WEDNESDAY MOOIM, NOV. IS, IS8S. DOnOUGH OFFICERS. Burg,. Ef.i Iloi,f:MM. Omit-H'msa North ward. H. M. Fore man. J. K. Clark, W. L. Klinentlver. Noutli ward, J. If. Femes, V. A. Eagles, Chas. Bonner. JntliooM of tht J'eaeoJ. T. Brennan, I). H. Knfl. OonUall.f Pritunr Agnow. ifohont Director G. W. Robinson, A. 11. Kelly, J. II. Dingman, D. 8. Knox, J. W. Morrow, E. L. Davis. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congreat Alexander C. Whit. Member of Hnrit.r3 '. O. Hai.L. .A Meraftfy Peter Bkuhy. iViuwlenf JudgtW. D. Bowf. .4 iociuf JutigesV. A. Mill, Lkwu Auner. Trcwiurcr Wm. SMKAnriAroH. I'rothanotart, Ragi-Her Ilteorler,&c ClTUTI M. Skawket. shtriff". Lkosabo Aihw. 0mwiafonr Oi.ivkr Byerly, Wm, S.IIELDS, J. R. Chadwick. 'ny tittperintendcnt J. E. II ILL Ahn. JHfitriel Attorney T. J. VawGiicsen. .nvry (lommfiisiontrsll. O. Davis, Da Rib Walters. f ounry .Surveyor II. C. WnlTTEJtlX. i.'ororier Dr. J. W. Morrow. Cii(y y J. A. 8O0TT, THO. Corah, Oro, Zounmci.. ' UUS. N ESS Dl n ECTO R Y 7 TI03HSTA LODGE Xo. 369, Zcrs I. O. of 0. 1. MEETS vei v Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock, in'the Lodga Room lu Por tridge'uHall. O. W. KERR. N. O. !. W. SAWYER, Sec'y. 27 -tf. IjVMlEST IX) DOE, No. 14, A. O. U. W.. L Meets every Friday Evening in Odd l-'ehowa' Hall.Tlnncsta. 8. H. CAN FIELD, M. W. J. 1'. WESK, Recorder. CVPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274, O. A, R. McrtH nu the first Wodnnsday in eaoh mo i Hi, In Odd Follows Hall. Tionesta. Pa. D. S. KNOX, Commander. J, 1 , AII.1KW, I. M. CLARK. vo:ni;:w &, CLAUK, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, I :l in fSL. Tionesta, Ponna. a J. VAN O I KS KN. I . ATTORNEY- AT LAW, And District Attorney of Forest County, l!ce In Court Ho:ito, Tionesta, Ta. I L. DAVIS. V., A TTO UN I Y AT- LAW, Tionesta, Pa. iViUei'tloim made in this mid adjoining counties TATF. ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, Elm Stroof. Tionesta, Pa. iF. rTtchky. 1 . ATTORNEY-AT-LaW, Tiones'n, Forcnt Count Pa. 1 A WHENCE 1 IOCS 10, Tionesta, Pa., I J T. 1.'. Jackson, Proprietor. This Iiodmm in centrally loi-Htcvl. Kvt'rythinit titv and wll furniKlifd. Kupetior Ac tNiiiinioilRliorm and Htrict nitcntinti nivcn i jriie.-U. Vo-.jetulili's and Krtilttt of all kind nerved in their Ma)ti. Sample loom for Coimnerriul Aent. KNTRAE IIOVSE, Tionenta, Pa., O, llrownell. Proprietor. Thin In a new liouno, and lias jnt. been fitted up lor f lie a"(t"innioiation ol the public. A por tion ot'tlm jjutroi!:ij$e of llio pilblio 1h ttolie. Ited. 40-ly. Ventral housk, on. city, pa. J W. 11. ROTH. Proprietor. The largest, Ih.'Ht located and Furnished IIouno in the City. Nar Union Depot. 1 W. MORROW. M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, of Armstrong county, having located In Tionontc ia prepared to attend all pro losslonal calln promptly and at all hours. OlMee In SniearbaiiKh t Co.'s new luiild inn, up Ktaira, Otlice lioura 7 to 8 a. M., oud 11 to VI M. ; 2 to 3 and H to 7) p. M. rsnnday, 0 to 10 a.m.; 2 to S and 61 to 71 r. m. ' Residoneo in Clark Honrs, near PoKt Ofllec. may-18-81. WC. COUURN, M. D.. . PUYblCIAN Jtr SURGEON, lias had over fifteen years experience in the practice of hi profession, having grad uate! legally and honorahly May 10, 1805. )tHce'and Residence in Juduo Reek's Iiouka, opposite the M. f '.. Church. Tiones t.i, Pa. Aug. 25-180 I ESTISTRY. It DR. J. W. MORROW. Ilavins; purchevsod the lnateriala Ac, of Hr. tstendinan, would respoctiully on luiunce that he will carry on the Dental luminous in Tioneata. and having had over tnx years successful experience, considers liinisf.ll fully oompetent to plve entire sat-iHiiu-tlou. t shall always give my medi cal practice the preference. mar22-82. A. I. KELLY MAY, PARK di CO., BANKERS! tViner of Elm A WalnutSU. Tionoata. Hunk ol Discount and DcpoHit. Interest al lowed on Time Deposits. Collection. made on all thePrincipal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. 18-ly. J OU1SXZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. ma v4 81 TONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Iand and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Solar or Trlantcuhitioii Survey iiiK. Rest of InstrunienU and work, 'forms on application. OUHSCRIBE fbr the RKri'BLiCAW, only O ( per annum. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. t'onilenanil Tint Tnblc Tloueatn (Station. NORTH. I SOUTH. Train i!K 77 am Train r,3 10:fiS am Train (12... 7:48 am Train 29 1:18 pm Train 80 4:01 pm'Train 81...- 8:18 pm Train 28 North, and Train 2 South car ry the mail. Freaching in the M. E. Church next Sunday evening by F. M. Small. rrcsbyteriou Sabbath School at 9:45 0. m.; M. E. Sabbath School at 10 a. in. The first Quarterly Meeting of llio Free Methodist Church for this conference year will be htld iu Tio iiesta, Dec. 4th, 5th, and Cth. The first service will be Friday evening, Iiev. J. T. Michael officiating. All are cordially invited. M. L. ScnooLEY, P. C. -Foreig hu rile rs are stringing in by the score. Glance at Smearbaugh fe Co'b holiday auDouoctiueDt this weik. The Catholic church will be ready for occupancy iu about two weeks. Douglas Moore of Barciett is re ported as lying dangerously ill with typhoid fover. Comb Ilouey, Cranberries, Lem ons, Citron, Extracts, &c, fresh at Wm. Smearbaugh & Co. To morrow will be TbanksgiviDg. Remember the poor, not merely in your prayers, but with your pocket' books. AgenU fr the Hunter Sifter Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, cao clear from $3 to $5 per day easily. Write for terms &c. (tee. Dr. Morrow U daily growing bet ter from his sickness, and with proper care ill soon be able to atteud to his practice agaiu. The publication of the court proclamation, trial and jury list, re minds us that the December term of court is approachiug. Dr. Morrow wishes us to Btate that. any cue wishing to see him pro (emioiihll y or otherwine can do so by calling at his residence. El. Ileibel has still a Hue line of stoves healing and cooking on hand, which he is ready to eel up at rock bottom figures. Try him. Harvey Foremau has taken the contract lo build a house for Wni. Iliebenthal, located opposite- J. S. Hood's house io the north ward. A drop of 15 or 20 ccnls iu oil during the pust week has drawn out the faces of the dear ldtnhs, anJ set them buck into tun "two-fur" box. Hon. W. S. Stengor, Secretary of the Commonwealth, has our thanks for u nicely bound copy of the pam phlet laws pursed by the last legisla ture. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis have invited their frieods to assist them iu celebrating their 25th wedding anni versary, on Wednesday evening uext, 2d ult. The boro council has taken some steps toward improving the town's drainage, but the season is too far gone to make much headwuy in that direction. Uuion Thauksgiving services will be held in the M. E. Cburch to mor row evening, begiooing at seven o'clock. A general and cordial invi tation is extended. Geo. Carr, at his meat market, has a good supply of fat turkeys, and wants the people to know it so they will understand where to go for their thanksgiving stock. The County Commissioners, at their meeting last week, appointed Mr. Jas. G. Carson of this borough, Mercantile Appraiser for the ensuing year. A very good selec tion. Mrs. II. E. Smith and daughter whom we noted as being sick with malarial fever lasc week are growing better slowly, but another daughter was taken down on Monday and is quite ill at this writing. The deer season expires 00 the 15tk of December, and not on the 31st as is supposed by some. It waa thought the last legislature added the latter half of December, but we fail to fiud any such amendment in the new pamphlet laws. Mrs. G. W. Bovard received the sad intelligence on Monday that her father, living near Montague, Butler county, Pa., had died very suddenly. She had not been aware that he was sick, the shock beiug therefore much more sudden. Mr. Bovard went on to attend the funeral. Mr. Stewart was aged about 75 years. Another of Dan Aguew's team horses "turned up his toes" yesterday morning, without giving the least warning that he had any such inten lions. This is rather tough on Dao, it being the second within about two months. The hunters have been favored with & splendid tracking snow since Monday, and we may look out for a now invoice of big lies about the slaughter o( the innocents during the next few days. It will take a "hind quarter" to convince us on all such matters. Assessor Reck is banding the rose tinted blanks sround to "the boys," and no small wail is going up from every corner. People who rever squirmed before at the sight of the assessor, are insking their heaviest squirm now. It is alio wonderful to find how watches, cows, horses, etc, have depreciated in value in the past few days. Nicholas Gilfert's store at Lick ingville, Clarion county, received an othor call from burglars on Tuesday night of last week, who releived it of a large amount of goods. This makes the third haul since last spring, aud the eiphih robbery witbiu five years. Thieves seem to have a special pick at the old gentleman, making their raids with clock-woik regularity. We have just received the Pre mium List of The Philadelphia Weekly Press, and it is certainly the flu est piece of work it. has ever been our good fortune to see. How The Press can offer such inducements is a mystery. We advise all our read ers to seud for a copy and examine it. Among their premiums they offer The World's Cyclopedia and The Week ly Phess one year for $1.75. The Gusher City correspondent of the Warren Mirror says : "The folks in this vicinity have been worry ing over the disappearance of T. C. Mc-Bride, teacher of the Coopers Mill school. He went to vote on the 3rd of the month and has not been heard from since." In connection with this Supt. Hillard received a telegram f'ruoi the above place on Saturday last Bskiug if Mr. McBride had been here to get examined. The editor of (he Monongahela Republican says a raau came into that office recently aud complained of the dullness of the psper, aud wanted to know why it was not edited in a more sensational style. lie was given a pencil and told to go through the towu and bring in a few "sensations." An hour afterwards he returned with the following: "our Distinguished townsman turn Jones boo run For con stable Last year and dident get it Was plowing bis potato patch Last tucsday when ho turned up the durn dest Biggest house snake that was ever ceoe around heer roister jones will tun for constable again next year. C. W. Dean and William Woods, the two young men confined in jail, charged with the robbery at Leepcr, Arnold & Co's store 00 the night of Nov. 1st, were given a hearing before Esq. Thompson on Friday afternoon. A number of articles found in the pos session of the youug men at the time of their arrest were identified by wit nesses as those stolen from Leeper, Arnold & Co., and the piisoners were committed to juil for trial at the Jau uary term of court. In the case of Charles KaufTman, who charges the same parties with the robbery of his store on the night of August 31st, they were held for a hearing on next Saturday. Clarion Democrat. Outlandish Outrage. A most horrible outrage was com mitted in the vicinity of Newmauville, Clarion county, on the 14th inst. In the evoning of the above date two masked vidians entered the bouse oc cupied by a Miss Barnett and her brolhsr, and committed a heinous as sault upon the lady, who is a maiden upward of 50 years of age. The brother attempted to stay the hellish designs of the outlaws but was over come by them, being himself quite up iu years. The lady has been in a most critical condition, but is now improving aud will doubtless recover. This is the secoud outrage of a simi lar character perpetrated in that lo cality within two years. The lady thinks she recoguized one of the par ties and it may be the means of bring them to justice. Judge Lynch might be a good party to sit on this case if the guilty ones are detected. Hie good citizens of that community bhould exert every effort to ferret out tbe villains. A letter is before us from Mrs Margaret Mover (born Rice), . of No 5, Bedford Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., asking information relative to tbe whereabouts of her father Jacob Rice. She says that she has not seen him for about 35 years; that about that long ago he went with his son to Adams county to get sumo money thot had been left him by his parents; that he was a miller by trade, and if living now is a very old man. Mr3. Moyer adds : "When I last saw my father he was living about ten miles out from Franklin, at some furnacr, but I can not remember the name." She is very anxious lo hear concerning him or hs sons, her half-brothers. Persons know ing anything about either will please address her as above. Franklin News. Shocking Accident. On Wednesday of last week a shocking accident occurred near El der's Saw Mill, in Barnett Township, one mile North of Clarington, by which James Boyd, residing at Maple Creek, lost his life. Together with Philo Williams and son Curtis, Mr. Boyd was engaged in taking out tim ber in Snip Hollow. At the lime of the accident he was rossing a timber stick. A green maple tree of consid erable size that stood near where he was at work, without any apparent cause for so doing, suddenly turned out of root and fell toward Mr. Boyd, who, as soon as he saw his danger, at tempted to get out of the way. One, of those ugly knots so frequently found growing on maples caught bis leg between the thigh and knee, crush ing it completely against the timber underneath. Mr. Williams and his son lifted the tree from off him as soon as possible, when it was found that the artery of tbe leg had been completely severed. Nothing could be done, and in twenty minutes death ensued. Mr. Boyd leaves a wife and five children, all dependent upon bim for support. Among all our citizens noue was more respected than James Boyd. 1 1 is family have the sympathy of ull in their great afHiction. As a tribute to his upright Christian character it has been remarked by one familiar with him, that, if auy man in Forest County was ready to be called so sud denly, it was Jim. Boyd. j. e. h. Death of Mrs. F. E. Allison. The Hickory correspondent of the Warren Mirror has the following on the death of Mrs. F. E. Allison: Again has the angel of death visited us and taken a loved one from our midst. For a long time she has pa tiently borne great suffering but was resigned believing it for ber highest good. On Tuesday Nov. 17th, Mrs. F. E. Allison passed from time to eternity. Standing before such an event of providence, her church as well as our town can most fittingly af ford to praise ber and express their sympathy to the bereaved, while they most sorrowfully erase the wife and mother's name from tbe family roll. Kind and affectionate to a remarkable degree none knew Mrs. Allison but to love her. Truly "her feet were shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace." Her life will still live the memory of ber many friends and serve to make us more spiritually minded and mete fr tbe life of Heav en. May God '8 richest benediction rest on tbe husband aud His comfort ing grace come as a refreshing show er to our sorely stricken friends Em ma and Sue, and to Irvie, may Christ appear as a gentle Saviour who awaits to bear this and all other burdens of his life. List of Patents. List of Patents granted by the U. S. Patent Office, to citizens of Peon sylvania, for the week ending, Tues day, Nov. 17, 1885, reported express ly for the Fokest Republican, through the Patent Liw Offices of Duffy & Brashears, 607 7th St. N. W., opposite the U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. : J. Brooke, Pottstown, nut lock; J. L. Cous-ius, Kane, hay regulator ; J. II. Cremer, Biaddock, air drier; W. E. Depp, Brook ville, toy ; W. Down ing, Erie, paper folding machiue ; A. B. Farquhar, York, bay press; W. W. Grier, Hultou, vehicle tpring; F. S. Guerber, Pittsburgh, signal; J. F. Ilambay, Pittsburgh, grate bar (2 patents); A. T. Ileiser, Scraoton, han dle for shovels ; C. T. aud J. L. Hirt, Erie, paper folding machine ; II. C. McCarty, Williaincpurt, brake ; J. A. McConnell, Pittsburgh, cigar bunch ing machine; F. L. Mclllvanie, gap rotary engine; S. C. Rhodes, Brad ford, mechanism for conveying motion ; A. L. Rich, Allegheny, bustle; A. E. Relzer, Lebanon, back far pap?r clips; F. Mankey, Williamsport, surface or namentation. Jury List, Deoember Term, 1885. GRAND JURY. QREGN TOWNSHIP. LYMAN COOK, Foreman. Patrick Rynd. S. P. ITarri.son. V. C. Lacy. Geo. Klinestiver. HOWE TWI. Jas. Cooper. G. VT. Lithgow. Michael Feoly. B. P. Anderson. BARNRTT TWT. Frank Fitzgerald. G. W. Elder. TIOSKSTA TWP. Jacob Smearbaugh, Adam Botzer. John Sohellhouse. Clias. Weingard. TIONESTA BORO. John Charlston. C. K. Bradbury. HicaonT Twr. Chan. Albaifgh. KINOSLEY TWP. Henry Ehlers. M. J. Crlswell. Levi Piorson. AlpheusGraham. HARMONY TWP. Jas. Faichney. D. F. Copcland. PETIT JURY. K1NOSLBY TWP. John Berlin. Conrad Burhen. Jacob Wolf. Lewis Behrens. Geo. Osgood. HOWE TWP. Onias Hoyt. J. R. Clark. Joseph Fair. HICKORY TWP. Jas. Hunter. W. F. Downing. Judson Clark. John McDonald. John Brecht. Wm. Huddleson. A. W. Hill. M. P. Elder. TIONESTA TWP. Aaron Fentermaker. Jacob E. Mealy. Ferd. Wenk. Jacob Stitzincter. B. F. Feitt. JESKS TWP. Wm. Cunningham. BARNETT TWP. Wm. Armstrong. J. I). Moore. F. A. Magce. R. J. Hillard. TIONESTA BORO. Thos. Hassey. J. A. II tilings. Ed. Heibel. R. M. Herman. J. B. Eden. John A. Proper. HARMONY TWP. Nathan Osten. Patrick Mooney. Orion Siggins. John Hinkson. GRKKN TWP. Wm. Haslet. Jerry Ilepler. Teams Wanted, On Jamieson Run and Hunter Run, at Tiouesta, lo draw Stave Bolts, R. R. Ties, and Lumber. I also have some logging jobs to let, to parties capable of doing that class of work. I will pay cash for all work doue on my jobs, every two weeks. Rowland Cobb. Estray. Came to tbo premises of the under signed io Brookston, Forest county, Pa., Oct. 15, 1885, one large brindle heifer, about three years old. Owner is hereby notified to come forward and prove property, pay charges, and take the same away or she will be dis posed of according to law. C. C. Smith. Good Farm for Sale. Geo. Went of Tionesta twp., offers bis farm for sale. It is located on the main road leading to Tylersburg, four miles from Tionesta borough. Con tains 57 acres, with 12 acres cleared and under cultivation ; has a splendid new frame barn, with new and hand some school house witbiu 80 rods of the place. A nice lot of pii e timber, sufficient for all building purposes on the place. Will be sold on easy terms. For particulars inquire at tbis office. J. T. Brennan has now for sale 136 acres of warrant 5213 and 5214, Kiogsley Twp., probably on the new nil belt. Also 108 acres of warrant 5186, and 79 acree of warrant 5187, io same twp. 1000 acres, warrant No. 28 J6, Tionesta township. 390 acres, wairant No. 5186, Kingsley township. 143 acres, known as "Lil lie Farm," Allegheny township, Ve nango Co. 70 acres near Enterprise, Warren county. 6in. DIED. SIBULE At her homo on German Hill, Nov. 18. 1S85, Anna Elizabeth, widow or the lato Ilonry Sibble, aged 65 years, 3 months and 7 days. Percheron JIOHSI S. Island Heme stocK ram Crosse Ikle, Hlcli. All stork e)e.'ted from the get ol fcirea toid dams of estab lished ri-itnliititiii &nd t,'".iti-:l4tnxkH' reiTiiitertU in the Frpncli and Aiiu-iicuii Stud ltookd. VVe have a ery lnrK nuintjer of impnrtfd and grade bul lions and brood iimres on liuud. 1'rut't. ri-uhon-able. Correspondence rolicitvd. Bend for large lllustrntrd cmnlucuK, frre by mad. Audix-as AVAUK A HUM M, Detroit, Hick. rpTTTCt p PVT? !P1 be fonnrt on file at Cwi. Advtf-ljKlng bureau (IU Spruce b( lwli"ri Hd t rt '( hiu extract ins be waae fur It lit BLW lOHK. PROCLAMATION. WnKP.KAR, Tho Hon. W. D. Brown, Prcsidont Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions In and lor the county of Forest, has Issued his pre cept for holdiiiR a Court of Common Pleas Quarter Sessions, Ac. at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commence on tho Third Monday of Dec., being the 21st dai of Dec, 1885. Notice is therefore given t" the Coroner, Justine of tho Peace and Con tablesof said county, that they bo then and there In their proper persons at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their records, inquisitions examinations and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done, and to those who are bound In recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the. fail of Forest County, that they be then and there present to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given un der my hand and seal this 21st day of Novenibor, A. D. 1885. L. AG NEW. Sheriff. TRIAL LIST. The following list of causes have been noticed for trial in tho Court of Common Ploas of Forest County, on the Third Monday of December, next: 1. Salmon Creek Lumber and Mining Company vs. W. A. Dusenbnry, No. 1, December terra, 1882. Summons in eject ment. 2. John T. Dale et al, vs. John B. Leg nard, No. 14, February term. 1883. Sum mons in covenant. 3. Petor Berrv et al. vs. L. F. Watson et al, No. 48 September term, 1883. Sum mons in ejer-tment. 4. Dale ct Lawrence vs. J. M. Haslett, No. 43, September term, 1884. Summons ease in assumpsit. 5. J. D. Hulings otnl, vs. J. T. Lewis, Administrator, No. 4 May term, 1885. Summons In ejectmont. 8. Aaron Brock way vs. Chess Stonor A Co., No. 54 May term, 1885. Summon in trespass cf c. 7. Robinson & Bonnor vs. Park Cope land, No. 10, December term, 1885. Ap peal from Justice. Attest, C. M. SHAWKEY, Prothonotary. Tionesta, Pa., Nov. 23, 1885. Confirmation Notice. Notice is taoreby given that the follow ing accounts have been filed in my office and will bo presented at the next Court for Confirmation : Final account of 8. II . Haslet and Wm. Felton, Administrators of Dorcas Walters , deceased. Partial account of P. M. Clark, Execu tor of last will and testament of Caroline Hood, deceased. CURTIS M. SHAWKEY, Register. Tionesta, Pa., Nov. 20, 1SR5. msiiEii&co. FOR ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, FRESH GROCERIES, NOVELTIES IN QUEEHSIVARE AND GLASSWARE. MEN'S, LADIES' A BABIES' J IE "W" IE Ij IR "Y" I o P. THE BEST TOBACCO AND CIGARS. SAME AS CASH ALWAYS SECURES : BARGAINS AT WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO S, TIONESTA, PA PERCHERON HORSES. My recent Import" ntlon of lVrtheron horses, together with my present stock of m-arly uo bead, make one uf the most dusir ablo atuds in tldscoun tryto arlet-t from. All stork recorded, with pediirro.-. in J i reher on IS t u l llo ok a of Kranct" and America. Took V.1 priors and gold uiedcd at I nit two N. Y. Stale fairs. Send for I'ataioue staoon KiMNon. on 8onlhern I'entrul K. K. Jt'UM W. AKIN, Bcipio, N. Y. Box SO. A BOOK OF GREAT INTEREST. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS IN EUROPE. By Rev. B. BAUSMAN. D. D. The suliloi't ol this work is Eurooo. It ooiitiiins graphic descriptions of many ot tho most interesting places and countries. The author has freely mingled with the people, and describes iheir condition, hab its and national peculiarities in a striking manner. Mis good iudiiruient and rare descriptivo powers enable him to present to the reader jtixr. those things that aro worth knowingund remembering. Of the many works that have occn written ou Europe, we venture to say that "Wayside Gleanings" is excelled by none in point of interest and instruct! venous. 4(14 pages, printed on line paper. Price, $1.50. SPKCIAL OFFER. Wo will send the booit between now and January 1, 18HH, upon receipt of 1.5. Semi dno dollar bill and 'JH cents in stamps. DANIEL MILLER, Publisher. Reading, Pa. HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Particular attention j,'lvvn to GltAIN ING. FRESCO I NG, and SCEN E PAINT ING. Malisl'uctiou guaranteed in every particular. Orders for tiescoing, etc., by mail promptly attended to. Shop ni Roberta building, Elm St., Tionesta, Pa. A P RE S E NT! Our renders for 12 cents iu postage stamps to pay for mailing uud wruppiug, and names of two book agents, uii re ceive FREE a Steel Finish Parlor En graving of all OUR PRESIDENTS, jn. eluding Cleveland, siao Hxxb in., worth I.O0. Address, ELDER Pl'B. CO., Chicago, 111.