The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 05, 1885, Image 6

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rating Fried l.nriinli-An rtfort In
Amrrlrn and 1 niUnd to Utit
l'cople to I at Iiisrcts).
rrofca9or Riley, of Washington, in
vited some friend to breakfast with him
Terentlv. Ho placed before them a dish
of fried cicada, or seventeen-year locusts.
The professor is in tho habit of eating
locusts and grasshoppers, and evidently
relishes them. 1 1 is guests were a lit tlo
doubtful at first, but after eating them
agreed that there was no exception to bo
taken to them, cither in fluvor or deli
cacy of taste.
Mr. John Sutherland said: "I rend
the rcp.irt of Professor Kilcy's break fast,
and I agreo with him that cicada are de
licious. They cat tho tendcrcst of veg
etables, the choicest and youngest ten
drils, and are tho cssenco of pure vego
tablo matter. Prejudice against certain
kinds of food is tho work of the imngin
nrion, aud founded almost entirely on
tho looks of things. There are crabs and
lobsters, which aro infinitely moro un
clean than either the cicada or tho grass
hopper, and yet few food lish
are prized more highly. Snails aro
tho scavengers of tho sea, and
are never so fat and juicy ns
when caught in proximity to a dead
horso or human body. Then thero aro
snails. Thero is nothing 1 enjoy moro.
They aro perfectly clean. People will cat
periwinkles, and like them. They aro
just the same things as periwinkles.
Often I make a salad of them. People
ask what they are, I say periwinkles,
and they aro perfectly satisfied. If I
should say snails, &s they are, they
would perhaps becomo sick. They
should be caught and put in clean sand,
and then allowed to wrigglo around.
This process takes away all tho slime and
leaves them neat and clean. They should
then be parboiled.
"Peoplo are prcdjuaicca against lam
preys. They are very good and equal
to an ordinary eel. There are many
other kinds of fish that persons object to.
This Becms unreasonable to me. They
all come from the suino water, and vir
tually live on tho same kinds of food.
Of course thero are some sorts of lish far
superior to others, but all fish is good. I
know persons who will not touch frogs,
yet they livo on just the same things as
trout, and are equally as tender and
toothsome. Of birds, too, there is much
discrimination. A hawk is good, so is
the crow. A young blue heron is as
good as tho most favored birds, but very
lew peoplo can one find who will cat
them. Not long ago some gentlemen
came here and asked mo to get them up
something that couldn't bo gotten
anywhere else. All right,' said
I. I went and got somo ox
pallets and fixed them up. They were
corrugated and looked like snakes. I
twisted them up and served them with
Italian sauce. They ato them and were
much pleased. "When about half through,
Mr. Peyton, ono of tho party, wanted to
know what the dish was. I said, 'rattle
makes. Tom Placide, the old actor,
sent me some the other day, and as you
wanted something you couldn't get any
where else, I gave them to you.'
The knives and forks dropped with a
clatter on the floor. Two of tho party
were frightfully sick. . 'Now, see here,'
said one, 'don't tell mo that I've been
eating rattlesnakes. I'll never be able
to eat again.' When I saw they wero
about as sick as they well could be, I
told them them they were beef pallets.
Immediately every man got well, re
sumed eating, and all wero wonderfully
happy, Tom Waeido and I wero groat
friends, lie was really very fond of
rattle snakes. One day ho brought me
one; we skinned it nicely, fried it and
ate it. Tom smacked his mouth, but I
muBt confess I didn't fancy it as much as
I do other things. liattlesDake eggs are,
however, very nice. They have a faint
musky flavor, and are delicious. There
are many other things that people will
not eat now, but tho day will come wlieu
all these things will be regarded along
with white bait, trout and other things
of this class.
, "Iu the cast, locusts the insects as
well as tho vegetable are highly es
teemed as food." Fried in butter, these
destructive creatures form a popular dish
and this is the only good point about the
'locusts migrutoria.' Uricd lucosts are
exported in quantities, and are a staple
food in Arabia, Syria, and other Orien
tal countries. It is, unfortunately, an
indisputable fact that human beings
have in various ages and different parts
of the world been, far from dainty in
their domestic dietary. They have sup
ped and breakfasted, too ou horrors.
There is an African race for example,
which consumes ants and pretends to
like them. The Andaman islanders
habitually live on rats, guanas, lizards
and snakes, adding a few shellfish when
they can get them. People who do not
object to consuming caterpillars would
probably soon pass on to serpents. Mrs.
Colin Mackenzie, the wife of an Indian
missionary, has related how she was
cured of an intermittent fover by eating
cobwebs. In some parts of Hindostau
the natives prescribe cobweb pills us a
'sure antidote to fever; and tho lady
whose case wo have mentioned found
them far more effective thau quinine.
Tho pills, sho tells us, are 'mudo of com
mon cobwebs and taken in doses often
grains three times a day.' If, however,
cobwebs can bo eaten, why not spiders?
The fact is that man in his civil
ized stato has forgotten a thousand arti
cles of food which are known to thesav
nge. Ho has no faith iu 'simples,'
though half tho best medicines are made
up of roots aud leaves which he could
pick fur hiukiulf iu the woods and fields
if he liked, ytrsons who have unfortu
nately been in a besieged town have
proved before now that nobody need
starve so long tut there is a piece of old
hoe leather uboui. At the gicgo of
Haarlem by tho Spaniards, Mr. Motley
tolls how tho inhabitants ato first linseed
and rapeseed, and then cats, doga, rats
and mice. When these huniblo friends
of man wero exhausted, they took to
boiling tho hides of oxen and horses, and
devouring them, and shoo leather was in
constant uleinaii.l for dinner tables.
Finally, they weie reduced to feeding
on nettles uud t'l'ass found between the
duties iu churchyard, but at thii latter
point, of course, many succumbed to
starvation. It is highly probable that
clvili.'ed communities cmsuma without
kuowiDg it things 'fur mor? objectionable
than either nettles or spiders. Has any
statistician jjiven us the probable quau
titios of animal fat which a single per
son cats as butter in the course of s
twolvpmnnth nr the amount of acetio
acid and vitriol which is found In tin
vinegar used to form an ordinary salad?
The dinner tablo is surrounded by mys.
teries, into which tho boldest may bt
afraid of prying too far." Xew Yortt
Commercial. ,
An Army Konted by Locusts.
Of all destructive foes none are more
dreaded in most casttrn lands than tho
locusts, whoso diro visitations may well
bo national calamities. In point of fact,
the lands which aro exempt from theii
occasional presence nro the favored few.
A very few details of their invasion in
Southern Russia in the years 1879 and
18S0, will give us some idea of their multi
tude. Thy fell upon tho province of
Caucasus, utterly destroying vineyard
and gardens, blockading tho streets so
that traffic was suspended, filling the
ovens so that for several days baking wai
quito out of the question, and so choking
tho water courses that not a cup of water
could bo drunk until filtered.
In Georgia they fairly routed a detach
ment of Russian troops, who, not liking
to turn aside on their march repelled by
mere insects attempted to faco tho locust
army, although reports said it covered
twenty square miles of the country. So
tho soldiers advanced, but soon found
themselves literally covered by the ding
ing, creeping insects, which crawled all
over them, until finally tho men fairly
turned and fled, slipping and sliding a.
they ran over the crushed and oily bodies
of their martyred foes. For forty-oighl
hours they wero were detained, taking
refuge in a village, and assisting the in
habitants to kill millions of the invaders,
whose corpses they cartod off to manure
tho fields, which, however, were in the
meantime stripped of every blade of grass
or corn, and tho trees shorn of every
green leaf.
On tuo road from urns to roti tne
locusts lay so thick on the lino that tho
trains were obstructed. Larsro districts
of Southern Russia wero swept as bare
of all vegetation as if a fire had raged
over the land, and hundreds of peasants,
utterly beggared, abandoned their homes
to seek bread wherever it might be
found. In the provinco of Chersom
alone, 50,000 roubles was voted by
government for expenditure in tho effort
to free tho land of this plague ; in another
district 20.000 persons were employed
daily for three months in the same work ;
the government expenditure on tho whole
organization was estimated at 200,000
roubles, without nny calculation of tha
los3 on crops of all descriptions.
Another notable sceno of lecust plague
was Algeria in the year 18C6, when the
damage done by theso insects was esti
mated at 50,000,000 francs, and resulted
in a famine so appalling that 200,000
natives died of starvation. All the Year
Oil on the Water.
A correspondent sends to tho Scientifu
American the following lotter relative to
the effects of pouring oil on a rough sea:
On the evening of August 1, 1883, I and
two companions in adventure were
thrown on one of the Santa Barbara
islands, about one hundred and fifty
miles northwestward from San Diego oil
the California coast. Two days later we
were picked up by an Italian fisherman,
and carried to Santa Barbara. Iu our
passage across tho channel which sepa
rates 15ucna Vcrtura from the island of
Santa Cruz, wo encountered a gale, and
tho white caps ran pretty high. Out
boat was pretty small, and the flying
spray drenched everything on board. In
the midst of this the old fisherman
called our attention to smoother sea
ahead, aud went on to explain that it
was due to oil on tha water, and that the
oil came up from natural wells in the
bottom of the ocean.
By this timo the boat was gliding
through the calmer sea. I noticed that
tho waves were running as high as ever,
but tho crests of them rcmaiued unbro
ken, and no white caps wero to bo seen.
Tho tumbling and roaring of the white
caps, the flying of tho spray before the
wind, and the crests of tho waves blown
oil, were no longer t3 bo seen or heard;
but the size of the billows was not other
wise diminished. Tho waves wore now
huge swells of the ocean, following each
other regularly and silently, ana the
wind appeared to glide smoothly along
the surface of the sea, unable to ruffle or
disturb the water.
The oiled water was only a narrovr
strip, running nearly east and west. 1
should judgo that it was less than one
half mile. I could not observe iti
length. The oil field is just fourteen
miles north of Santa Cruz Island. Per
haps tho attention of the public has been
called to it long ago, but I did not know
of its existence until I saw it, and have
not heard of it since.
A Great Inventor's Income
How much iB Fdison worth? I do not
know. lie certainly does not own him
self, for ho bus been public property
now, lo! these many years. One of these
hydra-headed correspondents of half a
dozen newspapers declures that he ii
"worth nothing;" that he has lost "s
pile of money" lately; that his stocks are
of no value, whereas they were formerly
worth two millions, and that he is "dis
appointed and depressed." Now, ths
fact is that Fdison is what most people
would call a rich man, even in these
modern days. Ho has a regular annual
income from tho Western Union
Telegraph company of $20,000 in
royallies on old " patents. lie il
tho principal stockholder in five
manufacturing companies that bear his
name, with an aggregate of $'J00,000
capital, and all of them pay largo divi
dends every 6ix mouths. He has put
$80,000 in cash into tho Downtown
Electrical Illuminating company, which
has earned a dividend, notwithstanding
the large expenditures which experiments
required. Since the death of Mrs. Fdi
son he has moved with the threo chil
dren into a fiat on Fighteenth street,
near Broadway, where the inquisitive
could probably ascertain that he pays his
reut witli scrupulous regularity. In
fact, Fdison has a very practical Sale,
and I suppose ho receives an inconm of
from $7.1,000 to $100,000. IK. A. O.-of-J'ut,
in A io Yui k W orld.
Tho Egyptians believed in a bird feed
ing its young with its blood, and this
bird was non other thau the vulture.
Formerly coffins were msdo of cypress
Tho giraffe has never been known to.
utter a sound.
A leper was once classed with idiots,
madmen and outlaws, and was not al
lowed to inherit.
Hamilton Colo, tho well-known Now
York lawyer, who bought a copy of tho
Uuttcnburg bible in 1881 at tho Brinloy
ealo for $8,000, sold it recently for $15,
000. Tho electrical conditions consequent
on the earthquakes in tho provinces of
Malaga, Spain, have, it is said, given vi
tality to vineyards that were given up as
dead. .
a twicer Rat.
Among the many strange pots which
Frank Buckland, that strango man and
ardent naturalist, kept in his house, a
rat or two were always included. "Rats"
formed the subject of his lirst magazine
article. Ono special rat he saved from an
ant cater in the Zoological gardens, and
carried it in his hat to his home, where
the rat was given a cago on tho mantel
piece opposite tho cage of Judy, a mar
moset. Both Judy and tho rat would
stay all day coiled up in their own cages.
When the gas was lighted, however,
both slowly roused up, and ventured
out. Judy would wander over'to the rat's
quarters, and, when his back was turned,
would steal his food. Thc'rat, on tha
other hand, would sneak into Judy's cage,
and pick up forbidden titbits. One day
the rat came homo and found Judy steal
ing. Whereupon ho pitched into her,
and would perhaps have killed her had
not Mr. Buckland, hearing her screams,
como in time to save her life.
One characteristic of the rat was its
curiosity. Ho would get upon his owner's
writing tablo and cautiously examine
every object in hopo of finding some
thing worth carrying off. A sugar basin
stood there, and its contents were greatly
to the little animal's liking. His plan was
to stand up on tho hind legs,steady him
self, tripod fashion, by tho help of his
tail, tip the basin over, and then, pick
ing up a lump, mako off with it. This
rat would never cat whoro ho could be
seen; ho always carried away his food to
his house. To do this with the sugar ho
had to get upon the mantelpiece, eigh
teen inches abovo the table; and a little
ladder was set up for hiiccommodation.
After Mr. Buckland liad shown him
once or twioo he soon learned how to
climb it, and would carry pretty heavy
weights. Ho would steal a whole red
herring, for instance,' and, after several
trials to get it well balanced in his teeth
would scramblo up tho ladder with it,
waving his tail from side to side like a
balancing pole. Tho herring was too
long to go through the round door of
his house, so ho would drop it,nnd then,
going inside, would reach out,, catch the
fish by the head, and drag it in length
wise withVreat ease. The first time he
encountered this difficulty, however, it
puzzled him for a few moments. This
rat made its nest of old envelopes, whlcb
he tore into small 'pieces. Manchester
(England) T'Untt.
Health has a beauty of its own. Nc
eruptions, sores or discoloratious disfig
ure or annoy the man or womnn whose
Ktomach, liver and bowels do their duty
thoroughly. To compel them to their
work, it is only necessary to take a dose
of Dn. Wai.kkh's Yinegak Bittkhs
twice or thrice a day. This potent vege
table specific controls every disordered
The actual number of persons engaged
in agriculture in the United States, in
cluding their families, is placed at 25,
000,000, an increase of 3,000,000 since
the last census.
The Hot I Yendome, of Boston, is
unsurpassed in location aud appoint
ments. Tourists wishing to stop at a
hotel which offers the comforts of their
own homes should not fail to visit it.
Five hundred policemen in citizens'
clothes are still employed in guarding
the public offices of London against dyna
miters. An liniiorlniil Arrrat.
The arrest of a suspicious character upon
liis Kunerul appearanco, movements or com
panionship, wit lion t waiting until he ha
rolilied a traveler, tired a house, or mtmlerej
a fellow-man, is an important function of a
shrewd detective. Even more iintortuiit is
the arrest of a disease whi. li, if not checked,
will blight unit destroy a human life. lha
dequeue cough, loss of appetite generul
languor or debility, pallid skin, and buddy
aehes and pains, announce the approach ol
pulmonnry consumption, which is promptly
arrested and permanently cured by Dr.
Tierce's " Uolden Medical Discovery." Bold
by druggists.
DriiiNG last yenr there were u',13,483 kegi
of steel nails manufactured.
Those Red Top Boots.
Don't you remember them tho
pair vou ever wore? You can close vou
eyes and see them again still and black
aud heavy soled. And what points of
beauty in your eyes were those red tops
and bright copper toesl Tho memory ol
them briugb you back to that period in
your life where infancy passed into boy
hood, and where dreams came to you ol
being a big man. 1 hey marked the be
ginning of your independence, of youi
strength, of your recognition ns one ol
earth s creatures. Better fur.they brought
surcease of ridicule, so galling to a boy'i
pride, for they came with pants aud horl
hair, in place of dresses and curls. How
often have you gone sobbing to youi
mother, your heart full of grief and mor
titication, because a bigger boy hao
pulled jour hair und called you a girl
The changes came ull at once. Mothei
made the pants, and one evening six
brought home the red top boots. Thei
she put the scissors iu'.o your soft curls
cut them olT, kissed tlieni, mid laid then
away. She was sorry to see tho baby bo
cornea boy; but how your soul swcllet
How you longed for the morning, tha
you might wear them! How joyful!;
you cried out to little Billy Biown
across tho street, that you had "punt
and boots!" And Hilly probably an
swercd, sullenly : '! don't rare;" whilt
all the time ho was tilled with envy.
Dear little boots! We revere you
memory. You are to the boy what th.
sweetheart is to the youth; what th
bride is to the m.u. Shoe and JLeatie
Jicvietc. )
die I'rrlmllrra Mel tn rsnmsarr lor inn
IVileatnl l'iind.
Ths Pnrtholdi pedestal fund Is nearly mm
iloto. The statue has arrived Hnd soon New
i ork harbor will 1 graced by tho most mnn
lilleent colossal statue the woi ui Ivisevor s -on.
"Liberty KiiliphteniiiR the World!" What
t priceless blessing personal liberty is. It is
he shrine at. which lieoplo, ground under tho
leel of tyranny in the older worlds, worship
villi a fervency Hint Americans can scarcely
vnlize; it is n principle for which Nihilists
villingly die the de'ith of dogs; and lit nnd
iropcr it is that at the very entrnneo of tlio
Bay of New York this emhleinntto statue
iliould flash a welcome to tho world.
The press is entitled to the credit of this
leliievenient. Mr. Thilip Hoers, who has
leen making a circuit of the country on be
mlf of tho l'edcstal fund, says that the fund
n-ill certainly be rnisixl, as tho n orld does
lot know the word fail.
Mr. Honrs says that lie has found the most
jronounced generosity among thoso of for
ip.ii bit-Mi They seem more appreciative of
iherty than do our native born. Moreover,
imong somo a strange prejudice seems to ex
's t.
"Prejudice! In what lwrtiritlnrr"
"I have ever found that however merito
rious a thing may le, thousands of peoplo
will inevitably bo prejudiced against it. I
lave spent most of my life on the road and 1
know 1 ho American people 'like a book.' In
ISi'.l a personal misfortune illustrated this
prevailing prejudice. I was veiy ill, had suf
fered tor several years with headache, fickle
npH-tite, dreadful backache, cramps, hot
hrad,cold hands and feet and a general break
down of the svstem. 1 draggml
myself back to New York, seeking
the best professional treatment. It so
happens that among my relatives is a dis
tinguished physician who upbraided me
roundly for preaching so much about my
own cae. I' inolly, with some spirit, I re
marked to him:
' "Sir, you know that mtr.-h of your pro
fessional wisdom is pretense. You are con
trolled by prejudice. You cannot reach a case
like mine anil you know it, can youf "
"I had him; and ho finally conoedod tho
point, for it was bright's disease of the kid
neys which had prostratod me, and the school
men admit they cannot cure it. Having cured
myself, however, in 1N70. and not having seen
a sick day since, my relative finally admitted
that Warner's safe cure, which accomplished
this result, was really a wonderful prepara
tion; Had 1 "resilient Hotter, of the Central
Hudson used it. 1 am certain he would bo
alive to-day, for he could not have been in a
worse condition than 1 was."
"I have found similar prejudices among all
classes concerning even so laudable a schema
as this (HwUwtal fund."
Mr. lsoers's exnerioni-e and the recent death
of President lluttor. of the I'entrnl-Hudson
railroad, of an extreme kidney disorder,
proves that the physicians have no real
ower over such diseases, and Indicates
the only course one should pursue if, as the
lato br. Millard l'arker says, head
ache, sickness of the stomach, dropsi
cal swellings, back ache, dark and
oirensive fluids, prematurely impaired eye
sight, loss of strength and energy occur, fir
they unmistakably indicato a fatal tesult, if
not promptly nrrested.
"Yes, sir-ee, every cent needed for tho pe
destal will be raised. Of course it will lnj a
great triumph for tho M'orif, but would it
not have been an eternal disgrace had our
people failed to provideforthis pedestal f"
Over 307,000 widows have applied for pen
sions. "I Don t Wont Keller, but Cure."
is the exclamation of thousands suffering
from catarrh. To all such we say: Catarrh
can be cured by Dr. iSage's Catarrh Itemedy.
It has been done in thousands of cases; why
not in yours Y'our danger is in delay. En
close a stamp to World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N. Y., for pamphlet
on this disease.
A $'),000 bull-poo was lately exhibited at
Weak lungs, spitting of blood, consump
tion, and kindred affections, cured without
physician. Address for treatise, with two
stamps, World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, tlultalo, IN. x.
Thb annual income of Queen Victoria Is
ti Cents
Will buy a Treatise on the Hoksr ad His
Diseases, Book of lO pages, valuable to
every ownerof horses. Postage stamps taken.
Sent postpaid. New York Horse Hook Co.,
.... l .-.1 X- V-.. ..I. ......
lo-i ijeoiiaru nuwi, now iuiii i-iij..
The purest, sweetest and liest Cod Liver
Oil in the world, manufactured from fresh,
healthy livers, upon the seashore. It is abso
lutely pure and sweet l'atients who have
once taken it prefer it to all others. Thysi
cians have decided it suiierior to any of the
other oils in market. Made by Caswell, Haz
ard & Co., New York.
Chapped hands, lace, pimples aud rough
fkin cured by using Juniper Tar Soap, made by
Caswell, Hazard 4 Co., New York.
An Only I)nliter :urel oft'onnnmptlon.
When death was hourly expected from Con
sumption, all remedies having failed and Dr.
H. James was experimenting, he accidentally
made a preparation of Indian Hemp, which
cured his only child, and now gives this recipe
on receipt of stomps to pay expenses. Hemp
also cures night sweats, nausea at the stom
ach, and will break a fresh cold in 24 hours.
Address Craddock & Co., 103J Kace street,
I'hiladelpliiHra. .jiaming thiispaper.
S Cents
Will buy a Treatise on the Horse and His
Diseases Book of UK) pae.s, valuable to
evory owner of horses. Postage stonis taken.
Kent postpaid. New York Horse Book Co.,
134 Leonard Street. New York city.
The hand-organ has seen 108 years since
its inventur died.
Frtfiid. t ouplfd with this entunty I
will f.M thai durliiK a Iumk ot tfiiir
nntctire M yr) 1 have m-ver knnv, n it
lo fall to ii-'mIuc' a saO, qnlfk ilrilvt rjr.
II. J. II'ii Mi , I. !., At'Hiita. Ua.
Trr ' "V iiinaii" niaUd frn
TiiuhUKi i Rkui i.tir i'o., Atlanta,
tor wilt ly all l'rur'K.t. .
bl' it'.l dioul
lilers of tl.e. ISIooil, ue
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
cd I- Ur. J. C. Aysr .". Co., Lswall, U
Frarrr Asln 4ren.
Don't work your horso to death with poor
axlo grens"; the Krawr Is tho only reliable
make. Use it once, and you will have no other.
- tmpnrtftttt.
whnfmi la Nw V.irli OUT, hhtMy ts,
f tprpn nml $;l orrlr hirw, m l t.op iu thl (Irani
VntmHotl, nppnitlh' (Imntl OitiHril dnprit.
fiuHrjr int rxms, rttl.-rtupM m o'W nl om mill! "1
lHIra, $1 anri up-r1 pnhT. KtirpAu plan. El
lor. KHMOKiimnt npplil wit h thh-it. Ilortietrt,
tncH and HMTiUnd rftilni'! t. nil riitprta. PVnili
run lln bMtwr lur Um at th UrtiiA Uoiua
lintel than at anr oltiar Hrat-tilasa hotal lti tha oitr.
LoflstANA is assuming prominence as an
Iron producing state,
Vcak and Weary
Peaerlties the romlltlnn of nisnv poopla Jnat now.
The warm weather, tsto in rominc, ipm mere rte
tiilitstiiiR than over. Vou majr be weak and tlrod in
i ur iiitiriiiiiK. wirnnm appetite ami without enenry.
If an. VOIl nnArl MnnA'm Hat..-m Irt Imil.t .. .. 1
atreiiKtheD your body, purify and quicken tha linr-
pnii niooa, ana feature ins lost appetite. Thla med
icine win no you good.
"I was almont completely run down, and was for
four yearn under medical treatment, being (tlran tip
to diebv llhValAlHflfl. ThlV H.P Bnl.!n-
whtch Rave nie as nv.ieh bnrnt as Itood'i Haraapa-
nim, wun n n-siorea ma to nraltb and vlRor. I
rrnmmtii1 II I n mnw invall.l u It f.. ......n, i- .
trntr.l. It will rebuild the ayatnra and Rive new life."
nr.i.ia ivuiLK, reoria, iu.
"PnrlnK the summer monthi I bars been some
what debilitated or run down. I hare taken Hood's
Baraaparuia, wuieu ctvoa ma new rigor aud restored
mo to mv wonted linalth and atrnvth Wi it
Ci.omiH, lllton, N. H.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold by all driia-KisK 1; alx for W. Made only by
C. 1. HOOD ft CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell. Maaa.
lOO Do s e sp ne Doll ar
Thit rrmttty cmUainn no fiiiinoim tlrui.
wt,,n ".ll (..... II.- '
tril. will Im-almorbcil, eftee f '" '5riv','
tllilllv I'lcarnum; tho linn, 1 1 rrs- ' --V..,
ol catarrhal virua, (-attaint
healthv accretiona. It al
lnyn inflaniniatton, protect
the membrane from frculi
cohla, roniphiti'ly heal t,
anrc and real ore t he acnaiu
H la"'"' "niB" heariim
Not a Lianid or Snuff.
A few application rn
Hrve. A fA'trHtftfA trmtmn
trill eurr, Au'rei alilo to un
' " " conm iv mail or.. . .
a. dn-KKl.., ed lorcir II IV . ECU CD
EbY lUtOTIIKltS. DruJ?,.... Oweloi, nT.
Can be cured by the
old reliable home
Only 33 ar.d SO
cents a bottle.
Ull.MANBROH. ,Wh,laalaPriwtlf.Proq'a, Boaton
MlftUllirDV Send for our ew I SNA FRFC
IflACmKtHT t vrAi.tnin: nmii.-n rncc
Uoacut-rt St Ho cr I'rem l'.t Byracuae, N. V.
Lorillard'a Climax Plug
hearing a rrrf tin v ; that Lorlllard't
Hambuf fine cut: that Lorlllard't
Nayy Clippings, and that Lorillard'a M nulla, ara
lha heat and ohaajieat, quality conaldgrad
Fnrr, Manila, Feet, and all their lm.
Hrr.cthuiK, lnclui!lni( Fachil llevi'lop-
llil'ni, mriii marRn, niut-i. nmw, mini,,
Krei klex. Km1 None, Acne. Ill'k Heada,
Hrara. Pitting nnd their treatment.
Kr. John WixHllnirr. Si fi.l-earll..Aina.
nr.N.V. Kat'tcd ISTII. Send inc. for nook.
la ntrd hr Itinawidl of Int elaM Vanafifrnrm CTerJ
and Mfi-nantr, on tlifir oral work. Krcclv4
COLD MtOAL.IXHidon.K1. mmiiuiiMMif
fjy. Hcndcnlofrtriifrwhodc .nnfci
U,wiUi art Uampa fat SAM PL CAn
Bti-f!, fim.nt fn r.lnnnHlMi Win flltt tlNOrO
rtl.!J. Dill Great Engllih Goulini
Ultill S lIllSi Rheumatic Remidy.
Oval Ko, Sl.tMlt round, 61) eta.
liASU.V 1 1 lti:i). BOOK FREE
OR. J. C. HOFFMAN, Jefferson, Wisconsin.
Wa will aand ion our
Inatruelion Honk
nt' I'niit.v II nrk
It leneliea llie allleliea. romiiin ann arrofn
Knihriinli-ry. I.tiatre and Kriialimlon 1'nlnlins.
IIoit to do hi urn etna. ote. Snd ,tampnto pa iioalafl.
T. E. I'AltliliK, Lynn, Jlaa.
SIOTO 920 A PAY made with
outnt Inr uianiifaetiiTins Htoncila'
ivnv uecaa ana uiinnor rttanina,
Cataloifiia Tree. S. M. HPKNi 'KK,
111 TVaihinKion St., Hoaton. Iliu.
V to Holiiiem lleim. Hendatamp
l0nCinn6 "r l'ln'ii!ara. I'OU L.B1M1.
I GlidlUEld HAM, Att'y. WaahiUKtoiOL). O.
Keeping Teeth rr
Keeping Teeth rerfect and Gains Healthy.
oHTAiNKD for lnrantora. Oir
ciilaralw. If. 8. Know k Co..
Patat Att'ra. WmliinKtop.lJ Q
n a mm a mm mmm r Olnalnoil. Send atanm for
rA I His I 5 lnveiitom'Oiiida. L. llixu.
nam, uii'ni iriinjri, ,,wmut,tu, u.
lorphnir ilnblt itrrd In 10
a io -u ii n 7 vnJ tin enrra,
IBM J. briti'UKNa, lbauoa, Ublg.
ThU InvalimMo prt'pnratlon in truly triumph
of aoUMitlilu akill, and no muro lnPHtlnmtlo boon
was ever hi-ntowed u.miii tho mother of tho
world. I WU not only nhorteua the Uino of lnlxr
and li'rwens the Intnilty of pain, but, bttr than
all. it Kivatly diniinlKhes thfMlaniTT to life of both
mothi-r ami child. I moat eurnttly entreat rvory
ffinalA exptH'tlnjc to be confined to una Mother
If You are Driven Wild
"With itching, take the advice
of a friend, (though he calls
you aside at an evening party
to give it ), and rid yourself of
the trouble by the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
A few week since I was attaekecl with
S nevcro and distressing form of Kczcma.
Tho eruptions tpread very generally over
my body, causing im Intense itching and
burning sensation, especially at night.
AVith greut faith in tho virtues of Ayer'a
uraparll!a, I commenced taking it, and,
aflcr having used less than two bottles of
this iv.eiliclno, am entirely cured. Henry
K. Keardflt -y, of the JIupo "Nine," AVest
I'hiladelphia, Ta.
Mr. I). AV. Call, the well known journal.
1st, writes from Rochester, X. II. :
Ilaviti-r suffered severely, for some time,
with I'.czeuia, and failing to find relief
from other remedies, I have mado use,
clii:hr the v.::st threo mouths, of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, which has effected acompleta
cure. I coutider thU iuedieino a luujuiu
t ent reined v for all blood diseases.
gold ty Druggists. Tries $1; six battles, i.
Ouly Temperance J Utters Known.
Oratrfnl Tlionarvnd proclaim Vmiaia
Dittkhs the moat wonderful 111 vlgorant that erer
sustained the ainklnp; system.
Plaile Irom California roots and herbs, fre
from Alcoholic BUmulauta. A I"urgnllv
and Tonic.
'I'hlia Hitters euros Femnln Complaint,
Inflammatory and Chronlo Itlmnmntlam.
Gout, bilious, Komlttcnt and Intermittent Fe
vers, Illnod, I.Ivor and Kidney Diseases.
Dyapopaia or liidlireatlon, Headache,
Tain In the Nhoulders, Coughs. TiEhlneaa of tha
Chest, Hir.glneaa, Hour BUmiaeh, Furred Tongue,
Ulllous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Pneu
monia, and Pain in tho rcirinns of tlx Kidneys,
are cured by the use of the Hitters,
For Skin IXaeaaea, Krttptlons, Foils,
Frystpelas, Scrofula, plKoolurations, Huniorsand
diseases of the Skin of whatever .iame or na
ture, are literally tin tip and carried out of tha
iyatem in a short time by tl use of the Bitters.
t Invigorate llio fcloiiiach, and stim
ulates the torpid Liver and Bowels, which ren
der It of uutiiiialed efficiency in cleansing jha
blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new iifs
and vlpnr to the whole svstein.
No I'rraou cau take the Bitters and remain
!ong unwell.
1'lu, Tape and other Worms, ara
destroyed and removed from the system.
Cleans the Vitiated lllood whenever
It Is foul ; your fi-ellng will tell yon when. Keep
the blood pure, and tho health of the system
will follow.
In ronrlnslon ; Olve the Bitters atrial. It
will SH'ak for itself. One bottle will prove a bet
ter guarantee ot Its merits than a lengthy ad
vertisement. It. II. UleDonald Irnr Co., Proprietors,
Ban Fraud' vi, 'l , and (-. Mi Ka WaauuurUm HI.
Cor. Charlton rit.. New York.
Sold by all Dealers and Druggists.
A Skin of Beauty Is Joy Foraver.
fimplfK, Fmos
Ian, Mntk.
riitch), Rsh
And Mttn dift
pe. and
rtj bUmiith on
beauty-, inrl r1s
ftf detection.
It hfm Blood
thit Mt of Ht
yrn, and t
m haroilfMMi w
tt it to b
ur th pr
Duration it
4P n. 8 KJ v y rfii, f I Apt BO
ii'LV'V tmilar nam.
A.. Kayrnaud ton lady of th hnt ttm fa patient): "A
pot taii will Ihem, I rrommn4 GoHtauW $ Crtnm
m l Itart hnmif'ul nf nil th prrpatm'innu" On
hottlwwill ImI ais UK-nth. m it rverr day. Alao
Pou4r ftutilil rmivft mimTiluoua hair witmuit in
jnrylothfak.n. Mmb. M. K. T. li(MTRAlJl, 8ol
rrnp., 48 Bond Ht.. N. T. Knr ulrby all Druniriat nd
Fant r (ioorla rlm t hrnuriitit ttm V. H., (-antvdat
and ICuropo. at Bwa.n of but imitations. SI.OUUR
Wftrd for arrest and proof of any out el It of tho Mm.
At this aenefin of tlm year thn hi artly of the ohilfiren
la(ten stupfwd hjf fumin inrtiacretlon tm the part of tha
arnt ir child ; and, an arMitlt, dysentery, rholera in
intum. or o( htr cnmplainta of nlmiach r bownla en
tita, in all ouch cne, lirdee't ' it the lMt diet
etic. It is iterfeotly Bate, bfliiK netitral In iti action up
on the bowela, ana in nJ way interfere with action ot
As an antl-maiarlal mediciua
baa won golden opinions. No traveler should eon
a tiler bis outfit complete nnlrss it Incliuloa a bottle
of Ihla nic!rine. If you are eipnaej to frequent
chanci a of climate, fooil and tviiter, h svorilu Koine.
dy abould aiwaya be within vottr reach. Uexp'la
malarial poinnnt.amt is the beat preventative or cullla
and malaria', fever In the world. It is raperlallr of
fered ai a IruMwor. hr ppecinc for the cure of kid
ney and l.lver complaints. C onstipation tt.d a'l Ols
nrtlers ariain? from en in.piuo atatu t the blond.
To women who anffrr from any of the i:ia peculiar
to their sex Kavon'.e Heinedy la constantly proving
itself an friend a real blrninp. Address
the prorrietor, lr. I. Kennedy, houdout, N. Y. $1
bottle, for.", by all driigKlste
Paynss' Automatic Engines and Saw-Mill,
.VIiT-ttai3lii .Haw"
Waotrnranlto lull. P. uiounwd Kndne with Mill,
IO.Id. aolid Maw, 60 (t. bltina. oant-hnitka, rif rAmplfla
toroperatlon, en otrn, (t.ltsi. Knrma on nlcM. Cl'S
In. Bead for circular I bl. II. V. PAVNK c
4IK, Stanufaolurra of all styiaa Autoiimtlr Kll
finra, from to JMi H. P. : alao Pullfya, llangera and
UaUna, Klmira, W. Y. Bm I Hot). .
So j-J
a .a :
a J"
a S s r
I f
F Aa m r
tft p-a S a 1
e x.
b. c z j -o
sssi psst "jasj
"ot c-3 DC
r Alea, and 900 per ft
and women with nui
pmnt maaa ny mm
litlorttvina luven
tion. A ln.tljr elenrei
Itiiinone ntreet. Ai
en lit Hrit4a: " Voui
MMhu hrine) monei
I iniikeet of nny I aver tried. "Any man or worn at
niakinte leiwt thnn wvJ er week tihould try out
aaay tnoney-uiAHiiiii iHiMnena. Va((uaranM) it the beat
puyiiift in the Imwl. f I Kuinidei quii'k tvellinif rnuin frin
ioHnj litdy orKnt who will deyote a fw houra daily. Ki
peneiKW unnereatvurv ; no talking. Write quick Hiul m
cure your county, AdUruaa, b. 1 Merrill t CjO. CUicuna
Srti-Kt-rd MTU AW A
i ii A v n w .- u
The beat in thai w.rld.
Knlfa II Htcl, Umprrrd, tori fasUat-j
hi mer wnn ihti ooiia ; il car. Dt Saal
iiit.1. Th blsfr
r is
hioh hftliY I
raitaa ifasj
n cirruisr snsiii r K K n .
itaaUp. B.s. U.a. H- . . V
K ftur relief mmm
COODWAGfiS rilfvM f.S
rwful bleamn. x trrma adilms T. P. JK.
HINfe, Nurorrnii Uaeheaier, . V.
'I lie OriKtiiHl and Only iVeuuiiie.
Hate aud aiwat it Ua'lf. H aue wl H ortswIt-saM llUHf.liuna
i 'hU'heater'si Kntfllali" are Liic x-t uat-ti.-. lii'ii.pcusatil
Oiuiili, tl.:., in Irttrr sen I u bv rw-
TO LAUItSi litthi-t u (oLAuip" ir Hrii uiais). test I
tur.iuukl. NAME PAPER
tBU ! U dtawn -i.,lfaiMiiu, Itt
a hi. lint nr laemlCMI t u..
iniuwvvfc.hla Wrtall
Urult aaasr, ut'altaa M..I. T
mm MsiniirsTssfMfss7 iMirn iiVv i iiniwn mi 1 - J
Vj, V j,- ,.w
a A
I s