foe $0st gcjmMta. WEDNESDAY BIORNUG, KAY 28, 1885. . BOROUGH OFFICERS. Jfurgess. Ei.t Hot.kman. ObitfMH7.'n;n North ward. It. M. ForO' man. J. 11. Clark, W. L. Kllnewtlvor South ward, J. If. Fones VV. A.. Eagles, Chas. Bonner. Justices of the Peace J, T. Brennan, ii. h. jvnoi. Constable Prltnor Aenew. School Director O. W. Robinson, A. u. Kelly, J. J i. Kinsman, v. . Knox, J. v. morrow, 11. a. urocKway. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress Ai.kx Ay dy.h C. VIUTK. Member of Senate J. (5. Hall. Assembly Pktkk Hiciiry. 'resident Judae W. 1). Browh. Associate Judges C. A. Hill, Lbwih ARMKR. Treasurer Wr. Smearhauoh. Prothonotary, Jlcgisler Recorder, c tWHTIK M. MIAWK K Y, sheriff. Lkonahd Aonkw. Commissioners Olivkr BvnnLY, Wm Shields, J. K. Chapwiok. County SuperintendenS-J . E. Hill- ARD. XHstrict A tlorneyT. J. VANGtitEN. J wry Commissioners IT. O. Davis, t)ARtD WAfcTKIW. Count Surveyor IT. C WrriTTEKIN. troner Dr. J. W. Moitnow. Count; A uditors3. A. 800TT, Thos. Corah," Gko. .rtrcunKi,. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIOITESTA LODGE No. 309, 1. O. of O. F". MEETS every Tuesday evening, nt 7 o'clock, In the Lodgo ltoom in Par trldgo's Hall. r. L. HASLET, N. o. U. W. SAWYER, Sec'y. 27-tf. "IXVREST LODGE, No. 184, A. O. U. W. JL Meets cverv Frldav Evening in Odd Fellows' Hall, Tionesta, W. C. COBURN, M. W. J. E. WENK, Recorder. CAPT. GEORGE STOW TOST, No. 274, G. A, It. Moots on tlio first Wednesday in each month, in Odd Follows Hall, Tionesta, Pa. D. 8. KNOX, Commander. 3, II. ACINKW. 1. M. CLARK, AGIN IS W tV CLAItK, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Elm St. Tionesta, Pennn. ny J. VAN OIESEN. J . ATTORN EYATLAW, Ami District Attorney of Forest County. OlHeo in Court House, Tionesta. Pa. 1 L. DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, x- Tionesta, Pa. Collections made In this and adjoining eounttes. Ml LES W. TATE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Clm Street, Tionesta. Pa. P F. RITCHKY, X ATTORNEY-AT-LaW, TUsiesta, Forest County Pa. ."1 A WRENCH HOUSE, Tionesta, Ta., J.J T. C. Jackson, Proprietor. This house is centrally located. Everything new and well furnished. Supotior Ac commodations and strict e.ttontion given to guests. Vegetables and Fruits of oil .kinds nerved in their season. Sample loom for Commercial Agents. CENTRAL HOU(?E;-lhn(la. Pa., O. C. Brotmeli. Proprietor. This is a new house, and has just been fitted up tor tho nfVommndutlon of tlio puhlie. A por tion of tho patronage of tho public is solic iied. 4-ly. 17 AST HICKORY UOTKIi, Vj EAST HICKORY, Ta.. .1. W. B.vix, Proprietor. This house is now and litis been furnished with new inri.iture throughout. It is eentralley lo cated, and has a Urst-class burn in connect ion with it. Tho traveling public will Jind It a pleasant stopping place,. First class LIvory in connection with tho Hotel. In EXTRA L HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. J W. 11. ROTH, Proprietor. The largest, Best Located and Furnished House in the City. Near Union Depot. JW. MORROW. M. D., . TIIYSICIAN A SURGEON, lAte of Armstrong county, having located in TionesU is prepared to attend all pro fessional calls promptly and at all hours. OlUce in Stnearbaugh it Co.'s new build in p, up stairs. Oifice honrs 7 to 8 a. m., and 11 to VI m. : 2 to 3 and to 7i p. m. Sundays, 9 to U) A. M. ; 2 to 8 and 61 to 7i r. M. Residence in Clark House, near Post Ofliee. inay-lS-61. WC. COnURN, M. D., . PHYSICIAN i SURGEON, Has had over fifteen years experience in tho practice of his profession, having grad uated legally and honorably May 10, 1M15. Cilice "and Residence in Judge TCeek's house, opposite the M. E. Church, Tiones ta, 1'a. Aug. 25-18S0 DENTISTRY. DR. J. W. MORROW. Having purchased tlio .materials Au., of J)r. Steiidman, would respeetlully an nouneo that he will carry on the Dontal liusiness in Tionosta. and having had over six years successful experience, considers himself fully competent to give entire sat isfaction. I shall always give my medi cal practice tho preference. mar22-82. H. U. Hit. A. H. KKLLY MA r, VAllK C CO., B A. 1ST E S ! Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts. Tionesta. Bank ol Discount and Deposit. 1 nterest al lowed on Time Deposits. Collections madeonall the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. 18-ly. J ORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. way! 81, TONESTA. PA. , QURtfCHIBli y O ftbk per at URtfCRIBE for tho IlErtTiLicAN, only ' annum. JAMES T. BR EN N A N (X)UNTY C0MM18SI0NE11S CLKRK. Real Estate Agont & Conveyancer. TIONESTA, ForBt County, Pa. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. CanOpnnrit Time Tallin Tlonevta Hmtlnn. NORTn, SOtTTIT Train 15.. ... 7:43 am Train IS 7:48 am Train t 4:00 pin Train (13 11:17 am Train 10 1:45 11m Train 1(1 8:28 pm Train 15 North, and Train 10 South carrv 11 1110 man Prcacbing in the M. E. Church next Sunday evening by F. M. Small. -Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m.; M. E. Sabbath School at 10 a. m We are pleased to Bee that Judge Arner ia able to occupy his place on the Bench this week. Juueborries are in blossom, and apple and peach trees are beginning to show the piuk hue. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Eagles are visitiDg friends and relatives ia Mer cer county this week. Abram Guiton has slain the first rattle snake of the season, on the hill back of S. II. Haslet's place. Mr. T. J. Payne, with his family departed for Lisle, N. Y., Monday, where they expect to pass a part of the summer. Messrs. Carringer and Amsler, two of Jenks township's wido awake citizens, paid us a very pleasant call yesterday evening. W. Y. Siggins is in Ilarrisburg this week as representative of Tiones ta Lodge No. SCO, I. O. O. F., to the Grand Lodge of this State. Msjor McClintock and sod, of Oil City, tried their haod at some of our "speckled beauties" yesterday, meeting with right good success. Wall Paper, Spring Styles; Coys' Wagons, Croquet Sets, Men's, Boys' and Misses Summer Hats, just received at Win. Smearbaugh & Co's. Floyd Proper, we are pleased to state, is rapidly gaining from his se vere attack of fever, and will soon be able to move around among his friends again. Frank Walker made his fisrt vis it to town this week since his wrestle with the typhoid fever, somewhat emaciated in figure but still better tljan a good many dead men yet. James Gilfillan of Mtadville, is rebuilding the bridge at Collins' mill, Nebraska, used for carrying slabs out of the mill, the former nue having been taken away by the ice last winter. Harvey Muneell, of whose arrest for contempt of court in connection with the recent Phelan Short trial in New York we spoke last week, was sentenced to pay $200 fine and go to jail o0 days. Diphtheria is 6till quite preva lent in the vicinity of Redclyfl'e, this county. The last death reported is a child of Mr. John Iluling's. Several more of the inhabitants are down with the dread disease at present. Mr. P. C. Blocher, a former citi zen of Fagundus, has moved to his farm 00 the Tylersburg road in Tio nesta township. We cheerfully wel come a citizen like Mr. B. to our neighborhood, and hope to have more just like bitu. A special term of court for the trial of civil causes has been set for the tbird Monday of June, being the 15th day. There will be only nine cases on the list but they will be of sufficient magnitude to keep the court in session all week. Our Ilarrisburg letter arrived rather late for publication this week, but an article on the editoriul page showing the manner in which the boys sat down on Gov. Puttisun'k veto of the soldiers' burial bill gives some of the interesting features of the letter. Burt. Andrews of East Hickory, had the misfortune to lose the two front fingers of his right hand recent ly, on the lath mill at Wheeler & Dusenbury'a mill at that place. They were takeu off at the second joints, and bis hand was otherwise considera bly lacerated. Mr. John Griggs, of Harmony township, having disposed of his farm and household ware, departed with his family on Monday of this week for Los Angelos county, California, where he expects to make bis future abiding place. We hope John may prosper abundantly in bis new home, and being an industrious mau we be lieve be will. Memorial Day occurs one week from next Saturday. Although bav ing received a kind invitation to assist others in observing the day, Stow Post has concluded to remain at home, deeming it their duty to see that the graves of departed comrades at home receive attention first. A poundmaster for the borough has been appointed in the person of G. W. Hood, aod those having cattle horned or unborned running at large are notified to see that they are properly cnged or "installed" by nine p. m., otherwise George will lead 'em in at one dollar a head. The Conrts had disposed of no cases up to this morning. The Con roe case has been on trial since yes terday morning and will probably be given to the jury to day some time. The license upplicatioos of Onias Hoyt, Gusher City, and O. C. Brow noil, Tionesta, were refused. We learn that Mr. John Polen, who has for some time past been saw ing lumber for Wheeler & Dusenbury at Hickory, is talking of leaving our county. Mr. Polen is certainly a very successful lumberman, having within about three years manufac tured fourteen million feet of lumber, built three and a half miles of rail road, on which be has an engine that draws three log cars and makes four trips daily, hauling five thousand feet at a load. His mill is a portable one upon which he makes all repairs himself, being a thoroughly practical mechanic. Should be fully decide to leave oar couoty his friends will re gret to lose him as a citizen and neighbor. We have just received Ballou's for June. It opens with an interest ing illustrated article on the Island of Borneo, by Capt. Howard Hul burt; followed by a continuing chap ter of Mr. Thomes's story "Lewey and I; or, Sailor Boys' Wanderings," which still fceeps up its thrilling inter est of the boys' adventures. It also contains a large amount of entertain ing stories, instructive and amusiug readiug, housekeeper's and fancy work departments, etc., making it well worth the price. For sale by all newsdealers. Price, . 15 cents per copy, or $1.50 per year. Address, Thomes & Talbot, 23 Hawley Street, BoBton, Mass. Peterson's Magazine for June comes to us, a paragon of beauty, ahead of all others. The principal steel-engraving alone is almost worth tho Bubscription-price. "No other magazine," as we often hear said, "has such eteel-engraviDgs." The colored steel fashion-plate is also unusually brilliant, even for "Peterson." Most of the other illustrations 6ome fifty in number are devoted to the fash ions, to patterns in embroidery, etc. Every family ought to take it. The terms are but two dollars a year, with great deductions to clubs. Specimens are sent gratis, if written for, to per sons wishing to get up clubs. Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ---To our Merchant friends: We call your particular attention to the advertisement of J. II. Borland, in this issue of our paper, who stands at the head and front of the Wholesale Shoe trade of Pennsylvania. lie car ries the largest stock of goods in his line, in the state, and represents some of the largest factories in this country ; a few of them being named below. His method of doing business is one that cannot but be advantageous to the retail dealer, as it enubles him to put goods into your hands at exactly the same prices paid by Jobbers, thus saving to you one entire profit ; and, in addition thereto, always giving you choice, new goods to select from. He handles moretulid leather goods, than any of his competitors, knowing that a good article will always bring a cus tomer back. He. is sole agent for John Mundell & Co's celebrated Solar tip shoes, M. C. Dizer & Co's fine, band-made shoes, for gentlemen, Murphy's brogana and plow shoes, oil is' Serge kid and goat shoes, Chase k Chamberlain's nobby slip pers, Fitch's stoga boots, and a host of other well known manufacturers. He also has a large lino of carpets and oil cloths, and we can assure our friends that it will pay you hand somely to call upon him, when in the city, as you will receive careful and gentlemanly attention, whether you purchase or uot, as 'tis only by com parison that you can judge as to the proper place to buy. Adv. Messrs. Bennett & Blum have for sale a first class two-horse wagon 32x11. fully warranted in every way. Also a first class buggy. Prices very reasonable. Call aud inspect them. New Lodge, I. O. O. F. On Wednesday afternoon and eve ning, May 13, 1885, another Ledge of Odd I'cllows.was instituted atMarien ville, by D. D. G. M., P. M. Clark The title and number of the new lodge is Jenks Lodge, No. 250, and it starts nut under very favorable au spices, having nineteen charter mem bers, all being good men, and plenty of first class material for more in the neighborhood. The District Deputy was assisted by P. G.'s Stanley, Mil ler and Iieynor, of No. 852, and Bro. H. C. Whittekin of No. 369, to whom he returns his thanks. The elective officers of the new Lodge are: II. II. McClellan, N. G. W. H. Sigworih, V. G. John F. Gaul, Perm. Sec'y. E. A. Yetter, Ass't Sec'y. T. J. Iieyner, Treas. A. K. Shipe, C. W. Amsler, Jas. W. Cole, Trustees. Lodge meets every Saturday eve ning, and from its location and the energy of its institutors is destined to flourish. Jury List for June Term. The following Petit Jurors were drawn to serve at the special term of court set for the third Monday of June next : Barnett Township Andrew Cook, Peter Knight, Samuel Irwin, Abra ham Braden, 6. M. Cussins, Joseph Morgan. Green J. B. Haggerty, Herman Blum, P. H. Haslet. Harmony Amos Clingcr. Hickory W. L. Riley, Frank Witherall, W. W. Gorman, John Uighfield. Howe W, J. Cole, F. W. Brooks, Daniel Downey, Edward Klabbatz, Amos Lineamon. Jenks John Sallade, Edward Walton, W. M. Dodge, John F. Gaul. Kingsley C. M. Bresbin, Fred Lohmeyer, Conrad Ikenburg, James Harkison. Tionesta Adam Emert sr., Henry Manross, Henry Rhodes, Curtis Rhodes. Tionesta Boro George Henderson, George Dunkle, S. S. Canfield, D. W. Clark, Albert Hayden, Charles Bon ner, John Noble. List of Letters. Remaining in Tionesta, Pa., Post Office, May 16, 1885 : Marion Appiegate. O.'C. Alworth. C. M. Curtis. H. W. G., Mrs. Chas. Lumfar. Mrs. O. Howe. Charles Irwin. John Maben. George Wagoner. If not called for within 30 days will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. When calling please say "advertised." C. M. Arner, P. M. List of Patents. List of Patents granted to citizens of Pennsylvania, for the week ending, Tuesday, May 12th, 1885, com piled from the Official Records of the United States Patent Office, expressly for the Forest Republican, by Ship ley Brashears, Patent Attorney, Solic itor and Expert, No. 637 F. Street, N. W., Washington, of whom copies, and information may be bad : A. M. Bollinger, Kelly's Station, drill and sucker rod joint ; T. E. Con nelly, Pittsburgh, fire extinguisher; J. B. Fink, Claussville, sad iron ; G. W. and C. A. Geissenbainer, Pitts burgh, wood workers bench-vise; W. Hainsworth, Pittsburgh, forging plant ; C. D. Halfpenny, Bloomsburg, trellis; W. J. Healy, Susquehanna, driving box; J. Hemphill, Pittsburgh, casting rolls; J. Meyer, Pittsburgh, tree for shoe uppers ; A. J. Moxham, Johnstown, girder rail; C. T. Hoi man, Linesville, harrow ; W. T. Jack son, Pittsburgh, pipe joint; C. II. Lauman, Pittsburgh, furnace for glass; E. T. Lippert, Pittsburgh, in sertible saw tooth ; II. B. Pratt, Con cordville, thill coupling; W. B. Rail ing and C. W. May, Mechanicsburg, safety valve and alarm for steam boilers ; J. Boleaux, Pittsburgh, fur nace; C. V. Rote, Lancaster, car brake; II. Schultz-Berge, Rochester, screw propeller; same, road engine; same, device for converting motion ; J. F. Smith, Pittsburgh, coping; K. II. Stivasoo, Kittanniug, pipo line for carrying gas; A. M. Yeakel, Perka sis, watch case pendant. j.iOO to loas at 6 per cent, on Real Estate security. C. M. Shawicky. J. T. Brennao has now- for sale 136 acres of warrant 5213 and 5214, Kingsley Twp., probably on the new oil belt. Also 108 acres of warraut 5186, and 79 acres of warrant 5187, in same twp. Cm. Nebraska Notes. Mr. Gilfillan of Mead ville, a former resident of this place, is sojourning with us for a few weeks, being en gaged in putting up a new slab bridge; the old being taken away by the ice. The first barge was launched and started for Pittsburgh, Friday last. It was piloted by Nelt. Cole. Two flat-boats loaded with lumber were also Btarted for the same market. Miss Marie Jackson spent the after noon in this place, Wednesday, as the guest of Mrs. J. B. Haggerty. Miss Gertie Thompson has returned home from a prolonged stay at Kel lettville. The young folks welcome her back. Jake Smith has vacated his home on the "BlufF" recently. Will now be found at Lacy's Mills. Mr. Collins is constantly improving the grounds around bis handsome res idence; he has laid a neat aud sub stantial walk to the foot of the hill, which is no small distance, adding thereby to looks as well as conven ience. This is the busiest of busy towns ; every one is too busy to learn his neighbor's business, which is none of his business anyway. More Anon. Nebraska, Pa., May 18, 1885. Fagundus Items. Harmony township loses one of its best citizens on account of our friend Peter C. Blocher having, with bis family, moved onto bis farm in Tio nesta township, where he expects to make a permanent home. It is with regret that bis neighbors in Fagundus and Berry town part with him, for he is a kind, square, upright honest-dealing man, as any person will learn who has business with him. We wish him and his family success in their new home. Miss L. M. Cox's seclect school at Fagundus has opened for the summer term, and the Berrytown scholars are in full attendance ; also a reasonable patronage from Fagundus. W. P. Wagoner has a fine stock of summer dress goods. Fagundus water works have bursted, but still the town is high and dry, Mr. L. Harvey's borne was made happy by the arrival of a brand new boy. Our P. M. has been under the weather for some time past, but we are glad to learn that be is on the mend. C. Snediker has broke the ice in house cleaning and now we expect it will go the rounds of the town. There is little or no gardening done here yet. Frost. Fagundus, May 18, 1885. . Kellettville Items. Summer is at last approaching, and we can see all our worthy gentlemen gardening. We are glad to inform our friends that Jndge Arner is recovering from his stroke of apoplexy as fast as can be expected. Mr. P. Zirley, a resident of this place, has moved to Thompson Sta tion, near Tidioute, where be intends improving his time in taking out rail road ties. Mr. C. M. Whiteman has fenced in bis lot recently, and planted some po tatoes; we wish him an abundant crop of the valuable "Murphy." The boys of this vicinity have been fisbiBg for suckers so long with book and line that they now resort to the method of taking chloroform and a hatchet and dive down in the water, hold chloroform to their noses till they become delirious and then hit 'era on the bead with the hatchet. Mrs. Geo. Klump has returned from a visit tit Tionesta. Mrs. R. R. Andrews is now visiting friends in Smethport, Pa. Kellettville, May 18, 1885. MARRIED. SMITH SUTTER April 24, 1885, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Ja cob Faller, J. P., Mr. Harry Smith, of Forest county, Pa., and Miss Hannah Sutter.of Clarion county, Pa. 1IOOD-WIIITCOMB In Coehranton, May 8, 1885, by Kev. D. Doniiaii. Mr. George H. Hood, of Towuville, Pa., to Miss Mary Whiteomb, of West Hick ory, Pa. A PRESENT! Our readors for 12 cents in postage stamps to pay for mailing aud wrapping, and names of two book agents, will re ceive FREE a Steel Finish Parlor En graving of all OH it PRESIDENTS, in cluding Clevelaud, size illx'Jb in., worth 1.00. Address, Cheapest First-Class Musio In the United States. Look at this list of tho most popular music published. Printed on tho best heavy music paper, good clear print, full sheet music size, and same an generally retailed all over the United States at thirty to seventy-five cents per copy. Our price Is five cents per copy, or by mail one cent added for postage. We give the re tail price, but remember our price is but five cents. We will send catalogue of 1,000 host selling pieces published, free. Don't pay high, exhorbilant prices when you can get the same music for about one eighth the price ; see the following : BONOS. Alice, Where art Thou? Ascher 30c. Angels Ever Bright and Falr..Handel 85c. Atmwors Blumenlhal 50c. Hlue Alsatian Mountains Adams 60c. Bridge Carew fiOc. Bridge Lindsay 35c. Brook Dolores 35c Cherry Kipe Horn 85c. Clang of the Wooden Shoon ...Molloy 40c. Dream Faces Hutchinson 85c. Esmeralda Levy 35c. INSTRUMENTAL. Chop Sticks, waltz De Lulll 25c. Blaek Hawk, waltz Walsh 85c Corn Flower, waltz Cooke 50c Queen's Lace Handkerchief.. .Strauss 40c llaquet, galop Richards 40c. Home. Sweet Home Slack 60c. Shepherd Boy Wilson 40c Warblings at Eve Richards 40c And 1,000 other Bongs and instrumental pieces equally as good as the above only six cents per copy, post free. Send for a copy of our Musical Journal, f 1.25 per year, sample copy twelve cents. Address J. II. THOMAS, Publisher, Albany, N. Y. 'riOIVISSXA MARKETS. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. TT1 wrt 1 1 t - A Floury sack, - - 1.00 1.7S Corn Moal, 100 lbs - - - 1.30 1.50 Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.40 Cora, Shelled - - 70 Beans "$ buahol - 1. 5008.00 Ham, sugar cured - 12) Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - 121 Shoulders ..... 10 Whitefish, half-barrels - - r 8.50 Lake herring half-barrels 5.50 Sugar -6I Syrup - 6075 N. O. Molasses new - 75 Koast Rio Coffee ... 1823 Rio Coffee, - - - - 121 18 Java Coffee .... 2830 Tea 209O Butter - - - - - - 15 Rice - - - - - 8(310 Eggs, fresh - - - - - 121 Salt best lake .... 1.25 Lard 5 - - - 121 Iron, common bar - - 2,60 Kails, lOd, $ keg .... 2.65 Potatoes - - - - . 40 50 Lirnebbl. .... 1.40 Dried Apples sliced per lb - - 10 Dried Beef .... - 18 Dried Peaches per Jb - - - 10 Dried Peaches pared per - - 15 IMvorce Notice. In the Court of Common Pleas of For est County, No. 37 September Term, 1882. James D.Ivhoads, Libelant, vs. Mary E. Rboads, Respondent Pluries Subpoena in Divorce. Forest County, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Bald County, Greeting : Whereas, James D. Rhoads, did on the 15th day of August, 1882, prefer his peti tion to our said Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas for said County, pray, ing for the causes therein set forth, that he might be divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you Mary E, Rhoads. We, therefore, command you, the said Mary E. Rhoads, that set ting aside all other business and excuses whatsoever, you be and appear in your proper person before our J udges at Tio nesta, at a Court of Common Pleas there to bo hold for the County of Forest, on the 1st day of July, 1885, next, to awswer the petition or 1 i ) 1 of the said James D. Rhoads, and to show cause, if any you have, why the said James D. RnoadB. your husband, should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, agreeably to the Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided. Herein fail not. Witness the Hon. W. D. Brown, Presi dent of our said Court, at Tionesta, the eighth day of May, 1885. C. M. SHAWKEY, Prothonotary. To Mary E. Rhoads, Respondent : You are hereby notitleil to enter an ap pearance in above stated case ou the lot day of July, 1885. L. AGNEW, Sheriff. Tionesta, Pa., May 14, 1885. Court Proclamation. At an adjourned term of the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County held on April "Otb, 1885, a special venire was or dered for the trial of Civil Causes in said Common Pleas Court, to meet on the Third Monday of June, A. D, 1885, at 2 o'clock P. M. By thb Couht. Attest, C. M. SHAWKEY, Prothonotary. ESTATE NOTICE. ESTATE OF GEORGE S. HUNTER, deceased, late of Tionesta Township, For est county, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment. And those having legal claims against tho same, will present them without -delay in proper order for settlement, to CHARLES II. HUNTER, Administrator, or MILKS W. TATE, Attorney. Tionesta, Pa., April 23, 1885. COItK SHAVINGS FOR MATTRESSES- Now is the time to change the Ailing in mattresses, and we would recommend CORK SHAVINGS as being the cheapest and most durable article that can be used. 40 lbs. will till a large bed. For Sale by ARMSTRONG, BROTHER it CO. . Cor. 2tth and Railroad Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Solar or Triangulation Survey ing. Best of Instruments and work. Turrus on application. I V IS. CO., Chicago, 111.