. and having had over nix j oars successful experience, considers I inisnll fully competent to give entire sat isfa tion. I shall always give my inedi-v-il practice the preference. ma'r22-82. a. a. MIT. A. B. KELLY MA T, l'ARK C CO., BACKERS! Corner of Elm fc Walnut Sts. Tionesta. Bank ol Discount and Deposit. I nterest al lowed on Time Deposits. Col reotions made on all tbe Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. 18-ly. jyiRENZO FULTON, : Manufacturer of and Dealer In HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. iny4 81 TONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. I.nd and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, 8o!ar or Triangulation Kurvey ng. Best of Instruments and work, fcTerniB on application. REAL ESTATE AGENT, TIOUESTA, IP.A.. LANDS LOLCIIT AM) SOLD O 1ST COAtMIHSIQ ST . If you wish to buy or sell Real Estate It will pay you to correspond with me. Csndensril Time Tnble Tionesta Htntlon. KOIITH. Train 28 7:37 am Train 62 7:"2 am south. Train li.l 0:5"i am Train 21) 1:18 pm 'lraln30 3:52 pmiTrain 31 8:10 pm Train 28 North, and Train 20 South car ry mo mail. Cliurrh and Nnblmth School. i-resbyterian Sabbath School at 0:4., a. in. ; M. E. Sabbath School nt 10:00 a. m. Preaelniifr in M. E. Church every Sab- muiu evening ny ucv. Minall. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Election next Tuesday. Oil market clos3d yesterday 653 Beware of Roorbacks of every description. mi . i ne time is here wnen we may expect a "spell of weather" at any moment. Geo. Holcman has a winter's job of taking out ties for G. W. Robinson, oo the Sickles property. Mr. Ritchcy has the credit of slaying the first venison this season in theee parts, a fine five pronged buck Mr. Heury Sibble, of Edenburg, is here on a visit to friends and rela- tives, who ore always glad to see him. Miss Maud Davis, of Tionesta, Pa., arrived in this city this afternoon on a visit to Mrs. H. M. Irwin. franklin Keus. Turn out to the election next Tuesday, Republicans, and put in a solid day s work for the ticket. Com mence working now. Geo. Hood s neat little house, next to Wm. Iliebenlhsl's, is nearly completed ani will be ready to occU' py in a couple of weeks. The Emlenton News, one of our welcome semi-weekly exchanges, baa been considerablv enlarged and im- c proved within the past week. In Erie county schools, says an exchange, a half holiday once a mouth is given pupils for perfect atteudance during the preceding month. G. W. Bovard has had a uew porch laid in front of his store, and is now enlarging the capacity of his granary, by an addition to iti front. Not a einglo Republican should be absent from the polls next Tuesday. You cannot be too much impressed niiu mo mipuriaucB pj mm election, uei oui eany. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. McKnight and two sons, Mrs. Jack and Miss Kit- lie iaylor, ol Uii City, were tbe guests of Mrs. and Mrs. S. J. Cam obeli over last Sabbath. The Wesleyan Methodists will hold a quarterly meeting at the White Church oo Stewarts Run, ou Oct. 30 and 31. First services oo Saturday evening. Rev. J. Case will be present. To-morrow will be Arbor Day, and everybody, that is, nearly every body, should plant a tree. We notice, by-tho way, tbat Burrows, the tree agent is making his fall delivery just now. Prof. I. W. Patton, late teacher of Penmauship in Alfred University, N. x., is in town and expects to con duct a class in penmanship here. We would advise all the young people to attend. Th -K-.nVU Put- a ,:n t.. to pay dearly for the terrible sacrifice of life bv the Silver Creelr HUaatar. It is aated tbat it will require at least $100,000 to settle tbe death claims in- curred. Messrs. McKnight of tho Blizzard, and HutTnagle of the Derrick, made the fur fly off some of our Forest county squirrels last Saturday. They are both very clever sportsmen and brought ia uice strings. Poles are being erected for the gas torches which are to light up tbe town. When these are iu position. we venture the assertion that no town ' in tbe section will be more brilliantly il um natad th.n TinnP.i. To. w T..J. 1V. .WMVM I ped to bis farm in Fauquier Co., Va , AX hd of ihr.rnl.hkrod .tolr ma.ll .-w. vu&uu,.l v., urbams, including one Polled Angus, ihat s tbe sort of enterprise that will wake up old Virginia. Warren Mail. I Mr. J. T. n.tlo of Marion, Ohio, nrnveii in town buturcay cvcinnj; lust and remained until yesterday. He is looking well, and reports buRiuess in his line, the stave trade, fairly active and improving. Mr. Tibbins, one of the Gas Com pany's plumbers, and bis brolher-in-law, Tom. Shea, who were called home to Cuba, N. Y., on account of the death of Mr. Shea's brother, about two weeks ago, have returned. Jake Siggios mistook the crown of Charley Bouner's bat for a black squirrel one day last week, and now Charley carries two pellets of shot in the back of bis bead and one between the shoulders. Fortunately for both, the results are not serious. it is estimated tbat tbe Joss to Butler county oil producers, by reason of the recent purchase of the Pills burgh Independent refineries and pipe lines by the Standard Oil Co., would amount to $1000 per day in case the latter should withdraw the premium now paid. Hallow E'en occurs next Sunday, so that the boys will be debarred of their usual sport, unless they adopt Saturday night, which wouldn't hard ly be fair. It might be well to re mind the boys, also, that it is best not to get too strong in cutting up their "didos," as serious results might arise. Tbe numerous friends in this county of John II. McPherson, the affable jreutleman who has written ud so many insurance policies for Find- lay's Agency, of Franklin, will be sorry to learn of his serious illness. e earnestly hope for bis speedy re- cover7 and that ho may toou be mingling with us again. W. C. Wilson, the famous Buck- eye IiIttcksmi'h, of Kellettville, sends us a very neatly forged tomahawk, "just for luck," and give it as bis opinion that we aro sure of a big buck now. Well, we'll try it when tbe first snow comes, and if a handsome toma hawk will bring success, our "shanty meat" is as good as hung up. Thanks, Buckeye De Voe, the mno who generally I r . . . BBW ai 108 wronS en, 01 in macSioe ll . . wuen proznosticaimir tha weather gives the following as bis opinion for the balance of the week : "Wednesday, sudden fall in temperature; Thursday, cold, with snow ; Friday, sharp frosts and clear; Saturday, clear, pleasant and frosty." .Now look out for the opposite. Miss .LI la Cummings, of Lewis- town, Ohio, who has been visiting at her uncles, Mr. John Cromer, of Fox Creek. Green township, returned to her home ou Wednesday last, beine accompanied as far as Oi Citv bv l.f.r COU8io Mis8 Ela Cromer. She came overland in a buggy with Mr. Levi Cromer, who had been in Ohio visiting about three weeks ago. Votv fnr Beaver. Davies. Norris. Stewart. Osborne. MarTett. Young. Randall. Fitzgerald. Whittekin. Morrow. The best ticket in the field. Columbus Miller, of Seviickley, Pa., holds the theory that natural gas is confined iu the earth in a fluid state BDd he ,)a8 JURt fi'ed caveat for Pateot which is designed to conduct IUI3 uuiu iu mo euriace aua iuio re cepiacies ror us preservation, n tbis lieoT! Bhoui Pr"ve correct U wI11 be the 8reatest discovery of the age, as theflui(? brou8ht to tbe 8UrfaC0 an(1 confined at a pressure of say 600 pouuds to the square iucb, can be utilized to an inconceivable extent as fuel. A locomotive, for instance, with a few gallons of tbe fluid would have a supply of fuel sufficient to ruu it from Pittsburgh to Chicago, and an ocean steamer would require only a few barrels to make the trip to Europe. A test of the theory will in all proba bility be made at an early day. Miss Maude Davis will take a limited umber of pupils at her home, er -ci. wn. lerms i.uu a ies- 0D. tf. The best Halve in the world f Jr Cuts. U,,,,MU fc!. ITlc ..U Uk I.- 1 bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Uve,y'curei, Wie-i or noy r''Zol it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per v. . . . I . v. f. nr t j - uuii svi eaio vy u. t? . cuvaru. Tho "Red Book'' p.s usual ma Us appearance just when wanted, and the State edition this year abounds with fctatistical information of tbe Vi a a n t am MA.M -.... I J f tf . ,c ,u ne little publication has become the standard political text book, aid not only is it of unquestioned authoritv as . ..1- .. ". . I"" on results, out is a model of clean and most artistic typography. As of old it is sent with out money and without price, by in closing eiarap to C. K. Lord, Balti more, Md. -Ballou's Magazine for November. No magazine which comes to this office ' JomlHO". Kennett Square, Invalid bed has improved as this has within the (nrp.'"",,e! " Kennedy, Sharpsburg, re ' . , p pairinir furnace I n nun; V. v i nmii. present year. It IS typographically one of the best printed monthlies of the day, and its contents are of a high grade of excellence. It is mostly a story magazine; but its fict.oo is cheerful and bright in tone. As tho season is now approaching when people are thinking of their winter reading, we would call their attention to this well-known and meritorious magazine, as well worthy their patronage. Sub- scription price, $1.50 per year, post- nid Ti ii n,iKl!.l,,l k f ur c. j paid. It is published by G. W. Stud- ley, 23 Haw ley St., Boston, Mass. Sickening Inconsistency. Mr. Maflett, cur next Congressman, is charged with being in league with tbe so-called Money Power because be happens tp hold some stock in the lirst .National Bank of Clarion. We know this an awful crime on thn Dart of Maffetf. and it mn.t ti. verv heart nf rt. s, pi,:, , tU;nu r very Dear of .)r. ct. Clair to think of the monstrous assumption of a Na- ' .? 1 L -1 . . ... uonai oanaer running against nim, the cham pion of the oppressed laborer, r ui .uu-uittuupuiy ana anu aiscrimina- v. d. Suit. Druggist, Binpus, Ind., tea Hon, for Congress. But how lone aeo tIno,: "I recommend Electric Bitters it since this same anti-National banker, anti-Monopolist and auti-Dis- ' r " " ' cnmiuationist was makiue speeches for National Banker James Mossrrove. of Kittanniug? Mosgrove, at he time iuo uuciur was tearing over tne Uis- trict in his behalf, was sittine child like and bland in the President's chair of the First National Bank of Kittan niog, "loaning money at exorbitant rates,'' and as Boss of tbe Kittaoning Rollinir Mill, was nnnmlnir l.kn. n his hpart's rnntpntt And St niu:. was up in Clarion and Forest 3nd Jef fprson nrncUmimtr ATn.r.n. Saint and that he was his nronhof ! A nd f - . w w v Ul down here iu Indiana the News (St- Claii's paper,) is yelling itself hoarse in denunciation of Maflett as a Na- tional Banker, and cursine monom.lv and the onrres?ors of lahor i while Moscn.ve, shll President of the First National Bank of Kittanninn i on in Clarion Urfillir llm nomination nf Rl Clair, and securing him the norair.a- tion. is workins nicht and dav for his election ! There are few "rackets" that the Doctor is not capable of "working" 11 18 devoteu exclusively to the inter but really to make things jibe he will e8t8 of ,bo farmer, stock breeder, dairy have to call a halt on the KittannioL' ma? Keener, and their household, Vlooe and JSIews. Moscrove. the National Banker, can't straddle St. Cltir aud these papers much longer, even if he has big feet and lengthy legs. maiana Messenger. i A Sad Accident. On the fifth inst., at Richburg, N. Y.. a bright little daughter of M. A. Hawley, son-in-law of our former townsman, J. N. Tietswortb, choked to death on a large lima bean, which she had got iuto her mouth while at play. A physician was called and treated the child and it apparently grew better, uutil the following Thurs- day, when the doctor pronounced the .kil.i - uii. ..j:.:. vU.. . u.,, uuuu.uo,, uu.ess n vuuiu uo itntvtu oi i ii e oosirucuoo by an operation. Additional medical aid was procured and the operation at- tempted, but before its completion the ittle spirit took its flight. The bean WAS finalltr Ami r A in ..r, t. C . Vi A :. I um.ij vvuu u vuv wi tUg unit . L l. . . ... . . . I nioes teaaing to ana witniu an men or the lungs. OUR DARLIMU. Our dear Bertha has gone from us, She his faded like dew drops away; The Angels of Death they have called her To the realms of endless day. This lovely bud, so young, so fair, Called hence by early doom, Just came to show how sweet a flower In Paradiso would bloom. There, in the Shepherd's bosom, White as the driven snow. Is the little darling we missed one day From our foud embrace. She was but as a smile, Which glistens in a tear ; Seen but a little while, But, oh I how loved, how dear I We only know that thou hast gono, And that the same return loss tide Which bore thee from us, still glides on, Aud we, who mourn thee, with it glide. A Friend. Use Electric Light Flour, tho best in the world for tbe money. Ask your grocer for it. roy5. List of Patents. I does not refer powiblo iwchnsera to hh List of Patents granted by the U. S. victims, lhe Athlopliorus Co. gladly re Patent Ofiiee, to citizens of Pennsylvania, ' . ua'eTlT from iliitnmitism, neuralgia ror the week ending Thursday, net I BClal.lfa nervous or oick headache, kidney 21st, 1880, reported expressly for toe Eon kt Republican, through tho Patent Law lf,e of o. E. Duffy, 007 7th St. N. W "PP" tne U. S. Patent Oillce, Wash ioKton, I). C. : F. s. Bisst.1It sterrett. grate ; C. R. Roin- boy. Hazbton. Brain elennnr! w. it. r.,,. initios, Pittsburgh, water filter: E. B. Ctttten, Pittsburg, arc lamp; R. Edgar, Espy, tea or coffee pot ; II. A. Oearet, Reading, car door fastener; J. M. Gettel, Lebanon, winch ; F. V. C. Oilgillan. Duke Centre, automatic gas fuel regulator; J. Hemphill, riltsburgh. pipe coupling; I. Lancaster, strain radiator; F. Mankeyj Williamsport, making vcacons (3 patents;) J Ko,,'Hon. Joe, g'l and key ; J. c. ' , ' ,nanulacture of PittsburKh. class slinners: a. wunirf. Brunorsville, conveyer. Excitement In Texas. Great excitement has been caused in tlin vicinity of Pai ls, Tex., bv the remarkable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corlev. who was so helpless he could not turn iii bod, or raise his head ; everybody said he whs dvinir of Consumption. A trial bottle of I)r.Klnir' New 1'ineovery was sent him. Eluding rellB''. he bought a larno bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time ne naa taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of the Discovery. h was well nnt had gained in llosh thirty-six pounds. Trial bottlos of this Great Discovery for uonsumption ireo at u. V, Rovard s. Ladies Wanted. a t ... a iaay agent is wanted in every cuy ana Tillage; also ladies to travel 1 .1! ... and solicit orders for Madame Wood's Corsets and Corded Corset Waists lampico Forms, Hose Supporters Steel Protectors, Ladies' Friend, etc, , ,. n ny nsem" rB maaing irom iwenty to Fifty Dollsr8 a wefk geDj for cfrcu. lars and price-list to B. Wood fU . .. " "- " south Sulioa St., eyracuse, IS. Y. . .. . The Verdict Inaulinous, sold has given relief in every case. o. m,an "f- 8ix bules. and ws cured of I Rheumatism of 10 va' in,Mnr. Abraham Hare, druggist. Bel'.villo. Ohio. amrm8' "Tlie best selling medicine I have SSSSffS jYgSSS nave aauoa tneir testimony, so that the verdict unanimous tbat Electric Bitters do h!?U MJ".1!1,?6?? ..r Klood. Only half a dollar a hattln ut ti W. Bovard's Drug Stole. An Excellent Opportunity. We have arranged with tbe Dub ,18"er8 01 tbe American farmer where by we are ecabled to offer that excel I " . . . ,tnt journal to all new cash subscrib- 9rs 10 tbe Republican, and to all Present subscribers who will pay up a" arrearages and a year in advance, 18 .an auce or only 20 ceuts. lhe Prlce ot tn8 -American farmer is $1.00 P,er vear' and caDDot be bad except through us at a less cost. It is a six- eten page Agricultural Matrazine. pub- '1he'1 bL L- A K' Hackett, at Fort Waye. Indiana, and which is rapidly Inking rank as one of the leading ag- "cultural publications of tbe country. ' ,'vorJ, epeuies oi inausrry connect- e9 Wl111 tllat Ereat portion of the peo P'8 ot the wo,1(). tbe Farmers. They cnnDOt we.H get along without it. It r"" iu" "iu ineir lunma. n vcav-iica mem now io xarm wun protit t0 themselves. It makes the borne nappy, the young folks cheerful, the Srov,'er contented, the downcast hap- neraagogue nonest. MARRIED. McDONALD LUSHEK. At the resi dence of David Clark. Poland, N. Y., uot. 12, 188(5, by (he Rev. M. M. Camp bell, John McDonald and Miss Alice Lusher, both of East Hickory, Pa. WENTWORTII-POTZER.-At tho resl- dence of the bride's parents on October 20. , by Rev. II. F. Feitt, Mr. J. D, Wentworth and Miss Emma Botaer, all or ijonesta township, Forest Co., Pa, '"ONESTA corrected every Tuesday, by reliable dealers. . . . ... iour w barrel choice - - j.nnffiflnn ... " " ' riour sack, - . i,ooi.c5 Corn Meal, 100 rbs - 1.25(41.60 Chop food, pure grain - 1.20 1.25 - 70 Corn, Shelled - Beans "A bushel - - - 1.50(33.00 - 15 - 11 8 - S.fiO 5.50 - W 0 50(75 75 15fil HI 12i(ii5 28 W SOfeOO H 15 7(s8 ($121 1.25 10 - 2,50 - 2.50 - 4050 1.25 - 4(45 - 18 10 15 Ham, sugar cured Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured Shoulders - Whltefish, half-barrels Lake herring half-barrels Sugar ..... Syiip N. O. Molasses new Roast Rio Coffee Rio Coffee, Java Coffee - Tea ..... Butter Rice ..... Eggs, fresh ... Salt best lake ... Lard Iron, common bar Nails, lOd, keg - Potatoes .... Lime bid. Dned Api'lti' elU;ed l,er Dried PeR(,lflS ' r Dried Peaches pared per A ( w2;;i)L3 j V i r:"a vv niupe wno aore Oecn eu.r,'drc V'f sc ': ' 7 Alhlopboros, an.l will furnish names and a.ldrtrats of manv juc t pentonsto those desiring them. Alli" ioihorps is the only remedy for these dis eases that can stand such a test. A,iIj;T!1,.Lmri''' C."bn N- Y-. "nvs: "My ....... . .. - ..v..u.,o, .iu., uccii nuiiermg from iheiiinatism for several months. Athlotdio ros relieved him of the pain, nnd reduced the swelling of the joints, ami the lameness entirely disappeared. 1 have seen those having neuralgia cured by tukingoncdose." A. Rcard, Ml. Kison, N. Y., snyst "I have been troubled for some time with sciatica nnd rheumatism, brought on In working iu a damp place. I could find ih remedy in medicine I was using, until I tried a bottle of Athlophoros, which gave me immediate relief." Mrs. Alfred Thurston, 42 North Main Street, VYilkcsbarre, l'n., says: "I nm not troubled with rheumatism now, since using Athlophoros. I believe, should it in any case fail to relieve nnd permanently cure, the cause would be that the directions were not faithfully followed." , J. J. Savitz, Nazareth, Pa., says: "I gavo two bottles of Athlophoros to my sister, nnd the has entirely recovered. She wasafflicted with inflammatory rheumatism and St. Vitus' dance, and although we had two of the best doctors, she gradually grew worse. She would scream from pain night and day. I heartily recommend it. Every druggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pills, but where they can- not be bought of the druggist tho Athlo phoros Co., 112 'Wall St., New York,Till send either (carriage paid) on receipt of -regular price, which is ll.CO per bottle lur Athlophoros nnd 60c. for Pills. - .-. ' V i': liver and kidney disease!!, dyspepsia, In- ' fllonlon, wcuknew, nervous debility, diM-ijjes .. pi women, eonntlpnUnn, headache, lm Lure '' plood, i:c., A thlojihuros fUls are uneiualed. $ TIME TABLE IN EFFECT Dec. 27, 1885. Westward Pittsburgh Division Eastward A.M.ip. M. 7 40j 8 25 4 12 5 14 A.M. I P.M. 9 001 8 45 12101 12 14 12 48:12 22 ar Pittsburgh lv farker... Foxbnrg... Franklin.. 4 0:1 ,ri(Ki 3 50 3 20 PM. P.M. 2 4i 2 15 A.M. 2 02 2 30 p,M 1 30 2 05 A.M. W...OU City...ar P. M. 0i) P.M. P.M 3 0; A.M. 650 7 10 2 05 12 25 1145 11 32 ar...Oil City....lv t8 44:tl 45 f8 35tl37 uieopohs ...Eagle Rock.., ..... President...., Tionesta , Hickory , .. Trunkeyville. Tidioute ...Thompson a.., IrvinetoD Warren t3 2fl t3 83;t7 17 t8 32 fl 34 11 27 10 55 10 20 t3 30 f7 20 8 J(i 8 01 f7 63 1 18 1 03 8 52 7 37 4 051 7 60 12 5(i 10 12 f4 13 7 68 7 40112 43 9 50 4 Zf,l 8 10 t7 23 12 25 017 f4 45 t8 20 8 45 9 05 9 35 A. M. A. M. 11 25 7 05 12 0; 8 45 5 15 5 K0 612 6 49; 11 50 0 12 11 15 lv...Kinzua....ar P.M. A.M. P. M, P.M. A.M. P. M. 4 20 15 lv...Bradford..arl 8 0U i. n. a. m A.M P.M A. M. 9 40 9 45 10 03 1011 10 18 10 24 10 39 10 65 6 12 11 05 5 50 11 00 530 10 43 11 05 10 35 ar...Kinzna....lv 6 12 Sugar Run ... ... Corydon 0 17 9 55 9 34 9 15 6 33 6 40 5 31 10 30 5 24 10 2H Onoville .Wo'.f Run.... 6 47 5 18; 10 24 6 04 10 08 9 00 Quaker Bridge. 6 63 8 32 7 50 7 20 55 0 28 6 15 ...uou House.... ... Salamanca..,. ..So. Carrollton.. ...So Vandalia... Allegany lv Olean ... .ar 7 07 7 23 4 4!) 0 53 9 30 9 28 9 12 9 05 A.M.I 4 34 4 24 4 07 4 00 7 37 11 00 7 47 H 21 8 03111 37 8 10' 11 45 P. M. A.M. P. M.'A.M. Additional Train Leavos Kinaua 1:05am. Warren 12:50nm. Irvineton 1:45 pm, Tidioute 3:15nm. Tionesta fi:05Dm. ar. rives Oil City :4;"pm. Additional Train T.prvps Oil rtitv 6:00 am, Oleopolis 6:40 am, Eagle Rock 0:55am, President 7:02am, Tionesta 7:52am uicKory B:uam, Trunkeyville :O0am,Tld. ou a U:50am. Thomnson 11:00. arrives Irvineton 11:30am. Warren 12:50nm. Kin- zua 2:05pm, Sugar Run 2:20, Corydon 3:00, Onoville 3:15, Wolf Run 3:30, Quaker Bridge 3:40. Red House .4:10. Salamanca, 5:02, South Carrollton 5:30, South Vanda lia 6:48. Allegheny G:18. arrives Oleaw 6:30pm. '1 rains run on Eastern Time. Trains leaving; Pitteburirh 9:00am. ar riving Pittsburgh 8:25pm, are Solid Train between Buffalo and Pittsburgh. Trains leaving Pittsbureh 8:4.rnm. ar riving Pittsburgh 7:40am, are Solid Trains with Pullman's Sleeninir Cars hetwenn Buffalo and Pittsburgh. jr-fr-Tickets sold and biure-aire checked to all principal points. Get time tables giving full informasic from Company's Agents. i.l-.u. M. u ATCHELL-, Uen'l Supt, J. A. FELLOWS, Oon l I'uss'r and Ticket Agenr. No. 41 Exchaniro St.. Hnffulo. N. V. J. L. CRAIG, Agent, Tionosta, Pa. "CANDEE" Subber with DOUBLE THICK BALL. Ordinnry Ruliber Eoot3 nhvuya yi,r out flint oil thubull. TlioCA.Dt:a HiMit ara tltiubie thick ou tho Umll, aud jnu D0UDLE WEAR. Mott sconotniral Ituhbcr llout iu tho imuktft. Lau losi'u thun at oilier bool uud Iho ruii v so intuitu. (ul! and ex. Amino U10 11110 luo jr.' JA., .rl'-f" W! SI: FOR SALE BY O. W. ROBINSON, TIONESTA, PA. AfTlTT elu' 10 cents postage, and vJll X wo will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box ot goods that will put. you in the way of making more money at once, than anything else in America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital not required. We will start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at ouce. Stinsox & Co., Portland, Maine. BOOTS mm 11 v.vn'.Tfwv.'..., j 1