WEDNESDAY MORNING, ALC. 26, IMS. , BOROUGH OFFICERS. birjje. El.T Hoi.PMAN. Hriliniin North ward. H. M. Fore Mian. J. It. Chirk, W. L. Klinostlvrr. Nouth ward, J. If. Fonos, W. A. Englos, Clias. Bonner. Jmttte.e of the Pence 3. T. Rrenpan, I. H. Knox. ConHitiln Pritnor Agnnw. School J)irertnrU. W. Robinson. A. H. Kelly, J. . Dingmnn, P. N. Knox, J W. Morrow, H. I Davis. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. He.mbe.r of Conprc. At.KX A NDKK C, WlllTK. Member of Senate ,T. O. HAM Ae.mbly Pktkh JH:nnY. President JudrjeW. I). llnnn'N, AntoaiiUe JHtlgenV. A. Him-, Lkwis ARNF.R. TreiAnrer W, Sm fa nn a tTon. frnlhonotarf, rte.rjiite.rit: llecortert6e. PUTIN M. nHAWKRT. Sheriff. IjKOftAV.rt Aomtw. 0)MiMtonr4 Ot.ivr.R Rykrt.Y, Wm HlIIKt.PH, .1. It. ClIAPWU'K. County Nnpe.rintentlcnt3. K. Hilt.' Ann. h'sfriet Attorney T. J. VanGipskk. Jury CnminfotioucmH. O. Davis, HAiun WAl.TF.RS. County Surveyor IT. C. WniTTF.KIN. i Kroner lr. J. W. Monnnw. Vonnty Auditor 3. A. Scott, Titos. Oorait, Ono. y.nrennix. BUSINESS DIRECTORY." . 3. . TIOUESTA LODGE ,Vo. 300, 'v! I. O. of O. F. MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock, in tho Lodge Itooin in Par trldgo'sllall. It. L. HASLET, N. O. I. W. SAWYER, Sec'y. 27-tf. 11 REST LODGE, No. 1S4, A. O. II. W., 1 Meets evcrv I ridny Evening in Odd Fellows' Hall.TionesUi. W. O. OOBURN, M. W. J. 12. WENK, Recorder. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, ' No. 274, O. A, It. Moot on tho first Wednesday in each mouth, in Odd Follows Hall, Tionesta, Pa. I. S. KNOX, Commander. t, H. AtlNKW. P.M. CLARK. AGNEW Si CLAUK, ATTORN KYS-AT-LA W, 1-3 in St. Tionesta, Henna. Mi J. VAN OIESKN. J . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And District Attorney of Forest County. Odice In Court Hinw", Tlonosta, Pa. Vj ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Tloneta, Pa. Collections made in tlilu and adjoining counties. M I LE3 W. TATE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. M P. PITCHPY. JL . ATTORN EY-AT-LvW, TionoHia, Forest Counlv l'a. 1AWREXCE HOUSE, Tionesta, Pu., J T. C. Jackson, Proprietor. Thin '"lionse is eentrally hwnlod. Everythinn new and well furnlflmd. Supeiior A t'omiiiodntloim nnd Htrirt nttention plven t pnoxts. Vefretnliles and Fruits of all kinds served in their senwui. Siunpio iom for t!onimori!i:il Agents. C TEXTUAL HOUSE, Tionestn. Pa., J O. C. lirownell. lixi)rietor. This is a new house, anil hs Jut Wen tittod up lor lie. aivomniodittion ot'tlio public. A por tion of the patronage, of tiie public Is solic ited. 4(l-ly. I"? AST HICKOUY HOTEL. a EAST HICKORY, Pa.. J. V. Rali Proprietor. This house is new and has lie.en furnished with new luri.iture tliroiiKhoiit. It Iseentralley lo cated, and has a lirst elass liarn in (ouiiect lnu with it. The traveling public will liiul it a pleasant stopping place. First elans Liverv in eoiiueetiou Willi tlio Hotel. CENTRAL IlflUSE, OIL CITY, PA. V J W. II. ROTH. Proprietor. Tho largest, Rout Located and Furnished House In the City. Near Union Depot. V. MORROW. M. D., . PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, I jit of Armstrong county, having located In Tlonosta is prepared to nttond ail pro fessional calls promptly and at all hours. Ollioe in RinearbaiiKU k Co.'s new build inn, up stairs. Oftiee hours 7 to K a. m., pikI 11 to 12 m. : 2 to 3 ami (i to 7 p. m. Hnndays, tt to 10 a. m. ; 2 to S and 61 to 71 l'. m. ' itenidonce in Clark House, near Pout Oftice. may-18-81. AIT C. COIHTRN, M. I)., W . PHYSICIAN Jc SURGEON, Has liad over fifteen years exporlenee in I lie practice of his profession, having grad uated Ifffalhf and honorably May 10, 1SA5. Olllce'und Ilesidonee In Jude Reck'a Iiouso, opposite the M. E. Church, Tiones tn, I"a. Ang. 25-1880 1 ENTISTRY. I- 1K. J. W. MORROW. Having purcluised the materials it-c., of Dr. Stendman, would respectlullv an nounce that ho will carry on the Dental business in Tionusta. and having had over tux years suoeessful exerienoo, considers liimsell fully competent to give entire sat isfaction, it shall always give my medi cal practice the preference. mar22-82. H, U. MIT. A. K. KKLLY MAy PARK CO., Comer of Elm Jc Walnut Sts. Tiouesta. Bank ol Discount and Deposit. I nterest al towed on Time Deposits. Collections inadeon all the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. 18-ly. JOUEXZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Poalor in ' HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of : HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. may4 61 TON EST A. PA. OU BS0R1 B iTtbrtlliTrt tri' iilic a n , only . O f 1,00 per aniiuni. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. ( iKlcnxrd Time ThIiIc Tloarma Mini Id NORTH. Train 2H 7:37 am SOUTH. Train 03 10:55 am Ti Bln (12 7:4H am Train 2f 1:18 pin Train 30 4:01 pmlTrain 81...- 8:10 pin Train 28 North, and Train 2 South car ry ino mail. rrenchiDg io the rreBhyleriBn Church next Sunday morning and evening, by Rev. Hirkling. Prenehiog in the M. E. Church next Sunday evening by F. M. Small Presbyterian Sabbath School a 9:4.r a. m.; M. E. Sabbaih School a 10 a.m. Are you registered ? Miss Kflie Clark is attending school at JamcHtown, N. Y, Let all Republicans get registered at once. No time to lose. If you want teeth extracted with out pain call on Dr. Morrow. Did you pay yonr school tax and save the ten per cent. T Yesterday was the last duy. We learu that District Attorney Van Giesen has disposed of his house aud lot to Mr. L. J. Hopkins The squirrel season opens next Tuesday, but there arn't any squrrels to speak of in this locality, from all reports. The display of several new cider presses suggests the thought that fresh apple juice will soon be on tap in this market. Ex County Treasurer Setley of Kingsley township, is lying quite ill with sciatio rheumatism, we are sorry to learn. -Ex-Governor Fenton of Jamee- town, N. Y., dropped dead in his baDk fiom heart disease yesterday of ternoon. Miss Dirdie Bromley of Stewarts Run, is attending school at Warren, Pa., where she expects to remain fur three months. -The "oldest inhabitant" who has ever seen the Allegheny on a worse "tear" in August than just now will please stand up. Rev. Small now ministers regu larly to the people of Kellcttville and Balltown, in addition to the work on his regular charge. Tionesta now boasts two 'busses which run to the depot Meeting all trains. What more do we need to give us a metropolitan air? Potatoes are rotting badly in this imruinlUte vicinity. If tho complaint proves to be general, we may look for high priced "murphies" in the fall. Republicans see to it that your names are on the registry list. It is very important. September 3d is the last d.iy, which is very close at hand. The grape crop, which has prom ised so well all along in this section, is said to bo affected with a peculiar decay that will likely reduce the yield considerably. The trial list for September term, published this week is quite an exten sive oue, aud woulJ indicate that a busy week is in store for the court, jury, lawyers aud clieuts. Oue week from next Tuesday the schools open in thia borough. Some very necessary improvements have been making about the school grounds, such as gradiug, new walks, &c. Mr. Kelly and family and the Misses Legnard returned from Cape May Point last Wednesday evening, Mrs. May and Mrs. Sharpe will re main at that pleasant resort fur anoth er fortnight. .fudge and Mrs. J. A. Proper and Forest returned yesterday from a three week's visit with their daughter's fam ily, Mrs. 8. A. Varner, in Litchfield, 111. The Judge says be saw some very Hue country, but thinks there ain't enough hills to suit him. IIou Henry Brace of Warren, and Mr. J. M. Smyth, general agent for the New York Life Iosuranco Co., paid us a very pleasant visit last eve ning. Mr. Brace will shortly inter view the citizens of this section on all kinds of fire and life insurance, and, having a fine line of companies, will undoubtedly succeed well. We hear a good many of the old soldiers and citizens of this section talking of taking in the soldiers re union at Erie on the 9th and 10th of September next. Extensive prepara tions are making and it will doubt less be an immense gathering of war veterans. Excuision rates can be bad on all railroads leading into the city. Mill Village, Erie county, Her aid: Miss Julia Abbott of Forest Co., is visiting the family of her brother Wallis S. Abbott in this place. Mr. W. E. Downing, of East Hickory, rorest Co., is having a vacation from business at Jas. R. Hunter's io town. A silver dollar weighs very near ly an ounre. Hence any letter not heavier than a dollar can go for a sin gle two cent stamp. A silver five cent piece added will give the ounce. If you have not the silver dollar, five nickles and a copper cent will give an ounce. For the benefit of all interested we re-publish this week the program of the Sabbath School Convention commencing on Thursday next, Sept, 3d. As will he observed the place f meeting has been changed from the Court House to the Presbyterian Church. The carpenter's bave finished their work on Wilbur Grove's new bouse aud as soou as Doutt finishes painting it will be ready to occupy. Messrs. Adams, Canton and Hart had the contract of the work, and bave put Mr. Grove up a mansion of which he may be proud. The river is on a fearful ram page. Perhaps no man now living in this section has ever 6een fcuch a flood in the river and creek in August. Heavy rnins in the northern section on Sunday night started the rise, while the almost continuous pouring since baa swelled the banks full to overflowing. No damage to speak of has been reported hereabouts as yet, although some of our citizens may have trouble with their cows which have been caught on the lower islands and cannot cow escape. Hood Siggins Dead. The large circle of friends in this section of Hood Siggins will be indeed pained to read the above caption. Word was received by his relatives last Thursday that his death had oc curred from typhoid fever in Kansas City, Mo. Tbev bad been aware of his illness but supposed he was iu no danger. Mr. Siggins was aged about twenty-six years and was married in September, '84, thus leaving a young wife. He was admitted to the prac tice of law in Venango county about four years ago, passing a splendid ex amination, aud shortly alter embarked for the wc-tt, finally locating in Kan sas City, where he was rapidly climb- ng upward in his chosen profession when -overtaken by Death. Hood's popurlaity extended as far as his ac quaintance, his gentlemanly address and jovial disposition making him friends wherever he went. He pos' sessed, along with superior intellect and culture, a fund of wit and humor, which made bim attractive both to friends and society. He was boro and reared to young manhood on the old homestead at West Hickory, this county, being one of a large family of children, mostly boys, several of whom survive to mourn his loss, in which they bave the heartfelt sympathy oi every oue ot iloou acquaintances. That one so full of promise and whoee future seemed so bright should be thus iiddenly cut down is indeed sad to canteraplate. Mr. Siggins' remains arrived at his old home Monday, and yesterday were aid to rest io the family burying ground at West Hickory, a large Dumber of friends from this place at tending the funeral, which was a very arge one. Kellettville Items. Mr. C. M. Whiteman, iu company with John Noble and Harry Smith departed for Tionesta this morning with the intention of making a trip dowD the river. Mrs. R. R. Andrews has started on a pleasure trip to Chautauqua Lake. Miss Hattie Lusher has returned borne from a short stay at Balltown. Nearly every family in this place is plagued with the whoopiog cough. Mr. Welsh reports the well at Min ister a duster. .There is an ice cream supper nearly very evening in this place. Pretty good for so small a town. Judge Aruer has had a family re lioo, which was attended by Mr. Ackerly of Florida, Mr. Chase of Gi- rard, Pa., Mr. C. Arner of Tionesta, Mr. Cook and Mr. Haggerty of Ne braska, aud Mr. Whiteman and Mr. mall of Kellettville, iucluding their families. A remarkably pleasant time was bad. Visitor. Aug. 22. News From Gusher City. Wm. Barnsdall is building a rig on lot 738. Agnew, Troper & Ilaight bave No. 4 rig completed. No. 3 was was tor pedoed last week and shows good for a paying producer. Clark and Edwards have three strings of tools running on the prop erty at Fools Creek. Mrs. 8. B. Robinson and Mrs. J. G. Winger drove to Sheffield on Satur day. Ou their way home the horse took fright and started to ruu away; both the ladies laid hold of the reins aod succeeded in bringing bim under control without any mishap. Allen McLane of Anchor City, a boy twelve years of age, fell from a tree a distance of 23 feet, on Aug. 4 A.t I I ... ivia; botn nanus were dislocated at the wrists. Dr. Hottel was called, and the boy is getting along nicely. Mr. Ja mes McLane, assistant P. M., has hii bands full ; be bandies the mail and attends to a large hardware business besides. Mr. Gilson, of Tryonville, is visit ing bis son Aloozo, and daughter. Mrs. Kightlinger. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sparks, former residents of this place, are setting up housekeeping; we wish them a hap- py future. Mr. Geo. Black was relieved of a pair ot blooded hound pups on Wed nesday night. The thieves by mistake took the two finest pups, but In their goodness of heart left Mr. B. the re maining seven. Aug. 24. Gleaner. Jury List, September Term, 1885. GRAND JURORS. N. It. GnOVKS Foreman. Hnwn Twn. ucu. iiarneii j wp, Harnett reu'r umuev, Nick Ikenburg, Wm. Anthony, John Thomson, W. H. Kitifr, John Nurss, Parous Copoland, M. P. Coppman, D. S. Drury, Joseph Ueppingor, do do Green Twp. do do Harmony Twp. Hickory" Twp. do do do do do do Jenks Twp. CIO do do do j .eon am jj. May, II. H. Rullers. do do Abe Wellec. Kingsley Twp. R. RudolpTT, Wesley Whitohill, II. B. Geary, Ralph Durnell, H. Connelly. uo uo do do do do Howe Twp. do do Tionesta Twp. do do do do Tionesta Boro. R. Youn. Wm. Lawrence J. W. Mood, J. II. Fones, PETIT JURORS. Georgo Boers, Barnctt Twp. John C'hitester, do do vv. m. uoon, Frank Guiton. do do Green Twp. do do Harmony Twp. do do tio do do do do do do do Hickory Twp. Georgo Matlia, uamul (. uiinon, l). II. uromlov. Hye N'cill. B. Machesnev. Win. McCaslin, A. A. Hopkins, C. It. Middleton, Andrew Grubbs, S. C. Whitmer, Stephen Tuft, J. II . Duller, John McKlnzie, Edward Capon, Wm. B.;Mc(Jloskey, A. If. Palmer, Saul Osfied, J. F. Mercilliott, N. W. Brock way, C. F. Gillespie, Raymond Graham, Darius Toboy, Henry Patterson, Rinaldo Tobey, 11. A. Zuende'l, Lewis Wagner, J. J. Carson, Geforge SauUgiver, Joseph Montr, Fred. Stitzinger, Andrew Mealy, Samuel Ruth, I j. J. Hopkins, Charles Davis, do do do do do Howe do do Jenks do do do do do do Twp. do do Twp. do do do Kingsley Twp. io no do do do do do do do do Tionesta Twp. do do do do do do do do do do do do Tionesta Boro. do do J. T. Brennan has now for sale 136 acres of warrant 5213 and 5214, Kingsley Twp., probably on the new oil belt. Also 108 acres of warrant 5186, and 79 acres of warrant 5187, in same twp. 1000 acres, warrant No. 2836, Tionesta township. 390 acres, warrant No. 5186, Kingsley township. 143 acres, known as "Lil lie Farm," Allegheny township, Ve nango Co. 70 acres near Enterprise, Warren county. 6m. MARRIED. BEACH LITTLEFIELD. In Tidioute, Pa., July 25, 1S85, by Rov. S. II. Prath er, W. M. Beach and Miss Anna R. LR tleueld, both of East Hickory, Pa. EMERT-HOOVLER-At tho residence of tho bride's parents, August 24, 1885, by J. T. Brennan, J. P., Mr. N. It. Em ert and Miss Alice B. Hoovlor, all of Tionesta township, Forest county, Pa. FOY GROLEMUN In Tlonosta. Aug. 2o, 1885, byJ. T. Brennan, J. P., Mr. Solomon Foy, aud Miss Minnie K. Groleiiuin, both of Clarion county, Pa. DIED. SOLLINGER At East Hickory, Pa., Aug. 23, 1885, of cholora infantum, Eliz abeth Ellen, daughter of Samuel A. Sollinger, aged 2 years, 3 mos., and 21 days. The consolation to the parents und friends as offered by the word of God, ''their loss is her eternal gain." s SEND your Job Work to the REPUB LICAN Ollice.. NARRATH SCHOOL COSVEXT10X. Tho Third Annunl Sabbath School Convention of Forest County will bo held in l'resbj torhtn Church Tionesta on Thursday and Friday, Sept. ,1d' and 4th, lf8r, beginning at 2 o'clock p. m., Thursday. PROGRAMME: THURSDAY AFTERXOON. 2:00 Social Greeting. 2:15 Opening (Service Prayer and Praise. 2:30 Word of Welcome by A. II. Kelly, President. Response, Rev. E. P. Ryan. 3:00 Reports of Delegates and Com mittees. 3:30 The object of Sabbath School Conventions. Opened by Prof. J. E. Hillard. 4:00 Conduct of Teachers out of School. Opened by M. W. Tate, Esq. EVENING. 7:30 Spiritual Results-how secured. Opened by Rev.S. II. Prather. 8:00 Who should go to Sabbath Schools. Opened by Rev. J.Hickling. 8:30 Address by Rev. M. Miller, of South Oil City. Subject, Gold Dust. FRIDAY MORNING. 0:00 Prayer and Praise. 9:15 God's call to children. Opened by T. J. VanGiesen. 8:45 How to manage a wayward Sabbath School scholar. Opened by J. II. Dingman. 10:15 Recess. 10:25 Class Drill T. F. Ritch ey, Esq. 11:00 How should the Tobacco question be treated In the Sabbath School. Opened by Rev. M. Miller. 11:30 Query Box. AFTERNOON. 1:30 Business Meeting. 2:00 Prayer and Praise. 2:15 Sabbath School Literature. Opened by Dr. S. S. Towler, followed by W. Y. Siggins. 3:00 Relation of Sabbath School to the Temperance cause. Opened by Dr.J. W.Morrow, followed by Dr. F. E. Allison. 4:00 Children's Meeting conducted by Rev. S. II. Prather. EVENING. 7:30 Address by M. W. Tate, Esq. 8:00 Address by S. D. Irwin, Esq. 8:30 Address by Rev. B. F. Feitt. Followed by a rive minute speeches by members of convention. The following are a committee on credentials : C. E. Landers, W. Y. Sig gins and Frank Gilltspie. Committee on entertainment : Mrs. T. B. Cobb, Jifrs. A. B.Kelly, John Hart, Charles Bonner and Ell Holcman. By order of Committee. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcrv, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tionesta, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 21st, 1885, at 2 o'clock p. m.. the following described real estate, to-wit: TRUSTEES OF TIONESTA LODGE, I. O. O. F., of Penna., No. 3GU vs. W. W. JAMIESON, Fieri Facias, No. 13 Sep tember term, 1885. Agnew ,6 Clark, Att'ys. All that certain piece or parcel of land situated in Tionesta Township, Forest County, Pa,, lioundod and doscribod as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post two (2) rods N. W. from the center of P., T. fc B. It. R. and three (U) rods S. W. from Jamieson Bun where said Run is crossed by said It. R. Thence N. 34J E. along the lino of said It. It. twenty-six (20) per ches to post Thence N. US W. twenty live (25) pcrchos to a post. Thence S. 814 W. twenty-six (2ii) perches to a post. Thence S. 501 E. twenty-five (25) porches to a post, the place of beginning. Con taining.four acres and ten (10) porches, strict measure. Being erected thereon one ono-story frame dwelling house 18x20, one frame barn 18x20, and other outbuild ings thereon. Being the same land con veyed to the Defendant, Wilburn W. Jam ieson, by Gilbert Jamieson et ux., by Deed bearing date March 22, A. D.. 1881, rocorded in Forest Co., in Deed Book No. ii, pp. 7-88. Reserving to said Gilbert Jamieson the water privilege on and across alxivo described piece of land, aud to other parties the rights for tank privi leges heretofore granted them. .Seized, taken iu execution, and to be sold, as the property of Wilburn W. Jam ieson at the suit of Trustees of Tionesta Iclge, No. 8H, I. O. O. F. of Pa. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly complied with wben the property is stricken down : 1. When the plaintilf or other lien cred itors Decon e the purchaser, the costs on the writs must be paid, and a list of liens including mortu:ai;e searches on the nron erty sold, together with such lien credit or's re ipt lor tho amount of tho pro coeds of tho salo or such portion thereof as he mav claim, must lie furnished lln Sherift. 2. All bids must lie paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediatclv will bo continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of the next day, nt which time all nronertv not sciiiea lor win again ie put up ana sola at the expense and risk of tho person to whom first sold. See Purdou's Digest. Ninth Edition page 4 JO aud Smith's Forms, page 3M, L. AGNEW, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tiouesta, Pa., August 18, leeo. JEFFERSON ACADEMY Canonsburg, Pa 20 miles from Pitts burgh. For both sexes. 10 teachers. Thorough instruction in Classical, Com mercial Scientilic, Normal and Musical Coursos; also, Fronch, German and Mili tary Drill. Students prepared for Sopho more veur in an v uollcirc. Tuition. 10 to f 15. Next term opens Sept. 22d. For cat alogue or information, address Rev. W, . ijkuwjn. riincioal. IMI. DIQHTOIT. HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Particular attention given to GRAIN ING, FRESCOING, and SCENE PAINT- INU. ttaliMtaction guaranteed In every particular. Orders for frescoing, etc., by mail promptly attended to. Shop iu Roberts building. Elm St., Tionesta, Pa. 11 liu.i Wttrhri. It.m vlnl.r.lMh WMIodiiI BuntlncCiM ri)u ii.. or .rt.'ul.iiv i'iiro.'t. t.i. ti... 1Uu.MI'MlU., I a3 llMUMbb Ink. TRIAL list. Causes set down Tor trial In tho Court of Common Plo w of Forest County Pa., on the Thiid Monday ol September. A. D. IKS.-, i 1. John T. Dale and Joseph G. Dale et al ' vs. John B. bcgnurd, No. 14, February' term. 1883. Summons in covenant. 2. James B. Pearsall vs. It. S. Winlack, No. 38, Septem ber term , 18S3. Summons in trespass. 3. Wm. F. Wheeler, et al, vs.- Jacob M. Kepler, No. 8 May term, 1881. Summons' in ejoctment. 4. David Ii. Beaver vs. Garion Sham--burg et al, No. IS May terra, 1884. Capais' in trespass. 5. David L. Beaver vn. Garson Sham burg et al, No. 19 May term, 18S4. Capais in trespass. 6. Walter Dawson vs. John Cobb A Co..- No. 4, September term, 1884.' Summons in trespass. 7. Mary E. Wareham vs. Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia Railroad Ccrtnpa- ny, No. 14 September term, 1884. Sum mons in trespass. 8. George W. Jennings vs. E. Russell, -No. 6 December term, 1884. Appeal front justice. t. David G. Hunter vs. Michael Fitz gerald Sr. et al, No. 31 December term, 1884. Appeal from justice. 10. Goo. S. Hnnter etal, vs. Smith and' Willey, No. 24 February term, 1885. Ap--peal from justice. 11. O. W. Proper vs. Geo. J. Lacy et al, No. 30 February term, 1885. Summons in' trespass. 12. David Buck vs. Charles Murphy, No. 32 February term, 1885. Appeal from justice. 13. J. D. Huling et nl, vs. J. T. Lewis, Administrator, No. 24 May term, J1885. Summons in ejectment. 14. Aaron Brockway vs. Stoner Broth--ers, No. 64 May term," 1885. Summons In trespass. 15. Andrew Small vs. Smith and Wil ley, No. 4 September term, 1885. Appeal1' from justice. 1H. T. B. Cobb vs. 8. R. Spencer. Sr., No. 8 September term, 1885. Appeal from" J ustico. Attest, C. M. SIIAWKEY, Prothonotary. Tionesta, Fa., Aug. 24, 1885. THE BOSS LIVERY STABLE.. W. A . EAGLES, Proprietor. Ths best Livery Tionesta ever had is5 now run by me. I guarantee to furnish' better and faster rigs for less money than' have ever been put out in this section. I can always fit travelers nut on shortest notice, and parties coining from a distance ' need never be disappointed if they call on mo. W. A. EAGLhS. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE or a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Couit of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, and' to me directed, there will be exposed to" sale by public vendue or outcry, at tho Court House, in the borough of "Tionesta, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 12th, 1885,. at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following do-' scribed real estate to-wit : ORILLAR. WOLCOTTvs. CALVIN G. HINKLEY, and AUGUSTA S. HINK LEY, his wife. Levari Facias, No. 22: September term, 1885. Tate, Att'y. All that tract or parcel of land situate in Harmony Township, County of Forest, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and' described as follows : Beginning at ston3s,. thence by land of 11. Sutley, north thirty two degress west ono hundred and twenty-three perches to a post ; thence north eighty-eight and ono-fourth degrees weat ono hundred and thirty perches to a pine; thence by luuds of r Stanley north twenty-three and one-fourth degrees west oi hundred and two perches to a fallen white' oak ; thonce by land of Ira Copoland north two-and-a-half dogrees east eighty-seven perches to a white oak ; thenco by lands of Azro Copeland, south sixty degree east eighteen perches to a rod oak, east eighty perches to a post north rive perches to a post : thence bv land of Thomas Mo- Grory and Samuel Wear north eighty-one' uegreos east two nunuroa ana thirty-one and eight-tenths porohes to a post j thonce by Michael Foust's warrant, south forty two degrees east fifty-one perches to a post: thence by John Foust's warrant. south twenty-three and -three-fourths de grees west one hundred and eighty-eight and six-tenths perches to a post j thenco" by 1'liUlip 1' oiiHt's warrant south twentv- four and three-fourths degrees west one' hundred and twenty-two perches to the" Place ol beginning. Containing three' hundred and eighty-nine acres eighty per--ches and allowance!. Which said tract was surveved in pursuance of a warrant' dated tW4fttrtlay of April. A. D.. 18til.. -grunted to Charles McDarlerty,' his heirs - ami assigns lonavor. t'atent issued UM third dajy-of June. A. I).. 1861. and en rolled in Patent Book H., Vol. 64, Page" 37(1. TukiMi in execution and to be sold as the property of Calvin G. ilinklev and' Augusta K. Hinklcv, hi wile, at tho suit -of Oriila R. Wolcoit. TERMS OF SALE. The following must bo strictly complied with when the property is stricken down : 1. When tho plaintilf or other lein cred itors become tho purchaser, the costs oil'' tho writs must lie paid, and a list of Hens including mortgage searches ou the prop city sold, together witli such lien credit or's receipt for tho amount of the pro ceeds of the sale or such portion thereof us -he may claim, must lie furnished tho' Sherilf. 2. All bids must lie paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will ' be continued until 2 o'clock p. m., of the' next day, at which time all property not settled i'oi will attain be put up ami sold' at tho expense and risk of tho person UV whom first sold. So l'lirdon's Digest, NiuUi Edition,. pa','0 4H1 and Smith's Forms, page 384. L. AGXEVV, Sheriff. Sherlirs ottico, Tionesta, l'a., August l ith, ISS5. It. M. HERMAN, SUCCESSOR TO C. W. DIMIOK,. FINE STATIONERY, SPORTING AND HOLIDAY GCODS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC IF IR, TT IT S &s O . Also Agent for Estey; Sterling, Sho- ningor, nnd Clotigh it Warren Organs. Docker Bros., Ji a C. Fisher, C D. Pease fc Co., ami Wm. K'uabo Pianos. Bottom cash prices given. Call and examine cats- - logues ana prices. Tionesta, Pa. Sept 17. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA FA. Laud and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Solar or Tria-igulation Survey ing. Best of Instruments and work.- Tonus ou application.--