t&fct Jorcsi Republican. J. K. WUNK, EDITOR. WEDSESDA1 JlflKJilNO, AlC. 26, ISM. ItritiiMicnn Nlnlt Ticket. FOR BTATK Till: A KIT. Kit, MATTIIKW S. O.UAY. of Braver County. llrpiilllmi C ounty Ticket. For Associate Jiultfe, Hon. JOHN A. PROPER. Tor ristriot Attorney, 1'. M. CLARK, E. GET REGISTERED. All Republicans Bhou'd see that their names are on the list of voters of their respective districts. These lists should now be posted at the places of lioldiog the election in each district. Young men, who voted on age at the last election, especially should see that they are registered this year. The cheek of the Ohio Democrat is -monumental. At a time of greatest business depression since 1857 he cooly resolves that a "revival of busi ness" has occurred during the last five jnonthe. Carl Schurz has been heard from. "He is writing a life of Henry Clay. It is likely that Schurz will go to Ohio this Fall and do a littlo slump ing for Iloadly and malaria, at 8150 per stump. The Ohio Democrats have discov eied a "revival in business" and "an increase in the value of property" since the .advent of the Democratic administration. It is to be hoped they will advertise their discovery so that 'the people of the country will learn of it. . WE.euspect that one trouble with this (Administration will be that it will be found to contain too many candidates for president and vice-president in 1888. For president there are-Cleveland, Bayard and Hendricks ; for vice-president there are Vilas, Pension Commissioner Black and Manning. All this means trouble to come. The Grand Army men in Ohio will do their share in putting Hoadly on the shelf. He waited until the elev enth hour before issuing a proclama tion announcing Grant's death, aud was one of the very few governors of Northern states who refused to attend the funeral. The old soldiers will not forget this petty slight from the Gov ernor of their dead commander's na tive state. Judge Thurmak has been general ly credited with being the brainiest Democrat in his party; and his de termination not to be a candidate for Governor in Ohio this year, goes far to justify the estimate. The waver of that old red bandana has a pretty Jevel head, and he could not be fooled into monkeying with a buz saw, or permitting himself to be set up like a ten pin, to be bowled over. With one accord the Bourbon or gans are reviliug John Roach because the statement of his assignee shows that his assets are greater than bis lia bilities and that he can pay his debts dollar for dollar. In order to com mand the sympathy of thefe able 'journals Mr. Roach ought to have an Bounced that he could pay only ten or fifteon cents on the dollar. His deter mination to pay in full will be looked upon as establishing a bad precedent The Evening Telegraph of this city bas succeeded in obtaining from our esteemed Freetrade contemporary, the Record, a specific statement in regard to the raw materials it proposes to place upon the free list should the ta riff be revised according to the Rec ord' ideas. It would first strike at the farmers of the country and put wool on the free list; next at the mi ners by making iron ore and coal free; next at the chemical industries, which abound in its own city; then at our flax industry, and finally at talt and lumber. With the exception of cheiu icals, these are all industries which, in a greater or less degree, affect the ag riculturist, whose interests the Record pretends to delend. The opposition to the Record's proposition will come mainly from the agricultural district of the country. We are glad to ob tain a dtfiuite statement of what the tariff reformers want- J'hila. Jej. Revision of the Tariff. The activity to be noted in the free trade journals just now, and at the snine time a marked lowering of tone in their manner of treatment of tariff revision, gives color to the repoit that the protectionist and fne trade Dem ocrats have made a compromise, and acrecd upon a measure which will be pressed with all their vigor at the coming session of Congress. The cur rent representation now is that the proposed redurtiou will bo about thirty-three per cent., or forty million dollars in the revenue from impoit duties. This reduction might or might not bo borue, if judiciously distributed, without serious detriment to the industries of tlio country, and if it could bo so borue there would be no objection to it en the part of intel ligent protectionists, who only insist that the principle cf protection shall be maintained ; but there is grave doubt of the fitness of theoretical free traders to bo the distributors of the reduction, especially when they ap proach the work with the uttinl Dem ocratic insincerity and false pretence. They would make the people believe that the depression of trade is due to overproduction, and overproduction is due to the protective tariff. In mat ing this assertion they take no account of the fact that the depression has been greater iu Great Britian and longer continued than in this country, and that it is universally attributed to over production Ho stroug is this conviction in England, that Senator Edmunds reports of his late visit to that country, "that he found every where trade suffering from over pro duction." "England" says he "has gone on manufacturing until she has glutted all her markets. There is al ready a wide spread fooling that Eng land can only save herself and pre vent starvation and emigration among her working people by following the example of this country and adopting a protective tariff policy." Even they will not call in question either the intelligence of observation or hon esty of representation of Senator Ed munds and they evade the issue by simply ignoring it. Another of their favorite pleas is, that it is au oppres sion to tax raw materials, and prom ise all kinds of revival of trade when the mines and quarries of the country and the farms are shut out of our markets by the admission of foreign ores, wools and other raw materials without duty. This, of course, is a dishonest appeal to the cupidity of the manufacturer, with the design to di vide the protectionists bv artavinr the manufacturer against the agricul turist. We could never find out why any considerable portion of the Amer ican people should want our valleys gridironed with railroads and bridees of foreign iron, laid on inexhaustible beds of native ores, and her people clothed in foreign wools while our hills are aching for the herds that would produce them of our own. The reason is beyond our depth, we confess ; but we are very sure those who act on their theories are not fit to be entrusted with revision of our ta riffs. llarrkburg TelegrajK. Broiiiki; Hendricks protests that he is uot itspoubibla for the errors committed by President Cleveland. This is correct. The Administration is a limited copartnership, iu which the Vice President has nothing to do but kiep the fliou off the glassware and ijrowl at the head of the firm. - Get registered now. September 3d is the last day. Newly naturalized citizens and voters on age last year cannot voto unless registered. Having purchased a lot of Shoes at a rare bargain we are at preeent offering some good values. See our School Shoes. 2t. Wm. Smearbaugh & Co. PROCLAMATION. Whkkeah, The lion. W. D. IJrown, President Jude of tho Court of Common Plena and Quarter Hussions in and for tho county of Forest, baa issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Plens Quarter Sessions, &e.. at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to eoinineneo on tlio Third Monday of Sept., being tbo Vint day of Sept., 1S.S5. Notice is therefore given lb tlio Coroner, J ustico of tlio Peace and Con alablosot said county, that they bo then and there in their proper persons ut ten o'clock, A. M., of baid day, with their records, inquisitions examinations and other remembrances, to do those tilings which to their offices appertain to be done, and to those bo are U.und in recognizance to prosecute against tlio prisoners tiiat are or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that they lie then and there present to prosecute against them as shall bo just. Given un der my hand and seal'lliia 24th day ol August, A. D. lSho. L, AG NEW, Sheriff. Confirmation Notico. Notion In hereby pi von t lint Tlvmn" J. Rownian, Guardian of Eda E. Klemiinr, has tiled liia Html account In my o(l!cand tho sanio will bo presented for Continua tion nt tlio next term of Court, C. M. N HAWKEY, Clerk Orphans) Court. TimiOKtrt, Pa., An. i!4, 1885. 2846. FOHTY TEAT. 3 BSCCIiSS. I8S5. l-WE STAND AT THE HEAD. 1 ,300,000 Hows Sewing Machines In actual mm. Oui Latest Success. Easy Rnnnlng Sewing Machine With the continuous manufacture and experience el Forty year, the H.)a Company now otter ma chine aiiporlor li any and nil othert. It combines evrry requisite: lioi H'ch Arm; la Llnht Running: Nolteleia: Attractive: Beautiful In Finish; Perfect In Workmanship: Perfect ; tilcM : Sell-Threading Shut tle; tnrquaicd Tenslont; Easiest to Operate; the most room under the Arm. and to perfectly balanced. It It without Vibration. Una the flneet tet ol Attach ments lor lamily tewing, which are put up in a velvet lined box. Its woodwork is of finost styles and latett designs. II la a household treasure. If we are not alresdy represented, we WANT AN AGENT IN THIS COUNTY. Write ue for catalogue ot terms and prices. Send and buy a sample machine and introduce It to Jour friends. We do not say you can make a fortune i short time, but you can make a lair, sqimre, onest living. Mention this paper when you writ Address THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO. No. 4 Sixth St., rittsburcli, Pa. " CANDEE 11 Rubber OTS wini DOUBLE THICK BALL. Ordinary Rubber T)oot3 always wear out first on the bull. TlioCAJiDKR Hoots are double tliick on the ball, and give DOUBLE WEAR. ifoat economical Rubber lioot in the market. Laeta longer than any other boot and the PRICE ?iO HIGlTER. Cull a: amine eooda. m :W FOR SALE BY RuIHXSON A- BONNER, TIONESTA, PA, PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE Tlio Kt-ltonl Directors of Tionesta Boro, will sell ut von due or outcry on Tuosdav. September ZM, at 1 o'clock p. in., tbo School Building and lot, sizo 5x10 porches, located to tlio South of tbo Court Houso and east of tlio law ollice of K. L. Davis. TERMS Ouo third in band, balanco In one and two years. A ,-briot of title" bv IJ. J. Hind Esq., which ia believed to bo unquestionable, can be noon at tlio office of May, Park A Co. Sale will bo mado upon the grounds unless tlio property In previously disposed of. The Directors re serve tlio i iglit to reject any and all bids. . w. kuiji:sso:n, President. J. W. MOHItOW, Secretary. GREAT REDUCTION! $158 A YEAR. Located on the N. Y., P A O. 11. It., CHAMBERLAIN INSTITUTE AND I FJIALE INSTITUTE. RANDOLPH, N. V. It is a large and thoroughly equipped Seminary for both sexes. Established in 1S60. Property free front debt, $MUi.OOO. New Doardine Hall with steam heat, etc., erected in lHs;i at tbo cost of f 15.000. Ex cellent Hoard and home-likenrran;f menu throughout. Total expense for board, iurnished room, steam heat, lijrht, wash ing and tuition for 14 weeks j.iii.DO; for one year 15K.10. Fall term begins Auk. 2.5th, ends Nov. Winter term be-ins Dec. 1, 1NS5, ends March 1 1, Inmi. Sprint: toxin bcKins March 21, ends Juno 2j, lb, For Circulars or Catalogues, address. PKOF. J.T. EDWAKDS, 1). I).. Priuci-lftl- Jul j.-i-a. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN ON THE LOSS OK A l.til'tlll fl ll ttlii V jt.n-n M'...af ,f ". v t a i iiatiiiriii and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhea, induced bv self-abuse, Involuntary Emissions, lmpiitency, Ner vous Debility, and Impediments to Mar riaKO, Konerully ; Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits : Mental anil Physical Incapaci ty, Ac,. iiy KORERT J. CULVER WELL, M. D. The world-ronownod author, in this ad mirablo lecture, clearly proves from bis own experience that tlio awful consequen ces of belf-abuso may be ell'ectually re moved without duiiKerotiH aui'Kical opera tions, bougies, instruments, nn;vs or cor dials; pointing out a mode of cure ttt once certain, und rllectual, bv whinii ev ery sullbmr, no matter what li'ia condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, pri vately and rudii-ally. jJ-Tbis Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, j ost-paid, on receipt of four cents or two postage stamps. Address THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St.. N. Y., N. Y P. O. 15ox 4.,0 A PRI7FSe,ul six t'"ts or I'ostaKO. H I IIILL. and receive free a xstly Uix of goods which will help ail, of lillar sex to more money rilit away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure. At once ad dress Truo A Co,, Augusta, Maine. Apr .9 2 -- -Iihimiid 3C 1 1 r 1 f t r ''k IN THE EXCHANGE BLOCK, HAS THE MOST COMPLETE Stock of FURNITURE, U -vivJkSA WtWTfWW TO SUIT THE TIM ICS. mmMamm of hearse. This is the only Store you can ascend ami descend Five Stories without climing stairs. Froo ride In tbo Elevator in tho EXCHANGE HLOCK, Tclepboiio Connection. ltst of Suspension llrldno. TO SECURE Bargains in Having purchased the larKO stock of HARDWARE formerly belonging to GEOitGE ROSS, AT SHERIFF'S SALE!! Which, lidded to my own,mnkeH a MAMMOTH STOCK, I will soli for tho next tbico months nt prices to distance competition, iMii iaxi iM) sin:irr ihov, ?i vc iiii:uv rrooij asto tikk sti:i:i milMltlltS' IAICIWAIII nr.i. NAII, LOCKS, 1:1W, T iuiicit RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, rou I)i:h,j shot, t.UtTItIIM.i:s AND IIKVOI.VKBCS iiii;s, and ovcrythinj; In tho HARDWARE LINE. Call nnd hoo me or write for prices. H. GK TINKER, Nos. 10 & 12 South Seneca St., on, CITY, rA.. 5pimmiiii Mil n 1885 cc01V).j."),V)655,r)5r. hh) jo CLOTHING G&OTHIKC 0L.0TUING If vou are In need of ANYTHING in tho lin t of CLOTH ING, OVERCOATS, HOOTS. SHOES, DltV GOODS, DRESS GOODS, or anything kept in a General Store, vou can tin l A GOOD ASSORTMENT JN ALL DEPART MENTS at H.J. HOPKINS it CO.'S. We claim the REST ASSORTMENT. IT a EST GOODS, and LOWEST PRICES OE ANY HOUSE JN THIS COUNTRY. Step in nnd Ret our Prices, hoc our Stock, ami you will bo convinced that wo mean what we nay. We aim' to keep our -GROCERY, FLOUR AND full of FRESH COODS A f PRICES Til AT CAN'T RE HEAT. COM E AND SEE. WE TA K K PLEASU li E IN SHOWING GOODS. II. J. HO PKIN S & C O. 3? 11111111111111 Sg 18851 - rm m m m m J' Sfbsiesafe Aacfeer Boots, soes, liisfs, 723 anO 723 Xitocrty Hi., (Ke.l r.r-GUI.AR Al'CTION f.ITG, Every WLDXtyiUY nt 11 A. rjnrHa.ll Orders Kcodva iTopt a:id C:.reftil Attsr-tios.a I sell ponds CO to it rent, lower llian tint Jol.bin;- Trndo, nn I 'b livrr cither flirci-t Irom the factory, or from my warehouse in I'iif-hcrh, and can :iMirtf nicrcli.-.nii Ii.mdlii.;; (roods in my line ti.at it will piy ii;e:il Ij c:i uie bclui'c ia;ti:ui tlicir par cl.aaos. A t.iy stock u v.i full ui you hvn a larger line t a Itr-t frnn. tbon mv r cnt can show by sample. My PjUlI t-ji'lesi Oi'c tut ii i i.i ;iin:.'.t mid li,.-s: iociili s:. .-n '.y any 'LmIc in t.io I'mtcd .States, Wy tipcwWiu. arc iiOJiw i.Cl.t2:c ." aud iiOJliCSl UaiiM. I am iho Only iiabber :ri3;:cy !:i Pittsburgh, nnd offer this fall 3Ljti?iii.' I.Kevc-r. v:;?l c.-iii anal Tjatioiinl Rubber Compaklv y i4i;it, at prie. in.u cannot lie uitfi Iiy Joldicra; ho Mcle.s, 1 alw.iyu have a ! ull I .in j o. on J ... n.. v. !1 .- i.i.ls -it Kid Ihts, at lo to 20 pt:r cent, hclow t in? 111:41 U.r, 1. 1 : . iuar.., 1' .1 i.a :i y l ni.is. I sell tlie lic-t 3.00 Khoe in Men's (all I;, t; m I,..!. ,1 it . .,mc , , .1 1 1. ( :. S. I sll a Men's Veal Calf Cap ioc Hook li .1 '-2 li ,,.1.1.. Sol, .Vm.ID l.ll.'i i Ulliv, lli:;t you cr.n im-iil at Sl.Ij. fjciul A.? s.-.-.n jii i tiotii i.f a'.vt. fulj a.je-ii f. r Jolin 3':tii!l Co's Shoes, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION IN DETAIL, PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Hardware!! iMir;it, icon: oaki.ii. CL11N, SHOT CStJXS, AXI5 JtEFIJKN, si4Bii:s vi 11:1.1.0 us, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y FEED DEPARTMENT- liiiiiiiiirn ?? 11885 tr , . - r- and Mae'w' ta Gaipsls a Oil Mi of Voud;, riTTaiXURCJI, 1A. 7J". C".rto: at Tactiikv rnif'F.s, AT J. K1VATK SALE. TIM 13 TA li LE IN EFFECT Juno 1, WX Westwaid rittHliiii gli 1 il viNi(n Eastwarti M. A.M. 7 40 4 K 4 0.1 2 4o 2 U. A. M. I. m". tt (. r. m. 7 W arrittsburifhlv K f" 14 rarker I'J in la n 4 (HI: FoxlMirut U'i 4T I'J 1! il 50 Franklli -J. W 1 : lv...Oil Citv...ar 2 .10 a r. m. p, Jt A. M. P. .IT. I A . M. .1 lo II hit r.M.I I. M 12 Ho nr... Oil City-..lv llt'OJMliH ...Enle Rot-k... PrpHldnnt TioncHla, IlicUorv .. Tmtiki'TTille.. 11 "', tl 7 tllll t4l is so s 10 801 t7 6:1 7 40; 710: ti I't IS 10 P. M. 11 4: t:l IU 7 K 1o4'i t" 17 t3 4.ot" 20) 11 .TJ io'.vi 1 is 4 01 7 !IT 4 l."! 7 W 1 0.1 r.n lo "jo 10 li 14 iV. 7 00 4M i '2rt or.nl Tiiliouto 4 :v 8 10. 1 1 rii(lllmon fs at 8 45 ft or. oss l. M. A. M. 11 35 A.M. I) 40 IM.o. 12 in1 8 4 "i ...lrvlnt'tnn Wnrrrn I v...Klnr.iin....nr r. in r : o 6 10 P.M. 1 1 , 1 1 K M.I A.M. a. M.;r. m. P. M. 11 l.-.i -I lit) ..Rmdfonl ..nr H on M. I. M. A. M, M 11 (",; 11 in 1 1 05 nr...Kin7.us....lv ... Snjriir Run ... Corvdon Ono villa ...... ...Wo'.r Hun.... Junkpr Jtrldgn. ...Ilfit Houso.... ... Sidiiiiinni'n.... .So. Cnrrilllon. ...So VhikIhIIb... Allcimy (1 10 11 imi r. ;ii; 10 a.-. tl I I UM:t 5 .'10 r. .n h is; 5(14 1 40 4 :m 4 24 4 07 4 00 . M. 0 rr H34 ir. li 00 8 7 no 7 no fl r. r, (I -js flSlllO O t 0 :. 10 11 (I 4.V10 !( nr.o in-.!! 7 o.v 10 :! 7 ioi 10 7.V.11 on 7 47 1 1 'J I fiK II 117 8 10 11 I". P. M.'a. M. 10 Mi 10 ' tl) 21 10 11 I r-. 0 SO 0 '.N 11 or. lft.lv Olonn ... jir A.M. A.. M.I ADDITIONAI, TltAlN JitulVPH KillZllll ll:0oinn. Warron lJ:".Oiim, Irvinidon l:.rW .iii, Tidiouto 3:!0)pm, Tioiuwta 4:fi0pm, itr- ii von oil City tt:Jr.pni. A IHHTIONAI. 7 KAIIf JjOMTOH Oil I ItV fi:00 nm. Oloopolia 0:40 11111, Enirln Rocit Minn, President 7:0'.'nin. Tinrtn d.VJ.iiu Hickory K:40nin,Trttnkoy villo (roOniu.Tld- onto loOiini, TlioiiiiiMon 11:00, nrriviM rvincton li:30Hin. Warrptt I'.'joOpni, Kin- VJ:()pin, Sogitr Ron li'JO, (Nirydon !i:00, Onovlllo .1:1.'), Wolf Jtiin 3::U, Ouiiker Ilridirft :i:40, litnl Hoiimo 4:10, Snlaiimniii .1:01!, Smith Carrollton ."itiltl, South Vanda- iin Alloulit'iiy t;:ls, urnves oionu :t0pm. TruiiiH run on EiiMtorn 'ilino. '1'kains loiivinir PittHlinruli 8;r."nm, nr- rivin PittHlinruli 7:-.'.pin, aroSoild 'J'i nin.s between llntl'iilo and PittHhnru;h. Tiiainh li-nvinu PitlNl.nri'lt 8:4."pnt, nr- rl viny- 1'itU.lnii uli 7: lOnm, arp Solid Trains with Pnllmiin'H MIopphiK Cars liotwciu lliill'iilo and PittNliuruh. jr-tTickots sold and biiircntio -li-kil to all ivrinripal poiiutM. tiot tniKi lal.lcH Kivinvr mil Iiiroriuatau from Cmnpniiy'H Asrf ntt. S. O A I CIIEUE, UOII'l Mint, J. A. I'E.LLtJWS, !fn'l Pits'r nn Ticket Atxeut, No. 41 Exclmncn St.. litif 1'nlo. N. Y. J. L. niAKJ, Audit, Tionostn, P:l. Buckeye Force Pump 3" 0 2 r -v - en? 2- - to Z i IT. H r3 Si 2 1 5- $ m o s Ci sr s ? w I I r-f. - O ''4.' 4 f 59 CA LL A N D fi KT PRICJM, ED. HiJlBEL, TIONESTA, I'ENN'A. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION propood to tho hUUi'iin t, thU I .in imttiU'i.iil t li f'i. tlinli anr.rfival . n ha JiN'tion !' the CifiicrHl AHNiMiildy "f tlio Coiiiinon wealih of PontiKvlvuniii. Pnl- Iislu.il iiy onlor of tho Nocrotarv of tint CoininonwiMilili. in ini'uti-n of the 1st Mfction t)f Artii le XVII I of tho Coimtitu tion. Joint resolution pirpoinr nn nmend mnnt to thn C'onstituiioii of tlin (Vniinoti wealth of l'ennsvlvaniH : Do it resolved by the Senntn and IIhiiko of Representative!! of I ho ('oninionwenitli of P isvlvnnia in Oeiiernl Assembly met, that tho followinv; is proposiHl us mi amendment of the Constitution of tho Commonwealth of J'eiinsvlvaiiia, In ac cordance ivitii tho provisioiiM of tho eighteenth article thereof. AMENDMENT. That Kcctiou live of iirtie'o rtvo of tho CoiiNtitiUjon of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, winch reads as follows: "W henever a county shall contain forlv thousaiid Inhabitants it Khali eonstitue a. separate judicial district, and Khali elect 0110 judnu learned in the law ; and tho lieiipi al As.soiiibly shall providn for addi tional judges, us the business of iho Haiti districts may rei'juiro. i;ounties contain- , inn a population less than is tmllicient to constitute aeparato districts Hiiall bo tormed into convenient sinlo districts, or, if necessnrv, may be attached to con tiguous districts as tho General Assemblv may provide. The otiteo of assoniato jude, not learned in tlio law, is altolishod in counties forming sepiirato districts; but tlio several associate judges in ollico when this Constitution shall lo adopted bliatl servo for their unexpired terms' bo and the sumo is hereby amended, so as to read as follows: Whenever a county shall contain sixty thousand iniiubilaiits it may constitute a boparate judicial district, anil mav elect one judjje learned iu thu law; and the Ouoeral Assembly hhall provide lor additional judges, as 'tlio business of said districts may require. Counties not forming separate disti icts, thall be formed into convenient single districts, as tho General Assembly may provide. The of fice of associate jitdire,' not learned iu tho law, is ulioli-hed in counties fm uiiiifr aep arate distiicts and having more than 0110 law judiro j every oilier county shall elect two associate judges, who shall not be re quired to be learned in the law ; but the several associate judges in office, when this amendment shall be adopted, Khali serve for their unexpired term. A true copy of the Joint Jte.solution. W. S. STKN(ii:i:, Secretary of the Commonwealth.