The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 07, 1885, Image 4

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Ihl rife. Et.t llol.l-MAT.
Couneiliitrn Nnt'th ward, II. M. Fore,
111:111. .). It. CInrk, W. L. Klini'NUver,
Noil ill Ward, J. If. Fones, V. A. Eagles,
Ub'iN. Don nor.
Juxtieex of thn Peace 3, T. Brennan,
D. N. it nox.
OVinf : I'rlttlor Agnow.
Ne.hnot. Direelov I). W. Robinson, A.
H. Kelly, .1. II. Dlnurliian, D. S. Knot, J
V. Morrow, E. L. lavin.
Aftmhcr of CongrexnAx.KAKiKn C,
Member of Senate 1 . (I. Hai.i,.
A xxembty l'i'.TUlt Miotiuv.
Prextdent Jiittie-XV. D. Dro".
Axxaeiain Jiil(jerC, . Ilir.r,, Linvis
Tren.xnrrr Wtf. SMKAnnAVfirr.
Prot honorary, Iteqixterd- Ilccor(ter,ift,
ClTItTrS til. KltAWKKV.
Sheriff. 1 j k o N A v i ) Ansnv.
(JrtnX)AtHslnnfVH Ol.tvi'.ll BviitU.Y, WM
HHiF.tihs, .f. R. Ou.imvirK,
iToHHttf Superintendent X. E, llir.l.-
JHxtriet AttoretT. J. VanOipkn.
.nr.y Comvitxxionerx II. O. Davis,
ntmntft Surveyor U. WniTTKKlV.
Coroner Dr. .1. W. Moiirtow.
Comity Auditor X. A. Scott, Titos.
CoUAIt,' Gvil. ZtTPINllIIt,.
I. O. of O. F1.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 7
oYloek, in' the fjodgo Room in Par
Jrldgo'iillall. R. L. HASLET, N. n.
1. SaWYKII, Sw'y, 27-tf.
"lOKEST LODGE. No. 1S4, A.O. U. W.,
L Meets everv T' ridiiv Evening Md
Vol lo V Hall, Ti miesta.
.T. E. WENK, Recorder.
" No. 274, G. A. It.
Mfotn mi the lirst Wednesday hi cadi
month, in Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta, l'a.
D. S. KNOX, Commander.
j. ii. aixkw. r. m. rr.ARK.
AT'J'O HNE Y S - AT-1. A W ,
101 in St. Tionenta, I'onna.
1 ." ATTI ) It N I Y A T I, W.
Ami H-tlriet Attorney f Forest Viiinly.
tJilice In Court llo;wo, TR'nesta, I'ii.
Tionosta, Pa.
Oilledions ninil lu t'.ii'i nml ndjoinin
V1 ,m W. TATK.
Klw Wwt.
TionoNtn, Va.
A TT( ) IIX T. V-AT-Ti a W,
Tiui'Hi, FoipHt County l'n.
"I AWftHNcV. HOL'SK, TIiiiwwU, l'a..
I J T. .'. .lacksmj I'r.r tor. Thin
Iioiino m "iu tally lomiloif. Kvn vtltini
now ami well frnlsn'l. Kitpi'iior Ac
4'oin niodntioim nni'I Ktri t I'tli'iiliou ft tvi-n
ti iruont. Vcjri'laliloji nixl Fruits of nil
i indtt crvi;l ill thWr koiimhi. .Sumpio
vim for roiumi'iviiil .VMitx.
CKNTUAIj MOUSK. Tiom'ntrx. l'a.,
J O. C. Hr.uviiell. rroir(or. TIiim I" u
uw hoiwo, nml lianjnut hoi'ii itll up lor
t ho m-coiiinioilallon i-f 1 1: iililic. A por
tion of llto iutrn;:a,!; of Win public 1h solic
itt'il. ' 4-ly.
I j F.Asr MirUitltY, Fa..
.1. V. 15 wx, 1'ioprictor. This lionno Is
nrv nml lias Uiii I'mnishixl w'th now
1 tin iture throimliout. It is rinitralli'V lo--atOil,
anil has a first -class liarn in connpet.
ion with it. Tho traveling pulilio will
liii'.l it a ploasHiit Htoppini; pla'i. I'iist
l lifts I.ivorv in con nut lion with tho Ilotil.
i 1F.NTHAL IIO'.'SK, OTfi ri ry, l'A.
J W. II. IIOTII. Fropi ictor.
The largest, rii-st Iiocatod nml Fiirnislioil
llouso in tlie'Uy, Ktur llniim Depot.
1 W. MOItHOW. M. D..
1 Mle of Arnistrons oounty, having locntpil
i n Tiont'Hta Ih prepared to attoml all pro
l'issionat calls promptly and Ht all hour.
)llico in fcSnunrliaiiKli A Oo.'s now Imild
imr. up stairs. Office hours 7 tit K a. m.,
dud 1 1 to 12 m. i 2 ti 3 and (!J to 71 p. m.
Sundays, U to 10 A. l. ; 2 to 3 and (ii to 7
f. M. Koaidcnco In Clark House, near
l'ost Otlice. may-18-81.
1 as hal over 11 (loon years exporionee in
(lio practice of his profession, havinngrad
uatcd legally and honoralily May 10, 1M0S.
OlUce and Residence in Judiro fleck's
liouse, opposite the M. H. Church, Tiones
a. Fa. Aug. 25-lsaO
Dli. J. W. MORROW,
llaviun purchased tho materials An., of
Dr. isieadinan, would respcctlully an
nounce that ho will carry on tho Dental
luisincsn in Tionesta. Biid havinj; had over
ix years smvessful experience, considers
liiiusell fully competent to trlve entire sat
istuction. I shall always Kive my medi
cal practice the preference. niarJ2-82.
H. U. Htr. A. B. MU.T
ma r, pajik aj CO.,
B ITsT IKI 13 3l S I
I'urnov of El in A Walnut Sts. Tionosta.
Bank ol Discount and Deposit.
uterest allowed cm Time Deposits.
Collection inudoonall UiePrinuipal poinU
of the U. H.
Collections solicited.
Manufacturor of and Dealer in
. And all kinds of
mavl 81
OUUSc'IHUH tor the If.i i;ih.ican, only
O f 1.50 iier annum.
as as:
( oritli naril Tlinn Tnlilo Tloiirnia Slntlun.
Train "K 7-M Bin Train n:i IfltM am
Train (12 7:4S am Train LMI...,. 1:1H jini
Train SO 4:01 jmi Train :il 8:10 pm
Train 2 North, and Train 21) South car
ry tlio mail.
Prenchiujj in the Presbyterian
Church next Sunday morning and
evening, hy Kev.'Ilirkling.
Preaching in tho M. E. Church
next Sunday evening by F. M. Small.
-Presbyterian Sabbath School b
0:4 5 a. m.; M. E. Sabbath School at
10 a. m.
Tho hillsides are just now clothod
in their tuott gorgeoua array.
Buckwheat cakes and pork sou
sago will soon be on tan again,
Mrs. II. O. McKnight aud two
eons, of Oil City, aro guests at S. J
Campbell's residence.
No "chestnut accidents" as yet,
all hough the average small boy has
laid in a good share of his winter's
Fulling for bass is the choice
pastime of these days. Catching 'em
is another branch of tho industry,
A stone culvert bus been put in
at the bead of l!.idge St., hext lo Her
man's store. Tho light thing ic the
right plare.
District Attorney Van Gieeeu has
changed his mind about locating in
Kansas, but expects soon to move to
Edeuburg, Clarion county.
The bell was successfully placed
on the M. E. Church last Thursday,
and has ince been pei funning its mis
'um ol" calling the people to Bervices.
The biindlioys are resting their
mnntln while awaiting the arrival of
their new hums, the ones they had
having bcu pronounced n. g. by Prof.
Mr. T. C. Jackson has s'i far re
covered from his apoplectic stroke as
to be able to go about his room and
converse with friends, wo are pleased
to note.
Miss May Agnew's many young
friends will be pained to learn that
"tie is still critically ill, yet it is hoped
she may soon experience a change for
the better.
.Mre. Oeo. Morgan and grandson
Churles, shipped tiieir household
goods to Oil City last week, where
they will make their future homo with
Fred. Morgan.
Th borough board of directors,
at its last meeting, adopted Smith's
works on Physiology and Hygiene, iu
accordance with the provisions of the
late law bearing oa subject.
A gam of base ball will be
played iu Oil City tomorrow between
the Louisville aud Allegheny clubs.
Also ooe on Friday. Two sock noted
clubs will doubtless attract a large
liev. Wilder, who has mauy old
friends in thin section, spent a uightat
the house of Mr. Andrew McCray, on
IloUuiau Flats, while ou his way to
his new chargo iu Jefferson, county, a
short time ago.
Although the deer and pheasant
season has been open for a week, our
market has not as yet been glutted by
either of these species of game. How
ever, the grouse crop is said to be un
usually good this seasou.
The plasterers have fiiiwhed their
work on D. VV. Clark's fioe mansion,
and the carpenters are again at work
putting on the finish inside. Mr.
Clark expects to move in about the
first of December or sooner.
The first little louch of winter
struck these parts on Sunday last, and
we learn theie was a strong suspicion
of snow iu some parts back on the
bills. Jackson Frost in ay be expect
ed to put in bis appearance iu good
shape most any day now.
Bids will be received by the
School Board of the Borough until
Saturday evening for the janitorship
of the school houso for the present
term. "No kindling fires with kero
sene" will be about the only 'swivel
service" lestriction under which the
candidate will be placed.
Mr. II. A. Adauos leaves for Ma
rion, Ohio, this week where, in com
pany with Messrs. T. B. Cobb and J.
T. Dale, be will build a mill fur the
manufacture of staves. The company
ha3 a good lay-out there, and will un
doubtedly make a success of the un
dertaking, all being practical aud ex
perienced uieu in the busiuess. Mr.
Adams expects shortly to move bis
family to that place.
"Golden Days" for October, is in
the bands of its many delighted read
ers, and a welcome number it is. It
is just the kind of literature that will
keep the boys at home and out of
mischief during the long winter eve
nings, and should be in every house
hold where there are voung folks.
James Elverson, Publisher, Philadel
phia, Pa.
A new Catholic Church is to be
built in this place forthwith. It will
be located on tho lot belonging to the
Church on Vine St., above the old
school house lot, and near Jared Hu
ling's houso. Stone for the foundation
have already been hauled on the
ground, and the fine edifice at one
time used by that church at Pithole is
beiug taken down aud brought here to
be rebuilt, the first load arriving yes
terday, II. M. Irwin Esq., of the Frank
lin Evening News, and one of the most
pleasing writers in the State, came up
Saturday and remained over Sabbath
at the residence of his brother, S. D.,
being accompanied by his two eldest
sons, Dick aud Hiram. He had the
audacity to walk in on us Monday
morning just as We were in the act of
working the "no change" racket on
one of our farmer friends who bad
left us a roll of choice butter.
Many of the old judgments and
mortgages, thiuka tho Franklin News,
will be wiped off the books as soon as
the act of the last Legislature impos
ing a tax upon them becomes opera
tive. Judgments cost nothing except
to reissue them, and many of them
are kept on the books year after year
in the hope that the person against
whom they are entered will some day
bo worth soinethiug. As soou as the
tax begins to run on these veteran
judgments and doubtful mortgages,
they will begin to drop off the books.
The law went into effect on the 1st
Twenty five per cent, of the new
postal card is wood pulp and seventy
five per cent, fioe rags. It takes
about twelve hours to convert tho raw
material into the cards, and between
1,000,000 to 1,500,000 of them are
turned out daily, giving employment
to 130 women aud girls. They come
from the pjress in sheets of forty cards
each. It costs $100 a mouth for the
little paper bards that are placed
about tho Lunches of 25 each. The
new card has a water mark that will
aid in the detection of counteifeits.
Even with a million turned out daily
the demand is greater than the supply.
Thomas P. FJynn and Miss Lizzie
Berlin, both of Tionesta, were mar
ried by Father Carroll yesterday
morning at St. Joseph's Catholic
church. E. J. Meagher and Mis
Myrtle Nellis acted as groomsman and
bridesmaid respectively. The, bride
was attired in white. The bridesmaid
wore a wine colored silk, and the
groom was dressed in the conventional
black. After the ceremony the wed
ding party were driven to the Collins
house, wheie they received the con
gratulations of friends and partook of
a wedding breakfast. They returned
to Tionesta in the afternoon. Oil
City Bhzard, Oct. 1.
An attempt was made, on Tues
day night of last week, to break into
the depot at tbid place. The tool
house oear the depot was broken open
and some tools and the hand-car tak
en out. A light of glass in the freight
room was broken, but the wiodow
having bad boards nailed over from
the icsido was not further disturbed.
Hunter's barn had boeu entered and
the bridles taken down, evidently with
the intention of stealing one or both
horses, but it is thought the burglars
were frightened away, ani their de
signs frustrated. On the same night
the local telegraph liue spanning the
river was cut at both ends, doubtless
the work of the same parties, thinking
perhaps it was connected with some
burglar alarm.
It seems we were misinformed as
to the injuries received by Earnest
Giles in the torpedo explosion at Ball
town last week. He escaped unin
jured, but when it is understood that
the casing in the well was blown to
such a height that it resembled pipe
stems, and that lor several moments it
fairly rained iron and stones, the nar
rowness of his escape can be imagined.
On the evening following the above
mishap, Tuesday, the 29th, Cyrus
Murphy approached so nearly three
wells ou the Nickel Oil Co.'s lease
wilb tf lighted lauteru that tho gas
from them was ignited, and two tanks
containing about 600 barrels of oil
were burned. The loss from these two
accidents will reach about $3,000;
part of which falls on our townsmen,
Judge Proper and J. B. Agoew.
Otto Raisig Dead.
It becomes our sorrowful duty this
week to chronicle tho death ef Mr.
Otto Uaisig, which occurred at his
father's residence, Pluiner, Pa., last
Friday, 2d iost. Otto had been in
rather poor health for several mouths
past, but stuck to his bench iu bis
brother Charles' wagon factory, this
place, until about three weeks ago,
when he went home thinking that a
little rest and recreation would rcstoro
his wonted health. But ho gradually
grew worse, typhoid fever set in and
soou claimed bim as its victim. Mr.
Raisig was one of the best young meu
of our acquaintance ; quiet in his dis
position, very steady in his habit?, al
ways gentlemanly in his demcaiior,
and blessed with good common sense.
His sudden taking off is sincerely
mourned by all who knew him, as he
was a general favorite. Quite a num
ber from this place attended the fu
neral which took place on Sundaj
last. His age was 25 years.
Neilltown Nuggets.
To any who think Neilltown is on
the decline, can be said they are bad
ly left. While it is not the town it
was during the oil boom, yet those
who are left, here aro settling down to
enjoy the harvest of the days gone by,
and making such improvement as
suits the tastes of our enterprising
The church has been repaired and
adorned by a coat of paint, and is
now rather an imposiug structure, but
some miscreant has been girdling
some of its shade trees.
Hill, the Triumph butcher, makes
his regular rouuds dealing out all
kinds of meats.
T. B. Machesney is rusticating in
town at present.
JMiss Jul a Uorman was visiting
friends the past week.
Mr. Wni. Paup has departed for
A few of otir young bloods were
covered by Baruum's main tent dur
ing the tornado at Titusville, yet all
came home forked end down, and
none the worse for it.
Mr. Ii. O. Carson, despite the mag-
nificene of his present residence, is
about to tear it down and replaee it,
as he says by a better one.
Mr. Burchfield has made some im
provements upon his house.
Rumor has it that Ham Bowman
has finished his oats harvest.
Our town sorely feels the absence of
Maj. Woodcock and family. But our
loss is Tilusville'a gain, and to any
who may visit the city and desire first
class accommodations and be well en
tertained socially, we recommend a
call on the Major. Xusofhom.
Oct. 5, 85.
List of Letters.
Remaining iu Tionesta, Pa., P. O.,
Oct. 1st, 1885:
Mrs. Ida M. Adams. Miss May Payne.
Mrs. Annie Whissner Miss May Kodgors.
Miss Lizzie Diee. Miss.Tillie Dolby.
Frank W. Alcorn. Win. Quartz.
Frank Anion. Frank Tripp.
William Donaldson. "Willie M. Caao.
Charles Johnson.
Edward Shippon.
If not called fir iu 30 days will be
sent to the Dead Letter Office. When
calling please Bay "advertised."
C. M. Arnek, P. M.
Strayed or Stolen.
From the White Farm, on West
Hickory Creek, about September 1st,
Ten Ewe Sheep aud Two Lambs.
Have a wire ling in butt of right ear.
Part of them have a notch in end of
right ear. Information of their where
abouts will be liberally rewarded by
E. C. Cubbon, West Hickory, Pa.
List of Patents.
List of Patents granted by the U.
S. Patent Office, to citizens of Penn
sylvania, for the week ending, Tues
day, Sept. 29, 1885, reported express
ly for tho Forest Reiuulican,
through tho Patent Liw Offices of
Duffy & Brasbears, C07 7th St. N. W.,
opposite the U. S. Patent Office,
Washington, D. C. :
H. J. Bailey, Pittsburgh, water
closet; J. W. Cloud, Altoooa, buttou ;
E. B. Cutten, Pittsburgh, bead light
for locomotives; F. D. Davis, Wil
Uatusport, car coupling (2 patents),'
H. II. Garrett, Pittsburgh, molders
flask ; L. Haas, Chester, fertilizer;
W. Harris, Pittsburgh, pipe wrench;
J. S. Iogham, Academy Corners, car
coupling; A. S. Keating, Corry, cash
recorder (2 patents);. F. Lienbach,
Bethlehem, paper bag machine; J.
Lelzkns, Allegheny, expansion joint;
J. II. McFadden Williamsport, ma
chine for dressing mill saws; E. J
Miller, Farmersville, snap hook; V.
O. Strobel, Allegheny, valve; G. W.
Thompson, Shickshinny, pulley; J. P.
Witherow, Allegheny City, converter
(7 patents).
Statement of M. E. Churcn.
The following Is the financial re
port of Tionesta M. E. Church for the
year ending Sept 30, 1885 :
Toml cost of fetilMirg on Parsonogl lot.. 81,177.09.
hud on Mime lor 1881-6 tS8.i7.
Prewnt Indebtedness 27 9.
Ri-iiairn on C'hurch 87B. J9.
laid on Kiune..... laj gx
Balanc) due
Fundi, available on Church lepalrb..
Present tndebtodnew on Church .....
Hui,M'rititlon lor bell
100 00
M 86.
134 7S.
T'ncollectcil ,
Toial corn cf boll
The following committees and offi
cers were appointed by the fourth
Quarterly Conference for the ensuing
year :
Tkustkks T D Collins, Joseph
drove. J II Dinginan, John A Hart,
H J Wolcott, M W Tate, T B
Cobb, EH Holeman.
Stewards Tionesta : J. II. Ding
man, John A. Hart, Eli Holeman.
Whig Hill : Jonas Shunk. Noble :
8. J. Wolcott. Itecording Stewart,
M. W. Tate, District Stewart, James
II. Fones.
CiiAss Leaders Tionesta: Joseph
Grove, John A. Hart, Eli Holeman.
Whig Hill: Frank Gillespie. Noble:
C. A.Hill. Kellettville: John Shaw.
Exiiorters Joseph Grove, C. A.
Locad Preachers Rev. II. Rho
des, J, E. Hillard.
Missions K. S. Collins, J. II.
Fones, R. Z.Gillespie, Dorcas Thomp
son, Cyntha VnnGiesen.
Church Extension Boyd M.
Jones, G. C. Brown, Thoma9 Cowan,
Nicholas Weant, Andrew Carr.
Sunday Schools Sarah Haggerty
J. II. Dingman, Hannah Berlin, J.
E. Hillard, Mrs. M. W. Tate.
Tracts Ella Stroup. Anna Fones,
Matilda Hindman, William Anthony
George Blurock.
Temperanci- Rev II Rhodes,
T J VanGiesen, Jonas Shunk, Mrs
T B Cobb, Anna Adams.
Education Catherine Guenth er,
R Z Gillespie, E T Lowden, Mrs.
Ida Small, Rose Hillard.
Church Records John A Hart,
Eli Berlin, Jacob Kiinestlver.
Parsonage and Furniture
Harvey Foreman, Jamea Carson, Ell
Holeman, 11 A Adams.
Estimating Preachers Salary
C A Hill, II Rhodes, M W Tate.
Church Music--J II Dingman,
W Y Siggins, P M Clark.
Conference Claimants Mrs
Joseph Grove, Jrs Anna Adams, Mm
Jattie Derickson, iVrs Dorcas Thomp
son, Mrs Lewis Arner.
Membership Number of mem
bers received at Tionesta on Proba
tion 103 ; from probation to full mem
bership 01 : old membership at be
ginning of year (51 ; making a total of
full tneraDersnip 11:0; still on prona
tion 42.
Report of Tionesta Boro Sabbath
School for year ending Oct. 1, 1885:
Number of Teachers. 14
Numliar of rcQolara, all ares - 120
Number of tcholanover 15 yean of age 62
Number of scholars unrior 15 yean of age.... 24
Nurnberof scholars in intant claia 84
A vei age attendance teachen aud kcholurt... 88
Nnmliar of library books 6(1
Total exenat-s of school GO
Sunday School Advocates Ml
Sunday School CWsmn to SO
Sunday School Journal 10
Officer ana teachers who are members of the
rliureb 20
Scholars aud teachers who are members of
if the church 3&
Number of teachers convened 6
J. II. Dingman, &'upt.
In August, 1878, C. A. Wood &
Co. commenced the manufacture, in
Philadelphia, of the now well-known
Philadelphia Singer Sewing Machines.
At first they only made ten machines
a week. Their business has steadily
increased, until now they are probably
the largest manufacturers of this style
of machice in the United States.
They do busiuess oa a liberal and just
basis. They sell a three-drawer, drop
leaf aud cover machine for the low
price of twenty dollars, including all
the extra attachments, and warrant
tbem for three years. They offer to
send one lo any responsible man or
woman, to be tested in their own house
two weeks before they pay oue cent.
This is certainly a fair proposition.
They have found Ibis way of doing
business more satisfactory than to do
as other companies do who charge for
ty to fifty dollars for machines, and
pay agents twenty dollars apiece to
sell tbem. We advise all in want of
a machine to send for circular and
testimonials. Address C. A. Wood &
Co., 17 North Tenth Street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
All About Kansas,
Its people, crops, weather, lands.
schools, Legislature, railroads, mar
kets, its politics, its development, tho
trial of Prohibition aud its future,
will be found in The WeeUu Capital
and Fanners' Journal, in 8 page, 66
column paper, published at the capital
of the State, sent six months for 50
ceuts, one year for S1.00. Address J.
K. Uudsou, lopeka, Kansas,
J. T. Breuoan has dow for sale
136 acres of warrant 5213 and 5214r
KingsJey Twp., probably on the new
oil belt. Also 108 acres of warrant
5186 and 7fr acres of warrant 5187,
in same twp. 1000 acres, warrant
No. 2836, Tionesta township. 390
acres, warrant No. 5186, Kingsley
township. 143 acres, known as "Lil
lie Farm," Allegheny township, Ve
nango Co. 70 acres near Enterprise,.
Warren county. 6m.
The East Hickory Hotel. J. W.
Ball, Proprietor, is for sale or rent.
Address the proprietor. East Hickory,
COBURN VROPEIt At Fagimdus, Ta.f
Sept. 30, 188,5, by Isaa" Joneo, J. P., Mr.
Charles F,. Cobnrn of Oil City, Ta., and
Miss Mary A. Proper of Pleaaantville.
CA ItNA II AN JONES At' tho residenco-
of Esquire Jones, Fagundus, Fa,, Sept.
30, 1.885, by Rev. F. M. Small, Mr. Jep
O. Carnahan of Tldiouto, and Miss Eva
Is. Jones, of Fagundua, Pa.
ZUENDEL BLUM At the residence of
and by II. W. Ledebur, J. P., Sept. 30.
ISM, Mr. Georgo Zuondol of Kingsley
twp., and Miss Anna Kat Blum of
Green twp., Forest Co., Pa.
parsonage, Tionesta, on Sept. 30, 1885V
by Rev. F. M. Small, Mr. Will S. Elder,
and Miss Anna Moreheaf,both of East
Hickory, Forest county. Pa,
HALL LOVE September 27th, 1885, at
the residence of Mr. Curtis Ediburn, by
J. A. McClellan, Esq., Mr. Cornollou
Washington Hall and Miss Aunle E. O.
Love.lall ol' Forest Co., Paw
22, 1885, by Win, Ray, J. P., at bis resi
dence, Mr. Martin Lanning of Eldrod,
to Miss Minnie Barger, of Wost Hicko
ry, Pa.
HOWARD BEAN At the residence of
Edward Mealy, by C. II. Church, J. P.,
Sept. 27, 1885, Mr. Fred. M. Howard
and Miss Hattie C. Bean, all of Beaver
Valley, Forest Co., Pa.
FLYNN BERLIN In Oil City, Sept.
30, 1885, by Rev. Fathor Carroll, Mr.
Thomas P. Flynn of Green twp., and
Miss Lizzie Berlin of Klngsley twp..
Forest Co., Pa.
RAISIG At the home of his parents, it
Pluiner, Pa., October 2d, 1885, of ty
phoid fever, Otto Raisig, aged 25 years,
1 month and 8 days.
Partieular attention given to GRAIN
ING. Satisfaction guaranteed in every
particular. Orders for Ireseoing, etc., by
mail promptly attended to. Shop in
Roberts building, Elm St., Tionesta, Pa.
Civil Engineer and Surveyor.
Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty,
Magnetic, Solar or Triangulation Survey
ing. Best of Instruments and work.
Terms on application.
Lil'o and Personal Memoir of Gen.
Grant in one volume only $1.75. Ono
agent sold 43 first day. 10,000 sold first
week. A (M engraving 22x28 Inches of all
"Our Presidents" free to eaeh subscriber.
Think of this! Some person should send
50 cents for outfit and engraving and se
cure tins territory. Book now out no
waiting for commissions. Address EL
Ave., Chicago III.
a-o to
$?ico Itcvto & Capo
Our readeru tor 12 eeuts in poutauo
stamps to pav for itiaillnir and wrapnini'
and nuiiies of two Ixnik agents, will re
ceive FREE a Steel Finish Parlor En
graving of all OL'R PRESIDENTS, In
cluding Cleveland, ai.e Jx-Jb in., worth
91.00. AUilrnMM,
ELDER PUB. CO., Chicago, 111.
WANTED Agent in this county, lor w
cheap and lapiiliy selling article. Small
capital required, address at once, P, O.
Box 738 Pittsburgh, Pa,