n s pmj fHi im M. W ' j. i:. WRN'K, EDITOR. WEDXESDAT MORNING, APRIL 15, 155. ' ' m. ...:.,. m. .1 ( 1 Announcements. Announcements will he published nt tlio following, rtrirthl cash in advmirr, rates: Associate Judge, fill; Pislriet At torney, $3 ; Coroner, f j. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We aro authorized to announce EP YVAK1) KERR, of Harnett township as a candidate for Associate Judge, subject to Republican usages. General Grant. We rfjoico al being able to sny this rooming that General Grant is etill with tha living. Yet wo fear it will not bo our privilege to nay so in another issue. The way ho has held out has been a puzzle to all, not ex cepting his physicians. The end eeenis very near although be may live several days yet. i WORK AT HARRISBURG. Special to Republican. IIatuiisburg, April 3, '85. Tho only life that prevailed during the week was occasioned by the visit of some forty Indian boys and girls from the Indian School who gave a very pleasing entertainment in the House of Reps., ou Wednesday eve ning. Tho boys were dressed in army blue uniform, trimmed with red braid ; they looked trim and well-fod, and the discipline existing among them was capital ; none of them bad that wild beast air so generally found among Indians on the reservations. apt. Pratt told his hearers to set the -LalJ .rolling, how and to what purpose the young Indian is trained at Car- lisle. Then the young red tkius en ' V.dorsed his remarks by plunging into a spirited travesty of a trial. Then the legislature had a chance to bear pure United States English spoken, and had equally good chance to pick up poiuts and manners, and the Eng lish manners from their entertainers. One very swarthy young orator made the Hall ring with his rolling periods ; the emphasis was oddly and unevenly distributed, but the effect was quite as good as that obtained by many a fiery ward politician or sucking Demos thenes from the country, who strives to -woo the House with fiery words within those same four walls. The House succeeded in passing fi nally, an act to amend the fourth sec tion of "an act regulating the hunt ing and killing of web footed wild fowl." An act torant au annuity to Elmira P. Mullin, mother of S. J. F. Mullin, deceased, late a private in Co. E., First Reg. National Guard. Au act for the relief of and placing on the rolls the name of Edward Marshall, late first Lieutenant, Company D., 15th Reg. Penn'a Cav. An act grant ing an annuity to Catberio Page, widow of Thomas Page, deceased, late a corporal in Co. K.t 7th Penn'a Reg. militia, of 18G2. An act to pay a pension to Mrs. Alice Care, the mother of Corporal Wm. T. Care, who lost his life in the military service of the State. The House showed good judg ment in passing the above bills, as all are entitled to what they will receive. Mr. McCullough was "downed" again in a bill to allow liquor to be sold in Fairmount Park, Phiia., by a vote of 28 yeas 127 nays. Mr. Mc Cullough made an eloquent appeal for the passage of bis bill ; his speech occupied almost one hour. We hope the defeat of this bill will not cause the gentleman to resign his seat in the House as he threatens to ; the present House could tint afford to lose men like Jno. McCullough. Enyp. The Mormons prove their estimate of the Democratic party" by the new policy they are discussing, viz: The purchase of a State organization. Ihey are reported to have reached the conclusion that it will be cheaper to buy admission into the Union us a State than to continue the annoyance of prosecutions for polygamy under lerntorial laws. We confess that we have not held a high opiuiou of the Democratic party in the past, but we never dreamed of thinking so meanly cf it as to suppose that anybody would liuigine it could be bought wholesale us these filthy polygamisls pretend to bt'lieve it can. I'hey certainly would ' never bve thought of trying that game under Republican supremacy -Let us hope that their estimate of our veiv rulers it a pislakeu one. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our reguhii Correspondent.) Washin-utm, D. G April 11, '85. Affairs in ' Washington have very materially quieted down during the last week and the Mugwump, old line democrat, and republican are resting calmly side by side. With the exception of the trouble in the Isthmus no very weighty ques tion has disturbed tho soul of the ad ministration. In reply to a question of your cor respondent as to whether any further action bad been taken in the ease of Miss Sweet, tha pension agent at Chicaee, whoso resignation lias been asked for, the commissioner of pen sions saiil that nothiHg further had been done, lie said that nothing fur ther was required from his office. When asked if the resignation would bo forthcoming, Gen. .Clack jruiled and said : "Tho Lord made women." Democratic members of Congress ure still grumbling about the policy of the administration, and predicting many evils if the offices are not turned over pretty soon. The Virginia dele gation has decided that the Mahonites must be put out of all the offices they hold iu the State at once, or the dem ocratic party will be iu a bad way nt tho next election there, and they w ill have a hard time to hold ou to the management of State affairs. The Ohio men are even more cut up, and the result of the municipal elections adds to their discomfiture. Some of the members from the far South are complaining, too, though they say that what they want is not to have the patronage thrown into their own section particularly, but to have it go where it will do the most good. They want the States that aro naturally democratic, but have been held by re publican patronage, and those like Illinois and Michigan, which are "missionary States," to be brought over to the party by unlimited pat ronage. Although a trifio premature it seems to be settled that Geu. Grant will be buried at Washington, atd various sites aro named, as the White Lot, in front of tho White House, the Monu ment grounds, Congressional cemetery, Arlington snd the Soldiers' Home. There ate objections urged to all these nites with the exception of the Soldiers' Home, and it is probable that ono of the commanding eleva tions iu those beautiful grounds will be selected for the purpose. Congress will undoubtedly provide for the erec tion of a monument over the grave of a size and dignity to fitly commemo rate the character of tho dead hero, and this raouument rising from the Home heights would be a stately and impressive feature of tho landscape, seen from any direction. During a recent thunderstorm the monument received a good deal of at tention from the elements being struck by lightning simultaneously from four different quarters. The precautions taken proved to have been sufficient however and no damage was done. The bill apportioning the State into Senatorial districts which has passed the Senate makes the following dis tricts fur the western portion of the State. Forest county is left iu with Clarion and Elk us formerly : Thirty-fifth .district RJair and Cambria. Thirty-sixth Somerset, Bedford and Fulton. Thirty-seveiith Indiana and Jef ferson. Thirty-eighth ClarioD, Elk aud Forest. Thirty-ninth Westmoreland. Fortieth Fayette and Greene. Forty-first Butler and Armstrong. Forty second to forty-fifth Alle gheny county, Pittsburgh aud Alle gheny. Forty-sixth Beaver and Washing ton. Forty-seventh Mercer aud Law rence. Forty-eighth Venango and War ren. Forty-ninth Erie. Fiftieth Crawford. The bill gives the Republicans 02 and the Democrats lti districts. o The esteemed New York World pronounces Minister Phelps "en un known person of uncertain Democ racy." This is not exact. Phelps is an unknown person, but he wore out two sets of false teetli iu abusing Abraham Lincoln twenty years ago, so there's nothiug uncertain a tout his Democracy. Tjiekk was a good deal of crow in the Democratic newspapers after the last presidential election. There is a fair supply of crow on hand now, lint they don't Sdoui to hanker after it quite 08 much as they did. Fmr, Thompson and W. S. Rose crans are still pounding on the kitchen-door of the White House, begging the cook to come out and givo them something. The cook will have to set the dogs on these fellows unless they cease their clatter. V The continuance of MrVI ligbee ns Superintendent of Public Intruction, by Governor TattiBon, is regarded by fevcral Democratic newspapers ns an assumption that there is no Democrat in the State fit for that position. It does look a little like that, but Mr. Higbee although a Republican, baa been a good Superintendent. Venan go Spectator, Dem. It is counted as worthy of tele graphing from Washington that Sec retary Lamar rode to tbo Cabinet meeting on Tuesday of last week in a twenty-five cent cab. A sense of equity should hove supplemented this information by the statement that the Secretary also bathed in un $800 tub, which he has had erected at Govern ment expense in his office. If this is tha day of small things in administra tive affairs, let ns see that none of the small things get away unobserved. The Philadelphia Record is very unkind in its manner of dealing with its partisans who do not jump at the crack of its whip. Thus, it touches the McLean-Myers gang on the raw in this style, which we appreciate ns rather good style. "The Cincinnati eleetiou resulted in the success of one Democrat, and be got through hy breaking with the M'Leau ring. The severity of this rebuke to Messrs. Cleveland and Pendleton is distinctly audible to the naked ear." Poor John R! The prospects of that Sena torship are "growing small by degrees and beautifully less," and the liccord is just mean enough not to hido its delight. J. T. Brcuuau has now fur sale 1G6 acres of warrant 5213 and 5214, Kingsley Twp., probably on the new oil belt. Also 103 acres of warrant 5I8G, and 79 acres of warrant 5187, in same twp. 6m. noxKSTA jrvi.ftiirjrH. CORRECTED KVERY TUESDAY, RY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour "( barrel eholco Flour sack, Corn Meal, 100 lbs -Chop feed, pure fcrarn Corn, Shelled -Beans bushel -Ham, sugar cured - -Breakfast Bacon, Huwrciiml Shoulders -Whitefish, lialf-linrrelsi Lake herring half-barrels Sutrar ..... Syrup N. O. Molasses new Iloast Rio Colfoo RioOoffce, ... JavaCoffeo Tea ..... Butter Uico ..... Eggs, frosh ... Salt best laKe -Lard ..... Iron, common bar Nails, lOd, X keg . I'otatces -Lime bid. Dried Apples sliced per to Dried Boef -Dried Peaches per Ih Dried Peaches pared per Z.nOQ 0.00 .I'dCit, 1.(.5 1.25(ii) 1.S0 1.25 - 70 l.MIQS.OO lUiGH - - m 10 - s.no 5.50 ' - r.H'l o 50075 75 1SW23 121(a;10 28 HO 20(it,!IO (i 2 5 S(i10 20 1.25 121 - 2.50 - 2.75 - 40 fit 50 1.40 10 - 18 10 15 FOREST AND STREAM AND ROD AE2D CUW. The Amerkan Sportsrasn's Journal. A twenty-four jmo weekly journal dovo ted to the interests of Gentlemou EportEiitu and their Families Treats of Natural History, Ehooting, Yachting and Canoeinjr, Fishculture, Tho Ken nel, Fishing, The Rifle, and all j;(!"tlr-nianly out-door sporU. It Is without a rival. PUZCE $4.00 A LITE Alt. Tit Y IT. A SPECIMEN COPY WILL BE SENT POST-PAID FOlt SIX CTS. Eor sa'.o y a'.l newsdealers everywhere. FOUEST A STBEAM PUBLISHING Co., New York Ony, N. Y. 80 YKAItS' 1)1' c o.;!ti:ss lV ONE MILLION copies will soon be sold. J ti i:s i; It LA INK Strictly nonpartisan. "Dix- piiMniuimlc, ciitcrlKiniii' unit reliable."--'S. Y. Herald. "A Ws: in Anierieon fiix tor." N. Y". Tribune. "A work (if which am A iiiericnn historian iniyht feel proud." N. Y'. Sun. 0,0(10 agents already employed and more wantd. ?J"U per . mouth paid. No work ever sold like it. Apply at onco to 'I'm; 1Ii;.nuv Bill, Pi'iiLiniii nu Co., Norwich, Ct. ynniiinmuiiT V V V a i VJ3 CLOTHING LOTHIIk If yon tiro In need of ANYTHING in thi- IN(J, OVERCOATS, HOOTS. SHOES, I) II ESS (SCOPS, or anything ran find. A CiOOl) ASSORTMENT IN A MENTS at II. eT. IIOFIvIjSTS cfeO'S .... ..... Moeinun me iii.M AMfou l LOWEST PRICES OE ANY Step In and get our Trices, Bee convinced that wo moan wlint GROCERY, FLOUR AND full of EEES1I COOPS AT HEAT. COME AND SEE. SHOWING GOODS. ET. J. HOPKINS I liimiiiiiiii r.V.ro.')o;rir,V,"i5 au A rinsincss Educntton Is the most profllnll Iicohuko It is tho most useful. Our dim I to practically train ymuiR men for the actual requirement of thin connucrcitil use. Individual instruction. No vacation. Students can enter at any tune. For circulars, ml.tresil 1'. l)UFtf ifc SONS, llltsliiri;, Ta. CHERIFFS GALE. Jl Y VIBTUE of a writ of Levari Facias i issued out of tho Conn of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, there will bo on posed to salo by public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in tho borough of Tionesta, on MONDAY", MAY 18th, A. D. 1WS5, nt 2 o'clock, P. M tho following de scribed real ps'alo to-wit: THOMAS Nl'OENT vs. C. B. UEAS- LEY, Lovari Facias, No. 30 May Term, 1SS5. E. L. Davis, Atfy. Defendant's interest of, in anil to the undivided one-half of all that certain piece or parcel of land, situato in tho Township of .Tenks. in the County of Forest and Slate of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to-wit: On the South bv land formerly known as Dobbs; on tho Northwest by Warrant numbered fifty-onn hundred and three. Containing lifty-nine acres nnd ono hun dred and lil'ty-seven perches of laud, strict meusuro, and beitifr tho same land on which Thomas Niifrent now resides. With about twelve acres tinder improve nient, on which is erected loir house ami barn j also young orchard thereon grow ing. Taken In execution and to be sold as tho property of C. It. II easlcy at the suit of Thomas Nugent. Terms Cash. L. AGNEW, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Tionesta, Pa., April 7th, 115. liivoi'ce XotU'e. In tho Court of Common Pleas of For est County, No. :l(i December Term, 18St, Etta M. JSush, by her next friend A. C. Stevens. Libelant, vs. John "W. Bush, Be spondent. Alais Sul)po'tia in Divorce. Forest County, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sherilt of said County, U reeling: Whereas, Etta M. Bush, by her next friend A. C Stevens, did on tho 20th day of October, 1SNJ, prefer hor petition to (ur said Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas for said County, praying tor the causes therein set forth, that sho laiuht bo divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you John W. Bush. We, therefore, command you, as we have before, the said John W. Bush, that set ting aside all other business and excuses whatsoever, you be and uppcar in your proper person before our Judges at Tio nesta, at a Court of Common Pleas there to bo held for the County of Forest, on tho third Monday of May," next, to answer the petition or libel of tho said Etta M. Bush, and to kIiow cmtso, if any you have, why the said Etta M. Bush, "your wife, (should not he divorced from the bonds of matrimony, agreeably to tho Acts ol As sembly in such case made, and provided. Herein fail not. Witness tho Hon. Wirt. D, Brown, Pres ident of our paid Court, at Tionesta, the 15th dav of January, 1SH5. C. M. K HAWKEY", Prothonotary. To John W. Bush, Respondent: You aro hereby notified to enter an ap pearance in above stated ease at the next regular term of Court, beginning May IS. lSK5i L. A (1 N E W, Sheri If. Tionesta, Pa., March 24, lss.'i. Cavei'.N, Re-tssuo and Trade-Marks secur ed, and all other patents causes in tiie pat en t OtU'-e and before tho Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of in vention, I miido careful examination, and advtse as to patentability Free of charge. Fees Moderato, and I make No Charge unless patent i secured. Information, ad vice and special references sent on ap plication. J. It. L1TTELL, Washington, D. C. Near C. S. Patent Otllee. EC. ZLvT. IDIQ-I-ITOlsr. HOUSE, SIGNCARRIAGE, AND OflNAMENTAL PAINTING. Particular attention given to GRAIN ING, FRESCOING, and SCENE PAINT ING. Satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. Orders for liescoing, etc., by mail promptly attended to. Shop iu Roberts building, Elm St., Tionesta, Pa. A PRI7F entl six cents for postage, H I ll IL U and receive free a cosily box of goods which will help all, of cither sex to more money rigid away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await tho workers absolutely sure. At once ad dress True iV. Co,, Augusta, Maine. Apr.'.l ffuiiiuniiinii 1885! kept In a Oer' rV". m i. i , ! i x r;vv t.oot v HOUSE IN THIS COUN our Stock, and vou wii we say. We aim to keep FEED DEPARTS PRICES THAT CAN'T HE WE TAKE PLEASURE IN Buckeye Force Pump o o crq o S n Q CO O IT O c H a a rt CO -n O p c V - - O 5 IE ID . HUIBBL, TION EST A , P EN N ' A . R 7 M . 1 IE It MAN, " srecKor. to , O.W.DIMICK, FINE STATION KTIY, SFOnnrifi S3 HOLIDAY C3GD3, FOP.rnCiN AND DOMESTIC Also Agent for Estey. Stprli;;t Sho-rtitu.-er, and Clougli it Warren Oit-'iius. Decker Bros., J. C. I'islier. C. 1). Pease iOo.,aiid ni. KiiuIih Piiinos. Bottom cash prlcii given. Call nnd cxun:inecata logues nnd friceV. 'J'ior.esla, Pa. Sept 17. nv pjiACAZirjz niirf. v ... ir- ir Govt, ttixl 40-CO Grain Cartrlt!f:t VtRY 8T8CM0. PHIFECTIT nr.. TUT ITCT Did 17 in th 'or''t for lr- !' IflX. DLj I tl 1 r iLi earn. Buy .rior in kcsu racy, rapidity, mndel ncl (ininU to ;iy a r. BA 1 I A O r Onlli-ry, Hponlrif mi 1 '.'. : '. A LLAIiU 8M.t I.T C.iaj.'o... ... ilarlin Fire Arms Co., Nov Ilav cu, Co:.. IbPBAOIC-ACHE C'urwi Iunnnini&tinn and THivratlnn of tho I.i'-rr, Ki.luty ud Uluiliur. NKVi:it KA1I.M to liclp. It ciin-,1 iiuiity tit T.lV'jr ami Kulnuy tnniblt-rt, '::l('iuii'ia oi th!i Hiuiit, I.rvoua lelii.ity mid clirnniu 1'eni.iln VrakiiMU. 1'iin ly veurlulilr, Iniriiilens, aud yet uli quickly niiJniir. lv. PHYSICIANS SAY IT HAS NO EQUAL IN LIVER, KIDNEY, URINARY AND FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Mrs. N .1. White, rieaHAnlvflle, Veninjro Co.,rii., rny:, " When I went into (lie Htore. in 1H71. for jUliOSM A, I wfiHfco weak aud fuiut, I tlmiiKLt IM lD i-r l'fiicU home. Hnve ut-.v l-vn wrllia yearn.' I V. l,j(ht, 4Mirry Trwi. I'a., wtu trouMod r.U imlamimtlion of Kuineya ior 1 yers. Soiuetliii' a wr iiflplt-Hri fop wnthri, siid l'd contimiul tutolt- II.. i.-n ri-.VM.l t-,.ni,l. ntl.f iiiim fit Hu.." li.Uile of JUkO.SMA, aud id H"W & well um'i. . jfn, - ju. i yfy Ly ',i'irlft. jjaw mm ih most ttopuiar iiere ionirti nr rri'! !n 1 pur llnlllu. tur prio l.yoll P R T'tlrtPf 5C5 V'ho1:ni,e r-A-i-i I'A.. . aim I lTnot', m VdMlt ' l tnt V.OTH- n..rt '" ..i"'"01)M. iii m you MtT- I'.M.Ip.M. P.M. 2 !i a'jiu 4-") r Wr" 12 11 rsrHH2 0:i v ! ti i-1! on i" :w . "i i 10 7 r.o.io 10 A M) H7 CM !l :tll fcV U I"! " 411 v mi i .... i ... i V U 4!! 1;' Jk A.M.. P. M. A.M. "- A.llJl'.M. 1 lOOOi 4 20 1; i". m.'p. m. a. m. i u oj n Kit 1 1 no 11 - it 2i ii n,- 10 Ml j n orj r4ti 10 or, J- to fi.r,! 5 41 1 4.1 10 47! fin:. H3i I 10 412 f SO II 21 10 2 fi 1" 8 Ml r Vi-rr 10 10 5 00 H 15 "7 4 JS ---A i20 4 10 1 A. M , P. M.I 1111IUllIiy 1188X1 0W TO M A K E,,'1 'J ! EY high as 8100 per inofUaranteed. Oil more (Steady employment m not nec'esKary. Any wanted. Kxperiereed. f,(K) acres nndt-V live man can Mine most complete packiii" cultivation. v i nitou Ntateti. Xowe.st grounds in tl' aricties of fruit u wpcciaiily and clioii;e"t -xX stating age. Send tor tool. C'jiak, Niirscrvnian Koeh CllARt.Ks.1. d.17ino.s. ester, X, TIM E TAR LP, IN EFFECT Nov. 21, 1HHI. West win d PitlHlinriiii i viHion Eiml ward P. M. A. M. 7 fiO 7 Mi i 4SU t Si't 4 la It (ill 2 hi 2 40 3 l. r. M. A. M. A.M. P. M. arritNlnrrKh Iv X 45 8 45 12 10 12 10 1 8.i 2 05 A.M. a7m. 7 00 7 2( ... I'arker . l'-oxliurif . Franklin 12 11 12 4D 2 (10 2 Oil lv...Oil City...ar P. M . M ar...Oll Citv..lv 10 OleoooliM t:18l ,.1'nulo Uork... .... President Tioniinta Hickory. ..v- . Trnnkevvillo.. Tidlo'ute ..Thompson n... .... Irvinetoi) Warren 13 40 f7 2 13 42t7 Ml 4 00 1 7 4 4 15 8 0 4 22 H 11 4 rJ 8 2-1 f4 54. 1 8 44 5 111 t 00 5 HO 6 00 P.M. 20 II 50 A. M. Iv...Kinxna....nr P. M. A. M. lv...Rradford ..nr H (MM 11 X P. M. A.M. Hi 00 10(10 10 !M r...Kln7.ii....lv ... Snirar Hun ... Corvdon Ono'villo ....Wo'.f Hun... II 10 (I 14 fi 32 ti :iKjio : tMr.jio.s7 (I fdjlO 42 7 05110 f7 7 21 11 VI 7 ar!ii 7 "to! n :i7 8 02111 52 8 10.12 00 Quaker lirldKP. ...Red Ilouae... ... Salamanca... .So. Carrollton.. ...SoVandalln. 7 Ki Aueiriiny.... 0 45.lv Oloau ... .ar A.M I P. M.I M. AnniTioNAi. Thai n Leaves Kinxmi ll:5(inm. Warren 1:2.1pm, Irvineton 2:15 pm, Tlilloute 3:.r)pm. Tionesta 5:-I."ipm, ur rives (Ml Cilv 7:lpni. Aimi I'Ionai. Thais Tjcave Oil Cltr 0:00 am. Oleopolis li::ium, Eaglo Rock 7:00am, President. 7:05am, Tionesta 7Mm Hickoi v i:00ani.Trunkevyilleli:16ain,Tld outo KMdatn. Thotupson 11:20, arrlvew Irvineton 11:55am, Warren 1:05pm, Kln zua 2:I0,,m, Sugar Bun 2:20, Corydon 8:10, Oiinvilln :i:25. Wolf Hun .H-.40, tiuaker Bridge :i:50, Bed House 4:15, Salamanca ;00, South Carrollton jrild, Solttll anua- ia irJAK illegueny (i:is, arrives uiean aopm. Trains run on Eastern Time. Thains leaving Pittsburgh 8:4."arn, nr- ving PittKburgh 7:50pm, ro Solid Traini y pvi'Oii miuuio iinu i iiifiimitii. r v3 hains leaving rixisDurgn n:i.pin, irr- nir Pittbirli 7:;"0nm, ureSoliU'l rains y Pnliman's Slccninu Cars between .tliilo and Pittsburgh. -Tickets sold and baggage checked ' Cprincipal points. a time tn iles mvinar full Information onmanv's Atrents. i.-., w' 'll T ' II I.' f .T . Coii'l Ktint. FELLOWS, im'l Pass'r an Ticket Agent, 41 Exchange St.. Butl'alo, N. Y. .K1, Agent, Tionesta, J'a, YO'J WANT TO' SS'MUiiLiiftfeLlfAlv- e AND M4Kt BlA SCORES, eA USE A d GUNS. SmproYcmants. 1UV Kjtl A: FOR t3EGCRUMvr: OSniCULARS, At, A -id Lambcrsona urrnsn & Co., EOt.E FOH E. R m i n go rj & Son s 3 Am rtl Ammun l.on. UZVJ VOrtK. P'ESTK?.?; D. H. LAfflRJiF'SOM A CO., 7J Qui4' rtt-t, I'bu-a-jo, 111. ARMOKY, - - - V.ION, N. Y. SHOVE&S, ccoops, s:4des. MAD: ill TII3 BARNES. BY $k.ED W0?.KWEtt. REMCKB'S THAT 0U1 GOCDS tit AI'AyS RELIABLE. One Ploco of Solid ateel. NO HOLES 0!1 niVETS TO WE AXEN it BLADE. CEND FOP. CIRCULARS. EiHIilSTO?! AGHICULTURk CO., I LION, X. V. Krw York );.!( i-, 1 1S ('liniubrm Slret. - T-s T'i " u i:' 2 (M t 47 1 45 H 2H II 14 t 'lO H I'i IO Jll smearbaughR a. If.Y.CR,. (Sir Peelers in CLOTIp; NOTIONS, BOOTS & Sh y 1 HATS AND CAPS C5-BOOEBIE1S! TOHACCO. CIGAP.S, HARD- f WAKK, QUEENS- Y W A R E. G h ASS VA KK 1 ' TOYS, STATIONERY, WAEL-PAPKR I COUNTRY PRODUCE. Jto 1 1 - i Goods Always First-Class. ELEGANT BOUND FAMILY BIBLES ?--r. !-5". ?-r.0. .50 and upwards. ' 01 tAFJ tf H f,JF(.'.,,'r'Hl Ore Pans mid Machinery a Specie SeVond han" Engines and Hollers .... i' . . ,U." Engines t..ck Eiat. Til o.MAS n-ii wil I1UI . NhiwI r.... CAKMN, Alle till yu ly. prrk. S T.r. his, 'ml for 1 I .