The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 28, 1885, Image 4

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An rntrmom Bloa-amii Meeplntr
riant a Itotanlral Clock INante
a Wrathrr Indicators.
"It is curious how plants differ," said
a botanist to a visitor. "They remind
mo of persons. I have a plethoric friend
whom I always associate with a pumpkin,
and to show how accommodating and
obliging some peopio are, when I once
(suggested it to him, ho offered to have
his brain, taken out and a candle intro
duced, bo that the idea of the jack o'
lantern might be carried out. The lilies,
roses, and daisies all remind us of types
of human beings, and the association is
a very pretty one.
"During a journey in India," con
tinued the botanist, "I mnde the ac
quaintance of a number of flowers, and
some of exceeding interest. What would
you think now of riding along through
the wood and coming upon a flower that
offered a fair jump for your horse? in
other words, was three or four feet across
and ten or twelve feet in circum
ference. 'Well, this was the experience of
an acquaintance in Sumatra, where some
of the most remarkable creations of the
floral world are found. This flower was
about all there was to the plant; roots,
stem and ovcrything seemed to have
been sacrificed to make up tho enormous
flower, that weighed, he estimated, fif
teen pounds or more."
"The odor must have been of several
horse-power," suggested the listener.
"So it was," was the reply "so strong,
overpowering, and offensive that it was
impossible to remain within close prox
imity of It. The central portion consti
tuted a cup that held about two quarts
of water, and at this was filled with in
sects dead and macerated, it might have
been the cause of the odor. These gi
gantic creations of the vegetable world
are comparatively rare; only a few have
been seen, and none brought to Europe.
Somo of the plants that I noticed had a
remarkable faculty of going to sleep,
just about as we would ourselves. One
large-leafed fern particularly nttracted
my attention, as it grew at my doorynrd.
In the daytime the lsaves were upright,
but as soon as the sun disappeared they
became gradually depressed, and were
soon completely c'oscd up actually fast
asleep, only opening out when the sun
rose the next morning. But I need not
take you to India to see the plants asleep;
many of our own put on tho night-cap.
There is in reality no direct analogy be
tween tho sleep of animals and plants,
only we know that during the day the
leaves of some are In activity, and at
night they are not; hence we assume
that they are at rest, or sleeping. Take
as an example the acacia tree, tho wood
Borrel, and white clover; compare the
positions of their leaves during uight
and day. The wood sorrel resembles
clover, each leaf having three heart
shaped lobes connected to the stalk by
a slender stem. Now in the anytime
they are spread out just as are the clover
leaves, but watch them as night comes
on, and you will notice a gradual closing
up. Finally each leaf will be found to
have completely closed and fallen down,
resting on the foot stalk.
"The interesting feature of this is to
notico how at certain times the move
ment commences. Thus at about half
past five the leaves will be seen to sink
or close rapidly, and two hours later are
entirely shut, opening about the
tame time in the morning. This
can be observed by keeping plants
In pots. In one of his experiments Dar
win observed one of these plants elevate
ind depress its leaves four times in one
day napping, we might say. The plant
known as the Blimbling, or scientifically,
Axerrhoa bilimbi, a distant relative of the
wood sorrel, is interesting' from the fact
that it not only goes to sleep, but actually
appears to have certain movements dur
ing the day time. If you watch it, you
will notice that all at once a leaf will
elevate or depress itself spontaneously,
and when hundreds of the leaves do this
at the same time the effect is very
striking. " When first observed it was
thought that it was the wind; but exami
nation showed that the tree was actually
waving its leaves, so to Bpeak. As night
approaches all the leaves hang down or
become depressed. Beside these move
ments at night and morning, many plants
have motions more or less dependent
upon the weather, and many curious de
vices have been suggested to utilize them
ia clocks, barometers, and o on. On
this principle a botanical clock has been
ruado, and that it is possible ia evident
from the fact that there is not an hour
in the day but what some plant
blooms; thus the purple convolvulus
blooms at 2 a. m. ; the fi'or de notte at 3
or 4; the goats' beard at 4; yellow arctic
poppy at 5; tho nipplewort at 0; sow
thistle at 7; nolana at 0; red sandwort
at 10; fig marigold nt 11 ; and so on, and
by thus arranging these you surely have
a time-piece of nature.
"A. very fair indicator can be made of
the little capsules of Messcmbryanthe
mum tripolium by placing them in a
dish of water. If rain is threatened, the
seed vessel opens like a star, closing
again when the shower is over; and a
number of plants have the same property.
"Perhaps," said tho botanical artist,
'there is nothing that btrikes one so re
markably as the rapid growth of some
plants. I remember seeing a plant in
Florida that appeared so suddenly by
my window thut I spoke to my hobt
about it, and remarked that ho had been
plantibg; but ho averred that it had
grown up in tho night at least a foot. It
seemed a little too much like Jack1 and
the bean-stalk, but I measured the plant
and was finally convinced. This is
nothing, however, to the growth of
some bamboos, that actually lengthen
three leet in twenty-four hours.
In fact, the facts of botanical science
are as remarkable as any imagination
would have them, and, curiously enough.
some of the old f-tories of plant wonders
that were considered faUes have been
thou n to be founded on fact. In ji book
published a century or more ago thore is
a story of a rain tree of South America,
from whose branches even in the dryest
weather there poured a shower of water.
Of course, this was considered a fable
but within n few years a botanist bus
discovered rwh a tree, and now tho fact
is well established. The scientific name
of the tree is l'ithecolobium Human, and
it is common in the eastern Peruvian
Andes. In the dryest days, when the
vtfitUtioa about is withered and burnt,
there drips from the leaves or branches a
continuous rain, so that the ground be
neath is kept in a swampy condition all
tho time. It is said that when the riverf
are dry thi remarkable tree gives out
tho most rnin." Xem York Evening Pott.
Rowinir a (Jondola.
A letter from Venice to the Memphis
Aralanclut has tho following: It was the
first evening I was in a gondola, and,
after admiring tho skill and easo with
which the gondolier manipulated his
oar, I was struck with the idea of at
tempting the feat myself. Nothing
looked easier than to imitate that swarthy
Italian, to stand up on tho rear end of
the gondola, and dip tho oar in and out
of the water.
"You look tired," I said to the gon
dolier; "if you like you may rest awhile
and I will row for you."
Had I offered to stand on my head
and walk to Jlilan the man could not
have looked more astonished.
"You. sitnorc?" ho exclaimed; "why,
you couldn:t even learn to stand up here
under two months."
"Pooh," said I, "I have rowed boats
on tho Mississippi from Memphis as fm
as Ilopclield. Do you think I don't
know how to work tills lumbering thing
on the 'smoother waters of Venice i"
Tho gondolier smiled a very unsatis
factory smile.
"Ah, buono good signore. 1 trine
you where you have nice swim. Signore,
you take clothes oil."
1 his was consoling advice to a conu-
dent oarsman, not very flattering to my
pride, still I thought I might as well
follow his advice; so he slowly paddled
mo over to the lagoons between the cem
etery and Muran's. I divested myself of
all clothing and prepared for a first les
son in tho Venetian style ot gondolier
ing. As I have said, it looks to be tho
easiest thing in the world. The gondo
lier stands at tho extreme end of the
long, slim boat, and tho oar rests in an
oar lock that stands up from the deck
a foot or eighteen inches. There is noth
ing to hold the oar in tho lock, but this
I did not notice until I tried it myself.
It stayed thero so quietly and pleasant
ly as long as tho Italian was at tho stern
that the idea never entered into my head
but that it belong there and stayed of
its own accord. Woful mistake.
I had scarcely taken position on the
stern of the boat and made my first stroke
when the oar flew out of that lock in a
miraculous manner, that I am to this
minute unable to uiuleitand. and I flew
out of that boat into the water. Then
it was that I thanked the gondolier for
his timely warning and advice. Tho
knapsack traveler does not carry with
him a very extensive wardrobe, mid had
I fallen into the water with my clothing
on I would have been in a very bad
plight indeed. As it was, I swam around
awhile, had. a good bath, then climbed
into the gondola, and tried it over again,
and with the samo result. A third and
fourth attempt proved no more success
ful, and finally I came to the conclusion
that gondolicring was not as easy as it
looked, and so dressed myself and
turned tho oar over to the proper hands.
Sleeping With the Head to the North.
It is far from a modern idea that the
position of tho body in sleep may be
beneficial or otherwise. The idea is
centuries old. Nor is tho belief confined
to Christian lands. The Hindus relig
iously believe that to sleep with the head
to the north will lengthen one s days;
to the south will shorten them; to the
east will bring riches; to the west will
bring a change of scene.
Among millions of people there is a
notion that the head in sleep should al
ways be to the north and the feet to the
south. In Germany this is more firmly
believed than anywhere else. A cele
brated old German professor, who died
a few years ago at the ago of ninety
eight years, declared in his will that he
had attained to his unusually long lifo
mainly because of his having always
taken this position at night. A Scotch
physician has recently written an nrti
cle on the subject, lie says that when
other means, of quieting sick children
have failed he has turned their heads to
the north, and nine times out of ten
sleep has soon followed, (skeptical onm
have asked why the doctor did not try
this never failing remedy in the first
place). There are scores of other au
thorities to the tame effect. Many peo
ple account for the supposed benefits of
sleeping ia this position by the claim
that sleep is easier with the head toward
the north. They all have something to
say about the magnetic currents of the
earth, of which the wbest philosophers
declare they have no certain knowledge.
If the healthfulness of the particular
position tney recommend is a lact, still
the explanations are mere guess work.
nether it is a luct or not, uny one can
easily decido for himself; but tho ma
jority of people, trying for the first time
the experiment, believe it to bo "all hum
bug," and tho trial only confirms them in
this opinion. Or there is a disposition
to find it true, which influences their
judgment. Some persons who have tried
the experiment with an earnest purpose
to get at the truth, think thero is noth
ing in the theory; but even if this be so,
it is as harmless a fancy as one could in
dulge in.
A Marine Monster.
A monster devil fish has been caught
in the Gulf of Mexico, off Galveston,
Texas. These creatures are rarely seen
in the neighborhood, but lately a shoal
came in shore, and after much trouble
one was caught in a seine. It had to be
dragged ashore by horses, as it weighed
fully two tons. The catch proved to be
a true specimen of the "Cephaloptra
Valapyrus," tho vampire of the ocean,
and as it iay dead on the beach it exact
ly resembled an enormous bat or vam
pire. The fish was sixteen feet wide
from the extreme edge of tho pectoral
fins and fourteen feet long, while the
mouth was four feet wide, and was pro
tected on each side by curious append
ages like horns, with which it sei.ed its
The llollan Harp.
An .T.olian harp is an instrument so
simple in construction that any boy, un
skilled in the use of tools, can make one.
Stretch in parallel lines, over a box of
thin deal, catgut or wire strings. The
box is to have sounding holes cut in the
top. The strings being tuned ia unison,
the instrument is placed in a curreut ol
air, and harmony is produced.
Qood-bye to flounces.
White skirts aro going out of fashion.
Bustles have reached their maximum
Large bridal bouquets aro no longer ia
The V-shapcu corsage is very popular
in Paris.
Kibbons are growing moro beautiful
and expensive.
Black or cream lace mantles are worn
with any toilot.
Canvas draporics are much employed
for silk drosses.
Tailor-made cloth suits are worn moro
than ever this fall.
Crescent brooches retain their hold
upon popular favor.
Tho handsomest jewels aro now set in
silver instead of gold.
Ktamine and cotton fabiics stamped
with gold are novelties.
Jackets are in great favor and aro of
a number of varied shapes and styles.
Openwork cotton tissues aro worn
over thin silk either to match or of a
contrasting tint.
Ladies' dress slippers support tho anklo
better than formerly; tho kid is made
higher on purpose.
Tho newest cloak clasps are of wood,
and doves' heads, owls' heads, and even
snipe are represented.
Hoods of embroidered silk, and of lace
lined with silk, are among tho novelties
for evening head gear.
Shoulder capes aro longer and lighter
than formerly; they are made of crcpo
de chine, lace or chenille.
A Philadelphia man says the banker
Drexel's three daughters will get $0,000,
000 apiece from his estate when it comes
to them.
House and dinner dresses are worn
longer than last year, so that they drag
a little behind, and almost touch the
floor in front.
Dark navy blue velvet boots aro shown
for the autumn with a kid toe and heel
cap, cut in fancy patterns where it unites
with tho velvet.
Very fine silk tulle veils are now to be
procured in every color; instead of the
thick dots they aro ornamented with tin
sel woven in rings.
The Princess Amelia, a sister of Fred
erick tho Great, was the only royally de
scended musician who ever achieved any
but ordinary musical fame.
It is ascertained that the number of
American women exceeds the entire foreign-born
population (both men and
women) in tho ratio of three to one.
Velvet is generally used with lace, and
when the laco dresses are not made with
a velvet skirt, sash or bodice, they have
at least collar, cuffs and a bow or panel
of velvet.
The most approved autumn veils fot
young ladies are of plain silk tulle, but,
as the plain is unbecoming except to a
very clear complexion, the tiny dotted
chenile are Btill worn.
The Crown Princess Stephanie, of
Austria, contributed some original draw
Ings for a picture book and accepted pay
at the rato given to other artiits, though
sho presented tho money to a charity.-
Derby hats for misses, in brown and
gray felts, have no plume this year, sim
ply a corded ribbon to match tho color
of tho hats. In shape they are highet
and with more of a flat brim than last
The Boston dry goods merchants like
strapping girls for saleswomen "tab
saleslady" is the prolessional term. The
"t.ill saleslady" gives a character to the
store, and "ladies, as a class," prefer to
trade with her.
The latest craze in fancy work is the
making of artificial flowers of tissue
paper. In the hands of an expert with
artistic feeling very fine results from this
inexpensive material are accomplished
in the way of decorative pieces for in
terior decorations, as well as for personal
In Russia betrothal feasts are held.
The woman has a lock of hair cut off in
the presence of witnesses and given to
tho man, who, in return, presents a silver
ring set with turquoise, an almond cake
and a gift of bread and salt. Among
poor people tin and a bit of milestone
are substituted.
In 1771 a young Boston girl wrote to
her mother a description of the construc
tion of her coiffure. It was composed of
a roll of red cow's tail, mixed with hbrse
hair and a little yellow human hair, all
carded and twisted together and made
into a structure a full inch lougcr than
tho young lady's face.
Government officials in Canada, as
well as a largo number of well-informed
private ladies, say that if superior women
between the ages of eighteen and twenty-
five go there and submit to the position
of domestic service they are almost sure
to marry, and marry well, within a short
time of their arrival, especially if they go
far west.
A Do-jf Fanning the Baby.
Dog stories are always in order, pro
vided they are true. A gentleman in one
of tho suburban wards owned a tine
specimen of tho spaniel breed, which is
very fond of children, and when any little
ones visit bis master's house constitutes
himself their companion, p'aymato and
guardian. A few days ngo a lady with
an infant (visited tho gentleman, and in
the course of the day the child was laid
on a pillow on the iloor to amuse itself
for a time. The dog took his place near
the little one, as usual. The day was
hot and the flies bad, aud they made the
baby the target of frequent attacks.
This rendered her restless. Doggie
watched her for a few minutes, aud then,
walking close up, with his nose or paw
drove uway every fly as soon as it lit ou
the baby's face, and did it so gently, too,
as not to disturb her in the least. The
dog's actions attracted the attention of
the mother and others, who were filled
with astonishment ut his thoughtful
kindness. This story has the merit of
truth. PitUburg Chronicle.
A German scientist has drawn atten
tion to tho fact that the Su'lej, one of
the streams cf British India, is probably
the swiftest large river in the world,
having a descent of 12,000 feet iu ISO
miles, an average of about siitv-sevea
' tsst per mils, I
A riiyslclan's Terll.
In the life of a medical man of large
and influential practice, there must be
many and varying episodes, but there are
few adventures that can surpass in hor
ror the one recently experienced by Dr.
Morrison at Paris. A man of fine man
ners and appearanco was introduced into
his consulting-room, who immediately
accosted the medical roan with this
startling declaration: "For years past
I have been suffering tho most intense
ngony from disease of the lungs; I havo
tried every treatment, but in vain, I
am informed that tho liver cut from tho
yet warm human frnmo will effect a cer
tain cure, and I have chosen you as the
The doctor gasped with terror as he
saw the maniac ndvanco toward him with
a sharp stillctto in his hand, but in
stantly recovering his presence of mind,
he replied with cool emphasis: "You
are quite right, my friend, but in order
to effect a cure tho organ must be in a
sound stnto; now I have suffered for
years with a liver complaint, but I can
introduce you to a brother-practitioner
of mine upon whom you can mako the
experiment." Tho madman consented,
and in a few moments ho was secured
and conducted to an insane asylum. His
name is Hichl, a native of Hanover, oc
cupying a wealthy position in society.
Dr. Morrison was so affected by the scene
that ho was stricken down with an at
tack of apoplexy ou tho same night.
In tho Forest City.
Mr. O. E. Bryan, No. 1"1 Putnam
street, Cleveland, Ohio, has naturally
much experience in sickness with a
family of sezen children, and his doctors'
and druggists' bills are heavy. Ho states
publicly that ho has given Bed Star
Cough Cure a thorough trial in his home,
and finds it to be the- best remedy that
be has ever used for coughs or colds. It
contains neither morphia nor opium, and
therefore leaves no depressing effects.
India produces tho latest wonder in
tho person of a thirteen-year-old lad who
has ono head and two bodies.
One of the most Mki.ancuoi.y Siec
t.W'I.ks in tho world is a human being
shattered and broken down by the usoof
ardent spirits. But the dilapidation may
bo repaired, tho human ruin strengthened
nnd restored to perfect soundness by a
course of that most powerful of all in
vigorauts, Dn. Wai.kku's Vinkoau Bit-
It is not generally known in this coun
try that the London police have not tho
right to voto. wfr
Don't llnirk, Spit, Couch,
Minor dizziness, nuiiKestioii, inllaiiimation of
t In eyes, headache, iHssitutlo. inability to per
form intuit al work and indisposition "for IkkI
ily labor, and annoy and disgust your friends
and ncquaiutauces with your nasal twang
and oll'onaive breath nnd constant efforts to
clean your noso anil throat, when Dr. Sage's
"L'ntarrU Uemody" will promptly relieve you
of discomfort and suirorinjr. and your frieudg
of tho disgust ing and needless inflictions ot
your loathesomdisi'asof
In Denmark a drunken man is taken home
in a hack by the police, and the man wbo
sold him the last drink has to pay for the
"I would not live alway." No; not if dis
easa is to make my life a daily burden. Hut
it need not, good friend, and will not if you
will bo wise in tune. How ninny of our loved
ones are mouldering in tho dint who might
have been spared for 3'ears. Tho slight rough
was unheeded, the many symptoms of disease
that lurked within wore Rliglited and death
came. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discov
ery" cannot recall the deaJ, though it has
snatched numbers from the verge of the
grave, aud will cure consumption in its earlier
Thk earliest cannon were breech-loaders,
nnd hammerlcss guns were known long be
fore tho day of percussion locks.
Young or middle-nged men suffering from
nervous debility, loss of memory, premature
old nge, as the result of bad habits, should
send 10 cents in stamps for large illustrated
treatise. Address World's Dispensary
Mkmcal Association, 0t3 Main Street,
Uuflalo, N.JY.
Twenty-Eli iht States have adopted laws
restricting the practice of medicine to edu
cated persons.
Pain and Dread attend the uso of most
Catarrh remedies. Liquids and snuffs are
unpleasant as wolf as dangerous. Kly's Cream
Halm is safe, pleasant, easily applied with the
linger, an 1 a sure cure. It cleanses the nasal
passages and heals the inflamed membrane,
giving rebel from the first application. f0c at
druggists. ( mail. Kly lJi-os.,Owego,N. Y.
I have boon a great suil'orer of dry catarrh
for ninny years, and 1 tried many remedies
which helped me, but I had none which did
me so much benefit as Ely's Cream Halm, it
completely cured me. M. J.' Laity, 39 Wood
ward Ave.. Huston Highlands, Mass.
1 have been troubled with catarrh from
boyhood and had considered my case chronic
until about three years ago I procured one
bottle of Kly's Cream Halm, and I count my-
seir sound to-iutv, ail iioni me use ot oue
1. 1 T 1 '..l,. II... I... f t '
Montrose, I'a.
10;).(K)0,ujo in the British Coukt of
C'ham'KRY I A large jrtirt ot this vast sum
belongs to tho people of America. Cox &
Co., 41, (Southampton Huildings, Holborn,
London, Kng., have just published a List ot
tho heirs to this enormous wealth. Header,
send a dollar and they will forward you this
valuable List ; and if you find by it that YOU
are entitled to any money or property, claim
your own. Cox it Co. will show you the way.
Vuluable Horses are often lost through ig
noraneo on the part of the owner. iSend
2." cents in staniim to Horseboulc Co., 131
Leonard St., N. Y. City, and learn how to
detect disease nnd how to cure it. This may
save the lifo of your animal.
A highly perfumed Soap will not heal or
cure skin diseases, neither will it beautify and
Bolten iuee and hands; try "Beeson's Aromat
ic Alum (Sulphur (Soap." 25 cents by Drug
gists, or by mail. Win, Dreydoppol, l'hila., I'a.
Lyon's Tutent Metallic Still'eners prevents
boots and shoes from running over, ripping
in thosuamsor woaring unevenly on th-i heels.
Best, easiest to uso aud cheapest. I'iso's
Itemed y lor Catarrh. By druggists. G0o.
Free from OptfittM. J1 metiem autl i'ttinons,
t or Cuuelia, fcort- Tarmit, li.iuraeaeaa, iHflurnia,
lulti. Kronrbttla. ( roup, W huoiiliig t'ouab,
AalUan. iluliiay, I'alua In 1 Ucwl, '"l ulLwi
(! ti il-K ' U:r TliruMl '-' I.UC
rl SO km. A HorTt h.. A r h ui.ih.ft ..-I' UUIUI.
)Ufc IU.K1U A. M.t..lll IlllfUl,
Ur, H-'vU. CS. A.
a tradeb7maric
The ptirsnt, sweetmt and bt Cod Liver
Oil in the world, manufactured from frwih,
benlthy livers, upon the t" ashore. It is abo
lutWy purs and sweet Patients who hsvs
one taken it prfr it to all others, rhyst
risns lmvs decided ft superior to any of the
other oils in market. Mads by Caswell, Has
ard & Co., New York.
CnArrrn hands," foe, pimpiwTand rough
skin ruid by luting Junlpr Tr Hosp, mads by
Imwell, lUard A Co., Nw York.
Frnr Axle reni
Is kept by nil dealers. Ono box lasts as long ns
two of any other, lleceived niRdnls at N, C.
Btnte Fair, Centennial, and Paris Exposition.
Those sharp pnins in the smnll of the back
and around the hips will quickly go after you
apply a Hop I'lnjiler. Ladies, attention. tUto.
Tub Brazilian army comprises thirty gen
erals, 7,430 officers and 13,500 private sol
diers. Important,
Wh r imtot 1 Nw York clr, mw h(rr.
MprfHff mill S-l cum hlr. Knd ftlnp si th lirtna
Uninu Hotel, oppotltn (irand Itontrtl dtpot..
HtO wlejrwtlt nHilna, flttfMl lip At Cnilt flf OtlAmllllmi
itollAm, SI ml iipwAr j pr fluf. KuroponD plan, Kl.
Tlr. llrliirnl. nppHed with thfthoH. llnrMi (ira,
tnffp nd lnvAtArt rilrnitl to All dupotl. KahiUIai
run li bfttfir for Inaa innnr At tlia (Irand Union
JIoIaI than At Atir ntlmr flral-i'lat homl In tholtr.
Kiuirr has constructed a 120-ton gun that
kills at nine miles.
Pimples and Blotches
Are very Unlila to appear t this tenitoii, when the
111 1 burdened with tmpiuitlci. They froqurntly
citiian Irttennfl Itching, And rublilnp; or acratehtnK
only InerraaeK th Annnranee. TUB only way to cure
pimple and blutehei la toatrlkrdlroetly at thf faiiae,
by tnklna Hntxl'a SnrnApartllA to purify the blood.
"I hnd been troubled with hlrea and plmplea for
ome time. I took two bottle of Hood'a "AmnpHrlllA
and am entirely cured. I think Hood'a Saranpurllla
haa no equal aa a blood puriner." Effib M. 1'ktiuk,
rortamouth, O.
"1 wn for aome time troubled with holla, having
aeveral of them at a time. After enduring about all
I could bear In Buffering, I took Hood'a Snraaparllla.
Four or Ave tiottlpa entirely cured me, and I have
had no ytuptoma of the return of the bolls. E. N., vulney, Mam.
"I recommend Hood's Karaanarllln aa a wonderful
blood 'puriner-a Hire and reliable remedy." Mna.
S. V. Rl'liMKHH, Weat Morris, Ct.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all dnigglntu ; SI 1 alx for $3. Prepared by
C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Ixiwall, Mas.
tOO Doses Ono Dollar
Cancer of the Tongue.
A Cist Resembling That ol General Grant
. Some ten year airo 1 had a aerorulon aore on mv
right hand, and wlih the old time trruunrnt II healed
up. In March. IK.', It broke out In my throat, and
...neentriiieti In ranet-r, e.llnn through my cheek lo
the top of my Icfl cheek beiir And up lo the left ere.
I iuiiited nu lliiid, aiuI my tonaua wxa to far
ene I cou rt not Ulk. on oclober nr.t. lkM. I com
meneru uklng Siyiri Specific. In a mcunh the eat.
lug plaeeaalopped and healing commenced. And the
real-rill aperture In my check has been rloacrt and
Hi-inly kill (Id tngeiber. A new under III, la pro
realng, and It aerm. that nature la auppMna, a new
tongue. 1 can talk an that my friend can readily
v.nleratand me, and can alauent aollil food again. I
would rrfer to lion. John H. TraTlor. (Stale Senator,
of IhU district, and to Dr. T.N llradlleld. of Ijulranga
Un- ,, ,. MHS. MAUV L. COMbK.
I a Oransrc, Oa., May 14. Ism.
Treatlae on Mood and skin Plaeaae mailed free.
v v tiFSPTKT""" Co" "' . AlWuta, Oa..
o. ., 15, W, ltd St.
Is wed by thousands of flnrl class afanaractarars t!!'
ana aiernanlrs en thlr hail work. HrrctTrd rS-
GOLD MEDAL. Indon -XI P,nn...aul a -. I OVCR
efaaaaawi. Hand cant otriValrr who doe not ap tptfNfS
h,vfUSn So stamps for SAM PL& CAN Tprr
Etai. CtBtnt Ci.Glouete.Mas. CiijoiC
$1000 REWARD
1-wr dj luavt-litat Ltuihuf ami
i rata iu a, ut iui war an sta nut!
.7.-' ..Tir" .ur.
victor IT-te
Illustrate circu
lar mailed frae.
M At 111 M. CO, Coluabaa, O. Aa. Kr. Ilsa, Uagsntswa, !
Standarti Mci CO.
330 West 21st St.,
Xkw VoRK, Jin. S. 1NK4.,lr. MmJ. ,..-. I now.
without hesitation, pronounce
II the verr best thing for disor
dered condition of the atom-fu-h,
chII it what vou will, tlva.
peiiaia or indigestion, that I
ever met wltli. If I leel tired
either Irom pLvsical or ment;il
work. I lind it of great lienetlt,
and 1 cheertullT add inv teati.
moiiy to theafflcacv ol Peptic.
F. Ii (iKUNKT, Jllstica Kill Ilat.
Court, N, V. Send for circular
OK ,N staple goods rnrr
UU ril Jewelry receipts tirtrjali; but goods r II r
T M needed in ovary house, tli.i sell tot K45 I I ILL.
t-AMI, sent free vn rceipl of the a.Ulrettes ol as persons (il
lo o years oldl, snd .-o cents to p for this sdertisenint and
postage on goods. Lsft.iin ati.iactloo Order now. as this
onuu molted. NfAOARA SUPPLY CO.,
Drawor lOe). BUlfAL.O, H. T
flltCt ttfUCBf ill tICf EAIIC
in tune. Sold by dniKielttA.
Lorillard'3 Climax Plug,
bpftrlner a rrd tin tatf, thai Ior.Ht.rd't
It Aaaa l.s-nt llnacnt: thut ItrlllKrd'si
lVavy titpptnt" ami It-at Iurlltard'i Snufl eU
rM I til IOH"ini;,T
Searches, Caveat Trade Mark, Label. Ac. I'hmyc
moderate, hend' tor circular An Ailoriit'y
Wnutetl In every Town us I.ocnl Ayont.
Chloral and
Opium Habits
DR. J. C. HOFFMAN, Jefferson, Wisconsin.
rAnntlld oUHa and mumy, aw.
mnuiiaud.iix Mi I4H to gl)0( can Hei-uro irmaiunt
and I'mtUahle ImKiuui, wiiti full control nt hnth
inont'V huU ..iihujckm. AddrvH HAKNI .ItV CO,
30 Venry Hirnvi, New York Clir
Fnrp, Ilnnrin, Fret and all thirlm-prrlt-ciloiia,
lncludini: t'acliti Jjevclop
nicnt, Kni rliuoUK hair. Moles, Wart,
Moth, Freckle. Hod ISoae, Acne, Ui'k
Head. Kcara. 1'ittliiKA; their treatment.
nr. jonn n oodtmrv.3 .vreari tH., Alba
ny, N.V. KM'kvd 1H.U. Send luo. for book.
flMIAT NEW I.ANVaKitN that loi.le talk-
I Nik uiiout in the " Hen Top," Put. Juuf':,,
OieaiH-Ht known. Neat. L'ovel and Hells ilhelf. Mcr
cliHiitH and BKontH notice reduction of price to ll.fio
jer doz. Jobbing tradp supplied. Ford. m riptivecir
culitrH, A:e.. addrctw Hi-11 Top lantern Co., Ktiton,I'a.
HIS! rtrETQ To Introduce them, wa will
u.u urrtn. jivk aw ay i.owj seu-
).Hratiujr W anhing Machinmi. It you want ona
Hnd ua jour iiHitiH, P. (., atui ei"MH (iihf at
one,-. The Nat.oi.ul Co., i UKV fcT.. N.Y.
old coins
VANTI-;l. Send Hie.
for Cat-ltu of nric.B
I) itrt. (HARM'S .1.
titJJi A Y KRLli( Laixhert Ave., boston HUlilanda, Mas..
KareUoinlistand values, with Pocket-
niuuujr fur agents. Coiubtuud Pockets
kiookiJo., 21 IS'ttW Church St.. New Yurie.
uk combined, d aium:, aim
1 An actW Man or Woman In rr
' par HosUs and it. jnse. Kipciist. in ai-
'cunnt lo aril our uocd. ba-larr .at.
tree. Btauidard a. .ver-ware Co. iiostou, ilujia.'. i KiiviiMHinl (lutut ritarl rtArtn'iilar
to Soldiers & Utiirs. Send tamo
HAM, AU'y. WaaIiiukIou, il. U.
for Cupula, (jiji. mai.
Keeping Tlclls Perfect asiat Uuisi HeaJijAy.
KIDDER S PASTILLE8.hy'".7tiii.
r fi f T? t, T O Oltaiu:l. Soud slanin for
f f I t H I vl lucut.u-'lumo. t,.
HLH, PatiMil Lawyer, aUiumiju, Li. C.
Blair's Pills." Rheumatic Remedy.
oal lta, kl.out raund, fro etaw
If! M lUor L.l.uir; IiHlilt t urrd In 1(1
Sk Ito'Uilltsa. No D.v tiil rurad.
ttt list. t. ti Araoa. JMuioa. Cuia
ai .- ' i Mr- aa.a.ada
t ' I UU'
1 a a
f)saaaBawCa( sJwwi
;r0'FA Vm
I! Is Unequalled In Results and
Permanent In Its Cure.
"HATlria; hail occlon to me a remedy for kUInejr
trnnliloa I a bntti of Hunt's IKidnof
snil Liver Krmfiiy, And It compleleljr nurd me
have nn inilli:ellon, and am heart jr and healllir for .
one of my yeara ,1. l Woodlmry, 1(1 Acs. -rultli,
Manchester, N. II,
"Small beginnings lead to large ending."
"I was tronbled wllh a weaknesa of the klrlners.
I had to pass nir water aa manr aa fifteen times
durlna llio nlpht. After hTlii; neil the seconii
boitle of Hunt' Klilner and Liver) ltrMaur I
found that all mr Irouhlo w.ia gone," Joseph O.
Miller, 1arpenlor, Xenia, Ohio.
"Bo s friend to youreo'.f snd others will."
"I have been s severe sufferer with s weakness
of the kldnev. anil I took s severe cold while un
duty wllh the flro ileuartnient. I had terrible palna
In my back, and my wnt-r troubled me. Hunt's
IKhlnev and Llverl IIkmsiiy completely cured
mo." ll. A. Ulass, Columbus, Ohio.
"To the good, nli;ht Is not dark."
A Nnllor.
Captain John Kimball. Sailor, Now London,
Conn., write: "1 was taken with severe pnins ia ,
thes -all of myb.u k In the n-;lnn of the kidneya.
I had the I medical attendance without ei
periencinit any relief. I bouclit snd ned s bottle
of Hunt's (Kidney and Liver Kr.Jsr.DV. Four
bottles entirely cured me.
l'riee ll. w. Senil fi r I'nmiihlet of Testimonials.
IIUNT'HRF.MKOYOt).. Pnividenne, K. I.
C. H. CRITTENTOH. General Agent New York.
NYU U-30
Only Temperance .Hitters Jinown.
Oratrf ill Tl.ouaianda proclaim Viksoar
BiTTKRa the motit womlorful Iuvlgoriuitthlever
SustAined the aiukliig syKtm.
11 a ties from Ifelifornin roots and herbs, fre
from Alcoholic btlmiUauta. A 1'uriya.tlve
SJid Tonlo.
'I'll la Illllcrsj cums Feinnle Complaints,
Inflammatory and chronic llhriinittllami,
Ooul, Itilious, Homittnt nnrl IuUrniilU-nt F
Tera, HlmHt, I.lver and Kidney Uiwane.
lyaeala or lnllrrtlii, lirailm-he.
Pain in tho MiouUlerx, t'outtlm. TiKlifnin of tlia
Chest, DizzlnrMS, Koiir KUmiorh, Fiured Tonsnia,
Bilious Attai-ka, Palpitation of tho Heart, I'neu
moiiia, and I'ain In the n-clons of Uio JCiduejrs,
are eurtxl by the use of the Bitters.
For Skin IllaeHaea, Krnptlons, Bella,
Frvalpelaa.Si'rofiila, l.iooloratloiiit, Huinoraantl
diaoe of the Hklu of whatever name or na
ture, aro literally tlur up ami carried out of tlia
system In a abort time by the tiaeof the Bittern.
It In vltforalesj the Stoniarli. and allin
ulatea the torpid Liver and llowela, which ren
der it of tinei)ualel cfllcleni-y In eleanaiiiK tha
blood of all inipiiritiea, and tmpartiut; new Ufa
and vlpor to the whole svaK-m.
No I'crsjou can take the Bitters and remain
lonir unwell.
I'iii, Tape and otlu-r Worms, ttifl
doatroyod and removiit from the Hystem.
i'leanae the Vitiated It loocl whenever
It Is foul ; your feeltnfr will tell you when. Keep
the blood pure, aud. tho health of the system
will follow.
In ronrlnalon : Olve the Bitters atrial. It
ill apeak for iUtelf. Ono hottlo will prove a bet
ter Kuarnntee of Us merits than a lengthy ad
vertisement. II. II. MrDonaldDrnirCo., Proprietors,
Bau Irauuisi-o, C'al.. imtl n'-'i. Uti A bX3 WAaUUiKton bt.
Cor. (iiArltou HI.. Njw York .
Sold by all Dealers and Druggists.
"A niece of mine, nine year afro," vi n. L. Milli
ken, tho well-known punlWhrr iof t'ottwt Henrth),
"wah tukuu at tltren mini 1 Ua lroiu it consumptive
mother's Anna emaciate-l, and plai-nrl nu HidKe's
Food eirlmivelv. At om-a, it coillliiencod t) K-m.
and siu s.niii plump and lieulihy; ami 1)1" child still
lives." hin h li Niiinouy a tiiis shuwa ImijouU all
cavil it true value.
Paynes' Automatio tnginei and Stw-Mlll,
ovn T.FAnrR.
ws offer An B to In H, P. Kniins with MIH,
O-in. solid haw, ail ft. b-ltma. vant-hoikK, riar n-mplr-tA
foruparatiun, oa cars, fl. lou. Knsuia on sal Its, flit
l-aa. bfD.I fur circular (H. Is. W. I'AVNK Sc
r4INi, Manufacluri-ranf all styles Automatle Kna
giura, from I to Sill H . P. : alao 1'iilli-js, UallAsrs sad
liaiuie. Klroirs, N.Y. Boa IH.jO.
. "a. W?-w v ' : J
lion lTrrs, Stl fUarliisa. Bran
Tn brim and boi,
4- rr
JONa..SSa payilhe fra-iiEbs for Sw
T'lra 1.1,1 iii.ntloo M p..,r aaS
Ci tlic I.
. 1 e
tor ol"
'rfSTiaTk. t 1
cuie. oi the r..i. i
A. L. :u 1 ir,
SoMhv I
tl I'U
Tine OrlKinitl ami Only - i.uiiie.
'J1t'Jl,1'i '' " ll,'i"- I'- tvfeul V urtlilcs liuiua-oni.
OlCH-vU'f,St l.UtfHak" ttr ti.f bral til suit-, lint laisuutnlats
TO LAOj8s III. (awauil"" '"I J.rllo.l.iS, lestta,
-ut.liia. ktii., in Utter von liv its- Mfk sa m m
i-. .j-wa .af .....-i msmnais
M t-ruiun Anlliiim ( ure uei rj'u.uunnsniin.a
mi teLrs n. 1 lit wrt t ')w;is,tiiwur'Ht'oinfurt- S3
KJ iihlo aiHep ; eiTituu ru re- wbtirtj. I ot ht-i H liui 4 M
iff trial r-rnvmret rut mutt skeptical '. Pricfc (iV. anfi M
HI.KotruKk'ib'Horhviii!!. B.nntl I- J( El
pfo-Kiamir MMIKFMAV.St Vu, Mini''-?
aSTTaZSjfcw M flS ite,, Ie-1 !
fTV'1'- -SlK J Hie aatlc tf l.'ut :) of
Jr yr (nri in J ei''iiel, ami )ta tjivea
) ,'yl TO b 1JAVS. i,f lm,i ui.i,tfral baiikUt
- J uuss hirioLura. A-l'RPlIY TIROS..
1 ' 9
r 1