WEDNESDAY IfiOaXIXG, OCT. b, 18S6. HOROUGIl OFFICERS. Ifitrgens. .Ton Kmc. t'oHn.-itfwn North ward, Ti. .T. TTop Mns. J. E. Clink, W. L. Klinestivcr. Hoiuli ward, .1. If. Folic, l A. Randall, Clias. ilonner. Justice. of the Peace J. T. Bronnnn, D. S. Knot. Constable S. S. Can field. IS't'hool Directors U, W. Robinson, A. 11. Kollv, C. M. Shawkey, I). H. Knox, i. W. Clark, 12. L. Davis. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress Alkxanulii C. Whitk. Member of Remit? X . O. llA.Lt.. Assembly Pktkk Usury. President JtigeV. 1). Brown. Associate Judges Lewis Aiiner. Jno. A. Pnoi'KR Treasurer Wh. SMUAnnArorr. Prothonotnry, Register A Recorder, Ac CiraTM M. Sra.wk.kt, .Sheriff-. Lkonasd Ahnkt?. Commissioner Oliver HrKRLY, Wm. S.fiEj.ns, J. K. Chadwick. County Superintendent J. E. IIill- AM. JHstriet Attorney Y. M. Cl.AnK. jury Commtsiotirs1l. O. Davis, Da tun Walters. fount) XttrvcyorW. C. Witittkkin. I'orone.r Dr. J. W. Moiinow. County Auditors J. A. Roott, Tuoh. CHAH,'Or.O, ZlIKNDHL. i NESS DIRECTORY." 4Stf2i TIONESTA LODGE PCk Xo'3ao O.ofO. T?. MEETS every Tuesday evening, nt 7 o'clock, In' the Lodge Room in Par tridge's Hall. C. M.SHAWKEY, N. O. (I. W. SAWYER, Sec' y. 27-tf. 1 7HIKEST LODGE. No. 1S4, A. O. U. W.. Meets everv 1' ridav Evening in Odd VoLows' Hall, Tionesta. . 11. C. WlllTTEKIN, M. W. J. V. WENK, Recorder. 7TPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274, O. A. R. Meets i tho first Wednesday in each luo ilh, In Odd Felkvwa Hall, Tionostn. Pa. J. W. MOHKOW, Commander. , I . AtCINKW. I. M. CLARK, District Attorney. agiv 1: w jtc crvttii., ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW, Ofllue In Court House. Elm St. Tionesta, Ponna. ff J. VAN GIESEN, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR AT LAW, Edenburg, (Knox P. O.,) Clarion Coun ty, ftt. 1, U DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collections made in this nnd adjoining counting. MTlksv. TATE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Elm Street, Tlonotft. Pa. 'J F. RITCHKY. I . ATTORNEY-AT-LaW, Tiones'a, Forest County Pa. 1 A WHENCE HOUSE. Tioncstu, Pa., t II. K. BrneUwirr, Proprietor. This Uho Is centrally located. Everything ner ami well furnished. Supeiior Ac commodations nnd strict attention given n t-ne.-cts. Vegetable and Fruits of all tiind served in Htclr Reason. Sample tooiii fur Commercial Agents. CENTRAL HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., O. O. Urowno'.l. Pronrictor. This ift a new Iioiiho, and has just been fitted up for tins iieconnnodation of th public A por tion of the jyntronugo of tho public is solic ited. 4ii-ly. rfSNTUAL HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. J W. 11. UOTII. Proprietor. The largest, Best Located and Eurnishod IUxih in the City. TJenr Union Depot. MORROW, T. D., ' .1 . PHYSICIAN V SURGEON, Late i. Arjnatronjr cwuity, having located in Thr-osta in prepared to attend all pro tisKsitinal ells promptly nnd at all hours, oitiee aid renideneo two doors north of Iawrence Honse. Oflire hours 7 to H A. vi., mid 11 10 Vi m. ; a to 3 and til to 71 r. tj. Hundays, 9 to 10 A. M. ; 2 to 3 and 01 to 7i r. m. may-lS Sl. WC. COnURN, M. ., . PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Has hs'J ovor lifteon years experience in Ihe pi-aotlee of his profession, having prnd tintiMl ( taatlii and honorably May 10, IKfiS. Clue's and Residence in J ml no Rock's iiouso. opposite tho M. E. Church, Tionew trt, Vsi Aupr. 2.5-1880 DEl.TISTRY. DR. J.W.MORROW. llavlnj? purchased the materials fce., of Dr. iteaiiman, wouia respecuuiiy an liiiureo that he will carry on the Dental 'insiiioHS in Tionesta. and having had over ix ' ears successful experience, considers 1 liuhcll fully competent to lve entire sat isl tion. I shall always give my medi- o 1 practice tho prolorece. mar-Z-nj. H .11. MIT. A. 1. KEIXT MA 1', PARK R CO., Comer of Elm A WalnutSts. Tionesta. Bank oi Discount and Deposit. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. CoUeotiona made on all the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. 18-ly. J" ORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. may 61 TONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Solar or Triangulation Survey ing. Det of Instrument! fttul work. 'i'iius ou apphi atiun. JAS. T. BltENKAN, REAL ESTATE AGENT, TIOHESTA, PA. LANUS liOliCHT AND SOLI) ON COMMISSION. If you wish to buy or sell Real Estate it will pay you to correspond with me. C:ndncd Time Tnblo Tlonmta Hlattnn. NOnTH. I SOUTH. Train 1!8 7:7 amTrainC1 10:55 am Train 62 7:!2 am Train 2!) 1:18 pin Train 30 3:52 pmlTrain 31... 8:10 pm Train 23 North, and Train 2(1 South car ry the mail. t'lmrrli and Snbbatb Srliool. rrosbyterian Sabbath School nt 9:45 a. in. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 n. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. Small. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market closed yesteiday G3. Opening this moruing at G3Jc. This is the season of the 3 ear that the poets sing About, "when the frost is 00 the pumpkiu and the corn is in the shock." The recent frosts have bud the c fleet to open up tho chestnut burs, aud doubtltss for the next two weeks there will be do scarcity of items from that source. Mr. G. W. Ilobioson left Monday for Gettysburg, fa., where he expects to attend the reunion of his old regi ment, which took a hand in that mem orable battle. Mies Maud Davis is home again from her successful season as accom panist at Chautauqua. Sho has been visiting friends at Warren since the Assembly closed. Mr. A. Greaves aud family, of Warren, were the guests of Hon. E. L. Davis' family ovor last Sabbath. Artist Greaves took in the hunt last Saturday and bagged a nice lot of game. Buckwhtat harvesting and thresh ing is just now occupying the atten tion of farmers in this section, where the crop is only average. Soon the will again foruish the main staple at the average breakfast table. Mr. David Ball of East Hickory, who 1ied recently, was a member of the Equitable Aid Union, and we learn llnni the society that he was initialed Feb. 20, 1884, died Aug. 24, 1886, paid to the society $70.00 and his family will receive $2100. This was a wist investment. Mrs. 11. A. Adams of Marion, O , stopped wilb frieud.4 in town over Monday night, being on her way home from Bradford, where she hud been attending a pleasaut reunion of the Stewart family, at the home of Mr Geo. S. Stewart. She met quite a number of old friends here during Ler short 6'ey, who seemed pleased to see her. De Voe maps cut the weather for the balance of the week in this section as follows: Wednesday, clear aud pleasant; Thursday, clear and warm; Friday, foggy, very warm ; Saturday, very warm, heavy thunder showers. But Mr. De Voe isn't the most relia ble guesser on the sod, and it may freeze like everything before the week's out. -The new Presbyterian Church at Tylersburg will be dedicated ou Sun day, Oct. 17, by Rev. W. F. Wood of South Oil City. The dedicatory ser vices will be held at 11 o'clock a. m.; also preaching at 3:00 and 7:00 o'clock p. m. Hev. Wood will also deliver a temperauce lecture on tho Saturday eveuing previous. Everybody cor dially invited. Ernest Sibble, who has been keep ing bachelor's hall on his farm on Dutch Hill while cleuring up, is mi nus a good coffee pot, several cookings of coffee, five pounds of moat, a lot of bread, and several other articles since Sunday eveuing last, when Ernest was temporarily absent. Somebody roust bavo on hand a scheme to color up some naturalization papers. Messrs. Pangborn & Allshouse fiuiehed their third well on warrant 2824, Hemlock creek, Tionesta town ship, last week. These are the wells from which the Tionesta Gas Co. gets its supply, and Mr. Pangborn informs us thai tbey got a much better show of oil at the last well than at either of the others, and more gas than at both. He says the gas company need not run out of gas for forty years if they take care of what they have, wbitb of cuurso tbey will look out for, A. W. Corbett Esq., Republican candidate for the legislature in Clarion couuty died suddenly of heart disease on Tuesday morning of last week. Mr. Corbett's chances for election in that Democratic stronghold were con sidered very good. What next ? The Franklin News is responsible for this : A remarkable vein of water has been struck In a well that was drilled for gas by the Kimberly rolling mill, at Sharon. The well was fiuished souio time ago. Since then the people in the vicinity have been using the icy cold water that bubbles up from the boring. The water is said to have wonderful medi cinal properties, and all the people using it are getting fat. It is highly charged with magnetism. A knife dipped in it will pick up bits of iron, nails, &c. Knives and forks washed in it stick together. The water is said to have a strengthening and in vigorating effect on the system. The Derrick has this scrap of news concerning oil developments in the eastern portion of Forest and that portion of Elk county lying just over the line: "Mike Feely's No. 2 well on warrant 3G71 in Forest county, is at the top of the sand and probably has eutered the rock by this time. It is located north of his three barrel pro ducer. The drillers in the big woods are safe from surprise, the distance from railroads is great and it is gen erally speffking a hard road to travel. There are six wells drilling in the near vicinity of Hunter run. Sill & O'Dell are drilling on 3779, 1,100 feet east of the southwest corner of the warrant. Barnsdall, Clark & Foster are drilling in the southwest corner of warraDt 2033. S. B. Hughes' wells are located as follows, to wit: a half mile west of No. 1, on 36G3, and iu the southest corner of 3G64. John Markham & Co. have started a well on the southeast corner of 3671 just to keep Mike Feely company, as it were. Wm. Roth and John Comwell are nearing the sand on warrant 5134. The big woods is full of lease hunters. Ed. Henderson has bagged 1,000 acres on warrant 3G40." Mr. John Griggs a former citizen of this county, but now of Los An geles, California, sends us a few lines concerning thnt clime: Our city has gained 12000 in population in the last year, and I think in five years more it will number 100,000 souls. Southern California is said to bear some resem blance to Palestine in many respects, particularly in its scenery. It is cer tainly quite unlike the Eastern States iu almost everything that can be men tioned ; there is a strange mingling of mountaius and plain, hills and val leys, gardens and deserts, the effects of which striko the stranger as being very queer. No other part of the country has a greater variety of soil, and the products raised here require epecial modes of treatment. The sys tems of irrigation, with the peculiari ties of the wet and dry seasons greatly complicate matters as relating to agri cultural and horticultural pursuits; in fact farmiDg roust be re-learned, as it were, in this section. People who come here with fixed habits of indus try and economy, who are willing to make some sacrifices at first, perhaps undergo some hardship!, may be rea sonably certain of future prosperity, and that in their own day; not de ferred for the enjoyment of coming generations. Kind regards to all in quiring friends. Another Boiler Explosion. Yesterday forenoon about 10 o'clock the boiler in the stave mill of John Gerard, ou Stewarts Run, about four miles from Tionesta, exploded. The fireman Mr. Samuel Dyess aud a seven-year-old son of Mr. Gerard were sitting near the boiler when the ex plosion occurred. The force of the explosion seemed to be downward, through the fire-box, and sent the hot ashes, coals and water out at a fearful rate. The little boy was 80 badly burned and scalded that Dr. Morrow, who was called, thiuks it doubtful as to his recovery ; while Dyess is very severely scalded about the neck, face and right side, but will likely recover. There was uo damage done 10 the mill or machinery, other than the blowing of a hole through the bottom of the boiler sufficient to send out the water and steam, which, with the hot coals and ashes iu the fire box did the mis chief. The cause is as yet unknown. Later The little boy died last night. Use Electric Light Flour, the beet in the world for the money. Ask yuur grower for it. roy5. Conclusive Facts. If you strike at a mosquito you are almost sure to bit the place where he was, and this reminds us of our friend the eneny, Mr. Kepler. We substan tiated our assertions so conclusively last week that we looked for him in bis next issue to make a proper ac knowledgement and gracefully retire ; indeed we asked him some questions but his answers are so ambiguous that he reminds us of the Irishman, who, being asked if bo could speak French, answered, "No, but that his broth er could play 011 the German flute." Mr. Kepler is as hard to confine in space as ihe mosquito, and answers our questions as nearly to the point as the Irishman referred to. Of course our readers have noticed how he a voids answering questions pertaining to the specific assertions made by us iu "A Plain Statement of Facts," nnd indeed we are not sure that we are doing the proper thing in continuing this discus sion, as we are simply giviog this man notoriety and keeping him before tho public. Any ono understanding county bus iness is aware that couuty printing consists of publishing tho Auditors' Report, Trial List, Court Proclama tion, and Election Proclamation. This is the bulk of County printing. In tome counties there are bridge lettings to advertise, aud some other minor matters, consequently it was right for us to make comparisons of whole amount paid several counties. Aud we still assert that County printing does not cost as much in Forest county as in other counties, and we have giv en proof to convince the most obtuse mind. And now to show that Mr. Kepler has do regard for fair ploy, he takes amount paid County Commissioners in 1882 and compares with that of 1885. It happens that amount paid in 1882 was less by odds than amount paid for any year for past ten years. Mr. Kepler looks this up and then claims he has made a point. Why not compare with that of year 1884, when amount paid Commissioners was $670.40, or ten years back, in 1875, wbeu $1018.92 was paid Commission; ers; or in 1877, when $802.40 was paid. But the same old principle of Bueakiug deceit predominates without any rogard for truth or equity. 1882 was a year when special meetings were not necessary, and the Commis sioners lived on an average of seven miles from the Court House. But the business of Forest County has en larged from year to year on account of oil developments, and sub dividing of the large unseated tracts of land, and in many other respects. Still the Commissioners, as the people general ly know, try to put in as little time as possible and have succeeded in keep ing the amount paid as low as the av erage year for tho past ten years; and we invito any taxpayer to examine our books and see for themselves. Mr. Chadwick traveled 157 miles for Forest county in 1885, on important business, and if you, Mr. Kepler, waut to know the points traveled to and the reasons why such trips were made, please call at our office and we will give you the desired information, so that you may be able to do the nice thing iu your next paper by apologiz ing and pleading consummate ignor ance of the facts. And when spoken to about the way in which you bave prevaricated in this matter please do not saddle off any of your lies or mis representations on your "Reporter" for certainly that young roan cannot stand up much longer under the load that has been put upon him as "MY REPORTER!" Come over and see us it is only a step and we will let you examine the books and will also give you any information we possess Now, Sir, we are done with you. We have given the citizens of Forest County the facts. We know that we are the servants of the people and have used our best endeavors to run the county judiciously and wisely, and we havo the assurance from hosts of taxpayers that our efforts are not in vain. Wo shall not try any longer to convince you, for the old adage is . as true today as it -ever was: "Convince a fool against bra will," Ac. Many of our best people bave ad vised us not to notice you, for the rea son that you are not worth noticing, and a!so from the fact that since you came to this county you have been the author of nearly all the strife and contention that has existed in our midst; and whenever tlime and filth lias bueu disturbing the quietness of our little town, it has been easy to trace it to it to its source. In future you can continue to pub lish your mendacious, defamatory em anations, but they will be unheeded and unanswered by us. J. R. Chadwick, O. Byerly, W. D. HniELra, Co. Commissioners. Another Match Hunt. About the liveliest and most inter esting hunt our Bporta have indulged in for several years came off accord ing to program last Saturday. Sides were chosen by C. M. Shawkey and Wm. Smenrbaugh, and this fact alone, meant something ; that is, every ga loot must get up and dust himself or there'd be trouble when the war was over. As the score shows there was no lagging on the part of any hunter, as the striugs brought in were all good considering the fact that red squirrels, which counted five ou the previous hunt, counted only two ou Saturday, so that it didn't pay to fool much time away on that kind of game. It was "nip and tuck" between the sides, and no definite conclusion could be arrived at until the last man's pile had been counted. One gratifying feature was the fact that every man chosen buoted, leaving the sides perfectly paired. Another particularly consoling feat ure was that many of the hunters ate their first free supper for many years, of whom we were one. The Lawrence House was headquarters, and we ven ture the assertion that landlord Brock way didn't make a fortune on the ex cellent supper he set up. Naturally enough the defeated Bide wants re venge, while the victorious ones are willing, and Bay they can do it again." It is likely this slight differ ence of opinion will end in another battle, which, dear knows, will bo a bloody one. THE SCORE. W. Smcarbaugh.. 213IC. M. Shawkey.. 88 Jake Siskins 130 Dr. Sieging.....'... 191 (!eo. Woant 102 Goo. Chadman... 170 J G.Carson 164 H. C. Whittokin 122 J. E. Wenk 213 Goo. Holomau... 78 Jim Walters 04 Chas. Thomson.. IK) Q. Jamiesou 15S R. J. Huddleson 78 Sam. Q. Clark... 44 J. H. Fonos 54 Goo. Walters 4 Frank Thomson. 100 Gib. Thomson 178 Joe Landers 112 Mack Agiiew 74 A. M. Doutt 40 Billy Hunter 50 Chan. Davis 20 Jim Landers irj 1582 Gates Huff 08 Wm. Blum 14 W. A. Greaves... 02 1315 Resolution of Respect. At a epecial meeting of the Board of School Directors, Jenks township, held at Marionville, Monday, Sept. 27, 188G, the following resolution was offered and read by the President, nd passed unanimously by the Board, In the affirmative. Also the Secretary was directed to furnish a copy to each of the county papers for publication : Jiesolved, That in the death of Walter Uyrom, the board of fechool Directors has lost a valued and useful member, and the Township and County one of its most intelligent and energetic citizens. He was a friend of education, and all that concerned the best interests of the public schools, and the good of the township. That while we bow with reverence before tho Decree of Divine Provi dence, yet we mourn his loss, and offerhis family our sincere condolence. Jameh A. Scott, Secretary. Attention Comrades. Capt. Geo. Stow Post, No. 274, G. A. R., Dept. Peon'a, will be inspected by Assistant Inspector W. F. House, of Post No. 429, on Wednesday eve ning, Oct. 6, 1886. Comrodes will take notice, and appear in full uni form as near as they can. It is ear nestly hoped that all Comrades, and all those wishing to be reinstated, will be present. J. W. Morrow, Commander. S. D. Irwin, Adjt. Ladies Wanted. A lady agent is wanted in every city and village; also ladies to travel and Bolicit orders for Madame Wood's Corsets and Corded Corset Waists, Tampico Forms, Hose Supporters, Steel Protectors, Ladies' Friend, etc. Agents are making from Twenty to Fifty Dollars a week. Seud for circu lars and price-list to B. Wood, 64 South Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y. Good Farm for Sale. Geo. Weant of Tionesta twp., offers his farm for sale. It is located on the main road leading to Tylersburg, four miles from Tionesta borough. Con tains 57 acres, with 12 acres cleared and under cultivation ; haa a splendid new frame barn, with new and haud some school house within 80 rods of the place. A nice lot of piue timber, sufficient for all building purposes ou the place. Will be sold on easy terms. For particulars inquire at this office. MARRIED. STEWART HUNTER. In Salamanca, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1S88. by Rev. R. II. Col by, C. J. Stewart cf Sheakleyville, Mer cer Co., and Miss Vcma Hunter, of Tionesta. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour barrel choice - - 4.00(3,0.60 Flour V sack, - - I.OOl.CS Corn Meal, 100 lbs - - -1.2501.50 Chop feed, puro grain - - 1.20(31.25 Corn, Shelled - - - - - 70 Beans bushel - 1.50Q3.0O Ham, sugar cured 15 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - 11 Shoulders ..... g Whitens!), half-barrels - - - 8.50 Lake herring half-barrels - - 5.ff Sugar - fllfd) IF Syrup ...... 50575 N. O. Molasses now ... 75 Roast Rio CofToo - - - 15fl Rio Coffee, ... - 121 Java Coffee .... 28"0 Tea ...... 200O Butter fn) 15 Rico 78 Eggs, fresh ... - 121 Salt best lake .... 1.25 Lard ...... 1ft Iron, common bar - . - -2.50 Nails, lOd, $ keg - - .' - 2.50 Potatoes - - 405O Lime bM. - - - -s. 1.25 Dried Applos sliced per ft ' 45 Drlod Beef - . , - . ' - 18 Drlod Peaches per ft - ; 10 Dried reaches pared per , '. - ... 15 Notice to Creditors. Forest County, ss. ' Commonwealth of ronn'a. . C. W. Hawks vs. E. V. Sikes. Whereas, in pursuance of an Act of the' General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, an attachment hath been , granted by the subscriber, ono of the Jus- ' tices of the Peace in and for tho said county of Forost, against a oortain E. V.. Sikes, of tho Township of Howo, in tbe county aforesaid, whereon certain goods and chattels and effects of said E. V. Hikes have been attached, and are now in tho custody of Thos. II. Corah and Walter Cooper, of said Township. This is thore--tore to givo notico to tho creditors of tho said E. V. Sikes to appear at noon on tho Oth dav or October, lS8rt, at tho house of Thos. ll. Corah, Innkeeper, of the Town shin aforesaid, and there to discover nnd mako proof of their demands, agreeably to directions of said Act. WM. RICHARDS, J. P., L. s.: Balltown, Sept. 22, 128(1. Administrator's Notico. ESTATE OF DANIEL HUDDLESON,. deceased, late of Tionesta Township, For est County, Pennsylvania. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to' make immediate payment, and liav- i ing legal claims against the same, will present them without delay in proper' order for snttlement to WM. R. HUDDLESON, Adni'r. Tionesta, Pa., or An new A Claiik, Attv's. Tionesta, Pa., July 30, fSSS. WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRT REPAIRING. THE UNDERSIGNED would respect fully announce to the citizens of Tio nesta and vicinity, that he has removoil' his watchmaking establishment from Ty lersburg to Tionesta, in tho room over' Wm. Smeai'baui;h & Co.'s store, formerly occupiod by Dr. Morrow as an oflice,. where ho is prepared to repair watches, clocks and Jewelry. 37 years experience will enablu him to give satisfaction. Give' him a trial. R. RALLE. ONE MONTH FOR ONE CENT. Buy a postal card and send for free sam ple copies of tho WEEKLY CHRONICLE' TELEGRAPH, to bo sent you for ono month freo of charge, to enable you to' judgo of its merits. AGENTS WANTED. Send for circular giving amount of cash commissions to agents. Liberal induce ments offered. A good chanco to make' money without interfering with other work. The Weekly Chronicle Telegraph is an eight-page, fifty-six column news paper, devoted to curront news of the' week, original copyrighted stories by tho best authors, and a varied assortment of interesting mattor for tho Farnior, Mer chant, Mechanic and the Family Circle. BY MAIL, POSTAGE PAID, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, Address all communications, Wekkly Chronicle Tklkoiiapii. Pittsburgh, Pa.- FOBSALE I Ono of tho most desirable Tracts of Land' for a Colony to be found. Consisting of about 12,000 acres of rich Farming Land, of which considerable is cleared, and tho balance in tine tinitxir, for staves, saw mill lumber, Ac, with' good markets. There is on the land a charcoal Iron Furnace, with No. 1 ma--chinery t a Grist Mill, Saw Mill and Tan nery, run by Hteam, and about thirty dwellings and other buildings j situate in Trigg county, Kentucky, having two miles of river front on the 'IVmnesseo river, unci tho whole is ottered at the low prieo of Five Dollars per ucre, with perfect title, or will well a portion to suit buyers. All I ask is to go and see the property, as no such bargain can be found elsewhere. For fuller information, call or address,. C. BERING ER, 100 Fou-jth Avenue,. Pittsburgh, .Pu. oct(5-lm. PATENTS, Caveats, Re-isxue and Trade-Mark ssecur--ed, and all other patents causes iu tho pat en t Oltice and before tho Courts promptly and carefully attendud to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of in vention, I made careful examination, unit advise as to patentability Free of charge. Fees Moderate, aud I make No Charge ' linlesx pat 11 1 is secured. Iuloruiutiou,, ad vice and special references st-ut on ap plication. J. It. LITTK1.L, Washing!, II. C. Near C. S. Patent OI1W-.