The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 02, 1886, Image 5

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    WEfiJiESDAY M0RM5C, JCSE 2, 18SC.
llurie. Jon Rt-.cK.
WiiciYnon North ward. Ti. J. Hop
kin. J. U. Clark, W. L. Klinestiver.
Month ward, J. U. Fonoy C. A. Randall,
Cba. Homier.
Junttect of the reaec3. T. Brenuan,
Cbw(rtf?e S. 8. CandeM.
fivhool rtirertorsKi. W. Robinon, A.
ii. ivojty, J. ii. ningtnan, u. JS. Knox, J
V. Morrow, E. L. Davis.
Member of Vongrexi Alkxa ndijk C.
Member of Senate .T. G. Hall.
Ae.mbly HKlitii Rkimiy.
President Judge Vf, D. Brown.
Aiiocittle- Judges Llwm Ahmkk. J no.
a. 1 ItoribR
Treasurer Ww. Hveamskvuu.
frothonntarp, K winter dt tteoorder, f c
Sheriff" . Leon Aim Anx r w .
Otninusslnners Oi.ivkk Byeiily, Wm.
S., J. K. Ohauwick.
Uunlg Superintendent . E. Hill
AM. IHxtrict Attorney P. M. Clahk.
.ury 'VrnntfrtXiOMciVf -II. O. 1'MVIs,
IARin Walthtis.
Count A'urveiorU. C. WrurTEKtN.
'ornnrr Dr." J. V. Monnnw.
County Auditor J. A. (Scott, Tiiob.
Coiiait, Uro. 7.u kvukl.
yrF$J I. O. of O. TP.
M2ET8 every Tuesday evening, nt 7
o'clock, in' tlio Lodgo ltuotn in Par
tridge's Hall.
O. W. SAWYKR, Seu'y. 27-tf.
1?(REST LODGE, No. 184. A. O. U. W.,
i Meets every Friday Even in
ig in Odd
Fbl.owH' Hall. Tionesta.
J. 1.'. WENK, Recorder.
S No. 274, G. A. It.
Moots on the firt Wednesday in each
uio ilii, in Odd Fellow 1 (nil. TioncJita, Pa.
J. IV. MORROW, Commander.
i. I. AO SEW.
r. M. CLARK,
District Attorney.
Office in Court House.
Kim St. Tionesta, I'enna.
rn jTvan CUES EX,
- D -' -
." L. DAVIS.
Tlonosta, Fa.
Collections mado 1-n this nnd adjoining
Tf "iLRS wTtATK.
BIiji Kti-fipt,
TionoKtn. Fa.
Tionosln, Forest County Fa.
1 AWRENC'I? HOUSE. Tlnnistn, Fa..
Jk't H , K. Urix-kway, Proprietor. TliiH
In. unn it centrally loeutcd. Everythinit
ihcw nnd well furnislind. Snpeiior Ao
n:nino(1atioufi nnd strict nttciition piven
u ciicmvs. etjoiaoi ana r riiitH oi mm
kioil servrrl in tbir seawin. Humplo
loom foivCoitimorciul Aiients.
C CENTRA L HOUSi:, Tioncxtn. Fa.,
J O. C. Hrownoll. Proprietor. Tills is a
now liontio, nnd has Jnt been tittwl up (or
tits nri'ommodatiou ot'tlio pulilic. A por
tion f the patrouag oftho public is nollc
Vlod. -Iti-ly.
J W. II. ROTH, Proprietor.
TUa Uurccirt, Rout Looatod and FurnU'icd
IM) In the City. Xcar Union Depot.
I jito o. Armstrong county, having located
In Tin-'csta iH prepared to attend all pro
fosMionat calls promptly and at all hours.
Ollleo reaiilciico two doors north of
Law renoo Hons. Olliee honro 7 to 8 a.
m., and 1 1 io ia M. ; a to 3 and (I J to 71 v.
M. iSnndayn, tf to 10 a. m. ; i to 3 and C,
Ui 7i p. m. inay-14-81.
WO. COnURN, M. I)..
lhi had over til'twn years experience in
tho practice of his profession, having jrrad
notpil i ';".' and honorably .May !0, lSfiS.
)llicoand Rchidcnce in Judro Reek's
hitMi. oppotito the M. F.. Church, Tionen
tn, Pa Aug. 5-lKSO
Un inn purchased tho materials Ac.., of
. Dr, ;5tmidman, would respectlully n
iiour.eo that he will carry on tho Dental
'Misinesa in Tioneata. and having; had over
earn Kucoessful experience, eonhiders
1 i niKoli fully competent to plve entiro sat
inU tion. I Khali always give my wedi
i il practice the prol'ereuce. mar22-b2.
H .11. WiT.
MA Y, rAJlK C CO.,
Comer of Elm & WalnutSU. Tiouosta.
liank o( DUonuut and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Timo Deposits.
Ct tectloiw m ado on all the Pri uopal points
of the U.S.
Collections ioiicited. 18-ly.
Manufacturer of and Dealer lu
And all kinds of
Civil Engineer and Surveyor.
7nd and Railway Surveyins a Specialty,
Magnetic, Solar or Trianulaliou Survey
tirV Dekt of Instruments and work,
fcr'jus eu application.
TioisrEsarA., pa.
I liavo now for Kale 79 Acres ot War
runt 6)1)7, Kingsley twp.; "00 Acres of
01S6, and J.lil Acres of fl2l4, in samo town
ship. lOOOacrts, Warinnt 2S.1C, Tlunestn
twp.; 1 13 acres known us "Lil ley Farm,"
Alloxheny Township, Venango Co.; 70
acres ne:w 1Cnter)rise, Warren Co. Also
vacant lots in Tlotiesta Roro, and one
mnall fiirui lu Tionesta Township. Also
ItHJO acres, Warrant HUSO, Howe twp.
('ndruard Time Tnble Tloiiema Ntatlau.
Train W 7:7 am (Train fi.". 10-.55 am
Train 62 7 :.r'2 am jTrain W 1:1H pm
Train ISO 3:52 pmiTrain 31...- 8:10 pm
Train i!8 North, aud Train 2i South car
ry the mail.
Church and Vabbaxb Hcboot.
Preshytorinn Sabbath School at 9M a.
in. : M. E. JSubbiith School at 10:00 a. m.
PrenclniiK in M. E. Church every Sab
bath owning; by Rev. Small.
Oil market closed yrstetday C5J.
Opening this morning at C5c.
The foundation for Mr. Kelly's
new munsion is nearly completed.
Street work under the direction
of Msj. (Janfield goes bravely on.
For Cultivators, fthovel Plow?,
Hoea, &c, go to Robinson's. 2t.
Uidgway is preparing for the big
gest kind of a blowout on the Fourth.
Bom On Friday evening, May
28, to Mr. and Mr9. Patrick Joyco, a
Mrs. J. A. Small nnd son of Kel
lettville were with Tionesta friends
Born On Monday morning,
May 31, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ag
now, a daughter.
Mr. J. K. Menly of Tiona, War
ren county, an old-time Forest county
boy, was in town last Friday.
Potatoes and eggs ore unusually
scarce in thi market at present. Our
farmers bIiouI J ruako a note of Ibis.
" Miss Subie Hardy of Boston, aud
Mis Ilattio Ileydrick of Franklin,
are the guests of Mrs. Col. Thomas,
this week.
Reports from Mrs. Wm. Hood
this morning state that she is very
low, aud that her recovery is a matter
of very grave doubt.
Mr. T. J. B wman, one of Hick
ory's enterprising and solid merchants
was in town yesterday, aud paid the
Hkpublican a pleasant visit.
Wm. Hood is building a new res
idence uii his farm, just out of the
borough limits on the road leading to
Nebraska. Its size is to bo 18x32 with
an 'L" addition.
James G. Carson lost bis cow on
Suudaylast; causo of death said to
be "hollow horn," which we would bo
glad to believe were it not that the
cow was a "muley."
Al. Long, who has been stopping
at Buck Mills for tho past year, leaves
this week for Tarentum, Pa., a short
distance above Pittsburgh, where he
has secured a good position.
There is some talk of celebrating
the Fourth of July here, and if the
proper effort is put i'utth there is no
reason why the project should end in
talk. Who'll take the initiative step ?
This it the time of year when a
nunitar of men aud boys will gather
arouud and lean on their shovels while
the industrious road master does the
work aud listens to the coojplaiuts of
the average citizen.
The braes band boys did them
selves proud on Decoration ?)ay, aud
received congratulations on all hnods.
Their playing was truly a credit to
them, and they will bo in demand on
future demonstrations.
Golden Days for June bristles all
over with pleasant and profitable
reading to interest the young folks.
No better publication for the youth of
the land should be asked for. James
Elverson, Publisher, Thila., Pa.
The aDnual reunion of the sur
vivors of Penna. Reserve Corps will
be held at Reading, on Monday, June
7, 18S8. The local committee at
Reading has mado extensive prepara
tions for the reception, and guarantee
an enjoyable time to all who . partici
pate. Orders for tickets at reduced
rates can be procured from the Secre
tary, John Taylor, No. 218 Walnut
Street, Philadelphia.
The first load of pipe for the new
gas line of the Tionesta Gas Co., was
hauled through town yesterday. It
will not be long, from the appearance
of things dow, till our citizens will be
utilizing the great natural fuel.
Wm. C. Bush, who murdered his
brother near Wilcox, a short time Hgo,
was captured near Coudereport last
week, and now languishes iu the Elk
county jail. He has served a term or
two iu the penitentiary, and is a hard
The smallest country Dewspaper
is of more woiih to its country sub
scriber iu one month than its price
lor a year, and does more for its neigh
borhood for nothing than many a high
official does for his munificent salary.
Iloscoe Conkling.
llurlburt & Huntings show ex
hibits here next Monday. From re
ports that we get from other places
where this circus has pitched its tents,
we are led to believe that it is a very
excellent one. The prices of admis
sion are what are knowu as the pop
ular ones.
Attention is called to the card of
F. W. Law, Tionosta's new tinner, in
this issue. Mr. Law has his shop in
first class order, confines himself
strictly to his trade and is, therefore,
always ready to give prompt atten
tion to work that conies iu. Give
him your trade.
The Repubiicans of Armstrong
county nominated the following ticket
on Tuesday of last week : Congress
S. M. Jackson ; Assembly, Robert
Dougherty and A. J. Elliot; Dele
gates to the State Convention, Joseph
Buffington and John Lias; County
Surveyor, S. B. Gray.
The law against gift-store lotter
ies goes into e fleet on the 3d of June.
The law prohibits the giving to pur
chasers "any ticket or tickets, check
or checks, or other tokens or memo
randa, entitling such purchaser or
customer to demand or receive money
or anj article of value." The penalty
for violatiou is a flue of not less than
$10 nor exceeding $100, or imprison
ment uot exceeding one year, or both,
at the discretion of the court.
Forest Lodge, No. 184, A. O. U.
W., elected officers as follows last Fri
day night : i
M. W., F. P. Whitttkin.
Foreman, L. Fulton.
Overseer, Wm. Smearbangh.
Guide, John Sanuer.
I. W., Daniel Walters.
O. W., R. Strucken.
Recorder, J. E. Weuk.
Receircr, L. J. Hopkins.
Fiuaucier, G. W. Sawyer.
Trustee, W. Y. Siggins.
The northern eud of this county is
now all broken up over the discovery
that they have been the dupes of a very
sleek fraud, who has been . deceiving
them under the pretonceof curing their
ills, his object being to secure their
good money, to say nothing of baser
purposes. It is strange that people will
never learn wisdom, but continue to
admit strangers to their homes and
grant them confidence that they would
deny their most intimate neighbors
a n fr i e n d s. rBrookvillo Republican.
Trout are not very numerous in
Forest cod'oty, but occasionally one is
lifted that makes up in avoirdupois
all that is lacking in numerosity, and
more too. One day last week Frank
Witheral caught a monster out of
Hickory creek that beats anything
yet heard of in that line iu this sec
lion. It measured sixteen and one
half inches and weighed just two
ponnds. This may sound lite the
boss fish lie, but we have the best au
thority for its correctness, besides the
fiih may be seen by any skeptic, as
Mr. Witheral Las him still alive at
his place at Stowtown,
The authorities of Punxsutawney,
a few weeks ago, passed au ordinance
prohibiting children under fifteen
years from being on the streets after 8
o'clock p. in. The Spirit has the fol
lowing to say of the good effects of
the ordnauce :
"The law requiring children under
fifteen yeare of age to be off the street
by 8 o'clock seems to work admirably.
No matter how thickly they may
swarm along the pavement a few min
utes before, they all disappear before
the clock strikes eight. It is a little
surprising, though, that there are co
many boys that have attained their
fifteenth year, but who are very small
for their age. Our sister towns would
coofer a favor on the rising genera
tion by passing the rame kind of an
A serious accident occurred on
Sunday morning to Amos Iloughtal
ing and R. E. Smith, of Cameron,
Elk county, while they were attempt
ing to dynamite fish in the Clarion
river. Houghtaling had iguited one
cartridge and held it too long in the
faflbrt to ignite another from the same
fuse. The first cartridge exploded in
his hand and the concussion exploded
the second. Both hands were blown
tiff, his nose and one eye torn out and
his face badly burned. He will prob
ably die. Smith's face was badly
scarred by pieces of bone from Hough
taling's bauds striking him. Emlen
ton Critic.
The Coming Primaries.
We publish this week the call of
Chairman Irwin for the Republican
Primary Elections of this county on
Saturday, the 19th, iust., also the
Rules governing the same. There
should be a good turn out of the Re
publicans in all the townships, and it
is earnestly hoped there will be. A
good vote at the primaries aDd a free
expression of the votets as to their
choice of candidates is always condu
cive to the success of the party io the
fall, and makes victory much easier
to attain; therefore, we hope no Re
publican will absent himself from the
polls on the afternoon of the 19th.
Don't fail to perform this important
Memorial Day.
Saturday last was a veritable red
letter day for Tionosta. People from
the surroundings began to arrive in
good season, and by noon the streets
were fairly thronged with visitors. At
2 o'clock the line was formed in front
of the Presbyterian Church in the
followins order:
Tionesta Cornet Baud.
Sabbath School Children.
Geo. Stow Post, 274.
At the hour appointed the band
struck up a delightful march and the
procession was ordered to move. Ar
riving at the cemetery appropriate
airs were rendered by the Sabbath
Schools, led by Mr. Diugtuan ; after
prayer by the Chaplain, the roll of
honor was called; short, and very
pleaeing and appropriate remarks
were made by Comrades, Morrow, Ag
new, Hart, Irwin, Rhodes and others.
The graves or deceased soldiers wero
then decked with lovely flowers by
the members of the Post, after which
the orator of tho day, Comrade Feitt,
was introduced and delivered an elo
quent address that was listened to with
marked attention by the large assem
blage of soldiers and civilians. Rev.
Feitt was followed by Comrade Can
field in a neat little speech that was
quite appropriate to the occasion. The
ceremonies being completed the line
of march was again taken up in the
order first named, tftTd the procession
broke ranks after reaching town again,
but not forgetting to pay a fitting trib
ute to the memory of Lieut. John
Range, a soldier of the Revolution,
who lies buried in a lot in rear of the
Forest House.
The day could not have been more
pleasant for the occasion, while the
crowd in attendance was much larger
than on any previous Memorial Day.
The ceremonies were carried out with
out a jar, aud the entire affair proved
a source of much pleasure to all who
were present.
List of Patents.
List of Patents granted by the U. S.
Parent Oflieo, to citizens of Pennsylvania,
for the weok ending Thursday, May
27th, 1880, reported expressly for tho For
kst Republican, through tho Patent Law
Otlico of Shipley llrashoars, 007 7th St.
N. W. opposite the U. S. Patent Office,
Washington, D. C. :
W. V. Ranks, Pottstown, and J. Irwin,
North Coventry, niachino for forming
dough for pretzels ; G. Ii. Deuton, Titus
villo, apparatus for refining crudo oil (2
patents;) O. W. Blair, Pittsburgh, manu
facture of glassware ; C. M. Carnahan,
Pittsburgh, machine for splitting bhoets
of iron or steel ; S. K. Duff, Allegheny,
and F. S. Wood, Pittsburgh, railway
switch ; II. Franz, Pittsburgh, glass mold;
D. V. Gieb, Incaster, shutter worker;
S. Gissinger, Pittsburgh, faucet ; M. Heb
ling, Allegheny, machine for cutting
ecliptical shapes; S. Y. Kittle, Wilkes
Barre, saw holding vise; J. L. Knox, Al
legheny, blasting rock; L. F. Loibfricd,
Bethlehem, blcigh shaft; W. Marr, Pitts
burgh, treating vegetable libroua sub
stances; R. M. McDowell, Slalington,
uoiseloss slato fraino; O. Mevers, Camer
on, apparatus for heating tires; W. C.
Nye, Bradford, cover for posts (2 patents ;)
H. C. Reichardt, Pottsvillo, tube clamp
fin; wolls H. J. Richards, Wilkes Barre,
mining niachino ; P. L. Ross, Bradlord,
clap; I). Tufts, Pittsburgh, vehicle brake;
W. J. Ward, Pittsburgh, furnace for burn
ing natural gas; G. Wustiiighouse, Jr..
Pittsburgh, nil"! Uistl ihutioil (.'i liatuuls.) j
Kellettvllle Items.
We venture to say that this place
is visited by more hucksters and ped
dlers than any other in the county;
which enables the house-wife to keep
her table well supplied, but is hard
on tho pocket book.
The friends of Coon Ikenberg, who
lives at Newtown, may now claim the
usual treat of cigars on the arrival of
a wee lassie at his house last week.
Candidates, to bo successful, should
show no partiality. A hint to the
wise is sufficient.
The new gate at the school houso is
quite nobby; the only improvement
we can suggest is an Arch bending
over it.
Mrs. W. A. Dusenbury of Newtown
called on some of the Kellettville la
dies last Friday.
Owing to Judge Aruer having the
inside of his house paioted, the preach
ing last Saturday was held in the
school house.
Some one has carelessly set fire to
the woods on the Cole tract, and at
present writing it is burning quite
The spile driver used by the tannery
men fell over last Saturday and the
workmen narrowly escaped being hit.
They had no more than replaced it
and began work again, when Mr.
Whitcomb lost the end of his thumb
by too close contact to that rather
dangerous machine.
If you see any of our citizens down
your way next Monday you may con
clude it's the preachers meeting and
not the circus that has taken them
there. Ezekiel.
Ministerial Meeting Next Week.
The Franklin District Ministerial
Association will hold its fourth an
nual session at the Methodist Episco
pal Church, in this place, on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday of next
week. It is expected that upward of
forty ministers of that church will be
in attendance, and assist in carrying
out the following interesting program :
(Monday, 7:30 . ., 1st Session.)
Opening Anthem, Tionesta Choir.
Reading Scriptures and Prayer, the
Roll call, the Spcretary.
Greetings, F. M. Small, J. M. Brny.
Praise Service, congregation anil
( Tuesday, 8 a. ., 2d Session.)
Sermon, S. E. Ryan.
Testimonial service, T. P. Warner.
1 57-62 M. E. Discipline, W. P.
Biogenesis (Spiritual,) D. S. Stead
man. Plenary Inspiration of the Bible,
L. Wick.
Our church and tho West, J. C.
The call to the Ministry defined,
S. M. iSartwell.
Young people how to win them to
Christ, W'illiHin Canfield.
-Ministerial recreation, L. L. Jler
ritt. ( Tuesday, 2 p. m.t 3d Session.)
Sermon, S. P. Gordon.
Colloquy of local Preachers, M. S.
Adams, George Clark, James Young,
Andrew Hutchenson, Joseph S. Pat
terson, Henry Rhodes, S. Y. Beer,
J. E. Hillard, A. W. Cotise, William
Buchannan, William Groves, J.
Whitely, J. LItzonburgh, T. J. Wil
son, E. Kephart, II. E. JcElheny,
George S. King, Charles JlcCandless,
J. S. Hooton, Phillip (Joettel.
Themes Our work, how to do it,
and the eyes with which we see tho
regular ministry, C. C, Rumberger,
21. E. Discipline as a study, W. II.
Biblo teaching (Illustrated,) J. N.
Children'): Assembly Catechism,
n. ii. rrattier.
Child sermon, William Branfleld.
( Tuesday, 7 p. ., Uh Session.)
The L'quor Trafllc How to deal
with it, R. Jf. Warren.
Our Sunday .School and Our Times,
J. Z. Armstrong.
The Theology that saves, P. J.
Our Church Education, D. II.
( Wednesday, 8 a. ., -Ah Session.)
Prayer meeting, O. F. Reeser.
Business meeting.
No man careth for my soul ( Exe
gesis,) S. Fidler.
Digest of Methodist law (-Verrill,)
Review, 1. N. Clover.
Hermonic Elocution, W. L. Riley.
Habits of thought, J. A. Hume.
Htudy of the Bible Languages,
Z. W. Shadduck.
Consecration Services, J. Lusher.
At the Altar. I ni Creator Spirilus.
For Earache, Toothache, Sore
Throat, Swelled Neck, and the results
of cold and iuilatnmation, use Dr.
Thomas' Eclectrio Oil the great pain
Use Electric Light Flour, the
best in tho world for the money. Ask
your grocer for it. myo.
Good Farm for Sale.
Geo. Wcant of Tionesta twp., offers
his farm for salo. It is located on the
main road leading to Tylersburg, four
miles from Tionesta borough. Con
tains 57 acres, with 12 acres cleared
and under cultivation ; ha a splendid
new frame barn, with new and hand
some school house within 80 rods of
the place. A nice lot of pice timber,
sufficient for all building purposes on
the place. Will be sold on easy terras.
For particulars inquire at this office.
Flour barrel choice
Flour sack,
Corn Meal, 100 lbs
Chop food, pnro grain
Corn, Shelled -Beans
$i bushel -Ham,
sugar cured
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured
- 70
- m
- 10
- 8.S0
- 0
- IS
28 W
- 12i3l
- 150
- 60(3.75
- 45
- 18
- lfl
Shoulders , -Whitofish,
Lake herring half-barrels
N. O. Molassea now
Roant Rio Colfeo
Rio Coffee, ...
Java Coffeo -
Butter - - - -Rice
Eggs, frosh -Salt
best lat-e
Lard -
Iron, common bar
Nails, lud, keg -Potatoes
bhl. -Dried
Apples sliced per lb
Dried Beef -Dried
Poaches per lb
Dried Peaches pared per
Practical Tiimcx
All kinds of Sheet Metal Work prompt
ly attended to.
ROOFING A specialty. SpoUTING.
Should send for Cartwright's Bark Tally
Book. The principle is siinilaj to Cart
wright's Standard Log and Lumber Tally
Books, so well known slated surfaces
May be used iu the Wet, Written upoo
anil Erased. It gives the exact contents
of any sized pilo or any number of such
And absolutely makes disputes between;
jobber and owner impossible, no matter
how deficient in ligures eithor party may
A paper book properly ruled and print
ed, to contain general results ot each,
measurement accompanies each slate
book, so that the slate book may be erased
whenever desired. Tho prico of theso
books can be saved, many times in each
Liberal discounts to agents and tho
trade. Prico, $2.50. Address
RtnawAY Publishing Co., Limited,
mylO-St. Ridgway, Pa..
There is no medium through which
disease so often attacks tho system
u by Constipation, and there is no
other ill flesh is heir to.more apt to
be neglected, from the feet material
inconvenience may not be immediate
ly felt from Irregular action of the
bowels. When there is not regular
actios, the retention of decayed and
effete matter, with its poisonous
gases, soon poisons the whole system
by being absorbed into it, causing
piles, flstula, headache, Impure blood
and many other serious affections.
immediately relieve, and one bottle
positively cure or relievo any case
oi Constipation.
"Was troubled for a year with
torpid liver and Indigestion, and after
trying everything imaginable, used
first bottle revived me and the second
cured me entirely.'W. 3. Williamson,
Sochester, N. Y.
A P R E s e nf!
Our readers for 12 cents in postage
stamps to pay for mailing aud wrapping,,
and names of two IwKik auruts, w ill re
ceive FREE a Steel Finish Parlor En-
...... .-I..,. nil il'I? VU1,1 lil.- V'PV ill-
in.iii ui nil A . . . j . . j . ..
eluding Cleveland, sine J2.20 in., worth
$1.00. Address,
... . nttii m- r t Ttl
Now is tho time to chango the tilling in
mattresses, and we would recommend
CORK SHAVINGS as being the cheapest
iiml must durable ui ticle that can be used.
40 lbs. will fill a largo bed. For Sale by
Cor. 21th and Railroad Sts.,
A f T l?rP S'-nd 10 cents postage, aud
I. VJll JL we will mail you free a
roval, valuable, sample box of goods that
will put you in the way of making more
money at once, than anything olio in
America. Both sexes of all ages can livo
at home and work in spare time, or all tho
time. Capital not required. We will start
ou. Immcuso pay sure nr those who
Mart at one. Stinon .v. Co., I'ortlnnd
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