lie oxt$i gtpnbHcan. J. E. WENK, EDITOR, WEDNESDAY MORIUXG, JHE 10, ISS. i Annou nccmcnts. Announcement will he published at the following, ttrieth en.vh in advance, rates: AMoomW Judtre, $I0i District -At torney, 53; Representative Delegate, FA ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We are authorized to announce ED WARD KKKK, of Barnett township as a candidnU) for Assoc'ate.J lufgo, subject to Republican usages. We am authorize J to announce JOITN A. PROPER, of Tionesta, aa a candidate for Associate J udge, subject to Republi can usages. We Bre authorized to announce JOHN THOMSON, of liarmonv township, as a cnnrlitlste for Associate- J"udgo, aubjoct to Republican usages. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce P. M. CLARK, Esq., of Tionesta, aa a candi date for District Attorney, subject to Re publican usages. REPRESENTATIVE DELEGATE. We are authorized to announce F. F. WUITTEKIN as a candidate for Ropre aentative Delegate to the coining State Convention, subject to Republican usages. Republican State Convention. Chairman Cooper, of the Republi can State Committee, issued the fol lowing from the committee headquar ters Philadelphia. Pursuant to the rules of the party, and tbe action of the State Commit tee, the Republican State Conveotion will be held in the hall of the House of Representatives at Harrisburg on the second Wednesday of July, 1885, at 10 o'clock, a. ra. Senatorial and Representative delegates will be chos en under the old apportionment act, as Senators and Representatives are Dominated in their respective districts. IIolmas, of In jean ny, is going off on an official junketing trip at Gov 'ernment expense. Any objection to this, Uncle Dana? Ro swell Pettibone Flower is a candidate for governor of New York, but adds (hat he doesn't know what Lis chances are. Anybody who does will confer a favor by sending hss ad dress to Mr. Flower immediately. Oxe of Brother Eeecher's sons has been made a collector of customs out in Washington Territory. From a steamboat manager to a revenuo offi cer conforms tolerably well with Brother Eeecher's views on evolution. Pekhaps it would be the correct thing to give the Democratic nomina tion for State treasurer to Chairman Hensel. He is one of the few Demo crats in the State who can allow them selves to be run over by a wagon and then get up saying it was fun. The spectacle of George W. Julian, of Indiana, accepting aa office from a party which he described twenty years ago as "a gang of Christless wbelpa," Bhows that the sacred cause of reform is in full motion. Tbe question is, who has changed, Julian or the De mocracy ? Three months of Democratic ad ministration have shown that the Civ il Service act, to attain the object for which it was designed, must provide sot merely for keeping the bad men out of office, but also for keeping the good ones in. The fence between the civil service and the hungry politi cians is only half strong enough. Secretary Lamar's order direct ing that clerical changes in the In terior Department shall not be made ublic, is an extraordinary perform ance. Is Mr. Lamar afraid ? Or does he labor under tbe broad cause delu sion that the public haa no right to know what is being done in his de partment. It is a humiliating confession that the Democratic papers are obliged to make in order to excuse Cleveland blunders in appointments. They claim that he has been imposed upoi by Democratic congressmen and poli ticians high up in the councils of th . a . m I a i party, me oiatne must rest some where, and it seems to have been agreed that it is better to spread it over the party at large than to dum it upon the President's shoulders, broad as they are. The logical con elusion of tbe explanation, however, is that tha Democratic party is let and officered by men utterly unprin cipled and untrustworthy who are try ing to foist their worthless henchmen upon the Government service. It it nut a pleasant inference to Democrats, but it is the only one leA if Cleve land must be shown to be innocent. Jefferson Davis says that tbe Constitution is as weak as A rope of sand. lie is no doubt led to make this confession by the fact that he was not hung for his treason. If it be true, as reported, that Sec retary Ecdicott said to a delegation of visiting politicians: "Gentlemen, I am not a Democrat I am Secretary of War," he may shortly find himself in a position to say; "Gentlemen, I am not Secretary of War I am a Democrat." Public indignation in Chicago has at last spurred the Common Council of that city into announcing the re sult of the municipal election held in that city on the 7th of last April. Carter Harrison is declared elected mayor by 895 majority, and also a Democratic treasurer aud a Republi can clerk and a city attorney. A contest will be begun at once by Judge Smith, the Republican candi date for mayor, and strong confidence is expressed that the evidence now in hand of fraudulent votiDg will prove sufficient to unseat Harrison. The Chicago Committee of Safety has waged a loDg and earnest fight in fa vor of puro elections in tbat city. It should not weary in well doing until the object it has in view is fully and finally accomplished. Phila. Press. State Teachers' Association. Mr. J. Q. Stewart, Chairman of the Executive Committee announces tbat The Thirty-first annual meeting of the Pennsylvania State Teachers' As sociation will be held in the Opera House, at Harrisburg, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, July 7ih, 8th and 9th. The programme has been carefully prepared by tbe Executive Commit tee, and all arrangements for a suc cessful meeting have been completed. Orders for excursion tickets on the several railroads can be procured by addressing J. F. Sickel, Germantown, Pa., pot later than July 3d. Hotels and boarding houses will make the usual reduction in rates to members of the Association. An excursion to Gettysburg has been arranged for Friday, July 10th. Fare for tbe round trip will cot ex ceed one dollar and twenty-five cents. An excursion has also been arranged to Fortress Monroe, Richmond and Washington, returning to Harrisburg within ten days. The excursion par ty will go from Baltimore to Fortress Monroe 118 miles, by steamer. Tbe round trip ticket will cost nine dollars. Republican Primary Election. Pursuant to a Resolution of the members of the County Committee, passed on the 19th day of May, 1885, it is ordered that the Republican vot ers of Forest County meet oa SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1885, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the following named places of holding Primary Elections, to-wit: Barnett, Jacob Maze Carpenter Shop. Jenks, Eastern precinct, at Byrom Station. Jenks, Central precinct, at Marien- ville. Jenks, Southern precinct, at Gil- foyle. Harmony, Upper, at Flemine School House. Harmony, Lower, Allender School House. Howe, Upper, at Erookston. Howe, Middle, at Gusher City. Howe, Lower, at Balltown, where the voters of Upper Kingsley, will vote also. Hickory, Upper, at Braceville. Hickory, Lower, at Hotel of J. W. Ball. Kingsley, at Newtown. Green, Upper, at Guiton School House. Green, Lower, at Nebraska. Tionesta Township, and Borough, at the Court House. At which time and places they vill by their votes nominate: Oue person for Associate Judge. Ono person for District Attorney. One person for Representative Del egate to the State Convention. Each District will elect ono person to serve as a Member of the County Committee for the ensuing year. The Polls will remain open until 7 o clock p. m., of said day. Ret urn Judges will meet at the Court House, Tionesta Borough, on the following Tuesday, June 30, 1885, at 2 o clock p. m. The attention of the election boards is respectfully called to the Rules gov erning Primary Elections in this county, and which will be published in the Forest Republican in due time. We also call the attention of the different election boards to the following Act of Assembly, pamphlet laws of 1881, page 12S, "that from and after the passage of this Act it is here by made the duties of the Judges, In spectors and Clerks, or other officers of the Primary Elections, before en tering upon the discharge of their du ties, severally to take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation in the presence of each other, in form as follows, namely :" "I do (affirm or solemnly swear) that I will as Judge, Inspector or Clerk (as the case may be) at the en suing election impartially and faith fully perform my duties in accordance with the laws and constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and in accordance with the rules and reg ulation adopted by the Republican party of the County of Forest, for the government of said primary elections, meeting or caucus, to the best of my judgement and ability." We trust every Republican will turn out and see that a full vote is polled. C. A. Randall, Chairman of Republican Co. Com. Republican Primary Rules. RULES GOVERNING THE REPUBLI CAN PRIMARV ELECTIONS OK FOREST COUNTY. 1. The candidates for tlio several offices shall have their names announced hi one or more of tho county papers at least throe weeks previous to the Primarv Meetings stating the office, and subject to the action of the party at the said primary meetings. 2. The voters belontrinnr to tha Uenubli- can party lu each township and borough, snail meet onto day to be designated by the County Committee, at the usual nlace of holding spring elections, at 2 o'clock P. M., and proceed to elect one person for Judsre. and two Dersons for Clerks who shall form a Board of Elections to receive votes and determine who aro the nroner persons to vote, and who shall hold the polls open until 7 o'clock P. M. After the polls are opened, tho candidates announcod shall bo balloted for ; the name of each person voting shall be written on a list at me time or voting, no person being al lowed to vote more than once for the sauao office. 3. After the polls are closed the board shall proceed to count the votes that each candidate has received, and make out the returns accordingly, to be certified by tho Judge and attested by the clorks. 4. Tho Judge for ono of the Clorks ap pointed by the Judge of tho respective election district, shall meet at tho Court House in Tionesta. on the Tuesday follow ing the Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock P. M., having tho returns and a list of voters, and tho person having the highest number of votes for any office, shall be declared the nominee for tho Republican party. 5. Any two or more persons havlnar an equal number of votes for the same otllc. the Judges shall proceed to ballot for a cnoice, the person having the nigheet number to be tho nominee. 6. The Return Judges shall be compe tent to reject by a majority, the returns from any district where there is evidence of fraud, either in the returns or other wise, and shall reject them whore thero i evidence of threo or more persons voting at the primary meetings who are not Re publicans. 7. The Return Judges uhall appoint Con ferees Representative. Congressional whose acceptance of said appointment shall bo a pledge to support uie person who may receive the largest number of votes cast for that office. 8. The Return Judges may at anv timo change the mode and manner of selecting candidates as they may be instructed bv the people at their primary meetings, due notice being given by the County Com mittee. 9. The Chairman of the County Com mittee shall be required to Issue a call in pursuance of the action of the County Committee. List cf Patents. List of Patents granted to citizens of Pennsylvania, for the week endinz. Tuesday, June 2d, 1885, com- piled from the Official Records of the United States Patent Office, expressly for the Fokest Republican, by Ship ley Erashears, Patent Attorney, Solic itor aud Expert, No. G37 V. Btrett, N. W., Washington, of whom copies, aud iuf.inuHtiuti may bu hud: L. C. Bailey, McGuiutllnburg, water gage; W. T. Bate, dnsht-hock. en, steam boiler; J. R. Co.,lhugh, Wycox, car coupling; T. V Flyiiii, Potlfcville, rolhr for ".ire cables"; S. M. Guss, Reading, binding for roll couplings; 11. F. Haasinger, Aduuii burg, rotary pump: J. Ltt Stners ville, raka aud tedder; W. II. Lilly, Reading, cigar cjiter; J. McIIenry, McDonald, mail bag catcher and de liverer; T. L. McKeen, Easton, sash fastening; A. J. Moxham, Johustowu, railway frog; same, metal cross tie for railways ; F. Muhl and J. 8. Car son, Allegheny City, mattress; F. Reicbard, Easton, lantern ; D. C. Ripley, Pittsburgh, manufacture of glassware; H.Schneider, Pittsburgh, velocipede; II. F. Schumann, Troy, ladder J. F. Snyder and J. C. Knappf, South Easton, kitchen safe ; Jos. 1 Stevenson, Lewistown, car wheel; E. Sweitzer, Allegheny, cur tain etretcher; Geo. Westinghouse, jr.Pittsburgb, detecting and carry ing off leakage from gas mains; same, Alrf linn , . .1 ounl.. ' ' . Lpeumt, weatntr kirip. 11111111111111113 11885 5555555555550555 x CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING I If you are In need of ANYTHING in tho line of CLOTH ING, OVERCOATS, BOOTS, SHOES, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, or anything kept In a Goneral Store, you can And A UOOD ASSORTMENT IN ALL DEPART MENTS at EC. J. HOPKINS & GO'S. Wo claim the REST ASSORTMENT. FINEST GOODS, and LOWEST PRICES OP ANY HOUSE IN THIS COUNTRY. Step In and get our Prices, seo our Stock, and you will be convinced that wo moan what we say. We alnito keep our GROCERY, FLOUR AND full of FRESH GOODS AT BEAT. COME AND SEE. SHOWING GOODS. H. J. HOPKINS & CO. g niiiiiiiiiiu a 11885 x 556o5665555555 ao Buckeye Force Pump O CALL AND GET PRICES, 353 ID. HIUIBEL, TIONESTA, PENN'A. 0 HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated EaKay on the rad ical cure of Spermatorrhea" or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Louses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapac ity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; alxo, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence, or sexual extravi g'ance, Ac, The celebrated author, in this admira ble essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' 8ucessful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured ; pointing out a modo of cure at once simple, certain, and ef fectual, by means of which every suflerer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ir-This Lecture should bo In the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain onvelopo, to any address, jost-paid, on receipt of tour rents or two pontage stamps. Allress THE OULVEEWELL MEDIOAL CO., 1 41 Ann St.. N. Y., N. Y., P. O. Box 450 HO, SFORTIiMl!! I take pleasure In tolling the Sporting Fraternity that I have re-purchased FROM HORACE JONES, TO WHOM SOLD IT IN 1871, I AM NICELY LOCATED at my old stand, and I am prepared to attend to all my friends, and the public generally, who need ANYTHING IN THE GUN LIKE! I shall keep a perfect stock of a1! kind of AMMUNITION! And all kinds of FISHIFJCTACKLE, I shall also continue to handle the " "While" Kewliig Marliine, And the CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE Come and see me. You will find me ALWAYS AT HOME. Muzzlo Loaders mado to order and war ranted. rpfp EEP A IKING IN ALL ITS Z BRANCHES PROMPTLY AND iAIlJtilULLI UUJNL. E. A.. 1IAUMVI2V. Tidiouto, Pa., Aug. 12. A PRESENT! uur readors tor 1 cents in postage stamps to pay for mailing and wrapping, end mimes of two book agents, will re ceive FREE a Steel Finish Parlor En graving of all OL'R PRESIDENTS, In- tl 1JI , 1 1 . ' ELDER PUB. CO., Chicago, 111. m ; f . 3 C5 B js i s r ill O r H i 11 r GO P I jr - pj R.4 IS V H 711111111111111113 i!QQ9 &rr5.rr..Vi.'.f)5055f)C5z FEED DEPARTMENT PRICES THAT CAN'T BB WE TAKE PLEASURE IN i? liuiiiimm WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., Dealers in CLOTHING-, NOTIONS, DOOTS St SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. GROCERIES! TOBACCO, CIGARS, HARD WARE, QUEENS W A R E. G L ASS W A R H, TOYS, STATIONERY, WALL-PA PUR, COUNTRY PRODUCE, drc. Goods Always First-Class. ELEGAST BOUND FAMILY BIBLES, ?2.50, ?3.50, f 1.:.0, ?(.f)0 ai-d upwards. H.!M. ZDIGKHLTOZlnT. HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING.'ar attention r-iven to GRAIN- IN W, FKIXdINci, ,w,,i SCKNE PAINT- IN w. at:w!ai-t!i.ii kiuirantced in cverv particular, orders for frowning, etc., by mail promptly a Icadud to. Simp in Roberts building, Elm St., Tkmta, Pa. XI . II. HERMAN, SUCCESSOR TO C.AV.mMICIv, FINE STATION KRY, SPORTING ARQ HOLIDAY SSODS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ZET IR, TJ I T S Ss O. Also A "cut for Kstev. Ktnrliii- Hk. ninger, and dough ft Warren Organs. Decker Jlros., J. ft C tinner, C. D. Jute ft f'o.. and Wm. Knaho 1'ianns. Itntiiun cash pricOH given. Cull and examino cata logues ana priceu. Tionettta, Pa. Sept 17. MAGAZINE RIFLE. i. 45 Govt, ana 40-CO CiriktM Cartridge. Vtnr mono. rotten. rr THF PFCT PIT! P th world fur UrirV DLJl H 1 1 L.C. same. Buoerior in su:u. racy, rapitliiy, modal and fiiiieh to any olhr. BA I I APn G-.llery, 6wrM n4 'i'ar-et A LLAIi U ltlrtcu. Bend lur Catnlo,-oc. Murlin Fire Arms Co.. Now Haven, Ccnn . MIMA HJ BACK-AC HE LIVEiMIDtlEYCURE Cures Inflammation and tTlcpration of tbe Liver. Kidney and bladder. NF.VKK FAILH to lirlp. tlaa cured many of Uvor aiid Kidney trouulua, I'tipiUtion of the Ik-art, h't rvoua Debility and rhromc Fexaala Woaauoea. Purely vernbln, haruiieaa. aud yet acta quickly .ndeurely. PHYSICIANS BAY IT HAS NO EQUAL IN LIVER, KIDNEY, URINARY AND FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Mra. N J. WTiita, Plearantrille, VenaDfro Co., Pi., avn, When I went Into the itore. In lts71, for li AK08 MA, I tuiowmk and faint. I thouirht I'd never rea.:h home. Huve now been well i'i ytarn." I. W. Light. Cli.-rry Tree, Pa., wa troubled with Inflammation of Kidneye for yeara. bonietiuiee aa helilta for werku, and had contiuutd lurk, una. He improved rapidly aitur ujuiiii the taixd bottle of H AKOS MA, and u now well man. bAKOBMA U moat popular where lontreet known. Price. t)l per Holds. For aale by all dru. JlaU. Write for trMiinontala. l-repared only Ly E;K. THOMPSON xCSZ$t NATIONAL. HOTFL, Tidiouto, Pa., W. D. Bucklin, Proprietor. A tirht class hotel in all rejects, and the pleas autest stopping place in towu. Raloa very leusouable, jano-8i 11885 TIMK TABLE IN EFFECT Nov. 23, im. WentwaidJ l'ittKl.ttr)jh Divinin Knstwaril r. m.I 7 501 4 34 4 2t 3(HJ 2 40 P.M. r. M.j 3 :tn 1211 A.M. 7 r.o ar Pittsburgh lv Parker FoxburK Franklin lv...Oil t,' 4 21! 4 k 2 hi 2 15 A. M. V. M." 2ti ar... Oil Citylv Oleopolin ...Kiitfle Rock... 1'renidont TloncHta Hickory .. Trnnkey ville.. Tidio'nte ...Thompson ... Irrinetop Warren Yi n:ifs no 11 40 i'i 14 10 40 io :i2 10 10 0 34 0 05 t2 0O t4 2 l so: 8 12 fl 22'tHO: 1 ! 7 50 12 W),t7 ?H 12 S5 12 10 1140 AM. A.M. 1000 A.M. 11 .10 11 21 1 1 05 10 55 10 47 10 42 10 20 10 10 0 55 (144 9 27 7 10 0 40 15 P.Mj P. M. 4 20 P. M. (i 10 0 05 f 40 641 5 X', fi 15 0 (HI A.M. A. M. 11 35 lv...Ilradrord A. M, 11 HO 10 50 10 05 II 45 0 31 9 21 8 50 8 15 7 4 7 27 7 (Kl ar...Kin)!tia, ... NiiRiir Rn ... Corvdoo Onoville ....WoVf Rnn.. Quaker Rrldge. ...Hetl llonse.... ... Salamanca.... 4 45 .So, CarroUton.. 4 X ...No Vandslia 4 JK 4 10 Alieo;any... 0 20 6 45 ly. A.M.I ...uiean ... ,ar A.M. P. M. Additional Thaim Leaves Kinxiin ll:50tini, Warren 1:23pm, Irvineton 2:1. pin, Tidionte 3:50pm, TionOTtn 5:45pm, ar rives Oil City 7:10pm. Additional Tkain Leaven Oil Clry (1:00 ntn. Olcopolis (1:43 am, Eaiilo Rock 7:00inn, President 7:05am, Tionesta 7:48am Hickory 0:00am.Trunkoy ville i);15am,Tld oute. 10: lOwiii, Thompson' 11:20, arrivea. Irvineton 11:55am, Warren 1:05pm, Kin 2:l0.m, Sugar Run 2:20, Corydon 3:10. Onovillo 3:25. Wolf Run 8:40, Quaker Ilrldire 3:50, Red House 4:15, Salamanca 5:00, Suth Carrollton 5:30, Smith Vanda lla 5:50, Allegheny 0:18,. arrives Oleau 0:30pm. Trains run on Eastern Timo. Trains leaving Pittsburgh 8:45am, ar riving Pittsliurnh "i.Wpm, are Solid Trains between HulYalo and l'ittsburjrh. TnAiKH leaving Pittsburgh. 8:45pm, or riving Pittsburjih 7:50m, are Solid Trains with Pttllmnn'n Sleetiinji Cars between IJuttalo and Pittsburgh. Mr-Tickets sold and bnggago checked to all principal points. (let timo tablca giving fnll Information from Companv'H Atrents. (ilCO. S.OATCHICLL, tlen'l Sunt, J. A. FELLOWS, (ien'l Paia'r an.-' Ticket Agent, No. 41 Exchango St.. IJtltfalo, N. Y. J. L. CRAK1, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. IF YOU WANT T(f wJ FILL YOUH GaiE HAG, M AND MAKE -BIG SCORES, USE SHOT GUIMS. All Iho Lac? In-rprovomonts. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lambcrson, Furman&Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR E.REKIMGTOW&SONS". Sparlitif Armi find Ammunition, G3I & 223 Broadway, KTEKM OFFICE. NEW YORK. D. H. LAM3ERSON &. CO., 7J SiaM btrcet. Chicajro, HI. ARMORY, - - - ILION, N. Y. VELS, SCOOPS. SPADES. HAD: CI THE BEST BUNTeR, BY SKILLED WORKBEK.. HEMEICBEa THAT OUR GOCOS ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. One Piece of Solid Cteel. NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLADE. BEND FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON 1GBICULTUEAL CO., ILION, N. Y. New York, lis Chambers Street. BIGGEST HUMBUGOUJ will litntW)iw nyya ras4 OB lta try face. i jrvo duubi oar banuaaaor our foods, w will aod Minplc tra, W hata au artli-la tbatararjiuaa, woman and cbtM noadi and apprarl ataa. ErarjBoaMkMparnndaTarjrbodyilMwm bar II. ItpavaafcnulniuatiMurutMandgiiM inauaa aatUfactioa. W want 1 AttEST ia aaikceautf, mala or faiuala. Wantion this paaar nod yon will eirrularaandaU intormaUon riiCL Baniplosaaal ltrMawtail. Aiirtm r iu awusisa ura. ce. ruuhrgk, r. Administrators' Notice. All perBons havittfr claims against tho estate of Samuol Clark, deceased, late of Tionesta Township, and all persona in debted to the said estate, will please pre sent their claims lor settlement, and pay their said indebtodntws at onco to the un dursiKiied Administrators or their Attor ney, T. F. Kitclicy, ut Tionesta, Pa. SOLUM AN HhTLKK. It. II. MKALY. Administrators. Atte.t, T. F. Ritchkv, Att'y. Tionesta, l'a., April 2o, lbSo. ESTATE NOTICE. ESTATE OF JACOB MYERS, de ceased, lme of Green Township, Forest county, l'a. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make itfimediate payment. Aud those haviiiR leal claims auainst the same, will present tliein with out delay in proper order for settlement to DAVID J. MOllNL Y, , , . Executor, or his Attorney, MILES Y. TATE. Tionesta, Pa., April 3, 1N85. and Machinery a Specialty. .Second ham Enpines and lioileis on hand. Send for Stock List. THuMAS CAHLIN, AUeJ Eheny City. augO ly. ) REMINeTON H y ' v w.. r .I v