The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 09, 1885, Image 3

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i 3
lit forest $tputrtmw.
Jlurje. Kli Hoi.kmaw.
Cttttxriltnm North ward. H. M. Fnrv
man, J. K. Clark. W. L. Klineqtiver,
South ward, J. H. Fones, V. A. Eagles,
uniii, Homier.
.nxtcei of the Pcac J. T. Brouniin,
Countable Pritnnr Aenew.
SVA'J Director G. XV. Robinson, A.
Ji. Kelly, J. J1. innctinan, I. . Knox, J
W. Morrow, E. L. Davis.
Member of Canpre At.kxandkii
White, i
Member of Senate .1. O. Hall.
Atxemblyl'r.Ticn Bkkiiv.
i'rexulent JmlaeW. D. Brow.
A,iteiate Judge V. A. IIir.L. Lewis
Treaeurer V, REARHArau.
Prothonotary, Keqinter Recorder, f c.
CnnTiH M. Skatxkt,
Qnnm.iaxione.ra Oliver Biuret, Wm
County Superintendent J. E. IIlLI,'
District Attorney T. .T. VaihGikskx.
fttry Cmmnisxioncrs II. 1. Davis,
.County Isiurvcyor IT. C. WniTTEKIN.
i f 'oroni Dr. J. W. MnnROW,
Counfy t uditora 3. A. Swtt, Tiros.
VoKAlt, Geo. Zitukdki..
T- vfJ 1. O. ot V. v.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 7
o'clock, hi' the Lodgo Rooin in Par
tridge's Hall.
r. l. haslet, n. o.
II. W. SAWYKll, Scu'y. 27-tf.
1JV)REST LODGE, No. 1S4, A. O. U. W.
I. Meets every l riday Evening in Odd
Fellows' II all, 'Tionesta.
w. c. coburn, m. w.
J. 15. WEXK, Recorder.
J No. 274, IJ. A. H.
Meets on the first Wednesday iu. each
month, in Odd Follows Mall, Tionesta, Ph.
J. S. KNOX, Commander.
J. II. AON KW. 1. M. CI.AUK.
Kim St. Tionesta, Penna.
And District Attorney of Forest County.
IMlico in Court House, Tionesta. Pa.
1J ATTO It N E Y- A T- L A W ,
Tionesta, Pa.
Collections inado in this and Adjoining
1 1 I LKS W. TATE,
El in Street, Tianestn. Pa.
Tionesta, Forest County Pa.
1AWKKNOH HOUSE. Tionesta, Pa.,
J T. ('. Jackson, Proprietor. Thin
house in centrally located. Everything
new and well furnished. Supeiior Ac
ouimodntions and ti ict attention pi von
ti guests. Vegetables and Fruits of all
KindN Horved In their season. .Sample
loom for I'oimnercial Ajrontn,
EXTUATj HOUSE, Tionesta. Pa.,
J O, Hmwiicll. I'roprietor. Thin is a
new house, and has jiit hcen fitted up tor
iho iiccoiumodiition ofthe pulilic. A por
tion of tlm patro.iage of the public is solic
ited. ' , 40-ly.
.1. W. Haul, t'roprietor. This Iioumo is
ih'' and 1ms been I'urnishttd with new
Inn Itnro throughout. It i centrulley lo
valed, and has a lirst class bai n in cunnect
lon with it. The traveling public will
find it a pleasant stoppiuir place. First
vIiikh Livery iu connection with tho Hotel.
J V. H. HOT 1 1, Proprietor.
Tho largest, Best Located and Furnished
House in the City. Near Union Depot.
1 W. MORROW. M. D.,
Late of Arinstronp eounfy, having located
in Tionesta is prepared to atteud all pro
fessional calls promptly and at all hours.
OIHco in Smearbaunh A' Co.'s new btiild
'Inqr, u p stairs. Omoo hours 7 to 8 a. m.,
sud 11 to 12 m. ; 2 to a and 0 to 7 r. m.
Sunday, to 10 a. m. ; 2 to 3 and 6 to 7i
V. M. Rosideneo in Clark House, near
PotitOflice. may-18-81.
WC. COUURN. M. n.,
Has had over fifteen years experience in
the practice of his profession, ha vini? grad
uated legally and honorably May 10, 105.
Ollieo and Hosidonce In JiuIko Rett's
bouse, opposite the M. E. Church, Tiones
ta, Pa. Aug. 25-18WJ
Having purchusod the materials Are., of
Dr Steadman, would respectlully an
nounce that ho will carry on tho Dental
business in Tionesta. and having had over
hi x years mKM-essful experience, considers
liimsell fully competent to p;lve entire sat
isfaction, I shull always K'va my modi
'l practice the prel'ereiu e. ma'r22-82.
M. u. MAT.
31 AY, PARK cC CO.,
B .A. 1ST JfZ 3U 3 S !
Corner of Elm A WalnntSts.Tionebta.
Bank of Discount and Deposit.
I nterest al lowed on Tlme Deposits.
Col lection madoon all the Principal points
of the U. S.
Collections Boiieited. 18-1?.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
may! St TON EST A. PA.
UliSCR fiiEto71;BRTrcBriCAN, only
$ l.frt) jr anuuni.
('unili-niiril Time Table Tlouratn Srmloit.
Train '2H 7:7 am
Train 0 7:IS am
Train 0:1 10:0.". nm
Train 29 1:18 pin
Train 31...- 8:10 pm
Train 30 4:01 pm
Train 2S North, and Train 2! South enr
ry me man.
Preaching in the Presbyterian
Church next Biinday morning and
evening, by Ilev. Ilickling.
Preaching in the M. K. Church
next Sunday evening by F. XL Small.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at
9:45 a. oi.; M. 12. Sabbath School at
10 a. m.
Pay your Slate and County tax
if you want to vote this fall.
Ben. Mealy of the township, lost
a valuable cow the first of the week
Wild pluma are now in the mar
ket, and Bome of them are very largo
and luscious.
The potato rot still continues, and
(loubllesd will as long as the wet weath
er coutinucs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Baker visited
a few days of the past week with Law
yer Iiitchcy's family.
The Lawrence House property is
receiving additions in the shape of a
new and commodious barn.
Coou hunting is the proper caper
with those fond of the sport these days.
Some of the neighboring cornfields
are well worked.
A few flocks of pigeons hare
been seen in different sections of the
county of late. Scouts looking up
the prospects for beechnuts, no doubt
Quile a number of veterans from
this county leave for Erie this eve
ning to lie be present at the soldiers'
reunion which tubes place there to
The borough school opened
Monday with a very good attendance
The teachers are : Advanced room, G.
W. KeVr ; Intermediate, Miss Laura
Keller; Primary, Miss Aggie Kerr.
Rev. Small is attending the meet
ing of the Erie Conference at Sharon
this week. It is the wish and exptc
lalioii ot his church that he he re
turned to this chargo for another year.
.Tudgo Arner of Kellettville
spent a day or two of laat week in
town. We are pleased to note that
his beulth is rapidly impioving, and
believe he will soon bo as robust as
According to the late act of As
sembly, witnesses appearing before a
Justice of the Peace are eti title I to
fifty cents each day's attendance, iu
stead of tweoty-fivo cents as hereto
fore. Andrew Weller and eon, of
Dutch Hill, Forest Co., are visiting
amoug many friends and relatives
here this week. They put in an ap
pearance here Monday. Emlcnton
Mrs. Col. Thomas received quite
severe injuries from a fall while at
tending to household duties on Fri
day lat. Her friends will .be pleased
to learn, however, that fclie is recover
ing uicoly.
Chns. Kait-ig has three new wag
ons at his factory which he will trade
for half cash and half coal. He has
also a dozen wagons on hand, com
pleted, that will be bold at prices to
suit the times.
"Golden Dys" for September is
issued, bright, handsome, and eullr
tainiug as ever. It should bo iu every
household where there are young peo
ple. James Elverson, Publisher,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. H. II. May and daughter
Mrs. Sharpe, returned from their sea
side resort last Wednesday eveuing.
Mrs. May's many friends will be
pleased to learn that her visit proved
very beneficial to her health.
The approaching marriage of
Miss Annio Mason of Bradford, to Mr.
Clark Hayes of tho same place, is an
nounced in some of our exchanges.
As Miss Mason was a former Tionesta
lady this bit of news will doubtless
interest many of her former friends
Instalments of the new postal
cards are now being forwarded to the
postoffices. The uew cards are the
same size as the old ones, but are of a
light brown color. Iubtead of the
head of the Goddess of Liberty, iu
the vignette in the corner, appears a
Cue engraving of Jefferson's head.
Instead of the mocograra "U. S." the
new card has on it the words "United
States" printed at length. On the ad
dress side are the words, "nothing but
the addms to be on this tide.'' I
Mr. J. J. Green and family of
Tylersburg, paid a visit to East Hick
ory friends during the week. Mr
Green is one of the decapitated offen
Rive partisans that had to make room
for a democratic postmaster at bis
place last week. But it didn't see to
to worry John any.
. We are sorry to leenrd the loss to
our county of Major Woodcock of
Xeilltown, who has leased and taken
possession of the Windsor Hotel, Ti
tusville, Pa. The Major will be much
missed by his neighbors, all of whom
will, however, wish him success and
happiness in his new quarters.
The B N. Y. &. P. Railroad will
run an excursion to Niagara Falls
fiom Oil City on Thursday, Sept. 17th.
The train will pass this place about G
o'clock in the morning. The fare has
been placed nt the remarkably low
figure of S2.50 for the round trip,
which will afford nil who have any
desire lo view that noted sight
chance to do bo. Remember the date.
Judge Cook says he is not drill
ing by the foot, but bv the mile. His
last well is now down 3,300 feet, and
there is a trace of oil iu the hole.
Ibis latter fact slightly alarms the
Judge, and he deem it necessary to
put down a few more wells to protect
his few acres from drainage from out
side parties, His property doesn't ex
tend more than twelve mile9 along the
Clarien river. Clarion Jacksonian.
Mary Paup, teacher of Nebraska
school, makes the following report for
the teim ending Sept. 5, 1885. Whole
No. in attendance 37. Average of
last month 32. Those present every
day during last mjnth, Emma Kliues-
tiver, Emma Thompson, Freddie and
George Klineetiver, Clarence Jones,
Mary Thompson, Musy Alt, Anna,
Lucy and Harry Mitchell, Katie
Youngk, Ernest, Ross, and Pearl
Lowden, Clara Hunter, Ezra Sbaw,
Arthur Weaut, Oran Anthony, and
Alfrouzo and Frankie Smith. The
first five named were preoent every
day during term.
By a glance at our marringe cor
ner it will be observed that another
of Tiouesta's young couplo have em
barked upon the high seas of matri
monial bliss. The happiest of happi
ness and greatest success attend them
on their voyage. During Mr. Scow-
den's residence among in he has
gained tho efteem and confidence of
all our citizens. His bride, Miss Liz
zie Siggins, is one of the popular
youog l.idies of the town, who will
prove a helpmate indeed to her hus
band through life. Mr. Scowden and
wife will go immediately to house
keeping upon their return from their
wedding tour, having rented J. P.
Huling's pleasant cottage on Viue St.
W. II. McLino teacher of Gush
er City school, manes the followiug re
port for the month ending August 17,
885: No. of pupils enrolled males
20, females 14. Those who were
present every day of the month are
Nora Black, Inez, Black, Sarah Gal-
aher, Cora McLaoe, Nora McLane,
Genella McGhee, Mattie Town, Gra
cie Turner, Maggie Waddell,-Pearly
V inger, George King, Willie King,
Edwin Lithgow, Theodore Lithgow,
John Lithgow, George E. Litbgow,
Chas. Town, George E. Waddell, Carl
Taylor. Thoso present every day but
one are Pearly Kerstetter, Thedie
Kightlinger, Charles Gilson, Bennie
verstetter, Irvio Kightlinger, Clifton
Sowle. Those present every day but
wo are Mamie Waddell, Chas. Black,
Walter Gallaher, Thomas Gallaher,
S. L. McLane and Ollio Winner.
Average attendance males 19, females
14; per cont. of attendance males 94,
females 98.
Fayundus Facts.
A happy occasion was the marriage,
on the 2d iust., of Miss Maggie Bap-
tie to Mr. Wm. Cole of Burton, Ohio,
at the residence of the bride's uncle.
After the ceremony bad been per
formed the boys all gathered in to see
the lucky gentleman from Ohio, also
to congratulate him on his success in
getting one of our most esteemed
young ladies, who will be ruined by
her many friends. May they live
oug and prosper, is our best wish.
The happy couple expect to leave for
Ohio in a few days.
Mr, Morrison rejoices over a new
boy arrival at bis home one day last
Mr. Thomas is the loser of two fin
gers, haviog accidentally had them
sawed off at the first joint.
The last festival at the M. E. church
was a success, so wuoii so that they
intend having another on Monday
evening, Sept. 9th.
Rev. Ryan has gone to Conference.
John Peterson has gone to Erie to
meet the boys in blue.
Mrs. Cleary and family havo re
turned after a pleasant visit with
friends at Saqdy Lake.
John Jones is busy supplying his
many customers with new bod springs,
at a very low rate; he warrants them
to give entire satisfaction, as they are
built by a competent workman.
Rob't W. Pimm Is building a new
rig for the Krautzer Bros., of Neill
town. John Flynn has returned to Toron
to, Ont., after a pleasant visit of three
weeks. Fkost.'
Sept. 8, '85.
Kellettville Items.
Mr. J. C. Welsh is getting ready to
drill a well on his lease near Minister
It will be a second test, and should b
a success. Neighboring land-owners
will watch the well with no small de
gree of interest.
Dr. Coburu made a call in Kellett
ville a few days ago, the children of
A. J. Small being sevorely attacked
with whooping cough.
Miss Ella Moore has departed for
Cogley Run. We mourn the loss of
her presence.
Miss May Sloan of Tionesta is the
truest of Mrs. Andrews.
Mr. Chas. Walters of Newmanville
gave this town a flying visit last
Messrs. Geo. Day and Geo. Klump
returned home from a short stay at
BrookstoD, Ph.
The schoolhouse across tho creek,
opposite Kellettville, under the con
struction of J. W. Littlefield is rapid
ly being erected. It is of a large
Mrs. Black of Franklin gave this
town a visit a few days ago.
Mr. Abram .Luke says "I want
boardiug as cheap as possible" and
with these remarks departed for the
residence of Mr. Lusher.
Sept. 7, '85. Visitor.
At 2 o'clock P. M. Sept. 3d, at tho Pres.
bytorian Church in Tionesta, tho third
Annual Meeting of the Forest Co., S. S.
Association was called to order by the
Prosnlont, A. U. Kolly.
Singing. Biblo leading. Trayer.
'Hie President, A. B. Kelly, in well
chosen words, extended to tho dolegates
weleomo. Itev. S. E. Ryan of Fairundus
responded in an ablo address holding out
tho importauco of starting tho children
Reading Minutes of last Convention,
and their adoption.
Reports from delegates.
E. Harvey of Oil City sang, "It is Well
with My Soul."
"Tho Object of S. S. Conventions j "
openod by J. E. Hillar J, Secretary. Some
of the points from tho discussion of this
question are : Tho S. S. Convention in
creases interest in S. S. work by empha
sizing the idea of personal effort ; united,
intelligent action ; we aro encouragod in
our works by knowing that others are
working in the same field, under tho same
difficulties, for the same ends, stimulated
by the same incentives by avoiding op
IJDinuiii.y ior counsel ; uie iaci that a
cause is of sufficient importauco to call to
gether in convention tho persons engaged
in that work for the purpose of conference
will arrest tho attention of the indifferent,
and w ill magnify the cause in thoir esti
mation. Mr. Tate not being present, tho Conven
tion discusccd "Conduct of Teachers out
of S. S.," bringing out tho following
points bo a manly man j a womanly
woman ; such that pupils can safely fol
low; teach by example; tho teacher
should nevor be found in places ot, or do
ing things of a questionable character;
the teacher is a powor, and is responsible
for the exercise of that power ; a teacher
will bo modeled aftor. After hinging, an
nouncements, prayer and benediction by
Rev. Miller, Convention adjourned.
Singing. Bible read by Mr. Ikennan.
Prayer by Rev. Small. Singing. Rev.
Prather not being present tho Convention
took up and discussed tho subjects, Spirit
ual Results; How Secured. Tho princi
ple thought dwelt upon was that the ob
ject of the S. S. is the sul vation of the foul
of the child. Let all S. S. work converge
upon that point; labor with faith and
prayer; let the teacher consider himself
au instrument in the hands of God to ac
complish the salvation of souls.
"Who should Attend S. S.," was next
discussed. Tho Convention was of the
opiuion that all are under obligation to at
tend S. S. Singing. Rev, Miller of Oil
City was introduced by tho President and
bpoke on the subject, Gold Dust. Some
of the thoughts he presented are ; tho im
portance of childhood ; the importance of
tho impressions made upon the heart and
brain of childhood; that childhood is the
moulding time; that tho S. S. affords a
field vast iu extent und infinito in oppor
tunities of doing work for God; that the
impressions made upon the heart uud
brain of childhood aro never lost. Ho
offered valuable suggestions as to how
scholars may lie brought into S. S., and
how they may be kept there. One thought
denrve especial notice: of respect arid
kinrlnoM is moulded the key that unlock
the human heart. In every child there Is
the possibility of morrt than angelhood
It Is the teacher's wofk to develop this
Singing, prayer, and benediction. Ad
journment, v
MORRINO Sf-.SSION, .Sept. 4tl1.
ricsident in chair. Singing. Bible
read. Prayer.
Minutes read and approved.'
T. J. VanOieson feeing absent O. G. But
tcrliold openod the diseussiiin or o,notion,
God's Call to Childron. He sai l that we
must believo, and act with rdereneo to
the beliof, that God docs call tho children,
and that thirty years from U-day tho
church with nil its responsibilities will bo
resting upon tho shoulders oftlfo children
of to-day, and that the moral (raining of
tho children is thfl bnsis of our futuro na
tional safety. Rev. Miller said that God
calls us earlr, and that it is the duty of
the church to have a euro that this call is
hoard and understood, ttnd holpcd to be
obeyed. God calls us all early in life.
OtUor members of tho Convention said :
God's call is adapted to tho understanding
of tho one called. Tho lives of nearly all
our great men disclosed the fact that in
early life S. S. training has had an influ
ence in shaping and fitting their lives.
Tho quostion, How should the tobacco
question bo treated in the S. S., was dis
cussed with considerable fervency. By
precept and example, said tho Convention,
let your influence bo against tobacco,
speak of it as a filthy, slovenly, expen
sive, dangerous habit. Let lovo of the
child's wolfaro bo the primo motive.
Speak of it as you would of any other
Tho discussion of the question, How to
Manage a Wayward S. S. scholar, was
opened by Mr. Dingman. By the exer
cise of a knowledgo of human nature and
a use of the right means of getting on the
winning side of human nature. Make
tho S. hi. attracti -o, and that the pupil will
love, admire, and respect. Adjournment.
Singing, biblo read, prayer, singing.
Au election of officers lor tho ensuing
year was held with tho following results:
President, J. H. Dingman ; Secretajy, J.
E. Hillard ; Treasurer, A. B. Kelly.
Rev. Small introduced an amondment
to the Constitution, which being amended
so as finally to read, "That tho Constitu
tion be so amended that tiiere bo includod
in tho Executive Committee the President,
Secretory and Treasurer of the Associa
tion, and tho members of the Program
Committco, and that ar.y threo members
of the Executive Comraitteo thus com
posed shall constitute a quorum to do
business." Carried.
A Committoo on Program was elected,
consisting of Messrs. Ritchoy, Morrow,
and Gillespie.
Dr. Towler not being present to open
tho discussion on S. S. Literature, W. Y.
biggins opened tho question, Ho was fol
lowed by other members. Mrs. Bromley
read an excellent paper, brief, but right
to the point, on tho subject. "There has
been an improvement in 8. S. literature,"
said ono of tho speakers. "Papors aro
hotter than books, because cheaper, better
adapted to the end to bo secured, and
more closely read." "Each sectarian
school should use its own church publica
tions," said another, "Unless for the grav
est of reasons." The Convention seemed
to-be strongly in favor of papers though
not objecting to good books.
Tho Convention next discussed Tho IlO'
lation ot the S. S. to Temperance. Dr.
Morrow opened tho discussion by reading
a good paper on the subject. One member
thought tho saino relation it bears to any
oth0r evil, which soomod to be the senti
nient of the Convention, qualified by the
sentiment as well that it is the great evil
of the hour. Some of tho members
thought that tomperance should first be
taught at homo, but not neglected in S 8.,
and that each class should bo organized
into a Cold Water Socioty to drink not
even cider.
Singing. Class drill conducted by Mr
Ritchey who did it excellently. Adjourn
Opening exorcises. M. W. Tate read
an excellent address. Hero are somo of
tho points hit upon : Statesmen recognize
in tho methods and ends of the bible-
school principles that sustain our institu
tions. The bible-school moulds public
opinion. Public opinion is tho sum of tho
virtues or vices of tho community prepon
derating. Tho head of the school should
be tho best talent tho church has. A H. S.
teacher should possess ability and a good
charaetor. Tho end of the S. S. is the
conversion of souls, and ho who has re
ligion teaches it best. Wo are mado bet
ter more by what wo see and feel than by
what we simply understand. Tho differ
ences iu men come from development.
Some men can bo drive:i ; most men must
bo led. Tho teacher should be a leader.
Iu tho children we seo ourselves us we
were, and aro stimulated to lead these
children to belter tilings than we huvo at
tained to.
S. D. Irwin read an excellent written
address. Wo note some points ; The best
days of one's life are those of tho
time wheu we aro living for others. True
worth always labors. Robert Ruikes.
who on Sept. 2, 17HI started the first S. S.,
is one of earth's greatest benefactors and
heroes, for iie inaugurated a conquest of
moral reform. Tho biblo is true. Its
teachings make men better. Iulidelity
has never built a hospital or an asylum
or a home for the friendless. The biblo is
inimitable because inspired. Tho object
of S. S. work is to lead men to a higher
life; and although all history teaches us
that we can not renew our youth liko ea
gles, yet we have the promiso of eternal
life, wu arc all on a pilgrimage, and aro
we not all inquiring travelers r
The following schools were represented :
Tionesta, M. K., and Presbyterian; Zents;
Noble; Redely lie; Nebraska;' Wuhliig-
ton; Whig Hill; Fagundui; Stewarts'
Rim. Delegates, 19 ; Sopts. and visilors,'
12; whole No. of schools in county, 27.
Present financial eon d it ion of Association (
Total assets, ffi.rd ; total liabilities, $1.00
Query Box. Quite a list of questions
were handed in nod discussed.
, Singing. Prayer", benediction. Ad
journment. J. E. 1 1 1 l.l.A Hf.
J. T. Brcnnan has now for sale
130 acres of warrant 5213' and 5214,
Kingsley Twp., probably on tbe new
oil belt. Also 1(78 ucrcs of warrant
5136, and 70 acres of warrant 5187,
in same twp. 1000 acres, warrant
No. 2836, Tionesta townahip. 390
acres, warrant No. 6186", Kingsley
township. 113 acres, known as "Lil
lie Farm," Allegheny township, Ve
nango Co. 70 acres near Enterprise,
Warren county. Cm.
COLE BAPTIE In Faaundus.' Pa..
Sept. 2d, 18So, by Rev. S. E. Ryan,- Mr.
Wm. Colo of Burton, Ohio, aiid Miss'
Magirio Baptio of Fagundus, Pa.
8COWlEN-SIGGrNS-At the residenco
of tho brido's parents, Sept. 3d, 1885, by'
Rev. F. M. Small, Mr. Joseph C. Scow-'
den of Mendvillo, Pa., and Miss Eliza
beth E. Siggins of Tionosta, Pa. Mead-
villo papors pleaso copy.)
BY VIRTUE or a writ of Fiori. Facias
issued out of tho Court of Common
Pleas of Forpst. f!imntv Pnnnui'lvoiii. -
and to me directed, there will be exposed!
to sale by public vendue or outcrv. at tho
Court House, in tho Borough of Tionesta,
on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 21st, 1885,
at 2 o'clock p. in., tho following described'
real estate, to-wit:
0. O. F of Penna., No. 309 vs. W. W.
JAM1ESON, Fieri Facias, No. 13 Sep
tember term, 1885. Agnew & Clark.
All that certain pieco or parcel of land
situated in Tionesta Township, Forest
County, Ph., bounded and doscribod a
follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post two"
(2) rods N. W. from tho center of P., T. A
11. R. R. and three (8) rods S. W. from
Jamieson Run where said Run is crossed
by said R. R. Thence N. 34J E. along
tho lino of said R. R. twenty-six (20) por
ches to i post. Thence N. 601 W. twenty-'
five Ci") perches to a post. Thence S. 341
W. twenty-six (20) perches to a post.
Tuenoe S. 601 E. twenty-five (25) porches
to a post, the place of beginning. Con
taining four acres and ton (10) perchos,
strict measure. Roing erected thereon
ono one-story frame dwelling houuo 18x20,
nne frame barn 18x20, and other outbuild
ings theroon. Being the samo land con
veyed to the Defendant, Wilburn W. Jam
leson, by Gilbert Jamioson et ux by
Deed bearing date March 22, A. D., 18S1,
recorded in Forest Co., in Deed Book No.
13, pp. 87-88. Reserving to said Gilbert
Jamieson tho water privilege on and
across above described piece of land, anil'
to other parties the lights for tank privi
leges heretofore granted them.
Seized, taken in exooution, and to be"
sold, as the property of Wilburn W. Jain-"
iaoti at the suit of Trustees of Tionesta
Lodgo, No. 30H, I. O. O. F. of Pa."
TERMS OF SALE. The foUowlr.p
must be strictly complied with when tho
projierty is stricken down :
1. Wlion the plaintitr or other lien cred-'
ltors boeoive tho purchaser, tho costs on1
tho writs must bo paid, und a list of liens'
including mortgago searches on the prop
erty sold, together with such lion credit
or's ro-jeiiit for tho amount of the. pro
ceeds of the salo or bucIi portion thereof a"
he may claim, must be furnishod tho
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
bo continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of tho
next day, nt which time all property not
settled for will again bo put up and sold
at tho expense and risk of the person to'
whom lirst sold.
Seo Purdon'H Digest, Ninth Edition'
pago 4 0 and Smith's Forms, page 384.
L. AGNEW, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Oflico, Tioiosta, Pa., August 18,'
BY IRTUE of various Acts of Assem
t bly of the Commonwealth of Pentisyl-"
van in mado and provided, we, tho under-
Signed Commissioners of Forest County,-,
will expose to sale by publio vendue or
outcrv ut tho Court House, iii Tionesta
Borough, on
at 2 o'clock p. in., tho following described'
tracts of land, via:
1IOWK TOWNSHIP. Kilb. Acres. How Assessed.
3-0 of
300 Kltlridgo James.'
21 Nugent Thomas.
00 I) FCopoland 11 Thomp
son. TOO Sinl'.ov Dr 11 Getcholl.
101 Amy 1) W.
oo Kepler J M A Co.
.15 Cochran R G 11 Grajiditi'
12 Harris David U McGinl
50 Brown Bros.
5 SigL'ins J J.
f() Herkimer Oil Co.
OO Brodio R C.
I Dalzell.
TIONKnI'A twp.
Iii) Mong Aiiullla.'
115 Copehnui litis Heirs.
100 nek David It Dale J A.-
30 Wiiians J ft Hiiands.
2821 1-10 071 John A Buckner.
:s20 1-0 of
300 Bonnehooftt others tl S'
5 Sickles GO.
!823 1 32 33i John F. Ludllng.
50 Pittsburgh Gil Co.'
15 Hepburn A Carl.
Olivkk Bykki.v,
W. D. SlllKI.DH,
Attt'st, (.'o. Coinuilosioners;
J. T. BTknnan, Clerk.
Confirmation Notice.
Notice is hereby iriven that Thomas J.
Bowman.' Guardian of Kda K. Fleming,
ha filed his linul account in my ofheuand
tho same will be presented for Confirma
tion ul the next term of Court.
C. M. Hit AWKEY,
Clerk Orphans Court.'
TioliesU, Pa., Aug. 21, lv-5.
WANTED Am-nt Iu this countv. tor u
cheap and lapidiy selling article. Small
annul reiiuinil, adurcss at once. V. o
Box TJs Pittsburgh, 1'a.