The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 16, 1885, Image 4

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Rrstems of Mrnnllln that ?reeedl
'I rl.nnhy-Iriims I d to pread
Rows In ravage 1nndi.
"Tclrirrnpli operators have queer ex
periences," said a veteran in the employ
of the Western Union company. "Many
strange things and a good deal of private
information come to their knowledge."
"They proGt by information sent be
tween brokers and dealers, do thoy
"Very seldom. You see, inch mcs
!2cs are usually in cipher, and the ope
rator is ignorant of their meaning. 1
remember a young man who was at Oil
City during Ihe Pennsylvania oil excite
ment. Uy studying the ciphers
of certain .heavy speculators he
was at Inst ablo to translate them.
Ho gave the information to a
friend, who used it to their joint profit.
He -was Gnally detected and discharged,
but not until he had made quite a for-
tune, which was afterward increased
until he became very wealthy. This
man is still alive, and has served more
than one term in the Pennsylvania lepjis
latuie. I know of another caso some
what different. I was one of the first
operators on the Morso instrument sent
to Philadelphia when the telegraph
reached there. The instrument marked
the characters on a slip of paper. Of
course the instrument ticked, but this
was long before there was any thought
of taking by car. Among the visitors
were brokers and members of the ex
change, and they were much interested
in what had alreadj become very valua
ble to them. One of them, "Bull"
Bridges, spent so much time in the ollice
that we gave him a great deal
of information and explained the
workings of the instruments.
About this time we began to re
ceive complaints that the contents of
messages sent from New York to Phila
delphia, were known to outside persons.
In the oflico we begnn to look upon each
other with suspicion, and I finally de
termined to do some detective work.
kept watch of our visitors and finally
discovered that complaints only reached
us while our friend "Bull" was in the
office. I therefore determined to have
all visitors excluded t.nd an order was
posted to that effect. Our trouble
ceased at once, and my suspicions wore
"I knew Bridges had not seen any
messages, and I wondered how ho could
have known their contents. When I
accused him he burst out laughing and
admitted Ihe whole thing. He had tho
'tick' of the recorder down so fine that
ne could take a message by ear and ho
was the first man that ever did it. Not
long afterward the sounder was intro
iuced, and since then almost all tele
graphing in this country has been taken
uy car."
"Was there nny system of rapid com
munication before the invention of the
slectric telegraph?"
"Yes, indeed, quite a number. The
lystem most generally used was the iu
rention of the Chappo brothers, two
French boys, who first utilized it in 1794
it school, where they saw each other at
ft distance. They used a pivoted beam,
which, being placed in different posi
tions, indicated different characters.
Afterward the French government
adopted this system, and onu of the in
ventors was mado telegraphic engineer
ind placed in change. Lines were es
tablished all along the coast from Paris
to the frontier."
"How were these signals seen?"
"By the use of powerful glasses. The
itations were only about ten miles apart.
nd with good telescopes the signals
sould readily be distinguished, and the
receiving station would then commuci
sate with the next station."
"Could this be done rapidly?"
"Yes. 1 remember a line, that was
worked from the top of the old Custom
House here to Sandy Hook. The oper
ators used blocks of wood with large
letters on them, and could telegraph at
the rate of about one hundred letters in
Sve minutes between stations ten miles
"Beacons were first used. Long be
fore the Christian era. lioruan generals
were able to communicate with each
other by means of flames in different
positions, and of various numbers. Some
at the Indian mounds in the West are
lupposed to have been constructed for
jignal purposes, fire and smoke being
jsed. The fiery cross of the Highland
chief quickly summoned the faithful to
war. In later times drums, trumpets,
tnd flags were used for signal purposes
particularly by armies. Most barbarous
people have methods of telegraphing.
Among the negroes in the Cameroons
country, on the west const of Africa,they
communicate by means of sound, for
great distances. The instrument they
use is a sort of drum, and the words are
represented by various beats upon it. I
will Jell you an incident connected with
telegraphing by sound.
"Afier leume toJScw orkl uvea in a
quiet street, which is now a noisy thor
oughfare. I spent most of my time when
away from the ollice in ray room. One
evening, while sitting at my window. 1
happened to look across to the nppo-itc
house, where I saw a pretty girl at one
of the windows. bho was leaning
agaiust the casement tapping on tho glass
with a pencil. After this I saw her at
ihe same place many times. We had got
is far as a nodding acquaintance, but. I
aad no opportunity of speaking to her,
Due afternoon, having come home some
what early, I was at my window thinking
f my pretty friend opposite. I almost
unconsciously tapped a salute to her on
ihe window pane with my pencil, using
the telegraphic eigus. I wus very much
mrprisea whon r reply camo from her in
:he same way. After that we had long
talks across the btreet, and, as our inter
fst in each other deepened into a warmei
fueling, many a tender message was sent
oy the air line. You may not believe it,
but we were engaged to be married be
fore we had ever exchange a word oi
beforo either had heird the other speak
ft word. Afterward I was introduced
properly, and married theyoun? ladvthe
following Christmas, and that is what 1
lull tret l in sr a wife 'on tick.' " Xta YuiL
trance lias agricultural fclioois lot
eirls. One of the chief h near Kouen
and has liOU girls from tlx to eighteen
tears of age. J he farm contains ove
I'JJ acres.
Woolen mantels have dolian sleeves;
the backs are quite short.
''A pretty woman has ruined more
than one church," says Sam Jones.
In Butte, Montana, maids and kitchen
girls ore in demand at Si!0 a week.
Long and straight effects still prevail
on many of the trimmed dress skirts.
"Onyx, set with diamonds," says the
Jeiteltr, "is being worn by ladies of
quiet taste."
Miss St. Pierre, of Georgia, manage!
and owns business interests valued at a
million and a half.
A popular articlo with both sexes is
represented in silver handles for umbrel
las, caucs, parasols and whips.
Tho Macon Telegraph claims that
Georgia chartered, built and conducted
tho first female college in the world.
The president of the New Orleans
Woman's club it Mrs. Maria Jefferson
Swayze, a niece of Thomas Jefferson.
The English walking hat, to match in
hue tho walking suit, is in demand this
fall. All trimming on these hats i9
massed high in front.
There are no old maids in Turkey.
Tho system of taking wives on faith,
without seeing them, is responsible for
this happy state of Turkish society.
Pennsylvania at her recent State fair
offered several prizes in "a dressmaking
contest." In all there were eight prizes,
seven of which wero won by young
Plush and velvet nro favorite materials
for covering hats and bonnets, though
there are many models with crowns uf
novelty fabrics or tinseled cloth and
biims of velvet.
Wool dress goods, for which there is
a great demand, all exhibit rough sur
faces, the loopyaru cloths, boucle goods
and cloths with fraise effects being among
the leading styles.
Mourning dress fabric include the
rough surface novelty cloths so popular
in colors. These are made up in combi
nation with plain cloths; and are fash
ioned much after the models worn out
of mnurniug.
A California girl shoots wild geese
and sends their leathers to market, and
in this way she has laid by $ $00 to give
the man who marries her. It is thought
the men all seem to bo waiting for her to
make it $1,000.
In 1840 Harriet Martincau found seven
vocations open to women in the State of
Massachusetts; now there are 281 occupa
tions in which 251,15a of tho female sex
earn their own living, receiving from
$150 to $3,000 per annum.
The increasing masculinity of English
girls is a topic lor many London essay
ists. In dress, talk and manners it is
tho fashion with daughters cf wealth,
and refinement to be as much like their
brothers as decorum will allow.
Mrs. Langtry, not satisfied with th
natural color of her hair, which was
beautiful, and of which she took inces
sant care, has painted it a kind of reddish
color, which, it appears, is becoming tho
fashion in Paris, and has much injured
her appearance.
A new variety of that favorite flower,
forget-me-not, has been raised in Ger
many and is introduced to the trade by
M. Faurobert, of Berlin. It is named
"Eliza Faurobert," and is remarkable
for its deep blue flowers of large size,
which are borne in clusters, and for its
extended dowering season.
Old as the saying is, there is one thing
that the average woman wdl not do
confess her age. A V estern lecturer
recently advertised a lecture for ladies
over twenty-five years of. age. lue lec
turer was "promptly on hand, but the
audience consisted of only one person
the lecturer's aged grandmother.
The Turkish fashion of wearing jew
eled buttons is seen here on some im
ported evening costumes. They ore in
turquoise, garnet or some of the pretty
alpino quartz crystals. In Turkey, where
they are sometimes composed of more
costly jewels, they are a part of the
brid's dower, and are often Heirlooms ot
great antiquity.
Simplicity in bridal attire is more a
foreign than an American fashion, but it
must be allowed it is far more appro
priate. If one wishes to preserve any
sentiment with the bridal dress ono does
not care to use it as a ball dress after
ward. Heavy satins and brocades tempt
one to wear the dress instead of storing
it away as an heirloom.
Trimmed hats and bonnets seen at re
cent New lork openings are for the
most part exaggerations of the shapes
worn tho past season. Tho crowns to the
round hats are taller and more conical,
the brims are narrower and more eccen
tric, while the trimmings on both hats
and bonnets arc higher and more pyra
midal and more arbitrarily massed on
the front of the crown of hats and on
tho tops of bonnets than ever.
Blowing Up a l)oy.
William Hussell, a farmer of Liberty
township, Ind., recently conceived tho
idea of killing a dog with dynnmitc.
Hussell procured a half-pound stick of
tho explosive, lured the dog into a field,
and, attaching a fnse to the dynamite,
tied it beneath the neck of the animal,
and ran toward the fence. To his dis
may the dog, frightened by the hissing
of the fuse, followed him, and Hussell
barely reached the top rail, with the dog
only a fe w feet in his rear, when tho ex
plosion occurred. Hussell was some
what injured by the concussion, and
was completely covered with tho re
mains of the deceased cur. Neto Yurk
Two canaries began to sing when their
cae was struck by lightning at Bt.
Charles, .Mo.
In MussachuHctta pneumonia has, tince
1S57, grown almost twice as fast aa the
Facts for Families.
Ia order to cook your hare, you must
always first catch it.
It is much easier to catch a cold than
to catch a hare.
To get rid of a cold, always use Ked
Star Cough Cure.
To get Ked -tar Cough Cure, only re
quires twenty-five cents.
The United States half dime of 1802
is a valuable coin. It is worth $.13.
Qnorr Jewelry.
A San Francisco paper says that a
modeler of statuary lias a set of cuff and
shirt studs made of ( hinese finger nails,
set in gold. He points with pride at his
exclusive possessions, which are made of
a I'hinRman's finger-nail, which was four
inches long whon cut. Tho nail in tho
studs presents a shiny appearance, and
is susceptiblo to changes in the weather.
Their owner claims that they were suc
cessfully used by him as a weather ba
rometer when he first got them, but their
usefulness in this direction bad been lost
through sge. Tho question of whether
Chinese finger-nails will come into gen
eral use as articles ot jewelry is one
which interests shell and precious stone
dealers. The Chinese judge their contlc
mcn as Americans do their idlers by
their long finger-nails. A reporter has
seen among the heirlooms of a heavy
weight merchant in Chinatown a nail
which attained the great length ,of thir
teen inches, and the Chinaman's grand
father was reported by tho merchant to
have raised ono eighteen inches long on
the index finger of his left hand. The
merchant at that: time said there was
nothing wonderful about that, as he
knew a Chinese priest who had a nail on
the little finger of his left hand which
was sixteen feet and some inches in
length, and the priest was then but sixty-eight
years of age.
Politics Too Much Far Tlhn.
A lady on Fifth Avenue, New York, quickly
summoned a doctor:
"Oh, doctor, my husband Is nearly dead.
He attended a caucus last night. He marls
four spcoches and promised to be with his
fellow citizens again to-day. But oh, doctor,
h looks nenrly dead."
'Has he been in politics long?"
"No, only last year. He worked hard for
James McCaulay 'selection."
"Ha will pet woll. mad a ml He has a
stomach for anv disease, if he worked for
l'olitical life, Ot short or lonjj duration, is
very exhausting, as is evidont from the great
mortality which prevails among public men.
Kx. U. .S. Senator B. K. Bruce, who has been
lonsr in public life, says:
"The other day, when stepping into a car
at a crossing, 1 found Dr. within, who
eyed mo up and down in a surprised way,
" 'Why, Senator, how well you look!'
" 'Well, I feel pretty well,' I answered."
The doctor uttered an incredulous reply,
when the Senator franklv told him, in an
swer to an inquiry, that it was Warner's safe
cure which accomplished for him what the
profession had failed to do. Senator Bruce
snys bis friends are very much astonished at
this revelation of power. The Globe.
Ovorwholmingly Pefeatod.
The king ot Denmark has a wart on his
chin, to remove which he has offorod $10,000.
A Scotchman is suffering from a pain
ful disease of the hand and wrist,
brought on by tho pressure against the
palm of a round-knobbed cane. The
surgeons say that the thing to carry is a
stick with a plain, smooth, cylindrical
A Complication of Diseases is the
decision of incompetent physicians when
a pttient has been "killed by dru s."
Yes; a complication, indeed, originating
in indigestion, dyspepsia, kidney or
liver complaint, all of which yield ai
readily to Vinegar Bitters as does the
autumn leaf to the gentle breeze. Com
plications are quickly solved by the Bit
ters. ,
In China mechanics receive from $4.50
to $8 per month, while common laborers
receive no more than $1.00 for the same
The O'd mid the New.
The old-style pills! Who does not know
What agony they caused what who!
You walked the groaned, you sighed,
And felt such awful pain inside,
And the next day you i'olt so weak
You didn't want to move or speak.
Ts'ow Tierce's "Pellets'' are so mild
They ore not dreaded by a child.
They do their work in painless way,
And leave no weakness for next day.
Thus proving what is oft confest
That gentle means are always best.
Kentucky's heaviest pumpkin this year
weighed over i 10 pounds.
The Ruilily Ulver
of life is the blood. From it the system re
ceives all its material ot growth and repair.
It bathes every tissue of the body. How
necessary, then, that the blood should be
ikept pure and rich. Dr. Pierce's "Golden
Medical Discovery" is the great blood loot!
.and blood purifier. It is a sovereign remedy
for all diseases due to impoverished blood,
i consumption, bronchitis, weHk lungs, scrofu
la, influenza, and kindred diseases.
Tobacco grows wild in various parts of
I DplirnfA diPA9 in nitViat. uv
however induced, speedily cured. Book, la
cents in stamps. Address, in confidence.
World's Disjiensury Medical Association, 063
Main tjtreet. Buflalo, N.Y.
; The widow of Baldwin, the great locomo
motive builder, has f2,0X),0Ul) to live upon.
Two weeks ago we published the annual
j announcement of the Youth's Companion.
'o ol her illustrated weelcly paper attempts
to present its subscribers with such a variety
iof attractive and ents rtnining reading. This
is the reason why it has 340,uuu subscribers
the laiRest circulation in the United 8lateg.
Every family should take it. By senditip;
your subscription now, with 11.75, you will
receive it tree to January 1, s.SG, and a full
year's subscription from that date.
Now is the time to prevent and cure Skin
.Diseases, and to secure a white, soft and beau
tiful complexion use "Bkeson'h Aromatic
Alum Hllfhub (Soap." 2T tents by Drug
gist, or by mail. Wm. Dreydoppel, I'hila., fu.
All plasters are not alike. Jop 'iusfriKive
relief and cure when other kinds are utterly
'worthless. Try one ami see. iV. dealers.
( Ask your shoo and hardware dealers for
Lyon's Heel Still'eners, they keep bootbjand
shoes straight;
! Tht best Ankle Hoot and Collar Pads are
made of zinc and leather. Try them.
If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaao
Thompson'sEye Water. Druggists sell it. -J6c.
The best cough medicine is l'iso's Cure for
Consumption, fciold everywhere. 36c,
Lout Fa.Uu In Phyalrlana.
There are Innumerable lustunces where cures have
been effected by Scovlll'a bai-ftapurtlla. or lUood arid
Uver hyrup, for all dlneuseii of tlie blood, when IhH.
patient had been utven up by physicians. It Is on.
of tl bct.1 ri-nu'dles ever offered t o the public, and
a.-i It lu prepared with the Krcatest care as a Kpecllm
forcerUitn UUeuacs, It is uo wonder that it should bu
more effectual than hastily written and care!ely
prepared prescriptions. Take Kcovlll's Blood uutt
Liver Syrup for all disorders arising from Impure
blood. It Iwendorsed by all leading professional men.
Joaquin Miller says the only book he
keeps iu his cabin at Washington is a Bible.
Import -ant.
When yon visit or lenvn Vurs city, save ba-t?..
eipienitj.-; suu $-' usrrisse hire, sud rop at lbs Liru
L'i!i u UoU-l, opp.M.ile lirnud Oeulisl d.p.t.
i i o t-lt-,--Mil rooms, btLed up at a cost of onemill'oa
n. lists, 1 and upwsrd p-r dsy. 1'unpeaa pisu. Kla
istur. ltt-atauraut supplied with thi best, ilursecsrs,
Llitr sua elevated rsilroads to all depots, rsiuilms
i i II li.e Itelter for less money at tlia ttrsud Uutua
Hotel thsu at any other hrst-olass holtjl in the city.
MewMiS's Puptoitoko snitr Towifl, ths only
preparation ofbeef contaioinijiM entire nttfrt
fioii property. It contain blood-makln
Force Ronnrating and life-mint.alnin properties;
invaluable for indigcution, dyspepsia, nervous
prontratinn, and all forma of goneral debility;
also, in all enfoeblod conditions, whether ths
result of exhaustion, nervong proa tration, over
work or acute disease, particularly if resulting -from
pulmonarycomplaints. Oaawell, Hazard if
Co., Proprietors, New York. Bold by druggist.
The Fourth Trash vterian church. New
York, has had but seven pastors in 100 years.
Free front Opiatct, Jb'meHea and Poison.
AT l)fti'nilllT AM Tl DlttlM.
f Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
r n r p a n
1 Ul I fllll PKiOK. FIKTV CENT".
THE ClUm.rS A. TOUH.EK (O.. luLTllORl, UD.
Scrofula of Lungs.
t am now 49 yar oM. and har uflrcrt for ta.
laU flflrn yar with a lnnir trouble. I hare apxnt
thousands of dollar lo arrrit the march of thl dl
raj. : but temporary relief wu all tat 1 obtained.
I was tmnt for anjr manual labor for aoraral year.
A friend strongly rpoommimdod th iw of Rwlft'a
Kperlno (S. s. H). datmlng that be hlmielf had been
freatlv benefitted by Itmwi. In noma ltin trouble,
resolved to trv It. The renlta are ramarkahle. My
rouirh has Inft hie. my ntrenitth liiia returned, and I
weih lxty nounila mora Uian I otot did In my life.
It has been three year ulnce 1 stopped the uie of the
BiedMne, but I hive bad ao return of the dleae,
and there are no pnlu or weakneat felt lo my lunn.
1 do the hardest kind of work. T. J. Holt.
Montgomery, Ala., June 25, 1BSS.
Swtft'i Specific Is entirely Tefetahle. Treatise en
Blood and Skin Dlseaiios mailed free.
The Swtrr hmciiriu Co., Drawer S, Atlanta, Oa.,
or IC7 W. aid St., N. Y.
In various Styles of Binding, with tnd
without Patent Index.
Containing over 25,000 Titles, describing the
Countries, Citiea, Towna, and Natural Feat
urea of every part of the Globe.
-it has 118,000 Wordi,
VJTJLJJL nooo Engr
nooo KiicravliiKs, and a New
liioemidiicBl Dictionary.
'SltLYTC Standard in Uov't Printing Office,
B. al JBj u -4,000 copies in Public- Schools.
Palo ao to 1 of any other series.
BEST Holiday Gift
It is an invaluable companion in overy School,
and at every Fireside.
G. & C. MERR1AM & CO., Pub'ra, Springfield, Masa.
For sala by all
Stations, Newsmen, Fancy Goods Dealers.
LESSONS IN LOVE, Courtship and Mar
rTrTTl 1 liiilc.l r.ii'iavliies. Hlost lauo-hable. loci.
ea I. useful I look. Uy mall. cents. Address
COAST t'lTV HUH CO., -19 Nassau Street. N. Y.
DR. J. C. HOFFMAN. Jefferson, Wisconsin.
Fit TK!
"hk HoT'xrnoi.D Primkk for a 2 cent stamp.
Hit Hoiiskhold Reck. it Hook fur a i urn, ttamp.
rite HoUsEtiul.D Li AM it Hook for tw 2 rent iLtnim.
s-nl to u. Loth bop A. Co., & Fruuklm bt., boiou,
K0lM4t Tth Perfect wm4 Omm Healthy.
i.iw i . Mjre cure in iu to
;jaay. Sanitarium treatment,
nr iitrxtiriiii li DTiirusii s
if U yarn I'ftiablifthed. lluolt fr.
i MHrih, Qulocy. Mien.
lOI.IDAV Hit KsF NT. Rarest
kT t-f
ham ever offered. Something new. J. adieu or
i ten it, bit Mm art imi uuitraim-td or money refunded.
Send $1. 1.ATTINU a CO., Hox :(, Mimpetii, N. Y.
fSmBSmaaKOSSaKKa Sure r-lief i p. Tnu
K HomcMitc Typewriter. W.)lniie
g l j () iu ItiuiueMi. tin-tit limtrurtor for Child
ren. Ag'tt wauled. H.S.Inp;ci-Koll.4ii'ortlaud M..N. V.
ppei-iitl nrrnenieiitMiitl extra terms secured
bj ad.liew-lllK "Ai'l'O.UAlTOX," liul 1711. I'Ulla.. Pa.
JPri rpOHttUY lra liar, ami earn (food pay.
g tLCUilAi,,f1I Hitimtioua fun,ilie,r w'nte
I VAI.L.NT1M-: ItKOS.. Junc.wHe, Win.
M to Holdlers k II airs. Sendstamp
ls3ir,SlrtH Circulars. COI la It IN (1
I Wllwl Wals UA.N1. Any. tVasuiuiiiou, i. O.
An srtie Mas or Woman In every
pai astasiid l.prii.c in ail
.n'. i,ii..,iu,vuiiii rnr i jani.iuars
free, titaiiuard oilver-ware Co. olou. Mass
V hi taken His lead la
ttid.nlt.-s ot tliut tlaaa ot
renje.lie., and hat gittn
sJini.,,! univaiial
1 hat won the lavur of
the i.ul.lic and now ranks
SIIiOi;l Ihe Itarim. aU.i..
Cinolnnatl,lfe"XSuuc"'tie o 1 1. ,u.
U1". tl " " Hi Jill, ..I .
S..Mhy lini.-u,,!,",
r.i.iki in.
CHICHtSTFB'c; FIMfil icju.s
The Original sssid Only l.enulne,
A: ami slauv. r. K,-warul urt hlcaa luiltaiUirA
I Sltttt.U'rJ. kHahah" art- it. U-al luajc. lu-li.aMUjIw
O LAOIfcS. rurltMtau.(Bli.aiiM.) Uit iiatu-ularaUMLi.
Wry -.ulU" NAME pAeeN.'EjI f" f
0 ZfZ
a". .7 wr .'..v A
op nm
I if 1 SITED
J: "urn Id T'. J
1 Tl) 6 bAY.S. J
I J ctut. airioturt. "
I J Mf d.uijiTytaa
1 t Sum ChBslctl Co.
v. v
W..-uull. NAME PAHEN.t
t 111. U,.t,, Co., I
oOf Aludlava BMPkUada, P.
atarrh in
Ortirtnates In acrofttlotia taint in the blood. Hence
the proper method by which to cure catarrh, la to
purify the Mood. Its mnny disagreeable symptoms,
and the dsnior of developing Into bronchitis or that
terribly fatal disease, consumption, are entirely ru
mored by Hood's Parsaparllla, which eurea catarrh
by purifying the blood and also tones tip the system
and areatly Improves the general health of those
who take It.
"I had been troubled by general debility, caused In
pnrt by catarrh anil humors. Hood's Snrsnpnrllla
proved Just the thing needed. I derived an Im
mense amount of benefit. n-H. E. Mti.f.KTT, Boston.
Catarrh Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla
"I suffered three years with catarrh, and my gen
eral health was poor in consequence. When I took
Hood's Sarsnpniill.i I found 1 had the right remedy.
The catarrh is yielding, lis Hood's Snrsnimrilla Is
cleansing my blood, and the general tone of my sys
tem Is Improving. My caso Is of such long standing
that I did not expect to be cured In an Instant."
Frank WAsitat RN, Hochestcr, N. V.
"I suffered wllh catarrh fifteen years s tried nil tho
catarrh remedies without benefit, and was about to
try a change of climate, when I took Hood's Snrsa
parllla. I would not take any money consideration
for the good one bottle did me. Now I am not
troubled any with catarrh.,'-!. W., Chicago,
ood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. t s alx for 5. Marto only by
C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
Best Cough Syrnp. Tastes good. Use
In time. Sold by rtrnrirlM.
"Plan's Cure for Consumption saved my life."
L. L. Whipli, Druggist, Kintner, Mich.
av-j-r im.i 8,an;t.
Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes good.
rnin ov hhikkisw.
"Will buy no other Cough Medicine aa long as we
can getPiso's Cure." C. B. Larimeb, Kirkwood, 111.
t Best Ooucb Hvrup. Tastes
a . ., -u. u , j
I u in up. r.i,ni oy ,int
"Piso's Cure cured ma of Consumption." Wm. E.
BosinTaoN, Brandywlne, Md.
h Hyrup. Tastes good. Uso
ne. Hold bv drtu:ifita.
"Piso's Cure for Consumption la the best medicine
we ever used. " O. L. Bonn. Abilknc, Kans.
Beat Cough yrup. Tastee good. Use
rHii uy nnmf mm.
"Piso's Cure for Consumption Is doing wonders for
me." H. II Stanskix, Newark, N. V.
KURll WNtRt All tLat FAILS.
Beet Hough Syrup. Taste, good. Us.
in lime, nolo ny nntKRisu.
Used by tlie best inanuiactnrers
and m'prliiuiics In llio world.
Pullman Palace Car fo.. Mason
uamitn ir:aii a. i iniu. -w.
Ac, or ull kiudl itffim u-orfc.
tlon, joints tnada with it en
At tlie New llrleana cspom
dured a testing strata oi over
1600 Pounds
Prnnouwd ttrmtgnt ttnti knnirn.
LvnLyn . K".i. Am Orlean. l.SfVi.
li vniir ilonlor r1rw not kton It
end bimrl mut HV. nnMnfr forMniplcnii.
ULSSli CtMEM CO., tilouceiter
Best In the World. Made only by the Kraaer Lubrica
tor Co. ai Chicago, N. Y.a bt.Luuls. Sold ever ytt-fttra.
Piso's Ttsmedv for Catarrh la the
Ifeat, JiJuileat to use, auta
Also good for Told In the Hand,
Headache, Hay Fever, dtc. 60 cauls.
. . .....j ....i ... M linh Ar Co.. Pal-
met-. Mi-is., giving address in lull for piiini'lilets l'r
tainiurf to the reariut' of i hildreti. etc Kulge ood
is thi- U-.t Iood in the w.irlil for invalids, .and la
readily tukcu by the little folks, and alwava with at
ii. tory ri-siili " hen taken acooi- li"g to the direc
tiotm ai-i-oniii.iu'iu each can. Het of cards lor-
waj ued lor hiiiiii'.
I hiv . nn-ltlve roinodv for ih above iMii.t.t, by U
Lorillari's Climax Pluff,
bearing a red" finfuo, tuui Lorillard'a
itir ae l.el " 'VC'V o., c inaideridT
LLC Ul B . UUV.Mn.a "1 " " J
IVTlinlT TH"" "d I will tell ynu how
AVHIlJli ftlh to obtain fKKK for flul
one of KIukk's Kire K.allng.ll.her. for the ll.ime.liat,.
extiimuuiiiiienl of t .-1 t Ur-- ' """ ly uue ot
onu would mhvii your lions.- or liarli. Alio n m.
' t IIAItl.i:s UAV.IM. Ilarieii, ouu.
MITCH KI.IH Perfitratert llellailonna
Pllieiera cure all Aches and hiira iiu
edy for thai roLii nmf betwoen the shoulders, bold
by DniKKinlseveiywiiere
1 1 a ra.a Great Cnglish Goul in4
Ul3ir S rlllSi Rheumatic Remedy.
Oval UL t.OOt round, 6t cla.
niea kftr-rra u introd.H-e tiiem, wo will
Bill UrrtHa t.ivr: avvav i.uw bait-
4tratliiK Waaluug Mainline. It you waub uu
Keua u iur ii.iiu, . v.. iui
uueu. The Nullullltl l'll.ii UKVSI'., N. V.
PA p m i saps -. Dbtainad. oend ala:nii for
ATtN I v luv.uuirVUuida. L. iilNU.
UAU. Patent l.aver, V, a&lilU;toU. i. C.
hine llnbit Cured In 10
o pay till cored.
No. Jbuun, Otolik
IT. -Siallr-.'
Use M
good. Use tl
:elsts. fl
.u"i' q
Oi thnukDi. of cuitft ot the wont kind nd of Ion
Uadlne lie been fu rod. lndond. otronir Is my folih
lUiii.mcii.y.thollwIJ undTWO BOTTl.ttt fKKK,
tcjtthr wllh a V A l-tA UliE TKKATI8K on tlitsdiMaM
lo any luffM-or. Girt rxprvis null' O. addr b.
Dft. T. A. oLoCUii. )1 f oarl St., fiiw Torlr.
the Mead
"For many yearn, beginning so far bark I don't r.
member when, I had the catarrh In my head. It con
sisted of an excessive flow from my nose, ringing
and bursting noises In my ears, and paina on the top
ofniyhead. Thehnwklng and spitting were moat
excessive In the morning, when the back part of my
tongue would be thick with white fur, and there
would be a bad taste In my mouth. My hearing waa1
effected in my left ear. Five years ago I began to
use Hood's Rarsaparllla. I was helped right away
but I continued to use till I felt myself cured. My
general health has been good ever since the catarrh
loft me." Mils. E. H. CAUi.rntLD, Lowell.
Mnrtln Shields, successful mnrketman of Chicago,
derived help from Hood'a Sarsaparilla. Heaaya: I
have been troubled with thnt distressing eomplaiat,
catarrh, and I want to ay that I have been using
Hood'a Sarsaparilla, and 1 And It one of the best rem
edies I have ever taken. My trouble has lasted ten
years, and never before could I got any relief, never,
until I commenced to uso Hood's Sarsaparilla.
would recommend Ha use to all suffering with that
complaint. It is truly an excellent medicine."
"I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for dyspepsia, which 1
had for nine or ten years, suffering terribly with It,
It has entirely cured me, and I recommend It to
others who suffer with this disease." Mrs. A. Non
tom, Chlcopoc, Mass.
Bold by all druggists. l alx for $11. Made only by
C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
I OO Doses Ono Dollar .
Only Temperance Hitters KnoTrn.
Na oilier medicine known fto effectuallj
piirtjoa the blood of deep-seated disa5es.
Millions bear tentlmour toils wonder,
ful curative effect. -
It 1 a purely Vegretable rreparation,
mode from the native herb aud root of Califor
nia, the medicinal properties of whi;h are ex
tracted therefrom without the tine of Alcohol.
It rotnovrs tits -a use of disease, and tna
patient recovers Ills health. ....
It la tlie creat Itlood Piirlflor and Mfe
KiviuK l'rirciple ; a Oeutle I'unfative and Tonlo (
a perfect Kenovator and Invlsorator of the sys
tem. Never before In the hlKtory of the world
has a medicine been compounded poesesninr the
renmrknblo qualities of ViNicasn Hittkrs in lteal
ini; tlie sick of every disease man Is heir to.
'I'll Alterative, Aperient. liupnoretle.
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Sedative,
Counter-irritant. Sudorific, Anti-Blllous, (Solvent,
Diuretic and Tonic properties of Vinioaij Brr
ikrs exceed those of any other medicine in the
No person can take the nrrnrns according;
to directions and remain loin unwell, provided
their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison
or other rueaus, and the vital organs wasted be
yond the point of repair.
unions, Itemittent, Intermittent and
Malarial Kevers. are prevalent throtiRhout tha
United States, iiartlculnrly in the valleys of our
great rivers ana their vast tributaries during tho
Bummer and Autumn, eipeoially during seasons
of tinithunl heat and dryness.
Tli ess Fevers are Invariably accompanied
by extensive derangements of the stomach, liver
and bowels. In their treatment, a purgative, ex
ertiuir a powerful Influence upon Utese organs, Is
absolutely necessary.
i hero Is no ratliartle for the purpose
equal to Pr. J. Walkkr's Viufoab Hittius, as it
will speedily remove the darkolored viscid
matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the
same time stimulating the secretions of the liver,
aud generally restoring tho healthy function of
the digestive organs.
rot-lily the bodr against disease by puri
fying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No
epidemic can toko hold of a system thus fore
arm n I.
It Inrlgorntes tlie Niomach andstlmti-
lntea the totiiiil l.iver and Bowels, which render
It of utiequaled efllciency in cleansing the blood
of all impurities, imparting new life aud vigor to
the frume, and carrying off without the aid of
Calomel, or other mineral medicine, every par
ticle of poisonous matter from the system.
Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Headache,
Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the
Chest, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Bad Tasteln the
Mouth, Bilious Attacks, l'alpitation of the Heart..
In limn mat ion of the Lungs, l'ain in the region of
the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia.
dicrolula, or King's mil, Vhlte Swell
ings, I'loers, Krvsielas, Swelled Neck, Goitre,
Scrofulous or Iniloleut Inflammations, Mercurial
Affections, Old Sores, Eruptionsof the Skin. Sorei
Kves, etc. Vn these, as in all otherconRtitutional
Diseases, vVubr's Vinkoab Bm ittts has shown
their great curative powers iu tho niOBt obsti
nate aud Intractable cases.
For luilHiiimatory and Chronic Rheuma
tism, Gout, Bilious, Keniitteut and Intermittent
Kevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and
Bladder, the Bitters have no equal. Such Dis
eases are caused bv Vitiated Blood.
mechanical Diseases. l'ersons engaged
In Paints aud Minerals, such as Plumbers, l'jpe
setters. Gold-beaters, aud Miuers. as they ad
vance in life, are suhlect to paralysis of the
Bowels. To guard against this, take a done of
Waiicr'r Vinkoak Bitters.
For Milii Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter,
Salt Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules,
Boils, Cnrbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Sore
Fyes. Krysipelas, Itch, Scurfs. Discoloration,
Humors and diseases of the Skin of whatever
name or nature, are literally dug up and carried
out of the system iu a short time by the uso of
the Bitters. . , , ,
Flu, Tape, and other Worms, lurking
In the svstetu of so many thousands, are effec
tually destroyed and removed. No syBtem of
mediciue. no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will
free the svstem from worms like the Bitters.
For Female Complaints, in young or
old, married or single, at the dawn of woman
hood, or the turn of life, this Bitters has no equal.
Cleanse the Vitiated Itlood whenever
you find its impurities bursting through the skin
in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when
you Hud it olistruoted and sluggish in the veins ;
cleanse it wheu It's foul; your feelings will tell
you when. Keepth blood pure, and the health
of the system will follow.
In conclusion : tiive the Bitters a trial. It
will speak for itself . One bottle is a better guor
antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Around each bottle re full directions
printed in different lantrtiages.
11. II. Mi-1)ONaU Dltl li CO., Proprietors,
San Francisco, cal., and fib. 630 6M Washington
St., Cor. Charlton St., New York.
Sold by all Dealer and Drug-gists.
NIK U-40
T&roaph tb raiiur or a irr ma-ttfsU'tui-er
of 4 itabmer febawiaS
Ihrre bin coma into our bands a larct
OOUFtiiiineLt I'laiil Sit ), ptrfrcl
frxKHis, which wa proitoM to praaantto
Ihe Itultra In tba folluwiti; inaoaari
&nd us viceota for 8 mea. araUrrip
ti'iu to 1'nrm and llouaehold. a
Urt,rlHi pi.;iliatrlti p;r,
volrd U tint. ,ud llouaehold toplc,
Storidaaor) gnnara) mlsoftlaoy, suit) wa
willKTitir'iu nncot ILtterM.autilUL
abawla'KKKK by mail pttpaid,
or wa will aoud & shawls and a bdO-
ata-liiUoriB to ona addrata for UW
btitia taction guartniooa
or ojofh-v rei n titled. Addrcu
ilarttord, Caaa.
When i 8t our 1 do mt mean meiflf to itop taetit
fur a tune k.iitl tha)i( huve llii'tn rtui o acaui. I metai ,
nuiii uUurw- 1 hBTuihni' tho ilueti-e of KITH, iJM-I-Ki'SY
or KALUNii KirKSKSS a life-long tudy. 1
Warrant my iviordy tu ouiu liir woruttaueit. BeuM.aa
jitit'rri ua.o failed udo reaxm fir not duw r. ilnya
cufw. Send at uiKffur atrettst3 and a trou Bottle of
uiy infsUlihla rpmody. Oiva Kipsvxa and tojt OJIlo,
It cO-Its you P'ttbinK for a trial, uiut I will cur toil.
AUdro.B Ua, H. ii. HOOT, ifi3 1'tmri UL., Mow VorlC,
Xn&'&?A yewr cwn Dons
' ' iOSi Meal. Oy.ter Fthell.
V'flOK!!!! Flour land son
1 1 li lli' X XANX MIIjIj
li''. iImiii's l'ali-iilt. IOO ser
rent, uiute niuile to ki-eoin dhui.
try. AlfO PltHUt MIM.IS and IK A It Ml
j'tl'D M 1 1.1M. ciiculaia and Teal linonlals arnt
Hii.l.lItUyu. vVlUsy.1i JiUUb., aaata, s.
i I;