The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 11, 1886, Image 3

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Jlttrne. Jolt Rk(!,
tSitr-ii.en North ward, T.. J. Tlop-
km, J. It. Clam, w. L. Klincsliver.
Houth ward, J. U. Foncs, C. A. Randall,
1'baa. Bonner.
Justices of the rcaee3, T. Urennan,
u. s. Knox.
Constable 8. 8. Canfleld.
School Dlrcvtorxii, W. Robirkson, A.
B. Kelly, C. M. Khawkey, I). S. Knox,
I). YV. Clark, i.. Jj. i)avis.
Afum&er of Congress Alexander c.
Member of Striate..!. O. Hall
Assembly Pktei Hurry.
'resident Judge Yf. I). HROffn.
Associate Judges Lewis Arnek. Jno.
Treasurer Te, Smearhauok.
Prothonotary, Register & Recorder, etc.
Crims M. SnvfKHT,
XhcrilT. LnowAsn Aiwuw.
0?mmt.ii(nrr Oliver Bterly, Wm.
County Superintendent J. K. Hill
Am. JHstriet- Attorney P. M. Clark.
Jwt.i Commissioners II. O. l'JAVls,
Da rid Walters.
County Surveyor H. C. WlIITTEKIN.
Coroner Dr. J. V. Morrow.
County A ulitor3. A. Soott, Tiios.
Corah, Oko. Kuhkhkl.
i;J j o. of O. IT'.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 7
o'clock, in the Lodgo Room in Far
trldgo'allall. C. M. NHAWKEY, N. O.
VI. . .
V. SAWYER. Soe'y. 27-tf.
1 TO REST LODGE, No. 1S4. A. O. U.
JL Meets every Friday Kveuing i".
1'VKowa' Hall. Tlcnest j.
J. V. W EN K, Recorder.
No. 274, i. A, R.
Moots on the first Wednesday iu cadi
mo till, In Odd Follows Hall, Tionesta, Pa.
J. W. MOKKOW, Commander.
J, I . AtiNKW. P. M. t'LAKK,
District Attorney.
A.OINiaW .Sc JJL,AlSli.,
Office In Court House.
lClniSt. Tionesta, Ponna.
Kdeuburg, (Knox P. O.,) Clarion Coun
ty. Pa.
Tiotiesttt, Pa.
Collections wide In this nud adjoining
nTfi.Es w.rATi
r.lw Street,
Tionesta, Ta.
'! . F, K1TCMFV,
Tiouea'a, Forpst Couuty Pn.
i.J II. 1H. I!rorkwiiy, Pmprlotor. Thin
lituse N contrally linmli'd. l'.vt'ryth'mir
new and well Iui mImIhmI. Siiuiior Ao
coinmodationH mid Mtrlct attciition fcivn
to irHe.Htd.. Vjri-tidls and Fruits of all
Hindu served in their W'iimhi, Samplo
Ioo.h for Couimeri'iiil Atrout(.
O. V.. II
(A Li HOUSE, TionoMta, Pa.,
Jlrownell. ProiiriPtor. This Is a
now hniiHO. and has lnt I icon litted up tor
tha accommodation of tho pulitii'. A Kr
tlon of tho patronao of thtt pililiu is hoIIc
lied. -Ui-ly.
W. 11. RoTlI, Proprietor.
The largest, ISoxt Loealnd and Furnished
IIourj hi the City. Near Union Depot.
Iitfl o. Artnktroii!; county, having located
in Tlii'iesta is prepared to attend all pro
fessional chills promptly and at nil hours.
Ollioo a.ld residence two doors north of
Tawwro House. Ollico hours 7 to H a.
M., and 11 to 12 k.; 2 to a and (!) to 71 r.
M. Sundays, a to 10 a. m. ; 2 to 3 and (II
to 7) T. Mi may-18-81.
C. CODURN, M. o.,
Ha had over fifteen years exporienco in
r'' tho practice of hi profession, havinupmd-
uatcjl '. 'galtg and honorably May 10, lx(Vi.
! .- " Oltlco and Kesid-enco In Juilice Reck'a
j houo. opposiita the M. E. Chun-li, Tionos-
I U, Vix Auk. 2.r,-l!s0
u dr. j. w. morrow.
i , Having purchtiscd the materials Av, of
Dr. iSteiidinan, would rewpectlull v im-
, liounco that he will carry on the Dental
business iu Tionesta. and having had fiver
aix J ears snecessful cxporience, considers
1 iinhpli fully competont to plve entire tint
Isl'a tioti. 1 shall Hlways give my tnedi practice tho preference. mar22-2.
H ,U. UAT.
a. I. Ki:ixr
MA l'f rAJIK C CO.,
B -A. IfT.'K B S !
Comer of Elm A WiilnutSta.Tionesta.
Bunk of Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowod on Tlmo Deposits.
CaltocUons made on all ttie Priueipal poliila
of the U.S.
Collections solicited. 18-Iy.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
may! 81 TONESTA. PA.
Civil Engineer and Surveyor.
Iind aud Railway Surveying a Specialty,
Magnetic, So!ar or Ti'ian?ulation Survey
ing. Best of Instrumeuts aod work.
Tti iys ou application.
I liavo now for Hale 7!) Acres ol War
rant fl'J7, Kinsley twp.; VM Acres of
518(1, and 130 Acres of A214, in samo town
ship. 1000 acres, Warrant 2S;!rt, Tionesta
twp.j 1-13 acres known as "Eillcy Farm,"
AlloKhcny Township, Vcnaii;o Co.; 70
acres near Enterprise, Warren Co. Also
vacant lots In Tionestn Boro, and one
small farm in Tionestn Township. Also
1000 acres, Warrant 2HS0, Howe twp.
('nilcsscd Time Table TlonrMa Mat tan.
Train 2K 7:37 amTrain 01 10:.rr, nm
Train Ii2 7:.r)2 am Train 2! 1:18 pm
Train 30 3:02 pmiTrain 31... 8:10 pm
Train 28 North, and Train 21) South car
ry tho mail.
t'kiirrti nnd Sulibmli School.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. : M. 10. Sublmth Scliool at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab
bath eveuing by Rev. Small.
James Kelly returned yesterdny
from liia visit to (lie seashore.
FraDk Iteck of Marienvillc, took
in the town Monday and Tuesday.
Mies Maud VauGiesen of Eden
burg, and the Misses Shoup of Pitts
burgh, are visiting at Mrs. S. C. .Sloan'?.
Mrs. G. W. Sawyer returned
from her extended visit with relatives
in Boston, Mass., on Wednesday last.
Mrs. II. II. May returned Mon
day from a pleasant visit with her
daughter, Mrs. II. S. Bates, at Titus
ville. Mr. Samuel Bonuer, wife nnd two
children, of St. Louis, are visiting the
families of G. W. Robinson nad Chas.
Mrs. J. N. Tietswoith and daugh
ter, Mrs. W. C. Mervin, of Dallas,
McKean county, were visiting friends
here during tho past weok.
All intending to take in the ex
cursion to Niagara should bo on hand
promptly at G;00 o'clock to-morrow
morning. Quite a uuuibcr are talk
ing of going from this sectiou.
Mr. David F. Robinson, of Water
Cure, Beaver county, I'd., paid his
br ihcr here a visit last week. His
many old friends were pleased to meet
him and learn of his continued pros
perity. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hall cf
Steubenville, O., aro paying a visit to
tho family of their son in-law, Dr. J.
B. Siggiti8. Mr. Homer Hill of Pitts
burgh, their son, is also a guest of the
The Free Methodist camp-meeting
commences here next Wednesday.
Preparations for a large meeting and
an interesting time are being made,
and undoubtedly the meeting will be
a complete success.
Rev. Hickling will preach at
Suramerville, Jefferson county, next
Sabbath, according to appointment by
Presbytery, and there will, in conse
quence be no preaching in the Presby
terian church here next Sabbath.
Clarion county holds its fair on
Sept. 2, 29, CO, and Oct. 1. The pre
mium list is issued, and is a very neat
production from the Republican oflleo.
Joseph II. Patrick, Secretary, will fur
nish the list to any who may apply.
The Clarion Democrat of last
week copies an item from us of the
week previous and credits it to the
Forest Rational. This is not a serious
matter at all, but for gooJuoss sake
never copy from the Rational and
credit to us.
Postmaster General Vilas has ap
proved a new dssigu for postal cards.
They are to be printed in black, on
white paper, with head of Jefferson on
the upper comer. It is considered a
great improvement over the old style
of postal cards.
The Chautauqua Assembly Her
ald, speaking of a recent concert giv
en at that place, has the following
choice compliment for Miss Maude
Davis: "The solo, with its repeated
high C's, was brilliantly sung and well
accompanied by softly singing chorus.
The brilliant accompaniment was fur
nished by Prof. Flagler, and Miss
Maud Davis of Tionesta, Pa.; and
right here we must pay our tribute of
regard and appreciation for Miss Da
vis. We welcome to the Chautauqua
caro this delightful musician. Her
accompaniments are simply refreshing
by reajsoa of their artistic worth."
The twenty fifth iversary of
the marriage of Dr. John Thompson
ana wife, ol Corsica, was celobrated
on Friday of last week. Friends and
relatives were present from Clarion,
Jefferson, Forest and Elk counties.
The Dr. aod his estimablo wifo re
ceived many valuable presents as tok
en of the esteem in which they are
held. Clarion Jacksonian.
Cooper Bros., of Balltown, pub
lish a notice in this issue which is of
interest to owners of dams in Tionesta
creek. These gentlemen inform us
they have had able legal opinions on
the subject, and aro convinced that
damages can be collected from owners
of dams not properly constructed, and
therefore publish this cautioning no
tice. Marienville nows : John Hoover,
of the Grm of Hoover & Green, is tbe
happy dad of a OJ-pound boy, which
came last Saturday. A very enjoy
able hop was given at the new build
ing of Amsler, Bro. & Co., on Friday
night last. The building is a fine one
aud is now ready for the plasterers.
Mr. James W. Ward of Gilfoyle, is
quite sick at present, but his spoeJy
recovery is earnestly hoped for.
Levi Pierson of Kingsley town
ship, was arrested on Friday last,
charged with the outrage committed
on Katie Miller, an account of which
appeared in these columns recently.
He was brought to town by Constable
CanfJeld and gave bail before Judge
Arner in the sum of $1000 for his ap
pearance at September court. Tbe
arrest was made on he recommenda
tion of Richard illr, a detective
from Pittsburgh, who had teen at
work on the case for several days past.
On Tuesday last, Lorenzo Ilaight,
of Millcreek township, was conveyed
to the Warren Insane Hospital by
Sheriff Wheelock and Johnson Wil
son, Esq. Ilaight has been a bill of
expense to Clarion county for some
time at Warren. He has already
served three terms in the penitentiary
and somo time at Warren. His in
sanity was not oi the violeut type but
being naturally a depraved and vic
ious man it made him doubly danger
ous, and the public safety demanded
that he be kept under surveillence of
some kind. Jacksonian.
Last week Mr. Lawrence received
from Will Ilulings, of St. George, W.
Va., a block of wood about two and a
half inches square, which was cut from
the scaffold on which John Brown was
executed. The block, which is of Vir
giuia pine, contains tho following in
scriptions, which might correctly be
called its pedigree: "Apiece of the
scaffold on which John Brown was ex
ecuted. From Dr. Shepard to Dr.
Bright; from Dr. Bright to A. W.
Frederick, and from him with com
pliments to W. W. Ilulings Esq." In
the block is a bullet hole which was
shot in by the mob at the time of the
execution. It is quite a relio.
Burglary Last Night.
Last night the store of Smearbaugh
& Co. and tbe Post Office were entered
by burglars. An entrance to the store
was effected by taking out a piece of
broken flats in one of the front win
dows. The thieves made a raid on
the jewelry case, and took every ring
but one, besides a lot of neck chains.
The money drawer was relieved of its
contents, about $5 in small change
and $10 in dollars. This is all that
Mr. Butterdeld has missed at this
writing, and counts his loss about $200.
At tbe Postoffice ait entrance was.
made by lowering one of the windows
from the top. They got nothing but
about two dollars in pennies and nick
els. No 6tamps were left in the office
over night, and none of the mail mat
ter was disturbed. A clue to the per
petrators has been found, which if
closely followed up will undoubtedly
result in tbe capture of the parties.
Kclleltville Items.
David Mintz, the popular salesman,
is around town this morning.
Ed. Goodwin is paying his folks in
Warren county a visit.
Andy Small has the first roasting
ears on the flats; be had better keep
a shotgun loaded for coons.
Mr. Alba Gilfillan and Mies Maggie
Williams of West Hickory spent
Sunday In Kellettville.
Miss Gerty Thompson is spending a
few weeks here.
The people of Kellettville were
greatly surprised and shocked by tbe
arrest of Mr. Pierson in relation to
the Miller case. Mr. Pierson has al
ways been a hardworking man, is the
father of a large family aDd has hith
erto borne an excellent reputation.
We are loth to pive credence to the
charge made against him.
A visit to tbe tannery building is
beginning to be one of interest. The
vats are in place, 4 rows of 25 each,
besides mony more used for cleansing
tbe hides. Much of tho machinery is
in place and the work is going on fiuely.
, Aug. 10. Ezekill.
Democratic Solemnity.
The county Democrats met at the
Court House yesterday to selemnize
their work of last Saturday. Ihe
turnout was fair, owing to the breeze
kicked up by the appearance on the
Forest county track of tho Clarion
and Elk county candidates, who bad
entered for tho race a short time pre
vious, but still in time to carry off the
first and second prizes. Wilson of
Clarion proved an easy winner, and it
is plain to be seen that Clarion county
Democracy can show their Forest
couuty brethren many a trick in po
litical wire-pulling yet. From the
votes cast and on the assertion of many
of the best men in the county the fact
is also pateut that, in order to give
the Democracy of ibis coucty a re
spectable showing for once, the boys
of all political shades and opinions
in the several districts helped to swell
the vote and have a little fun besides,
as we understand the only question
asked was, "Is ho a Wilson man?"
These were the only necessary creden
tials in most places.
The result of the vote on the Sena
torial question was, J. H. Wilson 206,
O. B. Grant 143, T. F. Ritchey 90.
For the other places on the ticket
there was no opposition, aud the re
sult as announced is as follows:
Congress, D. W. Clark.
Senate, J. II. Wilson.
Assembly, T. J. Bowman.
Treasorer, Orion Siggins.
, Coroner, Dr. J. B. Siggins.
Congressional Conferees, A. J
gins, L. Fulton, Win. Hood.
Senatorial Conferees, A. J. Siggins,
M. Patterson, B. McCloskey.
Delegate to the State Convention,
Amos dinger, of Harmony twp.
The new county committee organ
ized by the re election of John Peter
son, Chairman, and Jas. B. Muse aud
D. W. Clark Secretaries. And then
the convention adjourned to meet de
feat iu the fall.
Death of Samuel J. Tilden.
Samuel J. Tilden died peacefully at
Graystone, Wednesday morning, Aug.
4, at 8:05 o'clock. There were pres
ent with him Dr. Charles Simmonds
and Samuel Swift, and his niece, Miss
Gould. His death was entirely un
expected, and was caused by failure oi
the heart following an acute attack of
diarrhoea and nauseau. Paralysis and
bodily infirmities incident to old age
had reduced Mr. Tilden to a mere
skelctou, and bis last days were mark
ed by extreme feebleness.
Owiug to paralysis Mr. Tilden was
unable to close his lips, and his mouth
was constantly open. His right hand
from tbo same cause was entirely use
less, trembling all the time. He had
not even the power to jaise it to his
mouth. His left hand was but slightly
affect by the stroke of paralysis, and
he bad the partial use of it. In eat
ing be used his left hand to hold up
his lower jaw. His faithful companion,
Miss Anna Gould, who is the sister of
the wife of Mr. Henry Tilden, placed
to bis mouth every particle of food he
ate. She generally put it in his mouth
with a spoon and he was enabled to
swallew it by raising his lower jaw
with his left hand and put his bead
back. While at breakfast the morn
ing papers were read to him and notes
made by his secretaries at bis direc
tion of any important point or move
in the political world. After break
fast ho usually went into his oflice, on
the right sido of the ball, where he
saw the different employes of the place
and heard their respective reports.
Samuel Jones Tilden was born in
New Lebanon, Columbia county, N.
February 9tb, 1814, graduated at
New York University iu 1838, aod
was admitted to the bar ia 1841. He
was chairman of the State Committee
in 1870 and took an active part iu
crushing the frauds of the Tammany
ring. lie was elected Governor of
New York, on the Democratic ticket,
iu 1874, and was nominated for Presi
dent in 1870.
Use Electric Light Flour, the
best in tbe world for the money. Ask
yeur grocer for it. ioy5.
Ho, for Niagara I
The B., N. Y. & P. 11. II. will i-ive
one of its popular excursions to Niag
ara Falls on Thursday, August 12.
Tbe special tbroogli train will leave
Tionesta at 6:00 a. m., arriving at the
Falls at 1:00 p. ni., returning will
leave the Falls at 8:00 p. tu., giving
excursionists seven hours to view tho
sights of that greatest of natural
wonders. The fare for tho round trip
is placed at the nominal sum of 82.50,
which is simply dirt cheap. Those
who have never been there should
take in this excursion as it will be the
only one of the season. Don't forget
the date and be on band early.
For the Campaign.
The HarrUburg Telegraph, the oldest
Republican newspaper in Eastern or
Central Pennsylvania, will be mailed
to any address, until November 10th,
1886, at tbe following rates: Daily,
$1.25; Weekly, 25 cents.
Special inducements to clubs. Sam
ples free. Address M. W.
key, Manager, Harrisburg, Ta.
Good Farm for Sale.
Geo. Wcant of Tionestu twp., offers
his farm for sale. It is located on the
main road leading to Tylersburg, four
miles from Tionesta borough. Con
tains 57 acres, with 12 acres cleared
and under cultivation ; has a splendid
new frame barn, with new and hand
some school house within 80 rods of
the place. A nico lot of pine timber,
sufficient for all building purposes on
the place. Will be sold on easy terms.
For particulars inquire at this office.
Abraham Lincoln.
Among recent facts of literary and
popular iu teres t, is the announcement
of a new illustrated biography entitled
"The Eery-day life of Abraham Lin
coln," written by "Those who knew
him." The plau of the work is that
of an exhaustive biography, giving
not only the general facts of his life in
chronological order, but incidents, an
ecdotes and every day facts minutely
personal, such as could only be given
by those in closest intimate and confi
dential relations, during the various
periods of his life. These were, in
pursuance of the plan, enlisted for the
work, embracing those who kuew him
as a boy, as a flat-boatman, a rail
splitter, a clerk iu a country store, a
law student, a lawyer, politician, Pres
ident every period of his eventful
and most interesting life. Each au
thor writes of the facts of bis life dur
ing the period in which be knew him
facts and incidents that came under
his own observation and within his
own knowledge. A book thus written,
and bo exhaustive in fact concerning
one of so enduring a place in the
hearts and admiration of his people,
is assured of an enthusiastic welcome
and a lasting place iu popular esteem.
We are told that the last literary
work performed by the late Judge
David Davis, Lincoln's lifetime friend,
ivas one of the many contributions to
this volume, in which he took a deep
personal interest.
It is a grand career and character
that is thus so minutely delineated.
What lover of simple worth and home
ly virtues ia Dot touched by the story
of Lincoln's pure and manly life? In
what other country could it have been
possible to produce a character and
career like his ?
The work is rendered further at
tractive by nearly 100 superb engrav
ings from original designs made es
pecially for this book, illustrating
scenes and incidents in bis life. It is
sold at popular prices within the
reach of all.
The canvassing agent for such a
work will find the latch-string out, a
welcome and patronage that will make
his business both pleasant and profita
ble. N. D. Thompson Publishing Co.,
St. Louis, Mo., aud New York City,
are tbe enterprising publishers.
Flour barrel choice - - 4.007.00
Flour $3 sack, - - 1.001.75
Corn Meal, 100 Iba - - I.251.60
Chop feed, pure grain - - 125
Corn, Shelled - - - - - 70
lleana bushel ... 1.503.00
Ham, Hiigar cured - - -.121
Breakfast Bacon, migar cured - -10
Hhouldors ..... 8
Whitetish, half-barrels ... 8.50
Lake herring half-barrels . - 6.50
Sugar ' - - - - fd 9
Syrup ...... 50075
N. O. Molusses now ... 75
Itoast Rio Coftuo - . - - 15
Kio Coffee, ... - 121
JavaCofloe .... 28fo;30
Ten ...... 20(,i)iH)
Butter 12K)15
Bice 7 CDS
I'M, fresh ... - (,$15
Salt best lake .... 1.25
Lard 10
Iron, common bur ... -2,50
Nails, lOd, X keg .... 2.A)
Potalooa ..... 00(ai75
Lime tl bbl. .... 1.25
liriod Appl bliced per Ih - - 4('5
liriod Beef .... -.18
Iried Peui hes per Ih - . . 10
Pried i'tai fees pared per & - - lg
To tbo onniri, ii,liiifinrr, at
or. liable .y Uw (,,r iliinisc
and si hilio in the TION KMT
btween ' I' 1". IfS MIM.H
TOWNSHIP. K.,ro-.t Co., Ft
month of said Creek :
We now have a Urc amount . .tit.
Ac., to run in Umts 1.11 lirt water, I in
tcu l to continue to run Lurk, Ac, i it of
said Creek on boats lor n number f vfr,
and hereby clve notice tint we bol t
all persons that are lc;llv liable, r ti
siblc for any damate so Incurred by ii'i-perliH-t
schiitcs anil obstructions to n vi
bration bv said (buns. W would r .1 1
fullv call your attention to the laws jjov
erninir this matter and request that you
have your dams and s botes constructed
as the law requires, beforo the next ll'xxl,
as any damavn to our Imats will bo prompt
ly collected as the law provides.
Cooper's Mills, AU15. 10th, Jsxrt.
Administrator's Notice
deceased, latn of Tionesta Township, For
est County, Pennsylvania. All persons
indebted to said extato are requested to
mako Immediate payment, and those hav
ing lcral claims against the same, will
present them w ithout delay in proper
order for settlement to
Tionesta, Pa.
or AfiNr.w A Cr.AHK, Ally's.
Tionesta, Pa., July oO, i.Vf.
From tho obscurity of his boyhood to tho
date of his tragic death. A new Biogra
phy of the great American President, from
a new stand-point accurate and exhaust
ive in fact and incident, replete with anoo
doto, protliso and elegant in illustration
(100 engravings from original designs il
lustrating incidents, anecdotes, persona,
tc, including 10 Hleol Portraits.)
Send for full particulars and for evidence
that this is the most salable liook pub
lished ; or, to save time, send 91.25 at oneo
for Canvassing Book, and state yonr ehoico
of townships. Address, N. D. THOMP
SON PUBLISH INCI CO., Publishers, St.
Louis, Mo., or New York City.
Should send for Cartwright'a Bark Tally
Book. Tho principle is similaj to Cart
wright's Standard Log and Lumber Tally
Books, ao well known slated surfaces;
May be nsod in the Wet, Written wpon
and Era-sed. It gives the oxaet contents
of any sized pilo or any number of aucb
And absolutely makes disputes between
jobber and owner impossible, no matter
how dolicient in figures eithor parly vcj
A paper book properly ruled and print
ed, to contain general results or each
measurement accompanies each slate
book, so that the slato book may be erased
whenever desired. The price of these
books can be saved, many times in each
measurement. .
Liberal discounts to agents aud the
trade. Price, $2.50. Address
KinawAY Publishing Co., Limited,
my'J-8t. Ridgway, Pa.
Notice of Application for
Notico is hereby given that an applica
tion will be made to tho Governor of the
State of Pennsylvania, at Uarrisbnrg, Pa.,
on the 12th day of August, A. D. 188d, at 2
o'clock, p. m. of said day, or as soon there
after as may be, uudor the a:t of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, entitled, "An Act to Provide for the
Incorporation and Regulation of Certain,
Corporations," approved April 20, 1874,
and the supplements thereto, for tho char
ter of an inborded corporation, to be call
ed "Excelsior Pipe Line Company,"
whoso character and object shall tie the
transporting and shipping of petroleum,
for the public, from the oil producing ter
ritory of Venango, Clarion, Butler, Wash
ington, Forest and Warren Counties,
Pennsylvania, to storage tanks and points
within said State, and the storing aud In
suring of such petroleum, and for tbea
purposes to lay down, construct and main
tain pipes, etc., and have, possesa and en
joy all the rights, bono tits and privilege
ot said Act of Assembly and its supple
ments. The principle oftiee or place of
business of said corporation will be at
Oil City, Venango County, Pennsylvania.
The names of live of the subscribers to
tho capital stock of said corporation are:
ASH A CAREY, Solicitors.
Caveats, Re-issue and Trade-Marks secur
ed, and all other patents causes in the pat
en 1 Office and before the Courts promptly
and carefully attendod to.
Upon receipt of model or iketch of in
vention, 1 inado careful examination, and
advtae as to patentability Free of charge.
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