The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 15, 1885, Image 4

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    V ,
An Anl'Matcd Scene Vlrtllf I
rrl eil-C is.Mnar the Cane In Ilia
Ulill. A Uaronlal nrvakfaak
Sylvestor Baxter in au article in the
Atlantic thus describes a visit to a great
Mexican sugnr estate: We found our
selves lurrounded by nn animated scene.
The preat vard was swarming with la
borers. Some were turning and gather
ing the crushed cane which covered the
ground, where it reflected the sun with
a whitish glaro. Others were handling
the fresh cane, which was coming in in
cart-loads; stripping ofT the green snecu
lmt leaves as food for the cuttle, weigh
ing the stalks, and carrying them to the
crushing mi. Is. We ascended brond
stone steps to a large vaulted hall form
ing the main entrance. This was open
to the air on one side. Massive p crs
supported the heavy, castle-likt masonry
of the building. The place was grate
fully cool, and commanded a charming
view over tho valley. Accountants were
at worn at desks in the corner.
Leaning over a parapet at one end of
the hall, we overlooked the great interior,
where the cane-crushing was going on.
The mills, as throughout the valley,
were moved by water power. When we
entered the gate, wc had seen the water
gushing out from a low arch in the wall
in a powerful cascade The mill build
ing was a lofty, massive stone structure,
with walls composed of Homan-like
arches in two tiers. It was new, but
parts of the main building were over a
century old. The laborers came and
went below, like two streams of busy
ants. Their brown forms, in tho dim
light of the hiirh, shadowy interior.
looked like dusky demons, as they stag
gered beneath their loads of great bundles
of cane. They wore the minimum of
clothing, and many, for some mysterious
reason, had but one leg to their panta
loons of white cotton, while others woro
no pantaloons at all. The machinery
made a low, rumbling noise, and tho
mills seemed like insatiable monsters,
devouring the cane incessantly,
and disgorging the crushed masses
in well-chewed fragments. . Beer glasses
full of the fresh sap were brought to us.
It was black and foamy, looking like
English stout, and hud a sweet and not
disagreeable taste. The natives are
fond of a drink made from this sap by
letting it ferment in a gourd for two or
three days.
In the upper stories we saw the huge
vats of molasses which was slowly crys
tallizing into sugar, the surface covered
with a crust resembling wind-roughened
ice turned a dark brown. In one vat
stood a naked Indian, breaking up the
crude sugar with a pick, and shoveling
it out to two other laborers, who were
carrying it aay. The sugar was refined
on the premises into two grades, the su
perior of which was eq'ial to the best
American loaf. The machinery in use
on the estate was of the best modern
kind, and cost something like half a
million dollars. After tho syrup had
been worked over in sugar three times
the residue was distilled into aguar
diente. Of this, six thousand barrels
were produced annually on the place.
After inspecting the works we returned
to the shady ottice, where we met the
proprietoi, a courtly Spanish gentleman,
lie invited us to slay to bre ikfast, and
as nooutime approached were shown
through vaulted passages, across an ir
regular court like that of an ancient
castle, up an easy stone stairway, into a
pleasant corridor leading into a large
dining-room. Hero a long table was
spread beneath a broad stono arch which
sprang from one side of the room to the
other. Our host was at the head of the
table, and below the guests sat the vari
ous officials of the estate, ranged accord
ing to their rank.
"Isn't this quite baronial?" whispered
my youtntui neighbor, "bee the retain,
ers eating with us at the same table, sit
ting below the salt ! And he quoted
some lines Irons Walter bcott, ad
ding that the knights, instead of re
turning from the crusade or tournament
had come in from the sugar fields, hang
ing their broad sombreros on the wall in
place of shields. 1 here is, in fact, some'
thing very feudal-seeming in the charac
ter of Mexican country life.
It wrs an excel ent meal, of the true
Mexican country house type. Everything
was perfectly cooked. .Never havo I
tasted more tender and delicate mutton
than that in the puchera, or Mexican
stew, served on a great platter, with the
various vegetables, including carrots,
white and sweet potatoes, turnips, beans,
green peas and bananas not all mixed
together, but each kind occupying its
own place ou the dish. The tine flavor
of the mutton was due to its being raised
on the place upon particularly choice
feed. There were two thousand sheep
kept for the exclusive use of the estate.
At each ccuise the dish was first placed
before the host, who served, in order,
the ladies, the conail general, the
artist and himself. The dish was then
brought to us minor guests, for us to
help ourselves, after which the retainers
were helped by a servant. At the plate
of each guest stood a bottle of Spanish
wine; red, but quite dilfercnt from
claret. In had an individual flavor;
- much body and a slight resemblance to
6heny, with a saccharine acidity. The
cuaraetcr of the Spanish grape could be
detected, as in the wiue of the Hio Grande
Va.ley in New Mexico and that of Cali
fornia made from the Mission grape.
The servant poured glasses of wine for
the chiei officials of the retainers, but
none was served to the others.
Erora the entrance to the building
were seen the great rane-tiulds of C'oa
huistla spreading their cheery emerald
in a Que, gom-iingeu in me sunshine, iar
into the di-tuuee. There were twelve
thousand tatmt or neaily seventeen hun
dred acres under cultivation. These pro
duced annually about three and a half mil
lion pounds. The sugar was sold from the
hacienda at two and three dollars an ar-
roba, of twenty five pounds. Aguar-
1 J! I . ... 1. , - . J,, ,
aiente uroupui twenty-one aonars a oar-
U.'V ,
rel. I herelore the cross receipts of the
gancstate cannot be Iar from half a million
,v , . lolUrs a year. I should sav that the net
eiv ion, since on most haciendas in Mttico
e labor it nearly, if not quite, paid for
the promt ol the store from which
laborer are supplied, i he stock is
on the cane-leaves and other iif)
rt-tsed M) tb pl. fusl for rigftr-bott-ing
Is furnished entirely by tbs crushed
cons, r.d the, machinery is moVsd by
Tho Mnnroe Boctrlno.
Teorle often read about "the Monroe
doctrine" without knowing exactly what
tho phraso means. Tho following ex
tract from president Monroe's soventh
annual message, doliverei to Congress
December 2, 1823, gave rise to tho
phrase :
"The citizens of tho United Statet
cherish sentiments the most friendly in
favor of the liberty and happiness of
their fe'.low-men on that side of the At
lantic. In the wars of tho European
powers, in matters relating to themselves,
wo have never taken any part, nor does
it comport with our policy to do so. It
is only when our rights aro invaded or
seriously menaced that we resent injuries
or mnko preparations for our defense.
With the movements of this hemisphere
we aro of necessity more immediately
concerned, and by causes which must be
obvious to all enlightened and impartial
obsprvers. The political system of the
allied powers is essentially different in
this respect from that of America. This
difference proceeds from that which ex
ists in their respective governments.
And to the defense of our own, which
have been achieved by the loss of so much
blood and treasure and matured by the
wisdom of their most enlightened citi
zens, and under which wo have enjoyed
unexampled felicity, this whole nation is
devoicd. We owe it, therefore, to can
dor and to the amicable relations exist
ing between the United States and those
powers to declare that we should consid
er any attempt on their part to extend
their system to any portion of this hem
isphere as dangerous to our peace and
sifcty. With the oxisting colonies or
dependencies of any European power
we have not interfered and shall not In
terfere. But with the governments
which have declared their independence
we have, on great consideration and just
principles, acknowledged we could not
view any interposition for tho purpose of
oppressing them, or controlling in any
other manner their destiny, by any Eu
ropean power, in an other light than as
the manifestation of an unfriendly dispo
sition toward tho United States."
Cancer a Disease of the nich.
We have then confessedly to face the
fact that cancer is increasing in our
midst at a rate which bids fair to become
more and more serious with the advance
of time. In an article entitled "An In
quiry into the Causes of the Increase of
Cancer," published in the Brititk Medi
cal Journal a year ago, I drew attention
to the observations which had been made
upon the subject by tho late Oharles
Moore, whose investigations into the pa
thology of Cancer had brought under
his notice the incontrovertible evidence
of the increase of the disease. In tho
year 1805 he published a small book
called tho "Antecedents of Cancer," the
contents of which chiefly consist in an
attempt to explain in what manner the
augmentation of cancer is influenced by
thu circumstances of life prevailing iu
this country. For instance, he held that
tho introduction of corn laws, the dis
coveries of gold and sanitary improve
ments, whereby tho well being of the
nation was conspicuously established, af
fected cancer indirectly bv bringing into
prominence the predisposing causes of its
occurence ; and good living, it is thought,
which follows as a corollary of commer
cial prosperity, is intimately associated
with the manifestation of cancer. Again,
inasmuch as cancer is characteristic of
the healthy,, it may be expected to
abound amid the conditions of health.
The greater prevalence of the disease
among the rich than among the poor can
probably bo explained in this manner.
According to a French observer, thp pro
portion of cancer in the wealthy classes
is about 10G to 1,000, in the poor classes
it is 72 in 1,000; or at a rate in the for
mer case of ten per cent., and in the lat
ter of seven per cent. Now, curious, as
it may seem, cancer is met with in the
lower animals; and it has been said to
prevail more frequently among those
which are flesh-eaters than those which
are herb-eaters. It has been stated by
the late Dr. Crisp, who had good oppor
tunities of judging, that cancer is by no
means an uncommon disease among the
domesticated animals, while in wild
animals and uncivilized man it it rare.
Popular Science Monthly.
About Advertising.
Poster advertising, rock and fence
painting, and flooding the mails with
circulars and postal cards are some of the
forms of advertising which disgust more
people than they attract, and even when
effective, are a very wasteful mode of
reaching the public.
In the selection of a proper medium
many points of value might betaken into
consideration by advertisers. News
papers which are not respected and faith
fully read are not good mediums tor ad
vertisers. .Newspapers that are purchased
to while away a half hour on street car or
elevated railway, and are not carried
home do not sell anybody's wares. Such
papers are no better than circulars and
almost as wasteful.
The experience of enterprising and sa
gacious business men demonstrates thut
the best results attend advertising in
home newspapers those which go into
families and are read by one after an
other in the home circle. 2ti York
Why the Baby Doesn't Walk.
One inquiry which is often asked the
physician is: "Why does not my baby
walk!" In anwer it is ascrted, first
of all, that delay in walking does not
necessarily imply physical disease or
weakness. A child's disposition may
have much to do with it; courage and
self-contidence make the infant forward,
while timidity will make him backward.
The example of other, especially older,
children stimulates the enterprise of an
infant; while, on the other baud, too
constant attention from nurses relieves
an indolent child from the necessity of
exertion-. When the tardiness passes
beyond the -ordinary limits it may be due
to some weakWss, either natural to the
child or perhuVs some definite disensa.
Any ivr ailrxVr.t may entail such do
billty as to inurrJuit the natural devel
opment of the chiV in this direction.
Kven the process of Xsntition may have
sufh n ettert.
A German ornithologist, Dr. A. O. E.
Baldamu. has specimens of the nest
and eggs of 2,000 species of birds, most
ly Europeun.
It lins been recently proven that earth
worms are capable of regenerating tissue,
large pieces cut from their bodies being
replaced by new growths.
To restore tho original qualities to
steel which has been burnt in the forge,
plunge the metal at a red heat into a
mixture of two parts of pitch, two parts
of train oil, one part of tallow, and a
small quantity of common salt, Repent
the operation two or three times. n.x
celli nt results have frequently been so
Sea Rhymes and Sonr.
"Do yon know the rules of the road at
ca?" asked an old sailor who had sailed
the Spanish main, of a New York Tri
Une reporter. No. Well, you should.
They are in rhyme and easy to remem
ber. They go :
When both side-lights you so ahead,
Port your helm and show your red.
If on your starboard red appear,
It. is vour duty to keop clear;
But if upon your port is 8een
A steamer's starboHnl litflitof creen,
There's not so much for you to do,
For prscn to red keeps clear ot you.
Green to grivn or red to red
Terfoct safety go ahcadl'
"There are other rhymes which are
valuable to seamen, such as I
When the rain's before the wind,
Your topsail s-lio 'ts and halyards mind.'
"Oh, we sailor men have mora poetry
In us than we get credit for. Our shanty
songs would tickle your fancy. I re
member once when I was on the bark
Sea Rover, wo had been out to Calcutta
with a cargo cf oil, and were homeward
bound when we were caught in a storm
and dismasted. The bark sprujg a leak
at the same time, and we had to aban
don her. It was just before daybreak
when we pulled away from her, and in
the gray of the morning we could see her
risiug "and falling on the lonsr swell
which the storm had left. Aside from
the perils of our position at sea in open
boats, and no land near we felt a regret
at leaving the ship that had been our
home for nearly a year, ana me sauors
sang as they rowed away that beautilul
shanty for abandoning ship:
'She's a (fallant ship and a gallant crew,
Ixmve her jollies, leave her I
She's a gallant ship, and her captain too,
And it's time for us to leave her.'
"Then 1 always liked tho homeward
bound song, and never shall forget how
sweetly it came to mo across the waters
of the'bay of Calloo once when thirty
sailors walking around the capstan of a
ship, invis ble in the morning mist, sang
'We ar, homeward bound this very day,
Good-by, tare yon welll
Good-by, fare you well!
We are homeward bound, with seven months1
Ye-Uo, my boys! we're homeward bound,"
Cat Worship.
Thoso vho regard themselves as vic
tims of caterwauling here may tako con
solation in the thought that they would
have had a worse time in ancient Egypt.
A recent writet says that cat worship
was catried to its greatest extent by the
ancient Kcvptians, whose devotion to
their peta was such that, according to
Herodotus, when a tire broke out tney
cared for nothing but the safety of theii
rats, and were terribly atllictcd if one oi
them fell a victim to the flames. On the
death of a cat the inhabitants of tht
house shaved oil their evebrows, and the
deceased cat was embalmed and buried
with trreat solemnity in a saoned spot
Many cat mummies have been found in
the r'gypliau tombs, and some are to be
seen in the lsritish, museum, togcthei
with similarly preserved specimens oi
human beings and ot sacred calves
Their movements and their ones were
consulted as oracles, and the murder, oi
even the accidental fehcidc erf one oi
them, whs punished bv death. This in
vites the assumption that the ratio of in
crease could scarcely have been tne same
as in IScw lorit, or cats would have as
sumed the proportion ot one of the
plagues of I-gypt. Hem York Sun.
What the Sexton Said.
Mr. Lewis Edwards, sexton of Mount
Vernon Place church, Washington, D.
C, certifies that for several months past
he had been sulTering with a eevere
cough which distressed him dfiy and
night. He was very much debilMated,
with constant pains in his chest. Af:er
trying various remedies he used the lied
Star Cough Cure, which gave him entire
Boots were polished a thousand years
ago, and there were bootblacks, too,
plying their trade upon tho streets.
"A little fire is quickly trodden out
Which, being sull'ered, rivers cannot queui-h."
rroerastmation may rob you o( tini?. but
by iucreuKiHl diligence you can make U tha
Ions; but If it rob you of life tha loss is irra
mediable. If your health is delicate, your
appetite fl -kle, your sleep broken, your mind
depresswi, your whole being out of sorts, de
pend Oil it you are seriously diseased, la all
such case3 Lr. fierce's "Golden Medical Dis
covery" will speedily effect a genuine, radi
cal cure make a new man ot you and
save you from the tortures of lingering dis
ease. Trrkb billion wooden toothpicks are man
nfactured each year in this country.
"Throw PliTeln to lha Once"
when it Ulhooid-fuhioiied blue ma a, blue pill
soi t, and insist on usin Dr. Tierce's "floas
ant l'urgative Pellets," a modern
luxury, biting small, BUgtir-coated granules,
containing the ective principles of certain
root and herbs, and which will be found to
contain as much cathartic power as any of
the old-tashioned, larger pills, without tha
hitter's violent, draslio ellucta. Tha pelluts
oiate thoroughly but harmlessly, Milan
li8hin a permanently healthy action of the
utoiiiu. h and bowels, and as au anti-bilioos
remedy are unequaied.
Thkrb are 60 ) professional beauties in Lon
don who perform no manuer ot work.
Piles, fistulas and rupture rad
ically cured. Book of particulars two letter
stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, Buflalo, N. Y;
The grasshopper has proportionally 130 the
kicking power of man.
Catarrh of tho Bladder.
6tinpinK,urnaiiun,inllauimauou,aU Kidney
and Lrinary Complaints, cured by "Buchu
faiba." L
se Here, Y'oun- Man,
that tjirl cf uilne is twice tu ImiivUoma since
she commenced using Carboiine, the de
odorized extract of 1'eiroieum, and 1 wouM
no te without It for a lor tuna.
The FT ote oftbe Nation.
Children ,tlov m ue vcloi'inuiitjpuny, scrawny
end clt-iirate, use "Weils' ideal tti Eenewer.
Lurk In blood of nearly awry on, end la HaWe,
opon ell prtrrooetlon. to darelop In painful and die
aareeable farm; Comoro pt to Isnndonbtedly scrofula
of tho lunee. N remedy bu been mora ancoesaful
than Hood's Baraapsrllla la thonm(hle eleaneini the
blood and eradicating eer fonmof aorofula from tho
baman system.
"Hariri oeed Hood'. Baraaparllla the put tit or
aorta mootha for aorofula and plmplee on my feoe,
which 1 barn bad for 19 year, or mora, I can recom
mend trie mejlctne to .ery ona similarly troubled, con.
fidentlhat they will ba benefited bylt."-P. A. Do.
CH.aHX, Northampton. Maaa.
"I bara taken Hood a Baraaparllla and found It ben
eficial for pimples on lha faoa and Impure blood."
Charlm Grain, Portsmouth. O.
"Foraenn J tars, spring and fall, I had scrofulous
aorta onme ont on mr lf", and for twa year waa not
fr-a from them at all. 1 suffered reiy ranch. Laet
Mar I bcan Ukln Hood's Haniaparilla, and before I
bad taken two bott Ml ha aorea healed and the humor
left me." O. A. Ajisold, Arnold, Me.
EKIood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by alt drugf tela.
ft: atx for V Prepared anly
, Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass,
IOO Doses One Dollar.
Duels Among" the Kodonlns.
The Bedouins have a strong feeling of
personal dignity, and are quick to resent
tnsults. Duels of a peculiar kind are not
uncommon, always supervised by the
elders of the tribe, who never permit
them to come to a fatal termination.
Pometimes the two adversaries, separated
by two parallel ropes about a yard apart,
are armed with cotirbashes (a fearful
whip, made of hippopotamus hide, which
brings tho blood with every cut), and
they are encouraged to slash each other
until their wrath is cooled. In more
serious cases the combatants are seated
flat on the ground, face to face, and as
close as thev can eet One sinrjle knife
is given to the one who wins the first
cut, after which he passes it to his ad
versary, who s'rikes the second blow,
and so on alternately. They are forbid
den to strike at a vital part, and while
they are slashing ench other's arms, legs,
th ghs, and shoulders, not without a
sort oi chivalrous courtesy, tne juuges
of the combat watch each stroke that is
given, and when in their opinion enough
blood has been shed, they rise and sepa
rate the adversaries, who proclaim them
selves satisfied, and return quietly to their
tents to have their wounds dressed.
Manv ntivsicians oi smau practice, m
London, keep chemist shops, ana on cer
tain hours each day see patients, pro
scribe, eive advice and furnish medicino
tor the bagatelle oi one sniiung
Rouen on Pain" Tlaater.
Porous anil streniftheuing, improved, the
best for boka-he, pains in cbostoraide.rheu
matism, neuralgia, v!5c. Druggists or mail.
It is dangerous to tamper with irritatinfr,
liquids and exciting suulis. Cue Kly's Cream
Balm, which is safe and ploasant and is easily
applied with the tinfror. It cures the worst
cases of Catarrh. Cold in the H-1, and Hay
Kever, giving relief from the first applica
tion. All druggists have it. Irice 10 cents.
By mail 00 cents. Ely Bros., Owego. N. .
Chronic Catarrh. The result of 25 years'
Catarrh the bridgo, or division of my nose,
was about half gone. 1 obtained a bottle of
Elv's Cream Bairn: have used four bottles.
applying it to the affect id parts with a swab,
which has about cured up the nostrils. I had
previously tried all other remedies on the
market without permanent relief. J. A.
Wood, t N. High titreot, Columbus, Ohio.
I find Ely's Cream Balm good for Catarrh
of long standing. M. N. Lasley, 1934 West
Chestnut Wtreet, Louisville, Ky.
"Kenah on ouha."
Ask for " Hough on Coughs," for Coughs,
Colds, Wore Throat, Hoarseness. Troches, 15c
Liquid, Xx.
The purest, sweetest and best Cod Liver
OU in the world, manufactured from fresh,
healthy livers, upon the seashore. It is abso
lutelv ours and sweet Eatients who have
once tuken it prefer it to all others. Physi
cians have decided it sujjeiior to any of the
other oils in market Made by Casweli, Haz
ard & Co.,New York.
Chapped hands, face, pimples and rough
akin cured by using Juniper Tar Soap, made by
Caswell, Hazard A Co., IS'ew Yora.
For a anlendid Maerazlne and chance for em
ployment, address VV.lLThomrisoii.Phila, ,Pa
The French government paid the inventor
of oleomargarine for his work.
When yoo rtslt or leae Nww Y rk city, eaTebaa-earo.
expnsane and $:l oarriace hire, and atop at lue Ureal
Union Huiel, oupoeite Greo4 Central dpot.
omjelt-gio rooms, utt.dupab a out of on milling
dollara, St and upWArJ pertlay. Kuropaan plan. Kle
vaur. HealAuraul supplied with tUebat. Horeaoire.
elacea and elevated railroad to all depjta. r'amtli
can lire belLer fur leea money at tne Urand Uoloa
Hotel than at am other nrel-olaaa hotel in the oitr.
Drunkards now form fifty-five per cent
of the insane persons in Paris asylums.
Free front OfAatr, Jimetire awl foUtan.
Cor Ceasee, Bore Threat, lioaraearea. Iiitternaa,
Velda, Ureacbltle, t roue, WheepluaT louek,
Aetama. julnar. Peine la Chcet, ! ur
ffvctloui r ib Tkreevt ana Ldaae
PSICS 60 CiN-ra a Bottle. At UBiieut.i n DaaLaaa.
TMa CUAOLM A.vot.iiLa coaraY,
alUBure, M.rila.4, C. S. A.
J. C. HOFFMAN, JefTereon.Wls.
of tue Kaoe. Handa AFet, Bupurlluons
Hair, Molea, Wans. Freitlea, Moth, Hed
Noee. Ache, Ul'k lleida, Kuera, Pltlnifand
treatment. Dr. Jua Wautlbury. 3T
. Ierl Albany. N. V. taleo
liihed bend loo. fur Book.
uaiiuna cuarantoed. Valentina 11 rue.
baiviiia kkkunni ai I andearn In,
JautMiviIle, Wis.
acrea. niU
nnrs bkib emiib
V. I.).7. t.i Mi
. ... -. ll rip
m- L. i. L. taiTII a (4.,l,.au,relaUae. UL
nOlie BEAl'TIFl'U-Mra. T. O. FARNHAM.
10 Wt Ulb Bt.. New York. Chea-t plae In
hw York for Decorative Art Materiala. Wbolraiile A
retail, bead 3c, tor catalogue, l'ice mention i-ajxir.
n.!JA DIIU Great English Gout md
U lail S I IMS Rheumatio Remedy.
UStl Hoi 1.0J rontld, ftp CIS.
TtOW to ba BeantifuL hemore freckles, plaiplea,
XX biernleues. lutractl"ii,tullet recline free, ttui
aiAiUVfarrMiniLlet. Pr.rleintm,23o W.6iiUbf.,N.VT
Blr money for Agents. Send
for Catalogue and terma.
tile ( lack f a., Erie, la.
Tm ft
We ou glra hundreds of toatltnontala at to positive
care of scrofula, some of them oases (iron np as abso
lutely Incurable. Take Hood's Baraaparllla and un
will ba ecu re from scrofula.
Three tears ago scrofula broke out on my face,
head and ears ao they were ona eolld sore, my hair
fell off, my tht and boating wore impaired. I com
menced taking Hood's Baraaparllla, and In ona year
was entirely cored. "-Ma. MT K.Fammah, Doi
tor. Me.
"I hare been troubled with eorofnla a greailcal.
and waa advised to nae Bood'a SaraapatiUa. I have
now taken three bottle and have nearly eradicated
tha aorofula from my aystcin."-W. A. Plant,
llourna, Maaa.
'1 had four scrofuloua sores come on my feet, which
grew so bad that I could not wear a shoe. NoHiIng
which t took did m any ood till one day I saw
llood'a Baraaparllla admitted in a paper and decided
totrylt. 1 hare taken two bntUea and tha aorea are
almoet entirely heeled. "-Mae. Addis Pitts, South
rotedam, N. T.
ft! j sti for (5, Prepared ent
Apotheoartee, Lowell. Mas.
b v. i. hood a to
I OO Doses Ono Dollar
Unnker TeetluionT.
Mrs. A M. Dauphin, a Quaker lady, of
Philadelphia, has done a great deal to make
known to ladies there the great value of Mrs,
Finkham s V egetable Compound, as a cure
for their troubles and diseases. Bhe writes
as follows: "A young lady of this city while
bathing some years ago was thrown violently
against the life lire and the injuries received
resulted in an ovarian tumor whL-h grew and
enlarged until death neemrd certain. Her
physician flnnlly advised her to try Mrs.
Pinkham's Command. Bhe did so and in a
short time the tumor was dissolved or caused
to slough off, and the it now in perfect
health. I also know of many crises where
the medicine has been of great value in pre
venting miscarriage and alleviating the pains
and dangers of childbirth. Philadelphia la
dles appreciate the worth of this medicine
and its great value."
Colde.Couffhi, Bore Throat, loflammatl ona,
Kheamatlsm, ZTaaraltria, Headache,
Toothache, Asthma,
CrRKS THE WOHNT PAINH la from one to
twen f minute. Not ai.r hour aftr readies thin ad
vertisement need an, one Ml Fa- lill ITU PAIN.
la at Core for Every Pain. Nprnlne, Brnlaea,
Pa la the Hark, Cheat ar I.luibe.
It waa lha 1'lret and la the Only
IAI1N IM21M1313Y
That liMtantlf fttnrw th mont xcrrjo latin P'n, ftll-vyv
intlamination, mnd caret (JonntionH. wbtliitr o( th
Lubks, btomih ur Bolt, or other glandt or arcana
h$ ooa application, li aMiied with threatae4
Or any .anamination of the internal arcana or muout
Btamuranaa, attr oipoaur to cold, vet, etc., lone ne
tune, butapiilj Kajway t Klief over ibo pari at! acted
Willi ooncosttloa or iQlUmmnlum an J cure the patient,
A teaapoonful in hall a tumbler of water will ui a tew
mmnlK cure Cram pa, Hpan. Hoar Htomach, HearV
burn, Nervouitneni, Hltplewitieut Bick Headache,
Ittrrhna, Dtfantery, Ooilo, Haiulaooy, aod all tutor
ftal pains.
There la not a remedial acent In the world thil will
cata Kever and Ague and all other Malatl ua. Bilious
end other (..... aidrit by KAIlWA VS PI I.L.S.M
OUIra aa ll tll M IlKt U llbi ir r.
Filly coula per battle. 8jI1 by UrugeieU.
Dr. Railway's SarsapariUian Etsolycnt
For th Cure of All Chronic Dlmases.
Chronio Rheumatism, Hcrofnla, HrphilUto Unnv
rlainta, etc. eee our book on Venereal, out.; price
wenty-ttve oeutai, (.Undalar Swelling. Hacking l r
veutiTii aaai i u avtitiHt, iievuiu hi tus UDI,
lyip,i&, Woir lirh. White eSwalllnpa. Tumor,
Pirnplp, Klotcben, Kruptf ini of the freest, Uioare, Hip
1 lia.ea.MA. 1 'a, ,a IW,..,. Ui-Lrta UK.i... B
chut, Cuaiiimptiun, i!abetea, Kidney, Ml adder, liver
vumpiaima, etc.
Whether tranemittsd bj parent a or s.cqa.ro1 It within
the enrative nngt of the HAISAi'AULLj..AAN
Ourn hr been made where Demons havo been af
Dieted with Scrofula from itimr 'ith up to taad
of ae, br UK. It AD WAV'S KAKA
PAK M.IJAN HKMLVKNi, a r.-ine Ijeomp-iMd
vi uicrraiauta or eiirauitiinarj meaicai properuaa.
wot ai Q pu i try, nii, repair ana inviffnraie tti
broken down and wailed bod v. Ouiok. nloaaant. aa.t
and p-rmanentin it treatment and ouisj, fiuld bj ail
aiwiCLtie, uiifut iiira Kaiue.
Dr. Raflway's Regulating Pills
Bowels, Kt'Ineya, Bladder, N ttous iieaaia; Loa o)
Appetite, llnadaohe, (.&atipation. CuativrnOia, Indl
lotion, Dveepia, Bi iouanaaa. Fever, Infl mutation
of the Hi waJa, efilrsand all dorancetnnte of tue In
ternal Viscera. Puroijr vireubie, C4,Btaiuinc no mer
oury, miunraio, or aeit-ter eua nri(i.
Irlia, X i cents per box. (Sold tr all drorsHttt).
ir-nd a Ifttor stamp tv R A lV A " JL t't., Nov
82 W arlrii Kt., New Yoik, for "t-a! and Iruo.
'1 O T.Ik rtHI-K'.-Ba.ure ai Slaikfor Hart way a,
wnaaeomatine naaue aauwa;" u oa ami you uuy,
ActsdirectlTupoa the qus
cies anu iu urveaur tu
back, the scat of at pat a,
etUU AJuli
l-una Troublia. whether
local or oeepiy seated ibis
yiai-ier Win te found i
Ittve tmtant relief by ap-
0f biaara
J- rot K.dnr y Trenbls,
Rlu-uiualUui. Ne .raiaia.
Pain in the Side aud II in
A, nr. ti,rr are a ceiuia
aua specar rnre.
Ao'1 bv UrufCKta'S for
ce m a, nr five fur
Milled on rrceii of
I rce by ftuilth,Uoellt-
lo dL KintiU General
m. itmm. oo.ion.
nr b ni'ljladv cau muke m u y M-llinic f naamj of
Though1 (Mother, Hum, Hwnvcu). 'lha Iwat bome
book erer pmli-tiil. bho li be in eviry bmj tod
l iad at aTerv tirtaiie. Beauti:ul)v l llualntlfd. Cin
tame tbe bright si lb-nicbu ot tb brit ui n la. Kasilj
wfld. twooo pav to tjaru'-tt workr'. Aidra qm al,
imtAA, ii LL-'t tu., SafU Dioaaway, n. i ,
I kare a poaltl n r.iuady lr the above ; by lie
eae thou.aadaof caa.tot the worst kind end. of tooc
laodlQK have hern cured. I n,!.il. estrone I. nr talth
la lu.mcecr.lli it I wi I sn1T0 HOIT1.I.S IKKK,
toother witii a V A I U i ai E I'll EiTISk on tliiidiMaae
to aas saffrer . Glr.rmrrM.nil F 0.iddr .
1U. T. A. BLOtt'M,ll fcarlSt., Xii Terk.
imrsi KFKPl Hi.
We Oiler No I'leeuto, No Clubs,
lit i
Harinv nsioMatd with the larvttat lea i'noortinr
hcukve hi le-v Yrk lor ail their Dn unfits na'liplti I -via,
we will miii I to any Dart of U. S.n r. t-ipt l.-o. 3 I bo.
BiiiHd black or (trenu 'I'eMa, aa are rittt)nil at (1 aod up
wird in, r.irnt-ttt,j irt. campie pouDuouoe La,
ruM' tt.) x i lie e k in u n mirtei, ew torn
,rr.- J--V
Mo. I. oulr bv the N. Y
Havana C ear C')., 6' Proed
way. .M. Y. Ablt! FOR IT.
Cbanatca arai hau to lia uataixst 6iur. Kacuuiiuoade:
bi Ittaaliiijj uuitfuru aad citeiuiaio. fraud lor vixwuiax
aud tt-aliriiui.iaLa. riloe, el-
M. lirtl I E, 22 J Mxth At., NwTrk.
r cste ImS tree
T, teirallee a.,.
a j . m ,Vi a e
miN aut
bi d a
rty 1,a nsa of tlita
RPivltDT.tJia Btom
aeb and '
speedily retrain lhef
atrength, and tha
blood le purified.
It ts pronounoed by
htmtlrede of the bee
doctors to be the ON
IT OOIII for all
kinds ot Kidney Pt
It le pnrely
table, aud euree when
other metllelnee fail.
It le prepared ex
pressly for tlioee dia
eeeee, and has never
been known to fail.
Ona trial Till 6"n.
Ttnno yon, Tor sale
by all dnifrcl'ta.
rniCB II. SB.
Bond for
ot Teetl-
4 TraunL
nUNrSdCldnnyand Ltver REMEDY
has aavad from linger. nir dtneaae anl death hundreds
rho bare bin iveu up uj phjfd.iau to die,
K YN l-l!
i i ci iniff-r.mrih V-(nrlon'-
lilnsr of I
fitrnistifd in ivovifoi an! i
ma I. with full di-e tl- n ft
inr an l ua u, also UboH
tlea, civilian, eto. It
pain aa if lr matrte and ta t
run, nr
hold NmWfwho evfr knJ
U 1 liiinn
nne iniat arn, wuratnta.!
acute, i . o hNriie, tturw an
Hnr niand Hrnae, Htt
IMro a, Hfili Wound, e
retnody s put np in focj
V ptt!-taic'e, l lie bn
hrn tetlucel 1 1 Imn d
nil 4 tw kox. Uottlfte
easily fltiie the aar.r
ran e 1 1 mttney In anlli
df r a paokaMand jro
rep'tNr nnatnrnor her
CAT41MMI. i;
tarrh Remedv ivte'tivplv curaa. I'irtvcant
Ifulo, N. V.
lal;afarti'n cnaraitred. Htnmna takn.
I., u. KttJHAKUft, Cfulo Trot netor, Tdl
Pyne' Autonutio tnymei ana
wWik e
orrt TiFADFTi. .ym.
We offer an S to li) 11. P. mounted Enalno wTH.i.
10-in. solid Haw. tW ft. bUinir, cant-ttnoka, rir Mtii a
foropwrtion, on oura, 9 '0 r np-me on a mi k
lea. R -n-l for cirrtiliir i HI. II. V. I' AYN
MONM. Manufactt rpratif all StvlS AutOtMHtlo
lure, from a io u ti. r. ; aieo i iincya. uaugexR
uaiiusr. ivtmira. n i. uox isuui
lnt a,T Mflttraltrt Plow Cata!-Te. ahnwlrf ear htlfl
er "imI," CtilHvtt limr'aatt (.'l liea" r.awa,
anil Bit anil, alt-lf d fiw ail klntia
e work In all atHtlnaa oi tha -iimiv-f.
Jtfrnls wanud. WlH fi t all
Ttaaa enlars lion our Pallaa knuM.
Special Prices '
Frmer whera i
havo no Agentt,1.
Th Edmliton & Wadrleil Co., 351 4 353 First StreJ ,
BHUOKI.YN. a. U., K. . K T
JuatpubHsbed. Alartra book, ar.vlni
plana, v.ews. deaoripttona and r
t rta of 40 modern houses, fu
up to e,&u0, for all climate. Hu
onmpletatook ot thtakintJuioally
eoataaa. uuRraicsnLTOuoia.
sent post-paid Addreas,
34 lieeiuuau St., (box i LO.) ti. I.'
Pecause roAv4ed of frj
hnh and
acttvfi ntdtc anwuta f'-r
of pain ant diMinse. Aw
t.1 ruiiirt liaeiiinif IMr ,U D ,l!t
t he cure
r. inada
rotu Hni'f. IluruiiDtly Fit)
L h, ond
CitiitM IfalKaiu. Api
acne, t'rtnk. Kidney TiuiiM
Ketones, b. lli'.,Hi,nny
anyp'tl. A l
ouwiraa readr t" I
nt by mail (or t rue. (
lWjJI'letonjJrlM I
niproved Elastic Tmaifr
ma(ifimtHurp CI best or taiu In any p rt.
-alwaya aoothea quinta uv ruuMi('i
All dfet'ttrn, ix1., h for tf1. tvent
1 1 1 JP VLA ST K H CK) ,
wirn UiKiii anu nay- run
Itiv.'ly 4 ur.a Kupturr
St-Mt bv mail evrrwhre
Write for lull deacmtivJ
circulars to tne
New York Elastid
Truss Company f
7 B'dway.New v"
We will aend you Fit KK ONK COPYof I
If you wka Einpluv aipnt it; trU'uutit iaispli and lakiuf
enlart fr i"'r ai.d I'KKMll tS w. wilt aublt i.
proposition for bualncaa bjr wbleb 70a) a a aaok
910, $20, and $30 a week ;;r."
should VDjay for one nanih, at Ifatt, tha baii'tMiii-st, M
edluxi, lilutuaieit journal in tha V- B. Ona evpy tiha
our oomplioteau, plu:rt tou uuder 00 otiH(i.tionfl- Addre- j
tm aa e m a Ik t a..k a Bi.ll. - t
w. .le Haisava mui,, rana, rm
rtAAir a at m-r ii
ft-the new book T II I It 1
'lniiiii 'J ' ',I'T1
0110 VMJ UlMMir'l
By Uo. lOiJGEnd lira. hiiKKt.uS. 'ln laitcst eeiW., ' . V
book out Indornd ur rrrs t Adliur. (irn's (iraLt, t-btrniaik. a 1 must
fcticrldaa, and thoimanda ol aoiun nt Juev, t lrrKyrnn lawl
)litora. etra an ' 1 He ftt ami hn Jitwtfrtdvd Jndurr .
Jlook Jivr ruhtiMhi." It takck like iltHrr. end (fvnto -10
to elO a.Uy. (K, told lti fir,at AuOtorx V
and &lut M'rit irtuka It f b miwf hook fhr jipe .
Jf3;ud for t'imtlarn, Kpi,ltnTn Plate. I'rva Turmt, tia.
AU .V v wui u i.Aia iv.i m tu., alar 1 1 or a, Com aw f
Meat In the World. MprlnnnlvhvthM
torCu. a,L CbkaKO, N. Y. & Jst-Loiila. uUi everywteri
Loxillard's Climax PW
bparine- a re d t i n t ig ' ;' "t i I 1 1 "lo li 1 1 a rd '
ICi.aM l.tenf'nnr.tMit : rhi.l liinllnnl' -
Kavy Cllpplntfe. aud tbat Imi lll;ird s
the best aud cbeuimal, 4juuUty cou&idcred t
fTIO tntrodui-e and fcll the tiftiu tne we)) Viir,wn ane
X celebmt,! Civara'b tlir M.W VolUv i HAVANA
CIGAR UOMI'ANr. Libsml srruii; eiuuii . biLas.T .
ar OoMMiealoN naid lo tue iu.,u. l',.r ikin.i,.1'Ni
particular, aod terio. eJdr. -., .t oiictt, il'J
l-w irua.liu . ignr l
rkiV liiivunu Cigar Co.,
T iiiiijliHi .tv Yoik.
TEDRSOTSK1' a v arrknnkavwauaWU .,'
n'nr tiBblt Currul Id 117
wa waas va. j. oir, ibeuo,
i I J
1 3